Building the Herd 5

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#5 of Hard Times

Jordan the big rich Bull is back... using his Steers and Cow's to build up his own herd...

Jordan the big rich Bull is back... using his Steers and Cow's to build up his own herd...

Herd Building

Jordan had the driver drop him off at Tracy's, and then sent him home. It was a familiar address, he'd had the driver bring him by Tracy's place several times since he'd replaced Drax as the Bull in her life. He smiled as he looked over the familiar, somewhat quaint bungalow. He touched his cell phone, remembering her message... 'Can you come to see me tonight? Got a volunteer. Bring tools!' And he had... of course smiling smugly, the fat Bull walked up and rang the doorbell. There was a long moments pause, and then he heard hooves clattering across the tile of the entryway, and then the front door was opened. However it wasn't Tracy who was looking out at him... but a short rather delicate looking Stag boy. Those big brown eyes widen as the handsome young Cervine saw the big black Bull standing outside and he gulped.

"Ummm Jordan..." Jack choked in a surprisingly strong voice, as Tracy's sing song voice could be heard from somewhere up stairs.

"Come on up love." Jordan raised his eyebrows as he looked the slender Stag over. He couldn't be sure of course, but it seemed likely that he would be using the sturdy shears he brought with him on this other male's balls tonight... a thought that made the fat Bull smirk knowingly.

"Hi there." He snorted, stepping inside and brushing past the smaller male... He made sure to pass close enough to almost pin the small Stag against the wall, his belly and jacket brushing over the other male. "Get the door, will ya bud?" He asked with a smirk, and then followed his pretty Cow's voice upstairs. Jack shivered as the big Bull towered over him, his sheer bulks both intimidating and yet exciting to the little Stag. Jack could feel the heat of the big Bull's body as it pinned him to the wall, making him feel weak and submissive at once.

"Yeah... sure... sure thing." The little Stag mumbled closing and locking the door behind them, and then trailing Jordan up the stairs to Tracy's bedroom. A sharp gasp escaping the little Deer as he saw the nearly naked Cow spread out on her bed... looking even more plump and pretty than she had in her clothes... Jordan was already there of course, sitting on the bed and leaning over her, his coat draped over a chair. The fat Bull's thick hands were caressing the Cow's belly and thighs as he pressed his muzzle to hers. And he groped and kneaded her soft inner thigh strongly, possessively. Even with his clothes on the Bull's male scent was already obvious in the small room. Jack inhaled deeply as he staggered into the room, the heady scents filling his nose sending blood rushing to certain parts of him. And the cutie little virgin Stag clapped his slender three fingered hands over his suddenly bulging track shorts. While Tracy smiled at him knowingly, as she looked her Bull boyfriend over giving him a knowing wink.

"Ok Jack time to show the Bull what you've got..." She ordered much more aggressively than she had been that first time with Drax, the slender Stag blushed. But quickly stripped off his track jersey and shorts, standing in just his jock strap. "That to... take it off." Tracy ordered again as the little Deer shoved his jock down as well, to stand before them both fully naked trembling soft. "Come over here... so we can examine what your giving us." The pretty Cow ordered, relishing the power she felt. Jordan grinned, the fat Bull settling himself onto the bed beside his Cow, one arm behind her back, and one big hand on her belly.

"Come closer... that's a good boy." He snickered condescendingly, liking how the meek Stag submissively did exactly what his Cow told him to. Jack slid over to the bed slowly still a bit intimidated by the big Bull, but the virgin Stag wanted to rut Tracy soooooo bad. "So... Jack is it?" Jordan asked as he reached out, and cupped the Stag's furry balls in big hand. "I understand that you're prepared to let me have these... if I let you have my Cow here first."

"Yea... Yeah Jack." The handsome Deer boy replied, as strongly as he was able with his ball's in the palm of big Bovines hand. "I... I..." He looked from Jordan over to Tracy who was watching and smirking gloatingly, she reached out and fondled his bulging sheath. Instantly that long pink Cervine cock sprang up... throbbing and leaking as the pretty Cow used one finger to stroke up its length. "Yes..." Jack sighed in a ragged burst of pent up breath... as the pretty Cow touched his organ. Jordan grinned broadly, and leaned across the bed, setting up his camera on Tracey's night table.

"There we go... so let's go over it again Jack, for posterity." And legal necessities Jordan thought smirking. "I'm gonna let you get inside my Cow Tracy." He snorted, leaning over and rubbing her plump, round belly, then reached over to fondled the Stag's tense balls so that the camera could see. "And in return, I'm going to collect these from you." "I'm going to cut off your BALLS Jack." He grinned as the young Stag nodded his head automaticly. "I may even fuck you later." The handsome black Bull added, as he started to strip. Showing off his fat belly and soft chest, then unbuckling his belt and letting his pants slide down... showing the poor Stag what his male hood was being compared to. "Tell me that's okay."

The little Stag sat down on the edge of the bed hard, his jaw dropping as he starred at the big black Bull's huge, heavy junk...

"That's why they call him Bull sweety." Tracy teased as she read the little straight Stags thought's, and sensed his suddenly growing reluctance. Slowly she wrapped her soft hand around his throbbing length, tugging him up and down slowly. "Look into the camera sweets and ask for it..." She ordered softly, making Jack's trembling body almost vibrate.

"If... If you let me rut her... I... I'll let you cut my balls off and fuck me anyway you want." The horny young Stag babbled, to sexually excited to deny them anything.

Jordan nodded, and massaged Tracy's breasts through her lacy bra while the plump Cow caressed his long Bull hood, and played with those heavy black balls with her other hand. "I accept your offer." He answered with a smirk on his chubby muzzle, and reached over to pat the Stag's hip. "Your balls for one ride in my Cow's pussy." "Here let me get her ready or you." The black Bull offered having Tracy sit up, and he unhooked her bra letting those gorgeous heavy Cow tits spill out over her naked body. Watching Jack's gaze, he then pulled her panties down, letting him see what he'd never seen before... at least not in real life. The little Stag's eyes bulged out of his head, and his slender body began to bounce and jerk slightly. His breathing growing deep and ragged, as his runners heart raced. That small, but highly excited cock bouncing and drooling wildly as he watched helplessly as the bigger more potent male fondled her.

"Ohooo gods..." Jack moaned as that sleek wet sex was exposed, the scent of it almost making him dizzy with sexual excitement. Jordan smirked at Jack's reaction, and he leaned over Tracy grabbing both her big breasts and kneading them hard enough to make the pretty Cow moan.

"Oh yeah... you like her don't you boy?" "You made a good choice by the way, this Cow's got Everything." "Look at these nice, big tits!" Jordan teased, rolling them around and mashing them together.

"Ye...Yeah..." Jack grunted lustfully, as he starred so wide eyed that it made him look strangely animaish, the little sting of spittle running over his chin ruining the effect.

"Mmmmm and with a nice plump, smooth belly." "I just love cumming into a big belly like hers." "And just look at This." Jordan moved his big flabby hand further down, rubbing and kneading Tracy's plump groin, and then massaged her tender slot to tease the young buck. "You'll never feel anything better than this, boy." The fat black Bull promised as he slipped a finger inside of her. "Her pussy's Worth getting your balls cut off for, I don't think you'll mind it once you've had it." He smirked, helping ease her sweet hefty thighs wide apart. "Well go on boy... get it!"

"Cumming cumming in her belly..." The little Stag repeated as his body shivered even more wildly, as he climbed up onto the bed. Moving up on his knee's between her hefty thigh's, pausing just over her as he watched the big Bull's fingers rub and tease her hot sex. "Ohooooo gods." Jack moaned as his long slender Cervine cock suddenly tensed and jerked spraying them both with his hot spoo. "Oho my gods... I... I'm so sorry" He apologized...

Jordan laughed, as he watched the buck blush, his buck batter already spurted all over Tracy's crotch. "Ha ha." "Tracy, you're so hot this boy can't even keep it in his balls." He teased, patting his Cow and reaching over to grope and firmly knead the young stag's hard testicles.

"I know..." Tracy giggled and smirked. "The first time I talked to him about this, I made him go off in his jock... with a little fondling." The blushing Stag's muzzle reddened even more, as he thought about having to walk home in those wet underwear. "Not to worry tho' he recovers really quickly." Tracy smirking, as Jordan's big hot hands toyed with Jack ball's, the Deer began to harden again. And with a little fondling from the pretty Cow and Jordan pulling one of the Stags sweaty little hands up onto one of Tracy's big bouncy breasts. Jordan squeezed and tugged the young buck's balls firmly, as he pulled Jack's hand to the cow's soft cushions.

