The ATC Chapter 1

Story by Slinky Snake on SoFurry

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#7 of The ATC

Hello, this is my attempt at a story. I was bored on a bus ride the other day, and was passing a little shack in some woods, and my imagination went off.

Derek had seen the shop many times on his bus ride to-and-from school, but it was only this time that he actually looked at it, recognizing its presence among the weeds, vines, and tangles of other plants and trees surrounding the small plot of land that no-one wanted, just infront of a series of warehouses located behind a fence, with a few trees positioned in a way that looked like not even nature wanted to have anyone see this old, decrepit building with dark windows, the only indication that it was a shop being it's over-the-door sign.

The sign was just a piece of rectangular material, so aged that it was hard to even determine what it was made out of, and the letters looked darkened, into a hard to read word: The ATC. Underneath these bold words it looked as if there was more, however, the age had withered the words and letters into nothingness.

At first, Derek did his best to ignore the shop. It looked like a long hallway with a room at one end of it. It looked withered, old, well in need of repair. Something about it though, over the days and weeks, kept Derek looking for it and waiting for the bus to faithfully pass the corner into the highway to take him to highschool, and for him to catch a quick glimpse at the sign and building. It was in his mind while in dreamland, and when in classes he pondered the meanings and reasons for the windows to be darkened, for the door to hang at the angle it did, and Derek would wonder more and more what was inside.

Finally, after many weeks, he could not take the punishment anymore. He had to find out what was in there, why anyone would go there, why it was in bad shape, what they did! "Who knows," He would think to himself, "Maybe I could get a job there...

And so came a free weekend. He had the entire day to himself, to do what he wanted and not be pestered by anyone. He had no cellphone, and he had nothing else with which anyone could use to disrupt him from what he wanted to do.

He noted, with disdain, that this also meant that he would not be noticed missing until at the very least the next day, and with no hints as to where he went.

"Still," He thought, "I'm almost here, it shouldn't be that bad, and I don't want to waste more gas going all the way back home..."

It was still morning when he reached the shop. He looked at the radio in his car: 10:23. The perfect time to decide whether or not you should go into a creepy building alone.

He got up and out of his car, walking towards the shop and trying to ignore the nausious feeling in his stomach from the car exaust emitted by all of the noisy cars around him.

Looking up at the sign, he tried to read it more closely, the ATC was still plainly visible, and underneath it he could barely decipher the words Adult...Toy...Center. He had no idea what that meant, but it did liven up his spirits that it wasn't some random piece of crap for which he had wasted all this time over nothing.

Looking at the door, he noticed one odd flaw: The handle was shiny clean. Everything around the door and, in fact, most of the door was either rusted, corroded, or just plain peeling and falling apart, barely able to hold itsself up, much less the whole structure.

Ignoring this unusual detail, Derek grabbed the handle and opened the door...Then gasped.

The entire inside of the building was just a long hallway to what looked like a glowing opening. That, however, was not the suprising part. The walls and the floor were all clean, well ordered, sharp and it all looked new. Everything, although looking much better than the outside of the building, was incredibly bland. It was essentially four pieces of metal made to form a rectangle. Dull metal, with only a vague reflection, and the only light coming from the room at the end of the hallway, glowing a reddish kind of color.

Derek stepped inside and took a step forward, wondering what anyones motive would be to keep the inside of a shop so tidy but let the ouside simply rot away.

As he stepped forward, the door swung shut behind him, making him jump. He leaned against the wall, caught between wanting to keep on and find out what was in the room at the end of the hall or to leave and do his best to forget about this place. The former won.

Derek started forward two steps before feeling strange. It was not that his skin prickled, but something He tried to think about it before realizing that he could not hear anything. That thin door had completely cut off the sound of a busy highway not twenty feet from the shop.

Becoming quite curious now, Derek started forward boldly, determined to find out what this place was. As he got closer to the door, he realized that it was just an opening covered by a set of strings hanging over the frame with beads attached. He also noticed that behind the beads were shelves, but it wasn't until he got past the beads and into the warm, almost ramantic red light lit room that he realized what was on them: Toys. Adult Toys.

It made sense to him now. Adult Toy Center. "But...some of these toys are weird" Derek thought. True, he could see the regular butt plugs and human dildoes, but there were others, with strange shapes and odd designs, and on the walls behind them were pictures of mythical creatures.

Derek continued walking past them, looking at the designs and the pictures. Dragons, gryphons, centaurs, and many regular animals as well, just with hands and feet and a structure like a human.

