Returning the Favor

Story by Whyte Yote on SoFurry

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Author's Note: What follows is a work of furry fiction involving acts between characters of the same sex. If this offends you in any way, please stop reading. If not, then enjoy...

Feedback always welcome to [email protected]

Returning the Favor ©MM? Whyte Yoté

It had been a fantastic February day for Dexal Swift. The otter spent it walking along the lakeshore, admiring the beauty of winter, but wishing for just a quick dip in the lake. He thought about it, but his thick North Face windbreaker and warm fleece pants convinced him otherwise, at least for the moment. That was around noon. The rest of the afternoon was spent gathering firewood for his small but homely cabin anchored in the middle of the neighboring lake.

By dinnertime, having accumulated enough wood to warm a certain Russian province for a very long time, he gave into temptation and decided a dip in the lake was just what he needed to shake off the winter blahs, freezing water or no.

"I'm going to kill myself," he muttered under his breath as he stripped off his clothes, feeling refreshed when the brisk air struck his auburn fur. He felt his entire body pull tight with the cold; his testicles pulled as far into his body as they could get. He kept the Speedo suit underneath on, just in case it was indeed too cold. "Here goes abso-fucking-lutely nothing."

He jumped off the steep shore, gasping as the shock of the water enveloped him. He came up sputtering and fighting desperately for breath. It didn't take long for his aquatic body to adjust to the temperature. It actually felt quite good. He filled his lungs and dove toward the bottom. Finding the mucky silt, he burrowed himself in up to his neck, promptly falling asleep.

Dex hadn't planned the nap. He awoke to the slight pain of oxygen deprivation, and realized it was much too late for him to be underwater. He dislodged himself, stretched out his webbed paws and feet, and swam to the surface, where, to his surprise and utter dismay, he found that the lake had frozen over while he was sleeping. By the failing light, he guessed the ice was at least three inches thick, too thick to crack a hole in. A few blows with his shoulder only ended in an aching pain up and down his left arm.

He was in a nightmare.

Dex stared in growing horror at the thick sheet of ice above him. His lungs were beginning to burn; even his increased air capacity couldn't hold out forever. Frantically, he swam faster and faster, darting about looking for hole, a way out of his prison. But there was none. The light was fading fast, and with it his vision became monochromatic and blurred.

Instinctively he began to shout, although through the ice no one could have heard his cries, save for a few fish. He looked around, not believing he would die this way. To his right was a shadow, a darker place with edges too defined to be anything but a modern object. With the last of his air, he raced to the shadow. Upon closer inspection, Dex saw it was a mass of plywood nailed together and sealed with weatherproof caulk. The white caulk stood out sharply from the growing abyss around him.

Not wasting any time, he began to yell and pound on the wood, hoping there was something on the other side to hear him. His lungs finally gave out; his last shout was a muffled, "Hlf..." He couldn't do anything but wait as bright spots darted across his vision and he became increasingly dizzy. He faintly felt himself grappling at the wood as he gave up consciousness to the endless night before him. His last thought before slipping dreamily into the black was, "They won't find me until spring, at least April..."

But he could have sworn a huge paw swept out of the darkness and clasped his neck...

* * *

Alonys Brunz, or just plain Al to his friends, sat comfortably in a leather armchair with the latest copy of The Wall Street Journal. As he looked over his favorite stocks, he couldn't help the comment from slipping his tongue: "It's a bear market."

And why not? He wouldn't have it any other way, being as he was ursine himself. He rose an intimidating 7'5" and his 340-pound muscular frame was rarely challenged on the stock floor, save for a feisty bull or two. But thoughts of New York and the frenzied trading on the floor were far from Al's head, as he was in the middle of three-week, well-earned winter vacation. He sat unabashedly in a plain white tank top and boxer shorts, which contrasted almost sinfully with the leather chair he occupied. This whole trip was summed up in the one phrase he used whenever he was asked about his job: "Fuck the market."

