Forest Meet-Up - Anthro Raven TF

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A commission for of himself into an anthro raven via an encounter with Shade. Hope ya like it!Shade (C) MyselfConcept (C) ivanksDesign (C)

Posted using PostyBirb

"This has to be the right forest, surely...." Louis thought to himself, taking a good look at his surroundings - he was deep in the heart of the forest that sat on the outskirts of town, but at the same time, it didn't feel like he was in the woods that he was familiar with. All the trees around him looked like they had long since died, many of them having toppled or split apart. At the same time, looking ahead of him, there did appear to be some trees that were still alive, so maybe the dead trees acted as a boundary of sorts. Either way, he knew for sure that most of the trees in the forest he was used to were still alive, so this surely was a sign that he was on the right track.

"Mmm.. that depends on your definition of 'right', my dear..." A sly, feminine voice caught his ears, grabbing his attention. He spun around, trying to find out where it was coming from. "I mean you've wandered into the Ochre Forest, so for all you know, you could be trespassing on my land!"

"Gah!" He gasped. "A... are you Shade, by any chance?" Louis asked.

"Hrm? How do you know my name?" The voice inquired. "Nearly everyone who wanders into my realm has no idea who I am, so it's a surprise to hear a random human call me by my name BEFORE I've introduced myself. Do you know anything else about me?"

"Well, I know that you're a humanoid raven with magical powers who likes to transform people,am I right?"

"You've done your research! That or a sneaky little bird has told you about me in advance!" She giggled.

"To my knowledge, it wasn't a bird - they looked more like a dragon, and they told me some stuff about you when I asked where they came from! If I remember correctly, I think they said their name was Wyraach or something along those lines."

"Really now? I guess they liked my work so much that they were eager to share it with someone else whilst I was still in the area!" She responded. "Still, if it brings me some more people to transform, I can't really complain, can I?"

"Yeah, so are you gonna reveal yourself now?"

"I might as well, I doubt you're gonna be surprised since you were already filled in about me!" Shade cawed as she descended, landing gracefully before Louis. Her glowing purple markings stood out nicely against her black feathers, her feminine form on full display to the human. She noticed that he had started blushing once she had come into view, a smirk crossing her beak. "I'm guessing the dragon didn't tell you anything about my preference for being naked, did they?

"Not at all, no..." He stared at her in a dazed stupor before he snapped back to his senses. "Ack, sorry, I guess that bit was a bit of a surprise!"

"No worries~" She stepped closer. "So tell me, human, what brings you to my forest?"

"That's easy... I wanted to find you and see if you'd transform me into something!" He said with a smile. "Maybe a raven like yourself, I mean if you'd like to have a partner by your side if you're looking for a mate!"

"Well aren't you cute!" Shade chirped. "Sadly, I can't honour your request to be my mate, mainly as I am already sorted on that front. Even then he's not always around, and because of that, I do have free reign to have fun with whoever I want, so I can at the very least offer you a night of fun!"

"Oh..." He felt a little disheartened knowing that she already had a mate, but at the same time, felt relieved that she could still have some fun with him. "I guess that's good at the very least. Anything I need to do beforehand?"

"Really all you've got to do now is get naked!" She laughed.

"What... you mean right here and now?" He blushed a little.

"I can't imagine it'd be too easy for you to do the deed whilst you're fully clothed, after all. Not to mention the fact that I'm standing before you naked with no problems~"

"Errr... right, right." He responded, removing his clothing - clearly the concept of preserving one's modesty was alien to the raven. He let out a small gasp of discomfort as he felt the cold air blow past him, almost enough to make his teeth chatter.

"Hrrrrm..." Shade stepped in closer, taking a good, long look at Louis. "Not too bad, not too bad... definitely a lot of room for improvement, from what I can see!"

He watched as she gave him a few more looks before she lowered herself to the ground, resting up against one of the nearby logs.

"Now then, whenever you're ready, get on top and we'll begin!"

Louis really wasn't expecting her to move this fast - they'd only met moments ago, but she was ready to get down to business. It pretty much told him there and there that Shade was a gal who was straight and to the point when it came to matters like this.

"OK... I really hope I don't disappoint you, this is my first time!"

"Mmm... that's not a problem as all, as long as you know what you're doing!" She beckoned him closer, watching his shaft rise up whilst he lowered himself onto her, his hands resting on her shoulders. He took a deep breath, staring into her vibrant, purple eyes, and started to thrust into her, a sudden squawk leaving her beak.

"Crrawwrkkk!" Shade moaned, feeling the human penetrate her feathery folds, a spark of energy flowing through him. "Aaahh.... That's it, you've taken the first step, now all you've got to do is keep going!"

Louis shuddered as he felt that odd, magical feeling spread throughout his body, making him tremble. A strange pins-and-needles sensation worked its way through every inch of his skin, goosebumps forming along his chest and back. Before too long, hundreds of pitch-black quills grew outwards, blossoming forth into midnight-black feathers.

"Hh... haahh...!" He groaned - it felt so weird, feeling the plumage spreading across his body, covering his skin. At the same time, the cold air around him felt less so, the new feathers adding a layer of warmth to his form. His feet twitched and throbbed, toes squirming as the middle digits bunched together, the big toe retreating back into the appendage whilst dark, rough scales enveloped his feet, stopping just around where the legs and feet met. The remaining toes sprouted deadly, razor sharp talons, a fourth toe emerging from the back of his foot, his heels now stretched upwards.

