The Bard's Return - Kass TF

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Patreon-voted story for September! A TF of myself into Kass via some fun with Amali.This story was started on before it was announced there'd be no DLC for Tears, so it doesn't seem like we'll get more Kass. Still, a guy can dream :PKass (C) Nintendo

Enjoy, and if you want to see more stories like this (or put a vote in on what you'd like to see me write), get early access to stories ahead of public posting, maybe join my Discord server, or just support my writing in general, please consider supporting my treonicon!

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"Man, I've been playing for all this time, and I'm starting to wonder when I'll actually get around to finishing the main story quest!" Peter chuckled to himself, placing his Switch down as he took a quick break from playing Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. He had sunk well over 160 hours into it at this point in time, and most of it had been spent exploring the vast open world, looking through every nook and cranny to find the shrines so he could extend his health bar, and doing a whole bunch of side quests. He had been making progress on the main quests as well, but he still had one main quest to do before he could even think of attempting the final boss.

"Guess that's just me - give me something with a big, open area to explore, and I'm sure as hell going to explore it before I try to finish off all the main story stuff!" He mused - the same was true of the first game, he more or less had finished everything up before taking on that game's final boss, and by that point, he must have sunk in the same amount of time, if not more.

"Still... there's at least one thing missing from this game which is a little disappointing..." He added, making his way back to Rito Village to heal himself up once again - of all the places he could rest up at, he almost always chose to travel back here, mainly in part to it being one of the few places he could rest and get some additional hearts and stamina. There was one character there who was missing, and he was pretty sure he wasn't the only one who missed their presence.

He was, of course, talking about Kass, the accordion-playing Rito that had spent most of the first game travelling around, seeking help to complete his songs, eventually returning to the village once every quest involving him was completed. Between the first and second games, though, he seemed to have all but vanished, with no real explanation given. People were hoping that some future DLC might bring him back, but that would be a while away, if anything.

"Still, at least this area of the game's nice enough to relax and enjoy the view." He said, taking a moment to double-check if he needed to stock back up on arrows or any cooking ingredients. "OK, everything looks to be in order, so I think I can continue on with... hrm?" He was about to teleport away to continue on with the main story, when he noticed one of the many NPC residents of the village had a quest indicator marker over their head.

"I thought I already did everything for them..." He moved to speak to the NPC, curious to see what they had to say.

'It's been a while.... Hrm, sorry, I was just thinking aloud to myself'. The NPC, a green and white-feathered Rito, spoke. 'It has been many moons since I have last seen my husband, a travelling bard. I'm sure you're already familiar with him?'

Peter paused for a moment. Her husband? He must be talking with Amali! Odd that she seemed to pop up whilst he was musing to himself about Kass. Nevertheless, he progressed the in-game dialogue.

'I'm starting to worry that something might have happened to him. In fact... weren't you just thinking about him yourself?' She asked, appearing to be looking at Peter through the screen.

He blinked - there was no possible way she could have heard that, the Switch didn't have a microphone in it.

'I know you were thinking about him, so you obviously miss him as well. Perhaps you might be able to help me find him?' She continued.

"I... must have been playing this for way too long..." He mumbled. It's true that he was getting closer to nearly 200 hours in without having finished the main quest, but he didn't think he'd end up hallucinating from how much time he'd put into it.

'If you're willing to help me, I'll make it worth your while. What do you say?'

"I think after this, I should get a good night's sleep... I say that and I'm hardly sleep deprived!" He shook his head. "Still, I guess I can humour her and see what happens." He pressed the A button to accept the quest.

'Thank you!' She seemed to smile. 'There's not a lot that I can do for you here, so perhaps I should conduct this quest somewhere a little more private...' She finished talking, the quest's title appearing on the screen: The Bard's Return.

"Somewhere more private?" He thought. "The entirety of Rito Village is open-air, where could she possibly..." He stopped when he noticed the Amali was nowhere to be seen on the screen. "And she's gone... am I going nuts?"

"Oh, not at all!" A feminine voice called out beside him. Peter turned his head, and his jaw nearly dropped when he saw Amali standing beside him, only this version of her was noticeably a little bustier than her in-game counterpart.

"A-Amali?!" He jumped up from the sofa, and had to take a moment to compose himself further when he noticed that she had a good few inches over him. It made sense, the Rito were larger than your average human. "How did you get out of my game?"

