Like Father Like Son...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#26 of Charns tales...

Father and Son...

Sitting on the edge of the computer desk, the sleek young Tiger grinned lustfully at the nervous Caribou. "So this wasn't about Science Aro?" He confirmed slowly, setting his notes and text book aside now.

"Ammmm so ya wanta play?" "Or what... gotta do it before my dad and mom get home from the party." The horny young Caribou grunted, as he shoved his hands down into the pockets of his baggy jeans... Vorlan smiled slyly, glancing out the dark window, then back to the horny Caribou.

"I dunno, you look awful big... but... I've heard Caribou are real tasty..." The young Caribou looked up shyly, as a smiled played across his soft mobile lip's. And then he trotted over and flopped down on his own unmade bed.

"I'm pretty big sure... all the males in my family are." The horny young stud smirked at the felines next comment. "Well... I guess that's true enough." He'd sucked himself off enough to agree with that statement after all. The young Tiger sat next to the Caribou, his fur all bristly, feeling so small next to the young stud.

"So how much time do we have?" He purred excitedly, his paws moving to help undo those baggy jeans, unzipping them and then reaching inside. Those fuzzy fingers dancing amongst the soft meat between the Caribou's legs, stroking, dipping, tugging playfully. The horny young Cervine gulped, as the Tiger began helping getting his jeans off... kind of startled at first. He'd not really been expecting anything to happen... at least not this quickly. Still the felines eager manner made his long organ surge, within those jeans and he rested both hands on the bed behind him leaning back.

"Twenty minutes until they get home... forty five minutes until they make me come down for dinner." The young Caribou explained with a roll of his eyes, as the Tiger grins and asks.

"You think they'll let me come down to dinner?" Vorlan chuckled, purring seeming more at ease with his hands in the Caribou's crotch than he'd been all day... Even as he moves down, sliding off the bed and kneeling between those pointed knees. He doesn't pull those baggy pants down, instead just pulling a paw full out over the zipper, laying it on the loose denim, rumbling happily as he nuzzles.

"Ahem they might..." The young Caribou grunted, unsure if he wanted to introduce his parents to the new kid he was yiffing... "Ohoooo ouch." The horny stud grunted, as his huge semi hard organ was dragged out, the sensitive flesh rubbing over that sharp zipper roughly. He started to complain, but then the handsome young Tiger was kneeling between his legs fondling that hot throbbing Cervine hose... Those silky paws slide back into the Caribou's baggy pants, and his fingers start working over those balls still hidden inside. Generous palm fulls each, he enjoys tugging, pinching, playing with them even as he chases that wobbling cock head from thigh to thigh with his mouth.

"Wow... it's like a giant Steak or something..." Vorlan purrs as he at last catches it, licking and pressing it against one inner thigh.

"Steak?" The young stud snorted, his big organ began to bounce up and down as it stiffened. "Heheh yeah... tube steak maybe." The Caribou snickered lewdly as the felines mouth engulfs him at last. "Ummmmm... damn yer tongue is soooo hot and rough."

"You like it?" Vorlan moans as he licks again, polishing that ridiculously long and thick organ. The teenager having no idea how much he had, or how much danger it is in. There is more pinching, tugging in his baggy pants, as the Tiger mouthed and slurped at the end of his long fucker. "Well I want something to eat..." The young Cervine was panting and moaning softly, as he licked his own soft lip's.

"Y...Yeah." He squealed more excitedly as he lifted his hip's up to get the young Tiger to pull his jeans down. "I... I can feed you." The nervous virgin Caribou stammered, unsure if this kinda word play would upset the feline. "You can eat me..." "And then when Mom and Dad get home, I'll tell them I asked you to stay for dinner..." Vorlan grinned, purring and pushing up into a squat, enough to gently headbutt the Caribou in the lower chest.

"Relax big guy... heh heh... you act like you've never fed a predator before." He teased, purring as he settled back down, tugging that big stud stick towards himself.

