Mischief Night

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It was the night before Halloween, and the seventeen year old Dalmatian, Taylor, had been recruited, much to his dismay, for a job chaperoning a group of girls. One of them was a thirteen year old lioness by the name of Kenedy, whom he'd known since the day she was born, and had often times been mistaken for her brother or cousin. She'd invited a few of her friends out to go door to door with her the next evening, and had had it approved by her mother, so long as there was an "adult" accompanying. There was Taylor. It was included in his task to stay over at his "aunt"s home, as she was out of town, and make sure all went smoothly.

He'd arrived at the house at about five o'clock, Mischief Night evening, toting his backpack and a computer bag. He knocked on the door, and was answered by a very happy looking little lioness. They said their "hello"s and went on about their evening. He made dinner and channel surfed, keeping himself from boredom as the kit tried for the same goal, but after an hour, she'd come out to the living room where the spotty dog lounged and complained of boredom. He made the suggestions of board games and whatnot, but what struck her was the idea of watching a movie.

Her parents had recently completed one of the many renovation projects on their home, this one being a media/theatre room, and the cub was exited to watch something there. She had already been instructed on the electronics' operation, and set to playing the film. It was some movie he'd seen in advertisements, but had never been too keen on seeing, but he didn't object, because if Kenedy was kept happy, he wouldn't have to hear about it later.

About an hour into the movie, the cub complained yet again, but this time of being cold. The canine tended to agree, but the only blankets in the house that weren't currently in the was were the cumbersome comforters on the beds, so he shrugged off his hoodie and offered it to her without much of a thought. The girl's response, however, caught him off guard. She sat herself in Taylor's lap, her warm back resting lightly on his steadily rising and falling chest... She didn't notice it changing.

After a few minutes the little lioness came into a bout of squirming, to which the Dalmatian responded by wrapping his arms around her middle to keep her from slipping to the floor, and it seemed to work, as she'd stopped her wriggling. The only downside he'd found was that the motion over his crotch had gotten to him, causing the tapered tip of his shaft to peak from its furry holster.

Not too long after the movie ended in the A-typical child's movie happy ending, which didn't particularly bother him, but with that ending, the little girl was left bored, once more. At that moment, she'd decided to show off her Halloween costume, so she asked if he'd like to see it. He agreed. What did he care? After all, it was a chance to adjust himself after that rather awkward, and possible incrimination arousal. After he'd agreed, the girl dashed from the room, and as she did, he arched up a bit and reached into his shorts and adjusted himself, so that instead of going forward, his erection, if he had another, would tuck itself into his waistband, and if it went on, under his shirt.

A few minutes later, his "host" returned, in nothing but a skimpy pair of black shorts--they hardly qualified as such--and a form fitting referee's jersey, cut low at the collar to show of the lioness' blooming cleavage, and short enough to show her soft belly and sweetly curved hips, still padded with a perfect little layer of baby fat. The outfit on a girl his age would've had him drooling, and on this little girl, he was getting there.

She modeled it for a few minutes, saying how she loved the way it fit, and he simply watched, until she bent over to pick something up from the floor, her tail flagging high as she did. The spotted dog gave a twitch, but remained quiet, until he announced that it was time for bed, which, after much fussing, she agreed to, but only if he'd lay down and watch some television with her. He again agreed without much contest.

The pair made their way upstairs, where she began to change, as she would otherwise, until she remembered she had company, and blushed fiercely, the insides of her round ears flushing a bright red, and told Taylor to turn away. He did as Kenedy said with a chuckle rolling in his throat. She huffed indignantly and threw her shorts at him, which caught him in the back of the head, a which point he turned around, and much to his surprise, she was naked from the waist down. He stood there for a moment in shock, and she instinctively covered herself with her tail and ordered him out, to which he shook his head, and with a soft smile on his lips, took a step forward... He had no idea what he was doing.

He made the claim that he'd seen her naked more times than she could count, which was true enough, as the rambunctious little tyke used to run around naked as the day she was born. She nodded after a moment and blushed once again, until the dog reached to pick her up, making her squirm as he sat her down on the bed, muttering a "What are you doing?" as he took a knee in front of her and put a paw on each of her soft thighs.

"I'm going to show you something that I think you'll really like," was his reply as he spread her legs slowly, dipping his spotted snout in between her thighs, pressing the cool pad of his nose to her developing nether lips, making her shiver, until he let the slick tip of his long tongue trail up her slit, drawing a soft gasp from her lips.

Pleased with the girl's reaction, he did it again, this time a bit more firmly, using more of his tongue. The strong muscle tugged softly at her pliable flesh, dipping in shallowly, and progressively deeper with every stroke, until he could feel her entrance when the tip of his tongue passed over it... That, the lioness really liked. That's when he stopped, and stood up, earning a curious little whine.

All the dog could do was grin as he licked his lips and settle into a plush chair in the corner of her room. "Come here if you want to feel more." The girl jumped up eagerly, and rushed over to him, where he patted his lap, his adjustment from earlier doing its job of keeping his arousal hidden. She nodded compliantly and straddled his lap, where he shook his head and turned her around, tugging her shirt up and off, tossing is across the room. From there, he pulled the girl back tog his chest, like she'd been earlier, only now, one of his paws was plastered to her pleasantly padded belly and the other was on her budding chest, gently massaging one breast, the lower stroking down her plush, immaculately groomed, cream colored belly, all the while, his muzzle pressing into the crook of her neck, suckling there softly in between soft licks and bites now and then.

