Who Needs Sleep?

Story by Beaux on SoFurry

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Zoe was on night three without sleep. Everything was a copy, of a copy, of a copy. She couldn't touch anything, and nothing could touch her. She was exhausted, at three o'clock in the afternoon, and even through her snowy fur, bark circles could be seen under her eyes. Her day was about to pick up. Alec was coming home from a run, and she'd devised a plan.

He'd come in, reeking of sweat, legs sore, and out of breath. He'd go upstairs to take a shower. That was his routine. And she'd planned around it. She couldn't bear just watching him masturbate, anymore. From the first time she caught a glance of what her brother had to offer, she couldn't get it out of her head.

It didn't take much longer for her plan to fly into action. Alec came home, wearing nothing but a tight pair of spandex shorts, leaving zero to the imagination of anyone who took the time to look. His sheath bulged from his crotch, the thick tube resting atop two large orbs. He didn't wear them to show off, but because they allowed him to stay cool while running and they had a pocked in the back for his iPod to rest without bouncing around. That was what he said, anyhow.

He didn't deviate from his routine. He walked in the door, waved to his sister, who was idly flipping channels, and headed to the bathroom, bounding up the steps, taking two at a time. It only took a few minutes for Zoe to pick up the sound of running water.

It was time.

She mounted the stairs, keeping her footfalls as close to silent as she could. She knew he wouldn't be able to hear much above the roar of the shower, but why risk it? Slowly, she turned the knob to the bathroom. It was unlocked. It always was. Thanks to the compulsively maintained hinges, the door swung open silently, and she slipped inside.

Steam billowed from the top of the spacious, glass walled shower. It hadn't been running long enough for those walls to fog, and she could see her brother, eyes closed, chest heaving, and stroking his gorgeous member as he leaned against the cool tile behind him.

Quietly, she watched him for a moment, her fingers stroking her quickly dampening slit through the thin fabric of her panties. Soon enough though, she shoved them down her slim thighs, and pulled her shirt from her shoulders, and carefully eased open the door to the shower, stepping inside.

Alec's eyes were closed tight, and he was busy rhythmically massaging the bass of his shaft.


Zoe eased herself to her kneed, taking the pierced tip of his shaft into her muzzle, making sure to keep her teeth well away from the thick flesh, and suckled softly, eliciting a moan from her brother. She smiled inwardly as she continued to suckle, slowly moving down to take more of him into her muzzle, until she could feel the radiating heat on the back of her throat. Any unnecessary pressure and his fantasy would dissolve, and she'd be found out, so she was careful. She contented herself with suckling on the first few inches of his shaft, and rocking her middle finger in and out of her tight sex.

This went on for a few minutes, until Alec came, and Zoe swallowed it down eagerly, fighting the urges to take him into her throat and go down on him properly as she kept plunging her lone digit in and out of her throbbing canal. She wanted more, but she was patient. She waited for him to open his eyes, and see that it was her muzzle wrapped around his cock.

He didn't take it well.

His paws quickly pressed to her shoulders, and shoved her away, cursing her and stumbling out of the shower. She was his sister, and it was wrong on so many levels that she'd done that. There was no filter between him mind and mouth as he assaulted her with his words, but through the entire onslaught, she remained calm. She assumed he'd react poorly, and hardened herself for it. He soon ran out of steam, and stormed out of the bathroom. Not long after, maybe a few seconds, his door slammed. He hadn't bothered to even towel off.

She dried herself slowly, and went to her own room, pulling on a pair of close fitting soccer shorts and a tank top. She let him cool down for a couple of hours, and then slowly padded to his door, knocking on it softly.


She knocked again.


This time, she turned the knob, easing it open, and slipped inside. Alec was sitting at his computer, bud plugged into his ears, arms crossed, and head down. He was still angry, she could tell, but she went to him anyway, laying a dainty paw on his shoulder, causing him to flinch away, but at least he looked up and pulled the buds from his ears.

"What the hell do you want, Zoe?"

"Alec... I just wanted to say I'm sorry... I know what I did was wrong, and I shouldn't have... But I haven't seen you with a girl in forever... And I've been watching you. You're all stressed out, and I wanted to help."

"And you thought sneaking into my shower and sucking my dick wouldn't stress me out," he stressed the 'wouldn't' as he spoke, his eyes fixed sternly on her own.

Her foot fidgeted, kicking at the carpet as she moved her gaze away from his, speaking meekly. "All of my other boyfriends said it helped then relax... I just kind of hoped it'd help you, too."

His gaze softened a bit as he reached to take her paws in his own, squeezing them gently. "Look, it's not right, what you did, but I appreciate the effort... And honestly, it did. You said you've been watching me?"