He turned on the television, preparing for a quiet evening of carefully avoiding CNN and other choice channels. He was paused on MTV, watching a rap video and trying to figure out what the hell those guys were doing, when he heard a faint knocking. Knowing that no one could access his island but himself, Al listened more closely. After muting the TV, he realized it was coming from his floor. He became alert immediately, and raced to the spot to find out what was making the noise. He heard a distinct voice, along with some knocking, that seemed to be a faint call for help.

Now more scared than anything else, Al pounded the floor with his massive paw. It only took four well-placed blows the break the boarding and expose the sub-freezing water underneath. Looking down into the darkness, he could just make out a head of tan fur, obviously lifeless, slowly sinking from view. Al plunged his paw into the water, just grasping the nape of the creature's neck. He pulled, and the head of an otter came up through the floor. He punched out the rest of the floor and pulled the otter into his home. He ran to the bathroom, got the first aid kit, came back and kneeled down to perform emergency CPR just in case there was a chance...

* * *

Dex slowly swam in and out of consciousness as he fought to regain control of his mind. Bright dots of color-if they could be called color- flashed and flowed across his shut eyelids. He felt himself breathing, and his whole body shook with a dull, painless throb. It was like he was still trying to swim to the surface of that ice-covered lake to no avail. There were only two things: either he was dead or out cold. Hoping for the latter, he slowly, strugglingly opened his eyes. Instantly, pain shot into his whole body, reverberating from his head out to the tip of his tail. He lay back down, too tired to even grimace at the barrage on his body. It seemed like hours until the throbbing subsided enough for him to look up, and even then the dizziness almost overtook him. Bearing his gritted teeth, he looked at the room he was in.

Pretty big, wooden logs on all four sides, lavishly furnished with cherry wood abounding and the four-post bed satin evergreen sheets under which he was laying and which felt so good on his exposed body...EXPOSED?!?

He tore the covers off the bed, looking at his naked body, furred sheath and all. Panic rose in his chest, and he looked in horror as a tiny sliver of pink poked from the light fur. Why did this have to happen when he got nervous?

"I see you finally came to. I'm glad you're awake; you must be famished."

"Eek--" A small sound escaped Dex before he realized the huge grizzly could see everything he was seeing. Ripping the covers back over himself, ha managed to whisper, "What the hell?"

"Don't worry about that; I've already seen it all. Everything's fine, but I do have to say you have a pretty active imagination when you're unconscious." Al chuckled a little, then came over and set a tray of breakfast on Dex's lap. "By the way, my name's Al, and I rescued you from a very cold sleep, thanks to my weak flooring. I don't seem to know your name."

"D-D--it's Dexal, but mostly Dex," the otter replied , finally getting his bearings and calming a bit. He began to eat the eggs and bacon, finding the meal quite to his liking. The bear let him munch awhile before speaking again.

"So, Dex, would it be intrusive to ask why you were in a frozen lake without any clothes on in the middle of winter?"

"I was picking firewood, and I had a little cabin fever, so I decided to take a dip. I didn't know I was going to fall asleep on the bottom while the lake froze." Dex looked up from the finished plate into the bruin's dark, mysterious eyes. Al looked back, and for a moment Dex felt a stirring deep within his chest that was all too familiar. Quickly shaking the thought away, he said the only thing he could say: "Thank you."

"No problem, even though I'll have to get a new block of flooring to replace the stuff I punched out, and that cherry wood's damn expensive. It's okay. At least you didn't die, did you?"

"No, I guess not. Well, I'm glad you saved me when you did. I should get--"

"I don't think so, little pal." Al's tone was forceful bit caring. "I won't let you leave until you've had a full day to recover. Otherwise, I'd feel absolutely awful letting you back into that lake to freeze again."

"Well, okay, I can't refuse hospitality like that." Dex was truly thankful and awed that such a huge fur could be so concerned and thoughtful.

"No, you can't. Now, you just stay in bed for awhile, and later it you're feeling better I can give you a tour of my winter home before I let you go. Probably after lunch, you'll have your strength back. See ya later, okay?"

"Alright, but I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. Thank you again, and I look forward to the tour of your home."

