Extracurricular Activities

Story by Whyte Yote on SoFurry

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Author's note: The following is a work of furry (sorta) fiction, involving sexual acts between a human being and an anthropomorphised animal. If you have any reservations or objections to this material, stay the heck away from it! Also, although this might be construed as zoophilic in nature, I neither condone nor condemn zoophilia or bestiality in any way. Let the people do what they want, as long as nobody gets hurt. Enjoy... All characters ©Disney Feedback always welcome to [email protected]Extracurricular Activities ©MMIII Whyte Yoté "So, what are you going to do for your paper?" Leonard Helperman asked Scott Leadready II as they sat down to lunch. "I don't know yet, actually. Probably something you've never even heard of or couldn't copy even if you tried. 'Cuz I know you want to." Scott eyed his friend, who was also his master, suspiciously. "Puh-leeze. I can think of my own paper, thank you. I'm not the dumbest one in the class." "Close enough," Scott muttered under his breath. "I heard that. Why can't you just stay home, just like every other normal dog? But no, you had to come to school. You know, you're old enough to go to college." "In human years, maybe, but I still have lots more to gain from this fine educational institution. Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom," said Scott, pushing away from the table. After a few minutes, Leonard decided he had to go to, and turned to follow his friend. Leonard pushed in the door leading to the bathroom. Unzipping his fly at the urinal next to Scott, he sighed as he felt the familiar release. All of a sudden, he heard low whimpers from Scott. Worried as all masters are about their pets, Leonard leaned his head over to ask what was the matter. It was his responsibility. What he saw almost made him cry out in surprise. Scott Leadready II, teacher's pet and all-around genius, and the same dog Leonard had as a loyal pet, was gently stroking his red erection into the urinal. His eyes were closed, and his furry paw moved up and down slowly, caressing the flesh from its purplish tip to the knot at the sheath. His other hand cupped and squeezed his balls as they hung down out of his fly. Leonard's boyish prick shot up and strained against his belt, as his hand absently reached down to stroke himself. Finally, after about a minute, he spoke. "Hi, Spot." In his bliss, Scott's eyes opened to tiny slits, then shot wide when he realized his master was seeing him paw off in the bathroom. He sputtered out a few unintelligible words, then breathed deeply and started to explain. "Leonard! I-I was just-it's not like-ah, shoot." He was still panting, but his paws had left his cock. "You need to come with me, into the stall." Scott dragged Leonard into one of the toilet stalls, and closed the door noisily. After locking it he turned to face his master. "Look, Lenny, I know this looks bad, but you've gotta understand. When I said I wanted to go to school, I knew I would have to wear clothes. But I had no idea they would rub me so much. Fur doesn't go well against cloth. Every time I move, I get excited. I'm just so sensitive, I'm not used to it yet. Each day by the time lunch rolls around I have to come in here and-relieve myself, you know?" "I g-guess so," Leonard said. He still couldn't fathom what was going on. "And now you have to finish me." "WHAT!?" Leonard shouted, looking at his dog in disbelief. "I'm sorry. You have to finish me off. I usually get off by sitting in here and sucking myself off, but today was different. I decided to use my paws, and I can never get off that way. But, Leonard, someone else's hands will work." "So you want me to finish jerking you off because you 'supposedly' can't do it yourself." "It's a dog thing-no thumbs," Scott explained, holding his paws out. "I can get close, but no cigar." Leonard sighed nervously, nodded, and reached down to touch Scott's penis. He kept trying to look disgusted on the outside, but ever since he had gotten the dog as a Christmas present he had wanted to do things with him, to relieve his loneliness, to share his fantasies and act them out. Now, one of those fantasies was coming true, albeit not in the way he thought, but still coming true. His hand lighted on Scott's knee and quickly traveled up his left thigh to the waistband of his shorts. Leonard pulled them down to puddle on the tile floor. Scott stepped out of them, his tail wagging emphatically as he sat down on the toilet and spread his legs wide. His doggie cock stood up and out from his groin, a small stream of pre dripping down the shaft into his sheath. The expression of need on his face made him look more and more like an animal in need than an honor student at school. Leonard reached into the toilet bowl and cupped Scott's balls. Scott jerked up a little, then relaxed as the sensations overtook him. He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. Meanwhile, Leonard