Zul's Downfall.txt

Story by Slinky Snake on SoFurry

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I wrote this in about four hours just now...was bored and tried to come up with things on the fly. Probably still has a few mistakes, sentences that read akwardly, I can't seem to get my brain to function correctly today.

This is actually a kind of special story, because it is the first one that didn't seem like a chore to write! I'm finally taking pleasure from writing! I better go call my old english teachers and tell them this...

This has male on male sexual activity. It is rape and it does have watersports, so obviously if you aren't into any of those things you should read this to see how you like it. If you are a minor then don't read this. If you don't like any of those activities then don't read this. If you will get in trouble or could get in trouble from reading this then don't read this. If you don't want anyone to figure out that you like reading stories like these and don't know how to delete your browser history then don't read this. If you are dead then you can't read this. If you are dead and you can read this...wow, thats pretty kickass dude, have fun jerking off a bone that isn't there, skeletor.

Zul smiled as he flew, his bright feathers fluttering in the wind and giving the impression that a rainbow was tumbling through the sky and straight into the forest. He loved the feel of the wind in his feathers, brushing across his face and body, and every time as he entered his land he always felt the wind brush across a certain other part of his anatomy.

His village appeared from under the canopy of the trees, a hidden civalization that seemed to appear out of no where. Sudden colors popped out, the vibrant reds and yellows shining up from the roof-tops and making a clear contrast of the dark greens of the surrounding foliage. Up ahead a large house appeared, the open catering zone used for taking flight and landing was noticeably larger than any other, showing off his family's upper-class role in society.

Even now he could see the tiny path that cut into the rest of the building from the catering zone, specifically made for him at his order to the slaves that built his house. It cut around inside and went directly to his bedding chambers, and opened up straight at his personal courtisan, who was to be chained in the nude with his backside facing the opening of the tunnel every day. It was always the allure of what came with returning home that made Zul excited.

Now he was flying into his house, down the path and arching around into his bedroom, his slave having only the brief sound of fluttering wings as a last second warning of what was to come.

Having done this hundreds of times before turned all of his motions into pure instinct- turning his wings perpendicular to the ground to slow his speed, spreading his legs and tensing with his hips to prepare for his entry and landing, and just the tiniest deviations of his hip-line to line himself up with his slave perfectly before he thrust his wings out in front of him, perfectly timed to wrap around his victim as his throbbing member impaled the other's backside.

Others around the house would hear his slave scream, and know of his arrival. The humans were very good at adapting to pain, but they would scream everytime he did this to them no matter how many times it had happened before. A few times he had seriously hurt the slave, and had to call for a new one while the other recuperated. Zul did not like this, and severely punished the slave for denying him entrance and therefore harming himself. Luckily for both of them this did not happen, and Zul immediately gave a sigh and moan from the familiar feeling of sudden warmth around his previously cold member.

The slave, named Jun-dye by his parents before he was sold away, stopped screaming after the initial penetration, knowing the consequences of annoying Zul during mating. The only noises that came from him were quick gasps and choked breaths as Zul settled into his rythm, ripping his gaint member from Jun in a very painful manner and then slamming it back in as hard as he could, ramming past any attempt the human might have made to keep him out. Jun's body shook with the force of the birds humping, unable to do anything as Zul's member was shoved deep inside him without any preparation or lubrication.

This continued for a long time- Zul's species was known for it's long endurance. Sweat matted down some of the feathers on Zul's face, giving his overall color a slightly darker tone, and dripped down onto the slave below, who had stopped grunting and only now gave the occasional wince or grimace when Zul became too rough with his thrusts.

At last, the sun met Zul's wide yellow eyes, and he decided to finish up to allow Jun time to prepare for bed. He increased the force and speed of his thrusts, feeling the human clench in pain and discomfort from the increase in strength of the already brutal mating. Jun-dye's head was down, his eyes only barely open and his black straight hair matting to his face while he shook.