"Mrrrhh... you'll get used to it before too long, hun..." Shade huffed as Louis continued his thrusting, his taloned toes sinking into the soft earth, gripping it hard to keep him in place. The muscles in his legs toned up, thighs gaining a subtle hint of additional thickness, a new sense of power filling his body.

"Ooooh... I'm starting to feel... strong..." He ran his hand along his leg, feeling the new muscles. As he swept it along the feathers, his hands twitched and pulsed in a manner similar to his feet, the middle digits pressing together, melding to form one. Dark scales wrapped around his hands, stopping around his wrists, transitioning seamlessly into feathers. "Does it always feel this good when you change someone?"

"It... ooh... depends on how I feel, and what the situation is." She chirped in response, curving claws growing through his old fingernails. "Most times out of ten, it is a pleasurable experience, though I've known a small few who prefer a less erotic, yet still powerful, transformation~"

"Good to know!" He stroked Shade's thighs with his new claws, his thrusting accelerating. A pair of bumps were noticeable against his shoulderblades, a nub forming from his rear, soon sprouting a fan of broad tailfeathers.

"Eheh... and speaking of situations..." She grinned mischievously, rolling to her side with enough force to knock Louis onto his back whilst still locked thrusting into her, the witch getting on top of him. "I can only let you be on top for so long, hun!"

"Krrwrkk!" A startled chirp left his mouth as he now found himself staring up at Shade, arching his back as the bumps on his back swelled outwards, two fleshy limbs emerging, reshaping themselves into strong wings, the bare flesh being covered over by feathers in a matter of seconds.

"Just sit back, enjoy the ride, and keep thrusting, sweetie~" She ran her talons gently against his cheek. "It'll only be a little bit now before your changes complete, so I'm hoping you've still got it within you to finish up strong!"

"Oooohh... I... I'm sure I can manage..." He pressed into Shade's hand, his wings flapping behind him, feathers ruffling up. His chest packed on muscle, abs and pectoral muscles defining themselves, showing up slightly underneath his feathery coat, the only parts of him that were still remotely human now were his head and his genitals, but neither were gonna stay that way for too long, a burning sensation filling his loins. "Aaaahhhhhhhhrrrwrkkk!!"

"I must have forgot to mention that the changes to a person's manhood tends to be the most intense - I suppose it would be when it grows and alters~" She teased, gasping as she felt his cock growing ever so slightly inside of her, the head reshaping into a tapered tip, the rest of his shaft becoming longer, thinner. The foreskin pulled back towards the base of his dick, reworking itself into a slit that would house his member when in an unaroused state, his balls swelling to the size of oranges as they remained apparent.

"Crrraawwrrkkk!" His hands grasped Shade's shoulders, using her to steady himself as he thrusted in like a man possessed, his now avian spear sliding in and out of her, hitting her in all the right spots. He could see his hair falling away in clumps, the feathers working their way to claiming his head, his ears vanishing away into tiny holes in the sides of his head. He wanted to say something to her, but he was having a bit of trouble forming the words to say, mainly in part because his teeth were fusing together within his mouth, stretching it open.

"You're so... mmrrwrrk... close now..." Shade rode harder against Louis, feeling his balls slapping against her firm, feathery ass. The last of his hair vanished, thick tufts of feathers replacing it, looking a little more flashy than his original hairdo. His mouth stretched further, the two solid masses that were his teeth reshaping further, curving, becoming more solid, a long, powerful beak replacing his human mouth, the colour of it a light shade of grey. His nose merged with the beak, his eyes moving towards the sides of his head, the irises now a shade of ruby red.

"I... I... wrrrkk... so... close...!" He panted, balls continuing to bounce off her booty, churning loudly as he felt that he could hold back no longer. Throwing his head back, Louis let loose a low, powerful screech as he came, firing off all that he had to give into the witch that was riding atop of him. Shade crowed alongside him, their cries echoing throughout the forest.

"Oooooooohhh.... Oooohhh..." Louis was left panting, lying back on the ground as he slowly descended from his high.

"Hrhhh... mmmm..." Shade let out a contented chirp, pulling herself away from him, helping him back to his feet. "So, how did that feel, hun?"

"Hfff... like nothing I've ever felt before...!" He smiled, his legs shaking a little from the force of the orgasm, the new raven resting against Shade until he fully regained the feeling in his limbs - that and he wasn't quite used to walking on avian legs just yet. "I just wish that I could have lasted a little bit longer!"

"In time, you'll find that your drive and output will have increased greatly, I guess you were just a little over-excited this time!" Shade teased. "Who knows, before too long, you might even get your second wind, though I suppose we should retreat back to the mansion before too long, so you can get cleaned up and say hi to everyone. I can only imagine the look on Dusk's face when he sees me with another raven!" She cackled slyly.

"What's Dusk like?" Louis asked.

"Similar to me, although he specialises in ice magic, not transformational stuff. He's great to have around when things get too hot in the summer, or if we need some ice for drinks!"

"Oh really?" He smiled. "He does sound like a nice person, though!"

"Oh he is, just don't get on his bad side, otherwise he might turn you into a popsicle!"

"I'll try and keep that in mind, I don't want to get on the wrong side of one of your partners, after all~" He chuckled.

"Anyway, shall we get moving?" Shade asked, extending a taloned hand to Louis.

"I'm ready when you are!" He nodded, grasping her claws in his own, the two ravens walking alongside each other, the female leading him back towards her lair.

As the duo walked along hand in hand, a smile crossed Louis's beak. "I've never been happier~" He thought to himself, the anthro avians disappearing into the forest.

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