Episode Fourteen: Home Movies, Sleeping Sheep

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#14 of The Unexpected Love Life of Dawn the Dragon Bunny

Episode Fourteen

Home Movies, Sleeping Sheep

Sunday 4 PM 04/15/1997

Dawn was busy on yet another day here in the wonderful township of Red Acres, or well basically the farming community with almost nothing to do of Red Acres farms. He had a group of friends now which was nice, but still no internet. They barely even had a phone.

Speaking of phones, Dawn was on it right now as he sat on the overly huge dragon sized couch and talking to a friend of his. "Charity, I can't believe you still go mining with your condition."

"I have magical sleep preventing rings darling. I just don't wear them outside of mining because they're so tiresome."

He could kind of get that. "Yeah magical artifacts can be a bit exhausting I hear. Especially the more powerful ones. It's one reason I love technology so much, you can have all the power in the world, but none of the exhaustion. Say for example, I could make something like a bracelet that once you fall asleep shocks you into being awake."

Charity groaned. "Darling that sound so hideous... and perhaps a little kinky."

He hadn't considered that aspect. He decided he would continue to not consider that aspect. Like, ever. "Anyway, what are you calling about?"

Charity sighed. "Do I have to have a reason to call one of my best friends? Such a good bunny like yourself doesn't need me to have a reason do they?"

Dawn shook his head, even though Charity couldn't see it through the phone. "No, you don't. I like talking to you too."

For a moment he didn't hear a response. He listened in and finally heard the sounds of Charity snoring. He let out a sigh himself now. "Charity, are you awake? Charity? Okay... I'm gonna hang up now. Call me again later and we'll pick up where we left off. Love you, bye."

He hung up the phone and felt a little like conversations with Charity were a lost cause. Though she couldn't help it, her body just seemed to fall asleep, whenever it wanted, and would not wake up no matter how much you played with her, it was still kind of frustrating.

He heard his Aunt's voice from behind him. "Oh, poor, Dawn. Did the lady ignore you?"

"No, she fell asleep."

"That's just terrible."

"She can't help it."

A massive dragon head appeared in front of him, upside down and covered in pink fur, her white hair falling down onto his lap as she leaned over his head. "Oh, but you can."

"I can what?"

"Invite her over, spend time with your friend. Let her sleep in your bed?"

"Auntie Rose, that's a... a... decent idea. Thank you."

She giggled. "No problem. What are aunts for if not trying to get their adorable bunny nephew laid."

Sol's voice echoed out from the kitchen. "I'm making muffins! Who wants some?"

Rose jumped up. "Oh, me! I want some!"

Dawn did his best to relax in his seat. Today was already promising to get crazy. When he saw Sol step out of the kitchen with a movie camera in her hand, he realized that this... was going to be worse than that. "Today I'm making memories, home movies, yay!"

Oh... oh no.


Some years ago.

Dawn was in the hallway, waiting in front of the bathroom door. He was too tiny to reach the handle, at least not without a stepping ladder. So he stood there, waiting.

The door eventually opened to the giant dragon who was inside. Over seven feet tall with green scales, and yellow and red striped hair, she glared down at him. "Little bro."

He took a step back. "S-sis."

This was his big sister Twilight. She was staying with them for a month and she had made it very clear. He was not welcome in his own house. She stepped out of the bathroom and glared at him. She did leave the bathroom door open this time, so he could go to the bathroom.

Dawn stepped inside, he quickly found his step ladder going to the toilet and sat down. Once there he was careful to avoid falling in, again. Of course the door wasn't closed, he never closed it because if closed he couldn't open it again.

Twilight walked back and right toward him. He put his hands up. "No, not again!"

She leaned over grabbed his purple plastic stepping ladder and walked away. Once she was out of the door she closed it behind her. The click sounded awfully loud in here all by himself.

"Well at least she didn't shove him in the toilet again..."

Then he realized that she had just done one worse. She trapped him in the bathroom entirely. He was going to be stuck here until someone else opened the door for him.

As he finished his business and then leaned up to flush. He thought e could almost hear it. Like faint mumblings from the darkness. From the seams of the door. He was alone in here, truly alone. And not for the first time he was left wondering if anyone outside was real, his parents, his sister, his needy aunt? Was he even real?

If that door opened and revealed absolute nothingness, would he be surprised? He was curious mind you, but also scared. Scared of the potential void that existed outside of his small view of the world. Almost like... things only existed so long as he could see, hear, or smell them.

It sent shivers down his spine. By the time Lune found him he would be sniveling and crying from loneliness and fear again. But he wouldn't tell her who locked him in here, no, he would never betray Twilight, because he was more fearful of what she would do if he did, than if he just kept his mouth shut.


