Weregryphon In Rut - Shade Gryphon TF

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A commission + Patreon expansion for espio1 with a TF of myself into the gryphon version of Shade, as a follow-up to an older commission of theirs.

Enjoy, and if you want to see more stories like this (or put a vote in on what you'd like to see me write), get early access to stories ahead of public posting, maybe join my Discord server, or just support my writing in general, please consider supporting my treonicon!


Shade (C) MyselfConcept (C) ivanksDesign (C)

Posted using PostyBirb

"Mmmphh...." Skye grumbled, eyes slowly fluttering open as shi woke up. Shi dug hir taloned claws into the ground, stretching hirself as she looked around, trying to spot if hir partner was there. There didn't appear to by any sign of him, outside of a note that had been left near the nest, written out neatly (which was a surprise in and of itself, given their claws).

'Gone hunting, will be back by nightfall.'

"Heh, that Azreal..." Shi chuckled - the powerful weregryphon was never one to keep confined in his lair for too long, especially when it came down to gathering food for the two of them to eat. "He should take a break sometime, I'm surprised he's never run out of stamina doing all this!" She added with a smirk. "Then again, he never usually runs out of stamina doing other things..."

It had been quite a few moons since Skye first encountered Azreal. Of course, shi was a human being during that first encounter, and it was through him that shi had been turned into the gryphoness shi is now. And yet, despite the fact that she was technically a weregryphoness, shi had yet to return to being a human. Whilst there were many reasons for why that could have been, the most logical one that both shi and Azreal had came to was that Skye became pregnant not too long after their first meet-up, and shi wasn't able to shift back into a human until such time where shi had laid his eggs.

That time had long since come and passed, the chicks that had been hatched having left the nest to learn to fend for themselves, though they did come back every so often. Maybe Skye had been in hir feathery form for so long that shi'd simply forgotten that shi could revert if necessary.

"I'm sure it won't be too long before he makes his return. He always comes back with the good stuff, so it'll be worth the wait!"


Skye continued to wait around in hir nest, still wondering where Azreal was. "He's not normally this late... did something happen to him, or is he really taking his time looking for food?" Shi pondered, getting to hir feet. "Maybe I should go look for him." Shi got back to hir feet, heading away from the nest.

"I do hope that he's... ghhh..." Skye froze on the spot, hir body trembling as an odd sensation flowed through hir, fur and feathers bristling. "Mmrrwwrkk..." Shi huffed, quivering, hir sheath swelling, the tip of hir barbed shaft poking through. The need to breed was running through her, and her partner was nowhere to be found.

"Damnit, kkrwwrkk..." Shi growled, looking out towards the cave's entrance. Hir ears twitched as shi picked up on the sound of footsteps, slightly muffled, and only one set in unison, as opposed to two sets working together. "A human... hrm..." A devious smirk crossed hir beak - perhaps, in the absence of Azreal, another partner could be sought for what she needed. Without as much of a second thought, shi leapt out of the cave and into the moonlight.

"Man, feels good to get out of the house again..." The human said to himself, taking in a deep breath as he looked up at the night sky. "That had to be the most painful week of my life, and that wasn't just from being sick!" He added with a chuckle. Indeed, he had kept to himself over the last seven days due to being ill, alongside not wanting to potentially spread it to other people, but there was only so much entertainment one could bring themselves being stuck in one place for an extended period of time.

He sat down upon a nearby bench, idly looking to the sky in the process - there were barely any clouds, leaving him with an uninterrupted look at the starry sights above him. "Still, I'm back to full health now, and that's the important thing!" He smiled. "I don't even remember the last time I left the house in the evening to do some stargazing, but I really picked a great night for it!"

As he continued to admire the stars, Skye silently crept around, hiding hirself behind the bushes and trees, wanting to get as close to the human as shi could without startling him or revealing hirself too soon. As much as shi needed someone to mate with, it had to be consensual.

"Hrm... you don't look too bad..." Shi mumbled under hir breath, eying the human up from behind the bushes. He didn't look too special, but at the same time, shi didn't feel like being too choosy, especially with hir current needs. They'd end up fitting the role of an ideal partner eventually, so what did it really matter? "Yes, I think you'll do perfectly!" Shi giggled, leaping out from hiding, gracefully landing before the sitting human.

