The ATC Chapter 3

Story by Slinky Snake on SoFurry

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#5 of The ATC

This is the third chapter of my first Smexy series. Legal information of not being 18 or older discualifies you for being able to watch or read this material.

I don't know if there will be any more of these, it just depends on the mood I'm in, but I hope you all like it anyway :)

Chapter 3

Going towards the female cage he took a moment to read a sign on the door:


This is Cindy's cage. She is generally friendly and would love to get your scent and play, but be careful for her when she is in heat. She becomes very playful."

He opened the door and closed it behind him, then took off his clothes and set them in the corner, watching Cindy as she finished the last bit of her food and looked at him.

They both stared at eachother for a moment, until she came up and sniffed his hands and arms. Derek couldn't believe how little it took to get these creatures in heat! Speaking of which, he still had a hard on from his session with the male wolf.

The female began to buck her hips against him, the smell of male musk, cum, and pheremones all over Derek causing her to become aroused. Derek gently pulled her away and lead her over to her bed, basically an oversized pillow.

Cindy was confused at first, but he continued to push her on. He laid her on her back on the bed, spread her legs, and then slowly began to push his dick into her vagina. Cindy started to shake with the feeling, and Derek looked on at the light brown fluffy stomach fur of the wolf under him, spasming as he kept on gently but firmly pushing his member inside.

Finally, he came to the hilt. His hips had met Cindy's thighs and he slowly began to exit, this causing just as much pleasure for Cindy as on the way in. He kept retreating until he was all the way out, then quickly grabbed the two dildoes he had brought in with him.

To Cindy, this human was just preparing to completely fuck her, she didn't know about the two extra large toys that Derek had brought until she felt two much bigger tips prodding at both her lower lips and anus.

Derek rubbed each toy at their respective holes, taking the one that was at Cindy's pussy and getting it wet while poking at Cindy's ass with the other one, loosening it up. He then quickly switched dildoes, jabbing the dry one halfway into Cindy's front hole. Cindy let out a loud whine that almost sounded like a squeel, and started shaking and spasming again with pleasure.

Derek waited until she had gotten used to that before pulling all the way out and jamming the whole toy in again, almost to the knot. Cindy howled and squirmed as if trying to fit more into her. Derek gave her one last good shove in before he firmly began to slide the tip of the other toy into Cindy's asshole, her juices acting as lubrication.

Cindy immediately froze, and it was obvious that no one had used a toy on her anally before. Derek took this into consideration and stopped moving the toy in her ass, instead pulling the one in her pussy out and humping her with that one, but keeping his hips on the toy in her ass to make sure she didn't push it out. He was going to get to that later.

Cindy, for her part, started squeeling and squirming, trying to get pleasure from the toys, but not wanting the toy in her rectum to move and send more feelings to her. Very quickly Derek realized that she could easily take the extra large in her vag, so he slammed it into her and knotted, causing her to give a half hearted bark and stand still.

Derek began to leave the cage and heard whining from behind. "Don't worry, I'm coming back. And I'll bring some more stuff with me." he called back to her while walking down the isle and thinking of what to take.

Eventually he decided on a very short spreader bar, a vibrator meant for a penis, two straps, and an automatic machine that pushed up to four toys into you. He quickly returned and found that Cindy had pushed out the toy in her ass, and he quickly walked up to her and pulled out the one in her pussy. He then shortened the spreader bar to about three fourths of a foot long and attached both toys to it, pushing the tips of both toys into their holes.

Cindy made it clear she didn't want something in her ass, whining and complaining. Derek would not allow her to go through another orgasm without anal play however, and pushed both toys about halfway into her, making the wolf gasp and let loose what Derek would say is the closest thing to a moan he had ever heard a dog emit.

He continued playing with both toys into her until she got used to the feeling of something in her ass. He would push the toys in as far as he could before she started to look uncomfortable, then would smack the spreader bar, causing both toys to rattle inside her and massage her g-spot and the inside of her ass at the same time.

Cindy moaned again and closed her eyes, allowing Derek to go through with his plan unknown.

He attached the vibrator to the spreader bar and turned it on medium, causing both toys to start shaking and for Cindy to start convulsing with pleasure on her bed. Derek wasn't finished though- he attached the spreader bar to the machine and turned it on low, causing the toys to both hump and vibrate inside of her.

