Restored Guardians - Zacian/Zamazenta TF

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A commission for of a couple into a Zacian and Zamazenta via finding a Rusted Sword and Rusted Shield.Not gonna lie, I was putting this off for a bit because this story was mentally exhausting to work on ^^; The TFs were all too similar, and I was trying to think of the best way to handle it without repeating the details, and it put me off wanting to do it ^^; This is why I stress to keep things simple sometimes! That aside, I hope you like it!

Pokémon (C) Pokémon/Nintendo

Posted using PostyBirb

"I've got to say, you really picked a great night for this walk, Bill!" Jane smiled at her boyfriend, holding his hand as she walked alongside him. "The clean, crisp air, the full moon shining above us - it's almost as if you had this all planned out!"

"I'd be lying if I said I had, but it was a bit awkward to do so, I've been double checking the weather reports for the last few days, and I know from experience how often it can change on a whim!" Bill responded with a chuckle. "There were a few nights that said it was going to rain and then it didn't, and then there were some where it said it wouldn't rain and then it did!"

"So you just decided to take a stab at it and hope for the best?"

"Pretty much, and I'd say that it worked out well enough!" He placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Hehe~" She giggled, returning the kiss. "Do you have anything else planned for tonight?"

"Hrm... I haven't really thought that far ahead, to be perfectly honest..." He said with a blush. "I guess I spent a bit too much thought into trying to find the perfect night for us to head out!"

"No worries - I'm sure we can find a nice place to eat once we head back to town!" Jane suggested. "This way, we're at least working up a nice appetite by having a nice, long walk beforehand!"

"True, true!" He nodded. "For now, let's just focus on the walk - I've always heard that this path's really beautiful to go down at night, and so far, I have to agree with those people!"

"Yeah - I mean I'm kinda expecting something to jump out of nowhere and surprise us!"

"What kind of things, hun?"

"I dunno... wild animals, owls, that sort of stuff!"

"I don't think we'll be seeing that many wild animals - this place is almost silent barring the birdsong and crickets rustling about!" Bill said to her. "It's not like a wolf or something is just gonna appear out of thin air... and if it did, this leisurely walk would end up turning into a race back to safety!"

"Well, I'm sure if something were to happen, you'd be right there to protect me!" Jane giggled.

"Naturally~" He smirked at her.

"Hey, what are those things over there?" Jane stopped, pointing towards a pair of items resting underneath a nearby tree.

"Hrm?" He walked over to them, wanting to get a closer look. At first glance, they appeared to be a sword and a shield, but at the same time, it felt like that there was something special about them - not that anyone would be able to notice, considering they had been ravaged by time, both pieces of gear covered almost entirely by rust, as well as showing other signs of wear and tear. "Strange... you'd expect to find stuff like this in a museum, not on the side of a forest pathway!"

"Yeah... maybe someone dug them up and didn't think they held any value?" Jane thought.

"Maybe. Still, their loss could be our gain!" Bill picked up the two artefacts, carefully placing them in his backpack. "We'll take these to the local museum tomorrow!"

"Nice!" She smiled. "Who knows, they might actually be worth something!"

"We'll find out for sure tomorrow!" He nodded. "For now, though, let's continue our nice, leisurely walk!" He placed an arm around Jane's side, holding her close as the duo continued on their trek.


A few hours later, the two returned home, having enjoyed their walk, as well as having a nice meal in town. Bill placed the sword and shield down on a table in his bedroom, wanting to take a better look at them before they were taken anywhere, getting a few pictures for reference. He had attempted a quick search to try to find more details on them, but it yielded no results, and he didn't know enough about historical artefacts to try to look further into it.

"Where do you think they came from?" Jane asked.

"Not a clue... I'm more interested in who'd use them. I mean neither of them look like something that a human would be able to wield, don't you think?"

"Yeah, when you take a closer look at them, it doesn't seem like they'd actually be of any use to a person..."

"I suppose it's a good thing we'll be taking them into the museum tomorrow, then - they'll hopefully be able to tell us more about them!"

"Here's to hoping!" She nodded, observing the sword and shield. Moonlight was filtering through the window, gently shining down upon the artefacts, and whatever parts of them weren't covered in rust reflected the silvery light off of them, causing them to glow. It was small at first, but soon the two objects were emitting a bright light. "Hey, what's going on with them?"

"Huh?" Bill blinked, watching them shine brighter and brighter. Before too long, both items were fully consumed in light, a pair of spirits emerging from them. Bill and Jane took a step backwards, a duo of ethereal wolves appearing before them, one of which appeared to be holding a sword in its muzzle, the other sporting a shield-like armament around its body. "What in the world is this?"

The two spirits looked at eachother, glancing back at the rusted sword and shield on the table before fixing their gazes back on the two humans. The lovers could have sworn that they saw the two phantoms sporting a sly smirk, but before they could question it, the ghostly entities dashed forwards, knocking the duo off their feet as the apparitions were absorbed into their bodies.