"Woah, what the?!" He gasped, the large, avian creature taking him by surprise.

"Sorry for the sudden entrance!" Skye smirked. "Normally it's something I'd take a little more time in making, but I have my reasons as to why I've cut to the chase!"

"YYou're.. A gryphon?" He asked, looking at Skye - he wasn't expecting hir to have several rows of breasts alongside a juicy, throbbing shaft, but then again, he wasn't expecting to see a real, live gryphon, either.

"In the feathers~" Shi chirped. "You like what you see?"

"Well, uh, I mean..." He was obviously flustered at the sight of the beast, and was trying to process everything.

"You know what, I'll count that as a yes!" Shi laughed, moving in closer. "I take it I'm not interrupting anything either, am I?"

"N...no?" He responded.

"Perfect..." Shi grinned. "Would you like me to cut to the chase?"

"That... might be appreciated." He nodded.

"Great! To keep it short and sweet, my partner's done a vanishing act and I don't know when he's gonna be back. I'm also in something akin to what you'd call heat, and I need someone to screw. Since he's not around, and I'm fairly urgent, how would you like to spend a night with a real, live gryphoness?"

"Uuuhhh..." He gulped, looking at Skye, noticing that hir breasts were swaying from side to side with each step shi took. "That's... quite an offer, miss..."

"Call me Skye~" Shi chirped.

"Peter." The human followed up.

"Well then, Peter - there's no other human around in the immediate vicinity, and I'd prefer the partner of my choice to be ready and willing, so what do you say?"

"It's.... It's an option, I suppose..." He pondered. "But I don't think I'd be able to compare to another gryphon! Hell, if anything I'd feel woefully inadequate!" He added.

"Trust me, I wouldn't worry about that..." Skye stepped in closer still. "So, would you like to keep me company until Azreal returns, Peter?"

"Is Azreal your mate? Won't he get jealous or even... try to kill me?" Peter gulped.

"Not at all!" Shi beamed. "I can see you're having a few doubts about this, so why don't I sweeten this deal a little bit?"

"What can you offer me? You don't look like you're carrying anything!"

"Heh... well I haven't been totally honest with you up to this point. I'm not a normal gryphon, I'm a weregryphon!" Shi smirked from ear to ear. "Do you think that a plain gryph would be THIS well endowed?" Shi showed off hir goods in full detail to Peter.

"I... can't really answer that, as I've never seen a real gryphon before tonight!"

"Hrm... I guess that backfired a little." Skye's ears drooped. "Still, being a weregryphon, I'm more than capable of passing this 'curse' onto you!"

"You can 'curse' me?" His ears seemed to perk up at that statement.

"Yeah! I can give you a little peck, bite, or scratch, or I can let you mount me and have the changes start from there!"

"Am I to guess that mounting you is the least painful option?"

"Obviously! I mean I wouldn't put too much pressure into a bite, peck, or scratch, but getting atop of me is likely to have the quickest result of the four!"

"If that's the case... and you're sure he won't mind?" Peter asked.

"Why would he mind? He's the one who turned me into what I am now, after all! If anything, I think he'd enjoy the concept of having another gryphon to play around with, wouldn't you say?"

"You've got a point... eh, what the hell?" He said with a smile. "I'm down for it!"

"Perfect!" Skye happily screeched. "Now, let's get you out of these clothes!" Shi approached him, eager to tear them clean off.

"I better keep these aside for when I revert, just in case I do so away from home!" He stopped hir, quickly removing his clothing, placing them in a neat pile which he then stuffed into his bag.

"You'll find out that it might end up being a big 'if', I've spent the last few months in my current form due to reasons I'll get to later on!" Skye told Peter, looking over his naked form. "And hrm, not too bad for a human~"

"Thanks, though really, I'm nothing special..." He responded.

"I'm sure we can fix that fairly quickly, dear." Shi turned away from him, presenting hir raised rump to the human, her furred pussy on full display.