"Heh, yeah, I see what you mean." He smirked nodding at Tracy in agreement. "Well Jack boy, I promised you'd get to get inside my Cow, before I castrate you." "And I'm a Bull of my word... go ahead and get down there and try again." He instructed the swiftly stiffening Stag. "But I think I'm gonna hold onto your nuts... I think you need an experienced Bull to help you manage your balls between a cow's thighs." He chuckled darkly, rolling those virgin nuts between his thick fingers...

"Ohooo Ooook..." Jack moaned as he leaned forwards, over Tracy's big lush body. Both his small sweaty hands cupping and squeezing her tits... as she guided his once again rock hard cock into her hot sex. "Uhuhuuuu..." The handsome little Stag moaned in sheer delight, as the heat of her sex swallowed his aching erection. "Ohoohoo fuck it feels so...Sooooooo..." The fat Bull smirked, and squeezed the Stag's tense balls.

"Yeah... I know how it feels." He chortle with a sneer, his own Bull hood growing stiff, not from watching this other male get lucky with his Cow, but from catching his balls in the act and squeezing them. "Now, get a hold of yourself boy." "Or you're just gonna cum too fast again, and waste your chance." "Back and forth now... hips in and out, let me see your cute ass flex." He added lustfully grinning and licking his thick rubbery black lips.

"Uhu Uhu Uhuuuu..." Jack moaned as his fat little balls were squeezed and pulled down savagely. Jordan licked his lips lewdly as he hold the buck's tense bollocks, feeling the inexperienced male's thrusts tugging on the tender package he held so greedily. "Ok..ok... ok..." The young Deer panted, as his orgasm was held back while the bed shifted, and the big Bull was suddenly watching him from behind. Jacks sleek tawny ass flexing and bunching, as he pulled out and then thrust back into her. With a wide lewd smile, the big Bull slipped one thick finger under that little upraised white tail.

"Yeah... that's it nail my fine, fat Cow." "Be a real male for the first time in your life." He urged, and snickered as he rubbed a thick finger around the young male rim.

"Yeah... yeah that's right... pounding yer fine fat Cow..." The little straight Stag moaned gloatingly, and then felt something hard rubbing against his tail hole. Jordan frown at those gloating words, and then shoved that thick finger into the Stags tail hole as far as it would go.

"Mmmm... your ass is so tight..." "You're gonna be a great sweet eunuch, once I've cut your balls off..."

"OHOOO." Jack moaned squirming and bucking, as his virgin tail hole was penetrated for the first time. "I... I'm going to be a great eun... Eunuch." He whimpered suddenly remembering their deal... and his rock hard erection began to flag. Weakening more and more as his quivering little ass hole was fingered and prodded... Sensing the little Stags discomfort... Jordan added another thick finger to that once virgin tail hole. Sawing those thick fingers in and out of him roughly, Jordan felt a suddenly rush of jealousy. But he knew that would all vanish once he was holding the Stag's dissevered nuts in his hand.

Tracy lay back panting for breath, as she berated the confused young Stag between her hefty thighs. "What... are you limp already..." She snickered derisively as the handsome young Deer panting for breath looked up at her shamefaced. Not realizing that it was very difficult for many males to remain erect, with something stretching their tail holes wide open. And Jordan was stretching Jack taut little hole open very wide as he teased the Deer.

"I... I'm sorry." Jack whimpered breathlessly, as his sleek tawny hip's kept thrusting. Even though his limp organ flopped out of her damp sex, and dangled uselessly between them. As a big black Bull's thick fingers plunged in and out of his hot tiny anal pucker.

"Awwwww... but that's ok." Tracy moaned teasingly as she reached around behind him, spreading those sleek tan ass cheeks. "The Bull doesn't like hard thingies anyway." She advised. "Do you love?"

"No... not at all." Jordan agreed as he reached his other big three fingered hand around to fondle Jack's limp organ. "This is the way you should always be..." He purred lustfully into the young Stags ear, as he straddled those shapely buttocks. Positioning himself above Jacks tiny pink tail hole, he slipped his thick fingers out. And inserted his even thicker Bull cock, the sleek little Stag inhaled sharply and moaned out.

"Oh fuck its soooooo... sooooo big." The little Stag whimpered, his hip's pressing forwards against Tracy's hot dripping sex, as he was penetrated.

"That's right... big and hard like a real males should be..." Tracy snickered tauntingly, as she slipped those razor sharp shears out from under the mattress. Trembling in excitement as she looked up at her big gloating Bull lustfully. While he worked that long thick Bovine cock, ball's deep into the little Stag's hot ass. Jack trembled as he felt Jordan's huge Bull ball's slap against his own smaller ones. "Ut Oh... the balls touched... your gay now rut boy."

"Yeah ohooooo fuck yeah..." The little Stag whimpered, as more and more of that thick Bull cock sank into him. Until he felt Jordans big ball on top of his own, a shiver racing down his spine.

"Now wouldn't you like to please your Bull?" Tracy purred, as she nuzzled the Stags muscular chest, licking and suckling on his sensitive little nipples. Sending wild shivers of delight through Jacks sleek tawny little Cervine body

"Ammm Hmmm." Jack moaned in lustfully agreement, as his tight little butt pushed up into Jordan's long fuck thrusts.

"If you let me clip those little useless orbs off... you'd be nice and sweetly soft for your Bull forever." The pretty brown Cow whispered excitedly, as she fondled his nice size testicles. "You want that... don't you?" "Want to please your Bull... forever more."

"Ummmm fuck yeah..." Jack moaned in pleasure, as that huge pounding Bull cock... bounced his small pleasure gland like it was a rubber ball. With that big hard cock pounding deep into his ass, the little Stag would agree to anything. Tracy craned her thick neck up, and kissed that horny little Cervine lustfully. Even as she slipped those razor sharp blades around the thin neck of his dangling sac, while she tugged it down firmly. Feeling their big Bull's huge potent orbs slamming against her fingers, as he ruts the passive Deer lustfully. Looking up at Jordan she winked, and then squeezed those jaws slowly shut. Jack's head snapped back... his eyes flying open very wide. As the little Stag half moaned in pleasure, half sobbed in loss. "Hahaha..." Tracy laughed softly as she lifted his detached sack up for both him, and the fat black Bull fucking him to see. A long string of Cervine cum dribbling from his limp little cock, and dropped down onto her sex. As the anal pounding gave the little Stag the last potent orgasm he would ever have. As a second and then a third weak gush oozed out of Jack's limp little rut stick. Covering the out side of Tracy's sex in his last ever potent seed.

"Well at least you didn't go off to soon that time." Jordan chuckled lewdly into Jack pointed Cervine ear, even as he huffed and puffed breathlessly. "But you still didn't go off inside anyone..."

"Ohohooooo." Tracy moaning in a powerful orgasm, as she gelded her first male. Rushing waves of powerful feminine orgasms washing over her, leaving the pretty Cow a Mooing mess of bliss. As Jordan grasp the little Stag's antlers in one big hand, holding him still as he rutted wildly on. So turned on by the thought of rutting a guy his Cow had just made into a Steer for him.

"Going to trim these off as well... their out of place on a cute little doe like you." The fat black Bull moaned teasingly, as he threw his own big horned head back and bellowed in pleasure. That huge hard cock tensing, and releasing a torrent of thick slimy bovine lust. Deep into his newest gelding, as the nuttless little Stag laid limply atop the big smirking Cow. Who he though he was going to rut, but who had ended up cutting his ball's off... while her boyfriend raped his virgin ass.


"So this is the... one huh." The pretty Elk girl asked, as she joined the very rotund brown Cow on the huge bed.

"The one..." Tracy giggled as she shared a soft touch with the Elk Cow. "It's ok you can say it... the one who knocked me up." She smiled as the pretty Elk girl nodded at her round belly, that had just begun to show... "After he cut my former boyfriends ball's off... and now your boyfriend is his Steer as well." Tracy giggled as Dagmar looked over in shock once again to her naked boyfriend. The shiny scab very visible beneath his limp sheath, his tawny butt cheeks wet and shiny with another males cum. Benny was indeed a Steer now, and was serving a real intacted male in obvious ways. It was at that moment the plump black Bull came back in from his bathroom. Damp and clad in only a single bath towel wrapped around his thick waist. A broad smile spread across the young Bull's short blunt muzzle, as he saw the pretty Elk Cow.

