Kalshire's New Mate

Story by Slinky Snake on SoFurry

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Hello! Not much to say here, other than I read through some of my other stuff, decided it ...

Hello! Not much to say here, other than I read through some of my other stuff, decided it sucked, and have now come to the conclusion that I only write stories with creative ideas when I am incredibly horny (IE, what about two weeks without orgasm.) Also, they suck. It will take longer for me to go through my written stories, and I want to make sure that they are as good as I hope. Practice makes perfect.

Don't read if you are underage, or otherwise shouldn't. Have fun.

Kalthire was angry. He was, in a word, piss faced enraged. Okay that was more than one word, but he was ready to blow open the doorway to hell with his claws, pull satan out of the ground, and show him how to properly torture people.

The dragon flew over mountains and vallies, the beautiful scenery doing nothing to cease his constant thinking of the time, effort, money, and pride he had lost with his latest attempt to find a mate. His sanity was on the brink, and his hormones telling his mind to mate constantly were not helping to keep him from just finding an animal with a hole that would feel good and just humping that.

He finally found his way into familiar territory, seeing his people's purple flag waving majestically below on a building, the people below him all looking up and waving.

"That is odd..." thought Kalthire. Normally at this time all the people should be at their jobs, blacksmiths, wood cutters, clothears, but right now they all looked like they had been expecting him, all in a central area in the small wooden village.

He looked around further and found the reason: on a pike, a half naked person was hanging only by his arms, his chest inflamed with a deep red as others continued to throw rocks and other things at him.

It was another male-lover.

Kalthire himself had nothing against those who liked the same sex(in fact, probably would enjoy a males company more than a female) but the people he had control over hated them with a strange furious passion. All those who wished to bed with the same sex had to either run away or be hunted relentlessly, and it didn't look like that was unusual anywhere else from what Kalthire had seen on his travels.

He would have stopped the hunting of those people himself, if it hadn't been for his advisor to warn him that doing so would most likely cause a revolt throughout the entire country. He supposed that if there were any male lovers that had stayed this long, then they were just about stupid enough to deserve what they got.

But this was old news, and Kalthire was mad, the first stage of a cycle that he knew quite well. First he was mad, then he would be sad later, then he would want something to hold onto, to assure himself that he was still loved. Then he would decide it wasn't for him to have a mate. Then, he would hear of a knew couple or a strange love, and he would have hope again. It was all a continuous cycle that Kalshire hoped to break.

For now, however, he just wanted to get back to his cave and sleep this horrible week off, after being rejected again- this time for no reason other than that the female he was hoping to bed with liked to be mischevious and waste other people's time, and he only found this out after being embarrassed in a very crude fashion in front of the female's father and family. The sheer rage at finding himself not only rejected, but toyed with, still lingered in him and forced him into a madness that had carried through his flight to now.

And so the dark purple dragon continued his flight, groveling and cursing everything that he could remember had ever made him feel anything but happy and content- at this point, everything.

During this time, Shrie, a pure white mouse, was getting into the garb for his job at the cave of his people's leader. It was true that his job technically didn't start until after noon, but he had no where else to go. He had no friends, no hobbies other than a wild imagination, and he didn't exactly want the former, in case he was found as a homo.

He was sure he didn't want to be with anyone, but he was just as sure, however, that the job he had gotten would be his downfall. He had been younger when he had applied for his job, and it had been late at night. He was caught in a time when he was incredibly horny and piled on that he had stayed up for two days straight, having a similar affect on him as a bottle of vodka to someone who had never drank in their whole life. He had gotten a fantasy of being with a dragon, decided the best idea was to get a job as close to his leader as possible, and by the time he was sensible enough to realize what he had done it was too late.

Every day he would put on his garb, a robe in the color of magenta to signify his role as an upkeep of the Lord Kalshire, and every night he would come to his little shack on the edge of the village, grateful that another day had passed without him being hung up and disembowled, everyone watching him from below and cheering as he bled, starved, and died over the course of a few days. Today was no different.

