
Story by hooves on SoFurry

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The Fox Snow and his assistant Gallifrey the Raccoon Captured and geld a certain Zebracorn stallion...

RP-ed with Snow Taradien... Snow the Fox and Gallifrey the Raccoon are his characters of course...


Snow stood outside the remaining shambles of the old house, that sat on the edge of the savannah like plains. It had been almost eight months since he and Gallifrey had moved to the arid environment, in search of a very specific target. The elusive Zebracorn, it's magical properties easily extracted with the right equipment and chemicals, was all they needed. A sample of it's body, a simple organ or three... and the easiest organs to capture was all he had in mind. It had been about two years since they begun their objective. The last few ingredients needed for a medicine to end the suffering of a small village in a distant northern city. Without the help of the village elder, which would not aid them till the village was saved. They could not get... what they were really after. In a sense, they were willing to trade someone else's jewels... for some shinier more valuable ones. Standing with his eyes peering out over the distance, it appeared as if today was going to be another fruitless one.

Hooves slipped slowly along the trail, through the long glass... Unconcerned by the native predators... being a magical creature he was particularly safe from them. Still the big Zebracorn had a natural weariness, and so was not easy to get close to... unless he wanted you to get close to him.

Snow heard footsteps behind him, Gallifrey was walking out of the ruined house with a bowel full of fruits.

"It's a snack. Eat something for once."

"Shh Gallifrey, I have to be alert." Snow answered back to his Raccoon like student. Suddenly Snow jumped, seeing the first glimpse of a prospective target since they had arrived. "Is... Is that what I think it is Gallifrey?" He asked, to which he only received a silent nod.

Lifting his long narrow equine head, the big Zebracorn sniffed the air. Winding the new males who had so recently moved into his domain. They were strange fellows to be out here on the savannah, and it did tickle his curiosity. But not so much that he was going to go looking for them, when a sharp new scent caught his attention. It was a sharp strange male musky... that spoke of a pent up young sexuality. A virgin stud was very close... and some kind of odd male from some distant land. Carefully he circled around the strangers... and headed down towards the sexy scent of the young male virgin stud.

Snow motioned for Gallifrey to collect the supplies, what they had been told makes a good peace offering in these situations. A lure as it were... not realizing that the lure for the horny Zebracorn was anything with a sheath and balls. Despite what they had been told, they moved towards the Stallion with the so called lures. Sweet smelling rare fruits, other exotic foods which reportedly though likely highly inaccurately would help to convince Zebracorns that you were well intentioned. Which they weren't of course... their intention towards the Zebracorn was anything but good. Very calmly, despite his inner excitement Snow wandered towards that powerful example of a male hood. His weapons left behind, he tried to seem as nonthreatening as possible.

Hooves moved up silently on to the small clearing... within it a young handsome if very shaggy pony boy was sitting. He was dressed like most visitor to the savannah with his clean crisp brand new tan clothing, a camera strapped around his long equine neck. He was sitting on a blanket spread out on the ground eating his lunch... Hooves long slotted nostrils flared. It smelled like a good lunch... lots of crunchy greens and sliced tomatoes.

It was plain to see however, his intentions were quite the opposite of what Snow wanted. The big striped stallion was headed for a younger male, who was eating nearby. Not that Snow couldn't use this to his advantage of course... it merely meant his plans were null. However there was no point in waiting, he motioned for Gallifrey to drop everything. But the ropes and chains, and in an instant, both of them bolted forward, rushing towards the stallion at rapid pace. It was a terrible unstealthy advance, but it was quick. Snow came up right behind the Zebracorn, while Gallifrey came round from the right flank in an attempt to spook him in Snow's direction. It was a long shot, but with caution thrown to the wind it was too late now.

Hooves head snapped around then as he heard the rushed footfalls, and his heart began to race wildly. Quickly he shifted into his sleek fast feral form and bolted away from the running footfalls...