"Ohooo so this is your Cow... hmmm Benny." Jordan strolled over to the tall Elk Steer, who towered a good foot over him. "So aren't you going to introduce us?" He asked as the naked Elk took the towel and began to dry his Bull's damp body off.

"Yes sir..." The tall Elk grunted soft and submissively. "This is my girlfriend Dagmar... Dag this is my... my Bull."

"Your girlfriend..." Jordan laughed in a soft amused voice. "Since when do Steers have girlfriends?" He asked making the big Elk Steer blush deeply, and look back and forth from his Bull to his former Cow.

"You are right of course sir... Dag is my former girlfriend..." "I... I... suppose she is free now to date whoever she desires." The tall former Elk Bull whimpered submissively as he knelt to rub the fat black Bull's lower legs dry.

"Indeed..." The embonpoint young Bull smiled as he looked the pretty Elk Cow over. Watching as Tracy was slowly and sensual caressing and playing with the other Cow's sleek body. While Dagmar was watching Benny her former boy friend passively servicing the big black Bull. Jordan followed her eyes down to the angry red scab between Benny's thighs. That was brightly visible to her as the big Elk Steer bent over in front of her drying his Bull's legs. The rich black Bull chuckled softly, as he noticed a dribble of his milky cum oozing from the Elk's tail hole. Watched as Dagmar noticed it... and watched as it slowly dripped down Benny's taint and across his gelding scab. "Curious?" Jordan asked unable to keep a gloating tone out of his voice, as his long thick Bovine cock throbbed for the Elk Cow.

"Wha..." Dagmar stammered, as she looked up at him startled out of her state of reverie.

"Curious about how your big masculine former boyfriend became my limp nuttless Steer?" The rotund black Bovine sneered, as he grabbed Benny's now antler-less head and fed him that long Bull cock. Shoving it ball's deep down the Elk Steers passive throat a few times playfully, before shoving him off of it. "You've had your share for the night..." Jordan leered tauntingly, as the big Elk Steer looked up at him passively. "Nawww this is for the lovely Cows." Grinning confidently, Jordan climbed up into his big bed with the pretty two Cows. His fat black furry body shaking heavily, as his long Bull hood bobbing under his big round gut. Those huge heavy balls swaying slowly back and forth, drawing both girl's attention. Such a contrast to the tall Elk Steer, who had nothing there now...

"It was good old Drax actually." Tracy giggled, as she watched her big potent Bull move up onto the bed on the other side of the pretty young Elk Cow. "He found poor Benny here... smacking his thingy in the showers after basketball practice." She explained, as she caressed and massaged Dagma'rs pointy breasts as the big rich Bull smiled down at them both...

Jordan nodded his big blunt head sagely. "Clearly, his balls were too much for him if he was cranking off in the showers." "So my steer showed some initiative, and found out that he was desperately horny... for you my Dear." The big black Bull said, grinning broadly down at Dagmar. "But you weren't gonna let him in there... now were you not for years and years at least..." Jordan chuckled leeringly as he and Tracy fondled the pretty Elk's body. "So... I made him a deal, in exchange for his balls and his loyalty." "I'd get into your panties, and let him watch as I did it."

Dagmar looked over at the big corpulent Bull in shock, as Tracy giggled and nuzzled against her left side, hot hands slowly sliding down the Elk Cows belly. "He... he actually agreed to that?" She choked, suddenly feeling very guilty as she looked over at her former boy friend, who was still sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed.

"Now, I don't know about you." The fat Bull said with a chuckle and a wink, as he reached out to rub one of the Elk's breasts gently. "But where I'm from, that's quire a compliment." "Why don't you spread your leg's and let your gelding Ex see what he paid his balls to see."

"Come on sweety..." Tracy giggled. "After all he's gave up I'd say he deserves at least that much." The pretty brown Cow's fingers slipped under the waist band of Dagmar's tight sleek panties, and teasingly tugged them down. The Elk Cow didn't try to stop her... and in point of fact lifted her hip's helping Tracy get those frilly panties down. A big black hand slipped in to help strip them all the way off, and then spread those long sleek legs. Jordan moaned softly... the fat young Bull getting excited as his impregnate Cow helped peel another girl's damp panties off for him.

"Oooh... Dagmar, you've got a really nice looking girl slot there." He panted leaning over her, and then reached a thick, strong hand out to brush her slotted mound. Teasing her where she wouldn't even let her boyfriend touch her not so long ago. "I can see why you wanted to wait... you just wanted to give this wonderful gift to a real Bull."

"Ummmm... please." Dagmar moaned as she felt her virgin sex begin to trickle hot dampness, as those thick fingers rubbed and stroked over her quivering sex... "I was just waiting... wanted to wait until..." The pretty elk girl panted breathlessly as she realized that two hands were teasing her hot sex... Bull and Cow were working to excite her and it was working, that hot trickle crawled slowly down her crotch.

"I bet you're feeling really special right now." He rumbled, licking his thick rubbery black lips as his thick fingers teased her. "I cut an Elk Bull's balls off to buy my way into here." "And Benny here gave his nuts to watch me get in." Jordan grasped his fat bovine shaft, stroking it slowly, letting it leak pre-cum for Dagmar's benefit. "Are you ready to let a Bull have you?"

"Ummm Ummm yes really very special." She panted breathlessly, wiggling and squirming as she glanced down seeing Benny starring at her aroused sex.

"Please Dag..." The Steer begged weakly as both he and she looked over at the big Bull's dripping erection.

"Ummmm yes... I'm really..." she moaned weakly as Benny almost burst into tears at her words. Jordan looked over his shoulder, and grinned at the teary eyed Steer. "See... you're better off without your balls Ben." He chuckled gloatingly as the obviously jealous Steer panted reggedly. "She never would've let you in there... your dick just ain't good enough for a pretty girl like Dagmar here." He loomed up over the slender Elk Cow, the fat powerful Bull grasping his thick, throbbing erection. And rubbed that big pink, blue veined probe against her soft furry belly, putting his sheath against her damp crotch letting his balls dangle down between her legs. "Ammmm... look at that nice hard meat girl." He teased, grinding it up and down against the soft hot flesh of her groin. Dagmar's eye's widened in shock and amazement as that big throbbing male organ lay against her furry belly... she had never had a male organ that close to her... Never felt it all hard and throbbing... hot and drooling slimy pre-cum over her naked female flesh. "All that Bull meat is going inside you..." He assured with a dominant snort. She knew that even this clear slimy pre was loaded with sperm... she could get pregnant just from his pre cum. A shiver ran down her long sexy torso as he hovered over her, climbing between her legs where she'd never let even Benny... "Oh... look how deep it's gonna reach... that's right girl, spread those thighs open because here comes your Bull." Licking his lips in lewd excitement, Jordan laid his fat belly down on top of her. And pulled his hips back, then started pushing his long totem into her hot little slot.

"Ohooo gods... your really going... going to to put it inside of...MEEEE." She squealed as that long hot male organ parted her virgin sex lip's and sank into her, until he came up against her maiden head...

"Ohohooo yeah." Jordan moaned, as he felt his fat Bull stick sinking into the Elk Cows snug tiny wet slickness. "Yeah you pretty Cow, that's how it works." He assured with a lustily snort, as his organ encountered her maidenhood. "And This is how it feels..." He smiled down at her leeringly, as his heavy body settled into place on top of her aroused body.

Tracy leaned in and kissed the pretty Elk Cow gently for a long moment the two female sharing a moment of pleasure. "He really is a good rut huh." She purred sexily as Jordan smiled down at them bother gloatingly...

"I want you to know, Dagmar, that this is actually my first time being inside a virgin." Jordan admitted... "But I like it." He grunted lustfully, and then nestled his muzzle against her neck. Taking a deep breath and then thrusting forward hard, his stiff flesh spear piercing her virginity in one smooth thrust. Spreading his legs, so that Benny could watch that Bull's big ass move up and down, and his fat, heavy bovine balls hit Dagmar's ass cheeks.

"Now now dear... that's not totally true..." Tracy giggled loudly as she watched. "Benny here was a virgin." She pointed out with a leering smirk... "And you sure liked that... as I remember it." Tracy's lush body snuggled tight against the two of them, as the big Bull's hard organ took the sexy Elk Cows virginity. While behind then the tall Elk Steer moaned mournfully, as he saw Jordan huge organ moving in and out of his former girlfriends no longer virgin sex...