He left for his job at around eleven fifteen, gearing up for the long work ahead of him until he was let off at midnight. When he arrived at twelve he was told by the guard at the cave, a goblin of some independant tribe, that the Lord was due to arrive at 3 in the afternoon. Shrie passed him with a thanks and set out to work, cleaning the Lord's bedding, preparing food, and in general all else that went with upkeeping of a living dragon.

Despite all the work having been done earlier in the past week with Kalshire gone, Shrie went ahead and redid all of it to make everything look fresh and new for the Lord.

Although Shrie knew that if he even hinted at a relationship with Kalshire he would probably die immediately, he still liked to use his imagination at work. That and he had a good track record of his work being impeccible, which he did not want to give up simply because he had some time off.

He finished at 5:15, and took a short brake to walk outside and watch the guards work. The guards were a tribe of troll that had been breeded with goblins to give them extra intelligence. The goblins had no laws other than no attacking anyone unprovoked. They did not care for insults, alliegiances, sexuality, gender, race, color, or any other factor. The only thing they would fight you for was if you attacked them or their friends.

As he found the large entrance to the cave, he was reminded yet again of the fact that though they did not fight easily did not mean that they were bad fighters. They had more troll than goblin, and fighting was the one thing they were good at, the reason they were guards and acted as police units throughout the city. He looked down at a wall seperating the two sections of the grand capitol of his nation. The wall seperated the city, with it's trade and commerse, from the village section, for those who lived at the city. It also split off into the Army barracks, where the trolls trained and lived- unwanted by all others for their lack of laws or moral system.

He could see the plattoons of guards, soldiers, and police down there, half naked and working drills and training as they had been doing all day. The more he stared, the more his member started to swell, and eventually he realized that his erection was painfully visible in the loose fitting robe.

He quickly turned away from the camps and looked at the city, the tall spires of the capitol rising defiantly against the setting sun.

Shrie started as he realized how far the sun was down, it had to be around 7, and his Lord was already late coming. He would expect dinner and drink, and a nice warm bed to lay in! Shie rushed off immediately to begin cooking, swearing he could see a tiny dot on the horizon of Kalshire.

Kalshire was beginning to feel sleepy. A storm had gotten in his way and he had taken the long way around it, not wanting to waste the effort to push his way through. His anger was gone, all he wanted was a meal and a bed with an extra pillow to hug in place of his failed attempt.

Finally, just as the sun was close to completely dissappearing behind the earth he landed inside his cave, exhausted and in the midst of his depression faze, close to tears by just thinking of things he was not good at.

He walked into his chambers and ordered everyone out. It was time to start getting rid of his excess frustrations.

Shie was nearly done cooking when he heard of Kalshire's arrival.

"Perfect timing." He thought as he loaded up the large tray with the freshly cooked meat, tender and with some less than mild spices, just the way his Lord liked it. It was heavy- he was just a little runt of a mouse, after all- and after wobbling a few times he found his balance and headed off towards his master's bedroom.

He was near the door when he saw all of the guards leaving the chambers.

"Uuuuuh, what is happenning in there?" He feebly asked one of the guards walking off towards the defensive position in the long tunnel.

"Master has ordered all to leave his presence for a short period of time, until he comes to make us aware of the it's retractment."

"Oh." Shie replied, stil walking towards the door and only understanding the sentence when he was about to open it.

'Well, he surely wouldn't want a cold supper after such a long flight.' He thought, and walked through the door.

Kalshire was in the middle of his bedding, laying on his back and looking over his chest at his member while jacking off.

'It surely isn't that small, is it?' He wondered. No, he decided, it was nearly as long as his forearm, and about as thick as well.

He decided to stop thinking about his troubles for a time and concentrate on enjoying his moment, speeding up the pace of his pumps and squeezing tighter, closing his eyes and imagining a pair of dragons right in front of him, one a light green male with scaly hide, smiling and slowly walking around to his backside, and the other a dark blue female with smooth leathery skin, slowly walking up right over him and pushing his throbbing member inside herself with a slight cry of pleasure.

