The Best Valentine's Day Ever

Story by Whyte Yote on SoFurry

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Author's Note: The following is a work of furry nonfiction (Woo hoo! True story!), told to the best of my ability and memory. No names were changed, because no one is innocent. Hee! If this isn't your thing, then ignore the rest. I'm not stopping you. This story is dedicated to Sunitai, the wolf who made this all possible.

Feedback always welcome to [email protected]

Check my profile, and catch me on AIM/YIM/MSN/ICQ!

The Best Valentine's Day Ever ©MMIV Whyte Yoté

Lyrics © Foreigner

It all happened so fast, yet it seemed to last forever. When I woke up one sunny Saturday morning, little did I know what would transpire before the day's end. How much different I would be, and how much I would feel the same. Do you see how complicated it seems? When it comes right down to it, though, it was the simplest thing in the world.

We met through a mutual friend. A certain panther (who will remain nameless for the sake of his own sanity) is a whiz online, and seeks out friends in our area. We go to school in Wyoming, otherwise known as The Big Empty Place. Well, I'm from South Dakota, which is a slightly Smaller Empty Place, so you can guess I don't meet that many people.

Anyway, Sunitai (that's the wolf's name) said he would make the 5 ½-hour drive up from his school to ours the coming Saturday, which also happened to be Valentine's Day. He called us on Thursday to confirm that we were all free and clear for a meet-up in Parlor News, the local coffee shop.

We talked for a few minutes, about what we might find to do in this horrible boring part of the country, and I said I'd try to find something.

"Have you seen my picture yet?" He asked over my computer (I use it for cheap long distance).

"Nope, not yet." I replied, just happy to have met someone close to me.

He sent me a pic through email, and when I opened it up I was awestruck. He was standing in his Kempo outfit, looking ready to break someone's jaw. The black of the cloth contrasted with the grey fur on his body, and although it was your typical low-res email pic, I liked him already.

"Oh my God, you're so cute!" It was out of my mouth before I could think, and looking back on it now I think it was the most honest thing I could have said. Things that just slip out without you thinking are the truest, I find.

"Ooohhhh," the lupine cooed on the other end of the line. There was an undertone of interest in his voice. It was understandable, being as he hadn't seen me yet. I don't happen to be the best looking canid on the planet, but I've been told I have a personality.

Sunitai continued: "So, Yoté, I take it the two of you are...mated?"

Both the panther and I laughed hard, myself because it was funny and Panther because he was embarrassed at having been thought of as gay. I am (even more so as I write this, but that comes later), but he's not.

"Oh, no, no," I said, still giggling. "We're not. It's kind of a Will & Grace thing."

"Ooohhhh." That mischievous playful voice again, with even more interest in it. Had I known his intentions, it might have turned out to be a very different day, but my naïveté took care of that.

We made sure the three of us were on the right track about Saturday, and we both hung up. It didn't occur to me until the next day that for the 20 or so minutes we'd been on the phone, I'd totally been flirting with him. I'd never flirted before, and it was over before I even knew it. And I knew he was interested, even a little, by the little inflections in his voice and his choice of innuendos. Playful but teasing, that wolf. My heart's speeding up even now, two weeks after the fact, just thinking about it.

* * *

Friday passed quickly enough; time always goes faster when you're stuck at school. Come Saturday morning, I wasn't nervous as much as I was excited to be meeting someone new, especially after the vibe I had gotten from him over the phone.

I may be gay, but I'm also metrosexual. I take pride in my appearance, and this morning was no different. Except it felt like I was getting ready for a date instead of just hanging out with the guys. Call it foreshadowing if you want, but something else was going on. I looked at myself in the mirror, making sure I looked presentable. I wetted my headfur down, and almost put styling pomade on it. I don't know why I hesitated, but that turned out to be a good decision too. I left my fur unadorned, and styled it regular so it fell natural without chemicals.

I'm self-conscious nowadays. I tend to look at myself more often, seeing what needs improving and what is fine as is. I can never be a model, that's for sure, but I like my body just the same: pure albino white all over, with the build of a linebacker (or so I've been told). I have gloves on my paws and digitigrade feet, which start at the elbows and knees and turn from ice-blue to blue-grey and eventually go pure black at my claws. The same holds true for my ears and tail. My left eye is the same ice-blue, but my right is red, the telltale sign of an albino. I'm a wolf-coyote hybrid, with a thinner tail, big paws and feet, tall pointy ears, and a thinner muzzle than a pure wolf. When I was younger I was ostracized for my coloration and species, but now that I'm older it sets me apart from all the "normals" quite nicely.