A few hours later Dawn found himself sitting on the couch, this time reading books. He had quite the pile of them next to him and a pink fuzzy blanket he'd wrapped around himself to stay comfy. The book he was currently working on was all about the practical application of void magic, including the concept of studying Dark Matter. Dark Matter being a very rare magical element found in the world of the Lapis Garden, though it was so rare in fact that there were still debates to its existence in the first place. The well known Doctor Clanker was studying the magical element back in her hay day but that was a long, long time ago.

There was a knock at the front door that disturbed him from his reading. He looked over at it. He was all nice and cozy here, he didn't really want to get up. Sometimes he wished he had magic like a wizard so he could just open the door remotely, but alas that was not the case.

Lucky for him, Sol was nearby and watering some of the flower pots she kept by a window near the front door. So she walked over to it and opened the door. Then looked down, way down at the person standing there.

Even Dawn was mildly surprised to see her. She had white fur, much more fluffy around her arms, lower legs and face, and a lot shorter everywhere else. Her hair was pitch black and it curled up at an insane angle near the bottom of it, just below her chin. She was wearing a dark black dress, one that had silver glittering patterns sewn throughout it.

This was Charity.

Sol greeted her. "Oh, you must be my son's girlfriend, Charity was it? My name is Sol, I'm Dawn's mommy, one of them."

Charity blinked. She was clearly a little surprised by this statement but then quickly adjusted. "Why of course I am. He's such a good person, Dawn is perhaps the best bunny that I know."

Well at least she was rolling with the crazy instead of attempting to fight it. Fighting the crazy only led to problems. Sol took a step back and waved for her to come in. "I also hear you're the local noble, it's so good to finally meet you."

Charity walked inside. "Oh sugar, my family's wealth has nothing to do with who or what I am. Though, I hear you're just as happy, monetarily speaking."

Sol giggled. "You could say that. We dragons are known for a few things after all, raiding villages, owning kingdoms, making muffins."

Charity looked over and spotted Dawn in his cozy place. "Oh, Dawn!"

Sol closed the door behind Charity. Standing behind Charity it was made entirely too clear just how large dragons were. Charity was just over five feet tall, and her head just barely came up to Sol's belly. The imposing, giant form of his mother really made it clear that dragons should be the top dog, and if not for Queen Lillian being an actual goddess, they probably would have been. As it was, dragons were well known for ruling over large sections of land just based on their prowess alone.

Charity walked over to him. "Dawn, sugar, you look so nice and comfortable there."

Dawn smiled. "Why thank you. And I apologize."

"Whatever would you apologize to me for? I'm happy to be here."

Sol came back over to them. She had a home video camera in her hand. It looked so small in her giant hands. "Oh today we're making home movies. It's going to be so much fun."

Charity nodded. "That does sound fun. May I ask what prompted to start making home movies now?"

Sol's smile faded just a little. "I feel... that well, things can happen so unexpectedly. One day you might be the ruler of a forest, with a happy family, lots of servants, and more grave coins than you can count, the next day it might all be gone making you go live with your sister and her family until you feel all happy and warm again... I want to make things happy and warm."

Charity nodded. "I would love to help make things happy and warm. How can I help?"

"Why thank you, Charity. Dawn's already naked, so you need to strip too.

Charity blinked and turned around. "Naked? For a home movie."

Dawn let out a sigh. "Yeah, ever since I turned eighteen, when Sol decides she wants to make memories she makes us all strip... again, I'm sorry."

Charity bit her lower lip. The red lipstick looked good on her, but she seemed to be mulling over the idea for a moment. Eventually she nodded and began sliding her black dress down over her fluffy breasts. "Okay, I think I understand the position I'm in here. It should be fun." Once out of the dress, Dawn could see she was naked beneath it and as she gently folded the dress and put it on the couch she looked over at Sol. "So, Sol, how do you want me?"

Sol smiled and giggled. "Oh you're so cute. Okay, go into Dawn's cozy blanket and let him hold you."

Dawn let out a sigh of defeat. There went reading. He set the book aside and opened up his blanket to Charity. This not only revealed the naked lavender fur of his smaller body, but also his hard and erect cock. Charity took a moment to eye up his carrot before climbing up onto the couch, which was indeed a climb for her as it was nearly four feet up. Once there she climbed into Dawn's lap, pressing her large, soft butt against his lap. Dawn closed the blanket around them, holding her nice and tight against his naked body.

Dawn placed his head on her shoulder and could smell her scent. She smelled like black berries and marshmallows today. An odd but delightful combination. His dark blue hair stood out against her black hair and he wondered if perhaps he should take off his glasses now.

Charity purred. "I love being held like this."

Sol giggled. "Aww so cute. Okay, just keep being cute. I love this."

