Shadow Release - Shadow Lugia TF

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Patreon-voted TF story, featuring myself into Hemos, my Shadow Lugia. I based the idea upon the 'Release' pictures that :toshabiicon: has been drawing, and thought it'd make for a fun story ^^Enjoy, and if you want to see more stories like this (or put a vote in on what you'd like to see me write), get early access to stories ahead of public posting, maybe join my Discord server, or just support my writing in general, please consider supporting my treonicon!

Hemos (C) MyselfShadow Lugia (C) Pokémon/NintendoConcept (C) Toshabi

Posted using PostyBirb

"Well, that was an uneventful day..." Peter thought to himself as he sat on his sofa, looking up at the clock on his wall. There was still a few hours to go until his birthday was over, and nothing of any real significance had happened so far. "I guess it's to be expected as you get older."

A few more minutes passed in silence before he heard a knock at the door and the muffled thudding sound of a package being delivered outside. He didn't catch the best glance of the person delivering it, but Peter could've almost sworn he saw... ears that didn't quite look human, a long mane or something too? No, it couldn't be.

"OK, the boredom must be getting to me..." He said, grabbing the box and bringing it into the house, closing the door behind him. "Can't say I was expecting any post today, either!"

It was decently sized and had a bit of heft to it, but there was little sign of what company it would've been shipped from. He could hear another box shifting around as he'd placed it down, but a quick check of the address confirmed it was indeed for him. Which made it all the more curious. Nobody had mentioned a late surprise gift.

"A little bit out of left field for sure, but whatever it is, I'm sure I'm going to enjoy it! I just hope I can find out who sent it so I can thank them for the kind gesture!" He smiled, grabbing a pair of scissors from the nearby drawer, running one of the blades through the tape sealing the top of the box.

Once he opened the box, he lifted an eyebrow in confusion. Aside from a simple looking card with "Enjoy, birthday boy~" written on it, what laid inside was another box, purple and black reading "TRAINER RELEASE Pokémon Sex Toys Shadow Lugia PERMANENT" on it. Which was a surprise, to say the least.

"A sex toy?" Peter looked at it with a mix of amusement and confusion - he knew that a few of his friends had joked in the past about sending him something like that, but he never imagined that one of them would actually do so! "I... really don't know what to say or how to feel about this!"

The name of the sex toy did pique his interest, however. He had always been a fan of Shadow Lugia, and this was undeniably themed around that. Sighing, he began to open it up - maybe the box was some kind of joke and the gift was something else entirely. He wouldn't put it past his friends to pull a fast one like that.

"If it really is that, what is it even going to look like?" He pondered, carefully opening up the outer packaging - it was very unlikely that he was going to keep it on display, and the packaging was thankfully mostly plain, so he'd be able to hide it easily enough.

Eventually he opened it up and revealed what looked like a standard-ish fleshlight, at least he assumed it was kind of normal. It had a purple-black hue to it and was decently sized, with holes for him to place his member into. At least if he wanted to use the thing and not just toss it under his bed and let it collect dust.

"Eeeeyup..." He blinked, looking at the toy. He honestly felt like chewing out the individual who sent him this, but as there was no name on it, he didn't know who he could point the blame at. "Still... they sent me this, so I suppose I should use it at least once before I pass any judgement on them, right?"

The instructions mostly seemed to revolve around cleaning it after use and the like, and he didn't see anything out of the ordinary, aside from a text box in the back reminding the user that using the product to completion would result in a permanent change, and to make sure that if there were second thoughts, to have them before using it.

"Second thoughts? You'd think people would have them BEFORE buying or using a sex toy a lot of the time!" He had to laugh - just what was going to change about him if he were to use it?

There was only one way to really find out, and that was to actually get to it and use it. Granted, he felt more than a little awkward, as toys like this really weren't normally his thing. But he did feel a twinge in his pants as he started to get hard - maybe some part of him wanted to experience this?