Enough about me. Satisfied with myself, I set out for Parlor News. I was late, but I was the first one there. Panther followed me by ten minutes, and Suni came in about five after that. I knew it was him right away, from the picture, but it couldn't compare with what he looked like in person. The warm morning light streamed in the plate-glass windows and onto his fur, giving it a golden sheen. Things seemed to slow down for a moment as he made his way to the couch across from me and plopped down onto it.

We talked for awhile, introducing ourselves and trying to figure out things to do, and I won't bore you with the details of that conversation. Plus, I don't remember much about it because I was too busy looking the wolf over. Unconsciously, again, but as he spoke I knew I wanted to get to know him more, that we were on the same level with so many things, that our personalities matched.

And his eyes! Unlike my ice-blue, his were deeper and richer blue by far. Practically the only color on his entire body, they stood out like sapphires in silver. It's the first thing I notice on people, and I was drawn into them. He had a pretty normal build, slim but not skinny. I like that, when you don't have to see bones. There was a small triangle missing from his right ear, and I wondered what happened to him but never asked.

We had some lunch and headed out to a bigger town, a half-hour away. You find that in Wyoming you have to travel to do anything fun. Did I mention that he's a scritcher? Man oh man, does he ever like to scritch. It was a new sensation to have another guy, out of the blue, just put his paw on my thigh or arm and give me a quick scritch there through my clothes. It was the most natural thing in the world, and I liked the feeling. It was like little tingles shooting from my neck to my tail, and each time I would harden slightly.

Having survived the car ride into town, we headed for the local Wal-Mart so I could pick up a few necessaries. Yeah, doesn't seem very romantic, but I had no idea at this point what was to come. Can you blame me?

Suni's a joker, taking every opportunity to make fun or get a laugh out of someone. All through the store he was like that, mainly pointing out the fact that I was SO gay, while he was ONLY bi. People don't know until I tell them, don't have a clue in fact, but he kept saying it. We were just about to leave when I went to try on some clothes and came back to find Suni had gotten us all baskets for our stuff.

"Thanks," I said, and picked my basket up. I looked down at myself and realized I was holding it out in front of me with both paws curled under, just like Little Red Riding Hood. I blushed under my fur, not hiding it well. "I'm doing it, aren't I?"

"Yes, you are," the wolf said. "You are SO gay!" We all laughed hard at that. I've since worked on my basket-carrying abilities.

We had time to kill before we had to go see a movie, so I decided to wash my car and show everyone how obsessed I am with my vehicle. Anal would be a better word. What can I say, I love my car. Besides, clean cars attract more guys. It hasn't worked yet, but I'm patient. It was also during this time the wolf found out I was inexperienced, to say the least.

"So," he piped up from the back seat, "how many guys have you been with?" It was a frank and honest question, so I answered it frankly and honestly.

"Well...none, if you don't count a stupid little ?experiment' when I was nine or ten."

He looked surprised, bless his heart. "And how serious was that?"

"It wasn't. He said, ?I won't be your friend unless you take your clothes off'. Nothing really happened. I'm about as virgin as you can get."

"Ooohhhh." That ominous yet enticing sound. I should have gotten the idea by now, but nooooooo.

Then the movie. Oh, dear. This was when I started suspecting that Suni had more on his mind than palling around with friends. I've always wanted to be seduced, and a little voice in my head keeps telling me that I let it happen, that I let myself be drawn in. In a way, I guess that's right. But it was fun.

Suni went scritch-crazy during the previews, darting a paw to my leg every time the screen went dark. He told me later that if the theater had been less crowded and if we had been in the back row, he would have done more. Makes me unsheathe just thinking about it.

During the movie, I have to say it was hard to concentrate. I'm the school paper's movie review guy, and I'm supposed to pay attention to plot holes, characters, and other things I can criticize later. Suni did a good job of taking my mind off of the movie when he decided to get a little closer to me. The scritches were just a warm up.

First he spread his legs and his right knee brushed up against my left one, just as casual as can be. Of course, being the supersensitive person I am, I was hard already. I never realized how good it felt just to have someone's body touching yours in such a casual way. It reminded me of when I took my girlfriend (yes, I had one ?before') out to movies and did a little snuggling, but it was a totally different feeling. Just another affirmation of my sexuality, I guess.

The knee-touching turned slowly to playing footsie, his foot rubbing up and down mine below our seats. I reciprocated as best I could, trying not to seem overly excited but probably coming off as uncomfortable. To the contrary, I was having fun. About three-quarters of the way through I felt his foot slide behind mine and hook itself on the inside of my left leg. My heart (and my cock) must have jumped inches at that.