"Hohooo gods..." He moaned weakly the erotic show making him feel lightheaded and sick. Jordan didn't even pay his new Steer any attention, he just snorted with lust and shoves his fat meat into the Elk Cow's stretched pussy. Filling her with hard, hot Bull hood and giving her pleasure in ways she never imagined possible. His big ass shook with every hard thrust between Dagmar's thighs, and his meaty nuts jumped and jerked around as they swung.

"Heh heh, well thanks babe." He moaned to Tracy between breathless grunts of intense pleasure. "You were... Ummmm!" "Mmm... My first real Cow... your pussy helped me learn to give real girls pleasure." He moaned slipping a thick arm around her plump body as well. Smirking in lust and groaning as he grabbed her ass tightly, pulling her belly against his side while he thrust wildly.

"Ammmm and you mastered it and me soooo very well..." Tracy moaned as she kissed him and then Dagmar alternately... even as the pretty Elk Cow was moaned and bucking her hip's up to meet the big Bull's hard deep thrusts.

"Oh yeah sweet Cow, I'm gonna cum... fuck I'm gonna fill you." He panted as long slender legs wrapped around his rotund waist, hard hooves resting on his big bouncy buttocks as he slammed into her lustfully...

"Ohooo Gods I never knew... this felt sooooo..." "Oho yes... Yes rut me..." Dagmar screamed loudly as her long sleek tawny body bucking and bouncing. As Tracy giggled naughtily as Jordan pulled her against them... pushing his big hot hand down between her thigh's to her wet sex.

"Fill her up my love... make her your pregnant little Cow just like me." Tracy ordered, as she sucked on one of Dagmar's hard nipples, flat teeth pinching it teasing as she moaned. "Tell him sweety." She demanded as the Elk Cow's eyes rolled wildly in her head.

"Fill... fill my belly with your cum please..." The sexy Elk Cow begged softly, drawing another loud sob from her so recently gelded Ex boyfriend. Jordan nodded his big horned head rapidly, panting for breath as his wide hips thrust hard. His big belly shaking against the aroused Elk girl's trembling body, his fat balls bouncing and riding high between her thigh's. "Ahaha yeah." "You're both gonna look so good with your round bellies... courtesy... of... my BALLS!" He groaned loudly as his hefty nut sack convulsed, the fat Bull's big cock throbbing powerfully inside of Dagmar. That mighty meaty organ pulsing and spurting his hot cum deep inside her belly. His tail flagged as Benny watched it all, watching the Bull who cut his balls off cumming hard in his girlfriend.

"Fuck!" The new Steer cursed loud enough to be heard by all.

"EEEEHEHEEE..." Dagmar screamed, her sleek tawny body convulsing in powerful pleasure. As her Bull's scalding hot seed is spurted deep inside of her so recently virgin sex... Even as that sleek pretty body humps and grinds against his big soft fat one. "Ohooo Gods... Ohooo hell..." The pretty Elk Cow screamed as she glanced down at Benny, mistaking the look on his muzzle for admiring satisfaction. "Ummm damn I've waited sooo long for a real Bull..." She moaned, as the tall Elk Steer sobbed softly, watching Jordan's frothy spoo oozing out of Dagmar's quivering sex around the Bull's big cock... The fat black bull grunted, his fat ass still flexing as he pumped into Dagmar's pussy. His grimace of uncontrolled pleasure slowly fading into a broad, smug, satisfied smile. He panted breathlessly, and lazily pounded that sloppy trembling sex a few more times with his thick, proud Bovine dick.

"Ummmm yeah... you don't have to wait anymore baby, you're part of my herd now." Jordan assured gloatingly as he leaned over to share a kiss with Tracy. "You can get a real Bull inside you whenever you want, just like Tracy here." He grinned and leaned over to kiss both of his Cows hotly. "I keep my Cows satisfied too... so feel free to tell your friends" He instructed lustfully. "I'm an ambitious Bull a breeder, out to grow my herd." He smugly proclaimed, as those big hot hands groped Dagmar's pert breasts teasingly.

"Oho Oho oho..." Dagmar moaned her breath coming in ragged gasps, as she laid back and looked up adoringly at her new Bull... "Oho thank gods... because I could go for that again right now." She admitted breathlessly... lust obvious in her voice.

"Ammm she is a greedy little Cow." Tracy giggled as she joined Dagmar in fondling and touching the big Bull's sweaty body.

"Ooooo yeah... I know a few girls who need.... need this kinda thing." The pretty Elk Cow chuckled, as the two of them groped her pert little breasts.

Jordan smiled lustfully, and let out a soft lewd laugh. "Hehehe... yes a greedy little Cow." He snorted licking those shiny black lips, even as he played with her pert erect breast... and squeezing Tracy's ass. "Ummm... well Dagmar I've no objection to giving you another round." The rotund Bull snorted lustfully. "But I can't just ignore Tracy over here." He explains patting his pregnant Cow's plump rear end solidly. With a soft grunt he dismounts, sliding his thick meat out of the sexy Elk. And sitting down on the bed, reclining against the pillows and headboard. "Tell you what..." "Why don't you girls give my Bull parts some attention... and the girl that gets me to enjoy it the most gets to be next." Jordan smirked lewdly as he enjoyed all the attention.

"Sounds good to me..." Tracy giggled quickly leaning in to kiss's those big beautiful black ball's, as Dagmar watches stunned for a second and then growled.

"Not so fast..." Instantly she moved over to thrust her head between her Bull's leg's, to join Tracy licking and kissing those massive organs eagerly. As Benny watched the two Cows compete to pleasure Jordan... when he couldn't get one to even agreed to let him pleasure her. Hanging his now antler-less head the Elk Steer was forced to admit defeat. Jordan moaned as Tracy right away went for his big lush balls. "Ohohoooo." She knew exactly what he liked... and she worshiped his fat ball's with her hot tongue. And then Dagmar joined in... the fat black Bull was in utter heaven. His legs writhing as those two beautiful girls tasted his strong musk and felt his cum factories throbbing just for them. Reaching down Jordan put a hand on each of their shoulders, guiding those fawning mouths around his bulging junk. "Ohohoo god girls... Ummmm yeah." "Oh you know what gets me turned on soooo much." "Yeah, yeah that's it... show me you want what's in those balls." He snickered looking back over their shoulders, at the crying Benny flashing the new Steer lewd grin. Jordan' s words of lustful praise, made the two Cows nuzzling his huge hot organs grow even more lusty and fawning. As they both began to lick up and down his still hard cock passionately... both hot mouths begging for him to fill them with his sticky spoo...

"Hey Benny... don't be such a sap." "What have you got to be sad about?" "After all you gave up your balls, and you won't miss 'em after awhile." "I see it all the time." "You never would have it this good anyway... and now you don't have to worry about trying to be all macho anymore." Jordan smirked with a sly grin... as the trembling Steer looked at him wide eyed. "You're... freed from your obligation to be a male." The big Black Bull almost laughed to himself, it sounded like total crap to him. But maybe it would make the poor nut-less Elk Steer feel better about castration. Reaching down, he guides that oozing cock head into first one mouth and then the other... But it's only when he starts talking to his Steer that those lustful mouths grow really wild... clearly the girls were getting turned on by his words to Benny...

"Yes... yes sir I can see now... thank you sir thank you for freeing me..." The nut-less Elk Steer whimpered honestly as he watched the erotic action helplessly.

Jordan moaned as those girls worked on his meaty Bull hood, already almost back to full raging erection. He kneaded their shoulders as he ground his loins against their muzzles, his meaty shaft, his huge balls, and it was so hard to pick a winner. Jordan grinned at the meek Steer... knowing just the buttons to push. "Besides... you like getting nailed in the shower heh heh..." The fat Black Fat snickered knowingly as he watched Benny's reaction. "You can look forward to that Benny." "You know I like Steers almost as much as Cows." He assured that tall new Steer with a dominant sneer.

"Yes... yes sir... I'm looking forwards to that..." The tall elk steer admitted making Dagmar pause and moan softly... was she having an orgasm it sure sounded like it... Those slick tongues were doing intense things to his big throbbing organ now... As Jordan reminded his Steer about how much he'll liked getting the same treatment, the big bull had just giving Dagmar...

"You could help me out too... be a showcase for my new herd." Jordan wheeled as he watched his two Cow teasing and licking his big hot excited genitals.

"How... how could I do that sir?" The obviously defeated Elk Steer mumbled weakly.

