A Beach-side Encounter - Herm Dragoness TF

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A commission for of himself into a herm dragoness via an encounter with a Lugia/Orca hybrid. The character is normally presented as a male herm, but was redone to be a female herm for this story (Mainly as I'm not hugely comfortable when it comes to the concept of C-boys, even if they have dicks X3). Hope you like it regardless!

Characters (C) Drackon

Posted using PostyBirb

"God, this heatwave is killing me..." Albert gasped, wiping the sweat from his brow as he walked along the beach one summer day. Even though it was early evening and the heat had long since hit its peak, it was still swelteringly hot, with many people either swimming in the sea or trying to find shade under one of the many parasols. He was tempted to leap into the water himself, but he didn't have his swimming gear on him, and he didn't feel like going back to his house to dig it out from the wardrobe.

"There's got to be somewhere along here where I can duck away from the heat, even if it's for a little while..." His eyes scanned along the beach, trying to spot an empty umbrella or rocky ledge he could sit under, but alas, everywhere he looked was fully populated. "Damn it... I've got to get somewhere cool before the heat knocks me out... hrm?"

Albert paused when he looked further ahead, towards the tail end of the beach. There still weren't any free parasols, but he did spot what looked like a cave of some sorts, the empty-looking tunnel appearing to not have any people trying to shield themselves from the sun. "Hrm... that might do!" He was sorely tempted to break into a run to get there quicker, but he was already sweating enough, so he continued towards it at the casual pace he was going at.

"This cave looks like it'll be perfect for ducking the heat!" He thought, approaching the entrance, his eyes drifting towards a sign placed right near the opening. "'NO ENTRY - Humans forbidden beyond this point!'" He read it aloud. "Humans forbidden? What, is this a summer home for the local crabs?" He smirked, taking a few steps into the cave. Already, he could feel the heat dissipating, the air becoming cooler. "Aaah, that's a lot better!" He let out a sigh of relief, taking a few more steps into the cave.

The further he went in, the cooler the air got - it was almost as if there was an air conditioner installed, keeping the cavern cool. The light of the entrance grew further away with each step, yet the light flowing through didn't seem to diminish at all - in fact, from what he could see ahead of him, it looked like the lighting was getting brighter, more colourful.

"Someone set up a disco here? What's with all the colours?" He wondered, wandering further inwards. Eventually, he found himself standing in a room which was full of crystals of various colours and sizes, emanating from the walls, ground, and ceiling. "Holy damn, look at this place!" He whistled, admiring the great gemstones. "This whole area must be an untapped mine!"

He placed a hand on one of the ruby crystals, feeling how smooth it felt, watching how it seemed to shimmer under his touch. "I wonder if I could get one of these back home with me?" He placed both his hands around one of them, starting to tug at it with all his strength.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." A voice growled from afar, causing Albert to freeze in place. "It took me a long damn time to find a place with naturally growing crystals, and I'll be damned if I'm about to let some human take one for himself!"

"T-take it for myself?" He gulped, trying to cover his tracks. "N-not at all! I was just trying to see how firm it was in regards to it being attached to the wall!"

"Look, don't try that bullshit with me..." The voice snarled, a figure stepping into view from across the room. "I know when someone's lying to me!"

"Holy..." Albert stared on as the creature moved closer, revealing himself to him. At first glance, it appeared to be an anthropomorphic Lugia, except this one had a skin tone and coloration more akin to that of a killer whale, its limbs looking less like wings and more like normal arms with webbed, clawed fingers. He could make out a small dorsal fin sticking out of the beast's back, the tip of his tail sporting the standard orca fluke. "What... what in the world are you?"

"The name's Orsakia, and as you can see, I'm a hybrid of a Lugia and an Orca." He smirked. "And you, human, are trespassing in my lair - I'm guessing you can't read, otherwise you would have noticed the sign out front warning you not to come in here! Or did you simply choose to ignore it, believing that you wouldn't get caught?"