In his mind he could see the male dragon walking up behind him and the female, pushing the blue down onto his chest and pushing his finger up to her hole, gently prodding it and sliding it in while using his own member to start pushing into Kalshire underneath.

He gasped gently, sliding his finger into his own ass all the way and squeezing his eyes tighter closed. He could hear some murmering coming from the door and put that into his imagination.

Suddenly the blue female on top of him was gently rocking herself on him, giving faint whispers of how big he is and how well he is doing while the other began to lose himself in Kalshire's ass. He couldn't understand any of the talking-it was too faint- but he knew in his heart that it was for his pleasure.

Shrie opened the door and immediately stopped, almost dropping the tray he was carrying. Right in front of him his Lord was fingering himself and masturbating. He stood there and looked on dumbfoundedly, not knowing what to do.

Finally he found his mind and realized the gravity of the situation. He tried to back away slowly, but the door decided his fate and closed with a loud *click!*.

Kalshire immediately stopped and looked straight at Shrie, three fingers slipping out of his deriere but he took a while to stop stroking his flesh.

"You are the upkeep?" He said in a deep serious voice, his eyes still staring right into Shrie's as if looking into his soul.

Shrie could only nod in a way that looked like his neck was having spasms.

"That is the meal?" Again Shrie could only nod, though this time he had regained the ability to not look like he had something seriously wrong with him when he shook his head.

"Very well then...Put it over there, on the far wall. I would have thought that you would throw it out if I was this late."

The trembling white mouse started shakily walking over to the far corner of the chamber, his feet making gently taps on the hard rock floor.

He started to lower his tray, doing his best to hide a sudden erection when he got within twenty feet of the dragon and began to smell the scent of heat. He began to tremble again, trying to think of something else, anything else, that would keep him from getting a larger erection.

'Don't think about the smell, think about the food. Yea, just think about the meat, that sweeet meat...Damn!' He could swear that the dragon would be looking right at his crotch. That his Lord would immediately stop him and rip off his garb, exposing him for what he was and tossing him to the people to die in the most painful way.

He slowly padded past the dragon, eyes staring straight ahead and wide as saucers until he was past the beast. He found his way over to the back wall, and set the tray of steaming food down by it, relieved to be rid of the weight but now with the knowledge that there was nothing to hide his shame with.

Kalshire waited until the mouse passed, then began to slowly stroke himself again, thinking that his worker would know of the exit at the other end of the chamber and would take that one. He slowly closed his eyes and went back to his fantasy, gently murring at the way the female rubbed his head and whispered in his ear. He heard more tappings, and those went into his imagination as well of every time the green dragon hilted himself in Kalshire.

Shrie did not know of the other exit, and was too nervous to even turn his head and risk the possible rotation in his body that would show his strong arousal. He was stuck, not knowing how he would pass the dragon without being caught.

He eventually decided to lean forward as he was walking, to allow his robes room to drape over his erection and hide it. With that, he would constantly face his Lord so that no poking would be shown. If God graced him, maybe he would make it.

Kalshire was in his own world again. He could smell his arousal all around, hear the soothing whispers, feel the member in his ass despite not having put anything near that area again, and he could feel his flesh in the shuddering female above him.

He even could smell the other male's arousal, a small twinge in his nose.

He immediately noticed it and looked into it's origins. It was not from a dragon, not was it from his mind, but from behind him. He whipped around and looked right at his upkeep, leaning forward to hide an obvious erection and staring right at him.

The Lord was at a loss for words, and looked at the servant, trying to think of something to change the subject. He sat there, looking at the rat, and suddenly got an idea.

"Are you a male-lover?" He asked calmly, forcing his face to take a serious look instead of the goofy suprised look he had before.

Kalshire could see his upkeep's eyes get wider, a thing he thought impossible. The worker was clearly a homosexual, but Kalshire needed to see if his thoughts were correct.

He leaned forward, getting on his paws, and looked the small trembling rat right in the eyes.

"Take off your robe."

