Meet the Family

Story by Beaux on SoFurry

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It had been a little over three weeks since Brie and Taylor had first had anything to do with eachother, and they had since been nearly inseperable. Thankfully, after their little episode with the dalmatian's broken condom, the beautiful black lab wasn't pregnant. They still fooled around on a regular basis, but she refused condoms, and near religiously had him pull out. If she didn't she made damn sure he used a spermacide lube. He didn't mind, though. He'd found a girl he could be with, loved being with, and who challenged him. Not only was she a soccer champ, but she was a cross country runner, and he, being the idiot that he was sometimes, agreed to do her morning runs with her... Her five mile morning runs, on an off day.

Today, however, neither of them ran. Instead, they were both home packing. He was going to meet her extended family. He was nervous, without a doubt, but she constantly reassured him they he'd be loved and accepted as their own. He still wasn't too sure. He was tasked with making the three hour drive out into the country for the holiday, but he didn't mind too much. That was three hours of alone time with a sweet little lab sitting right next to him on the bench seat in his old truck.

Not long after he'd packed, he pulled up infront of her house, laying over in the seat of his Broco, enjoying the cool evening with the top off, and the exhaust rumbling deeply. It seemed like only a few seconds he heard a heavy thud in the back and a tapping on the window. He grinned as he looked up, seeing hisgirl framed so nicely in the door of his truck. He reached up to unlock the door and sat up, pulling her close once she hopped up into the lifted cab. He hugged her tight and gave her a warm kiss, growling teasingly before he dipped down to give her neck a playful nip. She responded with a soft gasp and pressed her paw softly to his bare chest before pulling away a bit, and simply leaning on his shoulder. Soon after, they were off, the exhaust still rumbling deeply, and the mud tires he had on it humming loudly.

An hour into their trip, Brie decided to give her cheaufer a little bit of entertainment, because as far as she was concerned, if she was bored, so was he. She gave a grin, unseen to Taylor, and snuck her paw over into his lap, hovering just above his Dickies clad crotch, and without warming, dropped it and gave him a firm grope, and the hum of the tires faultered as the dalmatian swerved and gave a low moan before casting a sidelong glace over to his his grinning girlfriend.

All she could do was smirk as she pulled open his fly and reached in, doing the same with his boxers until she grasped his sheath and rippled her fingers down its length. He didn't even think to pull the truck over, because the only thing on side mind was keeping the road beast under seventy and going in a straight line. Brie didn't seem to notice just how tightly her boy was gripping the steeringwheel as she pawed at him, until she managed to pull him to full mast and work it out of its cloth confinements.

She grinned to herself once more as she dipped down, touching her cold nose to the tip of his shaft, and making him jump. He jumped even harder, though, when the heated confines of her slick maw slipped over his length and began to suckle. She ran her tongue over his shaft and bobbed slowly, the slick muscle pressing firmly into every little dimple and dent in his flesh and making him squirm.

He couldn't help himself as the minutes passed. He began to buck his hips shallowly into her loving muzzle, the tip thumping firmly into the back of her throat when it wasn't down it, already. It was getting hard for either to happen, though, as his thick knot was forming. She took it like a champ, though, and gripped him firmly, just below the bulbous flesh, and tugged up on it firmly, making it feel like he'd tied, and he came. He rode his high for a little while, panting harshly as his paws slowly loosened on the wheel, and he finally noticed he'd pushed his truck up to ninety-five.

She licked her lips as she sat up, giggling as she tucked his softening shaft away before scooting over and leaning on his shoulder. He huffed a bit, feigning indignance before he dropped his chin between her ears briefly and gave one a kiss. At this point, they were half way there, and the lab was asleep in the seat, her head resting on his thigh, and his paw slowly stroking over her head.

She looked gorgeous.

The second leg of the trip passed slowly, even with the radio and the wind through his fur. He was glad for the time, though, because he knew, in a few more minutes, he'd be thrust into an environment that was foreign to him. He looked forward to it, though. The very worst that could happen is that her extended family didn't care for him. Oh well. Brie did, Brie's father did, and Brie's mother already considered him family. He might as well have been. Taylor was over at her house more often than her own little sister.

He shook the thoughts from his mind, though, when he nudged her awake, and asked which house on the old dirt road it was. She pointed to an old plantation-style place at the very end, and he drove up, and into the drive, and to his surprise, his was the only vehicle that looked like it belonged. He shrugged and reached back into his back and pulled out a bright blue v-neck and threw it on. It was one of his favorite shirts, because it made his eyes look that much bluer. He smiled to himself and leaned down to kiss his girlfriend on the nose and help her up before he hopped out of the cab, only to wander over to the other side and help her down.

