Rise To Power Chapter 8

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#8 of Rise To Power

Five months have past and we go to a ball hosted in one of the mansions that serves as a guest mansion in Skygate for the upper class in the Alliance. There we find a familiar dragoness. Flameria is dressed in her finest clothing and jewlery, though her belly is quite pronounced. Cole got her knocked up again with the last romp mentioned. She talks with her friend Thunder as a slave approaches with a drink. That slave is none other than Cole who is decked out in an interesting way. She has gold wrapped around hir in a vein like style, though hir naughty bits are still fully revealed. Hir necklace remains but a tiara has been added featuring hir Mistress's clan symbol. Hir cock is fully aroused and partially encased in gold shaped like an upside down rib cage with it's tip bending back and inserted in hir pee hole and goes all the way to hir balls.Flameria calls it the gold grip. Two yellow gems are shaped like cocks are inserted deep in Cole's pussy and tailhole and held in place by the vein gold. Both the gold grip and the gems are vibrating but on a low setting, enough to keep hir aroused but not orgasm. No matter how much the guest tease hir she can't orgasm. With hir necklace now fully activated again Cole does not need to go to the bathroom. As much as she is suffering Cole is enjoying every minute of it, two weeks earlier she was in a simliar state for a whole week much to Streeka's concern. Streeka herself was left behind to care for Firemane.

Taking the drink Flameria strokes the top of Cole's cock making the horse herm groan in that hybrid pain pleasure area as a black dragon near her age approaches. He offers his hand and says. "May I ask you fair lady to a dance?"

"Of course." Flameria takes the hand and they both head for the dance floor. As they walk Flameria can't stop thinking on how her clan's luck has changed. Months before she wouldn't have been invited to this ball. Her contract with the Alliance's military has been a great success. Captains fight over who gets one of her ships and the money from that has finally allowed her to open her magic shop which she and Cole man. Cole has learned a lot in the realm of magic and Streeka has just begun hers. She is drawn back to the present as the dragon skillfully glides her across the floor. "And who is it that decided he should dance with me?" She asks him.

Tygeth of the Nightrider clan and who is my fair lady?"

"Flameria head of the Hornblade clan."

"Amazing! You've already been welcome back into the upperclass. You must be very talented."

"Thank you I am, I've also been lucky."


Tygeth and Flameria spent most of the night in each others company. As the night drew to a close Tygeth escorted Flameria to the door. "I hope we may see each other again my lady." He tries to kiss Flameria's claw but she pulls it away before he can.

"You may, good night Tygeth." And she and Cole leave for home.

The next month Tygeth spends time with Flameria, checking out her yards and a few visits to her home. One night he takes her to a fancy restaurant. They have a nice meal and towards the end Flameria asks. "What was the reason you brought me here Tygeth? We could have had a nice meal at either of our homes."

"Well, you and I have been seeing each other and I was wondering...."


"Would you be my mate?"

"An alliance would be good but, my heart is already taken. I'm carrying hir child now."

"Hir child, you mean your slave!?"

"Yes, I love hir. I can have the fun that I can't have with anyone else and we've already made a beautiful baby."

"I can't believe you fell in love with a slave." Anger appears on Flameria's face and she stands up.

"Thank you for the dinner, but I now think an alliance would not be good." She stomps away.

"Wait Flameria..." She ignores him and disappears into the night.

The next day we see a midnight blue dragoness enter a fancy house on one of the floating cities near Skygate. She looks around and here's crying so she starts to explore. "Brother?" She yells out but the crying doesn't stop. After a few minutes she finds him in his bedroom sitting on the edge of his bed, his head in his claws. She rushes over and sits next to him and asks. "Bro, what's wrong?" Tygeth looks up and sees his older sister.

"Oh sis, remember that dragoness I was seeing?" She nods. "Well she wasn't interested at all, she loves her FREAKING slave! A hermaphrodite slave!" The dragonness hugs her younger brother and says. "Sssshhhhh! She doesn't know what she threw away. You'll find some one bro. Then you can flaunt it at her."

