First Dance

Story by Whyte Yote on SoFurry

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Circles and its characters are © to Andrew French, Steve Domanski, and Scott Fabianek. All rights reserved.

The following story contains mature material involving two male characters, and is intended for those of age. If you don't like it or are too young, what the hell are you doing here?

Feedback always welcome to [email protected]

"First Dance" ©MMIII Whyte Yoté

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Marty put his head into his hands and moaned. "I can't believe you talked me into this, Taye."

"Believe it or not, you're going. It's not like you should be worried or anything. You'll be with me." The roo put a hand on Marty's shoulder, lightly twisting a suspender as he spoke. "You wanted to try to come out a little more, didn't you? One of the best spots to have fun, not to mention pick up cute guys, is at a club. You need to have fun with yourself, Marty. It's the only way to get out and meet people. Well, aside from Queers Anonymous."

"Funny guy! HA! You see what I go through to please you? Okay, I'll give it a chance, for you."

Taye shook his head. "If you have to do it for me, there's no point in going. Rule number one for dating me is you don't ever have to please me. You please yourself, and nobody else. Get it?"

"Got it."

"Good. And rule number two: if anyone else tries to hit on you, I'll come over and beat 'em up. 'Kay?"

"Um...possessive, aren't we? How about I just say I'm taken. It won't be a lie, will it?"

"I hope not. I don't mean to be all over you or anything, it's just the way I am. People call me hyper."

Marty rolled his eyes. "I can't possibly imagine why anyone would say that!" he said in sarcastic surprise. "If you start to make me uncomfortable, I'll tell you. But that probably won't happen unless you start spooning me or something."

"Hey, give me some credit here," Taye said as he brushed his grey fur to a sheen. If you only knew, he thought. "All I want is your happiness, your comfort, and your unconditional love." He smiled widely.

Marty threw his hands up in exasperation. "Note to self: buy tranquilizers for Taye. No use in calming him with words," he huffed. Taking his suspenders off, he let his shorts fall to the floor.

Taye couldn't help but look up. God knows how much he wanted to get in those boxer-briefs, how many different fantasies he had conjured up when the skunk wasn't in the room. He was saddened that Marty was unsure of himself when if came to intimacy, but he looked forward to that long, intense first night ahead, when he would show Marty just what it was to be sexual, and male. He shuddered.

"You cold?" the skunk said, coming over to sit on the bed next to the roo, also sans vêtements.

"A little. I wish we could control the thermostat more than we can now. Every time Paulie changes his, the air comes right through here. And he thinks he's hot all the time."

"He is hot. Oh, you meant the temperature. Well, if it gets too chilly, I have enough heat for the both of us." Once again, Marty had managed to work his size into the conversation.

Taye leaned over and put his head on the black-and-white chestfur, feeling just how warm he was. He smelled nice. "Good heat, good pillow, what else could a guy want? Hey, missy, you better get your ass in gear if you don't want to pay the cover. All I need to do is throw something on."

"Okay, but I need some fashion advice. What do you think of this?" he said, holding up a white T-shirt.

"Plain city. What do you have that's more vibrant, more bold, more gay? Come on, blow me away."

Marty's head disappeared into the closet as he searched for the perfect shirt. Most of his things were pretty plain, as he had never worried about going dancing before. He pulled out his peach shirt that seemed to be pink to everyone else, but quickly sifted past it when he came across something he had never worn before: a bright purple camp shirt with flowers down the front and back in vivid black lines. He took it off the hanger and held it out for Taye to see.

The roo practically squealed in delight when he saw the shirt, held against Marty's chest. "How did you manage that, in your wardrobe? It's absolutely stunning! Put it on, put it on, put it on!"

Marty pulled the shirt over his shoulders and started to button it. "Birthday present, two years ago. My mom told me it was the final test to see if I was gay. She saw my face when I opened it up, and it sealed the deal, for her at least. That day, she bet my dad I was gay, and he accepted. I've never worn it until today, but I don't know why." He finished buttoning and did a slow turn in the middle of the room. "So, do I really look good in this?"

"Honey, you look good in anything. Positively gorgeous. I envy you in that shirt. Here, throw these on and we'll get going." Taye tossed the skunk a pair of khaki pants, wrinkled from being on the floor. Marty shrugged and did as he was told. After a quick check in the mirror, he gave Taye a thumbs-up and they headed out into the night.

