Gloryhole Threesome...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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A submissive gray muzzled Grizzly... has a hot threesome with two younger college aged studs at the glory hole... Based on actual events...

Glory Hole Threesome

The large middle aged Grizzly Bear stroked the graying fur of his rusty reddish muzzle. As he sat watching the images flicker across the video screen. The booth was dark and thick with the scents of old cum and the urine most males voided with it. On the screen cute little Fox boy's were getting stuffed by huge cocked Equine and Bull's. The fat Bear leaned over and peeked through the hole in the wall, the next booth was bright with light from the open door. The big Grizzly frown it was proving to be a slow night, at the adult shop. He was just glancing back at the screen, tugging on his long thick hard on. When the light coming thought the Glory hole was blocked out for a second. And then the door closed, instantly the big old Grizzly was on his knee's in front of the ragged cut hole.

He heard the fella feeding dollar bills into the machine, and the darkened screen soon flickered to life. The bright images lighting up the dark booth enough for the Bear to see the guy was a Stallion. He was young roan red and dressed lightly for the winter weather. Swirly the young stallion switched through the channels, until he found a gay vid. And then turned to look at the dark hole, even as he wiggled his hip's to get his tight jeans to drop to the floor. That long marbled brown and pink stud stick already dangling out of it's sheath. This young stud was horny as hell, he'd not even looked at the porn more than to make sure it wasn't straight.

Jerome smiled and pressed his graying muzzle to that hole, letting his long ursine tongue loll out though it. "Ohooo heheh." The young equine snickered as he moved up to the Glory hole, swiftly jacking his cock to a mighty erection. The trouble was this young stud was a bit to tall for the hole, he tried bending his long equine cock down. And then tried squatting down, as he humped the big Bear's muzzle roughly a few dozen times. "Come over here." The young stallion demanded, as he stepped back and pulled his cock out of the Bears muzzle. Jerome licked his drooling lip's as he quickly shoved his hard cock back into his baggy pants.

"Ok..." He whispered through the Glory hole, as he climbed stiffly to his feet and unbolted the booths door. Opening the door, he spotted a young Bull waiting for a open booth in the corridor. He flashed the young Bovine a knowing smile, as he slipped into the next booth. The lustful roan stallion was waiting for him, and instantly shoved him to his knee's as he entered. And almost before the old Bear could open his mouth, the young red stallion was cramming that huge fucker down Jerome's throat. Fucking hard and fast as he muzzle raped the big Bears throat, as only a horny young stallion can. He was just getting into a hip rolling rhythm, when the door of the booth jerome just left closed. And the eye of that young Bull peered through the glory hole, followed almost at once by the Bull's cock.

"Hehehe." The young stallion chuckled as he reached over to tug on it playfully. Making that long bright red Bovine cock bounce and flex, a long string of slimy pre-cum oozed out of the round head. Leaning over he licked at it a bit, but was to tall to suck on the Bull while standing up and throat raping the Bear. "Come over here." He invited again, snorting through the Glory hole to the young horny Bull. As the kneeling old Bear silently thanked the gods, he was living in a college town. Where horny young males were so willing, to let some old gray muzzle suck their dicks in a nasty old video booth. The door opened as that burly young Bovine stud clip clopped into the small booth. Forcing the big old Grizzly to slid around on his knee's to make room for the third.

Instantly the big Bovine shoves down his loose fitting sweat pants, and the old Bear suddenly has two fat cocks to deal with. The roan stallion grasps the back of his big broad head, and pounds his long thick horse cock down that willing throat. Excitingly rutting the old Bears muzzle... almost suffocating the passive Bruin. As he fondled and stroked the Bull's fat fucker with both big three fingered hands. For a few moments, before pulling out and guiding the Bull's shorter fatter cock down that gasping muzzle. Instantly the big Bruins air is cut off again, as the horny young Bull raped his throat just as lustfully as the Stallion had. Jerome was growing flush, and light headed from lack of oxygen. Even as his own lusts burned out of control, reaching down his big paws tore his own thick erection out of his baggy trousers. Tugging on that aching hard on excitedly, as the two younger studs stood over him. Alternating rutting his gasping suckling throat, as the two horny studs pressed against each other. Kissing and fondling each others sleek furry bodies, as they shared the Bears hot suckling muzzle.

"I'm going to cum." The young roan Stallion moaned, looking down at the big horny Bear to get his ok. Jerome moaned softly and suckled even harder, making it clear without words he wanted the studs spoo. "Eeeheheee." The lustful young stud exclaimed as he humped and bucked even harder. And then suddenly that huge cock head flared, deep down inside the Bears throat that massive organ tensed. And then pulsed harder... Jerome feeling a sudden warmth in his belly as the horses load shot almost directly into his stomach.

"Ammmmm..." The big red Grizzly moaned weakly, as the still hard stallion stepped back pulling his long fuck muscle out of that hot throat. Before Jerome could get more than a quick gasp, the Bull was grabbing the back of his head. Holding it rough and dominantly, as he jammed his fat Bovine rut stick down that submissive throat.

"Suck it... suck it hard bitch." The young Bull snorted lustfully, as he pounded his long fat fucker down Jerome throat lustily. The gray muzzled Bruin moaned through his nose once, as it was smashed into the Bull's musky smelling crotch. And then his air was cut off, even as his own big bulky body was sent trembling by a powerful orgasm. Jerome's hot thick spoo splashing over the young Equine and Bovines hooves as he cum hard. And then he tasted it... hot and bitter at the back of his muzzle as the Bull at last came. Bellowing softly as he exploded... thick fluids gushing down Jerome's gulping, suckling throat.

From his knee's looking up at the two now sated young studs, the old Bear panted and gulped for air, moaning weakly. "Wow that was great... about the best time I've ever had here." As the two young college studs smirked down at him, tucking their spent members into their trousers. Jerome sat there gasping for breath as they quickly left him alone... Exhausted the old Bear was just getting ready to climb to his feet paws on trembling legs. When a soft grunt came through the Glory hole... someone had been watching his slutty performance. Suddenly a thick oozing cock was thrust through the hole, and a breathless voice panted.

"Go on suck it slut..." So he leaned over and did...


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