He nodded, stepping up behind hir, placing his hands gently on hir thighs. His shaft was already rising to attention at the sight of the presenting gryphoness, and without further hesitation, he started to thrust into Skye's folds.

"Rwwrrkk!" Shi gasped out, feeling the human's modest shaft sliding inside of hir - it wasn't anyway near as big as Azreal's, so it was unlikely that it'd be able to hit all the right spots in the way that hir mate's spear did. Still, his penetration was all that was needed to kickstart the changes, an odd warmth flowing through him.

"Gghh..." He trembled, his body pulsing as pitch-black fur began to spread from his crotch and thighs, working its way over his legs. The muscles in his thighs gained some extra mass, the fur adding in some protection from the cold. His feet clicked and popped, his stance shifting ever so slightly thanks in part to all pressure in his feet moving towards his tiptoes. The big toe on each foot pulled back towards his heels whilst the other toes became larger, sharpened claws sprouting from the tip of each digit, the soles of his feet puffing out into purple pads.

"That's it, I know it might feel a little weird at first, but trust me, you'll grow to love it!" Skye assured him, a long, fur-covered tail beginning to worm its way out of the base of his spine, a thick tuft of purple fur blooming out at its tip, the feline appendage swaying about behind him.

"It feels... more intense than what I was expecting!" Peter admitted, looking at his new tail, continuing to thrust into Skye. He could feel his cock beginning to grow ever so slightly inside of hir, his body growing taller whilst the fur moved upwards, beginning to transition into a coat of fine black feathers. He never even noticed that a few purple markings were showing up along his legs and his stomach.

"Better than it being painful, I bet!" Shi laughed, bucking against the human, feeling his rod expanding. He still had a way to go before he'd reach anything close to what Skye would consider a proper partner, but he was progressing nicely, a pair of bumps pressing against his shoulderblades.

"Mmm....mmrrwrkkk...!" An odd groan left his throat when he was taken aback by a sudden swelling along his chest, his pectorals inflating outwards, growing into a massive pair of breasts, the nipples tinged dark purple. Before he could say anything else about it, three additional sets of breasts emerged from underneath. "Wh... what the heck are these?" He gawked, looking at his new assets.

"Oh yeah... I guess I should have mentioned that there was a small chance that you might end up just like me!" Skye chuckled, eying up the human's many bosoms. Hir tongue ran along hir beak at the sight of them, the human's thrusting speeding up further. The feathers travelled along his arms, stopping halfway down his elbows, the skin on his lower arms drying up, a purple hue spreading across the flesh as it hardened into scales. He could feel his hands twitching, the middle digits merging together into one, the thumb pulling back a little as they all swelled, deadly curving talons taking the place of his fingernails.

"Is that.... Kkrwrkk... bad?" He questioned hir, his claws gripping hir sides harder as he pulled himself closer, his breasts rubbing against Skye's back.

"Only if you're not into hermaphrodites, I suppose!" Shi responded with a cheeky wink, groaning as Peter's cock once again surged in size within hir, the purple coloration now spreading to it. The head reshaped itself into a pointed tip whilst the base plumped outwards into a fleshy knot, the foreskin pulling backwards, attaching itself to the underside of his stomach, providing a sheath for his dick to retreat into when it wasn't in use. His balls expanded rapidly to better match his growing cannon, fur spreading over them as they dangled between his furry thighs. "Although saying that, you may wish to prepare yourself for this next part!"

"Prepare myself for wh....whwhrraraararrRRRKKKKK!!!" A loud, bestial screech left his mouth as an intense heat gathered behind his balls, causing him to thrust erratically into Skye. His internal organs rearranged and reconfigured themselves as a pair of moist, furry lips opened up between his balls and his anus, the latter having repositioned itself to sit underneath his tail. The new vagina was already producing pheromones, the changing human's scent wafting its way over to Skye.

"Heh, you already smell so good..." Shi crowed, looking at the changing creature, a lustful expression etched upon hir face. "I think we should think up a new name for yourself as well, I'd normally save that honour for afterwards, but I think you'd benefit from having that done now!" Skye advised.

