
Story by hooves on SoFurry

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A handsome young stud wakes up in a bad situation after a night of club hopping...

Another RP with Snow Taradien... Horace... Mordecai and Joel the Rabbit are his characters...


Cameron awoke with a jerk... his big powerful equine body making the chains he was suspended from clink and clank softly. Wide eyed the big roan red stallion peered around... but all he could see was utter blackness in every direction. And although he couldn't see it the big equine knew he was gagged, he could taste the bitter rubber of the ball in his mouth. And feel the straps wrapped tightly around his long narrow equine head, his bis strong arms stretched out to either side of him. His long sleek shapely equine legs dangling below hoof tip's barely touching the floor, but as he tried to lift them he discovered that they were in fact chained to the floor and held wide apart... The big stallion hung there in the darkness trying to puzzle out what had happened, how had he gotten there? The last thing he could remember was club hopping with a couple of his buddies, he'd gotten sick and went to the restroom. And that was about it... after that there was only flashes of images, blurry faces swirl moving traffic and then nothing... darkness. It was then the big equine heard the door open, a heavy steel door that moved almost silently on it's hinges. And then foot steps slowly descending stairs, slowly growing louder and louder as they grew closer. And then there came a shockingly loud 'Click' the big stallion clenched his eyes tightly shut, as the blackness became instant blind light as the basement rooms overhead lights flickered on.

"You have been selected for my master's pleasures. You have no choice in this matter. You will submit, you will comply." The tall hooded figure stated flatly in a flat monotone voice, devoid of any feelings of its own. As he quickly came into view, it was easy to see he wasn't alone, another individual stood next to him, and both had were clad in the same black robes. In both cases, those robe too small to conceal their oversized testicles that caused the robes and pants they wore to bulge out. "We have been sent to prepare you... for what is about to be done." They said as they pulled out sponges and buckets smelling heavy of soapy disinfectant... Quickly beginning a process of cleaning the sexy roan equine. First they worked away at his long sleek muscular legs, cleaning up and down the sides roughly. The big red stud whimpered through his long slotted nostrils, the powerful muscles of his sleek equine body quivering in different places as the scalding hot water ran over his sleek furry hide. Skipping over the crotch they moved next to the arms, the back, the chest and stomach, and finally the scrotum and sheath. Quickly realizing that he had very little range of movement as the stud struggled to pull away from those hot sponges... Shaking his long equine head and making his big body swing lazily in the suspending chains...

After finishing his cleaning, they stroked the male's large shiny jewel bag. "You have a powerful looking male hood horse." "You know this yes?" The second of the two said with an unusual obviously Slavic accent. Cameron moaned softly around that big hard rubber ball gag, and nodded his head as those soft caress's made his sheath bulge. 'This is hardly the time.' He thought to his willful organ, but the strangeness of the situation. And the soft stroking of sponges, and those fingers had primed his big potent organs...

"Brother, do not admire them now. You may admire them later. For now we have business to attend to." With that the monotone brother stalked off through the door, to relay some information to their master. Leaving Mordecai waited till the other had left and then gave those big orbs a little taste. "They are good..." He chuckled with glee as the big red stallion panted heavily through his nostrils. He licked them a few more times, making sure to get a fine taste; before his brother returned. The big red stallions head was spinning as he considered what he'd just saw, two brother obviously of slavic origin. He didn't know anyone like that, didn't have any business with the Russian mob... So what the fuck was going on... why was he here...

"Ammmmmm." Cameron moaned through his nose. as that hot mouth tasted his huge sagging orbs... The big blunt tip of his pink and brown marbled cock poked out of his velvety sheath...

"Oh... you seem happy for this." "Is good." He chuckled, tickling that fat sac as he gave the stallion's tip a little lick, lapping around the area of the Stallion's distended urethra. He took hold of those big balls and rubbed them lovingly as he began to lick more and more, as if trying to dig for some form of oil from within it. Each time almost digging into the Stallion's wide urethra with his tongue, occasionally sticking it into that big furry sheath, or licking the sac below again.

"Hurr Hurr Hurrrrr..." The big roan stud whickered softly as he couldn't help growing more and more excited... it was a gay male thing... Chained up in some basement with a total stranger licking your naked junk, and you couldn't help enjoying it... It was all very exciting in a dangerous and anonymous sex sort of way... so Cameron's long equine hose dropped and begin to pulse stiffening. As his strong back arched to thrust his hip's forwards... 'Gods this was so fucking hot' He thought ironically as a shiver of pleasure raced down his strong spine.

