All Hallow's Eve

Story by Beaux on SoFurry

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Taylor rolled over and grunted as he woke to the loud buzzing of the alarm clock next to him. He reached out blinding, hitting at the offending device until it stopped, and then he remembered where he was. He sat up and looked around, not seeing where the little lioness had gone before he awoke.

"Kenedy, you here?"

No response. He frowned and stood up, making sure his shorts were cinched up tight, then wandered into the hallway and pounded down the stairs, calling out again.


Still nothing. All he could hear was a steady "tickity-tackita" of an unseen keyboard. He followed the noise and found its source. Kenedy was sitting at a laptop, typing away, with headphones in her ears. He snuck up behind her, and tickled her ribs quickly, causing her to squeal and jump. She whirled around and ripped the headphones from her pinned back ears, looking up at the Dalmatian indignantly.

"What was that for?"

"Nothing... I just thought it'd be a good way to get your attention."

He grinned smugly as the girl huffed and stood up, poking him sharply in the ribs.

"What are you making for breakfast?"

The spotty dog rattled off the contents of the fridge and cabinets and nothing appealed to the cub.

"Well then it looks like I'm off to the store, doesn't it?"

She shrugged and he ruffled her hair playfully and told her to go and shower. She obeyed, and he couldn't help but see what she was doing. She had been chatting with one of her friends, who he assumed would be coming over tonight. She said her sister had to go with them, or else she wouldn't be allowed. That, and she was acting "all weird and stuff". The words made him curious, but he shrugged and closed the laptop, trotting off to the door, leaving, and locking up, before he made his way to the store.

He wandered around the aisles for a while, picking out odds and ends that he thought would make a good breakfast, and once he made it to the checkout, he spotted one of his best friends, a stocky looking pit bull. They greeted each other with the usual jovial hand clasps and whatnot, and the pit listed off his plans for the evening. Apparently he and some chick were hooking up. Good for him.

Just as Taylor was leaving, the pit grabbed his paw, sneakily sliding over a condom, palm to palm, and wished him luck for the evening. The Dalmatian chuckled and got back in his car, groceries in the seat next to him, and he inserted the condom into his wallet.

Once he'd made his way back, he started preparing breakfast, and his phone buzzed at him. He picked it up. He'd missed a call from Kenedy's mother. She'd left him a voicemail, and considering he was watching her child, he decided to listen straight away.

It turned out that the little lioness was going over to her friend's house after trick or treating, but she still wanted him around, in case the little girl wanted to sleep in her own bed, instead of sleep over.

The Dalmatian didn't have an issue with it. That just meant he had another night in a rather comfortable bed, away from his mother, and above all, in the awesome shower that Kenedy's parents had in the master bath.

A few minutes later, he called the cub down for breakfast, and she came hurtling down the stairs in no less that a well fit pair of lilac panties and a sorry excuse for a white tank top. He could see the tawny hue of her fur through this thing. That's how thing it was, but if he could give it any credit, it showed off her developing curves very nicely.

After a quiet discussion over breakfast about how the events of last night should never get out, he stood, cleaned their dishes, and headed to grab his bag from beside the front door. From there, he went to the master bath, turning on that amazing shower. It was a natural stone thing, with a glass front and a glass roof, to keep the steam in. He reached in and turned on the hot water, his tail wagging in anticipation. It continued to wag as he locked the door to the bathroom and disrobed, pulling out his clean change of clothes and his shampoo, and stuffed away his dirties.

He smiled as he watched the steam billow in its confines. HE decided it was time to step in, groaning happily as the soothing heat enveloped him. He set his shampoo on the inset shelf, and just let the torrential rain from the shower head drench his fur.

He was all kinds of relaxed, now, and he let his paws stroke over his athletically toned chest and belly, until one paw reached his thick sheath, and stroked it softly, until his tapered tip slipped free into the wet heat of his shower. He stroked himself slowly, until his erection was at full mast, and began pawing his length briskly.

This quiet pleasure lasted for a good ten minutes until he had to stifle a loud groan as he coated his belly liberally with his own seed, and following the tired, content sigh thereafter, he released his knot, licked his paw clean, and continued with his bath.

A while after, he stepped out into the cool air outside of the humid shower, reeking of vanilla and spearmint. He enjoyed the smell, and the oils kept his fur sleek and shiny. He grinned into the full length mirror and gave a playful little growl to himself as he grabbed a towel and began drying himself.

After making sure even the heavy rings in the tips of his ears shined, he began to dress, pulling on his favorite pair of boxers-they were made of a white, silky material-and his most beloved pair of jeans. They were a few years old, and the knees were frayed and well-shredded. They were loved, to say the least. He laced his fingers and arched up, popping his back loudly before he pulled on his black and bright purple thermal striped American Eagle shirt. Now he was ready for the world.

He grinned again into the mirror and tucked his wallet, cell phone, and iPod into his pockets, and unlocked the door, stepping out into the master suite, to a rather indignant looking little lioness.

"You were in there for almost an hour."

"I'm sorry about that... Did you need something?"

"No, but if I did, you wouldn't have been able to help."

The Dalmatian nodded apologetically and looked at the clock. There was still a good three hours until everyone else was due to be here.

"So, who all is coming?"

"Emma, Kristin, Ali, and Ali's older sister, Brie."

"Alright... How should we kill some time?"

Kenedy just shrugged and wandered into the living room, where she plopped down Indian-style on the plush leather ataman and picked up her game controller, presumably form the game she was playing whilst he was having his own fun in the shower.

Taylor sat down on the floor next to her, picking up the opposed control from the cabinet.