"I suppose there's not really anything to lose, is there?" He said with a smirk, noticing that his shorts were slowly tenting. "I've got nothing better to do, so let's give this a try!" He placed the toy down for a moment, freeing his hand so he could lower his shorts and pants down a little bit, allowing his maleness to spring out.

Was it his imagination, or did the toy... glow when he did so? Peter wasn't entirely sure, but after a few moments of silence and nothing else happening, he shrugged and picked it back up and slid his shaft into it. A pleasant, and unexpected, tingle ran through it and up his spine.

"Mmff... not bad..."

He kept a firm grip on the toy, slowly thrusting his dick in and out of it. It felt so alien to him, and he was wondering if he really was using it properly, or if he was expected to go at it with a lot more force. Either way, it felt pleasant.

As the tingling grew more and more intense, so did the pleasure, to the point where Peter almost missed his cock starting to swell larger and thicker, starting to move about more. A red colouring flooded into it as pre dripped from the tip constantly and the head began to come to a point. Unseen by him for the moment, but a baleful purple aura began to surround him, deepening his lust, tainting him with dark desires.

"Unnnf..." He bit down on his lip, huffing as he rested back in the chair, his thrusting starting to grow faster. The toy felt warmer, slicker, almost as if he was thrusting into a wanting female.

"Ffffuck... this feels so damned good... I was missssing out~" A hiss left his lips as his cock curled and began to drip pre onto the toy and his groin, any hair in the area starting to fall out as slick deep purple and red skin began to grow, his hips widening and his balls starting to audibly swell with seed as the sac also changed to accommodate them, now the size of cantaloupes. He didn't want to stop. No humans could compare to how fucking horny he felt now.

He was so lost in the growing lust, he didn't even notice that he was starting to hold the toy a little further away from him, thanks in part to the extra inches he was steadily gaining, his balls slapping against the chair with each thrust, sending shockwaves of pleasure through him.

"SSsshittt... I gotta thank whoever ssssent me thissss!" He grinned crudely as he felt his tongue fork in his mouth as it lolled out during a particularly pleasing pump with the toy, his body growing larger and longer with each passing moment. The thick, darkly coloured skin spreading as his abs pulled into a tight, godly six-pack fit for the titanic, sexual beast he was becoming. "Ffffucckkk...lllyyyuuuugggggg~"

His shirt rode up against the growing muscles, his midriff exposed as the clothing became increasingly smaller, and his spine slowly stretching didn't do much to help in that regard. Still, he tightened his grip on the toy, picking up the pace yet again, enjoying how moist and wet it was getting around his shifting dick.

The control he had over his shaft brought a grin to his face, oh the things he could do with this monster... but first he had to finish. "Definitely not going to have...gyyyyaaaa~ Ssssecond thoughtssss~!" He huffed as his pants and shirt began to tear, the changing man packing on more muscle mass whilst his pecs swelled out into thick slabs of slick muscle, his ass firming up and putting on a serious amount of cake. He could likewise feel his tailbone starting to wriggle behind him as he kept pumping, his hips helping him keep the action going. "Hhhhffffuuuccckkkk!"

The chair in which he was sitting in began to audibly creak under the weight of his growing muscles, his emerging tail swaying out along the side of it, occasionally hitting it as it grew. He brought a hand to feel his muscles, taking pleasure in hearing his clothing tearing, exposing the beast within. Likewise, he couldn't wait to see the full extent of his maleness once he was done testing the limits of the toy.

His shaft continued to grow and flex, easily large even for the behemoth Shadow Lugia he was becoming. Was meant to become, his twisted mind thought with an equally twisted grin on his face. His shoulders widened as his arms began to become incredibly muscular and long, giving him more leverage with the toy. He could feel his fingers twitching as they too became massive, sprouting razor sharp talons as fins grew from his back. "Hhhhrrhhhh... yessss... morrree... don't want... fuuuccckkkkkk!... to be human!"