It excited me so much, but scared me at the same time. Up until that point, I had just had people come up to me and say I looked nice, but never anything like this. Here I was, with a cute wolf in a dark theater, legs curled around each other. I wasn't even trying to do anything, but he was pulling all the moves, unbidden. That's such an esteem-booster, to have somebody you like that, without playing the dating game.

It also got me thinking for the first time, about just what his actions meant. That, combined with the plethora of hints he had dropped earlier, made me nervous. Voices started going of in my head: Does this mean what I think it means? Could this be the day? Do I really want to go through with this? How do I play it?

After an interminable time, the movie ended. I was relieved, because I had The World's Most Raging Hardon, and was hoping it would go down for a little while. We all decided to go for Chinese for dinner, since we all loved the food. It was like I was walking in a dream. The hardon was gone, but the anxiety remained. So did all those questions, unanswered. I barely choked down one plate of food, as I watched Suni go through three. We were all very hungry, and that wolf has great metabolism. He looked up from his food, frowning slightly.

"Is that all you're gonna eat?" he asked.

I shrugged and looked sheepishly back at him. What was I supposed to say? I'm sorry, but you made me so nervous about just what's going to go on when we get back to the dorm that my appetite kind of took a back seat. Just exactly what do you plan to do with or to me? Oh yeah, that would have sounded great!

"You're pathetic." He grinned and resumed eating. He didn't mean it as offensive, and I didn't take it that way. But, I had to excuse myself to use the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, a different coyote was looking back at me, nervous and older than I was. I patted my face.

"God, hold it together. What the hell's wrong with you? It's no big deal." Yeah. Right. It wasn't a big deal, that's the point, but it was something new that I didn't know how to pawle yet. I would just have to play it by ear. So I decided to change the game around a little. If sex was what the lupine had on his mind, I was just going to play my way into it, on my own terms. Refreshed, I headed back out to the table and we left to play pool.

Nothing much happened there, but I did carry myself more confidently. After the movie, Suni was pretty sure about my reactions to his advances. I only hope he knew just how blindly I was feeling my way through the whole thing. We got into the game, and I became more myself again. I looked at him across the pool table, as if to egg him on. Come on, wuffie. Let's see what you've got. Make your move.

Speaking of moves, I actually beat him at pool. I hope he isn't mad at me for writing that, but that's what happened. It was all luck, but it always feels good to win at things. It also helped my confidence, as I tried to come on to him while having absolutely no idea how to do it.

"Damn, you're kicking my ass," he said through thinned lips as he tried to line up a shot. His face was grim but lighthearted at the same time. Suni can never be serious.

I looked at those oceans that were his eyes. "Sorry. I'll make it up to you later." If he knew I was hitting on him, he didn't show it. I bet he knew, and liked the fact that I was finally warming up to him.

Pool ended, and we piled into the car to head home (if you can call my dorm room home). I had to drop Panther off at his house so he could get his car, and as soon as I pulled away from the drive Suni reached forward from the back seat and had his arms around me in no time. I loved it! Hugging had never felt so good in my life! I took one paw off the steering wheel and held it over his for a moment, enjoying the moment as we made our way back to town.

"You nervous?" he asked, and it was then I knew what he wanted for sure.

I let out a nervous bark of a laugh. "Are you kidding me? Why do you think I couldn't eat anything at dinner and had to go to the bathroom? I've been nervous all day."

Suni held me there, thinking for a moment, then smiled broadly. "That's so cute!" He exclaimed, admiration in his voice. I felt like a puppy being cuddled by a loving parent. I don't know how many times he said that, but it was great all the same. "I think we're going to have fun," he said into my ear, squeezing my shoulders and scritching my neck.

"I think so too," I replied, knowing that it could only get better. And how it did...

* * *

Of course the remaining seven miles back to my dorm seemed without end. We talked small-talk, Suni leaning into the front seat beside me and myself shifting uncomfortably in my seat. Another hardon, but this time I knew I had a way to relieve it. Needless to say, a million things were racing through my head at the same time, about what would happen, what I needed to do or say, and whether or not I would make a fool of myself. I'm used to writing about these things, not being part of them.

As we neared the dorm, I happened to tune into the radio for a moment, and it had to be meant for us: Foreigner's "Waiting for a Girl Like You" was playing, and all except for the girl part the lyrics were describing perfectly how I felt. Suni and I listened for a moment, looked at each other, and not a word need have been passed between us. Instead, we burst out laughing. That certainly broke some ice.

All three of us parked and walked inside to my room. Once inside, I felt a little more comfortable, being on home turf and all. Panther sat down at my desk to log on and check his email, while Suni and I plopped onto the bed. I turned on the TV, and waited.

Some of the details may be a bit foggy now (memories tend to do that), but certain moments stand out. On the television was a comedy show, and it served well to lighten the mood. As we laughed, I was thinking come on, Suni, you've been teasing me all day, make the first move.