"Damnit!" Snow shouted in anger and frustration as he was swiftly out paced by the Zebracorn. "Gallifrey! Maneuver forty three..." With that, Gallifrey stopped moving, he removed a small box from within his robes and pressed the button. Suddenly all around the racing stallion, loud explosions erupted coming from all directions around the fleeing Zebracorn. In the time they had spent there, most of it was setting up traps in case something went awry. And Snow was determined to end his waiting today... they would be getting what they wanted. Shock wave after shock wave pummeled the racing Zebracorn, turning him in first one direction and then the other... Until the sleek handsome striped stud was so turned around, that he was actually running back the way he had came to start with.

"Perfect." Snow whispered under his breath, as a sinister grin sprawled over his pointed muzzle. He and Gallifry readied their ropes and shackles, Snow waiting to tie the big stallion down, Gallifry ready to trip him up. With a swift and flowing motion, Gallifrey swung the chain he had in hand out forward in an attempt to cause the Male to fall forward over it.

As Hooves raced wildly along the path... a scared teenaged pony bolted out in front of him. To sudden for him to dodge or jump, and so the two equines collided. Bouncing into a rolling, struggling lump as the handsome young Nordic pony looked up at him and whinnied.

"Wha... what the hell was that?" "All those explosions..." He was babbling in panic now as the Zebracorns hot, heavy, naked body rested atop his own.

"Gallifrey you idiot pick it back up!" "We have a job here... and a chance to get it over with." Snow snarled angrily, still hurrying towards their now preoccupied target. He wasn't sure whether to wait till the Zebracorn was done doing what he obviously wanted to do to the Fjord horse... so he would spent and exhausted. Or to strike now, while the Zebracorn was still occupied with the introduction. It didn't matter to anyone anymore, as Gallifrey made the decision for him.

Hooves shifted back to his Anthro form, and grinned down at the pretty young virgin male under him... At any other time, it would have been a very pleasing situation to the big horny Zebracorn to be in. But with fear and panic gripping them both, it was less than ideal. Although he could feel, that the young Nordic pony had a very firm erection under his light tan shorts. "I... I... don't know." Hooves answered honestly, as dirt and small rocks rained down out of the sky on top of them for a few moments more. "We should run away and hide..." The big Zebracorn grunted in fear and lust... "I know a safe place... if you would like to come with me?" The young Fjord horse smiled faintly, he could see the big Zebras obvious arousal and attraction to him.

"Sure thing big guy..." The handsome young virgin pony whinnied softly in agreement. He had came half way around the world... in the hopes of finding some big handsome native to take his boy cherry. Now here on the Savannah far away from his prudish family... a handsome stud had found him.

Gallifrey quickly leap forward towards the pair, ready to tie anyone he could get down. He took hold of one end of the rope and tied it quickly into a noose, and then slipped it around the Zebracorn's left leg. "I have you now!" He exclaimed, not accounting for how strong a panicked Stallion could be.

Hooves felt something pull hard at his left ankle and instantly jerked his leg back yanking the rope hard. Sending Gallifrey staggered sideways and cursing, as the rope slid through his paws burning his palms. The young Fjord horse looked up startled at this sudden movement, and began to slither his way out from under the big Zebracorn. Even as Hooves rolled over, and a second loop was thrown around his up right stud stick. The loop being jerked tight around it and one of his fat black nuts. "Awwwww... what the hell..."

"You aren't getting away." "I will make sure of that." Gallifrey spat with a seriously pissed off tone, as he tugged tight on both ropes making sure the loops were strong enough to hold.

"Good work Gallifrey." Snow chuckled as he saw this, the big stud wouldn't be running away without his hefty junk. "Hey... we were gonna do this all nice, but that was too easy." "This way we'll have fun with you."

"I don't think so..." The highly magical Zebracorn smirked, and began to fade out... using his magical power's to slide through time and space. "I'm not so easy to get a hold of..." He smirked pausing to give that cute little Nordic pony one last leering smile...