"Enjoying the merchandisssse?" Asked someone behind Derek, causing him to jump, falling into one set of shelves and almost knocking it over, with many things spilling out onto the floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't notice you were there." Said Derek, trying to get up and untangle himself from the shelf, finally pulling himelf up and looking around for the one who had spoken to him. "Hello?" He asked, seeing no one around.

"Over here." He heard the voice say, and he began to go to the end of the shelf he was by, walking towards where the light was coming from. He reached the end and looked around, seeing a regular long desk with a cashier machine on it, and next to that was a piece of paper with an unfinished picture on it, and drawing the picture was a scaled hand, that led up to-

Derek tried to run. He really did. It's just that in times of complete peril and chaos, things don't tend to communicate with one another, and that was the case with Derek's legs and his brain. He wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. His legs just didn't care, or respond. They were probably as awestruck with the sight before him as Derek was scared and trying to run: From what he could tell, a black dragon was standing behind a desk drawing a picture of some kind of weird creature that had four legs and the head of a snake.

The dragon seemed to only be concentrating on drawing with his brush, only looking up when Derek's legs finally responded to him by just giving up completely and giving out, causing him to crumble to the floor in a heap.

"Wow, that was a fall, are you alright?" Derek heard someone say. He didn't believe it was the dragon. That had to be some other picture, an optical illusion or something. He gathered the courage to look at the dragon again, and noted that it was not some hoax. "Y-yes...I think I'm fine." He said, shakily standing up and slowly trying to back away from the dragon.

"Are you sure? Here, let me make sure you're not bleeding." The dragon said, beginning to move around the table. Derek only watched, trying to back away slowly and without letting the dragon know that he was doing his best to get to get the hell away.

The dragon reached the edge and slithered around it. This had Derek's head spinning. He was looking at a half dragon snake with human arms and no wings. He was so involved in looking at the sight of a dragon with a snake's body down the waist that he didn't notice when the dragon was right up to him, and jumped slightly when he was touched on the head by it.

"Well, you look okay, for the mossst part." Said the dragon, backing off and looking at Derek like someone does to a hung painting to make sure it is level. "W-what are you?" Said Derek, his uneasiness about being near a monster not being helped by the fact that those eyes were constantly on him. He found himself willing those eyes to blink just once. They never did. "I am a naga," responded the creature in front of him, "And my name is Smith. Pleasure to meet you."

After mumbling a short and almost squeaky reply, Derek stayed silent and let the naga continue. "Thisss is my shop, the Adult Toy Center, where anyone can find anything to make their desires and dreamsss come true." Said Smith. "It looks like I have ssspooked you, perhaps your would be interested in a drink of sssome sort? I can give you a tour of the shop, it has been a while since the last cussstomer." Smith said. Derek was going to say no, but the tail of Smith seemed to wrap around him and guide him forward, not taking no for an answer.

"As you can guessss," Smith started "This is the main room for those of the more...unusual likes and lovesss." Smith was pointing out different toys and pictures and lubricants "Thessse toys are for those that like to fantasize about growing close to members of a different shape or speciesss. There are more items in the warehouse, which is where the drinks are. We have jusssst devoloped some new items, very special, and I will show you the pens for those whom do not consider a toy as being enough to play with." Derek followed, listening to Smith talking and allowing himself to be pushed by the naga's tail, being ushered into another hallway that he guessed led to the warehouses behind the trees and shop.

After a little bit they reached the next door, this one just a regular house door. Opening it, Smith slid into the large room, ushering Derek in with him. The warehouse was a cacaphony of noise. There was the sound of metal clanking, machines whirring, heavy footsteps, and many others.

Derek looked around, Smith having stopped to give him the chance to do so. The place was just like the first room, except bigger and lit by overhead lights to make everything visible. There was a long wall that went from end to end of the warehouse right in front of them, with door cut-outs every few yards and a title above each door. Looking over the wall, which was only abouve twelve feet tall, he could see giant shelves lining the sides of each door cutout behind the wall, obviously lined with different items for sale and display.

The more he looked around, though, the more he realized that it seemed he and Smith were the only ones there. He heard heavy thumps every few seconds, as if someone with heavy boots was stomping with both feet on the other side of the building. "Where is everyone?" He asked Smith, who was now closing the door.

"Oh, no one really shows up until around 5 or so..." Smith replied, now starting to slide his way to the left end of the building, dragging Derek with him. " Kagmere seems to be hungry for breakfast, so while you get a drink I will go feed him, it will only take a moment, unless you want to see some of the creaturesss we harbor for thosse who love the exoticss." Derek was not about to want to find out what was making the giant thumping noise, and opted out, leaning against a wall and waiting for Smith to return with a drink, looking at everything around him.