"Tell your friends how much you like not having balls." "Shower with the other guys, and let 'em grope you... maybe let them play with you." "Hell you can even let them fuck you... all the while tell them how glad you are I cut your balls off."

"Errr... I... I could..." The Elk Steer moaned weakly, a shiver raced down his strong spine at those words, even as Dagmar looked back at him excitedly.

"Do it... round up your Bull some more pansy little cock loving Steers" She ordered, making the already trembling Benny convulse even harder...

"O...ok... I'll Shower with the other guys, I'll let 'em grope me even... even Rut me if you want." "I'll tell'em how glad I am you cut off my balls." The tall Elk Steer agreed meekly, as the last of his former male pride vanished.

"That's a good Steer... Benny." The Fat black Bull snickered, and then looked down at the trembling Elk female, so turned on by what's been done to her ex-boy friend. "Ummm... that turn you on... doesn't it Dag?" Jordan smirked as he watched her sleek body tremble. "I bet you'd love to watch the video... the video of Benny getting his balls cut off." Jordan suggested with a delighted leer as he saw the pretty Elk Cow shiver again.

"Ohooo... could I?" She moaned in awed delight, as a wild series of trembles ran through her.

"Yeah... you wanna see it happen... don't you?" Jordan snickered in excitement. "Well I'll show you later for sure." "Ammmmm... meanwhile girls." The fat Bull grinned gloatingly. "You're both amazing... however Tracy, you've got a little more experience than Dagmar, who just recently graduated from virginity." "So my balls are yours next..." "What position do you like best?" Jordan asked smugly as the hefty brown Cow smiled up at him.

Tracy smiled as she looked over at Dagmar, feeling a sudden strong kinship with the tall sleek Elk Cow. "Just wait... maybe he'll let you make one." She giggled crawling up Jordan big body, to straddle his hefty thighs as she smirked down at the open mouthed Dagmar.

"Make... make one!?" The pretty Elk Cow wondered, as she thought about Jordan's offer to let her watch his video of gelding Benny... and began to fondle his sopping wet sex.

"Make a Steer silly." Tracy confirmed as she looked back at Jordan and smiled even wider. "Reverse Cow girl." She laughed lifting up and impaling herself on her big black Bull's massive erection... "Hey Benny why don't you go get your former nuggets out of the trophy cabinet, and show'em to Dag..." Tracy snickered, as a grinning Jordan nodded, and held his thick Bull meat upright for so she could settle herself on to it. "I bet she's never seen them before heh." Tracy snickered.

"Oh... that's a great idea baby." "Yes Benny go fetch my Elk nuts from the collection." He bids his new Steer, as the meek Elk Steer slowly climbed to his hooves. Whimpering softly as he crept off to the trophy case, his short tail between his legs. He opened it with a gulp, looking on all the balls Jordan had taken... most of them much bigger than his own. With trembling hands Benny found the ones with his name on them, stuffed by an expert taxidermist in an almost life like fashion. Reverently he brought them back to the bed, where Tracy was just sitting down on Jordan's might rut meat. "Heh heh... hold those down between your legs Benny." The big black Bull ordered as he inhaled deeply in pleasure. "Now Dagmar... go ahead and take them away." Moving over to the edge of the big bed, Benny lowers those stuffed orbs into position. Just under his sheath and the limp useless organ dangling from it... the fluffy fur of his crotch almost hiding the fact those hefty nuts are no longer his own.

"Go in my dear... take you old boyfriends balls." Tracy invited as Dagmar reaches out with one trembling hand, grasping those fuzzy balls and jerking them down hard. Even as the other hand keeps making wet squishing noises down between her legs... "Ohooo damn..." She moaned lustfully, as she ripped those big fuzzy ball's off her former boyfriend.

"Ahaha... heh heh, did you like that Dagmar?" "You can take your time with it too, imagine the blade making the cut that castrated him." "Imagine sawing the blade back and forth... him just giving up his family jewels just for you..." Jordan's smooth voice purred softly, forming vivid images within the pretty Elk Cow's head.

The fat Bull bellowed in delight as Tracey sank down onto that thick shaft, his large hands holding her by her wide, chubby hips. Before sliding down caressing her broad back, as she sinks onto his throbbing meat and begins riding it softly. "Awwww yeah... ride me, Sweet sexy Cow." "Ammm... I know why you like that position." Jordan grunted breathlessly as that hot wet sex sent wild pleasure screaming through his loins to his brain. "You... you like to play with my balls while I'm inside you." They both chuckled at that, knowing the true in his words. "Go ahead... you know I love it." The rotund Bull told her as that slick pussy surrounding his hot Bull hood convulsed in delightful ways.

Gently those soft pudgy hands rubbed and fondled his fat potent Bull balls, clearly in awe of them and lustfully for the pleasure they have to give her. "Ammmm I love your might masculine nuts sooooo much." Tracy moaned as Dagmar was lost in another fantasy of removing Benny's stud nuggets, as Jordan's words rolled around in her head. The black Bull kneaded Tracy's ass, even as she was massaging his meaty nuts. Jordan moaned, loving having his balls handled by the Cow he was rutting. "Ammmm, you're the first Cow to handle them... the first cow they ever emptied into... Ohoooo, they love your hot body too." Jorsan bellowed lustfully to the plump Cow, as he bounced her up and down on his lap. Even while he watched Dagmar play with the Elk Steer's detached balls. "Try having him bend over in front of you." "That can be a fun way to take a pair of nuts too..."


"Hello... Errr Jordan is it?" A tall handsome young white furred equine... and his buddy a big bulky black and tan Rottweiler. Sat looking over at the fat black Bull, who sat opposite them in the back of the long sleek Limo. Jordan merely smiled and nodded his big horned head, as the two young studs looked decidedly uncomfortable. "Its became a big thing at school... ya know lots of guys havin' it done." The handsome young stud snorted, not naming what they wanted to talk about. "Popular jocks like us... even nerd and geek wanta be's havin' it done ya know."

"So anyway... we heard from some of the guys that your the guy that's doin' it for them..." The big Rottie growled, obviously impatient with his horse buddies delicate words. The big Black Bull's lip's cracked into a leering smile, as he realized what had happened. His Steer making had some how became a high school fab... of course teenagers rarely realized how permanent something like this could be.

"Maybe..." Jordan snorted as he looked the sexy pair over leeringly, he'd enjoy nutting this pair.

"So how much is it gunna cost?" The pretty young stallion snorted, as the big Bull's chuckled and shook his wide head.

"If... you've been talking to one of my Steers, you'd know I don't do it for money." Jordan lifted his big soft hands and gestured to their surroundings.

"Listen... we're both straight." The big Rottie growled as he leaned forwards aggressively. "We aint doin' none of that gay shit... not gunna suck yer dick or let ya pull it up our butt's." The big black and Tan canine frowned as the fat Bull snickered softly at the irony.

"Well I do have a Cow or two... who might like to do it for you guys..." "Is that straight enough for you two?" The big canine and his horse buddy looked at each other and smirked. This was turning out better than they had expected... not only would they not have to pay. But they wouldn't have to let some gay Bull handle their junk.

"Hell ya... we can deal with that..." "When can we get it done?" The pair agreed, now obviously anxious to get it over with so that they'd be back in the popular click.

"Come to this address after six... the back door will be unlocked." Jordan promised as he watched the two straight studs shapely ass's, as they climbed out of the Limo. Once the door had closed and the car pulled away... Jordan threw his head back and roared with laughter. Anything it seemed could become a popular Fab... if the right people did it first. And then he took out his cell phone and sent a couple of text messages to his Cows.


As six o'clock rolled around, Jordan found himself in his usual after-school haunt, the bath house hot tub. Tonight his two girls, Tracey and Dagmar, were snuggled up at his sides. Kissing him with tongue and playing with his wide chest and fat belly, and fondling his male assets too. And this is how the gray Horse and big Dog found him, being kissed and cuddled by two naked girls under the water... "Ahaha, there you guys are." "Time flies when you're having fun, and we certainly are." The big rich Bull laughed as his two Cow's put on a show for the two lusty straight boys. Girls..." He nuzzled them, and they turned to look at the males whom they'd be castrating. "I'd like you to meet Dagmar, and Tracey." "Girls, say hello..." And the two females stood up, letting the water run off their glorious naked bodies, showing off their breasts, hips, and loins... "Ok boys, just choose which one of these girls you'd like to have castrate you..." The two horny young males stood there opened mouthed, for a long moment as the girl's giggled and looked the pair of them over. Both males were naked, having found a little Stag in the locker rooms who had told them to get undressed. And then had sat them in the steam room for a few minutes, so that their male goods would be hanging nice and low. And now here they were, standing naked and aroused in front of the smirking Bull and his two sexy females, the pair looked back and forth until the Rottie grunted.