"What... Nobody... Well." The young Cervine stammered, kind of embarrassed to admit that the only one he'd ever fed was himself... Vorlan quickly cleaned the sweet, clear pre-cum from that pulsing tip.

"Just tell me how bad you need me to eat you up." The young Tiger purred lustfully. "And I'll do just that... gobble you up whole... all the way to the root..."

"Ohooooooo." The virgin stud moaned in delight, as that rough tongue cleaned his thick sticky pre-cum off his big cock head. Even as that big organ surged up to full throbbing erection within the felines maw. "Ummmmm gods I need that soooooo bad..." He admitted lustfully. "I... I'll die if you don't eat me..." The horny young stud whimpered excitedly... "Please ya gotta... gotta gobble me... gobble me all the way to the root." "I...I'll do anything you want if... if you do... Promise." Vorlans lip's curled back into a lustful grin, damn he loved virgins.

"Good boy." The tape deck they were recording notes with for their 'study session' was still recording on the computer desk. Giving the Tiger all the plausible deny-ability he'd need in court, should it come to that. He purred and just inhaled the end of the Caribou's meaty shaft, tonguing it roughly scraping and scouring while feeding it down his throat. Those pinches in the Caribou's baggy jeans getting harder, the Tiger not pulling those pants down. But enjoying just toying with that heavy scrotum hidden away inside of them.

"Uhum... Owww... Damn... take it easy on those..." The horny young Caribou moaned and grunted complaining, even as his huge Cervine cock was leaking and surging clearly excited by what was going on in his pants. "Ohooooo rut... your...your mouth feels..." "Aahah yeah swallow it... eat me all up... please." Vorlan swallows, munching down that thick cock, looking like he's eating it before the Caribou's wide eyes. Getting about two thirds down that thick length, before he pulls back the suction of his throat along the Caribou's male flesh almost enough to suck the eyes out of his skull.. That big pink fucker emerges unmarred, the raw heat of the Tiger's mouth descending again, teasing the Caribou mouthing, slurping and chewing but not going down further. He flips those nuts over inside the Caribou's baggy jeans, his needle sharp claws teasing at the neck. Twisting, pinching, digging, as he sucks and entrances that horny young Cervine with his hot mouth in the front. Just teasing the Caribou with what he could be doing.

The young stud who had been leaning back on the bed... bent forwards over the kneeling feline. Even as his long stud stick bounced and jerked spurting gooey per-cum down that hot slobbering mouth.

"Damn..." He swore in growing lust as he watched in burning need as the Tiger teased him to a high state of arousal... "Ummm yeah that's it eat it... eat my big cock ya slut." It was about that time the car doors are heard outside.... the parents have come home. Vorlan doesn't seem to notice or care, as he works on slowly munching down that big cock one more time. Going farther this time, throat bulging with the thick Caribou tube steak. Grinning at the confidence in the virgin's voice growing, his paws finally leave the Caribou's stinging loins below his cock... the thick lump of his nuts still bulging out the denim resting against one thigh.

"Fuc... Fuck!" The young Caribou whimpered his head twisting and turning, as he heard the car doors closing... "My... my folks are home." He panted fearfully... worried that his Mother and Father would discover them... "Quick... get me off quick." He begged as his hip's bounced up trying to fuck the Tigers hot mouth... The bouncing causes that parcel of nuts to jostle and slide, closer and closer to the edge of the bed. The Tiger glancing up briefly, then pushing down hard enough to replant those hips, nose burying in the groin fur. Below them the front door slammed, and the sound of a male and female arguing could be heard down stairs.

"I don't know what you were thinking..." A obviously unset female voice shouted, the feline's keen ears picking up those distant words. The Caribou hearing no more than a indecipherable mumble, over the pounding of his own racing heart.

"I was thinking to share the beauty of our love... with my... our dearest friends." A very angry male voice tossed back just as upset. "What happened to that free spirited young Cow I married?"

"She grew up and got married, so she wouldn't have to let a bunch of horny drunks feel her up." "Even while they watched my supposedly loving husband rutting me." "I'm not doing it... in fact your not doing me... ever again."