The place was either a masterpiece, or a disaster. There was noise everywhere, but never near where he was. It was all behind that wall, with each row seeming to have everything crammed in on it. He started walking towards one, to see what was all down the isle and when it ended. It seemed to be just like a shopping center's isle, just all metal. Down at the end he could see something, it looked likea cage... He leaned in closer to see it better. At the very end of the isle was a cage, with a dark mass in it.

He heard a shout, and turned around to see something poofey and golden grey come rushing out behind another isle, turn too hard, roll, and then screech toa halt right in front of him.

Derek looked at it and saw a beak, wings, a mane, and claws like a lion. It registered in his mind that he was staring right into the eyes of a gryphon.

He heard Smith slithering fast towards the opening of the door, and looked back at the gryphon. It appeared to have heard as well, and crouched on all fours like a cat about to pounce, even comically wiggling it's rear end before Smith came around the corner and it jumped, springing onto him and going into a full on death roll with Smith in it's arms.

Derek could only watch as Smith and the beast tackled and boxed, rolling and punching and swiping and then rolling some more, before Smith appeared to tire the beast out and simply stood up, walking towards Derek while rubbing his head and giggling.

"Excuse Kagmere, he tends to get playful in the mornings and at night after he is fed, and he smelled a new scent and decided to run off to invessstigate." After patting himself off, Kagmere just sat on his haunches and looked at Smith and Derek.

Smith went back to the door cut out, and grabbed a bottle of water, tossing it to Derek and giving a quick double whistle to Kagmere, who immediately hopped up and padded over to him. They both dissappeared behind the corner for a few seconds before Smith poked his head around the corner. "If you wish to ssstay there, be my guessst, but it is not as exciting asss you might think."

Taking the hint, Derek jogged over to Smith and looked inside the isle, getting a look at all of the different machines and toys on the shelves. The machines had no thinkable purpose to Derek, from what he could see. They were all just boxes with either a rod sticking out or a button or panel on them.

He decided it would be in his best interest to not touch them.

He continued walking down the isle, watching Smith and Kagmere interact, the gryphon acting much like an excited puppy, hopping around and swooning at Smith as the naga whistled and petted and played, leading Kagmere to the end of the isle. Here Derek found that there were cages, with thick iron bars and a padded floor, a doggy bed and oversized food bowl. Past the edge of the shelves were more cages, and Derek was awestruck with variety of animals. There was every single kind of mythical creature he could imagen, centaurs, dragons, more gryphons, and even a tank at the far end that contained a crocodile sort of creature, it looked like the swamp monster or something.

"What is all this?" Derek asked Smith, who had just finished closing the cage of Kagmere's cell. Kagmere, for his part, was cuddling up on his bed. "This is the animal dorm, assss I like to call it." Was the reply "It contains the animals that are not exactly common in this world, and for a fee, you can get to have time with them, although there is not to be any funny business with them, for theirs and your safety, unlessss they come to you first. Each cage and cell is in line with the isle to which the toys bassssed on it are made, and- oh," Smith had turned and pointed at the cage with the crocodile like man creature, "It looks like one of them has already taken an interest in you."

Derek could only blush, looking at the creature who was sporting a large erection and appeared to be rubbing it against the side of the water filled tank.

"It isss quite odd for him to show any liking for most people. I wonder what it could be to cause him to take a liking to you..." Smith told Derek, leading him away with a concerned look in his eye.

Ten minutes later, both of them were back in the red lit room, Smith finishing up a talk about the other warehouses around the one they had just been in. "And there are multiple entrancesssss for each one, but they are all connected. There isss a warehouse for every general kind of pleasure that one can find."

"Well, " Derek said "I think I will be visiting here often once I get a job and some money. This place looks...I don't even know how to describe everything here!"

At this Smith paused from picking something up from underneath his desk, and set it back down. Unknown to Derek, it was a Now Hiring sign. "Perhapsssss," Smith started, looking at Derek with a critical eye. "You would be interested in a job here at the ATC. We can always use an extra hand in helping the animals feel at home, and many customers have certain...quesssstionss that should only be answered by someone asss interested in the merchandise and animals asss you."

It took Derek all of .001 seconds for his brain to realize that the sentence had ended. And it took even less time for him to decide what his answer was.

"When should I come in?"

The ATC Chapter 2

Hello! This is chapter two of my first erotic story, and now that I have all of the boring details out of the way we can get to the GOOD STUFF Granted, as with all the other stuff there must be that legal age limit warning of explicit material in this...

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