The ATC Chapter 4

Story by Slinky Snake on SoFurry

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#4 of The ATC

This is the Fourth chapter of the story, hope y'all like it, don't read it if you're over 18 blah blah.

I don't really care whether you use the characters other than Smith, just ask. Personally if I ever see a story that uses my characters I would be more flattered than angry, so go knock yourselfs out! I will try to have a new story out every 1-2 weeks, but no promises as life gets in the way. But if your reading this then you are waiting for teh smex. Enjoy!

Chapter 4

Making his way back around the isles, Derek came across Mr. Smith, walking back towards the storage room with a large basket of meat in his arms.

"Oh, hello Derek," Smith casually remarked, spinning Derek around to walk with him while he talked, "Please come with me, I have something new that I just insssstalled in Kagmere's cage. I hope soon to have it in all cells, assss it will make comforting the creatures much easssier."

Quite curious, Derek followed Smith back to the storage room, helping him find the right shelf to put it on in the cooler, which was packed with all kinds of assorted meats and foods for the animals.

"Derek, you seem eager to help the animalsss get comfortable in their homes." Smith explained to Derek, gesturing to the bulge in Derek's pants. Derek quickly blushed, and secretly wondered why he was suddenly so horny all the time. "I will assssk you- in terms of open mindedness- how far would you ssssay you were in the rabbit hole?"

Derek didn't know how to answer this. Although he had never really done anything truly kinky, he had always seen the videos and secretly wanted to try it. He answered truthfully. "Uhh, I would say I'm into almost everything, but-"

"Excellent!" Replied Smith, cutting him off. "Then you would be willing to help with this new project? I will admit to you, I am a little worried about how some of the animalsss will react, as many of them get a bit over-zealous with their special time. That was why I chose Kagmere to be the first subject, asss he is easily the most excitable and energetic. I will be there, however, to watch over the process and stop him if he getssss out of hand."

A stuttering Derek was quickly led out into the isles, nearly being dragged by the naga, mumbling to himself about how nice it was to have a second hand that could help with new projects like these, where he usually had to simply sit there and take all the abuse the other creatures could dish out before they tired and he could order them to release him.

Soon they were at the cage, with Smith showing a small stand near the wall to Derek, and a very excited Kagmere hopping around everywhere else in the cage, slamming into the walls and nuzzling everything in reach of his head.

"Sooo," Said Derek, "It's a torture device from the dark ages?" It did seem like it was, the structure looked just like the holding blocks of a dark age chamber, with three holes, one for the head and two on each side for the arms. The only thing different about it was a release button on the side that replaced a lock and another contraption behind it that Derek guessed was a backup even though it had only two holes.

"No, my dear friend. Well yessss, in a way." Smith told Derek, ushering him into the holes for his arms and legs, "It is a replica of those fould contraptionssss, just for a different, more happy purpose! Now lift up your left leg."

Derek did, and soon realized exactly what this device was meant to allow the animal to do. And worse yet-with Kagmere, who had completely gone nuts just at the bare thought that someone new was within a football field of him. This did not look good, and he had already been strapped in!

After securing Derek's left leg, Smith slid his tail underneath Derek's stomach so that he would not struggle with the feeling of falling and being unable to stop his fall.

Kagmere began to settle down and look with interest at what the other creatures in his cage were doing. Noticing the scent of the newcomer, he quickly smelled harder, and got a whiff of the bottle of pheremones that Derek had dumped on himself earlier, now completely filling out the cage with his legs spread open and to the air.

Smith secured Derek's second leg, and immediately set a bottle of something down away from Derek, wafting the air from around his face and chuckling. "I wassss going to spread you with pheremonessss, but I see you did a good enough job of that a while ago."

Derek blushed, not being able to smell the pheremones but knowing how much he had dumped all over himself and what effect that would have on Kagmere.

"Well, I think everything issss accounted for here. Let the fun begin! Oh, and if you want to see Kagmere one lasssst time before he is on top of you, just look under yourssself." Smith carefully slid away from Derek, allowing him time to get used to not being propped up with his tail before backing off and giving Kagmere a signal with his hands and a short whistle.

Derek looked down and under himself. He could see his belly, and even though he had emptied himself of all male wolf spunk he could still swear he was distorted. Then was his cock and balls, he had an amazing hard on for being about to be raped by a gryphon, and then he looked behind him.

All he saw was a grey brown but in the air that waggled one time, then the colors turned into a blur and the whole thing dissappeard. Derek's last thought before Kagmere landed was an expectant "Owww."

He immediately felt a huge weight on his back, which then decreased as Kagmere found his footing under the human with his hind feet. Next Derek felt two paws with razor sharp claws out tightly grab onto his hips, the claws digging in and causing pain but not quite drawing blood.

Then he felt the tip of Kagmere's cock. It was roughly shoved against his pucker, then plunged in with complete disregard for how the human felt.

Derek gave out a pitiful squeek, the pain still there but not as bad as he thought it would be. He felt the Gryphon's member start sliding in and out of him, much smoother than with the werewolf now that he was loose, followed with the feeling of Kagmere's balls begining to slap against his ass.

Derek began to squirm and resist, even though he knew there was no way out. He began to move his ass from one side to another, trying to get the gryphon to have trouble thrusting into him. Instead of making the humping slow down, however, all this ended up doing was spread his legs further apart, causing more of the pheremones to be wafted by the gryphon's thrusts straight up into Kagmere's face, driving him into even more of a frenzy and plow straight into Derek.