He did. At one point, not long after we had entered the room, he leaned in to lay his head on mine. I complied, and we stayed that way for awhile. My hardon was still there, throbbing impatiently in my pants, but I wanted to pace myself. Panther was online, all but ignoring us. I felt relaxed to be so close to someone.

Suni reached over and began rubbing my chest through my shirt. I don't know how long this went on, but I let him do whatever he wanted. It's the bottom in me, I swear. His paw was experienced and gentle, rubbing all over my chest and stopping at each nipple to pull the fabric a little. I had no idea it was such an erogenous zone.

As we lay there, I could feel him breathing and see his chest rise and fall. His paw slipped below my shirt and rested upon the fur of my stomach. It was warm and radiated heat down into my skin. This continued for a while, until he tentatively brushed the fly of my jeans with his clawtips. I jerked, completely involuntarily (instinct more than nerves, and I chastised myself for it) but shifted my position closer.

This is what I had been waiting for, the contact from another person I hadn't had in over ten years, when Derek (the jerk's name) pulled out copies of Playboy and acted out his stupid and pointless fantasies on me. Suni's paw drifted over my crotch again, feeling its way at first, then he just plain took hold of my cock (clearly visible through my pants) and squeezed.

How completely different the feeling was as opposed to my own paw! I closed my eyes, lay back and spread my legs more, and the paw traveled over my crotch down between my legs and massaged my balls. The TV long forgotten, I reveled in all the new things I was feeling, and how lucky I was to have them. The paw now traveled the length of my torso, from neck to scrotum, treating each area with care and precision.

Suni must have known what I was thinking, or else it was just the natural order of things. On one pass down my stomach he delved the tips of his fingers under my belt and briefs, gripping my stomach for a moment before retreating. Oh, man! I thought, just do it! The sexy lupine complied a moment later, pushing his entire paw in and cupping my cock and balls in his furry fist. Of course I was completely unsheathed at this point, had been for quite some time, and the feeling of his warm pads against my exposed flesh was indescribably overwhelming.

He stroked me for what seemed like only seconds, alternating between my coyotehood and balls, even reaching a claw close to my tailhole. Squeezing my shaft, he leaned close and whispered in my ear: "You're hard." I just smiled and looked into his face again. It was the understatement of my life.

This time it was my turn, and I took my chance by rotating myself so that I was lying with my head in his lap. Trying my best to mimic his actions, I rubbed his chest as well, not even bothering with the shirt. I went straight underneath, feeling his warmth through his grey fur there. I then took his wolfhood into my paw through his jeans, feeling his sheath expand and harden under my touch. It seemed like I couldn't wait, and I hope I didn't come off as a cockhound (pun definitely intended).

I opened his fly, fumbling with the zipper and practically ruining the moment. Eventually I had a clear shot and delved into the heat of his groin. He was semi-flaccid, still half-sheathed as I felt along the soft pubic fur. I did much the same to him as he did to me, mostly to return the favor. He gave me plenty of access, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Feeling the shaft pulse in my paw, the balls expand and retract in their sac of skin and fur, and knowing I was making someone else feel good. I finished, feeling Suni's paw scratching my neck and back as I lay my head in his lap and spread my legs wide at the head of the bed.

This must have been taken as a compliment, because he went to work unzipping me. Once accomplished, the paw went in again, easily now that my pants were open. It brought my cock out into the open, looking almost alien in someone else's paw. It made me feel, for the first time, really male and very sexual, to expose the most private parts of my body to another, so close.

Panther turned around to ask a question, and did so without even blinking an eye. I still can't believe he's such a good friend. Here he was, looking at two horny canines, one with his paw in the other's pants, idly stroking the offered cock in full view, and he never missed a beat. All I could do was look at him as if to say I have nothing to do with this.

Panther turned back around, and the stroking resumed. But now Suni had moved behind me so that he could get better access to my nether regions. He bobbed his head a couple of times, just enough to make me start to think Oh God he wouldn't he's not is he I think he is! Just before he lowered his muzzle and my cock was engulfed in the hottest heat I've ever felt. I keep trying to recreate that feeling in my mind, but to no avail. I don't think words can do it justice, but I'll try.

His mouth, like I said, was extremely hot, and talented. In that moment, I don't think I've ever felt more vulnerable, or as more comforted, at the same time. The wolf bobbed his muzzle slowly over my cock, flicking his tongue over the sensitive head. I encouraged him by rubbing the back of his neck. After a few more minutes of ministrations he raised his head up again off my cock, exposing it to a cold blast of air. He looked down at me, in his lap.