"Y...yeah..." Shi moaned, taking a look over what had become of hir body so far, the bumps on hir back growing larger, more pronounced. Additional purple markings had appeared over hir topmost pair of breasts, as well as hir back and shoulders, glowing with a somewhat magical vibe. "Mmm... how about... Shade?"

"Shade... I love it!" Skye beamed, watching as a pair of great, feathery wings erupted outwards from Shade's back, scattering feathers everywhere. The plumage that adorned them was largely black, save for purple along the bottom halves. Shi gave them a test flap, hir talons now moving to stroke along Skye's breasts, delicately fondling them.

"Mmrrwwrkk... I'm glad to hear that..." Shade moaned, hir thrusting growing faster and faster. Hir cock was still growing within Skye's folds, the knot sliding into hir with a loud, wet slurp, holding hir in place.

"FUUUCCCKKKKRRRRRRRRRRWWRRKKKKK!!!" Skye's talons dug into the ground as shi was spread wide by the transforming human, hir toes curling in pleasure. Shade was giving Azreal a run for his money, it seems, and he was no slouch!

"That... hrhrrhrh... feel good, hun?" Shade asked, hir voice shifting to a sultry, feminine tone, hir claws trailing along Skye's tits, pinching along the nipples. A thick patch of feathers grew around hir neck, his hair growing slightly longer, down towards hir shoulders. Shi stretched hirself as her upper body clicked and popped, transitioning hir into a quadruped stance, the position of hir head adjusting to sit comfortably atop his longer neck.

"Ooooohhhhhh...." Skye tried to find the words to respond with, but the sheer pleasure shi was feeling from Shade's thrusting and stroking had rendered hir nearly catatonic. Shi turned hir head around to look at Shade, watching hir head reshape itself, hir ears growing to large, feathery points, tufts of purple fur lining the innards. Hir face pushed slightly forwards, hir teeth merging within hir mouth, reforging into two sharp, solid masses that pushed out past hir lips, a softer shade of grey to contrast the black.

"Hrhwwrrkk..." Shade chirped, hir eyes fluttering as hir orgasm approached. Hir eyes moved towards the sides of hir head, the irises filling with vibrant purple, matching the markings all over hir body. Hir beak finished its growth, tongue growing longer to better fit it. "I'm gonna..." Shi leant forwards, nipping at Skye's shoulder with hir sharp beak, a screeching cry leaving it as shi came hard, flooding Skye with hir rich, potent seed.

"KKRRAAWWWWWRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!" Skye through hir head back, screeching to the heavens as shi too came, hir pussy gushing around Shade's cock, whilst hir own spear fired off in thick bursts, leaving a large puddle of cum underneath hir.

"SSKKRKRRRAAAWWWWWW!!" Shade continued cumming, filling Skye to capacity before finally coming down from hir orgasmic high, the newly-formed weregryphoness panting as shi calmed down. "Hrhhr....rhrhrhh.... Damn, that was good..."

"Ooooohhh..." Skye moaned, feeling weak in all hir legs. Shade pulled out of hir with a loud pop, causing Skye to fall forwards. "You're... you're telling me, holy cow..." She trilled, looking behind hir to get a proper look at the massive dick dangling between Shade's hind legs. "I didn't think you'd get that big!"

"Maybe it's what you wanted~" Shade winked, nuzzling against hir partner.

"H-heh, maybe..." Skye smiled, returning the nuzzle. "I know what you're capable of now, at the very least, so..."


"So why don't I show you what I'm capable of doing as well?" Skye teased, hir cock still standing at attention.

"Mmm... I suppose it's only fair~" Shade turned around, showing off hir glowing nether-lips to Skye. "Honestly, I'd be surprised if you've still got the stamina to do so after the first session!"

"Oh, I think you'll quickly find out that weregryphons are very rarely short of energy!" Shi laughed, leaping atop of Shade, hir claws resting just below hir wings as shi guided hir spear deep into the raven gryphon's feathery folds. Skye's dick was still slick from hir previous emissions, so it slid into hir partner with relative ease.

"Rrrwwrkk!" Shade yowled, feeling hir partner thrust into hir, not yet used to being penetrated in any way or form, let alone with hir new organs.

