Givin' in...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#4 of Konu Badgers tales


Konu Badger needs some information from a big handsome Unicorn...

Giving in...

The big silvery white unicorn dangled from the black chains, twined around his long powerful arm's and shoulders. Only the very tip's of his silver hooves touching the filthy stone floor, which unlike those hooves was strained green by his own manure. His long sleek leg's were held wide spread by a strong black metal bar... leaving his naked aroused loins fully exposed for his captors. The Unicorn's proud head was hanging limply back over his shoulders, that powerful deadly horn restrained by a anti-magic charm. The big equines silky white fur was shining unstained by his own fluids either blood nor urine, as well as the urine and cum of his captors. How long had he been here in this dungeon... it seemed like years. He'd been out drinking at his favorite male only tavern... when that cute little pony had offered him a good time. It had been a trick... he'd woke up here and the time had been anything but good. A hulking Badger had been standing over him... asking questions about the Palace and his job guarding it. The Unicorn had refused to answer of course... and that's when it had began. Soft at first... keeping him aroused on the edge of orgasm for hours at a time. Until his need was so great, he would have willingly suckled his own long equine organ. When that didn't work... the Badger and his little pony pal had gotten rougher... Raping that pretty round rump over and over again... even as they kept him on the verge of orgasm for days and days...


Konu drove his thick Badger prick balls deep into that tight clenching equine tail hole. Big ball's drawing up within they're sack as he orgasmed within it... One big paw teasingly playing with the Unicorn's powerful rock hard erection. "Well... we've tried it the easy way..." The big Badger growled into that sparkling white mane, as he rested his muzzle against the Unicorn's sweaty back. Even as his big hot paw contentiously masturbated the equines huge cock to the brink once again. And then backed off to keep the big unicorn on the razors edge of orgasm. Scooping up a big gobble of pre-cum on one thick finger tip he popped the sweet gooey treat into his maw. Looking at the helpless desperately horny equine as he dangled from the chains wrapped around his wrist and ankles. "Now... well now we have no choice but to get rough." Konu growled balling up one big fist, and swinging a hard fast punch into the Unicorn's big dangling orb's.

"EEEHEHEHEEE!" The Unicorn squealed, as the sexual tension and pleasure mixed with the pain. As those big potent orb's slapped back against the equines hard buttocks. And then swung back down, into the path of the Badger's second even harder punch. Which connected with those mighty male jewels with a loud... 'Smack' The big equine choked and gagged, as the pain gnawed at his guts. A long string of semi clear fluids spilling out of his mouth, and dribbling over his soft chin. His belly was mostly empty, except for the Badger and Ponies cum... So that was really all that he could gag up, he couldn't help noticing that this was already getting the Badger hard again. Obviously this was more than just a job, the Badger was getting off on abusing the big handsome Stallion.

"You gunna tell me what I need to know?" The big black and white furred Badger asked lazily.

"I can not..." The big Unicorn panted breathlessly as he dangled there, making the big Badger smile wickedly.

"Sure you can... you just won't." Konu pointed out amused. "Well you won't yet... but you will eventually..." He assured... slowly that big black and white paw reached in cupping those hefty low hangers. "Now I know, you think that horn of yours is going to keep you from suffering any permanent damaged." Konu growled... he'd already busted and eaten the stallion's nuts a dozen times... The wicked Badger smirked as he punched those big trapped nuts savagely enough to geld a lesser male. And then reached over to a small table and uncovered the saw... Spidery runes engraved into the dark metal glittered menacingly as the Badger picked it up.

"Yeah that's right..." He purred as he observed the Unicorn's shocked reaction... "Its a Delnarth saw... so I can take that horn right off permanently." He assured with a evil smirk. "And then... any damage I do to these won't regenerate..." The wicked Badger sneered gloatingly, as he gave those hefty orbs a brutal squeeze and twist. Grinning as the big pretty Unicorn winced... more at his words than the nut crunching. "Ok muscle stud... whats it going to be?" Konu asked... already knowing the answer, but wanting the big equine to say it. Even as one big hot paw teased that throbbing stud muscle a little more keeping the Unicorn on the edge of orgasm.

"No... I will not..." The panting Stallion squealed his big eyes rolling in fear and dread now.