"No!" "He's getting away!" Snow called out in anger and frustration as the smirking Zebracorn faded. Gallifrey the small Raccoon did the only thing he could think of, and kicked out as hard as he could aiming directly for Hooves balls... Hoping he could hit them once, before the Zebracorn disappeared in a blind attempt to distract and stop him. The big Zebracorn was vanishing... but there were some things he was wanting to show off to the virgin Nordic pony. And it was into these that big hard foot paw was slammed, the Hooves eyes bulge out and his mouth opened into a gagging scream of pain as he clutched his fat black ball's! "UHUUUUUU."

Pressing his toe claws in hard, and grinding his foot paw down into the stallions sac. Gallifrey let out a dominant sounding grunting as he pressed down with more of his body weight. "Stay."

"Don't break him Gallifrey... we need those intacted for now." Snow shouted, urging his cohort to stop beating and get the rest of the restraints on the big striped stallion. Gallifrey smirked darkly and gave those clutched orbs one more stomp, before backing off. Taking the rope in hand he tied the Zebracorn's long sexy equine legs tight to each other. "Try that again... and I'll kick harder next time." He promised with a wicked grin of pleasure as the squealing and bucking big striped stud vomited all over the dusty ground. As his big potent male orbs were stomped even through his clutching fingers... The pain making his eyes roll back in his head... before darkness closed over him. He was just able to see the pretty Fjord horse running away... and the Fox slipping a anti-magical restraining ball over the tip of the source of his power that long spiral horn.

"Wha... what do you want from me..." But he was unconscious by the time any answer could come...

"He's knocked out..." Snow said as he motioned for Gallifrey to lift up the unconscious Stallion. Within a short time, they had carried him into the ramshackle house. Where they strapped him down to a table, with a four magical stones at the compass points on the floor to prevent the use of any magic. Gallifrey was in the back of the room cleaning his instruments, and Snow was sitting next to the unconscious stud.

"Wakey Wakey, rise and shine princess." Snow said attempting to wake the Zebracorn stallion from his unconscious state. "Wake up." He said, as he passed some smelling salts under Hooves long slotted nostrils.

Hooves was prancing across the big open field... surrounded by green rolling hills for as far as the eye could see. Ahead of him was a small herd of handsome young males... he knew them all of course his favorite ruts each and everyone... It was going to be a marvelous day, a long sweaty and lust filled day... The taste of thick potent male spooge was already making his mouth water. When suddenly he was jerked awake... as something cold and unpleasant was waved under his muzzle. The big handsome Zebracorn felt the top of his head blast off, and then found himself bound to a hard wooden table top. In a dingy little run down shack, on the edges of the hot savannah...

"Wha the shi..." Hooves started to curse as he suddenly realized he was not free.

"Nice to see you back in the land of the living." Snow snickered as he watched the big stallion jerk and jump in surprise. With that Gallifrey waltzed over to the table, that Hooves was lay upon. A steel pan full of instruments in his right paw, and another empty one for holding organs in his left.

"What the fuck..." He demanded looking around fuzzy headed.

"You have something we need." He said flatly as the handsome striped equine looked up at them wide eyed. "We have come to take it from you." "It will hurt for now, but it will grow back... Maybe." Instantly the big stud jerked and twisted trying to break free... or at least loosen his bonds. But the ropes were pulled to tightly and his magical powers were bound up just as his arms and legs were.

With that Gallifrey displayed the gelding knife that he was about to use. "Now Mr Zebracorn... we can do this the easy way or the hard way."

"What is it this time... heart... kidneys..." The big handsome Zebracorn snorted, as he looked up defiantly at his attackers... "When will you guys give it up?" "Just because I'm magic, doesn't mean you can be if ya cut off something of mine."

"Oh no, we don't require anything like that." The little Fox explained softly. "Nor do we intend to use it for personal gain." Snow assured followed by Gallifrey's much more blunt comment.