"Did you like that?" he asked. He had only to look into my slitted and glazed eyes to know I was in absolute heaven. "I'm not very good at it though. My jaw gets sore after a while." No apologies were necessary, however. I was satisfied with the job he had done, which had only served to make me harder.

Suni sat back up and said, "I think this is the part where we take the clothes off." I agreed, and the wolf had undressed faster than I could take off my shirt. He helped me with that, though, and soon we both sat on the bed, in only our fur.

I had reached yet another point in the evening where I didn't exactly know what to do next. I was having fun, but a part of me was worried about what now should happen. Figuring Suni would know, I lay back on the bed, head resting on my pillows, for the first time with someone else. The lupine crawled over me, cock dangling below his stomach like an invitation, and lay full-length on top of me. Again, another memory of Derek (it had been mediocre at best, the fumblings and adolescent movements of an oversexed child), but it was squashed flat as his warm body came to rest on mine.

I spread my legs a little, and he started to dry-hump me. After we were both nice and hard, he sat atop me and said, "Are you ready?"

"Yes," I whispered and nodded. Suni positioned himself over my groin, and prepared to aim himself up with my cock. I was so caught up in watching him that I almost forgot about the most important thing. "I have condoms," I said, marveling at how it sounded coming from my own mouth.

"Ooohhh," cooed the wolf. "You're prepared." Actually, I had bought the box of condoms as a gag gift for a completely different occasion, but at least I had some pawy. I gave him a look that said I'm not as naïve as I seem, am I? "Get a couple," he said. "You got lube?"

I said yes, and we relaxed a bit. I brought two condoms out from a drawer, and a tube of K-Y from my closet. Suni wrinkled his nose at the jelly, saying it didn't work too well.

"It's not like I was expecting this to happen anytime soon. Can you blame me?" I whispered in a mock exasperated tone.

"Have you ever put one on?" he asked. Again, the don't patronize me look. I think he finally got the idea that I wasn't quite as virgin as he first thought, and it relaxed him a little.

"Yeah, but why don't you do it for me?" I looked lustily at him as best I could. Suni gripped the shaft and wiped a claw over the slit, taking a bead of precum that had formed there and smearing it over the head. He ripped open the package and rolled the condom on, right down to the knot. My cock is a reasonable size, if a bit narrow, but it fit snugly enough.

Suni once again positioned himself above me, taking the K-Y and putting some on his tailhole and my cock. I shuddered again, not as much from the cold lube as from his stroking paw. He straddled me and lowered himself slowly, guiding my cock with his paw until my head touched his hole. It was searing hot, and I jumped a little from the sensation right on the head. Slowly he lowered himself down, the pressure building for a moment and then subsiding altogether as I felt him slide down the entire length of my shaft.

I would try to explain it, but there's really nothing I can compare it to. Once he had relaxed, his balls sitting on my stomach and getting used to the cock inside him, I concentrated on what I was feeling. It was unreal, to be inside another's body, to have that complete and utter connection to another being. And all the while, him sitting there and grinning from ear to ear. He knew I was liking it.

The wolf began to rhythmically raise and lower himself on my cock, seeming to push down more each time. I didn't know what to do in this awkward position, so I sat there and tried to be a good puppy. I idly stroked his cock as he moved. After a short time Suni looked down at me.

"You look bored." Smooth move, dipshit. Now what?

"I'm's a little weird, but I'm certainly not bored."

"You wanna try something different?"

I nodded, and he pulled off of me. Cool air hit my exposed cock again. Suni traded places with me, lying on his back and pulling his legs up.

"Put them over your shoulders," he said, and I did as I was told. Now I knew how commanding a position being on top could be. Suni was there, submissive and exposed to me, waiting for me to take him again. This time I needed no instruction, and I took hold of my cock at the knot and aimed for his hole. That same warmth, and I slid in easily this time, and the lupine gasped softly.

"Sorry," I said, afraid I was hurting him.

"No, it's fine. You just have to go slowly at first."

So I did. I leaned over him, dancing on my knees like a quadruped would, finding the best way to thrust. Once I had myself squared away, I started humping him slowly. I sincerely hoped I knew what I was doing, but I had a feeling I didn't. It was awkward at best; now that it was up to me to do all the work it seemed harder than ever. I slipped out once, twice, the wolf wincing a bit as his sphincter was stretched repeatedly. I had had dildos before, and I knew what he was feeling. My whole body shook from being in such a rarely-used position. I was not going to last long at this pace. I looked up to see Panther typing away at the keyboard not five feet from where we were yiffing, and the look on my face must have said it all: I was not having much fun.