"May I join you?"

The little lioness nodded, and the Dalmatian joined into the fray, and the next thing they knew, there was a knock at the door, making the kit jump.

"Go get changed. I'll get it."

The lioness cub followed his direction, and he answered the door, only to find two canines, Black Labs to be precise and the taller, elder looking of the two seeming to have bleached Dalmatian spots into her sleek ebon fur.

"Brie, I assume?"

"That's right. And you are...?"

The dog's question didn't seem to reach his ears, as he was a bit more focused on the sleek curve of her almost hour glass frame, and the brilliant rainforest green of her eyes.

"Uhm... Taylor. You play for our Girl's Varsity soccer team, right? Starting forward?"

He couldn't help bit glance back down her body. Who could with those delicious curves packed into a pair of sky blue soccer shorts, rolled around the waist, and the tight matching tank top, the combination showing a few inches of her midriff.

"Yeah, that's me. And you're the Boy's Varsity starting Goalie, right."

"Yes ma'am, that'd be me."

The dog couldn't help but get a whiff of something strong and sweet, with a hint of spice hanging at the end. It was a familiar smell, but he couldn't quite place it, but it hit him as he watch the older Lab grind her thighs together while trying to keep it from being obvious. Brie was in heat.

"So when are the other girls supposed to be getting here?"

"Five or ten minutes, I think."

With that exchange, Kenedy rushed down the stairs to hug her friend tight and wrinkle her nose at the unfamiliar scent in the air.

Taylor just chuckled as he wandered off into the kitchen, calling out available drinks and asking is anyone wanted any, and not a minute after he'd done so, the doorbell rang again, and this time the barely teen lioness answered it and squealed happily. It was dark, and her other two friends had just arrived. The evening had begun.

The group started out their walk, the two older spotted dogs in back, fingers laced as he nipped at her neck and ears, making her giggle. The actions, coupled with her thick scent, drew looks of envy from the older men that walked by.

Not two hours after the trick or treating had begun; the girls were done, and were dropped off at the appropriate house for their sleep over, leaving Brie and Taylor to their own devices. They didn't rush back to the house where they'd met originally, but there certainly was a purpose to their trek, and half an hour later, Brie tackled him to the bed in the master bedroom.

Her lips were locked to his in a hungry, lust filled kiss that he couldn't say he was hesitant to return. Her tongue rolled over the inside of his maw, the stud in it clicking over his teeth lightly. With a playful growl he rolled her over, pinning her arms high above her head, his knees on either side of her smooth hips as he broke the kiss and dove down to nip at her collar bone and jaw.

She whined softly as she squirmed, arching her back up off the mattress. All he could do was smirk as he let her wrists go and moved quickly to tug her shirt up and off of her lithe frame. He grinned. It would seem that the Lab hadn't worn a bra that evening, which suited him fine as he went down to suckle a pert nipple lovingly, eliciting a low moan from her throat.

After a minute he withdrew from her chest and tugged gently at the rolled waist of her shorts, which she quickly rid herself of with no other encouragement. All he could do was grin again. Not only had she not worn a bra, but she was going commando, too. He gave her a playful growl as his a paw moved to her slick crotch, rubbing and stroking her outer lips firmly.

"Fuck~ Please more..!"

The spotted dog chuckled and stood, pulling his shirt off and tossing it to the floor, and letting his jeans drop before he moved over top once more, only now in a more mutually pleasing position. He could now dip his head low and lap hungrily at her dripping slit, making her squirm and moan warmly, with his silkily clad shaft a bare inch from her nose, and when she noticed, she tugged the waistband down and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him down and suckling firmly at the tip.

This position kept going for a solid half hour, in which time she was working on her third orgasm and him, his second. She wasn't satisfied, however, and she pushed him off gently.

"I want you to fuck me."

"Are you on the pill?"


"Is a condom alright with you?"

She nodded this time, not wanting to talk anymore. Had he any choice in the matter, he'd have gone buck wild with this girl, without a rubber, and without the pill, but at the moment, she was in heat, and he didn't need a kit on the way, so he dug around in his discarded jeans until he found his wallet and from there, dug out the condom. Lucky enough, it was one designed for canines, with extra reinforcement around the base for the expanding knot, and there was a thick rib that spiraled down the length. He was a fan, for sure.

The condom now properly applied he stepped back onto the bed, his knees between her strong thighs, spreading them wide as he teasingly stroked the tip of his shaft over her puffy pink folds, grinning evilly down at his negatively spotted counterpart, until he himself grew impatient, and let his instincts creep into his mind, and shortly overtake it as he slid into her tight confines. She wasn't as tight as the little lioness, but the heat this Lab put out made up for it entirely, and soon enough, the pair were rocking back and forth wildly, his hips pounding hers down into the bed wildly as his teeth pressing into her willing throat.

Since he'd begun, she'd reached her fourth and fifth orgasm. The male was lucky enough to have the stamina to muscle through; having cum twice today, but even his orgasm was building now.

His latex covered knot assaulted her nether lips repeatedly until finally he slammed home roughly, and thought he heard a little pop. He didn't think anything of the warm heat that suddenly rushed over his length. He just counted it as a particularly hard and heavy orgasm.

The pair laid there panting for some time, until they passed out, still tied tight by his bulbous knot. A few hours later they woke up to nothing but darkness filling the room. He looked over at the clock, and it read some time in the wee hours of the morning. He looked down, and noted his deflated knot and slowly retreating shaft, but above all else, no noticed a small rivulet of pearly white running from her pouting lips, and the torn latex at the hanging from the ring at the base of his shaft.


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