Rise to power Chapter 7

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#7 of Rise To Power

Two months have passed since Firemane's birth and both Flameria and Cole have gotten less sleep and sex since then. They were getting ready for breakfast Streeka showed up. She spots Firemane and immediately goes over to hir chair puts a finger in front of hir face. "OH! Look at the cute baby. Hey Fire..AAAAHHHHH! GET HIR OFF! GET HIR OFF!" Her finger is in Firemane's mouth. Cole gets over and manages to get Streeka's finger out. Smirking Flameria says.

"Careful she's teething and a dragon's teeth get sharp quickly."

"NO KIDDING! OUCH." retorts Streeka, her finger bleeding. Noticing this Cole heads over.

"Here let me." She holds Streeka's finger and after a chant the finger glows. When Cole releases the finger it's totally healed. Streeka looks in puzzlement. Smirking Cole explains. "Mistress has taught me a few spells."

"Thanks. Well Sparzow has a message for you ma'am. Lord Zatur's ship has come in with major damage and he thought you might want to come." Flameria nods and replies.

"He's right, tell him I'll come after breakfast." Streeka nods and heads out. "Cole hurry up with that breakfast."

Forty minutes later Flameria arrives to the yard with a bag in her hand and she looks up at the ships. Zatur's ship is an enormous ship. Though a pleasure ship, the airship has enough cannons to take on light cruisers in the fleet. And it was heavily damaged. She heads to the office and finds both Zatur and Sparzow there. "Morning my lord. What happened to your ship?"

"Hurricane, luckily it won't hit Skygate but as you can see we took a beating." After a pause. "We lost ten crewmen."

"Sparzow I assume that the lord's ship is the priority?"

"Yes ma'am but the repair's will take a month to repair." The yard master looks over to the dragon lord. "Sorry it's the best we can do." Zatur waves it off.

"I'm just glad she won't be scrapped. But I expect she'll be in mint condition?"

"Sir when I'm done she'll be better than when she was first built." Zatur sighs and clearly shows exhaustion. Noticing this Flameria jumps in.

"Lord Zatur, allow me to invite you to my home. You look exhausted and my home is closer than yours." Zatur looks at her and comments.

"You don't look much better yourself."

"A baby will do that to you." Zatur sighs and leans back, clearly remembering something.

"That would do it. Congratulations who's the father?"

"Cole." Zatur's eyes widen in surprise but doesn't say anything more except.

"Well I will accept your gracious offer." As they walk out Flameria sees Streeka return. Unless out on a message delivery Streeka hangs out at the yard since she gets most of her work from Flameria's yard or surrounding docks.

"Streeka!" Hearing her name Streeka looks up and when seeing Flameria she heads over.

"Yes ma'am."

"Here." Flameria hands over the bag she was carrying. Streeka looks in and finds a bunch of sausage patties. Streeka looks at Flameria with joy.

"Thank you ma'am." She bites into one. "Mmmmm! It's still warm."

"I magically keep it heated." She and Zatur continue on leaving the happy coyote scarfing down the patties.

"That was interesting." Zatur comments.

"When you have little resources my lord you learn how to gain any resource you can get. Streeka there is among the fastest runners I've seen. And with coin and stuff like that." She points behind her. "I've earned her loyalty. And I like her."

"Hhhmmm." Zatur ponders at that and continues. "I notice the progress of the ships in the yard. Very impressive, some of the other yards are not as far as you."

"Well we will be delayed since your ship takes up so much room, but were going well. I've got good people working for me. Sparzow has already found ways to improve the designs you gave us and don't be surprised to find some in your ship when he's done." Zatur looks at her.

"I hope that isn't going to cost extra."

"Nope. Many yards use designs that are ages old. Sparzow long ago found ways to improve without additional cost." Flameria treated Zatur to a nice brunch and had a great time with eachother. In the afternoon Zatur heads out to his house.

Five months later the ship yard had finished all the ships in the military contract and were beginning the next set of their usual orders. One day Cole answers the door and the dragon with the fancy clothes was back. "I have a letter for Lady Flameria." He hands it to Cole and departs. Cole hands it to Flameria who was nursing Firemane. After reading it she cheers out loud.

"We got the contract! Where's Streeka? We have to let the yard know." Cole shrugs and replies.

"I don't know I haven't seen the last couple of days. Ever since that explosion on the other side of the harbor."