Suni picked up on this immediately. "Something wrong?" he asked, and I looked away dejectedly. I could feel tears pricking in the backs of my eyes, but I couldn't get so worked up about something as trivial as this. I sighed.

"Yeah. Yeah, there is." I pulled out, already half-soft, and sat back down.

"What's going on?" I glanced in Panther's direction, embarrassed that I had such an open-minded friend and I couldn't even yiff in front of him. At least that's why I think I was such a crappy top the first time. I intend to change that next time (and there will be one).

Panther caught my glance, got the idea, and said, "I have a headache anyway. How about I just get on the top bunk?" I smiled, saying that would be fine. I felt like I was imposing on him, in my own dorm room! Must have been the tenuous nature of the moment. I also smiled because instead of wanting to leave, he just wanted to move. How easygoing is that?

Once Panther was situated above us, Suni turned to me. "Do you think you're ready to try it the other way?" As if he were expecting a no out of me.

"Am I ever!" I had actually looked forward to this more than topping, as it was the final step to losing my virginity. We both looked to his cock, which had all but retreated into its grey sheath.

Suni jerked it halfheartedly a couple of times. "Damn thing works every time except when I need it," he joked.

"Let me help," I said. (I don't know this for sure, but I said something to the effect.) The wolf spread his legs and presented himself to me. I lowered my muzzle close to the sheath, taking in the scent of male lupine. My nose almost touching the tip, I looked up innocently at him. "I'm afraid of it," I said in the style of The Sixth Sense. He only grinned and let me continue.

Turning back to the task at paw, I gripped the base of his cock with two fingers of my left paw and tentatively licked the tip, cleaning it of a healthy amount of pre. At once all my fears left me and I opened my mouth to take him in. For the first time I had ever done this (basically), it felt remarkably natural. The skin was soft, smooth and hot on my tongue, and tasted wonderful I took my time licking over the head and up and down the shaft with agonizing slowness, for both of us.

Soon I was into a motion, up and down, careful to not let my fangs touch the sensitive flesh as it slickened with my saliva. He hardened swiftly to my ministrations, and I had to pull his sheath down before the knot got too big. A couple of minutes of this and Suni was breathing audibly and sighing above me, one paw scratching the back of my head between my ears. I wanted to bring him off like this, would have if my jaw hadn't started to get sore. It was true what he had said.

Reluctantly I let his turgid wolfhood slip free of my mouth and looked up at him. "I think that worked," I said, proud of myself.

"I think it worked a lot," he replied, and broke open the condom wrapper. Putting it on himself, he said, "You're going to need to lie on your stomach. It tends to be the easiest for the first time."

I complied, resting my chin on my paws and feeling him rustling around behind me.

"Lift your ass up a little," he instructed. I supported myself on my knees, knowing what was to come next. "Tell me if you feel any pain." He lifted my tail, and I held it over my back. I felt the cold of the K-Y as he first applied it to my exposed tailhole and then started pushing gently with a finger. I almost didn't feel it go in. When you penetrate yourself, you can feel both your anus giving way and your finger slipping in. Without that extra sensory input, it went almost unnoticed. It just felt like a small intrusion.

With one finger fucking me, he loosened me up a bit. Then the feeling got stronger, and I think he had put another finger in me. His claws massaged my rectum, almost but not quite hitting my prostate. I just breathed into a pillow and let it happen.

"No pain yet?"


"Hmm." This last no doubt told him I was ready for the real stuff, and he took his fingers out. I whimpered a little, feeling a bit empty. "Ready?"


"Just tell me if you want me to slow down or stop, okay?" He was so concerned for my well-being. It was sweet.

I mm-hmm'd into the pillow and he took that as a yes. He laid his weight on my back again, and I felt him finding a good position. I spread my legs slightly and he placed the tip of his slick wolfcock at my opening. I braced myself for the moment that had taken so long to come. Finally, just nine days after my 23rd birthday, Suni tensed up above me and parted my virgin passage easily. I bet he was surprised it happened without incident. It felt like any penetration would, I'm sure, just like I'd read about in other stories.

Once he was in all the way to the knot, he leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "Everything okay?"

"Just fine," I replied nonchalantly, as if I were a veteran. The wolf pulled out, as slow as he could, until just the head was inside me, then eased back in. It was definitely a different feeling, all right. But it was just as strong as when I had penetrated him earlier, except I was on the other end of the deal. I felt uncommonly full, and more alive. That's the best I can do to describe it. That, and the fact that he was hitting my prostate and grinding my cock into the bed sheets.

At this point I think we both lost track of the time, because neither of us remembered how long it lasted, nor bothered to time it. All I know is that it couldn't have happened any more perfectly. Suni continued to thrust deep within me, first going moderately then slowing for a few thrusts, repositioning, and starting again. I gripped the pillow underneath my head and closed my eyes, just feeling all over.