explored his pet's most sensitive region. He had always known what a dog's penis looked like, but he had never felt one. The shaft was about five inches long, dark red with veins running down the side, pulsing with blood and bobbing the shaft with each beat of Scott's heart. The head was different from his own, smaller and tapered to the slit, where small beads of clear liquid oozed out. His knot was rock-hard and stretched his sheath opening wide. Leonard traced a finger around the knot, then gently wrapped his fingers over it. He stroked the moist flesh over and back, from base to tip and back again. The precum spread out and over the cock, making it shiny and slick. Soon he was into a solid motion, up and down, making his pet moan. All of a sudden, the sensations coming from Scott's groin stopped. He opened his eyes just in time to see Leonard, his master, pull his pants and underwear down together. His shirt hung loosely around his waist, the front of it bunched up on top of his penis. Scott licked his lips and stared at the hairless flesh. "You know how many times I had to hide a hard-on from you every time you changed clothes?" "You mean you...wanted to do stuff with me?" Leonard asked incredulously. "Forever. I wanted to ask you so badly, but of course that would have freaked you out. Even after you knew I could talk, I was still afraid. Most of the time, I would pay Mr. Jolly to let me fuck him." Leonard put a hand to his head and rubbed his eyes, perhaps trying to make the situation fade away. "You mean my cat is in on this too? And Pretty Boy?" "Not yet, but I'm sure he would be interested." "Oh, boy." Leonard sighed and approached Scott again. He resumed his stroking, rolling his hand around the shaft as he rubbed. Precum was flowing strong now, and Scott had started humping the human's hand. Even in his limited experience, he knew his dog was getting ready to come. Scott breathed hard, tongue lolling out of the corner of his mouth. "Go, Leonard, keep going." Then he had an idea. "Hey, Lenny! Come here, now! Hurry!" "What for-" Leonard momentarily let his hand off the dog's cock. Scott whimpered. "Just do it! And take your shirt off. I can't last much longer. Do it now!" Leonard did as he was told, hurriedly throwing his shirt onto the floor and getting closer to Scott. "Sit on my lap," the dog said. "We can come together. I can see you need it a lot more than I do." "Okay!" The boy was ecstatic that his pet would let him be a part of this. He straddled the toilet and his friend's legs and sat down. His penis crossed Scott's and almost touched the furry crotch. The heat from the glistening shaft seared his own and made him hotter than ever. "You do me and I'll do you, alright?" Scott asked. "Sure thing, buddy." Leonard once again resumed the methodical stroking of the canine member in front of him. He watched, enraptured, as Scott's right paw reached for his boyhood and gripped it firmly. Immediately he was sent into a world of bliss as he saw the blue fuzzy fingers rub up and down his most sensitive part. He knew the inevitable was close. That's when the bathroom door opened and someone came in. Leonard gasped audibly, almost too loud. Scott pulled him close so that both their hands were silenced in the room. Dog and master passed the point of no return as just two feet away another boy opened his fly and began to relieve himself. Leonard was the first to let go. His hips bucked against his pet's groin and his cock spasmed dryly, but felt no less intense. Scott's hand slowed from its frantic pumping to a more deliberate milking motion, knowing Leonard's cock would be ultra-sensitive after orgasm. The boy came down from his sexual high and sat rocking on top of the toilet, not letting his hand slow down one bit on the doggie dick between them. He looked up just in time to see Scott mouth the words "let go". Puzzled, he dropped Scott's cock. The dog snatched it into his right paw and took over where Leonard had left off. So, his pet could masturbate himself after all! Somehow, he was not surprised. Scott's head tilted back and his tongue lolled even farther out of the corner of his muzzle as he sucked in a breath and held it. Leonard watched, fascinated, as Scott's knot grew visibly from the size of a golf ball to that of a tennis ball. Sticky fluid now ran freely over the glistening flesh and Scott's paw, flying over the shaft. The dog had to stifle a how of ecstasy as he rode the first of many waves of pleasure into his climax. The first shot his Leonard square in the forehead. Stunned, he drew back a little. More shots spurted out onto his chest, with no end in sight. Leonard covered his pants with his hands to avoid unexplainable stains. Countless streams of white dogseed fell on his tummy, into his navel, and finally the last shots slathering his crotch in goo. The rest dripping into the toilet, Scott opened his eyes and saw his master bathed in his cum and scent. It was absolutely intoxicating. Both waited until the boy