"I..." He stammered - he felt like lying again, but Orsakia didn't buy it the first time, so why would he fall for the second attempt? "I... came in here of my own accord, ignoring the sign." He sighed. "It's boiling hot outside, and this cave felt nice and cool, can you blame me for trying to escape the heat?"

Orsakia looked into Albert's eyes for a moment, assessing the human. "Hrm... well I can tell that you are indeed telling the truth, and I do understand your plight. At the same time, you did ignore my warnings, and for that, I feel that I should punish you for your blatant disregard of my rules..."

Albert closed his eyes, bracing himself for the worst - he brought this on himself, so the least that he could do was take it like a man.

"Although, I may be willing to overlook your transgressions, if you do one thing for me..." The creature spoke, sporting a devious smirk.

"An-anything!" He stood up straight. "Just tell me what to do!"

"Heh... what I want you to do is simple..." Orsakia chuckled, lying down against the ground. Before Albert could begin to ask what he was planning to do, a strong, psychic force took hold of his body, bringing the human closer to the monster. "All you've got to do is give me a bit of servicing, and maybe then I'll let you go!" He added, the human's face hovering close to the creature's slit, just above his balls.

"Uh... r-right... if that's what it takes..." Albert's eyes had gone wide upon being dragged closer to Orsakia without any sort of physical effort, and the creature certainly wasn't going to let him go otherwise. Despite everything, the orca smelled good, and he found himself starting to lick, figuring it was better to get it done sooner rather than later.

"That's it, be a good boy and keep it up..." Orsakia chuckled, the Lugia hybrid continuing to hold him in place whilst the slit parted, a long, thick, prehensile cock starting to emerge from it, stroking against the human's face. "And whilst you're doing that..." He focused some of his power upon the ruby crystal that Albert had been trying to take just moments ago, causing a small shard of it to chip away from it, bringing the fractured gem towards them.

The human was far too busy pleasuring the hybrid to notice this, gawping a little at the sight of how thick and long Orsakia's cock was. The fact that it could move on its own was also surprising, and he knew for a fact there was no way in hell he could fit it all in his mouth. Not without breaking his jaw, and even then. As he resumed licking, the shard subtly moved around them before embedding itself in his navel, glowing..

"Now then, I believe you'll want to brace yourself for what's about to happen..." Orsakia told him, the gem shining brighter, a magical energy slowly flowing through Albert's body. Around his stomach, the skin flaked away, revealing white scales underneath, two stripes of silver scales forming in an X-shape along his front, broken up where the gem was resting. The human was yet to notice this, nor did he notice the muscles in his torso toning up, his abs forming a solid, sculpted six pack, as his attention was drawn into licking at Oraskia's cock.

"Hnnnfff... what the fuck... why am I so horrrnnyyyyyy...?" He all but growled in arousal as the scales began to rapidly spread, filling him with intense strength and horniness, spreading up his torso where as it broadened with more muscles. With this, he resumed pleasuring the hybrid's cock, now much more into the act than before.

"Magic tends to do that to a person!" Orsakia laughed, the tip of his cock pressing against Albert's lips. "Just keep doing what you have to do!" He ordered, watching as Albert placed his lips around the Lugia-orca's shaft, only able to take so much of it in without causing any damage to himself. The scales worked their way over his arms, patches of rougher, gunmetal-grey scales covering the upper parts of his arms and hands, his fingers twitching as they merged together, four fingers swiftly becoming two, razor-sharp claws poking free from his fingertips. The palms of his hands and tips of his fingers gained black pads, the human still not aware of the changes thanks to Orsakia's continued hold on him, preventing him from moving his head far enough to check himself out.