The rat started visibly shaking. Kalshire almost felt sorry for the little one, but he needed to know how this servant felt.

The rat obviously was too shell shocked to move, so Kalshire moved to help him, reaching out and clutching the bottom of the upkeep's robes, then jerking them upward and ripping them off the rat without any tearing. The rat had an erection all right, but it was slowly going down. This needed to be fixed.

Kalshire tossed the robes over his shoulder and leaned back on his hind legs, practically shoving his member into the rat's face, and resumed jacking off while looking at the rat's erection. It jumped back to full mast faster than he thought possible, and he saw the blood drain from the servant's face when the rat noticed that he was hard again.

Shrie was on the verge of mental and physical collapse. Not only had he been caught with an erection for the another male, but it was the Lord Kalshire himself! And the Lord had even proven that he was a male lover and could do anything he wanted to kill the rat. He felt like curling up in a ball like he used to do when he was a kid- to curl into a ball and somehow be magically transported away to a different place.

Kalshire now had all the information he needed. He himself needed a mate- badly. He had been caught naked by a homosexual that was aroused from watching him, and they were alone for however long he desired in his private bedding chamber. All the magic work had been done except for the reversing of an entire lifetime of repressed sexual urges and feelings.

Compared to finding another male that also like males and was into him, this would be like teaching a grown up how to walk.

He quickly dropped his serious demeanor, hoping that doing so would help the rat relax a little bit. It didn't, as the servant was lost in his own world of terror, a look of sheer horror on his face as he stood there thinking of all the ways to die.

At this Kalshire had no idea what to do. If he tried to get the servant's attention, the rat would probably try to do something stupid or break down. Other than that, there didn't seem to be many options of what to do with this rat.

He almost didn't notice when the upkeep began to speak. "Uh, sir?"

Kalshire jumped a out of his thoughts, and looked down and the servant again, the rat was close to a break down, and still trembling. "Yes, little one?" He replied, trying to be as gentle with his words as possible.

"I could leave, sir, I could leave and no one would ever see me again. I was saving up to move, but I have enough to get basic supplies. The rest I'll find out on my own, but I wileave and no-one would notice me gone, and I could never be talked about again, I'lljustliveoutsomewhereand..." The rat's speech started slowly, but quickly came faster and faster and turned into a constant babbling that Kalshire could not understand or bear for long.

"Stop." The rat immediately quit talking, and looked like he had been dragged down to the bedrock of reality. Kalshire took a breath, hoping that he was playing his cards right. "Look at this, " He said, pointing down at his crotch and watching the rat slowly look down. "This does not care if you are homo or not, whether you are a woman or not, what species you are, or how you act. Those are all things that we make up in our minds. I do not care if you are homo or not, even if I did I could simply close my eyes and pretend that you were a female."

He leaned forward and relaxed a bit more, seeing that his plans were working as the rat slowly stopped trembling. "All that this wants is pleasure. What that pleasure comes from, at what expense, it does not care. It has no eyes, ears, tongue or nose. It can only feel the pleasure or pain you give it, and those things are the only things it cares for."

He reached down and pulled the rat's head up, looking into the servant's eyes. "The only thing it cares about right now, is whether or not you would care to help it get what it seeks."

This had an immediate impact on the servant, who almost fell over. Shrie stopped shaking, his head drenched with sweat despite being naked out in the open, and suddenly his mouth was wet, as opposed the the bone dry that it had been mere seconds before.

The rat seemed to still be scared stiff, or extremely indecisive. Kalshire decided that his plans had worked, and made a move to help move things along and wrapped a paw behind the servant's head, gently pushing him forward and towards his still throbbing member.

Shrie didn't know how to react. Was this a test? Would he die? Was this his dreams come to life? He desperately hoped so, but he knew reality was a stark and sinister place.

As he felt himself being led towards the giant erection right in front of him, he slowly decided on a course of action. He would do everything he always wanted, and then run. As fast as he could, he would be out of the city, village, capitol, and then leave the country. To where, he hadn't figured out, but he would make decisions when their problems presented themselves. For now, he was going to let his dreams become reality.