"You think so Lunesta?" Tygeth asks.

"I know so." Lunesta returns to hugging her brother while mentally she's thinking. "Dragoness, you will pay for hurting my brother."

Months later Streeka is out shopping. She loves her life now even though she still misses her family, but Flameria and Cole have been so kind to her. She wears her slave collar with pride and is the only symbol that she is a slave. Her mistress gives her such freedom and allowance of money that she actually has it better than when she was free. She enters a small store to buy a gift for her mistress to show her graditude. As she approaches the counter a paw with a cloth goes over her muzzle and another arm wraps around her chest. She tries to fight the being off but the strange smell from the cloth makes her dizzy. In a minute she blacks out.

When she comes to Streeka finds her self in the following condition : She's naked, her arms are tied above her head, her legs are tied to the floor apart from each other allowing full access to her pussy and tailhole, and her slave collar is gone. She test the ropes but soon discovers she can't break them. "Good your awake." Streeka looks ahead and sees two figures appear in front of her. One is a midnight blue dragoness the other is a cow. "Who are you? What am I doing here? Lady Flameria with get you for this." The dragoness smiles and replies.

"My aren't you a spirited one. That will make you fun to break. Your here because your owner hurt my brother in how she rejected him. Since you and that freak of a horse are what she care about, your the ones that will pay. Now I would have rather had the freak horse but she barely leaves the manor so your the one I now deal with. I'm going to break your spirit till there's nothing left. I'll even send you owner letters detailing your defeat and ultimately hers since she failed to protect you." She looks over to the cow and continues. "I'll leave you to the tender mercies of Cream here. She really enjoys doing it to predators." The cow steps forward a bit and says.

"Lady Lunesta, please grope her breasts." the dragoness complies.

Streeka tries to fight it but she's still a virgin and doesn't have much stamina.

"NO...STOP.....stop!" she moans and groans. So her nipples are erect which is just what they wanted. The cow reveals a glowing needle and pierces Streeka's right nipple. "RRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Streeka screams in pain. After a couple of seconds Cream removes the needle and places her hand over the nipple. After a soft chant the bulk of the pain ceases. Cream repeats the process with the left nipple.

"Lady her clit please." Lunesta now focuses on Streeka's clit and soon Streeka's clit is engorged.

"No...not there....please." Streeka pleads. Cream ignores her and pierces her clit.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Streeka passes out from the pain as Cream finishes. Lunesta smiles in glee as Cream turns towards her.

"She's ready milady."

"Take her to my room and make sure she's bond nice and tight. She won't be willing at first but that's part of the fun."

When Streeka wakes up she notices that her arma are tied above her head and her feet tied to the bedposts leaving her pussy and tailhole open. She also notices large golden rings on her nipples and clit, they hurt a little. She's also gagged with a ball strap. She starts crying at the violation. "Oh good your up." Streeka turns her head and sees Lunesta approaching her. Streeka tries to move away and she whimpers through the gag. Lunesta bends down and strokes the coyote's muzzle. "Fear is good, but I want submission not fear." The dragoness then starts stroking Streeka's body, especially over the new rings. "You have a loving body for a mammal and I've always had a thing for rings." Lunesta plays with the rings for a few minutes. Though there's some pain Streeka can't help but feel some pleasure in it. Then one of Lunesta's claws heads down to Streeka's pussy. Realizing what the dragoness plans to do Streeka starts struggling anew, mubbling through her gag. Lunesta sees this and smiles and starts to play with the coyote's pussy and clit. She soon starts thrusting her fingers in the pussy as Streeka continues to struggle. Streeka can't help her body's reaction to the stimulation and soon she groans as she orgasms. Her orgasms lasts a minute before she collapses tears streaming out of her eyes. "We're not done yet my pet." Lunesta coos. Cream appears in her birthday suit, she cralws on the bed and join the other two females.