* * *

The cab ride was as uneventful as it was short. In no time the two were standing in front of The Back Door, one of Boston's premier nightclubs. The Back Door was named as such for its nonexistent exterior signage and one entrance in a side alley, marked only by a single neon sign lit in rainbow letters.

Marty nervously cracked his knuckles as they neared the dark stairway that led down into the club. Taye, who had his arm around Marty's waist, gave him a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't worry so damn much. It used to be that if people looked at you, it was because they thought you were weird and were judging you. Now, if people stare, they're only checking you out."

"You say 'only' like it's no big deal. I'll be lucky if I get a glance."

"Always the pessimist. You'd be surprised at the way it is in there. It's a whole 'nuther world. You'll have a good time, I promise."

They walked up to the bouncer at the club, a tall and very big wolf. The lupine looked down at them and spoke in a soft brown voice. "Identification, gentlemen?" The furs pulled out their ID's and presented them to the bouncer, who scrutinized them closely.

"C'mon, Duncan, you know me. I don't see why you have to card me every time I come here."

Duncan shot back, "You don't tell me how to ID club patrons and I won't tell you how to serve food. Besides, your buddy here's a minor. He needs a wristband."

"Touché," Taye conceded. "Hook him up and let us in, will ya?"

The wolf smiled. "Yeah, sure. Hold out your right hand, please." He took Marty's wrist in his hands and snapped a yellow band on it. Printed in large red letters were the words UNDER 21. Marty sighed, wishing he were more grown up. Taye saw the skunk's embarrassment and leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"You know what? As soon as your birthday rolls around, you'll see just how overrated drinking is. That yellow abhorrence is the only way they can serve people 18 and up. Otherwise, you'd have nowhere to go. Here, I got you something to match that," he said and pulled something out of his pocket, which he quickly hid behind his back. "Don't look until I tell you!"

Marty closed his eyes, and soon felt Taye's hands reach across and meet at the back of his neck. He felt a snap, and Taye's hands retreated.

"Okay, now you can look."

Marty opened his eyes, and turned to look into a mirror, conveniently placed in the stairwell outside the club. On his neck, bright amidst his black fur, was a collar. It was about an inch wide, the dark leather partially covered in fur. Tiny metal studs glinted in the flashing light escaping the club's door, lined up proudly in a neat little row. His eyes went from the collar to his face, taking the whole picture in. It looked good on him. It was something no straight fur would wear in a million years, and it looked good on him.

"You like?" Taye asked. Expectancy shined in his eyes.

Marty knew he was blushing, but he was too happy to care. "Oh, Taye, it's wonderful! It's the most thoughtful gift anyone's ever given to me. really looks good there, doesn't it?"

"That's because it belongs there, sweetheart," Taye cooed, and hugged the skunk from behind. Marty looked up again, both of their faces in the mirror. "I said that you look good in anything, didn't I? Take it from me, the self-proclaimed fashion queen. I don't lie, and I know what I like."

Marty ran his fingers over the studs, admiring how they seemed to glow in the darkness. "Let's dance."

* * *

The air pulsed around him, bristling his fur and pounding at his ears. At first Marty had to lay them flat against his head to keep from going deaf, but he slowly adjusted to the high volume and deep bass.

There was not a single fur standing still in the place. Even at the bar, some part of everyone tapped away the beat. The atmosphere was surreal in that nothing natural existed in the room. The light, the stroboscopic flares, the strawberry-scented smoke: all of it manufactured for pure fun.

Taye sauntered up to the bar to motion for help. He turned to Marty. "What do you want to drink?"




"I SAID, WHAT DO-oh fuck it, my friend will have a soda, doesn't matter what. Martini for me," he said to the bartender. He started a tab and brought the drinks back to Marty, who had seated himself at a table near the dance floor.

"Thanks," Marty said, and took a sip. The furs sat and drank slowly for awhile, Taye checking for people he knew and Marty just scanning the room, trying to take in the whole thing. All around him were bodies in motion, packed close on a floor, all moving to the same tempo. Most were male, but there were a few girls mixed in too.

