Perks of the Job

Story by Whyte Yote on SoFurry

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DISCLAIMER: Although this story is © me, the characters are © the Disney Corporation. All situations and actions, whether possible or impossible, no matter how cool it would be, are purely fiction and coincidental. Just covering my butt, folks. Enjoy...

Feedback always welcome to [email protected]

Perks of the Job ©MMIII Whyte Yoté

Lucky Piquel opened the door to his basement office with a wince. For the past three months, his new partner had done so many wacky things and surprised him so much that he had to prepare himself when he came to work.

But this morning was different. No Bonkers, no screaming, no stupid jokes. The office was quiet. Almost too quiet. After ten long minutes, Lucky decided that his partner wasn't showing up today. Hope nothing's wrong with him, he thought.

Despite everything he felt about the toon bobcat, he was actually starting to like the guy. Bonkers could be obnoxious at times, but he could also be quite cute. And he had caught his share of criminals. Lucky was getting used to his new partner, and he thought it wasn't turning out to be that bad after all.

* * *

Afternoon came around, and still no Bonkers. Lucky was starting to get worried. For Bonkers to miss a whole day of work, especially without calling the office! Lucky was just about to ring his house when the door opened slowly. A furry head peeked out from the edge of the door, as if he was afraid to come in.

"Hey, Bonkers. What's up? I was beginning to think you fell into a toon hole, or something!" Bonkers stepped into the tiny office. He was definitely not acting normal today. He was wearing his robe, not his uniform. His eyes were bloodshot and his orange-and-black fur was all disheveled, like he had just gotten out of bed. In fact, Bonkers looked like he had been crying, quite hard.

"Hi, Lucky." Bonkers' voice was thick and harsh. Lucky was sure Bonkers had been crying.

"What's going on, buddy? Has something happened? Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I don't really have a choice, Lucky. I need to tell you something, and I need to do it today." Already Bonkers' voice was wavering on the brink of sobbing. Lucky thought the bobcat was going to tell him he was dying. He decided to play it safe.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it's okay. Okay? Tell me what it is. I won't get mad, I promise."

Bonkers sighed heavily. "Alright, Lucky. I don't know exactly how to say this, and I'll understand completely if you hate me, or even want to kill me. you, Lucky."

Lucky was startled to hear something so heartfelt from his toon friend. Something told him there was more to this statement than what it seemed.

"I love you too, Bonkers," he said, sounding truer than he had meant. Bonkers looked up into Lucky's face, his mouth quivering slightly. The large cop thought he had said something wrong, but he didn't know what exactly. Bonkers crawled up onto the desk, his robe slipping on his left shoulder a little, exposing it.

"I'm sorry Lucky, I didn't mean that." Bonkers' eyes darted back and forth quickly, then: "I...I meant I was in love with you. Even since the first day we were paired up, I've had a humongo-crush on you. I don't know what it is about you, but I think-I know I love you. I've been agonizing over this for the past three days. I decided to finally tell you, but...I was to sick to my stomach to come in this morning. So...I don't know. I don't know anything anymore." He looked intently at Lucky, waiting for an answer.

Lucky couldn't fathom what he was hearing. Bonkers? In love with him?! He had absolutely no clue, except...Bonkers had looked at him differently sometimes. Could it be the toon was longing for him? This was getting too scary. Lucky would have to break it off here.

"Look, Bonkers, I don't know how to break this to you, but I never-"

"Don't! Just don't, Lucky. I know about you." Bonkers was crying, tears spilling onto the desk, except they weren't your average tears. They were REAL tears, wetting his fur. It was so different to Lucky, it looked almost pathetic. "You can't lie to me. I may be a toon, but I'm a toon bobcat. A toon animal. I can smell everything, I mean smell you and your emotions. Every day when I walk in the office, you get horny. I used to think it was just a coincidence, but now I know better. I know you get excited when I turn around. I think you have a tail fetish, but...but I'm not sure."

"Bonkers, no-"

"That little bathroom over there?" Bonkers pointed at the tiny closet in the corner. "I can tell when you're jerking off in there. I know you're fantasizing about me in there, because I can smell it. You know how many times you've come thinking about me? One hundred seventeen, in three months. It drove me crazy, every time I tried to take a shit I could smell your come on everything. Do you know how many times I shot off in there thinking about you? One hundred seventeen. That's as serious as it has been, and I know you feel the same way for me, so I want to take it to the next level."

Lucky collapsed in his chair, his defenses shattered. Whether or not he wanted to admit it, he was in love with a toon bobcat. He had tried to justify his bathroom fantasies as unavoidable cross-contamination from work but he now knew there was no turning back. He did want to let it go up a level, had wanted it for weeks but was unable to accept it.

"So you have to make a decision, Lucky. Either you let me show you I care for you, or you can fire me. I'll understand it if you don't want to see me ever again, but I had to tell you. I had no choice."

They stared at each other for more than ten seconds. Neither of them showed any emotions, until Lucky blinked.

"Well, boss--mmph!" Bonkers started, but the rest was muffled when his partner's strong hands grabbed the back of his head and pulled his muzzle into a full-mouthed kiss. Bonkers first resisted, but quickly melted into Lucky's arms, tongues entwined. The kiss lasted the better part of a minute, and ended when Bonkers felt a hand slowly and sensuously petting his furry rump through the robe.

"Lucky, I want you to be my first." here it was, plain as day and to the point. Bonkers' eyes fairly gleamed with anticipation.

"Sure, little buddy. Just don't go telling Marilyn, okay?" Lucky whispered, confused and excited at the same time.

Bonkers laughed. "Why would I do a thing like that? Besides, it's not technically adultery if the third party isn't really real. More of a fantasy than an affair. have to start it, Lucky. Pull the cord...please."

