The ATC chapter 5.txt

Story by Slinky Snake on SoFurry

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#3 of The ATC

Hello thar!

I am sorry this one took so long in coming out, as I was interrupted by a certain RALLY in WASHINGTON D.C.

whos supreme goal was to RESTORE SANITY. Awesome through and through, there were so many people there that even two hours after the rally ended people were still funnelling around the roads to an exit.

In other news this will be the last of this series. I think I am good at writing individual stories, but not a series. I like how one can link them together, but putting a timeline on something with me is just like putting a gun up to it's head. Along with this is the usual don't read if you're over 18 and that crap (honestly, if we didn't want any kids reading this we should just make the beginning something about Strawberry shortcake or something) And feel free to use any character in here except for Smith (lol only 2 characters) without my permission. And, as before, I don't really care if you even use him without my permission as it's more flatterring than anything else.


Chapter 5

Derek approached the tank slowly, trying to see the creature clearly and find the best way to approach him without seeming too needy.

The creature just stood there, watching him with it's hands pressed against the glass. It seemed a bit suprised that Derek was walking towards it, a fact that Derek could only assume meant that it had obviously been neglected for it's looks. This further spurred him on and into the tank through a door on the side.

The tank was very warm. It felt like a sauna and before he knew what he was doing Derek had already taken off his clothes and was still beginning to sweat. The creature seemed unaffected by this and simply walked up to him.

Derek, for the first time in a while, was taken aback that this creature would just walk towards him and not immediately pounce and either rip his head off or start humping him. Now that they were close together he did not know how to approach the beast, suddenly shy and not wanting to be rejected, as stupid a thought as it was.

Not knowing what to do, he simply reached out cautiously and put his hand on the creature's shoulder. The creature then suprised him by replicating the gesture with the same amount of caution and suspicion, reaching out it's arm and grabbing his shoulder lightly.

Derek moved closer, being spurred on by the pheremones in his breath, and slowly pulled the creature into a light hug. The creature again suprised him by wrapping it's arms around him as well. He pulled back a little to look at the creature's face, and was met with an expression that he couldn't place. He didn't have a chart of facial expressions for a walking lizard man, so the expression he was met with could not be deciphered. To him, it looked like the lizard was bored but slightly interested.

Derek gave up trying to find out if the creature wanted to cuddle and sighed, wondering how he was going to get the message across to the creature that they would be hugging and not humping.

He didn't get very far with his thoughts, however, as the lizard suddenly lurched forward, wrapping his arms around Derek even tighter and entwining it's tail in Derek's legs.

The sudden move made Derek go on a crash course for the ground, struggling. As he was falling Derek could feel the lizard hugging him tighter, wrapping it's legs around Derek's, and moving it's hands over to his head and hips. He felt the creature's tounge move around in his mouth, then exit before he thudded into the semi soft dirt on the ground, feeling the lizard's hands protecting his head as it hit the floor.

Right after the initial shock of landing the lizard was back in his mouth, deeply kissing him and rubbing up against him with his whole body.

"Damn," thought Derek, "This guy is really in the mood!" The lizard just kept rubbing up against him, slowly rotating his hips around and grinding into Derek's crotch.

Finally, after a while, the beast had had enough. He unwrapped his lower half from Derek's, sat on his knees while still kissing, and got in position to enter the human underneath.

Derek could feel the member poking at his entrance, and soon it began to stretch his hole out, stopping after about an inch inside. He started feeling something piling up inside of his rectum, and began to try pulling out, with his eyes wide and legs wrapped around the lizard's hips, thinking that the creature had begun to urinate inside him. Then he realized what it was: The creature was filling him up with pre.

Once he realized exactly what was happenning, Derek relaxed and let the lizard do what he wanted. He could feel more and more pre filling him up from behind, and was really starting to wonder when he would be filled with the lizard's member.