"I want her..." He pointed to Tracy and she quickly climbed up the steps to wrap a soft arm around his waist. Tracy meanwhile merrily bounces up to the rottie and slips her arms around his waist, pressing her plump body against him, her warm, dripping breasts rolling heavily against his chest.

"Thanks for choosing me." Tracy purred with a cute wink. "You wanna give your bollocks a big sendoff, huh?"

"Wow... Dag I didn't know you were... thought you and Benny were..." The horny horse whinnied as the tall Elk girl climbed up the steps and slipped her arm around his waist.

"That's all over with." The pretty Elk Cow snickered as she reached down to weight the young stallion's fat orbs in her hot hands. The pretty Elk licked her lips, fondling the young horse's fat bollocks, stroking them in their velvety home. "He didn't have the balls to satisfy me." She explained as she gently tugs on the naked horse's huge testicles. "Now thanks to Jordan, he hasn't got any balls at all."

"Wha... Heh Bull boy there cut his off huh." The handsome young stallion chuckled, his long rut stick bouncing up and down in excitement as her hands fondled him.

"Damn yer the head Cheerleader..." The big canine grunted as the pretty Cow pressed her soft body against him. "Ummm Tracy right?" Clearly distracting him from the smirking Bull, who was watching them both lustfully. "Ohoooo yeah a big send off." Jimmy the Rottie agreed lustfully, as his paws began to wander all over her soft lush female form... Tracy nodded, her hand sliding around the Dog's waist and she began fondling his testicles. She moaned softly as he started to explore her naked, chubby body.

"That's right... I'm the head cheer-leader, and I've seen more than one of our players castrated by my Bull." She coos in response, gently bouncing his ripe Dog nuts in her soft hands. "You know, I got into cheer-leading because I really love football players..." "And you know, my Bull won't mind you having a little 'last minute fun' before your balls hit the floor..." "You wanna go into a massage room?" She asked coyly, teasing the Dog's lustful need as she lead him on.

Dagmar meanwhile, was stroking the young gray stallion's prick and playing with his hefty balls, and whispering to him how they'd make him a gelding and videotape everything... As the already aroused stallion was quivering and jerking it lustful need.

The big black and tan Dogs muzzle twisted up into a gloating smile, and his flashed it over her shoulder to the big Black Bull sitting there so passively. "Hell yeah Honey... I'd love to slip you my knot." The big canine gloated, as he allowed her to lead him off through the door and down the hall into the small room with a single massage table in it. Jordan watched Tracy's swaying ass and swishing tail disappear through the door as she led Jimmy off to his fate.

Within the massage room, the web cam was almost unnoticeable on a small shelf nearby. The big Dog letting himself be pushed down onto the massage table. "Heh last minute fun... huh." The Rottie snickered as Tracy lay him back and got him comfortable on the table. "Ya mean a last cum... before ya get my balls off." Jimmy grunted as the pretty Cow played his his aroused junk gently. "I mean its not like I'm not going to be able to rut afterwords... or anything." The big jock canine grunted in gullible ignorance.

"Oh... in my experience..." Tracy smirked thinking how humorous it was that the big Dog was wanting neutered without know the consequences. "Guys get rutted a lot more... after they get their balls off..." She assured with a lewd knowing smile...

Jordan would later laugh openly at those words, as he watched the footage of what was now still to come. Tracy grinned at the big Dog and rubbed his toned belly, her other hand gathering up his fat balls and rolling them around slow and playfully. "Ammmm... they are so nice and big." The pretty brown Cow moaned as she enjoyed having his male hood in her power. "You're really brave, to get these cut off." She snickered softly, leaning over him and letting her large breasts hang onto his already stiff Dog cock. "I bet it must hurt..."

"Heh... well I bet..." The big Rottweiler snorted, as her soft teats rubbed against his big red doggy bone... as it jutted up stiffly. "Of course I'm tough... hardly bothered me when I broke my collar bone." The powerfully muscled black and tan jock boasted, as the sexy female rolled his big round orbs around within his furry sac. "Of course if your doing something to distract me..." He left that hanging, but it was clear what the horny stud was wanting. The plump pretty Cow grinned as she caught his meaning.

"You mean like straddling this big bone of yours?" She teased with a leering wink, and grasped that pulsing cock behind the knot. Holding it up and squeezing it, rubbing it against her warm, soft breasts. "I gotta say handsome, I'm flattered that you want it to be my pussy that gets your last load." Tracy gasp with a grin, and leaned her plump muzzle down, kissing his furry balls lewdly. "Ummmm, and I'm more than happy to distract you." The pretty brown Cow giggled as she thought about how it was all going to end. "Just spread your legs." She prompted, and gently pushed his thighs apart so that the camera could get a clear shot of the Dogs big balls. "And I'll take care of the rest..." She collected a few items, that had been stashed within the massage supplies. A few tight rubber bands, and a sturdy set of razor sharp wire cutters. She set them beside Jimmy's hips, before climbing up onto the table. Swinging her hefty thighs over him, riding him reverse cowgirl, with her big sexy ass towards his muzzle.

"Ohoo Hooo yes." "That's exactly what I mean honey." Jimmy smirked, thinking this was about the most fun he'd had with a female in sometime... Tracy was acting a total slut... for him obviously. "Ummm yeah as soon as I saw you... I said I wanta shoot my spoo in that sweet pussy." The big Dog moaned, as she fondled his fat Doggy bone and kissed his bulging orbs. "Ohoo yes... take care of me honey." He snickered... spreading his legs and getting ready to bounce his hip's up. As the pretty Cow straddled his powerfully muscled body, and settled her hot dripping sex against him. "Ummm yeah reverse Cow girl huh." Jimmy panted as her big round rump was thrust back at him, instantly he cupped those big cheeks with either paw... Tracy smiled over her shoulder at him, and wiggled her thick rump in his greedy grip.

"Yeah, Jordan loves this position, 'cause it lets me play with his big potent Bull balls." She panted licking her lips lewdly at him, and taking his shaft in her soft hand, pressing it up against her plump sex.

"Oh really... so he actually like girls huh." The big Rottie asked a little confused by the things he thought he knew, big hand sliding all over that wiggling ass. "Cuz I hear he likes fucking the guys he's cut..." Jimmy smirked like he'd just proven some kind of point...

"You ready for this, big stud?" Tracy asked as she felt his thick red Canine pole throbbing wildly.

"Ohooo hell yes I'm really... I wanta fuck you so much." Jimmy moaned lustfully, as he watcher her dribbling sex lift up.

"Then here we go..." And with that she sat up and grasped his stiff Dog cock, holding it up as she lowered her wide hips and plump pussy down onto it slowly sinking her slick, soft cunt down around it. That big body bucked and shuddered as her hot sex slipped over his huge hard doggy bone.

"Ahahaha... fuck me that feels so... sooooo..." The big black and tan canine moaned as his head tilted back. Tracy closed her eyes and moaned, her pussy already slick with lust for her Bull. But now clearly was enjoying this Rottweiler's last ever fuck, even if he didn't know it. "Ooooooh yeah, that's so nice and good...nice and f-filling." She moaned, groping her own heavy breasts as the Dog's paws massaged her big round ass. "Only Jordan fills me more completely than this." It was a remark calculated to undermine the Dog's ego, even while he enjoyed her hot flesh.

"Oh really... so he's bigger than me?" Jimmy moaned in-disappointment, as that hot sex sent his eyes rolling wildly. His big strong male body bucking and bouncing under her, as his lusts swiftly grew.

"And oh yes... yes he loves fucking Cows, he just loves fucking males without balls almost as much."

"No shit... thinks its ok if a dudes got no ball no more huh." The big canine moaned, and pulled her tail up so he could watch her sloppy wet sex slide up and down on his thick cock.

"Maybe it's a Bovine thing... but it seems natural and studly to me." She smirks, grinning over her shoulder as her hot, sumptuous, deep pussy slides up and down over Jimmy's throbbing bone. "Other males... are like girls to him..."

"Sounds kinda gay to me... maybe he's secretly wantin' to have a cock up his tail hole." The big Dog snickered, while the big, plump Cow moaned. As she rode that firm, hard dog bone, her hot, slick pussy sliding down and caressing his bulging knot. She made sure to reach down and squeeze the base of it, she wasn't as tight as a bitch would be, but she sure was deep.