Lucky reached out and took the end of the robe pull in his hands. The light blue fabric was tied loosely around Bonkers' waist, and it wouldn't take much to tug it free. He pulled.

The flaps of the robe swung down and open, revealing for the first time to Lucky something he never thought he would see it happen. Bonkers was completely naked, in the fur. His legs trembled with trepidation as he struggled to keep himself under control. The question was finally answered: toons were completely anatomically correct. How he had missed this fact before baffled Lucky.

As if reading his mind, Bonkers said, "We can be very sexual creatures, if we want to be, Lucky. We hide ourselves on camera and most of the time besides. You'll also note that as long as I'm this aroused, I can't do anything toony."

"Like give yourself a cock the size of a horse's," Lucky quipped, looking at the bobcat's small sheath with hungry eyes.

"Sorry, I'm not that good. But I can try to be good for you, partner."

"Thanks, partner. Now shut up and let me help you."

Lucky tentatively reached out to touch Bonkers' crotch. His light orange belly fur went down between his legs, where a nice set of small balls and a sheath sat neatly nestled. It was incredibly cute; about half an inch of pink showed at the tip.

"Come closer. I want to do something."

Bonkers went to his knees in front of Lucky, shedding the robe in the process. Lucky slowly ran his hand over the toon's furry chest, around his back, stroking his tail. Bonkers started to murr in spite of himself.

The big cop took his index finger and slowly inserted it into Bonkers' sheath, always having wondered how it would feel. The finger was swallowed up inside the pouch of fur, and Bonkers' cock throbbed dully against it. Bonkers whimpered quietly, begging Lucky to continue.

The finger was pulled out, and Lucky's other hand slowly rubbed the sheath up and down, urging the feline cock out into the open. Soon it stood at attention, bobbing slightly in the air. About 4 1/2 inches all told, not small for his size. His sheath fur was bunched up at his groin. Lucky ventured a lick, and Bonkers gasped in surprise. The tongue engulfed his penis, and Lucky started sucking hungrily.

Bonkers grabbed Lucky's head, hanging on for dear life as his wildest fantasy came true right in front of him. He was breathing heavily, humping frantic into Lucky's mouth.

There is no sight like a toon approaching orgasm; portions of the real animal shine through, and one can see the true nature of the beast. All the toon façades are ripped away; it is tooniness at its purest form.

Lucky continued to roll his tongue around the base of the shaft, feeling Bonkers' balls tighten and loosen methodically, knowing his friend had passed the point of no return. Bonkers was now clutching Lucky's head and trying not t fuck his mouth too hard.

Bonkers tensed up and froze, muscles quivering as he emptied himself into the human. Two, three shots into Lucky's mouth and he took it all, until the stream had reduced to a drip. Lucky let the shrinking cock go and kissed his new lover, sharing the bobcat's seed between them.

"I've always wanted to do that," Lucky said and chuckled. "Has anyone ever told you that you taste great?"

Thanks, Lucky." Bonkers blushed again under his fur. "How, it's my turn to do you a favor." He turned around on the desk, and got onto all fours. "Take me."

This was something Lucky hadn't expected. All he had wanted to do was show Bonkers how much he was attracted to him, and prove to himself how good he could be at something like that. But to see his partner kneeling on the desk, tail raised in the air and a tight pink hole begging to be penetrated, he could not help but feel not only arousal, but deep unadulterated love.

"I loosened up before I came over, so it should be easier on you," Bonkers said matter-of-factly. He was methodically clenching his buttocks, preparing for entry.

"You just thought of everything, didn't you? What if I had said no?"

"I hoped you wouldn't."

Well, partner, I can tell you right now I won't last long. I could come with two jerks at this point." Lucky slowly unzipped his pants, not bothering to pull them down, and fished his very erect prick from the fly of his boxers. Bonkers, still glancing backwards, saw it and his eyes widened in shock and lust.

"Jeez, that thing's huge! I'm not THAT loose!" He looked worried.

"Aw, c'mon, it's not that big. Now just relax and enjoy it." Lucky slowly took his cock in his right hand, rolling it around between his thumb and forefingers, and placed the head at Bonkers' opening. He gasped audibly; it was red hot. He pushed. He felt Bonkers tighten and loosen as he tried to control his bowels. He succeeded, and Lucky's entire shaft slid smoothly inside.

Lucky's head swam from the intense heat and feeling of another body connected to his. He knew that no matter what, he wouldn't be able to keep control for long. He decided to take his time for as long as he could. That proved to be about a minute.

After slow, measured thrusts, he pounded with all his might and released himself into the toon. His knees threatened to buckle, but he kept standing and pulled out of Bonkers. The bobcat rolled over onto his back, his fur matted with sweat and a contented look in his face.

"I don't think I've ever done that before," he said, gesturing to the small puddle of come on the desk. "I didn't even touch myself; it was all you."

"Happy to be of service, my friend," Lucky said. He hugged his new lover and they kissed lightly. "I guess this is going to change things around here, isn't it?"

"For the better, Lucky. We'll be better partners, for sure. Besides, don't think of it as pure sex; it's kind of a perk of the job."

"Talk about your perks," Lucky said, and smiled.


Returning the Favor

Author's Note: What follows is a work of furry fiction involving acts between characters of the same sex. If this offends you in any way, please stop reading. If not, then enjoy... Feedback always welcome to...

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Extracurricular Activities

Author's note: The following is a work of furry (sorta) fiction, involving sexual acts between a human being and an anthropomorphised animal. If you have any reservations or objections to this material, stay the heck away from it! Also, although this...

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Mile Marker 84, Pt. 2

Author's Note: This story is a work of furry fiction containing sexual acts between two male characters. If this squicks you, you're free to leave. Otherwise, enjoy to your heart's content. Feedback welcome to...

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