* * *

And what a tour it was! That "little cabin" in the woods was a veritable mansion. Two bedrooms, a den/multimedia room, a living room with a wet bar, two full Jacuzzi baths, and a kitchen that would put the best chefs to shame. And best of all, everything was done exquisitely in laminated cherry, which appealed to Dex in a way he couldn't describe.

"It-it's incredible," he muttered after he and Al had finished the tour. "I never knew someone could put so much stuff into one little space like that. I especially like the collection of paintings. You do like to get away from the city in the best way possible, don't you?"

"I like to forget everything else except what I'm thinking right now," the big bear said matter-of-factly in that booming voice of his. "So this is the way I do it."

"Wow. I graduated college with a bachelor in psychology, but I haven't done anything to put it to use yet. Maybe it's time I--" Dex had been looking at the ceiling, admiring an ivory fan inset with crystal when he backed over Al's forest green ottoman. He lost his footing and tumbled over the low footrest. He tried to contort his flexible body to soften the fall, but he only succeeded in overcorrecting and twisting too far at the moment he hit the floor. A squeak of pain escaped him and he untwisted, gasping for breath. Al came running, knowing that the otter was still recovering from a near-drowning.

"Jesus! Are you okay? God, I hope you didn't break your back; it's way too far for an ambulance. Where does it hurt? Tell me!"

Dex, who was actually just fine, looked up at Al to tell him everything was good when their muzzles brushed-Al's dark, long one against Dex's small, blunt one. This startled both of them, and they looked into each other's eyes. Al saw sincere gratitude and youthful spirit and curiosity in Dex's black beady eyes; the otter saw compassion and trustworthiness in the yellowish glint of Al's. Dex had been idly thinking for awhile, and he thought it was as good a time as any to make a move--but not too conspicuous. He quickly reached up and gave the bruin's muzzle a short lick.

Al wasn't expecting that, of all things, to happen. For a moment, he didn't know why Dex had licked him, and then he saw that gentle and young face looking expectantly at him, and he was overcome with affection and flattery. He gave an unconscious low rumble from deep within his belly, and he felt a familiar stirring in his loins that could only mean arousal. He was too late to stop his slight hardening before he saw Dex look down his chest. He raised an eyebrow. He knew.

"Oh, God...umm...I have no idea what's going on. Really. I guess you'd better leave."

The otter looked back up at Al and smiled faintly. "Do you really feel that way?I thought it was just like ?I'll get him going and get him outta here', but I think there's a separate level here. Just tell me, am I right? Even if it's faint. I understand, and I'm not afraid."

This was getting to be too much for Al. Dex was throwing too much at him, and all he could do was flat out tell the truth: "Yes." He looked down to the floor, ashamed for telling the otter about his newly-discovered affection. "I--I've just grown so fond of you the past couple of days. I don't know why I feel this way, but it's so lonely out here, even on vacation." A single tear flowed down his muzzle, stopping and glittering on the tip of his nose. He felt a furred finger wipe it off gently. The otter was still smiling.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. I've been with a few guys before, and there's nothing to it. Besides, I have no other way to thank you for saving my life. This is going to be fun, if you want it to be, and you're not responsible. I want to do this for you." The otter gently kneaded Al's shoulders and chest, soothing him. "You're all tense. That's no way for a vacation to go; let's see if we can't get you unwound, shall we?"

* * *

Dex led Al, a little reluctantly, to the master bedroom. He lay the big bear on the bed, and proceeded to undress (quite easily, since he was only wearing the Speedo he hadn't discarded on the lakeshore). Even though Al had seen Dex nude before when the otter was out and needed tending, he was a little surprised. He took a moment to take the scene in: Dex was medium-built, muscular but sleek, his dark auburn fur lightening to beige from the underside of his muzzle down to his inside thighs. His head was topped with a tuft of slightly longer fur, and his black eyes were full of mystery and suspense. His webbed hands and feet worked slowly as he prepared for the "interlude", and as Al's eyes traveled down the otter's body, he noted that even though Dex was instigating this, he wasn't showing any signs of arousal yet. He turned to Al and shrugged shyly. "Hope you like what you see. It's all I've got to offer."