"Not being... grhrgh... too rough, am I?" Skye asked.

"N-no... just will take a little bit of getting used to this, given I was a plain male before this!" Shade responded with a laugh.

"True, true... well, I'm sure we'll ease you into it before too long!" Skye purred, resuming hir thrusting.


After a frenzied session of breaking in the new weregryphoness, the two beasts were making their way back to Skye's lair, Shade taking in hir surroundings as they got there.

"So this is where you and Azreal roost?" Shade asked, peering ahead into the cave. "It doesn't seem too bad!"

"Yeah, it's pretty good for a pair of gryphons, though if any more were to join the flock, we'd probably need to look into a bigger cavern!" Skye told hir. "As it is, we can probably get away with having another gryphon in here, unless you were to look into getting your own lair."

"I think I'll hang around here for a little bit. Granted, I may have to sneak back home to get some of my own stuff to bring in, just in case you feel like playing a few games or watching stuff... granted, we may need to look into fitting this cave up with a few generators or whatever!"

"Given how you look, I wouldn't be too surprised if you had some magic you could use - I mean all those markings have an arcane feel to them, after all!"

"Maybe!" Shade crowed. "We'll find out in due time, won't we?"

"Well well, I was starting to wonder where you'd gotten to, Skye!" Azreal's voice called from nearby, the male weregryphon walking up to greet Skye and Shade. "And it looks like you've brought a friend along as well!"

"Sorry for pulling a disappearing act - I REALLY needed to breed, and you weren't around, so I kinda went for the first human that was nearby. He didn't mind, as you can see!" Skye gestured to Shade. "Shi goes by the name of Shade!"

"I can see all too well!" He approached Shade. "You're a big beast, aren't you?" He said slyly, noticing that shi was a similar size to himself. "I should have explained to Skye that when a gryphon is in rut, it can lead to a stronger transformation for the afflicted human!"

"If that's the case, I'm honestly glad that was the outcome, then!" Shade beamed. "I do feel strong and virile, after all!"

"Mmm, and now that you're here, Shade..." He licked his beak. "Why don't the three of us have a little bit of fun?"

"What did you have in mind, dear~" Shi responded in a sly tone, running a talon along his beak.

"Oh, something me and Azreal have been waiting for a third gryphon to do!" Skye giggled, approaching Shade from the front whilst Azreal moved to Shade's back. Shade picked up on just what it was they had in mind, and shi couldn't help but smirk.

"If you're expecting me to be submissive, the two of you are going to be disappointed~" Shade teased, eying up Skye's sizable cock.

"You don't look at all to be the submissive type, not that we mind at all!" Azreal chuckled, his own great dick sliding out of its sheath, the head dribbling pre.

"Still, if the thought of a gryphon spitroast gets you all excited, who am I to say no?" Shade purred, Skye rearing up so shi could slide hir dick deep into Shade's eager beak, hir talons resting against Shade's mid-section. Azreal didn't waste any time either, guiding his cock hard into Shade's furry cunny.

"MMMRWKRWKKK!!" Shade squawked out lustfully, feeling the two gryphons taking hir from both sides. Hir beak clamped down hard around Skye's cock, tongue running along the sensitive, pulsing flesh, whilst hir rear lips clenched around Azreal's dick, using hir muscles to pull both of them in as they fucked hir.

"D-damn!" Azreal chirped, not expecting Shade to go all in so soon, his claws resting along Shade's sides. "You're.. really eager for this, aren't you?"

"What can I say?" Shade's voice was slightly muffled. "Skye got me warmed up and ready to put you to the test!"

"I did say that you were impressive when it came to your sexual prowess, after all!" Skye added, looking back to Azreal.

"Heh, well if that's what said, I'd hate for Shade to think otherwise!" He growled, thrusting into hir harder, sliding every inch of that shaft into hir.

"Mmrk... mmrrawwwrkkk..." Shade moaned, talons digging into the cold, stone surface. The markings on hir body started to shine brighter, hir eyes glowing.

"What's this?" Skye paused, taken by surprise at the sudden lightshow.

