The ATC Chapter 2

Story by Slinky Snake on SoFurry

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#6 of The ATC

Hello! This is chapter two of my first erotic story, and now that I have all of the boring details out of the way we can get to the GOOD STUFF

Granted, as with all the other stuff there must be that legal age limit warning of explicit material in this story and how you shouldn't be under 18 while viewing. Have fun.

Chapter 2

It was finally the day. Derek had worked out a schedule with Smith, and was working on the weekends. Saturday and Sunday, 9 in the morning to 4:30 in the afternoon, and for all the help he did after that he got double pay for overtime. Of course, with the employee discount and keys to all the cages and toys (which Smith had told Derek in person that he didn't mind having more "special time" with the toys and creatures, stating that the creatures would grow to better understand and follow his commands and that the toys, even those on the shelves, sometimes needed to be tested) Derek didn't believe he would be doing much job work at all in his off time, and was in fact converting his entire weekly schedule to allow timeto come in during the week as well.

So, he had waited his week after reading the fine print and coming in everyday after school to be taught about the creatures, how they act, how to respond to different things, and general information on the tools and toys. He had even been shown by mister Smith himself about the proper use of the toys, having noticed that mister Smith was always naked and seemed to take much of the merchandise to his private courters as Derek left. By the time he had signed the papers and gotten ready, both physically and mentally, four weeks had passed. Now it was finally time to go in there and kick some ass. Or do something else with it.

He stepped into the shop anxious to learn what his main job would be.

"Ahh, there you are Derek." He heard Smith say as he walked into the room. "Are you ready for your first day on the job?"

"Yes, I can't wait to see what it is!" Derek eagerly replied.

"Good, your job is to control and maintain this sssspecific warehouse while I am up here. We are understaffed and I cannot be everywhere at once, and the best place for me is up here where the purchases are made. Unfortunately, this leavessss the animals alone and eventually they get so anxioussss for attention they attempt to escape and find someone with. We cannot allow this, so your job issss to keep them under control until around four, then to stop so that they have enough energy to play and interact with the cusssstomers when they come in. Do not be afraid to use the toys and machines in your work with them, jussst be sure to wash and sssterilize them when you are finished. And in your time between containing the animalsss, try to organize the toys and take the new onesss in from the side room. The new shipmentssss. All the isles are arranged alphabetically, and all toysss on each isle are the same."

Derek listened to it all, barely containing his eagerness to go out there and join the animals. He just had one question.

"Were you born like that or did you become a naga?"

Mr. Smith looked unusually at Derek for a moment, then replied "Dissssregarding that the question is a bit out of place, I would say it is a little of A and B, I was born half naga but a dominant gene of human, I jussst needed something to help the naga out. Any other questionssss before I go to catch up on the other warehouses?"

At this Derek couldn't help himself. "Do you think I could become a naga too? Or something else?"

"It depends on your lineage," Smith responded "I had the genessss of a naga in me, so I had an advantage. I do not believe a product issss available yet to let you change species at will." Smith looked at the ceiling as if he was remembering what he was saying after reading it from a book, then looked at Derek's sunken face.

"I do believe, however, that there issss one being worked on right now, as that would be a good idea for a product." He said, enjoying the happiness and hope that returned to Derek's face. "I must go now, I bet that many of the animalsss are getting restless as we ssspeak." He began to move towards the door, still talking. "I will be coming around about every 45 minutes or so, if you have any problems just wait for me to come back. If it is sssomething that cannot wait, just hit the button on my desk and I will be alerted."

"Yes sir." Derek now was free to go, and he barely managed to not go into the warehouse sprinting as fast as he could, taking his clothes off and leaving Mr. Smith in the room walking towards his lab, where he made his products.

"Hmmmmm, a serum to change ones species or appearance...that would be a very nice product to have." And off he went, into his lab to begin testing.

Meanwhile, a half naked Derek wearing only a pair of slip on pants and socks was going down the Canine isle, having been taught that canines, especially dogs, loved to have something tight to use. He would then go to the gryphon, dragon, and then just randomly down the isle until he was finished, and if he saw something interesting, he would check it out and then go back to the regular schedule.

Walking down the canine sector and looking at all the toys and pictures, he began to fear the cages coming up. All of the toys had monstrosly large knots, and he was about to please and actual monster! But, he figured, it had to be done.