"Oh come on... we've told you were not after the royal family." Konu reminded, lifting that big throbbing equine cock head up, to rub it over that velvety muzzle and those sensuous lip's. Smearing them with the Unicorn's own copious pre-cum, watching in amusement as the former proud stallion tried desperately to lick or suck on his own needy cock. The Badger teased him with that big drooling cock head a few moments longer. "Tell me... and I'll let you finish it off." The Badger offered tauntingly as he bumped that big blunt tip against those soft mobile equine lip's. Smirking as he saw the very real temptation in the Unicorns eye's, three weeks kept on the verge of climax but not allowed to cum even once. Had taken its toll on the virtuous equines will... but still he resisted. "You don't know what your missing..." Konu taunted. "Your mouth has gotten very talented over the last few weeks." He gloated, reminding the big equine that he'd been sucking the Badger and pony's cock for weeks now.

"Just think of it my equine friend, all you have to do is say a few words." "Not even magical words, and we all know how much those sting on the way out." "Just tell me what I want to know, and it's over, you are free." That deep voice purred, throbbing with passion and honesty. "I don't think you realize just how far you are from your precious Palace." "You won't even be able to stop us, when you do tell and we let you go." "They have no reason to keep you, beyond what you know that they need." The Badger wheedled, his dark eyes full of compassion and encouragement. He reached down, teasing those fat smooth Unicorn testicles gently. Knowing the tingling pleasure that crawled up them, was far worse to the mythic beast now than any pain. "Tell me, or I will do worse than unmale you Unicorn." The Badgers voice became as hard and black as the metal of that wicked saw. "Tell me, or I shall make it so that you Never orgasm again." "I will lock you in torturous chains of denial, where every moment, waking or asleep is filled to the brink with the ache and need that you feel right now, but far beyond." "You shall never taste sweet relief, the tingling rush and release of orgasm and ejaculation." "I will take them away and you will be without!"

"I... I can not!" The tall handsome Unicorn stallion repeated once more, weaker still. His strong sleek body trembling as it fought a war with his own desires and his sense of duty. "I'll not betray my honor... not so long as I am a stallion of the Royal guard."

Konu shook his broad black and white striped head slowly, a wicked smile playing across his muzzle. "Your stubbornness is admirable... but then I suppose that you wouldn't know what you know if you were not determined." The big Badger continued to rub and stroke those fat equine balls, as they regenerate from their earlier pummeling, just as they always had. "And if you think, by forcing me to gut this fat sac of yours, that you'll be saved from that torture." "Then you are wrong." Konu snapped his furry fingers and the cell door opened in the darkness behind them. Two big burly guards, a hefty Bear and heavily muscled Wolverine came in dragging a third form between them. A ragged prisoner dangling in between them as the pulled him around in front of the Unicorn. The chamber was instantly filled with the panting, moaning and pleading that this figure was making. Konu moved out of the pool of light that shown down from the skylight in the ceiling and reappeared, pushing the captive forward. It was a Wolf, completely naked and covered in filthy. He was covered with sweat and grime, panting and moaning gasping and pleading for death. His body was convulsing, and Konu gestured down between his loins where naught but an empty sheath hung. That didn't stop the Wolf's paws from trying to rub that nonexistent male organ. While his sagging empty sheath divulging and endless waterfall of clear pre-cum from the hole where his cock had once been.

"This unfortunate bastard has been placed under the same curse, as the one I threaten you with." "Look into the future Unibitch, and see yourself." The Badger shoved the prisoner forward, so that he lay shaking and trembling in the pool of his own prostate juices and the equines dung. "He has been that way for a year, a full year of lingering forever on the wrong side of the razor's edge of orgasm." The handsome stallion looked down in horror, as he watched the weeping, moaning Wolf groveling on the floor in front of him. And it filled him with real fear... he was a proud stallion and the idea of ending up a whimpering piddling wretch. "No... no you can't do this..." The tall stud took a long shuddering breath, as he fought down his fear. "My natural bodily magic wouldn't allow... would protect me from..." Still those big blue eyes rolled around in his long handsome head... and his thick stud stick bounced up and down drooling heavily.

"Your bodily magic will do nothing without this!" Konu lunged forward, grabbing that horn and jerking the stallion's head back with it. Stretching his long equine neck so that even though the Badger was behind the Unicorn, they stared eye to eye. "You have thirty seconds to decide what means more to you." "Your honor, or your pride and performance as a stallion." Konu held up the Delnarth saw, and placed it's black blade against the root of that spiral opalescent horn. The prisoner sobbed as the two guards grabbed him again, jerking and dragging him out of the cell, leaving a shiny 'snail trail' of fluids along the stones. The proud stud gulped... he really didn't want to end up a 'Spurrkar' which was gutter slang for a hornless Unicorn. And with his long head twisted backwards, he couldn't look anywhere but into the wicked Badgers deep dark eyes.