Before Al could say anything, Dex ran and jumped on the bed next to him with a thud. "Now just lay there and I'll take care of everything." He slowly began running his paws over Al's chest, stopping to circle each nipple with a short black claw. The bear arched his back and gasped in shock at the sensation. Encouraged, Dex slid his hands under Al's shirt and slowly rubbed up to his neck and back down to his rock-hard abs. He took his time taking the shirt off, carefully touching everything that could be touched and getting quite a strong reaction from the bear. Then, ever so softly, he slid a claw underneath the waistband of his under shorts and pulled them down. Al gasped from the air on his sheath and the sheer exhilerance of being exposed. The shorts came off, and he just lay there, soaking up the sensations from Dex's fingers.

The otter moved from his chest to his feet, gently massaging them and then up his legs to his inner thighs. He nearly screamed with anticipation as the hands moved closer and closer to his steadily hardening cock and massive balls. He laid his head back and just panted, feeling his body react naturally. Dex was so preoccupied with the massage that he almost failed to notice the small knob of red flesh poking from the bear. "Uh-oh, I think the foreplay is over. Don't move." Before Al could react, Dex clamped a paw on his semi-hard member. This caused him more pleasure, and had Dex not been holding his sheath closed, he would have popped out fully. His dick was now erect and pulsing hard against his crotch, but it was growing further down into him instead of outside along his belly. The pressure was immense, almost to the edge of pain, and he looked up in fear at what Dex could be doing.

"Why are you doing that? It kinda hurts, and I'm gonna come any second, ungghh--"

"No, not until you're out in the open. You won't climax unless you're out," the otter said, positioning himself so that he straddled the bear and his hand was directly behind and under him holding the bear's throbbing sheath just beneath his tailhole. "I learned this trick in camp a long time ago, so I may be a little tight. It's a lot better than jus plain pawing off, I can tell you. Now hold on for a few seconds while I loosen up."

Al could only sit there as he teetered on the verge of orgasm, the pressure slowly building. Dex contracted his ass a few times to make sure everything was working, then frantically started jacking his hand over Al's sheath. He almost roared in protest, and Dex knew all too well that too much of this would totally cancel out his orgasm. He made sure the bear was thoroughly ready. "Now, don't move when I let go, or else you'll either come too quick or tear me open; I've never done this with someone as big as you before. Flattered a little, Al only nodded.

With that, Dex let go of Al's sheath. His thick cock, the full length, shot out and into the otter in a split-second. A foot and a half of throbbing engorged flesh buried itself up to the hilt inside Dex until Al's sheath was butting up against the otter's ballsac. At the same time, both furs screamed, but for different reasons. Al's was one of pure ecstatic pleasure as his entire length pulsed in the hot confines of Dex's bowels. He wavered on the brink of consciousness as he fought to keep from shooting into his friend, trying not to thrust madly and bring it to a close. Dex's was a scream of pain as the bear's hot shaft invaded his tight hole, tearing it open in a few places and stretching him to new dimensions. He struggled to keep loose and not clench around the bear, but the pain was overwhelming, even if only for a second or two. As it started to subside, a single tear formed in his eye and ran down his muzzle, tracing its length in a line of auburn fur. Al, coming down from his high, saw this and became immediately worried.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt? I'm sorry I'm so big, but I can't he--"

Dex motioned for him to be silent. He wiped the tear away, snuffled and said, "No. I'm fine, and it's just going to get better. Now sit tight and do like I do." Dex closed his eyes and slowly started to move up and down, impaled on the bear. Al watched warily, still feeling that he hurt the little otter, but softly moaning as pleasure once again took over. He bucked his hips slightly, mimicking Dex's motions, until he was into a smooth rhythm of constant buggering. Dex stopped moving, taking in the sensations as Al did all the work. The bear's hips worked faster, growing in height and speed until he was in a steady motion, grunting and his face working as his teeth instinctively bared.

