Cracked, but not broken

Story by Beaux on SoFurry

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Aaron sat in his room, sitting as comfortably as he could on one of his old chairs, taking shallow little puffs of his cigarette, tapping it now and then into an ashtray he'd made from a bit of pipe and some mesh years ago, when he'd first started smoking. After a particularly long drag, he coughed, and then winced, fighting the instinct to double over as he did so, as to not cause him any more pain, because the simple act of breathing sucked enough, if you'll pardon the pun.

You see, not a week ago had the meerkat been out at practice with the rest of the steer wrestlers on his rodeo team, and he was one of the last to go. By then, the steer was not unlike a vampire with a paper route... A little PO'd, and through the run and flip, Aaron had managed to find himself under the beast that easily dwarfed his weigh, and had it come to rest upon his chest, where the boy commenced with not being able to breath, hearing a sickening crackling in his chest, and a blaze of white filling his eyes as the pain made his ears ring, mind you, in no particular order, and after a particularly quick ambulance ride, he came to find out that he'd cracked several ribs.


That brought him here, to his smoke filled room, dropping a cigarette butt into a bucket filled partially with water.

And to the room with a tap at the window.

Being as it was in the neighborhood of three in the morning, he simply assumed that it was a stray branch of a tree that made him a spectacular little ladder from his second story bedroom, and being in a state as he was, with hydrocodone running around in his head, he didn't stop to think that his father had recently trimmed off all of the thinner branches the wind could blow over to his window, but as the gentle rapping became more impatient sounding, the boy got up with a pained grunt, and lumbered over to his window and eased the blinds open, only to find Nikki standing on the thickest branch that reached his house, grinning like mad, in only a tight little tank top that showed off her flat belly, and a pair of Daisy Duke cut off jeans... Lord knows how she got out of the house with those things. Then again... It was in the wee hours of the morning. Mommy and Daddy were asleep. This was his slow realization as he opened the window.

Nikki wasted no time in jumping in and pushing Aaron back toward his chair, that mad man grin still on her lips, and it even managed to spread as she pushed him down, into the beaten old cushion, her knees on either side of his hips, paws on his shoulders, and previously grinning lips locking themselves onto his in a heated kiss.

You know, until he muffled a howl of pain with her muzzle, the repercussion of said act being a very quick break in the kiss, and a worried locking of eyes, which he responded to by nodding down to the bandages that wrapped his middle.

Nikki gave a whine in apology and kissed his cheek softly, her ears pinned tightly to her head. This depressed the meerkat, and he set to cheering her up, and showing that there was no harm done. He went about his way by doing what any doped up teenager thinks his partner would want. Warm kisses to the throat and jaw, paws stoking up and down a toned belly, and a soft smile, morphing into a devious grin and one paw slid up and the other slid down. The first cupping a breast slightly while the other pressed into a warm, denim covered crotch, eliciting a pleasured little yip form the collie.

"Thats your game, is it?"

He could only sink back in his chair and grin childishly.

"Well then... We'll have to even the score." With that, she smirked and pressed a flat palm down onto his sheath, covered only by a pair of sweats he'd cut off just below the knee ages ago. Following this was a firm grope, bringing a solid little groan from her partner's lips.

"You like that, cutie."

"Yes, ma'am," was his groaned reply as his hips arched into her warm paw. It stayed right where it was.

There wasn't much more she needed to let him have his treat, tonight.

Now, this wasn't their first time, by all means, but this one was a tad bit different. He was high, and she was in heat. Mind you, that because of the gap in species, the two didn't have to worry about those pesky little sperm and eggs joining up and making themselves the cause of a shotgun wedding, so they'd never worried much about rubbers and the pill. Hell, both of their parents knew, and while they didn't like it, they knew nothing could really come of it.

Back to the story, though, Nikki's paw had managed to find its way into the front of Aaron's sweats, stroking his sheath slowly with the tips of her fingers, teasing him ruthlessly. Not helping one bit was the textured inside of his pants rubbing over the tip of his generous endowment. Here though, he wasn't the stallion most guys would like to be, at a couple of eight inches, and change. He knew there were bigger. Hell, he'd seen bigger in the school locker rooms. He prided himself, though, in being able to please a girl, not with his length, but his girth, see, his shaft was about as big around as your average Red Bull can, and god how Nikki loved it.