Mordecai stepped off as soon as he heard footsteps behind him, leaving the Stallion before his brother walked into the room with a rather short and stodgy individual. An over plump white and black Rabbit with a cane and a surly look in his grimacing muzzle. "Horace, you were right to pick this one. He's already made himself ready for me. But... we can't have him acting on his own too often. We must punish him for his naughtiness. Let us make sure it is a good show!" The Rabbit said to the monotone bigger brother as he stripped down to nothing.

Cameron twisted his long head to look down at the newcomer confused... unsure who this old guy was. Although he did reminder the other guy calling this guy master as he'd left earlier... As he listen a look of puzzlement formed on the big studs muzzle. 'What the hell was the old Rabbit talking about?'

Horace as he was called brought his lapine master a nice chair to sit in, which he promptly did. "You... Mr. Horse are going to serve as my entertainment, whilst I pleasure myself for the next hour or so. Do not try to escape, as it is impossible." The rotund white and black Rabbit assure with a dark chuckle. The big roan stallion snorted derisively through his nose... so that was what this was all about. He was going to be a live sex show for some old furvert, who just liked to watch as a couple of young horny guys molested a chained up stud. If not for the gag he would have horse laughed at that, but as it was he just flexed that long thick stud stick and thrust his hip's out slightly...

"Ahaha Hahah... so." "You do want to play... nasty horsie. Mordecai, go prepare the items we will need. Horace prepare for my show." And with that last order, the two brothers hobbled off, it was about now that they're identity were given away. The bloated sacs, the bushy ringed tail that showed from beneath the edge of their robes. And now that he had returned, Horace's masked face was revealed... The Rabbit had under his command two of three powerful Tanuki brothers... Mordecai, the Slavic brother slunk off to prepare some toys and other implements for use both on the master and their captured slave. Horace the emotionless monotone one returned with a heavy oak table, which he put beneath the crotch of the big dangling Stallion. Resting the big equine's large stud hood on the table he stepped back to his master's side.

"What shall we do with this one my lord?" Horace said in his soft flat emotionless voice, as he looked over at the smirking Rabbit.

"I think we will break this one down..." The rotund white and black Rabbit snickered darkly. "That will be fun won't it Horace?" He crooned, as the big horse's powerful body did a uniquely equine full body shiver.

"Yes my lord." Horace replied, as Mordecai winced at that statement. He had much liked the stallion's male hood... but they were charged with doing to it. Unable to change the mind of... or even question the thoughts of his master... Mordecai reluctantly prepared the extra special tools used for this specific job, before returning to the big stallion's side.

Cameron's eye's widened farther and farther as he watched all of this, and as his big hot junk was lifted and draped over that hard table top. He began to understand that things were not at all about sexually pleasing him, in point of fact it was looking like things were going to get nasty. He'd hear stories of course... whispered urban legends about some unwary gay stud tricked or drugged and... 'OH MY GODS.' "WEEEEEEEEHEHEEE." He screamed through those long slotted nostrils, bucking and struggling as much as he could within his bonds, only managing to twist his long head from side to side wildly...

"I am asking for forgiveness in this." "I am sorry for what is to be doing." Even with his poor English skills, one could tell Mordecai's heart was not at all into this... What he was about to begin doing to the big stallion was something he abhorred... Even if he did find it moderately sexually exciting. His brother Horace and the master however loved this sort of thing, and the Mono-tonal, older of the pair couldn't wait to get started. Those big brown eyes paused to give him a pleading look... 'Help me... release me... don't let them do this...' It was a very family look of course... and was as pointless and useless as the big stallions genitals soon would be... Standing back, Mordecai watched wincing as Horace drew his arm back. In a flash he pounded his big clenched fist into that bulging nut sac upon the table, looking as if he had flattened them in a single punch from the sheer force of the strike. Fortunately, or unfortunately rather, for the big roan stallion they were physically alright, despite the excruciating pain of his hard hits.

That long head snapped back, chains rattling loudly as the horses strong body tried to curl up... Trying desperately to protect those big jewels... but was held spread out by those thick chains. Leaving the big stud squealing through his nose and swinging gently back and forth helpless...

