
Story by hooves on SoFurry

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A young stud meets the new team Doctor... a naughty Fox...

[["shibby"](%5C ""shibby"") shibby](%5C) played this out with me


Bent over the old exam table the young jock pony lifted his long flowing tail. Behind him the slender handsome Fox grinned and licked his finger until it was nice and wet, and then jammed it in that tight pucker.

"EEEHEHEHEEE..." The young stud squealed and jumped at first, but quickly is pushing back onto that invading finger. Shibby murred softly and pressed his chest against that broad sweaty back, keeping the pnoies tail pinned. While his middle digit swirled and began to grind the boy's prostate firmly. "Ummm Ummm gods..." Cameron whinnies and squeals bucking on that hard finger, as it finds his magic spot.

Shibby murred loudly as he pumped the finger in and out of that obviously virgin pucker.

"Ammmm... good mare." The handsome Fox said softly, his other hot paw rubbing those dangling orbs through the damp pouch of the equine jock strap.

"Hey I'm not a Mare!" The young jock stallion protested, looking down as that gently paw rubbed his orbs through that sweat strained jock strap... Even as his legs spread a bit wider and he bend over a little farther forwards... Shibby nodded and growled, pulling his paw away from that sleek ass. Before jamming his growing sheath and pierced tip against that hot tail hole. The young equine whinnied in lose as that firm stiff finger was tugged out of his clenching tail hole.

"Hmmm... are you sure?" The Fox asked, licking his chops as a wicked smirk played over his muzzle. As he watched the jocks tail hole winking and quivering in need.

"Heck yeah I'm sure... you felt my junk." The young jock stud moans... obviously proud of his hefty junk. More combative now that the distracting finger had been pulled out of his tail hole... "So your the new team Doc... or what?" The Fox laughed softly at this question and nodded his head.

"Would you be standing still for this if I wasn't?" The young stallion sputtered and grunted embarrassed and confused by this question. "Hmm... and now I need to give you a physical... so lose the jock strap." Shibby said smirking as he walked over to the counter, and slipping on his rubber gloves.

"Well... ok... Coach said you'd be here this week." The young sexy teenage stud grunted, as he bent over working that tight jock strap down his long sexy equine legs. The watched in leering approval, licking his lips softly before grunting.

"Ok, now hop up onto my table and put the hooves in the stirrups." The lustfully smiling Fox ordered, his gentle grin widening as the young jock nodded.

"Ummmm on the table hooves in the stirrups... I aint never had a physical like that..." The young roan red jock stud grunted self-consciously, as he climbed up and laid down as instructed. The sleek Fox nodding and scribbling on his clipboard swiftly.

"I know... this is a new... more in depth kind of Physical. He assured, humming gently as he walked over and strapped the stallion's hooves into the stirrups. And then he walked around and began to strap the strong young males wrists down as well. "Don't worry... I've been kicked... accidental kicked before... broke a rib actually."

"Oh wow dude... that must have really sucked..." The young clueless jock stud snorted, looking up at the handsome Vulpine all trustingly

"Ammm Hmmmm." Shibby smiled as he walked around the table, and then began to feel the jocks lower stomach. "I'm just checking for hernia now."

"Ohooo I've had this one before... want me to turn my head and cough?" The young stud asked softly as those gloved paws moved down to the equines genitals. The Fox gripped those big balls, nodding and positioned his finger tips.

"Ammm Hmmmm, turn your head and..." Shibby ordered, squeezing those fat potent young nuts gently but firmly.

"Sure thing Doc..." The young jock stud turned his long narrow head, only to discover that his muzzle was now buried in the Fox's crotch; as his big firm nuts are squeezed. The naughty Fox gasped and giggled a little, grinning but keeping still.

"I said cough... go on." He murring softly while keeping a firm hold on those big equine nuts.

"Errr... K." The young jock pony grunted, opening his soft mouth to cough once... twice and then.... that growing sheath and pierced tip was shoved between those lip's. "Ammmmm..." Shibby gasped and murred, his member beginning to swell into the stud's hot muzzle.

"Oh my..." The sleek little Fox felt around those fat nuts some more, grinning a bit gloating as he felt those soft lip's around his cock.