at the urinal finally left, then Scott leaned forward to speak to his master, who had stood back up and was trying his best to wipe the semen off of himself. "That was incredible, Bunkie. I really appreciate you helping me out here. Maybe we can do this every day." "I'll have to think about it, but I may want to join you more often. I guess this changes everything back home, doesn't it?" "Guess so. But, look on the bright side. The guys'll like having a new person in our little 'group'. And, if you want, we could make some quick friends of the neighborhood dogs." "What do you mean?" Leonard asked, eyeing Scott suspiciously. " Do you know what you would do, for anyone-even a human, to get your rocks off for you better than you could do yourself? Lots of dogs would be glad to know they can count on good ol' Spot's master to give them a quick handjob every now and again." "Whoa! Hold on, Scott. We're going a little fast here. I can only handle one dog for now, and that's you. I'll have to think about it." Scott smiled and finished tucking his shirt in. "I know you'll want to. You've always wanted to. See you after school, Lenny." He unlocked the stall door, then turned around. After thinking for a moment, he gave Leonard a quick lick on the lips, then left. Leonard stood, still trying to comprehend what he and Scott had just done. But, then he realized that he loved that dog even more than he did before. And his kiss, such as it was, did not feel like the regular doggy kisses he was used to. It felt more like real love, caring and compassionate. Suddenly, he couldn't wait for school to be over. * * * If Leonard had been surprised to see his dog jacking off in the bathroom, then he was equally surprised when Scott didn't meet him to walk home after school. When he had waited fifteen minutes, he gave up and resigned himself to walking alone. He couldn't help but think that he had done something wrong or had put his friend off in some way. Maybe Scott felt guilty about pressing him into sex? Maybe he felt foolish for allowing his secret to be discovered? In any case, Leonard was more than a little worried about his friend. He reached his house and let himself in. Since his mother was a teacher, she would undoubtedly be at school correcting papers for awhile. He walked to his room and opened the door, only to find it in complete darkness. He fumbled for the switch, but before he could turn it on a voice came from his bed. "Don't turn the lights on, Leonard. Come over here instead." The voice was husky and a little wavering, but he recognized it instantly as Scott's. Except once inside the house, Scott became Spot, his regular (at least until recently) house dog. "I waited for you," he stated, but Spot cut him off. "Sorry to make you wait, but I wanted to surprise you. I wanted to give you something special. And if you do what I say, it will be incredible, more so than before." "Okay. What do you want me to do?" the boy asked, a little hesitant. Spot crooked his finger in a "come hither" motion. "First, come over to the bed." "Leonard slowly shuffled over to his bed, the bottom bunk. He could barely see Spot's smaller form lying on his left side, legs pulled up to his chest. The dog looked up at him, and Leonard saw he was trying hard to hold something back. He was shaking all over. "Close your eyes," he said, "and brace yourself." Leonard grabbed onto the edge of the bunk and held on, not knowing what was in store. With his eyes closed, he could hear rustling in front of him on the bed. A finger touched his forehead, cool and furry. Spot's pawpad felt smooth on his skin. The finger ran slowly down his nose, down his face, traced a line across the middle of his chest and made its way to his crotch. It turned into a paw that cupped his balls and rolled each one gently. With each passing second the paw moved farther under his shorts until the tips of Spot's fingers were searching his ass. Unable to see anything, Leonard could feel everything going on in his shorts. His cock was hard again and strained against his underwear. Spot's paw was joined by another as they undid his belt and let his clothes slip to the floor. Claws pulled at the elastic waistband of his briefs and jerked them to his feet. The boy had never been so excited in his life, and what a feeling of freedom to expose himself completely to his best friend and his pet, who right now was doing his best to please his master. Meanwhile, talented fingers teased his erection, threatening to make him moan out loud. He bit his lip instead. Spot's touch left him, to be replaced by warm air. Leonard realized this was Spot's breath, just in time to feel the dog's tongue take a long lick from his balls all the way up to his mouth. "Oh, God," he whispered, having just been brought to a new level of sensual arousal. "No talking," Spot cooed, and put the boyhood into his mouth, sucking softly. Leonard couldn't help bit look down at the scene before him. His cock was disappearing into the talented muzzle, in