Rise To Power Chapter 9

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#9 of Rise To Power

It's been a year since Streeka first joined them and Feyla was beginning to worry. Most of that time Feyla got to know the coyote while she cleaned and cared for her. They talked about many things, but one thing Feyla did notice was when her mistress and Lady Cream showed up Streeka you clam up and fear would show in her eyes. For the past two months she wouldn't even talk to Feyla, just stare at the ceiling. It was like her mind had just shut down. Feyla went to her mistress with her concern. "Don't worry Feyla. Her mind is just adjusting it's self to her new condition. Just keep tending to her." When not cleaning Streeka Feyla wandered the halls in deep thought.

"Streeka can't continue like this. It's like her soul is dying. But mistress Lunesta has never killed one of us, she hardly beats us. But when I look at Streeka's face now I almost see no life there." Feyla's thinking goes on for hours even while she cares for Streeak's body. One time while she was cleaning Streeka after the mistress and her friend left and Streeka appeared asleep Streeka showed some life. She whimpered and mumbled.

"Flameria, save me from this. What did I do to deserve this? Save me again." Streeka falls back to sleep sobbing. That was it to Feyla, she couldn't stand it anymore.

Over the next couple of days she worked. She stole a pen and paper along with a few coins and hid them in a little box Lunesta let her slaves keep items in. Since she's never tried to escape or disobey an order here she is among the few slaves who can leave the mansion. She goes around trying to get Flameria's address. After a couple of days of trying she finally finds out and begins to write her letter.

Dear Lady Flameria of Hornblade

_ I am Feyla a slave of Lady Lunesta of Nightrider. Though I have been a loyal slave of hers for years I can no longer stay silent. A year ago Lady Lunesta acquired a coyote female named Streeka. Streeka claims she has been stolen from you and given recent events here I finally believe her. Though I now maybe severely punished for this I believe it is nessecary. The envelope has our address. Please hurry she is in bad shape despite my attempts to care for her. _

_ From a humble slave, _

Feyla Doe

Feyla then puts the letter in envelope and mails it, praying for swift action.

A week passed and Lunesta and Cream prepare for another round of sex with their toy. Cream climbs on top of Streeka and holds out an utter. "Drink." Streeka puts the utter in her mouth and begins suckling in a zombie like state. Cream gets much pleasure from being milked but Streeka's reactions trouble her. "Hey Luni, she doesn't struggle anymore."

"I noticed that, shame I liked that about her but at least she's still good to yiff."

"That's true." Cream finally pulls her utter away from Streeka's muzzle. Cream then starts groping Streeka's breasts and kisses her on the muzzle while Lunesta uses her serpentine tongue on Streeka's pussy and her tail in Cream's pussy. All three grunt and groan and fluids start wetting the bed. As usual Streeka's mind has shut off but her body response to the stimuli it receives. Lunesta loves the feel of her tongue inside the coyote's pussy and hearing her friend grunt as she thrusts her tail inside Cream's pussy. She's nearing her climax when there's a knock on the door.

"Mistress there's some Enforcers hear to see you." Sighing she gets up and lets Cream have her way with her pet. She puts on a robe and ties it up.

"This better be something fast." She opens the door and sees Feyla waiting outside. "Come Feyla." They both head to the front. When she reaches the front door it is held open by her bull slave and she sees three Enforcers waiting.

"Lady Lunesta?" The Lion Enforcer asks.

"Yes, I am. What can I help you with?"

"Do you have a coyote slave named..." He pauses as he looks at his sheet. "Named Streeka?"

"Yes I do.." She's interrupted as the other two enforcers head in and grab her. Their followed by many more Enforcers you scatter through her house. "What's the meaning of this!?"

"Your under arrest for stealing a slave."

"Under what proof?"

"My eyes." A female voice says. The Lion steps aside and reveals an undeniably angry Flameria. "And you will pay for what you've done to her." An enforcer returns to them.

"Sir we found the coyote and detained a cow that was having sex with her."

"Show me." Flameria demands, her eyes glowing.

"This way." He says nervously after seeing her eyes. Around them the Enforcers gathered the slaves and servants of the mansion for questioning. They head up to the bedroom. When they enter the room Flameria see's Streeka's state.

"STREEKA!" She races over and hugs the coyote the best she can with her bound. Streeka whimpers a bit shattering Flameria's resolve. With tears in her eyes she looks at the enforcer."Enforcer release her at once."

"Sorry ma'am. We have to record this first." She growls for a second but then sighs knowing it would ultimately help. She turns back and pets Streeka's brown hair by her eyes and begins cooing sounds to comfort the coyote. The Lion finally show's up.