"I hope she wasn't killed. She's a good runner. Well you take care of Firemane I'll give the workers the good news." Flameria heads out and tells her workers the good news. Their contract states that the reserve one naval dock and air dock for military construction as well as being a repair dock for military ships and finally the military reserves the right to make use of the entire yard during emergencies. While initially this may appear to be a profit killer Flameria stand to profit from it that even in down times her yard will be nearly in constant use. She leaves the yard with the echoes of cheers in her ears from the news and the pay raise she promise. She heads to a liquor store to get some whine to celebrate. She pauses as she hears crying and looks around. It comes from a young coyote with burnt clothing face in her hands. As she approaches Flameria discovers that the coyote is Streeka. "Streeka what's wrong?" Streeka looks up with tear filled eyes.

"Ma'am...sorry I haven't been around. I got caught in that explosion and was in the hospital and my....my.....my family..is...is ..gone." Streeka sobbing renews.

"Oh Streeka I'm so sorry." She pets the coyote before pick her up with little problem. "I'll take you home." She walks back home carrying the limp coyote paying no mine to the beings staring.

She arrives home to a shocked Cole. "Is that Streeka?"

"Yes she lost her family in that explosion."

"Oh NO!"

"I'm taking her up to get cleaned bring some fresh clothes."

"Yes Mistress." When reaching the bathroom she strips Streeka of her clothes and lowers the coyote into the pool after stripping herself. She cleans Streeka as she tries her best to comfort her. Knowing how devastating losing a family can be. Streeka just quietly sobs paying little attention to what Flameria does. Afterwards Flameria places Streeka in a guest bed and pets her again before leaving saying.

"Just call if you need anything." Flameria heads back down all of her earlier joy gone.

"Poor kid." Comments Cole.

"That's a surprising comment coming from you considering you last profession."

"I'm not unfeeling as you know and I like her." Flameria sighs.

"Well I'll head to the office. Call me when suppers ready. We'll keep her here until we can contact her clan. Do they call it a clan?"

Cole shrugs. "Beats me."

Later they get together for dinner. Cole had already made a meal for Streeka and will head up after she's done with her meal. However Streeka enters the room in an almost zombie like fashion. Cole quickly sets a place on the table for her and places the plate she had prepared. They eat in silence...well almost silence Firemane makes some racket. When done Flameria let's Firemane to suck on her nipple as she asks Streeka. "Do you have any way to reach your clan Streeka?"

"I have no clan. My family was all I had."

"NO CLAN!" Flameria thinks. "How can she endure? Well she has a clan now." Aloud she says. "Well then you'll stay with us. We'll be your clan. I know what's it like to lose your family but I at least had a clan to fall back on. So fall back on me and Cole."

"But ma'am."

"No it is final." Streeka drops her head knowing she can't win this fight.

"Thank you."

A week passed and Streeka is slowly returning to her old self. She stays in the mansion help taking care of Firemane and even learning to cook. Cole and Flameria drown her with their love and would drop anything they were doing if she needed some thing. Streeka herself felt she didn't deserve this kind of care but know Flameria would be insulted if she mention it. One day Cole answers the door and it reveals three wolfs at the door step. The middle one speaks. "Is Streeka the coyote here?"

"Yes." A wicked smile appears on his lips.

"Good she owes us some money."

"Hold on a second. MISTRESS! YOUR NEEDED AT THE DOOR!" A minute later Flameria appears with Streeka behind her.

"What's this all about?"

"Streeka's family owed us some money and since she is the only survivor the debt fall's to her. She owes us 100 Horns."

"I can't pay that."

"Then will take you as a slave then." His wicked smile returns.

"Hold it just one minute." Says Flameria. She leaves for her office and after a minute she returns with a bag and tosses it to them. "Here's 100 Horns now I don't want to see you again."

"Very well." And the trio leaves.

"I cannot repay you for what you have done ma'am. Except...I'll be your slave." Streeka says.

"That's not necessary."

"IT IS! Ma'am I can't accept this much help without repaying and my body is all I have left. My parents taught me to always repay your debts." Streeka looks fiercely. Flameria looks deeply into Streeka's eyes show the coyote's fierce determination. Flameria sighs and says.

"Very well. Let me go and find a proper collar then." Flameria leaves the two now slaves as she heads to her treasure room. There she searches through looking for something appropriate. After ten minutes of searching she couldn't find anything. She took a rather bland necklace and used her magic to transformed it. It now was a collar made of an orange color metal and hanging from it was a yellow gem with an emblem of a coyote with a dragon posed behind it. Approving the work she heads back down and is shocked to see Streeka as naked as Cole. "Streeka! Why are you naked?"

"I thought you required it of your slaves." Flameria shakes her head.

"No Cole is naked as part of hir punishment for trying to kill me." Streeka looks over to Cole in shock. Cole just shrugs and explains.

"I was an assassin before Mistress captured me. I failed to kill her and now I'm her loyal slave." Flameria hands Streeka her clothes.