"Besides Snow here already knows the old magic." "He needs no more than he has..." "We need part of you for a potion... the part of you that gives new life."

"Gives new life..." Hooves snorted as it suddenly dawns on him what they mean... slowly his eyes swept down over his helpless body. To those big floppy organs that had so recently been so huge and hard... they was laying limp and unimpressive between his legs now.

"I'm glad we could come to an understanding." The Fox smirked, and with that Snow walked off to prepare one of the other devices they would need later. While Gallifrey began, Hooves lay back... clenching his teeth as his powerful muscles pulled against those tight ropes...

"Ok so which one of you has the limp dick?" The big Zebracorn smirked taunting. As it started with little nicks, moving up in small notches from bottom to top along the left side of the Hooves fat ball sac.

"That would be me." Gallifrey admitted... as if it were a perfectly normal question. To this Snow called back over his shoulder as he check the tool in his paws.

"Ummm fuck... Awwww damn..." The sleek Zebracorn squealed as his hefty sack was slowly cut over and over again... making his long black equine hose slowly began to bounced up and down a little at a time.

"Not me... you have a mighty fine package Zeb... it's too bad this has to happen." Gallifrey held tightly to the that big black nut sac, as he cut along it slowly milking the first fat ball down and out of it's shelter.

"You should try not to squirm too much, it will only hurt more."

"Ohoooooooo fuck." Hooves moaned, as one of his big testicles popped out into the cool air. "Hurt more!" The big stud screamed in anger and outrage as that big orb dangled free.

"Hurt you more... you say?" Snow said with surprise, as his Raccoon helper smiled wickedly. "Gallifrey, I think he's enjoying this!"

"In that case, I'll fulfill his wish." Gallifrey smirked evilly, as he dug that sharp knife pointlessly into the stallion's open Scrotum. Stabbing into the wall and tearing it open from within.

"Wha..." The big stud grunts suddenly wishing he'd not had such a taunting mouth. "Fuck No I'm not enjOOOOOOOYYYYING..." Hooves squealed, as that sharp knife tip was jabbed into his body cavity through that split open nut sack... "EEEHEHEHEEE..." He screamed, as that sharp knife tip dug into the root of his long black cock... which had harden and was standing up stiffly now.

"Oh look... he squeals for more!" Gallifrey chuckled with more than a hint of blood lust in his voice. He was enjoying mutilating the bigger male, taking away his huge powerful male hood. Putting down the knife a moment, he lifted the tender exposed testicle in his small paw. Rolling it about and about in his small paws, and then giving it a firm squeeze. That broad powerful chest, panted hard as the Zebracorn's fat pale orb was squeezed hard in that grubby little paw. "Master... I think we should prepare them now, before cutting them off." The Raccoon smirked, as he studied that big pale naked oval in his paw. "What do you think?"

"Sure go ahead." Snow answered nonchalantly back to Gallifrey, who's smile had widen enormously. Even as Snow brought over the Emasculator clamp, and sat down next to their helpless victim.

"Fuck..." Hooves screamed his head pounding back against the table top, as he choked in pain. "Pp... Prepare before you cut them off?" He demanded in shock and pain, as he looked around at them startled.

"See... even he agrees with me." The wickedly smiling Raccoon purred softly. "And so forceful about it." Gallifrey laughed as he lifted a single hollow pin from the tool bin, and quickly skewered that fat testicle right through the middle. Giving it another squeeze to make sure it was tender enough to get through, he followed up with another pin.

"EEEIEIEIEII..." That long narrow equine head slammed back harder against the table top... making the big Zebracorn see stars for a moment. As his body struggled against his bonds ever harder as his big potent nut was stabbed... even while his long thick stud stick bounced up in that smooth paw spitting long gushes of pre-cum all over Hooves chest and muzzle... While the big Raccoon repeated the process until he had skewered the tortured ball eight times. In an attempt to balance out the pain, Snow was slowly rubbing the big stallion's massive length. It was going to be the last time the Zebracorn would cum for quite a while indeed...