slow strokes, as Spot bobbed his head into his groin. The skilled tongue wrapped itself twice over the shaft, then slid back, the tip of it teasing the underside of the sensitive head. Leonard began to pet his friend, helping to thrust himself into the moist inferno. Spot looked up at him, still sucking, and smiled. The feelings again were building up inside of him, and he knew if Spot stayed at his groin he would come soon. Apparently, Spot sensed the same and withdrew from the throbbing member. The cold air on his cock made him shiver. "What did you do that for?" he asked, in between pants. "Now comes the fun part," Spot said. "You mean that wasn't the fun part?" "This is different. I want you to dock me." Leonard looked puzzled. Spot knew he would have to show his master one of the most erotic experiences a dog, or human, can have. He rolled over onto his back, exposing his genitals, still completely soft. "Okay, listen very carefully. You must do everything I say, exactly as I say, or this will not work." "Gotcha," Leonard replied. "Alright, straddle my chest facing away from me." The boy climbed onto the bed and gently sat down on Spot's stomach. Through his fur he felt the soft skin of his buttocks, and the pendulous weight of the small scrotum. Leonard continued to stroke himself as he sat. "Good boy. Now, do you see my sheath, Leonard?" "You know, I'm not a second-grader anymore. You can talk to me like a normal person. Yeah, I see your sheath. I've always liked that. Can I touch it?" "NO! Not yet, Lenny boy. The point is for you to have fun right now, okay?" "Okay." "Good. Now the sheath, that's where you're going to stick your dick." Leonard looked back at his dog questioningly. Spot nodded and said, "I'm giving you something special here. This isn't something I can do often, and when a dog gets to show his love to his master by letting himself be docked, well, let's just say this is a very rare occurrence." Leonard bowed his head for a moment, and when he lifted it again his eyes were misted over. "I love you, Spot," he whispered. "So much." "Ditto kid, more than you'll ever know." Spot's voice was thick with emotion. At once Leonard turned around and touched the furry pouch before him. How Spot had managed to stay soft this long he couldn't figure out. He wanted so much to rub that sheath over his face, watch as inch by inch he coaxed the doggy cock out and into his mouth. That would have to come later. Right now, his prick ached for release. He took it by the base and touched the head to Spot's sheath opening. It was warm and pliable, and he could almost feel Spot's heartbeat through the skin and fur. Applying pressure, he pushed his way into a tunnel of searing hot flesh and throbbing blood. His whole length slid into the sheath until his stomach touched the end. Both gasped loudly. Their senses ignited, running ripples of pleasure through both bodies. "Go, Leonard, GO! I can't hold it in forever!" Spot almost yelled. Leonard felt the canine member hardening next to his, trapping both cocks in the sheath. Leonard grasped both through the blue fur and started jacking both of them off. The loose skin slid easily around the shafts. Suddenly, Spot's knot swelled until most movement was prevented. Leonard still wasn't done. He pulled Spot's legs up and leaned on the dog's knees for support. He couldn't pull out if he tried. Until Spot came, there was no escape. The boy pumped his hips fiercely, grinding against the canine prick with abandon. Spot wriggled on the bed underneath him in absolute bliss. This was only the second time he had been docked, and the first time didn't even compare to the feelings Leonard was giving him right now. His growing maleness trapped by the swollen knot, it stayed stationary while Leonard's dick thrust back and forth inside him. The boy clearly needed to get off, and quick. He would soon, by the sounds coming from his throat. Leonard's balls tickled. He knew what was coming, and it was him. As the waves built up, he increased his frantic fucking. Soon he lost all control as his senses exploded, blacking out his vision. His dick became over-sensitive and he pulled out, jerking the rest of his orgasm through to the end. He settled back onto Spot and relaxed, noticing that both his and Spot's groins were wet and dripping from the dog's cock. Spot, especially, was soaked in sweat and precum, which still drizzled from the four inches of his cock which now lay exposed on his belly. The dog pulled his sheath down the rest of the way, exposing the knot, and sighed in relief. "Now that...that, was fun," Leonard gasped. "Did you come as hard as I did?" "I haven't yet," Spot returned. "No-no way!" The boy panted, not believing his dog could have lasted through that barrage. "Do you know what a mess that would have made if I had shot all over the bed? You know, you would be the one to get in trouble, Leonard Helperman. It's not like I can say, 'it was me ma'am, you've got dog cum on your son's sheets, but don't ask me