"Mind if I join?"

"I counted on it Cream." Lunesta puts one of Streeka's breats in her mouth and started suckling from it as she squeezes and gropes the other. Cream starts licking Streeka's pussy. In minutes Streeka orgasms again and the other two contiue. Soon Lunesta uses her tail ad enters Creams pussy and starts thrusting. Cream moans in pleasure and continues to lick Streeka's pussy. They spent 2 hours playing with Streeka before they all napped, though before falling asleep Streeka in her mind asks.

"Where are you ma'am?"

After awhile all three get up. Lunesta and Cream wash up and then Lunesta says. "Cream untie her and send her down to the slave mess hall. Cream unties Streeka and guides her down to the hall.

"Here you go toy. CHEF! Feed her." Cream leaves Streeka to the chef and some of the other slaves. Streeka is given a nutrient laden slop and she quietly eats ignoring the other slaves. But one slave, a female deer sits next to her.

"Hey your new here I'm Feyla." Streeka tries to shift away from Feyla but the doe wouldn't have it. "You must be new to the slavery thing, I can help you. What's your name?"

Streeka mumbles her name and continues eating. "That's a nice name. You should cheer up Lunesta treats us well and only really hurts us when we're bad, besides the piercing." Streeka glances over to the doe and notice she's just as naked and her nipples her just as pierced.

"You have no idea what a nice owner is." Streeka says.


"Yes, Lady Flameria allowed me much freedom. I had clothes, an allowance, and able to go where I want. They only outward sign was my collar which was more like jewelry than a slave collar. She only made me a slave when I insisted for all the ways she helped me when my family died."

"If your last owner was so good then why did she sell you?" Feyla asks sternly.

"SHE DIDN'T! I WAS STOLEN FROM HER BY YOUR PRECIOUS MISTRESS." Streeka gets up and leaves leaving a stunned Feyla. She heads to the restroom near by and relieves herself. She notices the window and peers out. She sees a relative easy route to escape this place. Though she's nervous on the fact there's no bars she decides to take the risk and leaps out the window. She starts racing across the roof heading west ( she's got an uncanny sense of direction). Her run across the roof does not go unnoticed.

"Slave is escaping! A slave is escaping." Guards try to run after her but being an exrunner they didn't stand a chance. She leaps from the roof onto the street and continues running. She glances around but none of the buildings look familiar. After thirty minutes she slows down as she nears the edge of the city. She has to suddenly stop there's no grass in front of her just sky. She looks over the edge and sees the ground miles below her.

"No wonder the window didn't have bars. I'm on a floating city!" She quickly looks around and says to herself. "I got to find an Enforcer (police in the Alliance). They can get me home." She faces the direction in which she wants to go and prepares to take off when she here's a flap of wings and a heavy weight on her back causing her to fall to the ground. Looking back she sees midnight blue.

"Naughty pet! Trying to run, you'll be punished for that." "YOU Stole me I'm not going back!"

"Yes you are." Lunesta then hits Streeka on the head and the coyote blacks out. Lunesta gets up and puts Streeka over her shoulder as an enforcer shows up.

"Problems ma'am."

"Just breaking in a new slave that doesn't understand her place yet."

"Have a good day then ma'am." Lunesta just smiles and walks back to her home.

When Streeka awakes this time she's tied vertically with Lunesta and Cream frowning at her. "That was a very naughty thing for you to do pet." Lunesta says. "You will be punsihed for that."

"You have no right to punish me. I know the Alliances rules for slavery and you took me illegally. YOU RAPED ME! But if you let me go right now I promise that Flameria will only want money from you for damages."

"Doesn't your old mistress rape you daily?" Cream asks.

"No she hasn't touched me." Lunesta laughs upon hearing this.

"That's perfect I got to have you before she got to. I'll be sure to add that to one of the letters I'll make. But now your punishment." Lunesta walks over to a dresser and pulls out a strap on dildo. She then straps it to herself and nods to Cream. Cream starts to play with Streeka's breasts. Lunesta walks behind them as Streeka tries to fight the pleasure she feels.