Dex leaned down until his face was touching the bear's chest. He moved his back around, feeling for a slightly awkward sensation, and finally he got it. He snapped his head back, misaligning his spine and temporarily allowing him to bend double. That was a trick he learned while at camp; he wasn't called "Dexterous Dexal" for nothing. He slowly bent his head under and down his chest, until his nose was touching his sheath, still amazingly soft. He licked it, nibbling on the tip, coaxing his own member from its hiding place. He pulled down on the sheath until he was fully exposed, then licked himself until he was reasonably lubed. Opening his mouth, he let Al's humping drive his own erection into his mouth as he started sucking and running his tongue over the length. The feeling was great, the meat filling his mouth and sending waves of pleasure up his back to his body.

Meanwhile, Al was in heaven. Oblivious to the fact that he was the one doing all the work, he kept his rhythm, slowly building the waves of climax. He loved the way he would crest a wave, then settle down to rise up on another, higher one. This was totally different to pawing off. He didn't even notice Dex giving himself a blowjob on his stomach.

Dex was quickly reaching his peak, and he knew that as soon as he came, he would bring the bear over with him. Sucking harder, he worked his tongue over and over his dick, bringing himself closer. He felt the pressure build and almost forgot to swallow when his slick precum drained into his muzzle. He was bucking his hips wildly now, giving a diagonal thrust to Al's cock. Dex kneaded his balls, knowing that would set him off, and it did. The explosion was immense, made larger by the huge rod pumping in him. He swallowed shot after shot of creamy semen, although some drained out and formed a white trail on his chin. He clenched his anus tight with his spasms, and Al found he could no longer thrust as hard.

The added friction proceed too much for him and his climax came with a surprise. He jerked harder and harder, almost flinging Dex off the bed, if he weren't stuck inside the otter. With a roar that echoed through the forest, his seed burst forth into the otter's small passage. Dex continued to clench, milking the bear for all he was worth. Al's roars slowly diminished to growls and then to soft sighs as he finally came down from climax.

"Was that fun?" Asked Dex as he squirmed around, still impaled on the bear's stomach, and bringing a few more shots of come. The bear only bent up, squeezed the otter, and kissed him full on the mouth. Dex returned the kiss, slowly working his tongue around the bear's massive one. After a while, he let go and Dex dismounted, letting go a flow of Al's seed that drenched his chest and lasted almost a minute. "Sorry, I guess I forgot about that part. We need to clean up. C'mon, we can scrub each other very carefully..."

* * *

After a short shower, the two were dressed again and standing at the door. Al had changed into a cashmere sweater and khakis, but Dex still wore the same Speedo he had come in with. Al looked concernedly down at Dex.

"Are you sure you'll be fine without a coat? I mean, it's February, for God's sake. Let me lend you a coat or something."

"No, no, I'm fine. I like the cold, just as long as I don't get stuck in any more frozen lakes. Besides, my clothes are still on the bank, see?" He pointed to a faint red thing on the other shore, obviously a parka of some sort. "Hey, thanks for everything, and I'll see ya sometime soon, okay?"

"Sure, Dex. No problem. Say, if you every want a tour of the NYSE floor, just give me a ring in NYC and I'll set something up. Or, if you just want a quickie, that too," the bear chuckled. He bent down and picked up the otter, throwing him over his shoulder and giving him a true bear hug. Dex returned the gesture as best he could, tears brimming in his eyes again. When he was put down, he could see the same sadness on Al's face too.

"See ya later!" The otter yelled and waved as he trotted over the newly-frozen lake towards his clothes and firewood. Al waved back, fighting the lump in his throat already beginning to form. They both knew that this relationship went much deeper than friendship; it was a bond to last for a lifetime, and all because of one little favor.


Extracurricular Activities

Author's note: The following is a work of furry (sorta) fiction, involving sexual acts between a human being and an anthropomorphised animal. If you have any reservations or objections to this material, stay the heck away from it! Also, although this...

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Mile Marker 84, Pt. 2

Author's Note: This story is a work of furry fiction containing sexual acts between two male characters. If this squicks you, you're free to leave. Otherwise, enjoy to your heart's content. Feedback welcome to...

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Mile Marker 84, Pt. 1

Author's Note: This story is a work of furry fiction containing sexual acts between two male characters. If this squicks you, you're free to leave. Otherwise, enjoy to your heart's content. Feedback welcome to...

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