"Jeezes! Look at her." He comments.

After an half hour Streeka is finally unbound and carried by Flameria. The Enforcers wanted to send her to a hospital but Flameria wasn't leaving thus neither was Streeka. She was not letting Streeka out of her site again. So a doctor was sent out to examine the coyote. Meanwhile all the slaves and servants her ordered to sit on the ground. Lunesta and Cream were heavily bound and off to the side. Flameria kept Streeka in eye sight as the doctor examined her as she stayed with the Lion. "So here's what we've figured out. Streeka was stolen a year ago by Lunesta. You figured it has something to due with her brother."

"Yes." Flameria replied. " Her brother tried to court me but I rejected him. He didn't take my reason well. He was the only contact with the Nightrider clan I have."

"Okay. We have reports from the staff and other slaves that Streeka was seen in the slave mess hall the first day she was here. She tried to escape later that day and managed to get to the cities edge but was stopped when she found out we were a floating city. I have a report by an Enforcer who was there and he said Lunesta was carrying an unconscious coyote claiming it was a runaway slave recently purchased. After that she stayed in Lunesta's room till now with only Lunesta, Cream, and a slave named Feyla able to see her. Testimony from Cream there says she modified her milk to keep Streeka alive without need for bathroom breaks so there would be no need to untie her. Man! This is among the most perverted things I've ever seen. Lady Flameria you have our deepest regrets. We should have caught this earlier. I can only say that I will do my best for now on to prevent this from happening again."

"I accept your apology Captain." The doctor approaches them.

"Your report doctor?"

"We she's physically in good health. There clear signs of rape, her limbs are a little sore. Thanks to that milk she isn't malnourished. Mentally on the other hand she's practically shut down. Probably a desperate move to protect herself. It will take a lot of work and time for her to open up again. You live in Skygate Lady Flameria?"

"Yes I do."

"I'll contact a friend there to help but the main thing I think would help is getting her back home with those she knew before all of this. This is one of the worst cases I've ever seen Captain only the most severe criminals should endure what she did."

"Thanks doc. You can take her home now Lady Flameria we'll finish up here."

"Captain, I want them. I want Lunesta and Cream. I'll give them a suitable punishment."

"I'm not sure about that. I know you have the right but let me talk with my superiors and I'll let you know in a couple days."


"Ma'am they need to go over the reports before making that kind of decision. The more they read the more likely they'll side with you. Now have you got a place to stay in they city?" Sighing Flameria replies.

"No, I raced here as soon as I got the letter."

"Well then you can stay here, I can give you that much. The servants will remain during your stay."

"What will happen to them after that?"

"Some might be claimed by Lunesta's clan, or put on the market."

"Well Captian there was one more thing..."

Feyla sat on the cold hard floor wondering her fate. While she was glad that Streeka was with her rightful master she feared her own future. She would either be sold to some owner who may be very cruel or she will be taken by one of the mistress's clan and if they discover her actions they may kill her or make her wish she was dead and she won't have Streeka's hope since she's lawfully owned by the Nightrider clan. Her thoughts are interrupted when the Lion yelled out. "Slave Feyla approach us." Nervously she stood up and approached the Lion.

"So your Feyla, your a pretty one." Feyla looks over to the dragoness who said that. This is the first real look she has of Streeka's owner. She is a very beautiful dragoness with her red and orange scales.

"How may I serve?"

"Your afraid of what the Nightriders will do to you yes? Speak truth now." Feyla just nods. "And did you look after my Streeka?"

"Yes my lady. I did the best I could, I should have done something sooner but the mistress was so kind to us I didn't believe Streeka's claim. How could a nice master do that? I hoped that Streeka would be untied at some point but....I'm sorry."

"Don't be, Lunesta knew one thing right about slaves. Kindness can get you loyalty. It took courage to defy her and contact me. That is one of the two reasons that you are now mine." Feyla looks at her in shock.

"Yes, I'm not wealthy enough for many slaves but I can afford you though I am getting you for free. Right now you main job is to help me with Streeka." Feyla spent the rest of the day in a near daze. Though she managed her duties with her new owner most of her mind on what just happened. Though she does not know this dragoness well, her future didn't look as bleak as it did this morning.

A few days later they arrive at Flameria's home. Flameria was allowed to have Lunesta and Cream and she couldn't wait to punish them. Cole meets them with Firemane and Firemane's brother Brimstone, a black furred stallion with emerald mane, glowing orange eyes, and feathered wings. Brimstone was currently milking his parent's nipple. "Cole, take Streeka to her room and then show Feyla around before giving her a room."