"I do not require you naked just to be loyal and yourself okay?"

"Yes Ma...I mean mistress." Flameria chuckles.

"You can still call me ma'am."

That night Flameria sat on her bed in a somber mood. Cole notices this and asks what was wrong. "I didn't want her to be a slave. I was content with you. Why couldn't she be happy she had me to help her?"

"It was the way she was raised Mistress. She has to repay kindness in some way. You've been giving her so much over the year. Maybe she felt she didn't deserve it all, heck I feel I don't deserve what you give me in most area's. I should be dead and buried, but you show a perverse sense of mercy. We both know you'll take care of her, this now gives you a legal reason to."

"I will. I promise I will." Cole takes hir Mistress's muzzle and kisses her passionately. When they break off Cole states.

"Let me cheer you up love." Cole kisses her again. They both fall back onto the bed and grope eachother affectionately. Soon Cole's cock appears and gets sandwiched between them. Cole suddenly feels a metallic object on hir cock and smiles. She figures its a cock ring. They roll so that Cole is on the bottom and Flameria begins to ride hir. For the rest of the night Flameria rides Cole orgasming through it all while Cole's balls enlarge with the cum that is held back. Cole is groaning from the pleasure and pain but still keeps thrusting upwards into hir Mistress's pussy.

In the morning Flameria wakes up first and after a little teasing she finally removes the cock ring and Cole sprays cum into hir Mistress's pussy and womb. Flameria's belly is bulging a little from the amount of cum in her, but that doesn't stop her from teasing the now awaken mare and making hir cock rise again to erection. Flameria then replaces the cock ring back. Puzzled Cole looks at Flameria who explains. "I feel out of control lately so I want to aroused and denied while I play with your cock all day. Cole groans at the idea and more when Flameria's tail strokes and squeezes hir cock while checking on Firemane. The baby has grown use to sleeping with the sound of hir parents love making though they have tried to cut back. Firemane slept peacefully in hir crib despite hir parents antics. Flameria strokes hir head before heading down with Cole close at her heels...and with Flameria's tail still squeezing hir cock.

Awaken to the smell of food Streeka quickly changes and heads down to breakfast. She sits down and begins eating when a plate is set down in front of her. It's then she notices Cole's cock. Blushing she asks, "What's with your cock?"

"Mistress wants me aroused and denied all day." Streeka's eyes go wide.

"Don't worry Streeka you won't have that done unless you want to. You have more freedoms then Cole does." Flameria interputs. Nodding Streeka turns to her new owner and says.

"No thanks but I am wondering what you want me to do today ma'am?" Flameria sits back and ponders greatly. After a couple of minutes she replies.

"I honestly don't know. Cole takes care of the house and all three of us will take care of Firemane." Flameria nods to herself and continues. "You may go where you like. I'll give you a small allowance. Act as you normally do the only thing that has changes is that you live here, you have to obey my orders, and wear that collar."

"Thank you ma'am." Flameria smiles and takes a bite of bacon.

"Have fun Streeka." After breakfast Flameria hands Streeka a bag of coins and Streeka heads out promising to still relay messages from the shipyard. Firemane started crying then and hir parents went up to care for their bady.

After a long day (longer for Cole who was really suffering at this point). Everyone heads to bed for the night and after checking on Firemane Flameria joins Cole in bed. Cole is shuddering at this point, hir balls have greatly increased in size from all the cum trapped in them. Flameria first strokes Cole's muzzle than starts to remove the cock ring. When it's up enough she uses her claw to keep Cole from cuming. Once the ring is removed Flameria impales herself on the cock and releases her hold on it. Cole erupts in orgasm. It takes hir ten minutes to finally stop spraying and Flameria looks like she's pregnant again. Flameria leans down as much as she can with her bloated belly and says. "Wasn't that worth the wait?" Cole nods before passing out.

Rise To Power Chapter 8

Five months have past and we go to a ball hosted in one of the mansions that serves as a guest mansion in Skygate for the upper class in the Alliance. There we find a familiar dragoness. Flameria is dressed in her finest clothing and jewlery, though...

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Rise To Power Chapter 6

The next morning Cole serves them breakfast before Athena leaves for her shop. As shes heading out the door she whispers in Flameria's ear. "She's a fine lover girl I can see why your knocked up." She starts to walk away and finishes. "Come again if...

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Rise to Power Chapter 5

The next day Cole was with hir Mistress in the lab watching as hir Mistress recreates the ward breaker Cole foolishly wasted. Flameria was keeping a close eye as she mixes to liquids. As she finishes pouring one she see's the liquid turn into a light...

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