He leaned forward, moving with the paw, and wrapped his lips around the arousal that was dripping pre. It didn't have a flavour, something strange to the rat who's main job was to taste things and make sure they tasted right for the Lord, so he began to lick the slit on the very tip, concentrating on getting a solid taste of the fluid.

He realized he was getting carried away with his taste test when he felt a quaking on the hand pressed against his head and heard a moan come from above. Shrie decided to see how much he could fit in his mouth and started leaning forward some more, taking a few quick steps and getting on his knees the further down he went.

More could fit in his mouth than he thought! He was nearly one fourth of the way down the shaft before he felt a poke at the back of his throat and gagged a bit, the reflex causing him to shudder and making the dragon above him moan again. He let himself drift off, slowly leaning back and forth, bobbing his head slightly, and closing his eyes with a sigh to let the reality of what was happenning sink further into him.

Kalshire was in bliss. He had never felt such a tight warm embrace except for one time when he decided to suck himself off, an action that he never got into himself because it was so uncomfortable. The further he went into the warm and wet embrace of the servant's mouth, the more he wanted to grasp the furry little head in his hands and hump deep into the rat, but he made himself stay still except for the tiny amount increasing pressure he put on the rat's head.

When the rat gagged and stopped, the vibrations and shuddering of the mouth caused him a flash of ecstacy, followed by a quick breather as everything stopped for a moment. Kalshire knew that he would not be able to go further, and decided to begin readying his servant for the future.

The rat's eyes were closed, making it easy for the dragon to lick his paw and slowly move it around the servant's body. The rat did notice, however, when he felt a poking at his backside, followed by the feeling of being spread open.

He could not help but squeeze on the finger spreading him open, as even though the finger was small to the dragon by comparison it was like someone had just shoved a regular sized dick up his butt with little lubrication. Kalshire would not stop pushing inward until he had his entire finger inside the now squirming rat, who had his eyes squeezed shut and was concentrating on not drooling openly on his Lord's erection, not knowing that doing so would probably make it easier for later on.

Kalshire slowly pulled his finger out and back in, gently rocking his hips back and forth into Shrie's face and savoring the intense pleasure that came out on each thrust. After a few more times of pumping his finger into the servant's ass he pulled out, checked his finger to see how dirty it was, sucked on his fingers again, and then began to spread the rat's ass out on two of his fingers.

At this the rat had to clench his fists to keep from biting down on his Lord from the pain. He had never even played with himself out of fear of being caught, and now he was having his ass stretched out to limits even prostitues in the city had trouble with. Shrie was not concentrated enough to think what this was actually for, and began to wonder how this was pleasing to the Dragon.

Finally, after a few pumps in and out with his two fingers, Kalshire pulled out and didn't push back in. When this happenned, Shrie was relaxed and the thick member in his mouth slipped into his throat. He had become accustomed to the feeling of something forcing it's way past his gag reflex! He breathed a sigh of relief, and began to sink even lower on the member, feeling it stretch out his throat. He briefly wondered what it looked like from below, whether his neck was bulging or not.

Kalshire was in heaven. Now not only was the mouth feeling just as powerful as before, but he was allowed to go all the way in. His knot began to swell and soon, as his thrusts started going deeper and deeper down the rat's throat, he could feel it bump up against the servant's lips, followed half a second later by his heavy sac hitting the chin.

He began to hump faster, his breath coming in short gasps as he placed his other hand on Shrie's head, using it as leverage to pull the rat's head faster onto him, then pull it off as he withdrew.

Eventually, he felt the feeling of the brick wall began in his loins- at the head of his pulsing member, a feeling that made his legs quake. His breath became deeper and quicker, and the feeling spread down his shaft and into his body.

"I-I'm close.." He whispered to the servant, bending down and taking his hands off the rat's head, instead crossing his arms where his hands were and bracing his elbows on his hips so that the little creature wouldn't be hurt by his spasms.