Not that Albert needed to be told to keep going, the taste of the hybrid's body was way too good for him to want to stop. His skin did feel a bit odd, but between everything, he could check himself out later. Behind his shoulders, two bumps could be felt forming, and his upper chest began to feel a bit odd. Almost like it was starting to push out, especially as he kept blowing the other man off. "Nnnhhhh~"

"Good, good..." The hybrid stroked along Albert's chest, feeling it swell further under his touch, the nipples growing erect, darkening slightly. As Orsakia continued fondling, the human soon found himself with a rather impressive pair of breasts, the bumps on his shoulders continuing to develop whilst this happened, alongside another bump that was becoming present near the base of his spine. "I can see that you're going to be suitably equipped~"

"Fffuuuckkk... I feel so good..." The fact that he was sporting a generous pair of tits somehow didn't bother him at all. It felt... normal, like they were supposed to be there. Also, the longer he kept sucking on that cock, the more his face seemed to elongate, taking on an increasingly inhuman cast to it. Something wanted out, and he could feel it in his head, but through all the burning lust, Albert didn't care in the slightest. The change felt too damned good.

"Of course it feels good - if you were trying to resist, it'd likely be a VERY painful process!" Orsakia laughed, watching the bump on the human's spine protrude out further, muscle and scales wrapping around it as it slowly formed into a long, prehensile tail. Along his back and sides, black scales could be seen spreading, some of them progressing down his growing tail, thinning out around halfway down before white scales overtook the rest of it, also covering the underside of the new limb. He was still locked in place, and as much as he wanted to check out what was happening, he knew he'd likely have to wait until Orsakia let him go.

A low moan of exquisite pleasure left his mouth as he felt his cock began to throb and pulse in the best manner imaginable, turning red as it began to grow thicker and longer, spikes along the increasingly inhuman length before the head flared out. As if that wasn't good enough, with a wet sound, it split in two to form a second, equally large member. And under his scaly, swelling balls, he could feel something else forming, and it wasn't just the strange sensation of his growing testicles splitting into an equally hefty second pair.

"Oooohh.... Ooohhh fuuuuuuuUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK!!" A snarl left his mouth as he felt his cocks bump against his stomach, eager for attention. The odd sensation under his balls grew more intense, culminating in a pair of slick, scaly lips opening up between his balls and his tailhole, his internals reforming and rearranging, thankfully painlessly, leaving him as a mix of both male and female genders. Shi couldn't focus on that for too long, for the growing lust within was growing too strong to be contained, a presence clawing at hir brain.

"H...hrm?" Orsakia paused as he saw the changing human starting to struggle against his magic. He attempted to reinforce it, but his hold was slipping, a grin crossing the human's face as shi continued to resist his hold.

"Something the matter?" Albert asked, noticing that Orsakia was losing his hold. Before too long, shi broke free, immediately pouncing on top of the massive hybrid, hovering hir scaly pussy above Orsakia's cock. "I think it's about time that I took charge, don't you agree?"

"Hrggg... how did you break free from my control?" Orsakia growled, looking up at the changing human, eagerly positioning hirself to slide onto his shaft.

"That doesn't really matter at this point in time..." Albert retorted, hir feet twitching and aching as they were next to be affected by Orsakia's magic. Plated silver scales worked their way over the front part of his legs and feet, his feet popping and stretching, his heels moving further away from his toes, all pressure shifting to the now-padded balls of his feet. His big toe shrank back whilst the other digits elongated, the middle toes merging into one, the nails sharpening into powerful claws. "You've spent all this time holding me in place whilst I sucked you off, now it's Drackonthanri's turn to be the one in charge!"

"Heh... I didn't think you'd be able to break free that easily..." Orsakia seemed to laugh, watching the bumps on Drackonthanri's back swell out further, a pair of large, leathery, bat-like wings erupting outwards, spreading wide around him and casting a shadow upon the Lugia-orca. Before he could say anything else, Drackonthanri's wings slammed down onto Orsakia's shoulders, the clawed thumb on each wing pinning the beast down. At the same time, Drackonthanri ran one of hir now free hands along hir cocks, alternating between each one whilst the other hand stroked hir breasts.

"Ready to go for a ride, dear?" Drackonthanri teased, lowering hirself down onto his dick, immediately clenching hard around it, causing Orsakia to groan loudly.