Zul finally felt his orgasm coming, and began pounding as hard as he could into the other, losing all sense of rythm and bending over to hold Jun in his wings. He began to jump instead of thrust, his muscles losing the coordination for humping and simply spasming, making the bird jump and twitch as he held himself down and inside the slave. Inside his body his testicles convulsed and twitched, sending long strands of his seed down his shaft and into the slaves bowels. He grunted with every pulse, trying to hump deeper into the slave despite being already hilted.

Jun-dye clenched his eyes shut and he felt Zul's member twitching and convulsing inside, delivering it's load straight into his stomach. He felt like he could taste it, and wanted to vomit, but said nothing.

Coming down from his orgasm Zul simply held onto Jun, breathing heavily and slowly grinding himself into the human, who was also panting and struggling to support both of the creatures weight.

Zul stood up, catching his breath and uncurling his wings from around the human. He pulled out of Jun a little bit, then humped in one last time to assure himself that he was fully hilted in Jun, and began to urinate into the slave. Jun clenched his ass, his whole lower body in pain from the strain of his leg muscles and the sting of Zul's pee as it flowed into the sores and wounds inside of him. He felt it moving throughout his body, filling up his guts and rising in pressure until his insides gave way and allowed it deeper access to his body.

Zul finished peeing, and slowly pulled out, grabbing a wooden plug and stuffing it inside Jun before any of the fluids could begin to seep out. He walked around the plank that held the human from moving until he was facing Jun's face, and pushed his member into the human's mouth. No words needed to be said, as Jun immediately began to suckle and lick the large 9 inch member clean. The stimulation made Zul shiver and moan slightly, and he pushed more into the human's mouth, waiting for it to be cleaned before pushing even more inside, until he was hilted in Jun's mouth, five inches of his pride having slid down the slaves throat.

He held it there for a moment, enjoying the loose warmth and extra wetness of the slaves mouth, before quickly pulling out and undoing the slaves binds.

"Prepare for the bedding. Clean and wash yourself out. Bring the plug back when you are done." Zul scowled as he said it, looking at the sweaty, dirty body of his slave. Had he been able to see his slave before he began mating, he would have sent the slave to wash and punished him for not being prepared.

Jun-dye left with a bow, slightly limping and walking with an accostomed akwardness of having a buttplug in him every night. Zul watched him go and then sniffed, smelling his own body and the sweat from continued flight. 'I should prepare as well...' he thought, and left the room to bathe.

Later that night, after having his food and washing, he arrived in his bedding chambers again. He was exhausted, and looked at his bed with satisfaction. Jun-dye had prepared everything just as he liked it, and was strapped in properly-just at the edge of the bed and in perfect position for mating, should Zul want another go before sleep or in the morning as he usually did.

The sun was below the horizon, and the only light source, save the moon through a transparent canopy that hung over the roof, was a lantern that hung in the center of the room. He walked forward and blew it out, leaving everything in a deep moon-lit darkness. Walking forward, he felt his way around to his bed, climbing in and throwing the blankets over himself while using one wing to feel around for Jun as a measure of where he was.

Gently laying his head on his pillow, he closed his eyes and drifted into a warm, contentful sleep, completely unaware that the one strap that held his slave in place, that kept him from undoing everything else, was only held there by Jun-dye to make it look like he was properly strapped in.


Now it was time to get revenge on the species that had enslaved the humans for centuries, the species that had killed and harmed the humans for no reason.It was time for revenge on the family that killed without mercy, and on the one bird that had raped Jun-dye every day for years and seperated his family.

He and his associates had been planning for months, and had agreed while washing together in the slave qaurters that tonight would be the night to rise up and take control.

All he had to do now was unstrap himself and get to the knife he had hidden under the bed. He grimaced as he moved, his ass sore from daily abuse, but he didn't make a sound. Tonight he would get his revenge, and that thought turned his painful grimace into a contorted smile...

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