With that nice fluffy ass pressed against his dick, Dawn was worried that moving too much might cause some unintended problems. Though then again, he could smell Charity's heat starting to rise. The scent making his own heat rise in response. Problems were likely unavoidable now.

They watched as Sol knelt down and filmed them. "Okay, now, I want you two to follow my instructions. You'll be like little actors for my home movie, and then once we're all done we can sit back and eat popcorn and watch it with Lune and Rose."

Charity whispered. "I assume this becomes hot."

His hands were wrapped around her midsection and his fingers massaging her soft short cut fur. "Yep."

Sol explained. "Okay, first, I want you two to start kissing."

Charity turned her head to the side. She was taller than him, but not by such a large amount that she couldn't move her head near his. Their lips nearly brushing. He could smell her breath, it was minty as if she'd just brushed her teeth. He leaned up and pressed his lips to hers and they shared a gentle, warm kiss.

Her hands covered his, their fingers entwined. From there they kept kissing. Soft, and gentle. Dawn almost forgot about the fact that Sol was filming them the entire time. After a moment or two he felt Charity's tongue rub up against his lips. He stuck his own tongue out to meet with hers. She tasted like marshmallows.

As their tongues danced and played, his body was growing steadily hotter. His dick rubbing against her ass and it took all he had to not just start humping her soft warm ass. Soft wet noises filled the room as they kept kissing one another.

Her fingers squeezed his own and this time he really did start grinding his hips against her soft ass. Charity pulled away and spoke warmly. "Remember the rule, if I fall asleep, you can keep using me, however you like, just... try to help clean me up after."

He giggled. "Will do."

Sol smiled warmly. "Oh my little sweetiebun, all grown up and making love for me. I'm so proud of you. Now start fondling her."

Dawn wasn't really sure he'd be able to stop himself at this point anyway. His hands pulled away from Charity's midsection and slid up to her breasts. They weren't the largest breasts, but they were fluffy and hot. As he squeezed them, she groaned. Her nipples were hard and erect, poking into his palms as he continued to massage them, one breast for each hand.

Sol instructed them. "Now open the blanket up for the camera to see your boobs."

Charity pushed the blanket open and it slid down off their shoulders and down to their hips. Now the camera could record it as Dawn was groping those breasts, massaging them with his hands, pinching her lavender colored nipples in his fingers.

Charity gasped, "Mmhm, Dawn, that feels good."

He pressed his lips to her neck, kissing it softly. "You feel good."

Chairty began rub her ass against his dick in return. He could smell it, her musk was rising and her heat was going crazy. With her sitting so close he could even feel the dampness of her groin as it dripped onto the couch. Goddess, this couch had to be a filthy thing by now.

Sol was smiling as if this was the most normal thing in the world. Though to be fair for Dusk, this wasn't exactly uncommon in their household, she just hadn't asked to film things too much since they moved in.

Sol spoke again. "Okay, now run your fingers down her midsection, to her special place and start touching her."

Dawn held one hand on her breast, but slid his right hand down. His fingers trailing hot lines down across her belly all the way to her legs. Charity spread her legs for him and his fingers met with her soaking wet pussy. Hot, wet, and sticky. Charity threw her head back and groaned. "Yes. Oh my god yes. If, if I pass out, cum on my fur. Wake me up with cum covering me."

Sol giggled. "Okay, we will do just that."

Dawn used his fingers in slow circling motions. Massaging the labia, feeling her slid, and her heat. She was hot down there. Intensely hot. Each circular motion he added extra pressure to her loins. Charity bit her lower lip and groaned. Her hand reached back and grabbed his hard cock. She was stroking him in return.

Sol stood up and walked around to get a better view of what Charity was doing. "Oh my goodness, Charity that's a great idea. You stroke his dick, he rubs you down."

He wasn't sure Charity was even paying attention at this point. She seemed to be lost to the pleasure. To be fair, he was having a hard time focusing on the instructions himself. He wanted to be dick deep into her but was holding back because he knew Sol would just make home do this all over again if he failed to listen.

It wasn't long before Sol spoke again. "Okay, Charity lay down on your back. Dawn, sweetiebun, you're going to eat her out now."

Charity groaned but she followed instruction. Pulling away from Dawn she laid down on her back and then spread her legs for him. He could see all of her precious lavender colored flesh. Her pussy winking at him, begging for his dick. It would have to wait.

Charity spoke. "D-darling, Sol, can I ask that he, he use my face while he eats me?"

Sol blinked. "Oh, like a sixty-nine... I had forgotten he could do that. He's just so small compared to us that we've never been able to do that, at least with any ease. Yes, yes I would love to see what it looks like when he sixty-nines with a woman. Dawn use her face."

Dawn groaned this was embarrassing but he was so horny he didn't care. He climbed over on top of Charity and then brought his dick to her mouth. She opened her mouth for him and he managed to slide himself into her hot, juicy mouth. The moment he did she began sucking.