"Oh, you think so?" "That'd be quite a switch, he's usually all about putting his dick into others." She said, rolling her hips and making her big ass sway in his paws. "But oh yeah, he'll do that to men with or without their balls if he liked 'em, I'm sure." She reached down and played with those fertile, bouncing globes, and then picked up the rubber bands she'd collected, and started looping them around the big Dog's plump sac...

"Yeah...Yeah... that's how those kinda guys are..." The big canine panted lustfully, as his big paws squeezed and cupped her big buttocks, clearly turned on by his view of them. "Its a cover for what they really want... cock up their butt." "Yeah ohoo yeah ride that big hard cock baby." Jimmy panted lustfully as he rutted up into her as best he can, with all that weight holding him down. "See... see... he'd fuck'em all." Tracy purrs in vague agreement, she can't help but pause and grab her breasts, squeezing them hard just like her Bull does. That slick, hot pussy squeezing hard around Jimmy's knot, as she imagines Jordan fucking everyone. "Ohh...Ohoo yeah Jimmy." "Ohh he's gonna fuck us all...AMMMMM!" She bit her lip and started riding the Dog jock even harder, lifting her heavy body up and coming down hard on his handsome dick meat. Over and over, her fat body shaking with each heavy thump onto the Rottweiler's powerful hips. She looped those rubber bands several times around his big potent balls, making them bulge in their sac. As those bands constricted the neck of his nuts in two places with the two bands...

"Wha... Oh ya mean all of you girls... heh." Jimmy grunted, as he felt her trap his big potent ball's with the strong rubber bands... It wasn't all that painful but it did make his guts ache, like when he'd been hit in the ball's in the past. This didn't stop his pleasure however, in fact it seem to excited him in a odd way. His long thick Dog bone pulsed even harder within Tracy's hot sloppy sex, and made the big canine grasp her fat hip's and buck up into her even harder and faster. "Get ready honey... I'm gunna pop here in a minute." He warned huskily, as his breath grew wild and panting heavy... Tracy moaned and nodded, getting those bands nice and tight. And then grasped those tightly-squeezed Dog balls in one hand, while the heavy wire cutters rested in her other. "Ohohooo... I'm ready big boy." She panted in breathless excited... ready to cut off his balls at the height of his pleasure. She could feel her body tensing up, tightening, the pleasure deep inside of her filling every muscle and bone in her heavy frame. This stud was giving up his balls, to fuck her... she was going to take his balls. He'd never think of sex again, without remembering her... her face...her breasts...her ass...her pussy. No wonder Jordan loved doing this, she thought to herself... what a turn on. "Ohooo yeah Jimmy, cum inside of me." She invited almost unable to wait for it to take his male hood.

"Ummmm... yeah." The big Rottie panted, bucking and fucking like crazy... his big powerful body almost throwing her off. "Here it... Cuuuummmmssss." Jimmy howled, his big paws rubbing and fondling all over her hefty body, as his fat nuts spasmed and tried to draw up... Even as his long thick cock tensed holding back for a long moment... Before exploding within her hot wet sex... his watery canine cum spraying wildly within her... The big Cow let out a loud moan, when she felt the strong Dog's bucking cock start to spray within her, his jism firing off deep within her big belly. She thrashed as pleasure rushed through her like a wave, every muscle in her body trying to twitch simultaneously. Her thighs squeezed the Rottie's hips, her pussy squeezed his fat cock, her ass clenched on his belly. While her teeth clenched in her mouth... soft hands clenched around his balls and on the handle of those cutters, and with a soft 'Click' his plump canine cummers came right off. Tracy moaned loudly, her cooze spilling out of that wildly tingling pussy. Hot fluids dribbling over Jimmy's nut-less crotch, and the neat, rubber-band sealed wound...

"AOOOOAOOOOO..." Jimmy howled loudly as those wire cutters cut off a whole lot more than wire... but the big masculine canine couldn't see it. His view was still of Tracy's big round sexy ass, and he was still somewhat sexual excited by it... His long canid tongue lolled out of his mouth, as Tracy lifted her hip's up. And let his still hard cock flop out of her dripping sex, to lay drooling on his flat tan belly. "Oho fuck... ohooo wow that did hurt, but it was the best orgas... it was sooo Great."

"Glad you enjoyed it." Tracy snickered as she dismounted, and leaned on the table a moment to steady her shaking thighs. She leaned over him, her breasts gently swaying back and forth exciting him. And then she spread her legs, and rubbed his band-sealed ball sac against her plump, soft pussy, getting her cooze and his cum all over those severed testicles. "I'm sure you'll Never forget it." The big strong Dogs jaw dropped as he saw it... even though he'd known what was happening. Knew that Tracy had just cut his ball's off but see it...

"Fuckin' Hell I guess!" He exclaimed in shock and wonder, as he watched her playing with his dissevered junk... actually it was kinda turning him on again. Tracy looked up, watching the neutered Dog watch her... she smirked wickedly at him. And rubbed his plump balls against her clit, making her whole body shudder softly.

"Gives a new meaning to the phrase, got you by the balls..." "Doesn't it sweety?" She teased... and then she spread her legs, and with a lusty moan pushed his severed ball sac tight up into her pussy...and left it there. She squeezed those sleek muscles, holding his testicles inside her... taken by and into her body.

"Oho wow you... you've got my... inside of your..." Jimmy panted open mouthed, as there came a low, deep, rumbling chuckle that filled the room as Jordan stood in the open doorway. "Right... up there with my spoo... Errr." Tracy turned around at the sound of that chuckle, and smiled broadly up at her big Bull.

"Heeey..." The naked Cow sashayed over to her big Bull, those wide hip's swaying and tail swishing. As she put her arms around him, giving Jordan a kiss and rubbing his fat gut lustfully. "I got his balls for you my love." She assured with such a sweet voice, Jimmy understood at once she would never belong to anyone else. "Shall I hand them over... or do you like them where they are?" She asked with a wicked wink, fingers fondling his rapidly hardening Bull cock.

Jordan's rubbery black lip's rolled up into a wide lustful grin, as he wrapped one arm around her soft body and hugged her close. "I think it would be sexy if you kept them in there... however they need to be preserved as quickly as possible." He smirked, gesturing to the jar and syringe he had laying on the shelf next to the web camera. Grinning the big black Bull reached down and stroked his huge hard on slowly... Giving her big handsome fat Bull a wink, Tracy relaxed herself and let the now completely cooz-covered balls slip out of her sex. She handed them daintily to her Bull, her other arm squeezing Jordan's fat ass. After he took them she rubbed his big gut and kneaded it, then slid her hand lower to fondle and massage his huge black balls... Just encouraging him to be the lustful, lewd, powerful Null that he always was.

"And I thank you." Jordan smirked as he quickly prepared the big Dogs ball's and then dropped them into the jar of preservative fluids.

"Thank me fer wha..." Jimmy grunted as he watched Jordan fix up his dissevered junk.

"Why for these of course... adding them to my collection." Jordan turned and flashed the neutered Dog a lustful leering smile. Tracy winked, and patted her Bull's big belly.

"Ohooo... I think it was a fair trade..." Tracy giggled soft as she watched the neutered Dog and big potent Bull. "His male hood, for a chance to cum in my pussy." She leered at the neutered Rottweiler, her tail swishing wildly back and forth.

"Oh yes..." Jordan smirked as he shared a lusty grin with his pretty brown Cow... "And now I must ask you to clean your mess up." He snorted, as Jimmy looked up at him blankly.

"I...Errr what mess?" The big Rottie asked dully.

"Why the mess you've made inside of my Cow." The Fat black Bull smirked, gesturing to Tracy's still drooling sex... Slowly the big Cow strolled over to the still laying canine, and pulled his head between her hefty thigh's...

"Lap it up neutered puppy." She snickered hotly as she rubbed that oozing slit over the nut-less Rottie's muzzle. "Ohohoo my bull must like you." She tittered in lustful amusement as his deep brown eye's widened. "You've gotten to touch my pussy twice tonight." "If you're good, who knows what you might get." She smiled and glanced over at Jordan, whose Bull hood was thick and hard... "You lucky lucky boy." "He probably wants to fuck you now..." Jimmy looked up at that hot quivering sex startled... as Tracy rubbed his nose and lip's in it...