"Sorry." Mordecai whispered again, as he looked up at Cameron with real feeling in his eyes. Horace pulled back and plowed his fist into the huge vulnerable Nads again, crushing them against the hard wooden table below. Drawing another long whimpering squeal from the big trapped stud. Lifting his arm Horace smiled gloatingly as the big stallion shook his long head and whimpered pleadingly. With a shrug he emotionlessly pounding his fist down over and over again, his flying fist became almost a mechanical like piston motion. As it beat a savage relentless rythum on those big potent stud nuggets, torturing the poor stallion's might spuds.

All the while, Mordecai shivering and wincing, Joel the old Rabbit's maleness now protruding from his sheath and he began to stroke it softly. "Mordecai, come here and suckle me." He bellowed coldly to his obedient Tanuki slave, as he gloating watched Cameron's torture. Complying instantly Mordecai sadly got down on his knees and began to gently suck upon his master's trembling balls, glad at least he no longer had to watch the horse's pain. The strangled squeals coming from the studs wide nostrils however he could not block out. Cameron's big body unable to defend it's self... struggling to curl up and get away but found that impossible. But there was one part of him that was excited, and getting more and more so with every piston like punch. That long pink and brown marbled cock bounced up harder and harder as it dribbled tiny drops at first. But growing more and more copious as that massive organ rose steadily to full aching erection... long rivers of shiny stud spunk oozing down it. Even as the big red stallions back arched thrusting his heft organ out for the Tanuki to torture... "EEEEHEHEHEHEEE."

Chuckling Horace stopped suddenly, to watch the ever so rewarding look on the soon to be geldings muzzle. "You enjoy this pain don't you? You will make this fun for my master. I like you." With that Horace began to rub the big roan stallion's erect member tenderly, intending to fill his subject with pleasure of the other kind. However in a few moments, he changed his mind again, and leapt up onto the table. Horace slammed his bare foot paw into the bruised sac below him, crushing the studs fat orbs flat onto the table. As those massive balls sloshed and slipped around inside their sac right in front of the big stallion.

"Uhuuuummm..." Cameron protested shaking his head wildly 'No...' he didn't want to make this fun for the Rabbit, and damn sure didn't want to be gelded. But then his wild eyes kind of glazed over in pleasure, as that mighty erect member was stroked. The pleasure of that fondling, muting the pain in his bruised and battered nuts... Stopping only a moment, Horace removed the gag from Cameron's gaping mouth.

"Let's hear you scream... well." He demanded aggressively, before reapplying the brutal torturous pressure with his hard foot paw.

"Wha..." "I... I'm not... I've never... doing know..." Cameron babbled wildly, trying to figure out how to talk his way out of all of this... When that hard foot paw smashed down on his fat bruised eggs savagely. "OOOWOWOWOWWWW FUCKIN'..." The big red stallion scream loudly, as his eyes snapped tightly shut squeezing out tears of pain. Horace lifted his other leg and balanced on that one foot, placing all of his body weight on the nuts he was crushing.

"I will make you happy, and end one of them now." He said with a wicked smirk, as he hopped up and down on those softening orbs. That long thick stud muscle bouncing back and forth between the two of them... spurting watery equine pre-cum over them both. Even as the big stallion screamed and whinnied loudly, as he felt the big slipper orbs moved around under Horace's toes... "OhMyGods... OhMyGods... Please that... that hurts soooooooo muc...ACK."

Horace jumped down off the table, and stood by the table reaching around for something in a bucket beneath it. Waiting for the pain to sink in, and even dissipate some before he continued. Allowing the big stallion only the view of the rotund Rabbit getting his own nads serviced, as he jerked away at himself. Cameron's head sank to his broad powerful chests as he panted for breath, slowly calming down as the pain ebbed within his fat pink balls... "Oho fuck... Oho please... no more. Please can't I just pleasure you all... I... I'll do anything you want..." The big stud promised weakly, as his big marbled cock bounced obscenely.

"An offer that perhaps my brother Mordecai would take..." Horace snickered amused at the big horse offering to do anything. "But not me... I don't feel in the mood. I may let you keep one however."

"Kk... keep one?" Cameron choked in horror, as he realized for the first time that these guys were really serious... They really were planning on destroying his testicles... making a gelding out of him. "Ohoo gods please... you... you can't do this..."