"Now just calm down honey... you don't mean that." That aggravated voice male voice said a bit softer, clearly he was worried about that threat.

"Like hell I don't..." That angry Cow shouted back vehemently... "Take these..." She shouted. "You'll be sleeping upstairs in the guest room... from now on." Vorlan chuckled softly around that long thick stud stick in his muzzle. The young Tiger buried his muzzle deep into the Caribou's fuzzy crotch, fangs just snicking at that tender cock flesh. Even as he hears muffle hoof-beats on the thickly carpeted stairs moving steadily up.

"Uhum Uhummm yeah... yeah that's it..." The horny teenage stud moaned, as the Tigers soft furry muzzle pushed into the sweaty hotness of his aching loins... Vorlans soft fuzzy lip's tickling the rim of his sheath, as they kissed it working up and down swiftly. "Ohoooooo fuck me you... your swallowing all of it." The lusty Caribou exclaimed softly, obviously impressed with the felines deep throat abilities. And very close to cumming hard into the Tigers hot suckling maw. Even as those heavy hoof-beats came stamping down the hall closer and closer. That soft feline paw delved back into the Caribou's baggy pants, feeling around for a second. Finding his treasure down by the knee, collecting it swiftly and pulling it back out.

Albur stomped down the hall fuming and mumbling under his breath, went he became aware of the sounds coming from his son's room. 'Ohoooooo fuck me you... your swallowing all of it.' Aro's voice moaned wildly, as the air was filled with loud lip smacking and suckling sounds. "What the hell?" The big Caribou snorted, as he stopped in front of that door. It still had the childish 'do not enter toxic zone' sign his son had put on it when he was twelve. Along with the picture of some slutty Doe singer, that any teenage male would lust after.

The Tigers head was bobbing up and down on that long hard Caribou cock frantically. Vorlan suckling with all his might as the bedroom door opened a crack. The young feline saw it out of the corner of his eye... chuckling softly again as he saw the shocked look on daddies muzzle.

"WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" The big older Caribou shouted, as he stormed into the room. Aro leaped up dragging his long stud stick out of Vorlan suckling throat, dumping the Tiger on his rump on the floor. Swiftly the young Tiger stuffed that bulging pouch into his pants pocket. As that hard pink cock bounced wildly out in front of Aro, it fired a long string of thick gooey spooge. Splattering all over the floor and his wide eyed father's neat gray slacks. The big Caribou staggered to a halt looking from his orgasming son... to the smirking striped feline sitting on the floor.

"Da... I... We... it's not what..." Aro stammered, a look of horror and embarrassment on the young Caribou's blushing muzzle.

"Oh not... not my son... half naked with some... some little faggot pred..." Albur fumed as his son's throbbing cock disgorged another long blast, Aro blushed even redder as he stuffed himself back into those baggy jeans. Which now showed a number of long wet stains dribbling down both inner thigh's. This only farther enraging the big Caribou, who slammed him hard in the mouth with a big back hand. Sending Aro falling backwards over the bed sprawled out and only semi conscious. And then he turn towards the young Tiger... who was scrambling back into his clothes. And gathering up his school books into a ratty old back pack... looking at the wild eyed Caribou innocently. "And you..." Albur pounced on the young feline lifting him up by the collar.

"Uhum please sir... can't I just..." Vorlan purred, doing his best to sound like a sexually confused and uncomfortable teenager.

"I'm taking you home... and telling your parents what you've done to my son." The big Caribou snarl dragging the little predator down the stairs....


Albur watched the young Tiger out of the corner of his eye... as his drove slowly through the suburbs. His rage with the young predator had ebbed away, lost to the sexual frustration he still felt. The little slut had just sucked off his son... so it was plain he was more than willing to engage in that behavior. The big Caribou reaching down to rub his swollen needy loins. Thinking that if he offered to not tell the young Tigers parents about what he'd been caught doing... Slowly he scooted forward in the car seat, unzipping his cum stained trousers. Tugging his balls out and flopping them over the bottom rim of the steering wheel. "You wanna eyeful, there ya go." He growled lustfully, as he got ready to make his pitch.