Kenedy was squirming again, and this time he responded. He moved the paw on her belly down to her saliva-matted sex, stroking it softly, his middle finger dipping into her folds and pressing ever-so-shallowly into her entrance before moving up over her immature clit, eliciting a gasp from her each time he did.

This went on for some time, and throughout, the cub had had her first orgasm, which pleased the Dalmatian, and signaled him to move further. He softly suckling her velveteen neck and massaging her soft breast, and picked her up once more, setting her on uneasy feet so he could stand and move over to her childhood bed, leading her by the paw, and helped her up onto. He smiled once more, laying her down and tugged her off just so that her hips hung off the bed, the balls of her feet resting on the carpet.

The dog made a happy noise down to her, and rubbed her gently under the chin, pulling from her a breathless purr before he tucked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and cocked his head.

"Do you want more?"

She nodded and he pushed his shorts and underwear down, revealing a thick, angry red shaft, about seven inches long, give or take a half inch, and about as big around as a Red Bull can, not counting the beginning of a knot at its base. Her eyes went wide as it flipped into view and he stepped forward, taking the length's root in his paw, rubbing the slowly leaking tip against her virgin lips, making her squirm and whine softly.

"Are you ready?"

Kenedy gave Taylor a hesitant look and then nodded. He nodded in return and rocked his hips back slightly, and forward once again, this time aiming a bit lower, so his tapered tip could spread those barely-teen nether lips. As he did, the little cat arched and moaned quietly. She liked it thus far, so he leaned down over her, his body blanketing hers. He cupped her breast once more massaging it softly, his other paw supporting his weight as he pressed his hips forward a bit more, her virgin passage resisting him all the way, until his tip brushed her barrier, where he halted, and let her get used to his girth.

"This is going to hurt a lot for a second, Kenedy. Are you ready?"

The cub gave another shaky nod, and Taylor withdrew, before quickly slamming back in, tearing through the cub's hymen, where she cried out loudly, and he thanked the gods that they were the only ones in the house. He kissed along her jaw softly, keeping his hips as still as he could, not wanting her to hurt more than she had to. He continued his soft licks and kisses until she'd settle, and he locked her eyes with hers.

She nodded again.

He nodded in return and began to push himself into her once more, until the opening of his sheath kissed her obscenely stretched lips tenderly, just as the tip of his shaft did with her immature cervix, where he stopped for a moment, greatly enjoying the hot, silken vice his shaft rested in, but knowing he'd have to continue, he withdrew slowly, only to carefully reinsert himself, and again, his hips rocking slowly, until the little lioness' pain had seemed to disappear.

He heard her moan softly. He knew it was time now.

He let his pace build slowly now, getting faster and more firm, until he was pumping himself balls-deep into her as he would do to a girl his age. She was writhing and moaning under him, and the noise was nothing but an aphrodisiac. His crystalline blue eyes took in the whole sight as he stood up straight: his strong hands wrapped around the gentle curve of her developing hips, the slight ripple in her small A-cup breasts, the rapid rise and fall of those budding mounds, and the look of sheer bliss on her round face.

His knot was forming, he knew, because the tip of his shaft wasn't hitting against that snug ring of muscle anymore, and he proved it to himself by looking down, only to see her slit glistening with a mix of his precum and her own thin juices, and upon closer inspection, the faint outline of his shaft insider her. Being the curious type that he was, he took a paw and pressed it against her lower belly softly without stopping his thrusting. He could feel the tip of his shaft moving inside her, and it sent a thrill down his spine, the feeling of an impending orgasm growing in his loins as he felt the lioness' inner muscles clamp around him tightly for the third time in the twenty or so minutes he'd been at her.

The next few minutes were going to be the last for Taylor. His thrusts were hitting a fevered pitch, and his knot was slamming against her abused entrance, demanding entry, but he couldn't let himself. He knew his knot would cause her harm, so he did the only other thing her could. Moments before he hit his peak, he ripped his throbbing shaft from her hot tunnel and grabbed firmly below his knot and made quick jerking motions, simulating a tie, as he'd done for himself so much when he was younger, and a moment later, her came heavily, a thick rope of his canine semen spurting from his tip with every throb of his heart, coating the girl's belly, with the occasional shot across her chest.

His orgasm continued for what seemed like ages before it waned, and eventually ended, with his shaft still painfully hard, and his own chest heaving. He looked down at his work and grinned. Laying on her sky blue sheets was a panting and sweating tawny colored lion cub, covered in his pearly cum.

"I guess you need a bath, don't you?"

The lioness only nodded weakly, and stood shakily, stumbling a few steps, leaving the panting dalmatian laughing as he picked her up carried her into the bathroom, where he sat her up on the counter and kneeled once more, this time going right into lapping hungrily at her sex, which gaped slightly, allowing his long, thick tongue into her throbbing passage, where he withdrew her sweet nectar, and after, he moved up, lapping his seed from her belly before it cooled too much, and savored the flavor of it combined with her own sweat.

Once he'd finished he stood, helping her down and into the shower after he'd let it warm, and helped her scrub, paying special attention between her legs, stroking gently over her abused flesh. They'd finished not long after, and they both dried off. He slipped on a set of boxers he'd brought along, and she slipped on a pair of short-shorts and a tight little tank top that showed off her belly.

He grinned as he curled up in bed with her, her back conforming to his chest comfortably. He rested his chin between those cute little ears of hers, grinning a bit as he thought of what he could do with her little friends.


Not my first story, but I've not had too much feedback on anything, so please tell me what you think.

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