Taye picked up on Marty's thoughts. "Yeah, straight people come here too. You know, some to see how the 'other side' get their kicks, others just because it's a change of pace from the straight scene."

"Oh. That's pretty cool, actually. I had no idea that this would seem so...well, so normal."

Taye laughed. "That's something I'll never have. I knew I was gay all my life, and I had the boyfriends to prove it. I was never really single when I was younger. You, on the other hand, are just coming out-and, consequently, coming in-to this shebang, all with a completely opposite perspective. It's refreshing. Hey, you want to play some pinball?" The roo pointed to a lone machine in the corner.

Marty nodded. "I'll get some quarters. Meet you there." He walked up to the bar and waited for the bartender, who came over and took his money to be changed. While he leaned on the counter waiting, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around, and was surprised when it wasn't Taye who was behind him.

"Hi," the rabbit said. "I'm Shawn. How's it going?"

"Er-fine, just fine," the skunk stuttered, squirming.

"What do you expect to get over here with that wristband? Do you need a drink or something?"

Marty paused, searching for words. Was this guy hitting on him? "No, but thanks anyway. Just getting change for pinball." He gestured to the machine, where Taye fingered the buttons absentmindedly.

Shawn glanced in the same direction. Not seeming to get the connection between the two, the rabbit turned back to Marty. "Wanna dance? I'm a little hot, but then again, aren't we all?"

Marty knew he should be annoyed, but he wasn't in the least. If anything, he was flattered. He had never thought that anyone besides Taye would have found him attractive. It was almost too bad to turn him down. "I really should get back to my friend; he's waiting for me. Raincheck?"

"Hold you to it." Shawn turned and walked into the crowd, smoothing back his long ears over his head.

After finally retrieving his change, Marty made his way back to the pinball machine. "It's about time," he said, pseudo-irritated. "Who was the cutie? You're blushing again."

"Just some guy coming on to me, that's all." He could feel his face warming up.

"Uh-oh, do I have competition? I don't want to have to fight for you, now." The roo fell to one knee and looked up, eyes pleading. "Promise me you'll not be seduced away from me. Do that for me, will you?" His lower lip trembled.

"Oh, for God's sake. Get up and let's play. You're being completely immature."

"There lies a subtle difference between immaturity and melodrama. You just can't see it yet. Taye stood and took some quarters from Marty and put a couple in the machine. "You first."

Marty proved to be a better pinball player then he thought. Taye found himself matched ball for ball as their scores climbed higher and higher. Soon they blocked out the environment around them until the only thing that mattered was a shiny metal ball and keeping said ball in play. Marty lucked out on one play with a triple-ball score that Taye just couldn't match on his turn. He watched in desperation as his last ball rolled out of play and back into the machine.

"Dammit all to hell," he muttered under his breath. "Well, I hope you're happy. You have thoroughly whipped me. Guess you like pinball, huh?"

"I spent a lot of time at the arcade as a kid. It took a lot of quarters to get this good. People used to say I would sooner go out with a pinball machine than with a girl. Little did they know, right? Maybe it's a fetish."

"Maybe..." Taye said, rubbing his chin in thought. "What I need right now is to get my ass on that dance floor and shake my groove thang. At least I know I can outdance you."

"Especially since you also know I've never danced before. I'm telling you, I don't know about this."

"C'mon, silly." Taye took hold of Marty's arm and dragged him towards the knot of furs on the floor. "Alright, show me." The roo started a gentle back-and-forth motion with his hips, getting loose.

Marty, reluctant, tried to copy Taye's movements but only succeeded in losing the beat, and his balance. He swayed to one side, but caught himself before he fell over. Raising his hands palms out, he said, "This is stupid. I need rhythm, and I don't have any. How can all these people gyrate like this and make it look good?" He was clearly embarrassed and disgusted with himself.

Taye knew his friend would never get confident if he wasn't pushed a little. He walked around so he was behind the skunk. "Okay, twinkletoes. Don't freak out, but it seems this is the only way to do it." The roo placed his hands firmly on Marty's hips and pulled his body back so that the two were touching. Marty didn't object, so Taye continued.

"First you've got to feel the beat, and find the rhythm. Listen." They both listened for a few seconds as the music played, picking out patterns and pulses. "Now, just let your hips loose, let them swivel and go in my direction. Don't be stiff." Taye applied gentle pressure on Marty's waist, getting him to rotate to the beat. Their bodies were close enough to be considered grinding, but neither fur felt that.