"Whenever... rrrghh... you are!" He hissed in response, beginning to thrust into the nearly-completed dragoness. He watched as Drackonthanri's neck stretched longer, the scales traversing upwards, slowly consuming the last stray patches of humanity, hair falling away in clumps.

"You don't even have to ask!" Shi giggled, running hir tongue over hir scaling lips, watching as it flickered between them, becoming forked at the tip, elongating further. A soft moan left hir mouth as shi grinded against Orsakia, bouncing up and down against the hybrid creature, riding him for everything that he was willing to give hir. Hir stroking and teasing of hir own body sped up, claws tenderly tugging at the sensitive flesh, a moan of ecstasy leaving hir mouth

"Ah, now you feel even better, don't you?" Orsakia smirked as he kept thrusting in, watching as Drackonthanri's mouth began to push out even more, the hybrid's cock still dripping wet with pre and nowhere close to being done. A horn grew from hir growing snout as razor-sharp fangs replaced hir former humanity, the scales rapidly enveloping hir face.Two longer horns grew from the back of hir scaly head as Drackonthanri's eyes became reptilian slits, muzzle fully pushing out.

"Mmmhh... yes... I do~"

"Ghhhh... good...!" He thrusted harder, his broad, webbed hands grasping at Drackonthanri's waist, using his strength to drive hir harder down upon him - shi might have broken free of his magical hold, but he was still trying to show him who the dominant one was, even if he was at a disadvantage, the dragon retaliating by pinning him down harder, hir tail wrapping around one of his legs. "Rrgghhh!"

"Never been dominated before?" Shi laughed, running hir claws across his chest - shi could feel how close he was getting, that long, prehensile cock throbbing and spasming inside of hir. "I can't assure you it'll get easier over time~"

"Rrrrrhhh... you're really..." He huffed, his orgasm building. He couldn't hold back any longer, a melodic cry leaving his maw as he came with the force of a geyser, cumming hard into the dragoness.

The sheer pleasure drove Drackonthanri over the edge as well, her pussy quivering as shi soaked his dick in hir juices. At the same time, hir twin rods pulsed, hir teasing touches driving hir overboard as they fired off in unison, shooting off thick ropes of cum across both of them.


"Ooooooooohhhhhh...." Orsakia, crooned, gasping as his shots slowly died down, resting his head back as he was left panting. Drackonthanri, fully spent hirself, relinquished Orsakia from hir grip, a slight indentation left in his shoulders for a few brief moments. "Heh... I'm still surprised that you were able to break free of my hold, but it was a pleasant one to say the least!"

"Mmmm..." Drackonthanri purred, slowly pulling hirself away from him. "Some things are best left unexplained... then again, I don't even know myself. Maybe it was done out of the desire to put you in your place~" Shi grinned deviously.

"I wouldn't look too far into that one!" He growled. "Still, it was a fun ride, even if I might have a bit of trouble walking tomorrow!"

"Heh... meanwhile, I don't feel like staying inside of this cave... the human I was beforehand came into here to escape from the heat, didn't he?"

"That's what he claimed." Orsakia nodded.

"Well then... do you have a few more of those gems to spare? I feel like expanding this cave to fit a few more dragons inside~"

"I may be willing to spare a few~" He smirked. "Of course, I can't give you every single one, I need to have SOME decoration in here, after all!"

"Trust me, I don't need all of it. Besides which, you only took a tiny chunk out of that one crystal, and it was enough to change me, so I'm sure we could create a few hundred dragons just from one of them alone!"

"You do make a good point!" He laughed, looking at the crystal he had used to create Drackonthanri. "All I'd have to hope is that we can expand the cave to be big enough to fit them all in!" He added as he started to break the crystal apart bit by bit with his powers, amassing them into a neat little pile. "I suppose I better change the sign outside to welcome them in here as well?"

"One step at a time, hun. One step at a time~" Drackonthanri purred.

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