She was needed it now, too. She was done teasing. She got down off his lap only long enough to tug his sweated down to the floor and drop her Daisy Dukes and moist panties before crawling back into his lap, her pouting nether lips kissing against the base of his throbbing shaft.

He heat made his groan softly as his hips gave another shallow rock, making the short fur on the lip of his sheath to roll over the tender flesh of her sex, making her moan in return. Now he was diligently teasing, holding her hips down as he rocked shallowly, on purpose now, working himself up, and driving her crazy. She wanted him inside, and she knew she was going to, but damnit, she didn't want to wait, and he was making her.

She whine pitifully.

He gave in, and let her hips up. No sooner had he done so, her opening was poised over the slightly tapered tip of his penis, but it only hovered for a moment before she sank down on him, and gave a moan that would make and porn actress jealous, not only for the sound of it, but because it was real.

They sat there for a moment, her adjusting to that glorious flesh, and him... Well he was being overwhelmed by her steaming depths. There was no getting used to it. She was on fire around him, and no matter what he did, he knew it was going to stay that way, and to his credit, he soldiered through it all.

What a trooper.

After the initial settling, they picked up, her sultry hips rolling and his lean ones bucking up into her fiery passage, that milked him for all he was worth, and undoubtedly would until they were done.

Her flesh gripped his like a silken vice, rolling and rippling up and down his length, contouring to ever rise and fall of the stony appendage, which throbbed and leaked pre in return, making the next turn of the sexual roller coaster that much easier, albeit, a bit sloppier, because between the copious amounts of pre the flowed into her, and the sweet nectar that poured from inside of her, neither of them wouldn't smell like the other for a good while.

This lasted for upwards of half an hour. Moaning, grunting, grinding. There was no grace to it like you saw on the internet or read in stories. They weren't making love. They were fucking, pure and simple. She was in need, and he was filling the position of plaything. The only thing that made it right was that she could have gone to one of the big Chocolate labs on the football team and had them fuck her until that pearly black coat ran white. Could have. But there she was, cumming over her boyfriend's cock for the third time that evening as he was slowly reaching his peak.

Never once was he a big fan of drugs, but if these gave him the endurance to go through her sucking walls, trying to pull the seed from his body, for this long, he'd consider getting his refill, whether he needed them or not.

Though, at last, he came. Hard. It'd been two weeks since they'd fooled around, and even then, he got blue balls, because her daddy had come home. He was a big man, with a heart like a nine pound sledge, and the fists to match. Needless to say, the meerkat wasn't too keen on getting caught with his daughter. That particular image escaped him though as her wrapped his arms tight around his collie's hips and pulled her tight to him, lips locking to hers as his balls emptied into her wanting womb. She clamped down on him, too, her inner muscles rolling, trying to keep him as far in as he would go. One could question its effectiveness, though with the amount of pearly white goo that spilled from her lewdly split lips.

They both sat there and panted a while, recovering from their respective afterglows, hers, with arms wrapped around his neck, his with tucking her head under his chin and lazily lighting another cigarette, to which she responded by pulling away, opening her mouth, carefully sliding the lit thing inside, pressing her lips to his tightly, and filling his lungs with her own breath and smoke.

Damn, she was sexy.

Runners on First and Second

It had been three months since the meerkat and collie started dating. Her name was Nicole, or Nikki, as she called herself. She was a firecracker of a girl, athletic and goofy with a fuse about as long as your average peach fuzz. Yes, she was a lively...

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Back on the Bull That Threw You

The steer bucked against the gate as they waited for the buzzer to sound. An air horn squealed over the PA. The steer broke out of his chute, dragging the meerkat behind. First line. The boy dug the heels of his boots...

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Here's to Hoping

Disclaimer: There is no sex in this story. No masturbation. Nothing. This is a clean story, so if you're still interested, carry on. The meerkat grunted and sat back in his chair, rubbing his eyes firmly before both paws dragged their way up...