Shrie was having trouble breathing. The member was seemingly always in his throat, and when he wasn't struggling to hold his breath until it pulled out he was choking on the fluid that was constantly leaking out of the tip his leader's shaft. When he felt the fingers be pulled out of his ass he was relieved, until he felt the dragon reposition his arms and heard his Lord's warning. He wouldn't be pulling off. Shrie would have to take everything his master gave.

The wall was coming to Kalshire's head faster and faster. The feeling was pulsing up and down his shaft, and he began to simply thrust as fast as he could, not caring what happenned to the rat underneath. The wall came closer and closer, then he felt himself burst through it like a wrecking ball, his eyes going blurry.

His hips jabbed forward, his safety precaution only doing so much help as his knot slammed into Shrie's face, like being punched by a boxer. The rat's head was shoved backwards into Kalshire's arms, the hold acting like a pad and cushioning the power of his thrust. His enflamed member burst with seed, splashing straight into Shrie's stomach and quickly filling it up before tapering off.

Kalshire pulled back a little bit, and then slammed forward again, his dick again bursting with his cum, the remainder of the last burst being vacuumed up the rat's throat when he pulled back and making Shrie's entire esophagus slippery with cum.

This time the pulse of seed was halfway through when Kalshire pulled back and humped again, the slippery throat too good to resist pounding. He continued thrusting back and forth, the pleasure tilting off. He needed more pleasure, this feeling was too good to end this soon. He wanted more and more of that throat. He wanted to see his servant fully service him.

He pulled out and grabbed the rat's mouth with his hands, prying Shrie's jaws apart and placing his member at the edge, just as another load pumped out. It filled up the mouth in less than a second, and Kalshire simply moved his fingers over the rat's nostrils.

Kalshire pulled his dick away from the rat's mouth and then moved it down to his neck, standing up on his hind feet fully. He began to rub it against the rat's neck, coaxing Shrie to swallow, then looked down at the mouth full of cum, watching the level quickly drain into the large hole at the back as the rat swallowed and spasmed, starting to lose conciousness from lack of oxygen.

After a few more spurts onto the floor as Kalshire finished with his orgasm, he relaxed his grip on the rat and dragged the exhausted and sputtering servant over to the far corner with the tray of food.

"You usually cook well, " He said in a detached voice, plopping the rat down and scooting the tray in between them before setting himself down beside the servant. "You should be able to taste the fruit of your work."

He opened up the tray, gasping at the puff of steam that wafted out along with a heavenly aroma. He wondered for a moment about plates and silverware, but decided against it. Either of them leaving the room to get silverware would be a bad decision.

"Are you all right?" He asked, looking at the rat as it continued coughing.

Shrie wanted desperately to run, just as planned, but so much cum had gone down the wrong pipe. He couldn't even get on his hands and knees without feeling dizzy from not expending all of his energy coughing. Tears ran down his eyes, and he finally gave up, laying face down on the floor and doing his best to coux all of the cum in his lungs to dribble out.

Kalshire didn't know how to act, so he just walked over and sat by the rat, petting his head and trying to think of a way to help. Eventually the rat got all of the seed out of his system and sat up panting and looking at Kalshire.

"You look like you could use something to wash that down." He said, looking at Shrie's face, dripping with cum. "Here, drink."

The last thing Shrie needed right now was a drink. He was exhausted, scared, aching, coughing, and not one bit hungry or thirsty from a belly full of cum. His mind told him to run, but his body wasn't listening. He just sat up and stayed there, denying the offered drink with a short shake of the head. He expected that soon he would be tossed out for the citizens of the city to deal with.

Instead, his Lord did something that suprised him: He curled up around Shrie and started to talk. First about how Shrie needed to take a bath when he got home, a joke that broke the ice and made Shrie chuckle a bit and smile weakly. Then he began to talk about random things, of distant lands, all the topics flowing into one another by a single point, with breif silences as the dragon ate his food.

The talking grew more personalized, and Shrie was so involved with it that he jumped when he felt something probing his backside.