"I want a lot more that and eye... how about a mouth full as well." The young feline purred, sounding not at all shocked. The big Caribou's lustful scent was thick in the enclosed cab of the car.

"You damn ass punks, you want everything now.. you gotta earn it." "Lick those nuts nice enough and maybe I'll give you some cock to shut that punk mouth of yours." "Maybe I won't tell your parents what you are... what you do..." The young Tiger looked over at the big older male suitably shamefaced... But leaned over, twisting his head to press his little pink feline nose to those big musky male balls.

"Oh yes... please sir." Vorlan purred softly, as his long raspy tongue flickered out and began scouring those soft fuzzy nuts.

"That's right." The big Caribou grunted suddenly feeling much better, quickly he turned off onto a back road. Taking that little used side road to prolong getting to the Tiger's house, not wanting highway traffic to see what was going on. "That's what a real man tastes like." Albur snorted as the young felines hot mouth fawned on his fat orbs. "Leave those kids alone and focus on a real stud." The big Caribou grunted in a low husky lust filled voice. "Lick em, boy, every last inch, I wanna feel them in your mouth."

"Ummmm... so powerful soooo masculine." The young Tiger purred, as his mouth circled around and around those huge dangling orbs around and around in delight. "Ummm gods so do I." Vorlan purred as he pressed his mouth to them and began suckling those massive orbs into those deadly mandibles. Even as his his paw slipped down into his pants pocket to fondle the cooling pouch hidden with... The son's nuts were a bit smaller than the fathers, age will do that. The fuzzy pouch kind of puddles around those fat orbs, sticky with the stud's sweat salts. Opening his mouth wasn't good enough.. the first nut almost fits. Almost, but the widest part just won't slither past those sharp fangs, not without drawing blood, or worse.

"Heh heh... oh did the pretty kitty think he could suck on one of my gobstoppers?" "Guess you're just not man enough.." One big three fingered hand moves down, tugging his sheath out as well, playing with it casually. The young feline pulled back, letting that huge testicle drop from his mouth. Releasing it to swing back hard against the hard plastic steering wheel, making the older stud wince.

"Perhaps I'll have more luck with this..." Vorlan purred loudly, moving his muzzle up to that big bulging sheath, and nuzzling into it as that hot wet cock head thrust up... Meanwhile, his sleek striped paw threaded up under those fat nuts. He snared them... grasping and pulling stretching them more tightly over the old vinyl steering wheel. Those claw tipped fingers digging into the taut nut sack as he stretched them down as much as he could. He got away with it, for while he was doing that his other paw was unbuttoning the Caribou's shirt. Stroking Albur's paunch, while his hot feline mouth was licking and sucking all around that sheath, and the heavy, thick cock head that jutted up from it. While his concealed paw reached down into his back pack, and pressed the record button once more.

The older Caribou's upper lip curled back into a cruel lewd smile... his lust and rage first at his wife's treatment of him in front of their friends. And then finding his son having sex with another male, was fueling his lusts to do things he wouldn't normally do under ordinary circumstance... "Awww little faggots going to get tough with me?" He snorted derisively as he leaned back, letting the young feline have his way... "Alright fag I got what you want... and I'm going to shove it down your throat... make you eat it." "Until you drown in my cum." 'Teach the ass punk not to fuck around with with my kids' Albur thought lustfully justifying his actions, even as his long pink rut stick grew steadily up out of that silky sheath.

"Ummmm fuck yeah make me eat it sir..." Vorlan purred licking and kissing on that huge stud stick, until it was standing at full throbbing erection.

"Ohooo yeah... your going to eat it alright faggot." The big Caribou assured, as he place one big hand on the back of the teenaged felines head. Shoving that hot mouth down onto his rock hard rut stick, even as he turned onto an even darker and more deserted side road. Slowing the car down as he leaned back, watching the Tigers head bob up and down in his lap. Between watching the road ahead, his eyes half closing as his pleasure built.