"Ummm Ammmm..." The shocked jock muttered, shaking his head softly back and forth; as that hot slimy cock grew into his long muzzle. "UmmmAmmUmmm!" Shibby's thick shaft swelled to full erection within that hot struggling mouth.

"Hold still... Ummm... silly stud." The Fox winked happily, hard cock squirting a bit of his sweet pre into that muzzle. Before the sleek Fox pulling out and moved down between those sleek sexy equine legs.

"Hmmm... I'm going to have to check..." He looked at the stratled looking young jock stud, then put up a pregnancy barrier so he could work without being seen.

"HurHur Hur..." The now obviously confused and sexually frustrated stud nickered... licking and swallowing uncomfortably as the taste of that hard fox cock is still strong in his muzzle. "Gunna have ta check... wha!?!" The sexy young jock stallion wondered, as he craned his long neck trying to peer around the barrier. Shibby just chuckled a little, his tail wagging more excitedly.

"Ammmm... you might have a hernia." He explained vaguely, as he began to turn the stud's right testicle. spinning it around and curling the cord up inside the sac, but being gentle so as not to upset the already anxious stud. "Ok... now... does it hurt when I do... this?" The grinning Fox asked, as he pulling down hard on that big nut kinking and crushing the cord.

"EEEHEHEEE!" "Fuck yeah that hurts!" The pretty roan red stallion squealed, bucking and struggling at the restraints as that testicle suffers torsion. Shibby nodded and scribbled down in his clipboard, as the young stallion bucked in the restraints. "Hmmmm.... alrighty... nothing to worry about..." He chuckled even while taking the left nut and beginning to spin it around and around gently.

"Is... Is that bad Doc?" "Am I gunna be able to play in the game next week?" The dense young jock asked, really worried about what the team would do without him.

"Only if this doesn't hurt." Shibby looked up and smiled softly, after spinning that left nut up, he pulled down in it savagely hard.

"MOTHER FUCKER!" Cameron squealed in pain, as his hip's bounced up and down for an instant on the table. Restrained hooves ringing against the hard metal of those stirrups... "Ohooo fuck... Ohoo shit wha... but the team needs me." The Fox pushed his glasses up a little, shaking his head softly. "Sorry Mister... Cameron... but I'm going to have to do a bit more than just give you a physical." Shibby said walking across the room to lock the door, before pulling the window blinds on his way back over. "I'm going to have to check you from the inside." He said, slapping an arm long rubber glove on, and drooling lube all over it.

"Errr... Whatcha gunna have ta do?" The now obvious upset jock whinnied, as he watched the Fox slip on that arm long glove and lube it up... "IN Inside... but how are you going to do... Oho Fuck No..NoNo!" He protested as it at last dawning on the rather dense jock what that long glove was for... Shibby nodded softly a big lewd smile on his muzzle, even as he sighed softly. "Oh hush... no need for such drama, it'll be fine!" "I'm going to just push my arm in and try to fix that hernia." He assured with a smirk, lubing the young ponies quivering anus, before he began to push his paw into it.

"Push... push your arm in!" The cute little jock pony screamed loudly, as he his hot tight little anus clenched down around those first few fingers as the were shoved inside. Forcing that hot black pucker open wider and wider, even as the young ponies eyes did exactly the same thing... "Oho Gods... Oho Fuck its soooooo big!" Shibby grinned wickedly and nodded softly, forcing his paw up to the wrist. "OOHOOO FUCK... OHOOO DAMN..." Cameron squealed, as his hot tail hole swallowed that thick paw... and then closed slightly on the more slender wrist making him pant in relief. Before the Fox begun to work his entire arm in, the lube making it glide smoothly once the paw had pasted. The young Jock whinnied, as that forearm was forced up inside of him... his young strong body almost vibrating as he struggled to take the whole arm.

"Hmmm... now let's try to fix that hernia..." The little Fox smirked and began to pump his arm, working up to the elbow as he licked his chops. The Fox snarled happily, his free paw pumping his own thick erect cock. "Ammmm... I'm not feeling that hernia." Shibby observed, watching those fat equine nuts slowly turn blue. Cameron lay back, sprawled out on the table his head thrown back. His muzzle staring up at the ceiling, mouth hanging open and drooling as that forearm slid in and out of him that a stallion rutting a mare.