It was Kalshire's tail, which had wiped itself on Shrie to get wet, and was now sliding inside his body. He shivered as he felt his hole suddenly give way, and felt the tail slide in smoothly without losing any speed until it started getting thicker.

Right when it was about to be painfully thick, the tail stopped and Kalshire leaned over and picked Shrie up, a quick "You'll need this for later..." Before he sat the rat down on his lap and continued talking, this time scratching Shrie's head and occasionally jerking his tail out a bit before pushing it back in a little bit further than before.

Shrie began to say things back to Kalshire, adding his own views to the different stories, lending his own jokes to the situations, and snuggling closer to Kalshire the more time moved on. Kalshire ate while talking, and after a while Shrie found himself hungry enough to eat, the last time he had gotten a meal was before he left for work.

They ate and talked, joking and telling stories, but eventually the food ran out and it seemed they had talked about everything in the world and beyond.

"Well, now that that is finished up, " Kalshire began, lifting up the rat on his lap and removing his tail from the others backside, "I think it's time for a parting gift- a warning though that it might be a while until you leave."

Shrie looked down and saw that Kalshire's member was fully erect again, and had figured out why his lord's tail had been inside him all this time. He smiled coyly and began to squirm, finally dislodging himself from Kalshire and falling into the dragon's lap.

With Kalshire doing nothing but looking down with a curious, but 'come hither', look in his eye Shrie took it upon himself to find a way to use his lord's member in the most sexy way possible, his thoughts long gone from trying to get away and now concentrating on having more fun with his Lord. He stood facing away from Kalshire on the dragon's two legs, bent over exposing his now loose tail hole, and slowly backed up until he could feel Kalshire's arousal between his furry buttcheeks. He wound his tail around the root of it and pressed it up against his ass more before slowly squatting and giving Kalshire a tit fuck with his ass.

Kalshire was struck. He couldn't figure out if he wanted to continue watching the servant use his dick as a stripper's pole or if he wanted to lay his head back and pant with the constant good feelings coming out of his dick. He opted for both: Leaning his head to the side and looking down at Shrie with sleepy eyes, a warm content smile on his face.

Shrie could tell he was having an effect on Kalshire by feeling the muscles he was standing on tense and relax with every movement he made. He tried hard not to giggle when he felt a hand grab his buttocks, and then another. They both worked in unison groping and forcing his body up and down on his length. Better yet- when Shrie flexed his ass, he heard a satisfied hiss escape the dragon's muzzle.

Kalshire could barely contain himself. This rat was just begging for a good long one, and that was what Kalshire was willing to give. He decided to start the real fun.

"Are you ready?" He asked, suddenly spinning the rat around to face him and lifting the other's body up and over his quivering member to be impaled.

Shrie nodded urgently, almost laughing from the look of seriousness on Kalshire's face for something so trivial.

Kalshire only nodded and smiled, then simply dropped Shrie down. Everything was all lined up, the rat wasn't expecting it, and he wanted the first penetration to be memorable. And it was.

Shrie made a high pitched yelp when he began to fall, and an even higher pitched one when the large cock underneath him began it's journey into his bowels. As he slid onto and around Kalshire, Shrie's voice became slowly higher pitched, and then slowly lower pitched as he slid further down, until finally he reached the bottom save for an inch or two.

Kalshire shuddered and didn't even bother asking before gripping Shrie's hips harder and roughly pulling him off as fast as he could until there was only about half an inch of his cock left inside the rat. Shrie could swear that the dragon's cock was acting like a plunger on his digestive tract, but there was nothing to come out- he hadn't eaten until recently.

The stop at the tip of Kalshire's arousal was brief, before the dragon pulled the rat down onto him while thrusting up, sighing with a hiss of pleasure as once again his member was driven into what felt like a tight massage in a wet sauna. Shrie felt his intestines move and straighten out as the dragon forced him all the way down.