"You want me to go any slower?" he said.

I turned my head to the side and replied, "Faster."


"Faster," I growled, losing myself in pleasure. As he yiffed me, tingles ran up my spine from the base of my tail to my neck and down again. To emphasize my point, I lifted my hips against his, and pushed back onto his cock. I wanted him inside me as deep as he could go, and I wanted him to know it.

He complied by increasing his thrusts to about three a second, eager to finish what he had started. Leaning farther down onto me, his breath hot on my ear, he growled lustily and nibbled at the tip. The moisture and warmth drove me wild, and I mrrred as best I could back at him.

His pace growing ever more erratic now, his paws found mine and he clasped them hard, perspiration making our pads slick against each other. The rest of the world seemed to melt away, and all that remained was the two of us, embraced as only lovers embrace. He moved inside of me, filling me, making me more than what I was.

I gripped him harder, claws digging into his palms. The wolf growled even louder, but in the kind of halting gasp that told me he had passed the point of control. There was some discomfort as he let instinct take over, but it quickly passed as I made an effort to bring him over.

I squeezed down on his cock hard, grunting. He bit my neck, and started shaking all over. There were a few hard thrusts, and he gasped as his knot breached my inner ring and he came inside me. It would have been nice to feel his lupine seed spurting in me, but it was something neither of us could avoid. Suni tensed up for a few seconds, riding out his climax as I expanded and contracted my ass to help him. Finally, he collapsed on top of me, a sweating heap of grey, exhausted, happy wolf.

He was so warm...we were so warm, basking there in the afterglow, the rest of the world slowly coming back into focus. I remembered another part of what I had read in stories before, and continued to clench on his over-sensitive cock, eliciting grunts above me that were not uncomfortable. We waited until he softened enough to pull out, and he slid off my back. It wasn't weird at all feeling him as he left me, and there was an odd sensation that I was empty, yet full.

The wolf rolled onto his back, and I did the same. I leaned into him, holding him a bit and silently thanking him for the gift he had given me. He looked into my eyes, relief and satisfaction evident in their pools of blue.

"Was that good?"

"Let's just say I know for sure I'm a bottom now," I said, and grinned slyly back at him. At that moment, it occurred to me that I wanted to kiss him, but the thought was fleeting at best. I didn't follow through on it, but maybe I can correct that later.

" certainly are. But what are we going to do about you?" It occurred to me that I hadn't gotten off yet. I guess through all the foreplay and everything else, it took a back seat to the rest of the pleasure I had been receiving.

At that moment, Panther peeked his head over the edge of the top bunk. That he was even in the room had been lost in our wild yiffing. He was smiling from ear to ear. He had heard everything.

"That must have been quite a ride up there," I said.

"I was keeping the bed from hitting the wall so the neighbors wouldn't hear." Granted, the neighbors were away for the weekend, but we all laughed at that. "Besides, I could see pretty much everything on the TV."

This confused me for a second, then I realized that from his high vantage point, Panther had an unobstructed view of the bottom bunk through the reflection on the blacked-out screen of the television. Truth be told, I wasn't embarrassed in the least. Hell, I was sitting on my bed, naked, with a guy I had known 11 hours and just had sex with, talking to my best friend on the bed above. What was a little more going to do? I cracked up at that.

I turned back to Suni. "You know what I think kept me from getting off?"


"I gotta pee." It was true. Now that my erection had dissipated, I had to piss like a racehorse. No wonder I wasn't feeling as much as I should have been.

"Well, go take care of it. In fact, I need to go too. Man, look at that thing," he said, pointing to the condom. Its tip bulged and drooped with its contents. "I haven't shot a load that big in I don't know how long." I giggled as he peeled it off, and we dressed and went to the bathroom.

After getting back, we sat down again on the bed. I still felt remarkably normal for what I had just been through. I was hard again, ready to finish what Suni had started that morning.

"So...what about you?" the wolf asked, delving a paw into my shorts again and giving me a squeeze. He stroked it a little, and lifted up so I could see him gripping me underneath the elastic waistband of my shorts.

"I thought I would just paw off. Would you help me, though?"

"Sure. What do you want me to do?"

Just a sec, I'll get my Vaseline."

"You use Vaseline to paw off? I never put anything on when I paw off."

"Really? I can't get off without it. It takes too long," I said, amazed that Suni could masturbate without a slickened surface under his paw. Then again, I'm not judging people by the way they paw.

I pulled my shorts off eagerly and took some jelly and smeared it over my cock, making a ring with my fingers to smooth it out along the shaft. I lay down in my usual position, on my back with my ass slightly raised, and started myself off slowly. Suni ran his paw over my chest, through my fur. I wanted to come quickly, and I knew just what would do it.