"Yes Mistress. Follow me." Feyla help carries Streeka to her room.

Flameria heads down into the basement where the Enforcers were dropping off the unconscious pair in two different rooms. Flameria decided to take care of Lunesta first. She straps a simple necklace with a glass gem hanging from it. She activates it and then claps manacles to Lunesta's wrists. She activates a lever that lifts the dragoness up to a standing position with her feet off the ground. She then claps manacles to Lunesta's ankles and spreads them apart for clear access to the dragoness's tailhole and pussy. Flameria then grabs a hooded mask with a dildo inside. She puts in on the dragoness leaving her blind with two small airholes. There are flaps to cover her ears but Flameria leaves them alone for now. Flameria finally deactivates the spell keeping the dragoness asleep. Lunesta wakes up with a jerk and tries to look around. "Calm down Lunesta there's a hood over your head." Lunesta stops and tries to respond. "You've got a gag in your mouth so don't bother trying to speak. You've cause great pain to me so I'll return the favor." Flameria then shoves a dildo into Lunesta pussy fast and hard. Lunesta jerks hard for it is a large horse shaped dildo. Lunesta jerks again when a similar dildo is shoved up her tailhole. A panty made out of leather is then strapped and locked to keep the dildos in. Flameria then snaps her fingers and the dildos begin to vibrate on a low setting. "I'm not sure that Streeka will ever be herself again, but I can make sure you suffer much more than she did. Those Dildos will keep you aroused but on the edge of orgasm. You will never be free of them, you will spend the rest of your life like this and with my necklace that will be centuries. Enjoy." She finally covers Lunesta's ears leaving the dragoness in complete sensory deprivation. Lunesta moaned through the gag in protest but to no a vale. With herself blind and deaf she has nothing to distract herself from the dildos and though not as young as Flameria she still had many centuries left. Centuries of torture.

After playing with Lunesta's breasts Flameria finally leaves the dragoness to her fate and heads to the next room. Their she puts Cream in a similar condition except her necklace had a cow bell minus the ringer inside. She also attaches several tubes to the cow, 4 on her utters and 2 on her breasts. "They said you were the one who pierced her nipples and clit and raped her. Well now you pay the price." Flameria snaps her fingers again and the dildo start to vibrate on the low setting as well. "You like your friend will be forever stimulated without release, but that's not all." Flameria heads over to the device and presses a button. The hoses start to suck on Cream's utters and breasts. In minutes milk starts to flow through the hoses into the machine and through another hose to another room. "Your cow bell will make sure that you will never run out of milk. I shall make a great profit from it. Enjoy." Flameria also plugs Cream's ears." All that Cream knows is the vibrating in her pussy and tailhole, the other is the feeling of being milked...and milked.

Flameria finally goes and checks on Streeka. Streeka is curled up in a fetal position shivering. Her eyes are open, but they see nothing. Flameria starts petting her with one hand while putting her other hand in front of the coyote's nose so she knows it's her. Soon Streeka stops shivering and then Flameria spots her rings. With everything she forgot about them and she tries to remove them. "DON'T....STOP!"Streeka starts to struggle. She returns to petting Streeka.

"Sshhh, Alright Streeka I won't touch them. Calm down your safe now. Your home." Flameria stays with her for an hour just petting her. Trying anything to comfort the coyote. Finally she gets up and leans down to Streeka's face. "I have to go for now. If you need anything just call." Flameria then licks Streeka's muzzle and leaves the room.

Both Cole and Feyla waited at the bottom of the stairs. "How is she?" Cole asks.

"Not really responsive. Don't touch her rings though, she doesn't like it. When is the doctor arriving?"

"In an hour or so Mistress." Flameria nods.

"Okay then I'll get some work done, let me know when she arrives." Flameria then looks at Feyla. "Done with your tour?" Feyla nods.

"Nice mansion, you made great use of the limited space."

"Thank you. I don't really have a job for you to do except help taking care of Streeka and the kids. You'll be taught how to defend yourself and how to use weapons. Cole will teach you, I'm not allowing this to happen again."

"Very well mistress."

"Now tomorrow we'll go to the market to get you clothes."

"Mistress there's no need. I've been naked my entire life, I don't mind."

"Okay. What about your rings?"

"I don't mind them either."

"It's your choice. You will have a small allowance to spend how you like and are free to do whatever you like." Feyla bows and says.

"Thank you mistress." Flameria just nods and heads to her office. And Feyla looks over to Cole. "So I assume you were in an army before being a slave?"

"No I was an assassin sent by a rival to kill the Mistress. I obviously failed and went through what you former owner is, though it was only for three weeks not forever. I have come to love her despite the fact she occasionally bounds me and keeps me in orgasm denial, I now get aroused by it. You should try it sometime but it is not required of you."