"Ummm yeah lucky..." The strong scent of her sex and his own thick cum making him light headed, but not so light headed that he failed to hear that... "Wants to fuck me!" The big Dog growled looking up, as Jordan grasped his strong leg's and lifted them, making the Rottweiler squirm and struggle. "Hey... What... No Way I'm not... You can't"

"You're not... what?" Tracy asked with a giggle, her plump pussy and soft belly pressing against the neutered Dog's fearful muzzle. "You're not gay?" "What does that even mean to you now?" "You're gay if you're a male that has sex with other male." "But a male is someone with balls, and a dick to use them with... you're not a male anymore Jimmy." The pretty Cow laughed shaking her head and grinning down at him. "You're a eunuch... a neuter... I saw to that." "And to answer your earlier question... you will Never get hard and cum inside anyone ever again." She giggled gloatingly... pointing to the bottle with his ball's in it on the shelf. "You sold your manhood for my pussy, and for fashion..." "A fair price, but sell it you did, and now you're without it honey." She waved getting Jordan's attention. "Turn him a little bit to your left lover." "That way the camera can get a great shot of your hard cock going into him right between your legs." She chuckled with a lewd wink.

"Hahah..." Jordan laughed, as he listened and watched the big canines muzzle take on a strange look... as he listened to Tracy's words. His jaw working, but nothing seemed to come out of his mouth. "Yes your right my dear." Jordan snickered, as he turned the big Rottweilers body a little to his left. "Besides... I didn't even have to wait until he was gelded... to rut your buddy Jerome's virgin tail hole." The big black Bull snickered, reading the look of denial on the big neutered Dogs muzzle. "Watch that monitor." He smirked and pushed a button on his remote, instantly the monitor flickered to life. The handsome white horse's long muzzle came on screen... he was looking very arousing and highly nervous.

"Ok... ok if you let Dag... give me one last orgasm I...I'll let you...let you mount me." Jerome moaned softly as the sleek pretty Elk teased his huge throbbing cock. Tracy giggled lewdly as she watched Dagmar and Jordan expertly manipulate the equine. "Oh, this is going to be a great show." She moaned and sat down on the table, her legs open as she watched the tape. On the screen her fat, horny Bull stepped into the shot, his big rump rolling, his huge balls swaying. His dick bounced up and down in front of his big belly.

"Deal then... I fuck your ass, and you get to have Dag." He promised patting the nude Elk's sleek ass as she stood relaxed, watching and enjoying the horses subjugation.

"Nnn Nooo...You... you didn't... he wouldn't" Jimmy choked, as he watched his white furred buddy covered by Jordan's big black body. The camera catching that long thick Bull cock slowly forcing its way into Jerome's tiny pink virgin ass hole. The handsome equine squealing and whinnying loudly, like some mare as the big Bull stuffed that fat cock into him.

"Oh yes I did..." Jordan laughed as he positioned himself, the head of his huge dick wet with lube... "He would... he did... and I fucked him until he cum... and then..." The big Bull smirked, and made a snipping motion with his fingers, as he suddenly shoved hard...

Tracy grinned as the nut-less Rottie's eyes Bulged out and he let out a loud 'YIPE' like a kicked puppy. At the sudden, violent shove of the big Bull entering his tight virgin ass.

"Ohohoooo... that's it my Bull." "Show... Ummmm." Tracy moaned as that long slick canine tongue flickered out over her oozing sex. "Oho yesss good little fixed puppy." The big pretty Cow moaned grinding her hot wet sex against his lapping muzzle. "Shoo... Show this neutered pup you need balls to be a male." "Show him what happened to his pussy equine friend..." The pretty Cow moaned as on the screen, that big black Bull ass was flexing and bucking forward.

"Like the taste of that?" Jordan taunted the big canine as he licked the spoo out of Tracy's sex. "Most of that is mine... I came in there twice before you arrived." He assured as on screen the white horse was whinnying, as his sleek ass was covered and rutted hard. His hooves almost leaving the ground at times as that fat Bull nailed his sleek ass lustfully. Those huge Bull nuts swing and slap the Horse's own doomed testicles, as Dagmar slides up beside them. Her drooling pussy on camera, as she reached between the stallion's hocks and fondled his huge balls. "Ohoooooo here it comes..." Jordan snickered as they all watched the action going on... on screen. "Poor dear... Dagmar was getting soooooo excited." The pretty Elk Cow knelt down, fondling both sets of big Ball's. Cupping them in her delicate hand and considering both sets, Jordan's big black pair and the stallion's small white equine pair. The pretty Elk Cow pause for a long moment, watching that big black pair slapping against the smaller white pair.

"Hmmmm looks like she's having trouble deciding." Tracy giggled as she watched Dag finally decide, and grasp the young Horses fat nut's. But Jordan nodded to himself... thinking in the future he would not be giving her the choice. Grasping those big equine low hangers, Dagmar tugged them down hard. Stretching them out far away from the young stallion's strong body. Twisting and pulling those strong rubber bands around and around those potent young balls. Jerome moaned and grunted as his big ball's were trapped and choked by those bands. His panting and moaning was already loud and his big cock bouncing and tensing. The young stallion was obviously getting something out of having the big black Bull's cock up his virgin ass. "Ammmm your liking that... aren't you gelding." The big black Bull atop him grunted tauntingly into his pointed equine ear, as he thrust harder and harder within the young so called straight Horse. Kneeling down in front of the young stallion, Dagmar slipped his aching hard on between her pert breasts, letting it slide up and down between them. Even as she reached back between Jerome's legs, slipping the razor sharp jaws of her hand shears between those bands. On the pinched neck of his big dangling ball sac, poised ready to take those promised jewels. "Ready for that last orgasm baby?" Dagmar purred up at the young stud... who was getting butt rutted for his chance to cum one last time inside of her. But the pretty young Elk Cow was impatient... this was her first time nutting a guy. And was thinking as long as he got to cum... what did it matter if it was in or on her. The handsome young stallion whinnied and squealed, as his hip's were forced to hump those pretty breasts. By the big Bull slamming into his firm round equine ass, Jordan snickering as he hammer the straight ponies virgin tail hole.

"Naw... nnaawww Jerome... don'... don't let her do it buddy." The big black and tan Rottweiler whimpered, not thinking about that what was going on. On the screen had already happened a few minutes before... the white gelding was orally pleasuring Dagmar in a room down the hall. The big canine sobbed softly as he watched the pretty Elk Cow use her breasts to stroke Jerome off. And as that big marbled pink and brown cock erupted, spewing its thick slimy load all over those pert tits. And with a wicked smile, Dagmar squeezed the handles of those sharp shears.

"EEEHEHEHEEE." The white stallion screamed wildly, as the huge Bull on his back bellowed in pleasure. As he filled the equines tight hole, with his frothy Bovine cum.

"Here's your trophy baby." The pretty Elk Cow crowed as she held up the horse's big dangling orb's. Her sleek tawny body trembling like a leaf in a hurricane, clearly she was cumming hard.

"Hahaha... did you enjoy taking them sweety?" Jordan asked laughing softly, as he slowly rutted that sweet equine tail hole a few moments longer. "Ohooo I see you did." That screen flickered and blinked out, making the big Rottie looked up at the smirking Bull atop him. Even as that big gloating muzzle tilted back, Jordan bellowing just as he had in the video. And then the neutered Rottweiler felt it surging through his anus, hot, thick and gooey. A male had just came inside of him, and now he would never cum in anyone ever again...


The long black Limo pulled up between the plain yellow school bus's, drawing the attention of every one in school. The big black Bull smiled at his two newest Neuters, and then looked out the tinted windows at the crowds flocking to see what was going on. "Alright boy's... time for you to go and show." The fat Bull turned back flashing the gelded Horse and neutered Rottweiler a leering smile. "But hey you'll be a couple of the most popular guys in school now." Jordan snickered while Jimmy and Jerome looked at him in humiliated submission, as he threw open the door. "Be sure you let all the straight guys know... you've had it done by a couple of female cuties." "And give them my cell number..." He ordered as he pushed the two neutered jocks out into the gathered crowd, quickly closing the door as the long black Limo pulled away...


Gloryhole Threesome...

A submissive gray muzzled Grizzly... has a hot threesome with two younger college aged studs at the glory hole... Based on actual events... ...

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A Goat Could Only Dream

I have few friends, mainly females, but there's one friend whom is different. My best friend, Kirk likes almost the same exact things that I do. We spend most of our time together in his basement, playing video games either alone or with his...