"Could you...scratch me...uh, lower? Like just under my balls?" It was a little weird hearing it come from my own mouth, but I knew it would work. It's my sweet spot.

"Like this?" the lupine asked, and poked a claw just underneath my balls and putting just the right amount of pressure there. God, it felt good. I resumed my stroking, feeling climax approaching with lightning speed. Legs spread wider, I encouraged him to continue, one paw in my crotch and the other petting my forehead. In no time I peaked, and a small stream of pre spurted onto my stomach. Suni thought that was it, and relaxed a little. In fact, I hadn't even started, and when orgasm finally hit the feeling was incredible.

The watched the first real shot (or the second overall) of coyote cum jet above my left shoulder and land on the pillow by my ear.

"Whoa!" Suni exclaimed, and jumped back. I started to laugh in the midst of my ecstasy. The next stream of milky fluid sprayed my neck, and the pursuing strands coated my chest and groin. "I've never seen anyone shoot that far before! You needed that bad."

"Well, you were the one who worked me up all day long. You have no idea what that does to a person." I was glad to have shown him just what an effect the day had had on my system, how much I had wanted release with his help. I just wished I had done it inside him instead of next to him. But that's what the future's for, isn't it?

I cleaned up with a towel, we talked for a few more minutes, then came the thing I'd been fearing all night. "I think I better get going now. If it gets any later, my mom'll get suspicious." My smile faded a little, silently cursing parents and their suspicions. He put on his coat and paused at the door, smiling wistfully. "I hope you don't come to regret me being your first time."

I smiled back, thinking how in the world I could regret anything that had happened. "Why would I do a thing like that? It was wonderful. Thank you."

"We need to hook up again sometime," he said, and I knew what he meant by that. It meant doing all the things we didn't get to do tonight, plus some.

"You bet. Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"See ya later," the wolf said, and closed the door behind him. Panther left a short time later, leaving me alone again in my dorm room.

After a shower, I got ready to go to sleep and lay under the covers, mentally replaying the day's events in my mind. My First Time. ::sigh:: Now I can't joke about being a virgin anymore. I suppose I could play the innocent wuffie, but I would only be fooling myself. Besides, it wasn't as big a deal as a lot of people make it out to be. For me it was something that just happened, and I allowed it to happen. I was ready for it, and it came.

And the ramifications of all of what he said. That wolf called me cute. Either in my demeanor or my looks, but probably both. He either didn't care about what he saw on the outside, or he was attracted to it. I like both in people, but I like to think it was the latter. The fact of the matter is, in one way or another, he made me feel like I mattered, that I was truly alive for a moment. He made me feel like a person, and if that's what being with someone feels like, it's something to strive for. Maybe the dating game isn't the reality show I always thought it to be. Makes me want to give love a chance.

I hope to never forget that day: February 14, 2004: a day which will live in blissful memory. The day I finally crossed over. The Best Valentine's Day Ever.



So long

I've been lookin to hard, I've been waiting too long

Sometimes I don't know what I will find

I only know it's a matter of time

When you love someone

When you love someone

It feels so right, so warm and true

I need to know if you feel it to

Maybe I'm wrong

Won't you tell me if I'm coming on too strong

This heart of mine has been hurt before

This time I want to be sure

I've been waiting for a fur like you

To come into my life

I've been waiting for a fur like you

For a love that will survive

I've been waiting for someone new

To make me feel alive

Yeah, waiting for a fur like you

To come into my life

You're so good

When we make love it's understood

It's more than a touch, or a word we say

Only in dreams could it be this way

When you love someone

Really love someone

Now I know it's right

From the moment I wake up from deep in the night

There's nowhere on earth I'd rather be

Than holding you tenderly

I've been waiting for a fur like you

To come into my life

I've been waiting for a fur like you

For a love that will survive

I've been waiting for someone new

To make me feel alive

Yeah, waiting for a fur like you

To come into my life

I've been waiting...

First Dance

Circles and its characters are © to Andrew French, Steve Domanski, and Scott Fabianek. All rights reserved. The following story contains mature material involving two male characters, and is intended for those of age. If you don't like it or are too...

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Perks of the Job

DISCLAIMER: Although this story is © me, the characters are © the Disney Corporation. All situations and actions, whether possible or impossible, no matter how cool it would be, are purely fiction and coincidental. Just covering my butt, folks....

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Returning the Favor

Author's Note: What follows is a work of furry fiction involving acts between characters of the same sex. If this offends you in any way, please stop reading. If not, then enjoy... Feedback always welcome to...

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