He reached the cages after picking up some lube and looked inside the first one. The werewolf was just finishing up it's food, backing away from the bowl and looking up at Derek with a curious look in his eye. Looking at the cage right behind him, Derek saw a female werewolf as well, who had just gotten her food.

Derek realized that the werewolf might need some motivating to be attracted to him instead of waiting for a chance with the lady. He looked around the isle and at one end found a bottle simply labelled "Pheremones". He spread some on his face, hands and ass after taking off all his clothes.

It was powerful stuff, as even he was walking towards the cage, he saw the male werewolf immediately get a hard on and start humping the cage at his direction with his tool. Derek walked up to the cage and looked at the penis pointed at him. It had to be at least three fourths of a foot long, and thick even without the knot having formed yet.

He went to the door and quickly slid in, now nervous that he was about to take all of that cock at once. He had trained with Smith, but even though he was a big man, with a foot long, this was a wild beast that only wanted something to shove it's cock in. But it had to be done.

He laid on his stomach, facing the female cage, so that the werewolf could look at the lady and think of her while fucking him. He had barely even made it on his stomach when the whining dog had jumped and straddled him, rubbing his erection in between Derek's ass cheeks, his cock dripping thick precum profusely.

"At least I don't have to worry about lube." Thought Derek as he felt the liquid begin to puddle and drip in between his legs and on his back. After about three minutes of this the werewolf figured that it was time to insert. He began to lift his hips up with each hump, changing the angle of his cock so that it would catch on Derek's hole. The hole in question was tight, and it took until the wolf was almost coming in at a ninety degree angle that the cock began to pierce Derek's ass.

Derek felt the tip slide in, the penis not made with a head causing his ass to just be pried open without even the slightest bit of relief. His hole was simply stretched and then held as the wolf did it's best to stay under control and not immediately cum.

The wolf was now about one fourth of the way in, and pulled back a little, until just the very tip of it's member was lodged inside Derek's ass. He then slammed forward again, this tim putting half his cock down into Derek. Derek could only shut his eyes at the pain of what felt like someone had simply just kicked the fat end of a baseball bat right past his sphincter, but somehow still becoming hard at the deep groaning and huffing of the animal above him.

The wolf pulled out again and slammed in, hard. The cock only slipped in around five inches, suprising both Derek and the wolf, who tried again, and slammed almost as hard as he could into the human, still seeing only around half of the penis go into the tight hole. The wolf stopped for a moment to think.

Derek, who by now was lost with the feeling of the wolf just charging into him with disregard for how he felt, wanted more of that cock inside him. Having a quick idea, he grabbed his spray bottle of pheremones and opened the top, dumping half the bottle all over his ass, back, and the wolf's member, then taking a quick moment to think, drank two gulps of them.

He almost vomit with the taste of it. It tasted like how old garbage and sewage smelled, and that was the only way he could decribe it. The wolf, however, took in a deep breath, and nearly had a heart attack with his increased arousal.

The wolf almost immediately slammed into Derek without even pulling back, then did five quick humps in the same fashion as hard as he could, his heart straining to keep up with the fast pace his pheremone induced mind kept, growing tired and beginning to breath heavily, each breath making him more and more crazy and lustful.

Derek almost couldn't take it. The wolf was simply charging into him at top speed as hard as it could over and over again, only just now beginning to pull back every time he burst forward. The wolf was growing more harsh by the second, as the pheremones began to take over the creature, causing him to not even see in front of him, only concentrating on pushing his large member into Derek, getting as much pleasure from the tight human below him as possible.

Finally, something let loose. Derek relaxed, getting used to the feeling of the werewolf roughly shoving his cock into him, and the member simply dived deep into his bowels, shoving everything in it's path aside. The wolf howled at the top of it's lungs, feeling the warm soft and comforting bowels of the human massaging and tightening around his member. The wolf felt so good, he stopped for a moment to rest and let the feeling of his orgasm drift away.

Derek felt uncomfortable at first, it felt like his insides were just all open to the wind, and the knowledge that there was a werewolf with a huge member that was shoved so far into him he had no doubt that it was inside his intestines. Then he felt a heavy heat begin to fill him up, as the precum from the werewolf started to collect inside him.