"Kkrwrkk... skrrawawrrkkkk!" A magical aura began to surround Azreal, his body pulsing as if he were about to undergo a transformation.

"Hhrh... what's... grrgghhhh!" A snarl left Azreal's beak as it elongated, the jagged points alongside it growing sharper still, followed up by a set of fangs growing within. A pair of long, curving horns jutted from atop his head, his eyes glowing intensely, sclera turning pitch-black.

"Azreal, what's happening to you?" Skye asked, watching as he grew a little bigger, his wings spreading wide. The feathers shed in various places, revealing a leathery, bat-like membrane, his wings now resembling a cross between a gryphon and a dragon. In a similar vein, some of the feathers and fur covering his body were replaced by thick, armoured scales.

"I don't know... but I like it!" Azreal hissed, his tongue long and forked. His leonine paws shifted into taloned draconic claws, spikes growing along the tip of his tail, poking past the thick fur at the tip.

"Mmrrawwrkkk~" Shade moaned, feeling Azreal's dick growing bigger still inside of hir. He had to pull out for a moment, fearing that he could end up doing damage to hir, and was surprised to see a second cock growing out alongside it, sporting the same barbs and knot as the original. The magical aura faded, leaving Azreal as a beastly mix of gryphon and dragon - a dracogryph, as it were.

"Shade..." Skye spoke in awe, looking at what shi had done to hir partner. "You've got actual magic within you, that's so cool!"

"Hehe... seems like something I may need to get under control, I didn't even plan for that to happen!" Shade responded, pulling away from Skye's shaft.

"Hey, I'm not arguing with the results here!" Azreal almost roared with laughter, his voice noticeably deeper. He saw that Shade and Skye were eying up his dual members with a lustful look. "Since I've gained a new addition, what do you say that we skip the spitroast part, and I see if I can take both of you at once?"

"Is that a challenge?" Shade teased, turning to present hirself.

"If it is, I'm sure we can both milk you for all you've got!" Skye joined in, joining Shade in offering hirself.

"Doesn't sound like there's any objections~" Azreal reared up, resting a taloned claw on the back of each gryphoness as he guided a cock into each of their pussies, the beasts screeching out in pleasure as they were taken.

"Grrghhh... oooh, you feel bigger than you did before, dear~" Skye moaned, falling forwards onto hir chest as shi was taken off-guard by the increase in size.

"Surely that's not a bad thing, is it?" Azreal squawked, feeling the twosome bucking against him. It did feel somewhat alien to him, being able to take two mates at once, but it was something that he's sure that he'd adapt to fairly quickly.

"Not at all!" Shade added in, purring as shi clenched hard against his dick, squeezing it hard.

"Fuuuck!" He snarled, his cocks aching as the duo rode him hard. He could feel himself already close to orgasm, probably due to being unaccustomed to screwing two partners at the same time, and equally due to the intensity of his sudden transformation. Either way, he couldn't hold back, a screeching roar leaving his fanged beak alongside a plume of flame, the mighty beast cumming hard into both Skye and Shade. The herm weregryphonesses screeched out in unison, their lips gushing around his spires, their own rods splattering hot cum against the ground.

"Oooohh.... Oooohhh...!" Azreal growled, falling backwards as he dismounted the duo, chest heaving up and down as he got his breath back. "God damn..." He whistled. "That... that's going to take a bit of getting used to!"

"Really now? It's probably a good thing then that I'm planning on staying for a while~" Shade chirped, coming down from hir high to nuzzle against Azreal. "I'll help you get used to your new form, and I'll have a place to work on my magical abilities!"

"I don't see any downsides in that!" Skye happily chimed in. "That sound good to you, Azreal?"

"The more... the more the merrier!" Azreal huffed, still out of puff. "I can see this being quite the experience!"

"Tell me about it!" Shade laughed. "I'll just have to wait until we've all calmed down so I can make a house trip or two to bring some stuff over. If I can practise my magic, we probably won't need any generators if I can hook this place up with a free supply of electricity!"

"Shi's definitely a keeper!" Skye giggled.

"That shi is!" Azreal joined in on the laughter. "That shi is!"

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