"Ummm... Ummm maybe ya need to kinda lift yer hand up a little..." He whinnied guiding the Fox's paw to his prostate gland... as his big balls turn an unheathly deep purple. The smiling Fox growled and nodded, turning his fist into a ball and pushing his arm up against the boy's prostate harder.

"Now... how's this?" Shibby asked smirking, as his own pre-cum squirting on those fat purple equine balls.

"Yeah..." Cameron gasped loudly everytime that hard little paw punched into his pleasure gland savagely. "Yeah that... that's the spot..." The horny young jock panted loudly, as that hard fist pounded against his male pleasure knot roughly... Making his long thick stud stick stand up, and belch creamy pre-cum all over his chest and neck... Even as those precious jewels, were now almost black... almost dead on their kinked and twisted vines. "Faster please..." The young equine begged softly as the Fox loomed over him. Shibby grinned playfully and nodded his head, licking that thick marbled equine cock.

"Ummm.... alright." The Fox snarled, pushing deeper until he jammed his arm inside up to the shoulder, working that prostate with such passion. "Here we go..." He moaned squirting more pre-cum onto that strong cock. "Good horsie..."

"Ohooo gods Doc..." That handsome young pony squealed, as his big anus repeatedly swallowed that latex clad arm. All the way up to the shoulder deep inside the young virgin completely. As the equine jocks long marbled cock surged and jerked bouncing up and down as he neared orgasm. Shibby was snarling in bliss, staring at the now completely dead set of nuts between the pony's legs. He swallowed that cock up, nursing on the pre-cum while working his arm from shoulder to wrist. The young former studs thick cock was bouncing up and down rhythmically, as that hard fist punched his pleasure gland... Until suddenly his blunt cock head flared out wide, and those twisted muscles made his dead nuts shiver.

"Oops lets not make a huge mess..." The Fox smirked grabbing Cameron's jerking, quivering organ and slipping it into his own wide spread mouth... Instant that hard cock unloaded its last ever potent seed, onto his tongue and then gushing down his throat. 'GUU...GUULP!' Shibby growled happily as he drank down that delicious load of cum, howling around the flared cock head. As his own cock began to spurt thick gobs of rich Fox cum all over those dead blackened nuts. "UmmmUmm..." The spent young pony laid there wide eyed and speechless, as the powerful pleasure of his last orgasm as a male thunders through his body... Which was sagging as limp as a rag doll as his powerful orgasm ebbs...

The doctor slipped his latex clad paw from the males ass, stripping off that green smeared glove. He chuckled happily and licked his lips as it was tossed into the waste basket.

"Ohooo... wait..." Shibby purred looking down at those blackened testicles in mock surprise. "Uh oh... that hernia's done something." He rubbed the cold cum smeared sac with one paw, then looked up at Cameron. "We might have a problem... can you feel this?" He asked stabbing one of those big black nuts with a long needle.

"Feel wha..." The softly smiling young jock asked, as relaxed and unconcerned as anyone ever had. Shibby smiled softly and nodded, walking over and kissing the stud's nose. "The hernia has killed your testicles..." He announced gravely, as if this was something that concerned him.

"Wha... killed my testicills?" Cameron repeated still in that blissful post orgasmic glow, where nothing concerned him... "Well yer the Docter fix me up..." He moaned softly, returning the naughty Fox's soft leering smile happily... Shibby nodded and slipped back between those long legs, pulling his scalpel from that big black medical bag. He didn't have to worry about the pain, seeing as both those fat orbs were dead. But he did a quick slice, so as not to disturb the boy's blissful state. Once opened he pulled those blackened nuts from their sac, grinning as he held them in his paws. "Oh my..." His cock was already erect and drooling copiously at the sight. So the little Fox went right to work, pulling those nuts up until he found part of the cord still living. And Then he carefully tied it off, knowing the edge was numb so it wouldn't hurt the boy. Cameron just lay back with that sweet almost angelic smile spread across his young muzzle, unaware of what was going on between his legs... But more importantly uncaring... the Doc was fixing him up.

