Sleep deprivation.

Story by Beaux on SoFurry

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The rabbit rolled himself over, averting his eyes from the mocking red glow of his alarm clock. This was the fifth night in a row. He knew that if he stayed awake, he' sleep his day away, as had been the norm for almost a week now.

Forcing his eyes closed to the silent blackness, he tried to get to sleep once more. Well, mostly silent. The steady drove of the fan over his bed was his only companion He'd had one going as he slept since he was born, and no matter what he tried, he simply couldn't sleep without it now. The white noise didn't make any difference now.

His sprawled form tossed over once more, trying to find comfort, and failing miserabley. Begrudgingly, he opened his soft brown eyes once more, and cursed once again.




"God damnit."

The lapine huffed as he tossed his covers away, revealing his nude form. He wasn't fat, by any means, nor was he a rail. In the dim glow of that electronic demon that was his clock showed his form in full as he sat up. His hips had a gentle curve to them, and his tummy was flat, just a hair lower lower than his chest, and below that softly plush belly, his well portioned sheath. He was one of lucky few to be hung as he was. He reached over to the top of his headboard and groped for his glasses.

His fingers graced over the cool metal and glass that comprised his lenses, and slipped them on, carefully looping the sprap around the back of his head, making sure they stayed on snuggly as he stood wearily, plodding over to his laptop, which hummed near silently on his desk. He plopped down into his computer chair and opened the softly whirring sandwich of technology, basking himself in a stark white glow from his browser window left open.

Reaching once more, the boy reached over, grabbing two things from another section of desk. These two were frowned upon greatly by his friends and family, but being a runner, he was forced to use them, or quit his addiction entirely. The first was an earthly hued baggie, paper, with a foil lining that shined dully in the stark light. Opening it, he reached in, taking hold of a few blackened leaves, giving a sticky sheen as he popped them into his muzzle and gave them a few brisk chews before packing the wad into his cheek and spitting into the well-used soda can, long loosing its top to a can opener, and its silk-screened labels to his ever-present paws. He spat into the can, licking over his lips, clearing any remainder of the raisin-and-honey sweet tobacco-spit from his lips.

The rabbit began slowly tapping awya at his keyboard, checking on his social networks, and finding no-one sharing his predicament. Sighing in exhasperation, he clicked the screens away, pulling another up to check on his favorite chat room. The same story unfolded there.

Once he'd abandoned all hope for any glimpse of socialization, if you could call it such a thing, he pulled up one last window, and went to clicking away, until he stopped and leaned back. To be in his computer's seat, the reversed image of a stallion slowly stroking his shaft could be seen, until a very small collie girl appeared between his legs, eager to lap over his swelling pride, paying special attention to the thick, mushrooming tip.

Considering you were still in the computer's place, you could see the rabbit stroking slowly at his sheath, until a thick ebon tip of his own swelled its own way from the alabaster tube that was his sheath, a heavy ring shining slickly therein.

The rabbit stroked himself to full mass, engrossed in the actions unfolding on his compter's screen, until his paw traveled up and down slowly on his impressive endowment, matching the stallion's pace, and before long reached a fevered pitch, his snowy paw a blurr on his obsidian tower, which gleamed wetly with a thin coat of pre-cum, until with a quiet grunt, the bunny blew, pearly white ropes of seed splattering his belly and lower chest.

After his climax, he continued his stroking, panting softly until he was forced to stop, spitting the accumulation of nicotine-laden saliva into his can before he licked his paw clean and stroked the last of however many millions of potential little buns into his silky fur, and closed his computer.

The whole ordeal had taken all of twenty-five minutes, with the only sound his fan, his panting, and the slick noised coming from hit crotch.

His computer clock read 4:10.

During this, his door had cracked open, but only just. He didn't think much of it. The AC must have kicked on whilst in his stupor, and the change in air pressure had forced it open, because he hadn't closed it all the way. That was his assumption at least.

He stood once more, grunting as he suddenly felt the need for sleep. This had been the norm, and now it seemed it was finally time for sleep, and sleep he did, once he closed everything down and curled up once more under his blankets.


This may be the beginning of an incest story. Give me a shout and tell me what you think. Hell, shoot some ideas out there. I'm always opened!

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