why'." Leonard relaxed a bit. "You've got a point," he said. "So how are you going to take care of this?" Spot leaned over, laying himself on top of Leonard. "That, my dear boy, is where you come in. I need you to prop that little butt of yours on some pillows and spread 'em. I'll do the rest. Trust me, you'll like this too." Leonard shrugged and silently lay prone on the bed, his most intimate of areas exposed to the ministrations of his pet. He waited, wondering if Spot could top what he had already done. He thought about the dog's genius performance at school, and didn't doubt it. His thoughts were interrupted when Spot placed his head in between his legs like a doctor delivering a baby. "I feel silly like this," he said to the ceiling. "You won't in a minute, pal. Now just keep looking up and relax." Controlling his breathing, Leonard let his entire body go limp and gave control over to Spot. The dog lowered his head again, and sniffed around the boy's balls. He nuzzled them gently, smiling when Leonard jerked at his cold nose. He stuck out his tongue and slowly, laboriously, gave a long gentle lick all the way from the pink hole to the bottom of his stomach. A soft moan from above told the dog his master was enjoying himself. Next he focused on the boy's tight ring, marveling at the lack of hair and how smooth it was. He traced the puckered hole with the tip of his long tongue, feeling the tiny folds of skin spasm. Pulling Leonard's buttocks far apart with his paws, he used his thumbs (now he had thumbs, conveniently enough) to spread the flesh enough to just barely part the hole. Building up a good supply of dog spit, he lubed the opening and spread it around. Once Leonard was nice and slippery, Spot let go of the buttocks and extended his index finger. "What exactly do you plan to-OW!" Leonard started, but cut himself off when his ass was invaded by a furry finger. "God, that's supposed to feel good?" Spot started thrusting with his finger, loosening the boy up a little. "Not this, but wait until I get two in." Leonard couldn't believe it. Just how many fingers would Spot have to stick in him? At any rate, he was finding it difficult to remain comfortable with his bowels being massaged from the inside. Meanwhile, Spot had switched to two fingers, the index and middle. This time when he pushed, both fingers slid in easily. He crossed them and repeated the thrusting movements. He knew what to expect next. Turning his paw to face palm up, he shoved his fingers as far as they would go, and pulled up and back, satisfied when he felt the outline of the boy's prostate with his short claws. Leonard stopped breathing. His legs ignited into pleasure. Somehow, Spot had hit-well-a spot inside of him that felt like nothing had ever felt before. His cock was harder than ever, the head swollen and purple. He felt for it and frantically began jerking off in an attempt to relieve the building pressure. Spot noticed Leonard's involuntary muscle spasms as he tried to climax again. He reached up and slapped the boy's hand away from his cock. "Hey!" He said in protest. " I need to get off, now!" "Not yet, be patient," Spot said in a soothing tone. "I have a feeling. Now, don't move or touch anything or I'll end up hurting you, and I don't want that." The dog removed his fingers from the hole, still pulsing with readiness. Leonard relaxed as the pleasure left his body, and gave Spot a clear shot for entry. Grasping his waist, the dog shuffled his hips forward and placed the tip of his doghood at the now glistening and wide-open hole in front of it. "Now, this may hurt at first, but that'll go away in no time." Before Leonard could react, Spot had shoved the entire five inches of hot flesh into the virgin passage. All of a sudden he felt like he had to take the biggest crap of his life, but the feeling subsided into a hot throb in his ass. Spot held still a moment to adjust himself in the boy's rectum. Once he was satisfied with his position he looked down at his master and smiled. Leonard smiled back. Slowly he pulled back, moving his entire body along his friend's and thrust into him. He made sure that every thrust was deep enough to hit Leonard's prostate and make his feel the utmost pleasure of the fuck. Lost in his own emotions, Leonard closed his eyes and reveled in the feeling of being totally out of control, in the paws of another. By giving his body to his pet, he had signified his complete trust and solidified their bond as mates. All of this was in the back of his mind as he lowered his head to look down at the animal humping him, and vaguely realized that the head of his cock was now dripping clear fluid. A small bead of it shined at the slit, and it wasn't urine. Spot could feel himself peaking already. He smelled everything in the room: two sweaty male bodies, dirty laundry, the faint cinnamon wafting through the vents, everything. He decided it was high time to tie the knot and push through to the finish. "Yo, Leonard." He spoke up and looked down