"We can and will if we so wish." Horace smirked wickedly. "And there isn't anything you can do about it..." He shivered then, his body full of pleasure at what was happening to the big potent stud. With that statement, Horace returned from under the table with a hefty five pound hammer in his slender paw. A devilish smirk on his short muzzle, as he lifted his arm to fully display his new toy to the helpless stallion. "Say bye bye to you stud nugget." He snarled through gritted teeth, about to drive it down on to those black and blue nuts. In an attempt to pop one of the stallion's hefty balls, when he heard his brother call out.

"Please don't do this Horace. This male has nice package, why destroy him? It makes little sense to me."

To this Horace replied grimly, in a slow grating voice. "It is our master's will... and you will not disobey, unless you wish to be next Mordecai."

"I... I'll go to the police... I'll tell them about all of you..." The big roan red stallion whinnied, as he looked around wildly... realizing what a hollow sounding threat that was. Especially when these guys could do anything, that they wanted to him... absolutely anything at all. The Joel Rabbit, upon hearing Cameron's threat laughed hard, before kicking Mordecai in the side. He waltzed over to the dangling stallion and snatched the hammer out of Horace's paw.

"You will do no such thing. For such insolence we will never let you leave intact... if we let you go at all. We may... keep you here till you breath your last." Suddenly he flexed his arm muscles, and pounded the heavy hammer into Cameron's smaller left nut. With the full intent of rupturing it... and destroying it completely.

"IIEIEIEIEEE..." Cameron screamed so loud it made the three of them cover their ears, as that hard steel hammer head caught his smaller left nut just right. There was a wet sound 'CRUNCH!' as that big potent equine orb exploded into mush, and then the hammer head was sitting on the hard table top. The little Rabbit smirking, as the horses powerful body spasmed and contorted in strangely erotic ways for a moment and then sagged into unconsciousness...

"Awwww too bad... he's fell unconscious." Joel giggled manically, Mordecai's eyes tearing up, and Horace's mouth watered drooling spilling over his chin.

The Rabbit tossed the hammer onto the table, and stomped back to his seat. And sat down in his chair once more, smiling evilly as he began stroking away at himself. That big ruptured testicle was oozing slightly out the side of that broken open sac, and Horace couldn't help but try to lick at it.

"It looks so delicious master, May I devour it?" The tall Tanuki asked as he peeled back the sac and peered inside.

"Eat the ruptured nut, but wake him first. I want this one to feel it as you play with him." Joel said flatly.

Horace slapped the equine in the face, when this did not rouse him, he thought of using some water, but before he got a chance to do a thing the bossy Rabbit called out again.

"Piss in his face, and see if that wakes him up." The evil Rabbit snickered as he watched Horace standing over the unconscious stud. Dropping his pants, he took hold of his engorged member and began pissing all over the half stallion's long muzzle and into that open mouth. "Wake up!" He shouted, the first hint of any emotion in his voice at all since the ordeal began, a hint of a cry. Rabbit smirked as he licked his lip's lustfully watching the Tanuki's bright yellow piss run down that handsome equine's face. Horace slapped the equine across the muzzle hard, when this did not rouse him as fast as he liked.

Cameron awoke choking and gagging, as hot bitter urine burned his sensitive nose. And slashed across his broad slick tongue, washing down his throat as he snorted and gulped. Looking up to see Horace smirking down at him, as he finished relieving his full bladder over the proud stallions muzzle. "Erp... ick... what..." The big red half stud gagged, as the pain in his groin returned at once with his awareness...

"Brother... before you snack..." "At least let me play with him a bit..." Mordecai begged softly as he moved up close to the big groggy stallion.

"I assume it is alright." Horace grunted glancing back over his shoulder as Joel who was still excited by what he's done to the stud. So with that Mordecai moved up to the the big equine, to begin fondling and licking away at his still engorged member.

"Don't worry Mr. Horsie... I will try to make the pain go down." The big chained stud was lost in that surreal moment... it was all so crazy. One big nut crushed into goo... one brother urinating on and into his mouth. And now the second brother licking and stroking along his big throbbing cock. Which had softened a bit while he was unconscious, and now was swiftly being stimulated back to full huge erection. And indeed, as the pleasure of that hot fawning tongue and suckling mouth washed over him. The gut retching pain, was muted as the two of them pleasure and pain blended together... Mordecai licked and suckled upon the thick dripping member a while, until he suddenly collapsed squealing in pain. The Rabbit had come up behind him, and laid a strong paralyzingly kick right into the Tanuki's big sensitive peaches. Now it was the Tanuki's turn lay scream and retching on the cold concrete floor.