His new claws gripped the device harder still, the blade-like talons clutching it in a deathgrip. He briefly questioned just what it was made of, considering that the pressure he was applying to it would have easily destroyed it otherwise. Either way, it wasn't important right now, the creature peeling off the remnants of his clothing as it could no longer contain him, his sleek scales gleaming in the light. He almost didn't want it to end.

He could feel his legs likewise starting to pack on muscle and size, the couch collapsing under his muscled bulk with a pleasing crack. Peter didn't even notice or care if he did, his growing tail soon almost filling the back half of the room as a bladed tip appeared and his legs punched a hole in the wall as they grew. It hadn't taken him any effort at all. "Lllllyyuuggggggg...yesssssssssss~" His toes would likewise twitch as bladed talons sprouted from them as well, his neck starting to stretch, giving him an idea with his prehensile cock so tantalisingly close to his unfortunately still-human face.

He stopped thrusting into the toy, placing it aside - he was sure it had served its purpose, and he wanted to see the full extent of his now-monstrous dick before he put his idea into action, his taloned toes clicking against the ground.

The talons readily cut gouges into the floor as Peter flexed his cock, grinning devilishly at the control he had over it. How had he lived without this before? It was so damned good - he could please any woman or man with such equipment. But first, he wanted to give himself a good taste. As his lips made contact, his hair began to fall out, the slick scales starting to engulf his head as the malevolent shadows emanating from his body continued their task to fully change him into a powerful, sexual beast.

"Yessssssss...." He huffed, breathing through his nostrils as he guided his dick into his mouth, his tongue growing longer, as if to prepare for what was to come, wrapping itself around the prehensile tool, lapping up the pre that was dribbling down it like a leaking faucet. "Ssssso... closssssse... Lyuuuuuuu~"

With every bob back and forth, his face would pull out into a sinister looking muzzle, teeth sharpening to fangs inside of his maw. Tongue growing longer and better able to handle his new equipment. Red scales grew around his eyes as the last remnants of his humanity faded, pupils pulling into slits as his sclera changed to red as well, baleful orbs staring out as he prepared to purge his very humanity in one massive orgasm.

"Grraaahhhh... I... I..." He panted and trembled, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as his cock spasmed and twitched violently within the confines of his new muzzle. His claws slammed against the ground, splintering the floorboards as he tried to hold out just a little bit longer, but the proverbial dam was ready to burst.


He couldn't hold back much longer as one final lap from his tongue sent him over the edge, and he could cum hard, filling his waiting mouth with his thick, potent seed, easily enough to change dozens of people into horny, snarling Shadow Pokémon. His human name vanishing as another rose to the surface. Hemos. A much more suitable name for a powerful, sensual and dangerous Shadow Lugia. As he pulled his muzzle off of his cock, it was still spurting bits of cum.


He laid flat on his back for a few moments, chest heaving up and down with each breath he took, his tongue flickering out to lick bits of the excess spunk from his snout. He pushed himself back into a sitting position once he got his breath back, barely able to fit inside of the room he was in - really, it was a miracle that the house hadn't completely caved in around him as he changed.

"Well, I certainly can't argue with anything that releassssesss one from being a weak, pathetic human!" He cackled as part of a wall crumbled from his tail moving about and a casual movement from one taloned hand. The toy had survived and was back to being a size suitable for a human, waiting to turn someone else into a massive beast. Of course, Hemos was more of a mind to take a direct route when changing someone... and he had a few people in mind. Who had sent it to him in the first place didn't really matter, but he was certain that he'd find them.

"Jussst you wait, my friendsssss..." He chuckled - he knew that he'd find the person responsible all in due time, even if he found them on the first or last attempt, they'd soon get their due reward from the shadowy beast. "For now, I need to take to a better vantage point!" He stood upwards, casting aside most of the house in the progress as he felt the cool, nighttime air against his scales, and with a flap of his bladed wings, he took off into the darkness above, his massive form cloaked in shadow, keeping him from sight.

"I'll make ssssure you all enjoy ssssome much needed releassssse sssssoon enough, lyuuuuu~"

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