Black Dog Serenade

Story by Beaux on SoFurry

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The scrappy looking German shepherd sat at the bar... Sat wasn't the right word. The fel...

The scrappy looking German shepherd sat at the bar... Sat wasn't the right word. The fellow had been there since the little place had opened that night, and had had his paw wrapped around a sweating glass of Jameson since he sat down, so the correct word was slumped. He slumped at the bar.

"Jet, you're done for tonight."

The canine muttered something unintelligible, the only three real words escaping his sloshed muzzle being 'bread', 'water', and 'tab'. The feline behind the counter rolled his eyes and huffed, pulling the requested materials from seemingly nowhere.

Once they appeared, the dog straightened, to a degree, and went to work on the loaf he was handed, his sharp teeth easily tearing the thick crust. With this dense bread, though, came a thirst, which he quenched with his water, and the liquid did the job, along with the one of rehydrating his pickled brain and body.

Mind you, the bar opened at nine, in the P.M., and here the clock read barely midnight. The clock did bring something, in its ever so precise hands, the live entertainment for the evening, a young collie girl, maybe twenty-four and far too sweet to be in a place like this. She plodded softly onto the stage, her long dress leaving just enough to the imagination. The fabric's hem touched the ground, now and again, the soft ebon clashing with the brightly polished wood floor. A long slit showed most of the girl's leg, stopping where most would call tasteful. The upper portion of the dress matched the lower, in that it was well fit to her slender form, and showed off her modest chest just enough.

She stepped up to the mic, and cued the house band to play. Their melody was something smooth and soft, and her toe tapped on the polished pine of the stage. She lifted her head, and opened her eyes. Jesus, she had gorgeous eyes. They were a warm, milk chocolate brown, and they shone like diamonds.

Her voice didn't detract from her looks as she began to sing. The notes that rolled from her lips were as smooth as silk, and as dark as volcanic glass. The girl sang of lost love, her angelic voice belying the sorrow in her song. As her show went on, it was almost as is she was drawing the shepherd in closer, her eyes meeting his.

She'd been singing for an hour now, and Jet was feeling sober as her show ended. She tucked away a strand of honey blonde hair that'd come loose, and quickly turned away from the audience to dash off to stage left, and her exit.

Slowly, Jet stood, making sure he could, and began to walk in the direction of the back areas of the bar, where he knew the beautiful collie girl was. It took some finding, but he managed, and gently rapped on the door to the room where all of the acts resided both before and after. His ears were drawn by the softest murmuring of "come in".

He slowly opened the door, and shut it behind him, watching the collie for a moment in her vanity mirror, his green eyes never once leaving her reflection's.


The girl turned around slowly, as if not accustomed to being called by that name, and to her credit, she wasn't. She hadn't heard that name in ages... Not since she'd left her home town.


The German shepherd smiled and took a step forward, his chin picking up, and his eyes shining wetly, with tears, it would seem. He reached up, indeed wiping a tear from his eye before it could fall.

"Faye... You told everyone you were gone, for good. You told me you were gone..." He trailed off, taking another step toward the collie, his arms down to his sides. "But you told me you loved me, too."

The collie winced and laid her paws on his shoulders, looking him dead in the eye as she did, and she spoke softly. "I do love you, but I couldn't stay... This town. I don't know, but I couldn't stand it. I'm leaving again, in the morning."

The shepherd sank. The girl in front of him was his high school sweetheart. They'd been dating, all the way up until the spring of their senior year, where he'd proposed to her. She said yes. The sad part was, after months of an engagement, she'd broken it off. See, she was a girl meant for bigger things. She wanted to see the world, but he wanted to stay here, and raise a family. She wanted children, yes, in the future, but at the time, she wanted her freedom. Try as he might, he couldn't convince her to stay. She'd given him his ring back, and hugged him tight, and even kissed him one last time before she settled into her car and pulled out of the drive way.

That was almost five years ago.

"I'm sorry I never wrote," came the collie's soft voice, her eyes refusing to meet his. She was ashamed at what she'd put him through. She could only assume she had at least some hand in putting him here, smelling of whiskey and cigarettes. A tear rolled down her cheek, and he reached up to brush it away before he took her chin softly in his paw, and brought it to his, planting a soft kiss there.

"I still have your ring." He smiled and pulled on the thin gold chain around his neck, and from his shirt, a simple gold band, with a small diamond inset. Removing the ring from the chain, he placed it on her finger, like that day many years ago, down on his knees in the park. He picked that paw up and gave it a soft kiss. "I can't leave this town. Daddy died and Momma's on the way. I'm the only one that'll take care of her."

The collie gave a slow nod as she looked down at her kissed hand, smiling at the ring, before she stifled a sob and pulled him into a tight hug, her crying eyes buried in the crook of his neck. She cried for a long while before she straightened, wiping tears from her muzzle. "Your sheep misses her shepherd." She gave a sad smiled and kissed him softly on the lips. "One more time, for old time's sake?"

The shepherd smiled and pressed a warm kiss to her lips, his tongue slowly parting her jaws to let his oral muscle explore the familiar space before he broke away once more, his paws moving to her soft hips, and down further still, until they could slip under the silken fabric, and tug her panties down from underneath. He smiled, not breaking the kiss, as he heard the fabric rustle as it hit the ground. He finally did break the kiss, though, when he lifted her from the floor, and pressed her back to the wall.

The collie moaned softly into his kiss, and her hips squirmed slowly, as he stripped her of her underwear. She gave a yip as she was lifted from the ground, and he put her in a familiar position, and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

The shepherd buried his muzzle into her neck, lapping at it softly as he took her weight on one arm, letting the other drift down to undo his jeans, letting them fall to the floor. He kicked them away and widened his stance, his teeth finding her tender shoulder as his hips rocked and she gasped.

For what seemed like hours, the pair writhed and moaned in unison, their vocalization making a sweeter song that she could have ever sung.

Months later, after their meeting, he received a letter. It'd been some time since anything had come for him, in his name, save for a few bills and the odd scrap of junk mail. This one was different, though. It was post marked in some town he'd never heard of, way out west, and the letter was simple.


I hope you still want to raise a family."

Under those simple words was what appeared to be a Polaroid, or in this case, a sonogram, with 'Faye Miller-Watkins' on the bottom. Jet's last name was Watkins.

"I still wear your ring, baby. I'm coming home.



Jet just stood there for a minute, unable to comprehend what he'd just read. He collapsed onto the couch, paws in hand, letter on the floor, and cried.

She was coming home.

She was pregnant.

The baby was his.

This was, by far, one of the happiest days of his life.


Not my usual style, but I figured I'd give it a shot. Tell me what you think! I'm a glutton for critiques and advise!


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