
Story by Beaux on SoFurry

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Zoe was a worldly girl. That was not to say that she thrived on worldly things and the possession and/or attaining thereof, but to say that she was down to earth, and by no means green to the way of things around here. She had a happy family life, and got along famously with her brother, Alec. He wasn't usually bothered with her, and in return, she tried not to be the typical pest that younger siblings were, gaining her the ability to coax him into giving her rides wherever she needed, and a pair of pants, a shirt, or even a night in his bed, sleeping peacefully when she was upset and seeking familiar comfort.

Zoe was also an insomniac, often finding herself awake for days at a time, to which her parents responded with narcotic sleep aids throughout the school year, but this being summer, she was free to do as she pleased while she was awake, and this night, she'd wandered down to the kitchen, and on her way back to her room with a mouth full of peanut butter-and-nutella sandwich, she stopped, her ears perking toward a door, near identical to the one that marked her room. It was her brother's. She heard odd noises, not one's she was used to hearing, from there, anyhow.

She quietly turned the knob to that door, and eased it open, marginally so, and what she saw shocked her. It was her elder brother, her senior by two years, stroking his massive length quickly to the uninteligable glow of his computer moniter. She guessed it was smut of some kind, but that wasn't what startled her. The startling came from the sheer size of his endowment.

Zoe was no virgin, nor was she as promiscuous as one would assume a bunny doe would be at her age. Don't be mistaken, though; the girl had several boyfriends under her belt, if you'd pardon the pun, and none of which at the same time. One was another rabbit, one was a deer, and the last was a large wolf. The former most was your average sized boy, who did take her virginity. The second most former, was long and slender, touching her in places she thought no one could, and the later, the wolf, was just as long, but only marginally girthier, save for his knot, which she had only experienced once, and it had left her limping.

Her brother's length, though... It was an ebon spire that, from what she briefly saw, dwarfed them all.

Her sandwich, forgotten in one paw, hung limply to her side whilst the other busied itself with burrowing into the skimpy shorts she wore and rubbing over her streamlined sex, making her bite her lower lip as she hurried off to her own room, forgetting to close her brother's door.

Once inside her 'den' of sorts, she left her late night snack on her own desk, threw her tissue-thin night shirt, stollen from her brother years ago, across the room, soon followed by those skimpy shorts of her's once she'd flopped back onto her bed and kicked them off.

Picking up from where they'd left off, her slim fingers found their way to her slowly opening slit and rubbed into it firmly, making her bite her lip once more as she supressed a moan. Rolling onto her belly, she pressed her forehead to the cool sheets she so rarely slept under and hiked her rear into the air, fingers burrying themselves into her tight passage as deep as was allowed by simple anatomy. She pistoned her digits in and out, panting through her nose as her sharp incisors threatened to draw blood on her snowy lip.

This continued for some time, her imagination replacing her fingers with her brother's, and soon after, she came heavilly into her paw, harder than she had even with one of her boyfriends.

Once her belly had decided to unknot itself, she let her rear end fall to the matress, her chest still heaving in extertion.

A few minutes later still, she burrowed under her covers, curled up into a little ball, as she had always done, and gave her soiled paw a tenative lick before letting her eyes close and she drifted off to sleep with thoughts of seducing her own kin on the morrow.

Sleep deprivation.

3:36 3:36 3:37 "Fuck." The rabbit rolled himself over, averting his eyes from the mocking red glow of his alarm clock. This was the fifth night in a row. He knew that if he stayed awake, he' sleep his day away, as...

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