"Ummmm damn... what the fuck are... are you doing?" Hooves moaned, as pin after pin is stabbed into the middle of his might male flesh...

"We intend to drain it." The smiling Raccoon assured as he proceeded to slowly remove the pins, which were a mite bit harder to remove than the were to insert. As soon as they were removed, Gallifrey gave that big pierced nut a hard squeeze. And a slightly off yellow semi clear liquid began to ooze out of the holes, mixed with occasional bits of blood. Hooves lay back panting for breath and cursing as those pins were pulled back out of his once big firm nut... Strong little paws milking that big fat male orb... it was soft and mushy now that the outside skin was pierced and the insides scrambled from being milked. The wickedly smiling Raccoon continued this until that soft nut squirted no more, and as soon as that happened he tossed it down with a loud 'Thump' onto the table.

Snow halted his rubbing for a moment, and lifted the emasculator placing it around the nuts cords. And then he clamped it down hard... until a loud crunching noise could be heard. Smiling the little Fox lifted the severed testicle away, and plopped it into the collection bucket.

"Owwwwww... fuck!" Hooves moaned as his mushy nut was dropped and then collected...

"I'll go deal with this, Gallifrey take the rest of it." Snow grunted, as he walked over to an instrument akin to a Mortar and Pestle. He immediately set the nut inside the bowl and pressed it into a fine gooey paste slowly destroying it's every fiber. Hooves wide blue eyes rolled wildly in his head as he watched his big potent nut crushed and ground into paste.

Gallifrey meanwhile had begun to cut, first the rest of the sac skin was sliced off. That wasn't needed for this mock surgery... the Raccoon just liked hurting this big pretty male. At this point it was to him much more fun this way... cutting slowly around in spirals up the sides of the Zebracorn's scrotum. He gave that big remaining nut, a hard squeeze and a bit of a punch. Claiming only that it would make it more malleable later... despite that being largely untrue.

After all for the true malleability they needed, it had to be drained first hence the needles. It didn't stop him from doing it though, because in truth he was getting off on if.

"Ummmm Owwww..." The big Zebracorn choked as his sack was cut and strip off, and that lone testicle smacked and squeezed. "EEEHEHEEE..." He screamed as that big stud nugget was tenderized... Watching the Raccoons smiling muzzle twisting up in glee as he listened to Hooves squeals.

"Ohohoooo... I wish I could just smash it now." He moaned softly, as the handsome Zebracorn flinched. But then his wicked smile grew even wider and wider, as he got a naughty idea. Taking the pins, he notched the sides of each one, the first one had two notches. The second had four, and so on essentially creating serrated needles. And then after cutting away the sac completely, he skewered that fat nut with all eight pins, increasing notch count as he went. Like usual, they went in relatively easily, but when it came time to remove them. The notches made it very difficult, and he ripped up and tore away at the inside of the potent nut meat. The big Zebracorn screamed louder and louder his strong body thrashing around powerfully as those barbed pins were slowly dragged out of his lone remaining testicle... each one ripping out more and more nut meat as it sawed its way free... the pain almost unbearable even to the big tough equine stud...

Gallifrey paused a moment after the last pin was removed, and began pounding on that mutilated nut. Manipulating it every which way with his dextrous fingers, crushing the juices out ever so slowly. As the big equine squealed shrilly and high pitched as those strong paws cruelly milked his mushy nut. "I know how much you enjoy pain Mr Zebracorn." The smiling Raccoon purred breathlessly, clearly very aroused by what he was doing to the equine. "So I'm gonna make your day!" He snickered dropping the big mushy nut, and then slapping his paw down atop it. Effectively crushing it more and more against the hard cold table top under the hill of his hot paw. Making the big stud scream even louder, as he lay there helpless watching as his big orb was destroyed in front of his eyes...