"Yer not here to please him!" "You useless twat..." The vicious Rabbit snarled and spat angerily down on the helpless Mordecai. The young Tanuki vomited upon the floor, as he curled up gently cradling his bruised nuts. It was then that a look of fear came over Horace's short muzzle.

"You fucking bastard he was just trying to bring a little pleasure. He was putting on a show for you!" Cameron spat angrily as he saw what the Rabbit had done, struggling and trying to get at him. But only managing to splatter him with the pre-cum drooling from his big rut stick. It was then that the look of fear came over Horace's face. Quickly he rammed his cock into the Stallion's mouth gaping mouth, forcefully rutting down that long throat. "Suck... quickly!" He snarled under his breath as Cameron looked up confused. While the wicked Rabbit sat down once more, his penis dripping pre-cum wildly. Thrusting into the horses slobbering mouth, as he manipulated the hot thick rod tenderly with his dextrous toes.

"I..I'll OOOOOOMMOGO..." The big red stallion choked, as that long hard cock was slammed hard into his mouth and then fucked down the back of his throat... "AMMMM UMMMMMGA..." Cameron thought about biting... of course his big flat teeth weren't fangs like a predator, and besides the stallion liked sucking cock. Even though his mouth was still full of the bitter taste of Horace's piss... Mordecai was groaning and crying curled up on the floor, as Horace fucked the face of the big handsome stallion. His true motive for obedience now came shining through to the captive equine.

"Master please do not harm us further! We will obey you! We promise!" Horace said, fear thick in his voice, as he continued to fuck those soft velvety lips lustfully.

"Then remove your dick from his mouth immediately... and get back to work." The demanding Rabbit snarled angrily as he watched Mordecai withering on the floor. It now appeared that Horaces earlier robotic disposition was all an act... like his other brother he was a coward. So there it was; these guys were as much the victim as he was, Cameron suddenly felt better about sucking Horace off. "Ummmm..." 'Smuck' the big horse's lips smacked, as that hard cock was yanked out of his suckling mouth. Following orders Horace stopped, dropping down from the table he produced a razor sharp knife. Which he used to swiftly cut away the big stallion's smashed sac around those destroyed stallion spuds.

He then placed the shattered nut's remains into his mouth, and began chewing slowly devouring that might maleness tears visible in his eyes.

"Owohohooooo..." Cameron screamed as he watched Horace cut his big velvety sac open and slurp out the gooey mess of his ruined testicle... As soon as he could the Tanuki ripped the sloppy meat off of it's cord, and swallowed down the gooey nut. Trying his best to make it as quick as he could, while still putting on a show for the lustfully overbearing Rabbit.

"Good job Horace, I'm glad to see you still know your place." The haggard old Rabbit growled, obviously a bit more pleased with the show not. Horace took the Stallion's one remaining testicle into his small paw and stroked it carefully.

"I'm so sorry for this." He whispered softly into Cameron's ear, as he moved in close. Looking back at the wicked Rabbit, as if he was crushing the remaining nut with his clawed paw.

"Fucking bastard... fucking cunt..." The big stallion cursed the Rabbit now, more than Horace even as the blood loss from his dissevered nut and skinned sac made him lightheaded and weak... Looking down open mouth, the roan stallion watched Horace pet his big naked nut with that smooth hot paw... "I know... I understand..." He whispered back as softly as he could, nodding his head weakly for the Tanuki to do it...

Standing up Joel reached down and pulled a butt plug from the limp Mordecai's tail hole. "Hmm... Horace, put this plug in his, I've had enough of his lip!" He ordered tossing the well used butt plug up to Horace.

"Yes Master." Horace choked and then with a look of regret, he reluctantly shoved into Cameron's mouth.

Squeezing and crushing that big nut softly, he didn't want to keep going anymore. And there was an odd silence... a lull as Mordecai climbed back up onto his knee's.

"I am sorry master, I should be servicing you not the... the gelding." The smaller Tanuki whimpered as he crawled back over to the Rabbit on his knee's.

"That right you little slut... let that be a lesson firmly learned." Joel smirked evilly as the still teary eyed Tanuki slowly began suckling his dirty scrotum once more. "Pop the other one Horace." He said with more malice than he had ever spoke before. "I'm ready to cum." The old Rabbit snarled as he leaned back and masturbated himself swiftly.