Flameria is in her office trying to work. She is continually distracted with her concern over Streeka. As a result it takes her twice as long to get something done than usual. As she is trying to work Firemane wanders into the office. She quickly heads to hir mother. "Mama!" she cries lifting hir arms. Flameria smiles and lifts hir up. Flameria nuzzles her child's muzzle causing Firemane to cheer. "Mama," Firemane finally says. "Who's the coyote and deer?" Dragon's intelligence develops quickly and Firemane is more dragon than horse.

"The coyote is your auntie Streeka who was taken away from us a year ago. The deer help us find her so now she stays with us."

"She smelled like clan to me."

"Well she did help take care of you before her kidnapping."

"Let's play mama!" Flameria played with Firemane until Feyla knock on the wall.

"Excuse me mistress, the doctor has arrived." Flameria put down a disappointed Firemane.

"Now Firemane I have to take care of your aunt." She walks to the doorway and pauses when she reaches Feyla. She notices the look of fear and nervousness on the doe's body though she tries to hide it well. Flameria takes her claw and puts in under the doe's chin and lifts the doe's head. "Feyla I don't want your fear just your loyalty. Please don't be afraid of me."

"I'll try mistress."

"That's all I ask." They both continue to the door. The doctor spent two hours examining Streeka. She talk to Flameria and company in the dinning room.

"Well she still is physically fine, but she is really clamed up mentally. It will take a long time for her to be close to her old self. What have you been doing since she has arrived?"

"I petted her and allowed her continually to smell my scent. I tried to remove those rings, but she didn't like like that so I stopped trying." The doctor nods and continues

"That's good keep her company. Talk to her about your day and show your love or friendship to her. That will help open her up. Well I'll come buy and check ocasionally but there's nothing more I can do. It's her mind that has locked up and there's currently no know spell to help with that."

"Thanks doc."

Later Flameria when into Streeka's room and placed a plate of food and a drink. She then licks the coyote's head and left the room. Before bed Cole checks on Streeka and though it appears she hadn't moved the plate and cup were empty. Cole pets Streeka's hair and says. "Good girl."

Three months pass and there was no change in Streeka's condition. Everyone in the house spent time with her, even Thunder visits her during his stays. They all took turns helping her bathe though Flameria did it the most. Flameria's yards and magic shop thrive even with the distraction of Streeka's condition. Taking a break from going over reports Flameria activates the crystal ball. It reveals the figures of Lunesta and Cream. Cream has completely succumbed to her torture, she has always loved the feeling of her utters and breasts being milked. That feeling has overrides the frustration of not being able to orgasm. Her milk has become popular and Feyla now run's Flameria small dairy. Lunesta on the other is still trying to resist the stimulation but it has steadily getting weaker. Flameria can respect Lunesta's fight but knows it's ultimately futile but fun to watch. "Dinner!" Cole yells throught the house. Sighing Flameria turns off the ball amused that Cole has got such a powerful voice. When Flameria reaches the dinner table everyone is already sitting down. Everyone except Streeka, they take her dinner up later.

"May this meal be blessed." Flameria says as head of the household. As they start to dig in a noise interrupts them. Looking over to the stairs they see Streeka slowly walking down.

"Streeka!" Flameria gets up and heads over to help Streeka to her chair as Cole gets her plate. Streeka eats her meal in silence and when done she heads back upstairs to her room. The rest of the group took this as a really good sign.

A couple of weeks pass with Streeka joining them for meals but nothing more. They did try to include her in their conversations but they got no response from her. Still they did their best to comfort her. One day Streeka was starting down the stairs for breakfast and slipped. She fell down the stairs as Flameria rushed to her side. Flameria quickly used her spells and healed the wounds Streeka sustained. "Are you okay Streeka?" Flameria asks.

"Flameria?" Streeka says weakly.

"Yes it's me Streeka. Your back home." For the first time in a long time life appears in Streeka's eyes and she finally sees who she's with.

"Flameria!" and Streeka hugs the dragoness. "I never thought I'd see you again."

"You have Feyla to thank for that." Streeka breaks the hug and looks at Feyla who looks nervously at the coyote.

"I'm sorry it took me so long Streeka to get your mistress. My only explanation is fear of being wrong." Streeka looks at the doe for a minute before answering.

"I understand Feyla, I don't hate you but I can't forgive you yet." Feyla just nods as Flameria helps Streeka up.

Streeka finally started talking at dinner but she wasn't yet her full energetic self yet. Streeka does eye Firemane. "My how you've grown." Firemane looks back and replies.