"Thank you Doc..." He nickered soft and gratefully as his big cock slowly drooped and softened. "I'm glad you were here, this would have been real bad if I was out on the field..." Shibby looked up from behind the screen, and smiling brightly at the young gelding.

"It's my pleasure Cameron." He assured, getting back down and tying the other cord off, before picking up his scalpel again. The Fox carefully sliced through the necrotic tissue, holding the cold testicle in his glove clad paw before it slipped free. Shibby set it on the table between those sweet ass cheeks, before he worked his scalpel through the second cord, officially de-maling the former stallion. He slipped a grounding pad into the ponies split open sack, before electrically cauterizing those severed cords. And then murred and reached into his bag, pulling out two silicone testicle implants. Grinning softly he gently stitched the sack up almost all the way, and then slipped those fake nuts in and finished suturing the wound. "There we go... you're already." He assured, putting the dead testicles into a bag, before winking at the gelding and pulling the barrier down, revealing his own throbbing shaft.

"Ammmmm... wow cool thanx Doc..." The young undercover gelding grunted, as he looked down at that big throbbing shaft and smiled. Shibby smiled and unclasped those hooves, and then the jocks wrists. His throbbing shaft only inches from the gelding's soft velvety muzzle.

"Ohooo... you're very welcome..." The smirking Fox purred, winking gently as a spurt of pre-cum squirted onto the ponies muzzle. That long slick pink tongue flickered out, and lapped that squirt up. And then the young geldings head was thrust between the Fox's legs, velvety soft equine lip's kissing that pointed cock head; before letting it spear into his mouth again.

"Ummm rut my muzzle please..." The young jock asked passively, what he wanted to do before. But was to uncomfortable now however... well now it just seemed so easy to ask... Shibby grinned softly and nodded, running his paw over the gelding's soft furry cheek. And then gripped the back of his head, and began to thrust his pulsing cock into that elongated muzzle wildly. He pushed his cock up to the soft knot, howling in bliss and working his hips with lusty vigor.

Cameron's lips closing around Shibby's hard cock, the suction starting to build as it slides towards the back of his muzzle. And then bumps against the back of it... instantly the young stud swallows, and allow it to keep on going sliding down his throat. The Fox panted happily, and kept humping curling his toes in delight.

"Ohoooo... good boy." Shibby panted happily, his cock dribbling pre-cum down into that throat, while the knot began to swell. "You're very good at this." The Fox whimpered lustfully, his Foxy balls churning in pleasure.

"Ammmmmmm Hmmmmmmmm... been suckin' myself off for years." Cameron moaned around that hard shaft, as his long slotted equine nostrils flare. That long head and neck sliding up and down the Fox's hard on, the jock eagerly now that his youthful hang ups had vanished. Shibby laughed and petted that long narrow equine head softly.

"Ohoo... might need to give you a check up again soon..." He panted happily, digging his toes against the floor while his knot got fully swollen, his pre-cum getting sweeter as he neared orgasm. "F-fuck..."

The suction grows more and more powerful, as his head is drawn back towards that Foxy cock head... And then lessens slightly as Cameron suckled back down Shibby's hard length.

"Sure thing Doc... anytime ya like." The pretty gelding moan, all the while his hot wet mouth going into overdrive. Pumping up and down on Shibby's hard throbbing rut stick wildly... practically begging for that hot salty stud milk. Shibby arched his back and howled wildly, bucking hard into that eager muzzle. He snarled and leaned over that long narrow head, his balls slapping the pony boy's nose. As cum gushed from the tip, splattering the back of the geldings throat. "Ohooo F..fffuck... good boy." Shibby snarled happily, releasing that hot torrent of thick potent seed.

"Ummmmm Ummmmmm.." Cameron moaned softly through his nose, as he gulps and gulps then gulps again. Swallowing every drop of the Fox has to give, before pulling off that thick stud hood and panting for breath. "So was that ok?" Shibby nodded and murred happily, his tail wagging as he pulled back and kissed that big round equine nose.

"Oh yes indeed your a very good cock sucker." Shibby praised helping the stud up onto his hooves, murring soft. "The stitches will heal soon, and I'll take them out and you can do that again." The Fox said happily, his bush tail wagging as he slapped that cute, perky equine ass.