"The most I can say to that is that I've got a few tricks up my figurative sleeves!" She giggled. "I might fill you in on them down the line, but for now, I'm not here to talk about shifting between realities..."

"Right... you wanted to talk about trying to find your partner, right?" Peter asked.

"Mhm!" She nodded. "You do keep bringing your in-game character to our village, after all, so it's easy to see that you've been missing his company as well!"

"That is true, I suppose, but what does your coming out of my game have to do with finding Kass?"

"Simple - I have no clue where my partner is in my world, so maybe he stepped over into yours, and you're the key to finding him!"

"I'm.... really confused." Peter tilted his head.

"Heh... maybe it'll help if I were to do this?" Amali chirped, casually disrobing her clothing, leaving her standing nude before the human. Peter's face turned bright red as he realised what her game was.

"I think you're getting it now - we both miss him, so why not make you the new Kass?" She stepped in closer. "We both get to have some fun, and we get to be partners~"

"Wow... I mean, wow..." He stammered, trying to find the words.

"You've already accepted the quest, after all, and I don't think it's possible for me to return back to the game, sooo..." She leant in closer. "I know for a fact that you'd be a damn good Kass, if you'll be the exact same as him remains to be seen!"

"I... I dunno if I'll be EXACTLY the same as him... hell, I don't even know what he'd be in to outside of travelling and playing music!"

"Well then, dear..." She was eying up Peter's bulge, the fabric of his trousers tenting around his semi-hard shaft. "I think I should show you sometime down the line, but for now, we'll keep it simple!" She grabbed his shirt, ripping it clean off of Peter's body. He let out a brief yelp as he was partially uncovered.

"Wait, won't he be mad if you were to go through with this?"

"Not at all - I'm still inside the game, waiting for his return there. In this world, though..." She rested her feathered hand on his thigh, tugging at his shorts. "He's eagerly awaiting my return~"

Peter was still red in the face, taking in all what was being said. He glanced back over at his Switch, and indeed, Amali was there, in her normal appearance.

"So what do you say, my friend?" She stared into his eyes, pulling his shorts and underwear down. "Do you wish to be my mate?"

His dick sprang free as the rest of his clothes were cast away, standing fully erect. "I..." He took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "I think I might be able to work with that..." He said with a soft smirk.

"Then what are we waiting for?" She stroked along his side, lowering her slick, feathery folds against his shaft, guiding it into her with a low squawk. Peter felt a shock go through him, making his body tremble, among other things, a strange, magical feeling spreading over him.

"Ghhh..." He gasped as he penetrated the female Rito, his hands resting against Amali's thighs. A pins-and-needles sensation rushed through every inch of his body, an odd prickling following suit as hundreds of quills protruded out of his skin, blossoming forth into vibrantly-coloured feathers. His arms were mostly covered in sky-blue feathers, the colour transitioning to a darker blue, then a dark orange, then white, with the plumage around his fingertips being a dark black. He could feel his arms growing larger and broader, his hands growing wider, engulfed by the feathers, his fingers still able to be moved independently despite his limbs looking like an odd mix of human arms and avian wings.

"Don't worry, I'll help you ease into it, hun~" Amali chirped, one hand brushing over his side whilst the other moved to caress his face. "I can imagine the feeling of growing feathers must feel weird to a human being, but it'll pass as quickly as it starts!" She assured him, the muscles in his shoulders becoming broader, rippling under the plumage.

"Mmmm..." He let out a slight moan, running a larger hand along Amali's thigh, stroking it. She let out a low groan herself as she bucked against Peter, watching his chest slowly barrel forwards, his rib cage expanding whilst his torso packed on muscle, vibrant yellow feathers spreading along his front, covering the bare flesh whilst neatly hiding his muscles underneath them. He gave Amali's thigh a squeeze, looking up at her as he started to thrust in faster.

"That's it, now you're starting to get into it!" She smiled, feeling his thrusting increase in speed and strength. She watched the feathers work their way lower, a nub forming at the base of his spine, thick white feathers spreading around his upper legs, covering them up in a way to make it look like he was wearing shorts. Blue markings appeared along the sides of his legs, his protruding spine poking out further, a broad fan of tailfeathers soon sprouting out around it, not too dissimilar to those sported by a parrot.