He waited and waited, until finally the lizard stopped kissing him, moved his arms from around Derek's body to his hips, sat up, pulled back with his cock still drooling precum like a faucet, and slammed into Derek.

Derek felt the creature leave his hole, felt his ass contract as the thick member that had been plugging it pulled out, and then all he knew was a jab of pain and an ocean of pleasure. He didn't even get a chance to see the creature force it's way inside of him. All he was aware of was that his insides were slammed into, his ass was stretched to it's limit and beyond, and his prostate was sending a wave of ecstacy through his whole body.

It felt like a wave was slamming into his prostate, and then he felt the hardness of the lizard literally slam into it, rubbing and grinding and making Derek feel as though he was on every imaginable drug at once.

The pain was large as well. The thickness of the creature's cock was not something that Derek would want to take all at once even if he was stretched out, which he wasn't. He could feel not only the lizard's heart pulse through it's cock, but even his own. He could feel something leaking out from his ass, just barely, but he wasn't sure if it was blood or the massive puddle of precum that the lizard had dribbled into him. The pain was intense, but drowned out by the pleasure to create a feeling of intense fullness.

Everything slowed down for a bit after the initial hump, the lizard giving Derek some time to come off his high for a bit and get used to such an invasion. Derek himself could feel an odd pressure inside, but further in than the lizard's member was long. He didn't have long to ponder on it before the lizard decided that enough time had passed and pulled out all the way to his tip.

This left Derek feeling empty for a moment, but then something strange happenned: He felt the emptyness inside him slowly go away, replaced by a heavy feeling like he was still impaled on the lizard cock. He realized just then that all of the pre that had been puddling inside him had increased the pleasure of the thrust, and that now it was dribbling down out of his intestines and into his ass again now that the lizard's member had dissappeared.

He felt the heavy liquid begin to dribble out of his ass around the lizard's cock. The lizard seemed to take this as a sign and slammed into Derek again, sending both of them into an ecstacy that was so pleasurable they couldn't even moan. After a moment of waiting again, the lizard pulled back and waited for the pre to seep down and out around his cock before slamming in again, building a sort of timer for the thrusts.

This continued on, Derek feeling waves of pleasure every time the lizard slammed into him, shivering as he felt the cum inside rush past his prostate and tickle it, like a hose was set onto it, before the creature's member slammed into it as well, what felt like a hammer jabbing it in a way that caused indescribable amounts of pleasure.

Eventually, as the lizard's cock continued to leak, Derek's ass was filled up more and more. More cum entering was his ass than was leaving when the lizard pulled out. This caused the rate of humping to speed up, and the pleasure for Derek to multiply greatly. Soon Derek was moaning and panting from the feeling of all the different stimulation, his senses becoming overloaded.

The heavy breathing of the human underneath the lizard caused all of the pheremones in Derek's breath to waft up to the lizard, making it to go into overdrive and begin humping into Derek with abandon, simply forcing Derek's ring apart with his tool. This caused Derek to breath even more, causing more pheremones to go to the creature and the creature to hump faster and harder.

Finally the lizard reached his limit, and slammed into Derek one last time, beginning to flood the human's intestines with all of the cum that was saved in the creature's balls. The lizard fell forward, hugging the human tightly to him and beginning a kiss again, although they were both panting so heavily that it was hard to keep together.

Derek felt himself being filled up, his intestines already full from the precum that had been pushed inside, and now a large amount of cum was flooding into him as well. He felt the pressure continue to grow inside. It kept growing, and growing, and still the lizard was cumming.

"How long can this go on?" Thought Derek as he felt another fresh spurt of cum pump into his ass. It had to end sometime, right? It had been close to a minute and still more cum was being pushed into Derek's ass. He had cum himself in the time of humping, and now the steady thuds of waves of cum pushing against his prostate was giving him too much stimulation. He was tired, felt full, over stimulated, and the creature still was grinding into his ass and hissing into his mouth as they kissed.