"Cool thanx again... for everything." Cameron called over his shoulder, as he wondered off to get dressed and head home. Leaving the Fox alone for a moment, but then the door closed softly... Standing there with his back to it... was the part time assistant Coach. A young black stallion barely older than the teens he coached.

"So Cam said yer the new team Doc... and that ya fixed him up good." The pretty black stud grunted looking decidedly uncomfortable. Shibby's ears perked at the stallion, nodding his head softly.

"Indeed I am." The Fox smirked softly, his tail wagging as he began to clean up the table. "What can I do for you?" He asked, paying more attention to the clean up, than he did to the big black stud.

"Well... I got kinda a problem..." The big stud grunted, a little embarrassed obviously even as he stripped off his sweat pants and underwear. "Kinda all prickly and stuff down in here." He gestured to his big bulging sheath... as the Fox glanced over. Shibby grinned and looked at the sheath, turning around and crossing his arms.

"I see... and what would you like me to do about it?" He asked, raising one slender eyebrow playfully as the big stud looked uncertain.

"Well maybe ya could have a look, and yeah know give me a shot or somethin'." The rough looking assistant Coach grunted, kind of embarrassed. Obviously he through it was some kind of yiff illness... when it was plainly just a simply dry sheath. Most likely caused by washing that big organ in to harsh of a soap. The little Fox nodded and chuckled a little, patting the table and pushing up his glasses.

"Alright hop up here, and I'll have a look." He snorted, fiddling through the cabinets and humming to himself softly. "Can you describe this dryness?" Shibby asked kind of absently, tilting his head as he looked over some things.

"Well yeah... its all dry and hot... and prickly feeling ya know on my cock..." The young Coach grunted climbed up to sit on the table , clearly no smarter than the average jock.

"Legs in the stirrups please." The Fox called almost giggling, when the big stud instant obeyed his orders. Thinking how much he loved jocks... just because they were so use to mindlessly following orders from any male authority figure. Humming gently as he walked over and strapped the stallion's hooves into the stirrups. And then he walked around and began to strap the strong young males wrists down as well. "Don't worry... I've been kicked... accidental kicked before... broke a rib actually." He explained, even as the big black equine laid back on the table and starred up at the ceiling. The sleek Fox nodded and grinned as he reached into his black bag and opening a bunch of little packets of needles, syringes, and gloves. "Alrighty..." Shibby fondled that thick bulging sheath, looking closely and recognizing the problem at once. His pointed vulpine muzzle however took on a grave look, before he looking up at the stud. "Oh my this is very bad... your sheath is drying out due to a disease called Deterioration Groin Disease."

"Deltory what?" The big rough black stallion choked looking startled.

"Its more commonly known as Sheath Rot..." The wicked Fox smirked as he watched the big studs eyes widen in terror.

"Can... can ya fix me up Doc?" The Assistant Coach choked as he looked up at the smirking Fox.

"I'll do everything I can." The smirking Fox promised as he thrust a needle into the big studs buttock. "This sedative will keep you still, while I do the debridement of the necrotic flesh..."

"Debridement?" The big stallion question looking confused and dazed as the drugd took effect.

"Debridement... is Surgical removal of foreign material and dead tissue from a wound, in order to prevent infection and promote healing." Shibby explained as he teased that long thick stud stick out of its mildly irritated sheath. "I will try to save as much of your cock as I can..." The almost giggling Fox assured as the big stallion's body slumped back limply.

"Wha... wait... as much cock as..." The big black stallion slurred and then fell silent, unable to move or speak, but wide awake and feeling everything...

"Oh dear it looks like its made its way all the way down to the root..."


Givin' in...

Konu Badger needs some information from a big handsome Unicorn... ...

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The Fox Snow and his assistant Gallifrey the Raccoon Captured and geld a certain Zebracorn stallion... RP-ed with Snow Taradien... Snow the Fox and Gallifrey the Raccoon are his characters of course... ...

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Building the Herd 5

Herd Building Jordan had the driver drop him off at Tracy's, and then sent him home. It was a familiar address, he'd had the driver bring him by...

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