"No... please... please you... you can't." He whinnied loudly, as that evil blade touched the base of his opalescent horn, sending a powerful shiver down that strong equine spine. 'Honor or performance as a stallion...' The words rolled around and around inside of his head, as he through about his peers and what they would think of him... If he gave it up to... to a lowly thieving commoner. "I could not love thee so much dear... loved I not Honor more." The big Unicorn stallion snorted, as he sneered up at the big Badger...

"So be it." Konu growled, and tightened his grip on that darkly magical saw. He began to drag that ragged saw blade across that glittering shaft, and the wicked teeth of that saw cut into the precious symbol of power like it was naught but ordinary wood. It took only moments to take away the Unicorn's precious magical horn, and with a soft snap it parted from his brow. Instantly the 'glow' that had surrounded the his white body faded, the glisten of his hooves faded away to a dull gray. While the nub of his horn faded, leaving a black 'star' in the middle of his white forehead.

"Congratulations... you're just a normal horse now, Spurrkar." "That black mark there where your horn was, will make sure everyone knows exactly what you've lost." The big naughty Badger snickered gloatingly. A long shuddering breath escaped the proud equine... as he felt the magical power flood out of his strong body.

"Oho Ohoooooo gods what have I done?" "No... Noooooo you can't..." But it was far to late... he was just a common stallion now, a lowly Spurrkar who could be permanently harmed. Suddenly all the filth and grime that before had refused to touch him, seemed to cling to his sweaty equine flesh uncomfortably. To drive the point home, Konu balled up his huge fist, and with a grunt slugged that soft equine mouth. Hard knuckles splitting those soft supple lips and sending a streak of red to stain the horse's white chest and neck. "How does that feel then?" The wicked Badger growled amused, as he dropped that precious horn into the muck. The big silvery white former Unicorn's head snapped back, and a stunned looked of pain crawled across his long white muzzle.

"Oooowww... fuck." The big equine swore as blood dribbled over his lower lip, and a couple of teeth fell out.

"Hurts a hell of a lot more now..." "Does it not?" "You even bleed more freely now." He gestured, at the long line of blood that oozes from the former Unicorn's mouth. "Now imagine how much it's going to hurt..." The smirking Badger reached down and grabbed those sagging horse balls, and squeezed them savagely.

"Not... not a hell of a lot mmmmuuURRRRRRR..." The Spurrkar screamed, as those fat male orbs were squeezed so hard he thought for a moment he was about to vomit up the insides of his mighty male organs...

"When I cut these from your groin?" The big burly Badger snarled as he gave those fat orbs another powerful squeeze.

"Ccc...Cuu...cut them off..." He stammered realizing that there was indeed something worse than being a Spurrkar... and that was a gelded Spurrkar...

"That's right, Cut them off." Konu drew the dagger he had thrust into the back of his belt, and showed the blade to the big white stallion for a moment. Before kneeling, and gathering up that heavy sack with one huge paw, stretching it down and out, so the fat orbs were trapped at the bottom. Their neck stretched taut like a condemned beast's neck on the chopping block. "You start telling me what I want to know, or I'm going to cut your balls off." "Simple as that... you'll be a gelding, the lowest rung on the ladder, even under the mares." "Though I think you'll be 'under' the stallions more... don't you think?" "You think my cock was bad, wait until a stallion with a cock the size of your own gets up under that wispy swishy tail of yours." While holding those huge equine balls tightly, Konu's paw squeezed and twisted them, making the white stallion's flat stomach ripple and churn with agony. "Tell me, and I'll release you."

Frothy white equine sweaty had formed all over that sleek furry hide... making the big stallion feel even more dirtyand sticky than he had before.

"But... but... you don't understand... I can't remember it now... now that you've removed my... my horn." It was a crude lie, but the best he could come up with in that instant. "It... its all tied to my magic..." "I can't help you now..." The big white Spurrkar panted weakly, as his mind was suddenly filled with perverse images by the Badgers lewd words. Even as he choked and gagged from the agony in the pit of his stomach...

"Then my employers have no more need for you, and I have free rein to do with you whatever I wish." "And I wish to see you gelded." Konu's razor edged dagger bit deep with a sudden swift cut, flaying open that grayish scrotum an finding the coiled cord concealed within. The cord was tough, that fat nut jiggling in Konu's paw as he sawed into it, blood flowing down his paw and dripping onto the stone floor. In a moment that big testicle was severed, the stallion suddenly half what he was. As that severed nut rolled loose and limp at the bottom of his sac.