"Ye... yes master." He said as hot tears dripped from his eyes, and into those open wounds below. Cameron inhaled deeply, as that nasty gag was shoved roughly between him teeth. Cutting off his next long string of curses directed at the Rabbit. Cameron's big brown eyes widened, and he shared a soft look with the Tanuki. And then nodded his head soft, giving Horace a understanding ok. And then bucked his hip's jerking that fat ball in Horace's grip, as that long thick cock painted his neck and muzzle with creamy pre-cum... Horace took the hammer in his trembling paws, and held it just above that remaining nut. Before he swung it high into the air, hoping to make it as quick and painless as he possibly could. But just as he began his down swing, they heard a loud scream from behind them. As Mordecai bit into the dominating Rabbit's tender sac, with his sharp canine's skewering those hefty balls. Mordecai pulled back and away, tearing the Rabbit's small meaty nuts right off of his struggling body.

"Guaaaaah... YOU FUCKER! You... ohoho..."

He winced and fell backward knocked out by the pain and shock of losing his male-hood.

"That is for hurting me and brother for so long!" Mordecai cried, as the Rabbit's short penis shooting ejaculate everywhere as he went down, his body overcome and over stimulated. Cameron's attention was caught by the Rabbits scream and he was looking over at Mordecai and the evil Rabbit; when that heavy hammer head slammed powerful into his one remaining testicle that big orb flexing and resisting for long a moment. Eventually the rough outer skin split open and the soft gooey insides came spurting out the slits splattering all over the four of them...

"IEEEHEHEEEIE." Cameron squealed through his gag, as the last of his mighty stallion hood was utterly destroyed under that steel hammer head.

Horace quickly removed the butt plug gag, and undid the shackles as soon as he saw the old Rabbit had gone down. "I am so sorry! I am so so sorry. I don't know how much you can feel. Or how much you want that kind of thing with your testes gone. But is there anyway I can make this up to you?" Cameron hung there limply... except for the long thick stud stick that was still as hard as iron...

"Ummmmm... well... I... I think maybe..." He moaned as Horace eased him down onto the table.

"Could you... could you get this off?" He moaned slowly going in and out or consciousness, as both of them gathered around him...

"Of course... We owe you that much..." With that, both Mordecai and Horace began working away on the almost completely gelded equine. "You are sure about that?" Mordecai asked plainly... shocked that the big equine would ask for that.

"Sure... get me... get it off... please..." The big horny new gelding begged weakly, wanting more of that pleasure he'd gotten earlier.

"Alright then..." Mordecai moaned, despite not wanting to complied, he took a saw of the equipment bag. And placed it's serrated edge on the base of Cameron's huge cock, as Horace tore the remains of that last big nut away and consumed it. While Mordecia slowly began sawing through that huge stud stick, millimeter by millimeter through that massive equine log. Each second burning like a fire, as the saw he used was treated with a mild protein eating base. And an excessive amount of heat, immediately cauterizing the stump as it tore through that thick cock meat. The big roan Stallion lay back on the table top only half aware of what was going on, the pleasure and pain so confused within his brain that he was actually bucking up into that ripping tearing saw blade. Even as his big bouncing male organ throbbed and pulsed wildly, tensing as hard as iron under that notched blade. While the sawing motions sent delightful vibrations down through his cock root and into his prostate gland. "Yeah... ohoooo gods yeah finish it... get it off..." He pleaded loudly as the two little Tanuki working on doing just that....

Increasing speed, Mordecai cut deeper and deeper with every sweeping stroke, intent on removing the now mostly useless penis from the gelding.

"He seems to really be enjoy this." Horace snickered lewdly he'd cut a number of guys cocks off, but none had begged with such cheer. Horace smiled pleased that he was making the Geldie soooo very happy.

"Uhuuuu Ummmm fuck..." The big red gelding squealed, as that now useless cock half... fell off his body. "Oho here it... here it... ccCCCUUUMMMSSSS." Cameron screamed, even as the bulk of his male organ fell almost completely off... and that small stump jerking up releasing his last ever cum. The big red gelding would have... splaying out over his belly and chest even as Horace and Mordecai worked swiftly to keep him from bleeding out... "OhHOHOHOOOO FUCK ME..." The two Tanuki work to quickly cauterize everything but the urethra, so the big gelding could still urinate. Mordecai rubbed that empty sheath tenderly, as the last cum sprayed all over the big horses belly and chest. Having finished up his work Horace smirks as he hears the gelding last few words. He was horny as hell and didn't need to be asked twice, moving up he lifts those long shapely equine legs. Angling his thick hard organ to penetrate the geldings sleek sexy rear, and quickly began to thrust hard into him.