"Gah... guh... what... what just happened?" Bill gasped, his heart racing, the items still shining brightly.

"I... I don't know..." Jane's heart was beating just as fast, an odd feeling washing over both of them. An uncomfortable warmth swept through them, the pair tugging at their clothes as they discarded them. "But suddenly I feel... really hot..."

The two of them were now naked beside each other, yet the heat kept building. A prickling sensation was filling their bodies, the duo watching on as thick fur started to sprout from their bodies, cream-coloured fur on Jane's arms, a deep blue on Bill's. Their hands pulsed, the digits thickening up, large, sharp black claws sprouting from their fingertips, the palms of their hands gaining rough, black pads.

"Wh... what the?" Jane gasped, staring wide-eyed as the fur travelled upwards across her limbs and body, Bill's fur growing in at the same time, if not on a small bit of a delay. The cream fur covered her arms and was making its way along her front, shifting to a light blue around her shoulders and back. Likewise, the dark blue fur on Bill's arm grew out in a stripe, grey fur spreading along the rest of it, transitioning to a vibrant red that worked its way around his sides and chest.

"What's even... ghhhh... causing this?" Bill asked, the muscles in his shoulders rippling, growing wider. The fur was taking on a royal blue hue around his back, his chest barrelling forwards, his muscles pulled taut across it. Likewise, Jane's chest was also surging outwards, light blue fur growing around it in patches.

"I don't know... rgggh... could it be..." She looked over at the rusted sword and shield, her breasts shrinking away into her newly-barreled chest, her shoulders becoming broader. She watched on as her front gained some slight muscle definition, Bill's torso also exposing itself as his frame grew broader still.

"You think the sword and shield are causing this?" He asked, the fur racing down his waist and legs. The two of them felt a tugging at the base of their spine, a growing heat filling their loins. Bill sat back, his shaft swiftly rising to full attention as his balls gurgled, inflating in size whilst the fur covered them, the foreskin pulling down to create a sheath. The orbs churned, his dick spasming as he was brought to orgasm, firing off the remnants of his human seed, quickly being replaced by something much more potent.

"They couldn't be, tho-oooooooooohhhh.." Jane moaned, the feeling in her crotch becoming more intense. Her pussy pulsed, seeming to invert itself as a long, thick, canine shaft emerged from it, followed up by an equally hefty set of balls. "I... I've got a dick..." He reached tentatively towards it, his paw brushing against the head of his new phallus, causing it to spurt pre.

"Mmrrrrhghghh..." Bill leant forwards, running his tongue along Jane's new shaft, making it spurt even more. "This took an interesting turn...." He smirked, giving it another lick. His own cock was throbbing, and he had a powerful need to stick it into something, even into his now-male partner. Their feet shifted and popped in unison, pressure shifting to the balls, the middle toes merging together whilst long, sharp claws grew outwards.

"Heh... well, I'm curious to how this will work out now~" Jane teased, trying to get to his feet, but his added weight and altered frame had locked him onto all fours. It took him a few attempts to fully adjust to his four-legged stance, but he was eventually able to prop his weight against Bill's bed, his ass exposed to his partner. "Whenever you're ready, hun~"

"Grrrrrhhh..." Bill licked his lips, advancing towards Jane. Just like with Jane, it took him a few attempts to rear up, his forepaws having trouble grasping Jane's back, but they both found their balance shift come a bit easier to the thanks to their spines protruding out past their bodies, thick, lustrous fur growing around them, rose gold on Jane's, and royal blue on Bill's. His claws finally got a good grip on Jane's shoulders as he guided his cock to his partner's tailhole, beginning to push it in.

"GrrrrrrrrRRRRRRR!!" Jane snarled as he was penetrated, his claws digging into the bed. He bucked against Bill's thrusting, a low moan leaving his mouth as his partner's balls slapped against his backside, their tails wagging about behind them. The changes were slowly reaching their climax, and the most dramatic parts were being saved for last. "Oooooohhh, this feels strange.... but also so goood..."

Bill kept his paws on Jane's shoulders, but he found that he had to move them to rest a bit closer to the middle of his partner's back, thick fur growing out from his shoulders, almost wing-like in appearance. The fur glowed as metal highlights appeared along them, spread wide. At the same time, the air around Bill shimmered, a giant, metallic, shield-like adornment spread around his front. Jane caught a flash from the corner of his eyes, a great, golden blade with pink-and-blue highlights appearing beside him.