Thinking that the wolf had cum, Derek began to clench his rectum in a beat, hoping that the wolf would feel more pleasure from it. The wolf did, realizing that Derek wanted to have his cum inside he began to hump again, pulling all the way out and shoving back in, though not as hard as before. The wolf wanted to cum as much as he could, and so tried to go slowly and have his body collect all his seed for one giant ejaculation.

The wolf began to feel his orgasm coming, and now gripped Derek around the waist, noticing his knot was forming. He continued to hump until the knot was too big to go in anymore, and started grinding, bringing himself closer to orgasm. Derek could feel the wolf's knot pumping in and out of him, and while it hurt a little bit even when he squeezed it did not stop the force of the wolf from making his member slip in and out of him with a squelching sound. When the wolf began to grind his know against him, he realized that the wolf hadn't cum and that he still had to take the tennis ball sized knot in one go.

The wolf continued to grind, filling up Derek's tunnels with plenty of precum lube, before he made his suprise. He leaned all his weight onto his crotch and Derek's back, quickly pushing his legs up underneath him in a squatting postion. Derek thought this was the first attempt at a knot, and so relaxed, not realizing what was about to happen.

The wolf then stood up fast, still holding Derek by the waist and pulling him up with him, then he held Derek at that same altitude while the wolf fell back. Only now did Derek first begin to realize that he was about to be in pain.

Derek felt himself get roughly shoved down, faster than if he had been falling, and he knew that the wolf's cock would be waiting at the bottom to impale him all the way to the knot and then past that, diving deep into him.

This was not to be, however, as the wolf then took it upon himself to hump up when Derek was only halfway down, adding his own force to the equation and catching Derek off guard. Derek felt his ass squewered open, and did his best to not clench down knowing that doing so would only increase the pain. He felt all of the cock go up inside of him, roughly straightening out his insides like a fist through a crumpelled sock. Then the knot came.

The knot almost stopped his fall, and Derek was sure that if the wolf hadn't humped he would have simply stopped right there, but the wolf did not take no for an answer and contined shoving as hard as he could, stretching Derek's ass past it's limits. The knot finally buried itsself inside Derek, who screamed with the pain and almost passed out.

The wolf was in ecstacy, humping and grinding and howling as he spewed his seed into the human, what felt like gallons of cum filling up Derek's insides and then continuing to pump more and more seed into him.

The knot was a tight fit, keeping the cum trapped inside Derek, and eventually, with the wolf still cumming, it all had to go somewhere. Derek heard a gurgle come from his stomach and imagined the cum forcing it's way into his intestines and stomach, becoming a permament part of him from now on, to never be taken away. He almost came himself without touching his erection even though he was not an overly sensitive person.

Eventually, the wolf had run out of cum and simply lay there with his arms crossed around Derek, holding him close even though there was no way that he could escape, with a thoroughly destroyed hole, a full stomach, and being knotted to the wolf. Derek just lay on top of the wolf and dozed, imagining the rest of his day full of doing this with other animals and getting paid for it too! He and the werewolf just lay there for a few minutes, the wolf enjoying the afterglow, and Derek enjoying being held so gently and just hinking about the rest of his day.

After a while, the knot decreased in size and the wolf's member slipped out and back inside it's sheath. Derek got up and wobbily made his way to the edge of the cage, walking out and closing it. He started towards his clothes and stopped, feeling something running down his legs.

Fearing the worst, he reached down and scooped up some of it with his fingers. It was the wolf's cum, slightly discolored brown but thankfully not red. Derek didn't want to stain his clothes and so looked around the isle for a butt plug, then shoved the biggest one he thought he could take up inside of him, locking the cum up there for his body to absorb. He then put on his clothes and grabbed two dildoes, looking at the female's cage and getting an idea....

The ATC Chapter 3

This is the third chapter of my first Smexy series. Legal information of not being 18 or older discualifies you for being able to watch or read this material. I don't know if there will be any more of these, it just depends on the mood I'm in, but I...

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The ATC Chapter 1

Hello, this is my attempt at a story. I was bored on a bus ride the other day, and was passing a little shack in some woods, and my imagination went off. Derek had seen the shop many times on his bus ride to-and-from school, but it was only this...

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