"AAAAAAGGGGG!" Streeka screams as Lunesta rams the dildo in Streeka's tailhole to the hilt and withdraws to thrust again. Streeka's pain is intense as the rape of her tailhole continues, not even Creams groping can divert her from what she feels in her butt. This continues for five hours before they stop. Streeka is in a daze, her butt very sore as she is retied to the bed. Cream then sits on Streeka chest and offers one of her utters to Streeka. "Open up toy." Streeka whimpers and moves her head away. Lunesta then says.

"Take it and drink or we'll butt rape you again." Tears streaming Streeka complies. She opens her muzzle and starts suckling. Soon she tasted Creams milk which is one of the sweetest she ever tasted. "Your punishment is that you will remain tied to my bed for the rest of your life. You will only feed from Cream's milk, don't worry Cream's milk is so nutrient rich you'll never need to go to the bathroom again." After drinking Creams milk for ten minutes she releases the utter and all three fall asleep for the night.

The next morning Cream and Lunesta start their usual chores. When Cream opens the door she is surprised to see Feyla at the door. "What do you want slave?" Nervously Feyla replies.

"I...I came to see if Streeka is okay?"

Streeka? Oh! The toy. Well she is serving her punishment."

"When will see be done milady?" Lunesta joins them and asks.

"Why are you interested Feyla?" The doe looks even more nervous and finally replies.

"I'm afraid that I drove her to try to escape even though I just tried to help her adjust to living here mistress." Lunesta looks at her doe slave seriously for a minute.

"Feyla I've decided that you can take care of Streeka for us. Cream and I have businesses to run so we need someone to. You've just volunteered." Lunesta pulls the doe into her bed room and continues. "Here's the rules Feyla. Streeka is to remain tied to the bed at all times, she is to be fed by the milk Cream has put over there." She points to a stand that has bottles of milk magically preserved. "Clean her fur and if any attempt to escape happens you'll be punished along with her. You don't want me to punish you the same way you last owner did." Feyla shivers, her last master had whipped her badly for displeasing him in a minor thing, and that was before having every orifice plugged by a cock for three days. She had bad scars before Lunesta healed them.

"I won't mistress." Feyla says as she bows to her mistress.

"Good. Clean her up for now. You can even play with her. If you do a good job you might even join us in are play time. We'll be back tonight." Cream and Lunesta finally leave and Feyla starts to clean the coyote. Streeka wakes up as Feyla cleans her fur.


"It's okay it's just me. I'm cleaning you up."

"Please you've got to help me escape you probably know this city's layout. Help me and I'll make sure Lady Flameria will help you."

"I can't, I will be severely punished for that. As kind as Mistress Lunesta is her punishments can be cruel. Please just accept your life here and maybe they'll untie you." Streeka looks away from her.

"They'll never untie me." Silence comes over the room and Feyla continues cleaning. "Say, I'm thirsty." Feyla heads over and grabs one of the bottles of milk.

"Here you go." Streeka sighs but opens her mouth and drinks the milk.

Later that day Lunesta and Cream return and Streeka prepares for another bout of rape.

Rise To Power Chapter 9

It's been a year since Streeka first joined them and Feyla was beginning to worry. Most of that time Feyla got to know the coyote while she cleaned and cared for her. They talked about many things, but one thing Feyla did notice was when her mistress...

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Rise to power Chapter 7

Two months have passed since Firemane's birth and both Flameria and Cole have gotten less sleep and sex since then. They were getting ready for breakfast Streeka showed up. She spots Firemane and immediately goes over to hir chair puts a finger in...

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Rise To Power Chapter 6

The next morning Cole serves them breakfast before Athena leaves for her shop. As shes heading out the door she whispers in Flameria's ear. "She's a fine lover girl I can see why your knocked up." She starts to walk away and finishes. "Come again if...

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