"Zeeeeennnn... I feel so strooooooong!" Bill growled, his thrusting growing faster and faster, his jaws starting to push forwards, nose sinking into his upper jaw whilst the nostrils flared, taking on a dark blue hue. His ears moved towards the top of his head, covered in golden fur, a mane of red growing around his elongating muzzle. His short black hair grew behind him, taking on the same royal blue tone that took up most of his body, becoming a flowing mane. His new muzzle filled with fangs, his eyes moving to the sides of his head, the irises filling out with red on the outside, turning a feral yellow on the inside.

"You're... Zaaacccc... not the only one!" Jane hissed through gritted teeth, his jaws elongating, teeth shifting into sharp fangs. His nose became one with his upper jaw, turning a soft shade of pink, creamy fur taking over the upper jaw, and rose gold on the lower jaw. Two long tufts of pink fur grew out from the back of his head, flowing behind him as if it were a cape. His ears moved to sit atop his head, growing to points whilst a metal crown materialised around the top of his head, eyes moving to the sides, the outer part of the irises taking on a rose gold hue, the rest filling with deep yellow.

"Grrhurharhrah... I... I'm getting close..." Bill groaned, his knot swelling inside of his partner ass he was finally brought over the edge, the now-canine beast throwing his head back, letting loose a powerful howl as he came, balls churning as he pumped his seed deep into Jane's rear. "ZZZZZAAAAAAMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZEEEEEENNNNNNTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

"I... I'm gonna..." Jane bit down on his lip, clenching hard against Bill's dick as he too was brought to release, cumming hard as his new dick squirted all along the bed. "ZZZZZZAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!" He bellowed alongside Bill. It took a while before the two wolves came back down, left huffing and panting.

"Grrhh... hrrarahh.... Wow..." Jane chuckled, groaning as he felt Bill pull out of him, their cocks slowly retreating back into their sheaths. "That... that was something else...!"

"You're... you're telling me...!" Bill grinned, taking a look over himself. "Hard to believe that a pair of ancient relics were capable of causing this to happen to us!"

'There is a reason why this has happened...' A deep, ethereal voice rang through the room, taking the duo by surprise.

"Wh-what was that?" Jane gasped. "Has someone been watching us this whole time?!"

"You better show yourself!" Bill snarled in response. "I may not know what this body's capable of just yet, but I'll fight you if I have to!"

'I'm afraid that would be a futile effort.' The voice responded. 'I'm not actually here, rather, I'm watching you from afar.'

"What are you, some kind of psychic?" Jane asked.

'I am Arceus, the god of all Pokémon'.

"No way..." Bill muttered in disbelief. "You really did this to us?"

'Yes. The two of you have been selected to protect this world from the return of the Gigantic Pokémon, Eternatus. It will be resurrected in the near future, and the two of you will be the front line in defeating the beast.'

"Eternatus?" Jane responded in shock. "You're kidding, how are the two of us expected to take down THAT thing?"

'Training.' Arceus told them. 'You'll have to train among yourselves and other Pokémon to prepare yourself, and you'll also be able to recruit other humans like I did with you. Just know that after seven days have passed, you'll be able to return to your human forms, if you so desire, but you'll be able to switch back and forth between forms.'

"So we're not entirely stuck like this... at least in a week." Bill said. "I'm sure by that time, we should be able to prepare ourselves for this battle! Do you know how long we have until Eternatus' return?"

'Sadly, that knowledge is out of my reach at this point. When the time draws close, I will alert the two of you.'

"Right, right..." Jane nodded. "I guess we better get started on our training?"

'That can wait until the morning. For now, the two of you should get some rest - you need to be fully prepared for what's to come.'

"Sounds like a plan!" Bill smiled. "I just hope the two of us are able to live up to your expectations!"

'I have complete faith in the two of you - I wouldn't have chosen you to become the Crowned Sword and Crowned Shield if I thought otherwise!' Arceus told them, the rusted sword and shield hovering up from the ground, being absorbed into the bodies of Jane and Bill.

"Thank you, Arceus." The two wolves bowed in reverence.

'Rest well, as the fate of both mankind and Pokémon is upon the two of you!'

"No pressure, then!" Jane joked, the voice - and presence - of Arceus leaving the room. "So, shall we get some sleep?" He asked Bill.

"Hrm... We can in a little bit. For now, I think we should prepare for round two, if you get what I mean~" Bill responded with a sly grin.

"Ooooh..." Jane grinned from ear to ear. "I think I'm down for some more fun~"

A Shocking Surprise - Ben300 Raichu TF

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Forest Meet-Up - Anthro Raven TF

"This has to be the right forest, surely...." Louis thought to himself, taking a good look at his surroundings - he was deep in the heart of the forest that sat on the outskirts of town, but at the same time, it didn't feel like he was in the woods...

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Shadow Release - Shadow Lugia TF

"Well, that was an uneventful day..." Peter thought to himself as he sat on his sofa, looking up at the clock on his wall. There was still a few hours to go until his birthday was over, and nothing of any real significance had happened so far. "I guess...

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