Kalshire decided to finish as fast as he could- at this rate, he would go off by the time he set himself into a steady rythm. He quickly repeated the previous action as fast as he could, his head still lolling to the side and lazily watching Shrie bounce up and down, gasping from the rapid deep penetration.

It wasn't long before he felt himself beginning to lose the battle again, and began to stand on his hind legs and hump with each forced thrust. He came closer and closer to the brink, and before he could blow he felt Shrie tighten up around him, accompanied with loud moans and gasps.

Shrie had been dealing with the feeling of Kalshire's monstrous cock being driven deep into him and straight into his prostate for the entire legnth of the sex, and it was starting to show. Coupled with how he had not cum in the previous entanglement and he could only last for so long, especially while Kalshire was grabbing his hips and his arousal rubbed against the rough finger scales.

He squeezed as hard as he could, trying to slow everything down so that he could enjoy his climax, but no matter how hard he squeezed Kalshire continued to pump into him, overstimulating the rat and almost making Shrie pass out as he continued to squeeze and tried to tell Kalshire to stop through his moans.

Kalshire didn't even think about containing himself, and quickly shoved himself up to the hilt and did many short thrusts, feeling his knot build up inside the rat. He knew his knot was too big for the rat to take, and hoped that the rat would be thankful for his slight reprieve before he bit down on the rat's shoulder and began to cum, his entire body shuddering and spasming, slamming itself against the servant in a hopeless attempt to get the knot out of Shrie so that it could be slammed back in again.

Spurt after spurt of cum was shoved into Shrie, and he could swear that his stomach was now diluted with the stuff. It felt like his entire degestive tract was submerged and being filled with a lake. He desperately tried to push it all out, but his climax, exhausted body, and foggy mind couldn't push hard enough to force the thick cream out past the huge knot lodged inside him.

Kalshire eventually let go of Shrie's shoulder and fell backwards, his entire member feeling like it was in a cup of warm water. He curled around Shrie and felt the rat struggling slightly while he began to drift off, and began to lightly pet and scratch the rat's head to calm him. Eventually, while Kalshire drifted off, he felt the small creature in his arms stop moving and went to sleep himself, at peace now that he had finally found someone.

Shrie woke up exhausted, feeling like he had been drenched in glue, naked, and with a full feeling in his backside. He wondered what he had done last night that would have made him feel this way, hoping that he didn't do anything too stupid to get into trouble.

He tried to turn over to find that he couldn't move. He felt like he was trapped under a whale.

Shrie was instantly alert and in distress, his eyes snapping wide open and he began to struggle again until he realized what was on top of him: A dragon. The memories of what had happened the previous day hit him like a tidal wave, and he looked down at where he felt full, seeing only a tiny amount of his Lord's member out in the open, stuck between being inside his body and the dragon's.

He let his eyes wander, following the body of Kalshire up and past the chest and straight towards the face, Kalshire's eyes were open and looking at him with a smug smile on his face. Shrie tried to say something but was quickly distracted in how his face felt when he moved his mouth, like there was tape all over his face keeping his hair stuck together.

"I think you should take a bath, mate." Kalshire said above him in a warm voice, emphasizing the last word and smiling bigger. "And I think it would be best if I joined you, if only to talk about the specific points of how to live with me and assist in my endeavors for leading this great country. Maybe more..."

Shrie smiled, feeling the large weight inside him get a little bigger while the dragon talked, and settled down to listen.

The ATC chapter 5.txt

Hello thar! I am sorry this one took so long in coming out, as I was interrupted by a certain RALLY in WASHINGTON D.C. whos supreme goal was to RESTORE SANITY. Awesome through and through, there were so many people there that even two hours after the...

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The ATC Chapter 4

This is the Fourth chapter of the story, hope y'all like it, don't read it if you're over 18 blah blah. I don't really care whether you use the characters other than Smith, just ask. Personally if I ever see a story that uses my characters I would be...

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The ATC Chapter 3

This is the third chapter of my first Smexy series. Legal information of not being 18 or older discualifies you for being able to watch or read this material. I don't know if there will be any more of these, it just depends on the mood I'm in, but I...

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