"Mmrrwwrkkk!" An odd sound left his mouth as an intense burning filled his loins, the foreskin on his shaft pulling back towards the base, reforming into a slit that worked its way around his now feather-covered balls. He could feel them swelling to the size of coconuts, his dick stretching longer inside of Amali, the flesh darkening to a pitch-black coloration, the head reshaping into a tapered tip. The top half of his cock was thin and slender, the bottom half wider and thicker, his spear continuing to grow within her, soon reaching past a foot in length.

"Ooooh, that feels soooo much better~" Amali squawked, feeling Peter's avian cock spreading her further, her feet kicking against the floor. The rest of his legs from the knees downwards scaled over, his feet popping and elongating as his toes stretched and merged, five toes shortly becoming two, his heels clicking upwards whilst a third toe sprouted from the back part of his foot, short, sharp talons topping off each digit.

Peter groaned, the sofa straining under his increased weight. He was so lost in fucking Amali, he never even noticed that he had been growing bigger throughout his shift - where he had been looking up at her initially, he was now looking down at her. "I don't know... how much longer I'm gonna be able to hold back..." He huffed.

"Just a tiny bit more, you're almost there!" She grinned, watching his hair falling away from his head, replaced by a crest of three feathers, the plumage creeping over his face, shifting in colour as they did. A curving stripe of black feathers appeared around the sides, another stripe of black and white feathers, with a red circular patch underneath them, stood out against the sky-blue feathers that covered his cheeks and eyes, his ears vanishing into little holes in the sides of his head.

"Kkrkr...krkwwwrkkk!!" Peter tried to speak, but an odd numbness in his mouth left him unable to, his teeth fusing together into a pair of solid, curving masses that soon pushed out of his mouth, stretching it wide as his nose fused together with the forming beak, a greyish-black hue taking over it. A rim of white feathers appeared around his new beak, his eyes moving ever so slightly to the side to better accommodate it, the irises filling with golden yellow, the pupils pulling into slits.

"I'm... I'm so..." Amalia squawked, breasts heaving up and down with each powerful thrust into her from the freshly transformed avian. Her hands gripped hold of Peter's shoulders, holding them tight as she clenched hard around his dick, letting loose a melodic cry as she was brought to orgasm, gushing vigorously against her partner's spear, soaking it in her juices. Peter couldn't hold back any longer either, letting loose a low, tuneful call alongside his partner, cumming hard into her.

"Ooooooooooooooohhhhhh!!!" Peter's eyes rolled into the back of his head, the sheer force of the orgasm throwing him for a loop. He rested back against the sofa, the two lovebirds coming down from their euphoric high. "Oooooohhh...." He chirped, staring down at Amali.

"Mmmm... how are you feeling, dear?" She asked him.

"Honestly... better than ever!" Peter said with a smirk, placing a hand on Amali's cheek. "I didn't imagine my evening turning out like this, but I'm glad it did~"

"Hehe... I'm just glad to have my sweet husband back... though I think you might have bested him in terms of thrusting, it's hard to judge from just one session!" She winked.

Peter nodded, smirking. "Oh, I don't think I ever gave you my name, did I?" He said.

"I don't think that matters - I mean, you're Kass now, so it'd be weird to use your old name!" Amali told him.

"That's true... although, I do have a few friends who'd probably want to join our flock, so I should lure them in under my old name, at least for now~"

"Oooh, I like how you think~" She trilled. "Would any of them object to being in a threesome?" She teased, running a hand along Kass's chest.

"I do believe I know a few people who'd love to get involved, if it meant they got to sprout feathers as well!" He grinned.

"Great! We can start reaching out to them tomorrow!" Amali chirped in a happy tone. "For now, why don't we retreat back to your nest? I believe I could go a few more rounds with you~"

"I'm down for that!" He grinned, picking Amali up in his broad, feathery wingarms, carrying her up to his bedroom. They'd have to work on adapting the place to be something akin to Rito Village, albeit with a more modern feel to it, but that would best be done after they had taken a few more Rito under their wing. And as they retreated to the bedroom, the former human's Switch went into standby mode, but not before one more thing appeared on screen.

"The Bard's Return - Quest Completed"

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