at his master. "Yeah?" came the reply, although the boy was more busy watching a droplet of precum ooze down from his cock and touch his chest, warm and sticky. "Try to push me out." "Why? I though you wanted-" "Just do it, quick." "Whatever," Leonard said, and clenched down, trying to push the canine's member out of his ass. Spot felt for the right moment, and pushed hard when Leonard's muscles automatically relaxed as he tried to push out. His knot breached the sphincter wall and the boy's anus formed back around it like an airtight door, effectively locking them together. Leonard grunted at the new intruder, something that filled his whole rear end and felt like it had to be tearing something, but there was no pain. There was only intense pleasure, as Spot increased his thrusts and tried to pound his ass but not moving very far. Soon Spot was panting literally like a dog. Powerful hind legs shoved his maleness into the well-abused hole repeatedly, his climax on its way fast. Leonard stared in amazement at the head of his small cock, a trail of fluid leaking from the slit to his stomach, making a small puddle of stickiness at his groin. Ever so often it would jump, and another drop would issue forth onto his skin. He pushed hard, trying to put as much pressure on Spot's cock, give him the best feeling possible. He needed release too, and fast. He got his wish when Spot stuck out his tongue and flicked under his scrotum, one of the more sensitive areas on his body. He couldn't hold back, especially with the constant friction on his prostate. He kept his hands at his sides and let it come freely, not wanting to spoil the moment. His cock began to spasm, and for the second time that night he came, hard. But this time as he struggled to watch from slitted eyes at the organ which now spewed long thick streams of semen over his head, onto the bed, and onto him. One hot shot landed directly in his gaping mouth, but he hardly noticed. Five more times fluid exited his boyhood until the flow subsided to a dribble. Spot had gotten what he needed from Leonard's hard orgasmic clenching around his member. He pounded into climax, the rectal walls floating away from his shaft as he flooded the boy's colon. The feeling was constant, as his cock didn't shoot in spurts as much as flow like a hose. At last he subsided and lay himself down on the sweaty and cum-stained chest below him. Leonard took one of the dog's ears into his mouth and sucked it absently. "Was that your feeling?" Leonard asked in between nibbles. "Yes. Yes, that was it. For the longest time I couldn't place it, because I'd never smelled it before. When I finally realized you were just about ready to come-I mean really come-for the first time, I wanted to make it special. I think I succeeded." "Oh, you did. Don't worry. So, how long until you can pull out?" "Usually about ten minutes, but I could do it now. It would take a lot of pulling, but-" "Okay, let's pull." Leonard turned around onto all fours and waited for Spot to do the same. Both pulled in opposite directions, and the dog's knot slowly gave way under the pressure. With a wet pop, the tie was freed and the two separated, sitting on the bed facing one another. Spot was the first to speak. "I'm sorry if I was too forward today, about this whole...thing," he said, looking at the floor. "But you walked in on me, and the fact of me being able to tell you how I feel...well, that just made it al the more exciting." "I'm glad you did this for me on my first day, so to speak. Not every guy gets to share this with his pet." "You have to know I'm no ordinary pet, Leonard. You could say I'm human, even." "I wouldn't go that far." "Oh? And can an ordinary human do this?" Spot asked, and took Leonard's entire crotch into his muzzle, cleaning it with an expert tongue. "No *pant*, I guess not," the boy said breathlessly, still in the afterglow. Spot paused before moving up to clean the boy's bare chest. "Like I said, we need to do this more often." "Definitely. Just call it an after-school special," Leonard said, reaching over to fondle the furry sheath into hardness once again. ~FIN~

Mile Marker 84, Pt. 2

Author's Note: This story is a work of furry fiction containing sexual acts between two male characters. If this squicks you, you're free to leave. Otherwise, enjoy to your heart's content. Feedback welcome to...

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Mile Marker 84, Pt. 1

Author's Note: This story is a work of furry fiction containing sexual acts between two male characters. If this squicks you, you're free to leave. Otherwise, enjoy to your heart's content. Feedback welcome to...

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Circles and its characters are © to Andrew French, Steve Domanski, and Scott Fabianek. All rights reserved. The following story contains non-consensual liaisons of a mature nature between two male characters. If you don't like it or are too young,...

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