"Don't play dumb with me, horse." "Your magic is flown and thus my own discerns your blatant dishonesty." "Now tell me what I want to know... or I shall finish the job, and give you the full taste of castration."

"Nooooo NO wait!" The big no long pure white stallion screamed, as he felt the bigger of his twin orbs crudely sawed off. And drop to lay like a slowly cooling lead weight, in the base of his stretched down sack. As hot blood ran down both of his inner thigh's, like he'd pissed himself. Which he actually did, as he realized that he was a half gelded Spurrkar already... "I'll tell you... I'll tell you..." The big former Unicorn choked as he shivered in horror.

"Then speak." Konu growled, pulling that bloodied knife from the half-stallion's ball sack and stooding up, gripping the root of his mercilessly teased cock. "Tell me and I will release you from your torment!" The Badger pumped that equine cock, bringing it to the brink. Even as that ache in his groin grew, somehow enhancing the torturous pleasure. The big equine's eyes, which had widened in horror. Kind of glazed over, his pleasure and desire's grew as that big hot paw worked him up.

"Oho gods... oho gods..." The Spurrkar moaned weakly, and in shameful whispers told the Badger about all the magical wards, and the words that would countermand them. "There... there I've told... told you everything..." "Now release me please... release me from... from my torment." The quivering white half stallion moaned weakly, as his hip's began the hump and thrust into the Badgers hot paw once again...

Konu's lips spread in a wicked grin, as he finally learned everything he needed to know. In return, he pumped that huge horse cock until he felt it tensing up, and the former Unicorn knickering and whinnying with his rushing orgasm. But as he prepared to empty out that load... that had been boiling and building for weeks. Konu lowered his knife once more, up behind that fat ball sack and then jerked it upwards swiftly. The Spurrkar jerked, frozen in shock as his orgasm was cut incredibly short. He looked down in time to see that fat hard cock wobble, a half spurt of cum dribbling down its blunt top. And then with a wet sliding noise, it fell into Konu's waiting paws, the equine's balls and cock severed in one hard slice. "I wasn't lying... when I said that they would have no more use for you, once they had what they wanted." "However that doesn't mean that I don't have a use for you..." "I've grown rather fond of that tight ass and your hot compliant mouth." "So I'm going to keep you, my gelding horse bitch." "To ride my cock and pleasure me whenever I like, and you will learn to love it, beg for it." "As of now that round ass of yours... is your only means to orgasm!"

"EEEHEHEEE..." The big equine screamed in shock and horror, as he starred down at his bloody crotch. It was so flat... soooo terribly... terribly flat and featureless now. "Oho My Gods OHO MY GODS...WHAT HAVE YOU..." But then it was obvious what he had done, and now the Badger was happily explaining it to him. His restrains were released, and then the big gelding was dropped onto the filthy floor. Wet and nasty with the former Unicorn's own urine and dung... that former shiny white hide now a disgust sweaty green dung smeared mess. "Ride me... ride your Spurrkar gelding bitch..." Konu was already sliding himself into position, as that plea was made. His fat hard cock slamming up that tight rump, with one smooth savage motion. The powerful Badger's heavy balls slapping the raw wound, where the Spurrkar's own balls used to swing. He growled with lust, hilting himself over and over again into that gelding's ass. Slamming his prostate and enjoying every squirm and whinny he pounded out of him, fucking the worthless gelding Spurrkar in his own filth.

"How far you've fallen, 'Unicorn Stallion' begging for my cock... while grovling in your own shit." Konu taunted smirkingly. "I think you wanted it all along!"

"Ohooooooo gods... Ohooo Nooooo." The once proud stallion moaned in horror, and denial as the Badgers hard pounding hip's shoved him around in the mucked. And as he opened those soft rubbery pink lip's to protest or deny those taunting words, the Badgers big bloody paw picked up a bunch of those round equine droppings and shoved them into his protesting mouth. "Horseshit!" The Badger laughed...



The Fox Snow and his assistant Gallifrey the Raccoon Captured and geld a certain Zebracorn stallion... RP-ed with Snow Taradien... Snow the Fox and Gallifrey the Raccoon are his characters of course... ...

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Building the Herd 5

Herd Building Jordan had the driver drop him off at Tracy's, and then sent him home. It was a familiar address, he'd had the driver bring him by...

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Gloryhole Threesome...

A submissive gray muzzled Grizzly... has a hot threesome with two younger college aged studs at the glory hole... Based on actual events... ...

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