"Yeah... When you paw off, I peak in your door, and then go back to my room, and do the same, wishing it was you."

A devious grin split his muzzle as he stood, leading her over to his large bed, and pushed her down on it, looking down at his younger sibling. "Well, we've already passed the 'don't do anything sexual with your sibling' line... We might as well go all the way with it, huh?"

She looked up at him, with that grin on his muzzle, and fidgeted a bit more. She hadn't figured incest would be okay with him, but his logic was sound, at least in her pseudo-consciousness. With a nod, she showed her agreement, and his grin grew wider as he knelt down, and tugged away her shorts and lifted her legs, placing her thighs on his shoulders as he pressed his nose to her sleek sex, inhaling her scent deeply. It was similar to his own, but sweeter, and he liked it... He liked it to the point where he drew a firm lick up her slit, pressing in shallowly, earning him an arch and a light moan from his sister.

She was speechless. She had no idea this is where her plan would lead. In all honestly, she should it'd end with him cursing at her in the shower, but that wasn't to say this wasn't a happy surprise. She loved the feel of his tongue rolling over her tingling folds, which quickly swelled with blood and arousal. Her moans were uninhibited and near constant, until she yelped and squirmed as his slick oral muscle suddenly prodded at the tight bud of flesh beneath her tail, and wiggled its way in.

Rimming wasn't new to her, really. Her most recent ex, the wolf, had done it to her, but his tongue was so long and thick, it felt strange rolling around in her anus, but her brother's, it was like a silk ribbon tickling her insides, but like all good things, this came to an end, and he stood, still naked from his shower.

His pride stood strong out in front of him. Her initial estimates of his length were off. She hadn't paid much attention in the shower, but now she saw he was only about seven inches long, maybe eight, but it was easily the widest she'd ever seen in person, and it was quickly moving toward her pouting sex.

Through Alec's position switch, one of Zoe's legs had fallen from his shoulder, and hung from the bed, but its counterpart still rested in the crook of his neck, and he dipped to bite gently on its calf.

Zoe moaned as she was bitten, and then gasped as she felt the heavy ring that her brother wore in the tip of his shaft teased the lips of her sex, and pressed in, followed slowly by the broad head. Her entrance offered his girth some resistance, but he pushed steadily, until her flower spread, and allowed him in.

Slowly, he sank in, millimetre after millimetre, spreading her as he did, until after an agonizingly long period, her hips pressed tightly to her, and his length throbbed in her tight passage. The siblings moaned in unison as he hilted. He stayed there for a moment, adjusting to the tremendous feeling her walls showered him in, basking it in even, before he slowly withdrew, until only the pierced tip remained.

He pushed in again, faster this time, but only just, and repeated the motion, until he'd built his rhythm. It wasn't quick, nor was it slow. It was powerful. Each thrust rocked the bed and the body beneath him.

Zoe's blunt claws dug into her brother's sheets as he went to work, crying out each time the bunny buck hilted within her. The ring in his tip stroked her in the most alien, albeit pleasurable, way. He was thick, and she loved it. She could feel every ridge and valley in his flesh as it stroked in and out of her body.

This went on for what seemed like ages, and the doe lost count of just how many orgasms ripped through her. Alec couldn't tell you, either. All he knew was that her most recent was the one that sent him over the edge.

He gave a few more short thrusts into his sister before ripping himself from her obscenely gaping sex, and pawed himself briskly, until his thick seed spewed from his tip, painting her belly with it. Thankfully, the shirt she wore had ridden up, so none of the sticky goo soaked into the fabric, but instead into her downy fur. His orgasm was the most powerful he'd had in some time, and as his heavy balls drained, his energy levels followed, to the point where he let her leg fall, and flopped onto the bed atop his sister, his thick shaft pulsing in against her stick belly as he wrapped her up in a tight hug and rolled over, placing her on his chest.

It wasn't long after Alec had finished that the pair drifted to sleep.

It was a good thing both of their parents were out of state for another week.

Black Dog Serenade

The scrappy looking German shepherd sat at the bar... Sat wasn't the right word. The fellow had been there since the little place had opened that night, and had had his paw wrapped around a sweating glass of Jameson since he sat down, so the correct...

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Zoe was a worldly girl. That was not to say that she thrived on worldly things and the possession and/or attaining thereof, but to say that she was down to earth, and by no means green to the way of things around here. She had a happy family life, and...

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Sleep deprivation.

3:36 3:36 3:37 "Fuck." The rabbit rolled himself over, averting his eyes from the mocking red glow of his alarm clock. This was the fifth night in a row. He knew that if he stayed awake, he' sleep his day away, as...

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