"Your my auntie Streeka right?" Streeka whips her head over to Flameria with a shocked look. Flameria just shrugs and says.

"Well you practically are." Streeka just sighs and looks back at Firemane.

"Then yes I am your auntie." Then she looks over to Brimestone. "And whose this?" She asks.

"That's Brimestone. He doesn't talk yet." Flameria replies.

"He takes after Cole." Which causes Cole to blush to the chuckles of Flameria and Feyla.

Another week passes by and Streeka becomes more herself, but there are some definite changes. She still wore the nipple and clit rings, we know because she continues to go naked. Flameria confronts Streeka about it in a kind way. "Hey Streeka want to go out shopping?" The Coyote shakes her head.

"No thanks don't need them anymore." Her paw reaches to her neck. "Mistress do you have my collar?" The dragoness nods.

"Please give it to me mistress." Flameria shakes her head.

"No, I don't deserve to be your mistress. You are free to live here as long as you want, if you ever want to leave I'll help you find a new place."

"No mistress I just need my collar."


"MISTRESS I NEED IT!" Flameria's eyes begin to water.

"Please Streeka don't force me on this. Can't you just be happy living here?"

"I NEED IT! Of the times I could remember of what happened to me I focused on you rescuing me. Though they took the collar you gave me I imagine it. It was my hope." Streeka collapses to the floor as her legs slowly give out her voice giving away. "please...please give me my collar." She starts sobbing as Flameria goes to her side and hugs her.

"Okay, you win please calm down, FEYLA!" Flameria yells and in minutes the doe is in the room. "Feyla go grab the collar on my nightstand." The doe nods and heads up. Flameria just holds and pets the poor coyote. Soon Feyla returns with the collar and hands it to the dragoness. "Here you go Streeka." Flameria puts the collar back on. Immediately Streeka's paw heads up and grabs the jewel with the Hornblade's logo on it. After a few minutes she calms down. The rest of the day went well with neither Streeka or Flameria mention the episode, it was as if it never happened.

Hey next day however Flameria spoke with the doctor who visit periodically to check on Streeka's recovery. When Flameria told her about the episode they day before. The Doctor shows deep thought.

"The mind is a great mystery my lady. It can do amazing things to survive. No one not even Streeka herself knows everything ther mind did to preserve it's self, but obviously she clinged to theat collar as the symbol of you. She can never be the Streeka before my lady but we can get her close. She is in essence rebuilding herself. All we can do is help her pick up the pieces, the rebuilding will be in her hands.

That night Streeka throws another curve ball at them. Cole checks on her at night before joining her Mistress. "You need anything honey?" Streeka looks up from her desk.

"Yes could you come here?" Cole immediately walks over. She is surprised when Streeka strokes hir sheath.

"Wha..?" Cole tries to say till Streeka kissed hir. Streeka then forces Cole back to the bed. Soon Cole's cock emerges as they both fall on the bed.

"You're so big Cole." Streeka then lowers herself on the mare's cock with both of them groaning.

"Streeka...why?" Cole manages to ask.

"I needed a cock Cole not a pussy. I need to feel safe." Streeka then starts riding the mare's cock. Cole herself is confused on what to do but that does last long as the pleasure takes over and she starts thrusting. Since it's Streeka's first time she doesn't last long and comes quickly. She ends up coming 10 times before Cole's first. Exhausted and bloated from Cole's cum she lies next to Cole.

"Thank you Cole." Cole nods and gets up. "Where you going Cole?"

"To the Mistress's room otherwise she'll get mad." Cole then leaves leaving Streeka healed a bit more though in a way no one considered.

The next day Streeka sees Cole wearing an orgasm denial kit with vibrators in hir pussy and butt. Shooting Cole a look Cole just shrugs and says. "The Mistress was a little mad." Seeing Streeka chuckle at that makes it worth it to Cole. OOOOHHHH!

Rise To Power Chapter 10

While Flameria and company work on healing Streeka. Other things are going on. In a large mansion in the floating city of Airise we see two dragons in a throne room looking at a report. The Male gold dragon hisses in disgust. "I can't believe it!...

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Rise To Power Chapter 8

Five months have past and we go to a ball hosted in one of the mansions that serves as a guest mansion in Skygate for the upper class in the Alliance. There we find a familiar dragoness. Flameria is dressed in her finest clothing and jewlery, though...

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Rise to power Chapter 7

Two months have passed since Firemane's birth and both Flameria and Cole have gotten less sleep and sex since then. They were getting ready for breakfast Streeka showed up. She spots Firemane and immediately goes over to hir chair puts a finger in...

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