Cindy was in heaven. She was being humped by vibrating cocks in both her holes, and there was something about that toy in her ass that was starting to feel good as well. She started to feel her orgasm coming, and humped in the air wildly hoping that the human would get the message.

Derek did, and he swiftly reached with both hands and simultaniously turned the vibrator to 'hard' and the machine to 'medium'.

The wolf gasped, and started spasming and shaking and humping the air, visible squirts of her juices flowing from her pussy. Derek used the opporotunity to escape from the cell and grab another toy, come back, and slip it inside her nether lips. She really went ballistic at this, and Derek had to hold her hind legs so that she wouldn't slam them into the machine and break anything.

After a while, Derek turned down both of the machines to their first settings, and started to shove and push the second toy into Cindy along with the one already humping in her pussy. She was back to arousal in no time, and he quickly set both machines to 'high', grabbed the toy that he had just inserted, and strapped her legs down so that she couldn't hurt any of the setup.

He carefully slipped around the bed, Cindy not noticing him move because of the machine doing all of his work for him. He looked at her head, and saw that her mouth was wide open with her gasps. He decided he wanted to make sure he would not be hurt if he put his member into that deathcave of a mouth, and gently put the tip of the toy not attached to the machine in her mouth.

Her eyes immediately shot open, and her mouth closed on the toy. Derek did notice, however, that she did not bite the toy, and removed it from her mouth, replacing it with his much smaller penis. Once again, Cindy closed her mouth around the member, and Derek felt her begin to suckle on it.

He moaned and started humping into her maw, enjoying her convulsions as she was plowed in all her holes. He looked over at her pussy, and decided to make her cum a second time before he was through. He leaned over, laying on her soft belly, and started to roughly shove the toy in his hand into her pussy along with the other one attached to the machine. He noticed that every time he shoved it in, Cindy would immediately suck harder, and so started ravishing her pussy with the toy, crazily pumping it in and out with the other one.

Cindy began to climax again, and Derek got a face-full of her juices when he looked too closely at her pussy, which was squeezing and releasing on the toys that were wildly shoving themselves into her.

When Derek got a taste of Cindy's juices, he couldn't hold it back anymore, and let loose his pent up torrent of cum right into Cindy's waiting maw, covering it in white and spurting so much that it even started to run out the edges of her mouth and spread on her face and Derek's thighs.

When Derek was through with his orgasm, he turned off both machines and pushed the large one back, dragging all the toys with it out of Cindy. He got off and dropped the toy in his hand, both the toy and his entire forearm drenched in Cindy's cum.

He sat down next to the wolf and started petting her, and then she suprised him by sitting up and licking his face, and got her tounge into his mouth. Derek, startled, only watched her lay back down, curl up, and drift off to sleep, tasting his own cum mixed with her saliva and juices.

Eventually, he got up and put all the toys and machines back, washing off the toys and his hand, and noticing in the bathroom mirror that his stomach had a peculiar bulge to it from the male cum still trapped inside him. He decided that he would let it stay there, and see how much cum he could fit in his body.

He thought of all the creatures he would get to next, and counted the abcs to find his new animal 'friend': Gryphons.

Chapter 4

Derek was walking back along the isles, looking for the G category, finding it and walking towards the cage, seeing the greyish brown color of Kagmere in it.

"Long time no see." He said to kagmere, opening up the cell and getting naked, making sure for Kagmere to see his ass with the but plug in it before talking again: "This plug will hold all you have for me inside, so please do give me all you've got." Snickering at what would come next, Derek walked away from his clothes and then knelt for a doggy style fucking, looking under his legs as he bent over like a football player.

He just had long enough to see Kagmere, crouched and with his rear end wiggling like a cat before he dissappeared, followed shortly by a heavy weight that bore Derek down.

The ATC Chapter 4

This is the Fourth chapter of the story, hope y'all like it, don't read it if you're over 18 blah blah. I don't really care whether you use the characters other than Smith, just ask. Personally if I ever see a story that uses my characters I would be...

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The ATC Chapter 2

Hello! This is chapter two of my first erotic story, and now that I have all of the boring details out of the way we can get to the GOOD STUFF Granted, as with all the other stuff there must be that legal age limit warning of explicit material in this...

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The ATC Chapter 1

Hello, this is my attempt at a story. I was bored on a bus ride the other day, and was passing a little shack in some woods, and my imagination went off. Derek had seen the shop many times on his bus ride to-and-from school, but it was only this...

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