Finally he felt the lizard's member stop jerking, and the creature relaxed on top of him, pinning him to the floor and trapping Derek in a giant hug. Derek relaxed as well, letting go with his anus muscles and feeling the cum begin to leek out of him and puddle in the semi dry ground beneath them. He felt himself falling away, going into sleep, and gave up the struggle, snuggling against the lizard on top of him and drifting off happily.

He awoke with a start as he felt the lizard exit him, the lizard's member flopping out and immediately being drenched with a small amount of cum that had found it's way down Derek's digestive tract and back into his anus. Derek weakly got up and stretched, checking the time on a clock outside the cage and realizing that it was time to leave for home.

Derek hurried out of the cage and looked for Smith, hoping that his boss hadn't seen him asleep on the job. He finally decided that if he had been caught he would have been woken up and then fired, and so decided to get his regular clothes on and wait for Smith to tell him of his leaving.

He had just gotten to the doorway of the breakroom where he kept his stuff when Smith slithered in through another door on the other side of the room.

"Aaaah, sssso you will be leaving for the homesstead?" Smith asked with a smile.

Derek just nodded, afraid he would slip up and tell his boss of his sleeping if he talked, then sighed deeply. "This was one hell of a first day, sir." At this Smith smiled even deeper, then moved over to a small rectangle on the wall that Derek guessed was a thermostat.

"Very well then, I shall see you tommorrow. I am looking forward to all of the new things this company can accomplish with your extra help. For now, I think the animals would like to have a nice comfy heat, don't you?" Derek nodded and gave a bit of a giggle at how careful Smith was with the animals, hearing the air conditioner click and buzz to life behind him, blowing slightly warm air around him.

Derek started for his belongings and then stopped, looking around at Smith. He was just standing there, with his head cocked to the side staring at Derek.

After a long moment, Smith began to speak. "You didn't use all of the bottle of pheremonesssss I left for you did you?"

"Well, not all... Most of it, there was a little bit left..." Derek trailed off, seeing a look pop into Smith's eyes. Smith turned towards him, and began to slither around to Derek, his tail wrapping around Derek's legs and hips, feeling Derek's member and teasing it softly.

"You do know that thossssse pheremones were ssssome of the most powerful we had in ssssstore, do you?" Smith whispered, getting very close to Derek and beginning to wrap his arms aroung the employee.

At this Derek started to back away, already tired and not knowing how to react to his boss. Before, during the day of sex those had just been animals he had 'helped' but this was another thinking being, and a kinky one from what Derek knew. He gulped and sighed, then realized how big of a mistake he had just made when Smith's eyes glazed over for a moment.

"Ummm, sir, I really should-" Smith cut Derek off by putting a finger to his lips and shushing him, although is sounded more of a hiss than a soothing remark. "Don't worry." He whispered into Derek's ear, reaching down and grasping his member.

"You'll get overtime for thissss..."


You know what the greatest feeling in the world is? Just randomly looking through art and stories here and seeing a great piece of art here, looking at the artist's/writer's favorites and seeing one of my stories there. I'm not asking for more favorites, in fact just the opposite because then everyone is counting on me to make stuff, but just for any of you all feeling like you might want to write a story or make a picture- the feeling of seeing that someone else appreciates your work is amazing.

I smile every time.

The ATC Chapter 6

Hello all! Sorry for this taking so long to come out with...I wanted to do some different stories (this is last thanksgiving) and had planned on having a big huge release of lots of stories for Christmas...but all of the stories I wrote just didn't...

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The ATC Chapter 4

This is the Fourth chapter of the story, hope y'all like it, don't read it if you're over 18 blah blah. I don't really care whether you use the characters other than Smith, just ask. Personally if I ever see a story that uses my characters I would be...

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The ATC Chapter 3

This is the third chapter of my first Smexy series. Legal information of not being 18 or older discualifies you for being able to watch or read this material. I don't know if there will be any more of these, it just depends on the mood I'm in, but I...

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