"You'll never be frustrated again..." Vorlan purred and just inhaled the end of the Caribou's meaty shaft, tonguing it roughly scraping and scouring while feeding it down his throat. The Tigers paws tugged more roughly on the older Caribou's big saggy nuts. Those pinches on the Caribou's fat drooping bag getting harder, Vorlan enjoying toying with that heavy scrotum hidden. "Owww... Damn... take it easy on those..." The horny older Caribou grunted in complaint, while his huge Cervine cock was leaking and surging clearly excited by what was going on. Even as that hot suckling mouth worked over his aching erection expertly. "Damn boy... you really are a cock sucker!" The big Caribou moaned thinking his son had gotten luckier than he'd imagined, finding this cunt to get him off. "No wonder Aro was squirting all over the place... what a cock loving slut you are."

"You like it?" Vorlan moans as he licks again, polishing that ridiculously long and thick organ. Going farther this time, throat bulging with the thick Caribou tube steak. The raw heat of the Tiger's mouth descending again, teasing the big older Caribou. Mouthing, slurping and chewing but not going any further, the Tiger flips those huge nuts over his needle sharp claws teasing at the thin neck. Twisting, pinching, digging, as he entrances that horny older stud with his hot mouth in the front. Just teasing the Caribou with what he could be doing.

While Albur's long stud stick bounced and jerked spurting gooey per-cum down that hot slobbering mouth. Vorlan softly around that long thick stud stick in his muzzle. The young Tiger buried his muzzle deep into the Caribou's fuzzy crotch, fangs just snicking at that tender cock root. The horny older stud moaned, as the Tigers soft furry muzzle pushed into the sweaty hotness of his aching sheath... Vorlans soft fuzzy lip's tickling the rim of his sheath, as they kissed it working down swiftly into it. "Uhuhuuu fuck... swallow it all pansy puss." The lusty Caribou exclaimed softly, obviously impressed with the felines deep throat abilities. And very close to cumming hard into the Tigers hot suckling maw. Albur's big body was trembling so hard, he was forced to pull the car off the side of the dark deserted road. And into the concealing tree's along the roads edge, as the Tiger began to growl and moan more aggressively.

"EEEEHEHEHEEE." The big stud squealed as he squirmed around in the car seat to look down. "Wha... What do you think your doiiinnnngggg." He screamed as he saw the young Tiger's paws already darkening from orange to red. As Vorlan pulled those floppy low danglers down over the steering wheel, muzzle pressing into that hot fuzzy Caribou sheath. Albur felt teeth now... way down at the root of his mighty Caribou cock. "Ohoo Nooo Nooo Noooooo." He squealed loudly in denial, as those razor sharp teeth gnarled at his hard cock flesh. "You... you can't." But then he realized that the predator could... he'd just told him to eat his genitals. And by the Predation laws that was all the Tiger really needed. "Oho Gods Please No..." "I... I don't mean it..." "Please..." The big Caribou whimpered and begged now... as crunching and snapping noises could be heard coming from within his sheath. There was a wet ripping sound... followed almost at once by a soft 'Gulp' And ALbur sensed that he was now cockless, his strong body began to tremble wildly. Even as the Tiger's bloody muzzle pressed into his empty sheath licking and lapping deeper. Reaching up Vorlan pulled the Caribou's trembling right hand off his head. The sleek slender feline looked up at Albur grinning and licking his lip's. The former stud was to shocked to do more than whimper, as the young feline sat up. Holding up the Caribou's huge dissevered jewel sac, the sight making Albur gasp in shock. "Is... is that my..." The older Caribou started to moan, when the Tiger's other paw held up a slightly small but almost identical sac.

"Father... and son you'll never be sexually frustrated again..." Vorlan purred merrily as he watched the big Caribou's eye's roll back in his head. "Good night daddy dinner..." The young feline purred planting a sloppy red lipped kiss on the Caribou's cheek. "I can walk home from here..."


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