"Now the arms," Taye shouted above the crowd. "They can go anywhere. Let 'em work with the rest of you. There you go!" Marty waved his arms in the air, working with the rest of his body as a balance offset. Taye could see he was doing fine, and moved away to work back around to the front.

Marty, meanwhile, couldn't believe what he was doing. The lights and music filled his whole body, which thrust and jerked in time to the beat. His gaze fixed on the far wall, where TV screens broadcast the action for everyone to see. All he wanted to do was dance, and dance hard. Sweat flew off his head in showers of small beads. Even though he had never tried drugs, much less smoked a cigarette, he could swear he felt high.

All of a sudden, Taye moved back into his fiend of vision, obviously down with his bad self as well. The skunk strained to hear above the din: "TOLD YOU YOU WOULD LIKE IT! HOW DOES IT FEEL?"

Marty searched for words to express what the roo had done for him. It may have been a small gesture of friendship, but it had opened up yet another door in his mind and unlocked something else he could do but never had the chance until tonight. Unable to find anything to say, he rushed over to Taye and threw his arms around him, hugging him fiercely. His muzzle buried in the grey fur of the roo's neck, he inhaled deeply. God, he smells good! he thought. He pulled back and continued dancing, not missing a step.

Taye stood stock still, in shock. "Well...I guess that answers that question. Glad to be of service." Marty just smiled back and kept on moving.

* * *

They burst out the door and into the cool night. Taye wobbled slightly from a couple too many drinks, but Marry stabilized him as they climbed the stairs up to street level. "I can safely say that tonight was an unqualified success," the roo said, speech slightly slurred. "You just wait till Halloween."

Marty panted, "You bet! I have never, ever, had that much fun. For once, I wasn't self-conscious. We were all the same in there. Girls used to shy away from me, but in there..." his voice trailed off. He didn't need to finish.

"Yeah, it's a great feeling, alright. You mind if we walk home? I want to sober up a little."

"Sure," the skunk replied, and paused to peel off his shirt, which was soaked through with perspiration. Taye watched with unhidden interest. Though it was only early Fall, and the night was still balmy, Marty fairly glowed in the streetlights as the heat of his body steamed off into the air.

The walk home went quickly, and Taye managed to regain his balance by the time he put his key in the lock and swung the door inward. He flicked on the wall switch, bathing the kitchen and bedroom in light. Marty threw his shirt in the hamper and started to undress. "First dibs on the shower," he called in a singsong voice.

"You go ahead. I need to lay down. Boy, never gonna do that again. Oh, wait-yes I will!" he laughed and flopped onto the bed.

Marty walked, naked, into the bathroom and turned on the water, letting it warm to the touch. As the steam rose to the ceiling, he checked himself in the mirror. He looked good, for a change. His eyes sparkled, his skin had more color, and his fur had taken on a more glossy sheen. He didn't know one night could have such a drastic effect.

He turned and walked back to the bedroom. "Hey, Taye. I just wanted to thank-oh." In the few minutes since they had entered the apartment, Taye had thrown his clothes to the floor and collapsed on the bed, sprawled face down and barely awake. He breathed deeply into the pillows.


Marty tiptoed over to him, bent down and whispered into one long ear: "Thanks. I had fun. I think we both did." He pecked the roo's forehead and returned to the shower. As he stepped in and let the hot water run over his body, he couldn't help but look forward to tomorrow. Good things are happening, he thought. I hope more good things happen. I wouldn't have it any other way.




The shower proved to be more than adequate to cool him off and ease his pains. Marty knew he would wake up stiff and sore tomorrow morning, but that didn't matter anymore. What mattered more was that he had progressed one more step into the gay lifestyle.

He had thought he had gotten over his general naiveté, but that was before he moved into 6 Kinsey Circle. Now that his family knew, he wanted to come out more, but little by little. He hoped Taye would help him do that. The last thing he wanted to do was make mistakes.

He turned the knob on the shower to the left, and felt the water rise in temperature. The bathroom wallowed in a sea of mist. Marty's headfur fell into his eyes, and he closed them. Leaning forward and propping himself up on the back wall, he let his back soak in the near-scalding heat. Rivulets poured through the twin white trails of his back, soaking his tail, which by now had become so heavy he couldn't hold it up. It drooped downward lazily.