"OHO GODS OHO FUCK ME..." Hooves screamed loudly as his big organ surged, that massive equine cock head flaring. And suddenly spat a massive gooey load all over the Zebracorn black nose and lip's. Even as his two captors chuckled at his spurting, from the destruction of his fat stud nuggets.

"We'll need the whole set you know." He said with a lustful smirk, his eyes fixed on the huge black stud stick, as Snow came over once more. Gallifrey snatched the Mortar and pestle from Snow, put the still connected nut in the bowl and began smashing with no regard to regulations. At this point his desires for destruction were too strong, and his old murderous side was once again shining through. The nut bled profusely as he turned it into paste in the bowl, Snow quickly making the effort to snap it off. He quickly crushed the cord and separated the ball from its owner. Hooves lay back open mouthed... panting and drooling as his big black cock throbbed rock hard, as it bounced up and down over his belly and chest... Dripping shiny Unicorn cum down over the Zebracorn's black muzzled lip's... Hooves actually sighing in relief as the cords and nerves going down into that last testicle were at last severed...

"Ohoooo gods..." Hooves panted weakly as he lay back covered in his own spoo...

"One last thing we need... sorry about this mate." Snow said, as he took that large black cock in his soft paw. Rubbing it softly, as he took his own scalpel and reached into that blood wound. Slowly began to cut into the base of that mighty cock, deep inside the Zebracorns body cavity. Taking the whole of that mighty organ... from root to flared cock head. "We need all three parts for the potion mix we need." I'm sorry for this last bit... it'll grow back soon though." "I'm sure."

"Wha....What?" Moaned weakly his eyes rolling back and forth as that sharp scalpel sliced through his firm thick proud stud muscle. "Ohooo Ohooo fuck..." He was right of course it would all grow back, but that didn't stop it from hurting... or being humiliating until it did. Gallifrey licked the long shaft all the way up it's length, savoring it's musky male taste. And the taste of blood as he did... so often years ago. Eventually Snow finished cutting through that mighty length, and removed it completely from Hooves limp body. Adding it to the mixture, he destroyed it completely as well. No hope of it ever being reattached now, Hooves would have to wait for it to grow back. That big black and white striped body bounced and contorted, as that big cock root was cut out leaving him with a big drooling empty sheath hole. But at least the pain was over, and his magical body could begin repairing it's self.

"Thanks for you time and organs." Snow chuckled, before removing the magical stones, allowing the Zebracorn's natural magic to be used again. "You can stay with us here till they grow back if you wish, or you can go." "It's your choice." The big striped gelding lay there panting for breath, as his bleeding body slow began to recover...

"I... I can't go out onto the Savannah like this..." Hooves moaned weakly, as he looked up at his two attackers submissively. Suddenly noticing the handsome face of that young Nordic pony in the window. The young virgin stud was holding his limp spent cock, obviously having stroked himself off. While watching the big Zebracorns unmaling, spotting Hooves eyes on him the young stud quickly flead.

"Then we will keep you safe and clean while you wait, just no funny business or we will toss you out." The obviously excited Fox warned roughly as his nimble fingers untied the big gelding.

"Ok...ok... no funny business..." Hooves promised whimpering weakly, as his sweaty body was released from the ropes binding it.

"Awww... you look cute with just a empty sheath between your legs." Gallifrey sang with an eery lyrical tone in his aroused voice.

"We're sorry it had to be this way, but you're saving a lot of people with this..." He assured holding up the potion, that had been swiftly mixed from the remains of the Zebracorn's powerful junk.

"Well that's something at least..." Hooves panted weakly, feeling very submissive now that he was a total gelding.

"You can still derive pleasure from other methods though..." "I'm sure..." The sleek handsome Fox leered as he ran a paw over that naked striped body.