"Wha... wha... wha's going on?" Cameron moaned softly, as that nice thick cock was rubbed over his hot tail hole. And then lubricated by the geldings own gooey cum, it was shoved lustfully up that tight channel. "Ohoooo Owwww fuck... fuck me..." He moaned again still not fully aware of what was going on, or that he didn't even have a rut stick anymore.

Ramming his thick Tanuki rod into the Geldie's hot tight tail hole in savage lustful need. Horace moaned in pleasure, as those powerful equine anal muscles squeezed and milked that stiff cock. Across the room Mordecai began to chain Joel the Rabbit up, his own cock in much need of attention. Rutting the gelding hard, his massive balls swaying and sloshing about as he did. The knot stuck hard into that tight hole, and as he pushed and tugged it back and forth. Horace moaned loudly as he began to cum deep inside the former stallion. The warm liquid splashing about, coating the inside of the ex-male.

"WEEHEEHEEE." The big stallion screamed sitting bolt upright, as he felt his tight tail hole suddenly and forcefully filled with hot thick stud milk... And then Cameron's eyes widened in shock as he looked down at his ruined crotch... the tiny stub of his once huge male organ barely sticking out of his sheath... "Oho my gods wha... what happen to my... My..." And then his eyes rolled back in his head, and he collapsed over backwards unconscious. Once again that big round ass sticking tantalizingly up in the air...

"Mordy, why don't you finish yourself up too?" Horace snickered as he looking down at the big geldings upturned ass. "I mean... He don't mind too much... Over stimulation got to him tho." Mordy had just finished nullifying the wicked old Rabbit, and was more than ready to bust off. So he quickly obeyed his older brother, slowly inched his way into the Horse's tight cum filled asshole and began thrusting. As he continued, the Rabbit came to and looked down at himself screaming.

"What... What happened?!" Looking at his now empty crotch he screamed in agony and terror. "You bastards! You fuckin' little Bastards!" Joel screamed out until Horace strolled over smacking him in the mouth before gagged him. Mordecai thrust his hips hard bucking wildly as he arched his body up, moving his whole being atop of the gelding. His own huge balls making a loud 'Whupping' sound as the struck that empty sheath and area where the horses scrotum once was. He pounded and pounded, faster and faster as his passions soared, that thick cock ravishing the unconscious former stallion. Even as he came deep inside the former stud, the gagged Rabbit mad as hell shaking wildly as he watched helplessly.

Cameron slowly came to as he was being ridden... lifting up be looked down under his body. Seeing a massive set of testicles swaying back and forth. For an instantly he thought they were his own, but then the sensation of being butt rutted reminded him of what he'd saw earlier. And he squealed soft, that big hot tail hole clamping down savagely on the hard cock pounding into his tail hole. "Ohoooo gods that feels sooooooo good thank you."

"You... Your welcome." Mordecai moaned softly into that long pointed equine ear, as the thick strands of cum oozed out of him, his body shivered a few times. The rumbling shaking his cock vibrating the inside of the passive geldings tight rectum. "Ummmm... your such a wonderful rut... my sweet gelding." With that Mordecai pulled out, and offered a paw to Cameron.

"Come with us, won't you?" He asked the big gelding stumbled unsteadily to his big hard hooves

"Yes... yes of course..." The very submissive gelding agreed weakly, as he took that soft paw... The brother dressed themselves and the subby nullo horse, leading him to the stairs. Both Horace and Mordecai supporting his body as they went, keeping only the Horse's dissevered cock as a souvenir... a reminder of what happened then...



A young stud meets the new team Doctor... a naughty Fox... [!["shibby"](%5C ""shibby"") shibby](%5C) played this out with me ...

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Givin' in...

Konu Badger needs some information from a big handsome Unicorn... ...

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The Fox Snow and his assistant Gallifrey the Raccoon Captured and geld a certain Zebracorn stallion... RP-ed with Snow Taradien... Snow the Fox and Gallifrey the Raccoon are his characters of course... ...

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