Kagmere began to huff and pant with the effort of continuously holding himself up and rapidly fucking Derek, and so moved his front arms from the human's hips up to Derek's shoulders and began to simply climb on top of him, hooking his legs around Derek's and humping harder.

At this Derek finally gave up struggling. The weight on his back felt like the gryphon was ripping him apart at the middle, and Kagmere wasn't even trying to hump anymore, rather just lifting himself up and dropping down and into Derek, who was feeling the cock get shoved roughly into his ass over and over. The constant strains were quickly taking a toll on him, and his body automatically tried to struggle to try and get into a stable position. While doing this he squeezed, causing Kagmere to get more pleasure and begin to try and mate harder, getting closer and closer to orgasm.

Finally, after many minutes of this, Kagmere began to lose his rythm in humping, simply thrusting in and out as fast and hard as he could to fall over the edge to orgasm. With one final thrust, he slammed into Derek and began slowly and lewdly grinding into him.

Derek felt the hot and sweaty body wrap around him, acting like a very thick fur coat in the middle of the amazon, and could do nothing but stay still and take all that Kagmere gave him. It felt like molten lead was dripping throughout his system, and he looked down again underneath his body, watching Kagmere's tail swaying and weaving as the gryphon did his best to get pleasure from the human ass without moving.

After a moment of Kagmere's orgasm wearing off, the gryphon slipped out of Derek and dropped off his body, walking over to his bed panting and dropping onto it, his tail giving one last twitch as he fell asleep.

"Wonderful- jusssst wonderful!" Derek heard Smith say, walking up behind him and letting Derek's feet fall to the floor, moving up to undo his hands. "I may need to put up a middle brace for thosssse creatures that are limber enough to think about climbing on you, but other than that I think thissss setup really works. How do you feel?"

Derek stood up wobbly, rubbing his wrists and the back of his neck where he had been held. He tried to say something but the noise wouldn't come out, and he had to try three times in a row to remark that he felt like he had just stayed up all night at a wild gay frat party.

"Well, " Smith said after a bout of laughter, "I hope that you will be able to keep up the good work. I looked at the werewolf isle and found both of them in a pretty deep ssssleep. If you feel you need to take a brake just go into the ticking room, for the products that haven't been priced. There issss a mini fridge and snacks for just that kind of occasion when I too need a moment to catch up with myssself. I'll be around again near the end of the day to make sure that everything isss in order."

Smith moved to the bottle on the ground and gave it to Derek. "This should be good for you. Thisss is a modified bottle of pheremones that I created jussst for this test. It makesss the creature begin to feel more intimate with you, ssso if you feel that the creature you are pleassing is to harsh then jussst use some of this and they will become more gentle."

Derek had regained the feeling in his arms and legs now and looked at a clipboard that was handed to him along with the bottle. "What is this?"

"That is a schedule for each creature. I have created a chart for the days you should work with each animal to ensure they are each given enough time with you. Asss you can see you are already done with today, but if you wished to work on tommorrow's creatures today you may. Just ssstay along with the chart. Do you have any questionsss?"

Derek couldn't think of any, so shook his head and watched Smith leave with a good bye. He decided to price items for a while before going back to the creatures, and a break.

He found the ticking room, just a lounge with some boxes and a wall that had a coffee machine, minifridge, sofa, and cabinet. He opened the drawers for food, instead finding raw meat and eggs. With nothing to cook it with, Derek began to curse himself for forgetting to bring his own lunch and looked in the fridge for a drink. In the fridge were bottles of a brownish substance that Derek guessed was tea.

After getting some energy back, Derek decided to taste the new pheremones. By now he just wanted to get to know how everything in his job worked, and he personally liked the idea of making everything in his job horny just by walking past their cage.

He brought the bottle to his lips, and gave a taste. It was pretty good, it didn't taste like he was drinking refrigerated sweat like with the other bottle. The more he thought about it though, the more he really wanted the animals to like him. It really is a good thing to start off relations on the right foot, he thought. He began to chug it, and soon the whole bottle was empty.

Sad that there wasn't much of the stuff that he was given, Derek never-the-less decided that the pricing and storage could wait, and went out to the animals again, checking up all along the isles for something that looked cute enough to snuggle with for a while.

At the end of the isles, he had passed them all: Dragons were way to evil looking, the werewolfs were already dealt with, Kagmere was too excitable, centaurs were too clumsy, and the chart had been misplaced. He was about to give up and go to the dragons when he saw the tank again, all the way to the back wall. In it was the same crocodile man that he had seen on his first day at the shop.

It was looking at him just the same way as it had been, both hands pressed against the glass on the land part of the tank. The tank was a mimic of a swamp, with deep mud and a lake on one side, and dry land with shrubbery on another, with his bed on the dry side. The creature was looking at him with it's whole body pressed against the glass, it's erection clearly visible.

He looked so cute for some reason, and Derek knew that he had found just what he was looking for.

The ATC chapter 5.txt

Hello thar! I am sorry this one took so long in coming out, as I was interrupted by a certain RALLY in WASHINGTON D.C. whos supreme goal was to RESTORE SANITY. Awesome through and through, there were so many people there that even two hours after the...

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The ATC Chapter 3

This is the third chapter of my first Smexy series. Legal information of not being 18 or older discualifies you for being able to watch or read this material. I don't know if there will be any more of these, it just depends on the mood I'm in, but I...

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The ATC Chapter 2

Hello! This is chapter two of my first erotic story, and now that I have all of the boring details out of the way we can get to the GOOD STUFF Granted, as with all the other stuff there must be that legal age limit warning of explicit material in this...

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