Together, paw in paw, digits laced, they walked up the front step and she opened up the door, where his ears were met with various cheers and salutations, and once he let her paw go, it was instantly taken over by others, and shaken firmly. He gaves smiled and was introduced around before he was shown upstairs to the room he'd be crashing in.

The hours of the day passed quickly as he learned names and faces, but once he'd changed out for bed, all he could do was lay in his bed on top of the covers and stare at the ceiling. He hadn't received hardly any attention from Brie since the morning, and his body refused to let him sleep until he did. He rolled over onto his side and jumped, nearly falling out of the bed as he muffled a curse.

Without him noticing, Brie had snuck into his room wearing one of his old shirts, and from what he could tell, nothing else. He smirked. It was his turn to play with her. He lunged up and grabbed her around the waist and yanked her down to the bed, making her squeal softly. He rolled over her, keeping her belly down on the sheets.

He leaned down over her back and humped firmly into her rump, nipping lightly at the nape of her neck, earning a few soft squeaks. He could feel through his sliders that she was wet and ready for him, but he wasn't in much of a mood to hurry onto the big moment. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her waist once more and hauled her rear end up, until she was on all fours. Soon after, her leaned down, her front resting on her back, and reached up the shirt she wore and took hold of her warm breasts, massaging them firmly as he ground his very erect, very fabric clad shaft over her slick sex.

She writhed under him, and her tail beat his chest. She wanted him inside her, but he was determined to pay her back for her little adventure in the truck. He smirked down at his girlfriend and grabbed that tail that thumped against his chest, holding it up by the base and pressing his thumb into her tailhole. She arched up and bit into his pillow to keep from crying out.

Pleased with her reaction, the Dalmatian leaned down, still holding up her tail and pressed his muzzle under it, lapping roughly at her tailhole before he began starting his licks lower, his long tongue starting at her clit, grinding over it, and ending on her rose bud. She continued to writhe in front of him, and he was done teasing, because his erection was now painfully constricted in his sliders.

With a grunt, he shoved the tight fabric down far enough for his thick meat to flip free and stand proudly in the dim light. He laid over her back, nipping lightly at her neck as he pressed himself to her and rocked his hips, rubbing his length between her pouting lips. After a minute though, he drew back, took hold of the root of his shaft, aimed, and shoved it deep into her slit, hilting in one rough motion, and this time, she wasn't quick enough to muffle the yelp, and it made him grin as he started in on a fast pace.

Taylor didn't give Brie a chance to warm up. He took straight to pounding in that slick sexy as his paws snaked up her shirt to grope at her breasts, squeezing them softly as two fingers tugged on their tender nipples. He smirked and bit into the nape of her neck lightly as he pounded into her, and continued to do so for quite some time, until knot started showing signs of swelling, at which point he pulled himself free... Then an idea struck him.

He grinned around her nape before letting it go and sitting up once more, again rocking his shaft over her slick sex. He raised her tail with one paw, and with his other, he pressed on the little star underneath, still slick with saliva. With a grin he felt the muscles give and grant him entrance, and once they did, he slowly began thrusting his digits in and out until she started to loosen up, and soon enough, he was able to add another, and eventually a third.

Satisfied with the amount of give he'd worked into her, he took hold of his shaft once more and pressed it into her hole, eliciting a cry from her. He knew it probably hurt, so he took his time, and tried to ease it some. With his free paw, he reached under her and began to stroke her nether lips, still lewdly splayed from a few minutes ago. He ran his fingers around her opening for a moment before they dipped in, his palm grinding over her swollen clit as his hips continued to rock.

After a few minutes of this, the fingering and the slow rocking of his hips, he'd managed to work his entire shaft into her tailhole, and there he rested for a moment as he bent down to kiss at the backs of her ears. After letting her adjust, though, he withdrew slowly before pressing back in firmly, starting a slow, powerful rhythm, until he was damn glad that there was no headboard on the bed, because it would have put marks in the wall.

He pounded into her relentlessly, and she cried out and moaned into his pillow. Her hole was slick with his pre, and her sex was clenching in her third orgasm. He growled down to her as his knot formed, and once it got to a certain size, he took the chance to shove it into her. There was only a little resistance at this size, but it was enough for him to know not to pull all the way out. Instead now, he jack hammered her rear end, the bulb of flesh growing, until they were locked together, and he came deep into her bowels, filling her belly with his seed.

His orgasm lasted for what seemed like hours. Cumming inside her was a thrill, since she never let him, not until she managed to get a hold of a heat suppressant. The pair was wiped out, and he wrapped his arms around her middle as he rolled them over so that they were laying on their sides, cuddling and panting as he pulled the covers over them.

At the very least, they'd worked up an appetite for Thanksgiving dinner.


Any comments or suggestions? Feel free to hit me up. Please Comment!

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