The skunk let his mind wander to thoughts of the roo in the next room. What would his first time with a guy feel like? When would that be? More importantly, would it be at all? He didn't know what it took to maintain a relationship, but he knew Taye would take care of that. Taye was the dominant one, after all, whether he chose to be or not. It seemed to be the nature of then both, to fit together in the way that pieces of a jigsaw puzzle always do.

And Taye kept creeping into his mind's periphery, hovering on his eyelids whenever he closed them. Especially in the shower, when he had time to clear his head and think about his life. He walked up to Marty, held him close, and whispered in one perked ear: "Take me, big boy." The skunk was mildly aware of his friend's hand methodically squeezing and releasing his crotch.

The roo pulled back and was suddenly kneeling on the bed, pink erection jutting stiffly from between his thighs. He absently rolled the head in his index and middle fingers, while the left traveled his chest, tweaking a nipple every so often.

Marty floated on air over to Taye, who seemed to pull him with those eyes of his. Soon he sat on the bed next to his friend, less then two feet from that hard shaft.

Taye turned around and kneeled forward, resting his body on his elbows and raising his tail high, so it made a graceful arc over his back and touched his neck. There it was: the thing he wanted the most, his friend submitting totally and trustfully for him, telling him he was special and important enough to control another living being, at least for awhile.

Without thinking he leaned in closer to the roo's tailhole, tentatively extending his tongue and waiting for the taste of male...when he was wrenched back to reality by an ice-cold deluge from above. The hot-water heater had apparently run out of warm water, and Marty had been in the shower entirely too long. Cursing in Hebrew, he grabbed for the knob and shoved it closed to halt the chilling flow. Any erection he might have had before had long since retreated back into his body.

Drying himself off with a towel, he felt pangs of guilt for what he had just done. He felt dirty thinking about his friend in such a way without asking first. He had no justification for his actions, except sexual attraction, which was too honest to deny. It was almost like having an affair with a fantasy.

After he had sufficiently dried himself, he left the bathroom without putting anything on, since they had both agreed on sleeping in the nude. "Taye, I'm sorry about the water-" The skunk held the rest of his sentence in, having looked up to discover the roo was already asleep. He still lay spread out on the sheets, left hand behind his head.

Where the right hand lay caught Marty's attention. Upon closer inspection, he saw the fingers were curled around the roo's sheath. He smiled at the cute sight, but gasped in shock when he got a closer look at his friend. Multiple stains matted his fur in small clumps. Taye was covered in cum, still fresh and wet. A large glob rested on the end of his nose, slowly dripping down into his half-open mouth. More shots riddled his neck and upper chest, and they lengthened to sticky trails as they approached Taye's crotch. There, a small puddle of rooseed soaked the grey fur on and around his hand, glistening at the slit of his sheath.

Marty couldn't believe it. He gawked at his friend, unable to comprehend the fact that less than five minutes earlier, while he fantasized in the shower, Taye lay on the bed pawing himself off to a climax that was obviously so intense that the afterglow had knocked him out. Not only that, there was only one thing Taye could have been thinking of, and it was him.

He wasn't surprised anymore, but happy that he had been the source of such a powerful thing and that he had that affect on his friend. He felt warm all over, the cold end to his shower all but forgotten as he gently lowered himself under the covers beside the sleeping Taye and breathed in his scent. Curious, he took a finger and wiped the roo's nose clean, brought it to his lips, and tasted it. He felt naughty, but thought he was justified enough for it.

The cum tasted just like his friend smelled, slightly sweet and a little cinnamony. At the same moment, he realized he had never tasted himself before. He was silently pondering when he would get the chance when Taye grunted softly and shifted next to him in the bed and effectively pinning him down. The skunk sighed to himself contentedly and closed his eyes, savoring the taste in his mouth and wondering what the next day would bring.


Perks of the Job

DISCLAIMER: Although this story is © me, the characters are © the Disney Corporation. All situations and actions, whether possible or impossible, no matter how cool it would be, are purely fiction and coincidental. Just covering my butt, folks....

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Returning the Favor

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