"Wha...Wha..." Hooves was blushes brightly... but turned over on to the table, and thrust his big round striped rump up. "Errr other methods... what did you have in mind?" Showing it off for the two intact males, who had just totally gelded him.

"Well... well." Snow snickered removing his robes, revealing a small set of low hangers and a moderately sized vulpine rut stick. He moved forward between those powerful equine legs, his cock tip touching the gelding's hot tightly drawn anus. Even as he motioned for Gallifrey to come over and join them as well. "Gallifrey do me." He panted as that sleek red Fox cock began to penetrate the Nullified Zebracorn's clenched anus. With that invitation Gallifrey stripped off his own clothing, and slipped over behind his instructor's sleek naked body. Pulling that big bushy Vulpine tail aside and prodding at his instructor's behind, eventually penetrating him as well. Together the three creating a rhythmic chain of moaning grinding pleasure.

The big Zebracorn was bent over the same table, he had just been gelded on. And now was being lustfully sodomized on, by the same two furs who had cut him. That big black tail hole opening up for the Fox's hard cock, allowing it to slip into him easily... Only to clench down on it, the instant it was inside of him. Squeezing and milking that aroused vulpine organ in delightful ways. Snow was amazed by the sudden tightness of the former stallion's anus. He began to pump in and out, the stimulation proving to be a difficult thing to cope with. "Ohooo yeah that's it... rut me... fuck my hot tail hole." Hooves begged loudly, as that stiff cock was pounded deep into him. Slamming against his male pleasure gland roughly, sending a lightening bolt of pleasure screaming through him...

"Y... You're good at this." He panted into the big striped geldings ear, as he slammed faster and faster into that gripping hole. While Gallifrey's thrusting grew harder, as Snow's own clenching rear, giving and receiving all at once.

"Thank you... I... I... get rutted alot..." The Zebracorn admitted with a soft smile... wishing the young virgin Fjord horse was there to go next...

"Who's the stallion now... rut hole?" Snow moaned lustfully, feeling incredibly sexually powerful as he pounded the big gelding roughly.

Your... your the stallion..." Hooves squealed submissively, as he pushed his big round rump back needfully. Those sleek powerful anal muscles begging for the little Fox to use him harder. Clearly this gelding had played the submissive little mare for a lot of males.

"Yeah... yeah that's it slut... milk my cock with your sweet pansy hole." Snow moaned in delight, as he was suddenly caught off guard by a powerful thrust by Gallifrey, followed by a steamy gush of cum filling his own rear. The Fox thrusting forward hard, ramming his whole length into the Zebracorn. The knot getting firmly planted inside of that delicious rump. "Ammmmm gods yesss..." The horny Fox moaned, as Gallifrey pumped slower and slower, continuing to fill his cavity. Even while Snow's hips sped up, intending to cum inside the big gelding, and hopefully inspire a form of orgasm in his sub slut. Hooves strong anal muscles... clamped and squeezed on that hard pounding rut stick. The Zebracorn's hole quivering and caressing it in ways it had never felt before. As that big round rump pushed back against the hard rutting male behind him.

"Ohoo gods Yes... slam it into me..." The big gelding begged lustfully, as his prostate began to oozing its shiny sperm-less cream out of his gaping empty sheath hole... While Snow came deep inside of the gelding, coating that hard prostate in rich potent male semen. As it happened, he could do nothing but moan and bury himself as deep as possible with one powerful thrust... Hooves squealed long and loud as he felt that hard cock explode... coating his inside in hot rich potent male cum... "Ummmm Ummm gods that... that was so good... thank you..." Hooves moaned breathlessly as he lay there quivering in pleasure...


Building the Herd 5

Herd Building Jordan had the driver drop him off at Tracy's, and then sent him home. It was a familiar address, he'd had the driver bring him by...

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Gloryhole Threesome...

A submissive gray muzzled Grizzly... has a hot threesome with two younger college aged studs at the glory hole... Based on actual events... ...

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