He groaned. "F-fuck! Ah, so, so good."

Sol frowned. "Hey, no swearing please. I'll have to figure out how to bleep that out now."

He glared at her. "You are filming me getting my dick sucked and your mad that ah! Ahn!" he threw his head back. Okay no arguing.

He shoved his head between those legs. His mouth met with Charity's in a flash and he began licking her. Hot, fast, and hard licks. His tongue going up and down that slit, digging deeper with each pass. She was thrusting her hips up into his face as he did.

While Dawn licked her pussy, he was nestled deep into her mouth, her tongue lapping at his cock as she sucked on him. It wasn't a hard powerful suck, more gentle, and pleasurable. He groaned as his mouth was full of cunt and his dick suckled nice and hot.

Charity slowed her thrusts until she stopped almost altogether. She was still sucking but it was even more gentle now. Looking back he saw her eyes were closed in a peaceful blissful slumber. Oh shit she fell asleep.

Looking back up at Sol he watched her roll her hand as if to say keep going. Well he wasn't planning to stop yet anyway. He just had to put more effort in himself. He dug back in with his tongue. Using his fingers to spread open her pussy lips and to lick at her deepest, wettest folds of her sex.

While he ate her out, he began thrusting his hips into her face. Bringing his dick in and out of her open mouth. Shoving it deep into her mouth and down her throat with each thrust. Her mouth was hot and almost unbearable. Salvia mixed with his precum and clung to his shaft as he fucked her throat.

It wouldn't be long before one if not both of them came.

There was a soft groaning sound from the back of Charity's throat. Her pussy lips winked and her vagina contracted. Hot viscous fluids gushed from her body forming a thick, steady pool of sexual juices around her ass. Her mouth was growing tight as well. She was cumming.

Sol purred. "Keep doing her throat. Give her a good meal to wake up to baby."

He followed instructions. Now thrusting deeper and harder into Charity's sleeping throat. His dick was practically on fire from the passion. Thrust after thrust, he could only hear the wet sounds as his cock slapped her face. His balls repeatedly smacking her in the nose as she slept there.

Sol was walking around them, making sure to film it all. "Oh, your bunnysack is booping her snoot. How cute."

Fuck, he was close. He thrust harder, and deeper into that throat. He threw his head back. "CUMMING!"

Hot thick spurts of cream began pumping down that throat and Charity swallowed it in her sleep. Thick and filthy his cum kept pumping out. He looked back just in time to see some of his cum leaking out of her nostrils as he kept unleashing his cream.

He pulled his dick out and then began thrusting the air as the last few pumps of thick ropey cum shot out over her breasts and belly. Once finished he rolled onto his side and looked up. He just came hard into that mouth.

Charity swallowed, gurgled and then sat up. "Oh, that tastes so good. Mmm, I'm all creamy now. Dawn, sugar, you didn't have to stop."

He looked at her. Cum was dripping down her cheeks, chin, and running out of her nostrils. Yet she looked happy. He on the other hand was pretty sure anymore cum in her throat might have resulted in some something a little less pleasant. Cum vomit came to mind.

Charity grabbed him by the waist. "Inside me, now."

He blinked. He was still pretty hard but was she-

She shook his hips a little. "Please."

Well he was going to try. He moved around until he was over her, positioned his member and then with one simple thrust he slid deep into her pussy. She was wet, hot, and soft inside. His hands wrapped around her waist as he placed his face into her breasts and began working his hips.

In and out of her hole, his already sticky dick was making quick work of her nethers. She bit her lower lip. "Mmm yes, cum covered cock is the be-" she closed her eyes and started to snore.

Well she did say to use her.

He thrust harder and deeper into her hole. Sol walked around filming all the action the entire time. Leaning in close for close ups and details. The wet squelching noise of dick stirring up that pussy made him rut faster. She was grunting in her sleep but otherwise limp in his arms.

Thrust after thrust he fucked Charity in her sleep. He was already close to a second climax, and he wasn't going to quit until he'd filled her up to the brim. Sol was giggling. "Go on, baby. Fuck her. Fuck her dirty cunt in her sleep... I mean, um make love to her."

He ignored her and fucked that pussy harder. His dick was on fire and he was about to lose it. Just as Sol put the camera right next to his junk so she could get a good view of the creampie, he unleashed his load.

Hot, sticky, and thick. He pumped his lust deep into that aching pussy. There was so much of it that it spurted out the edges of her entrance and onto the camera itself. Sol pulled the camera back just as the last remains of his cum was unleashed into Charity's sleeping womb.

For a long moment he lay there. Snuggling into her fluffy chest, wrapping his arms tight around her waist and holding her close. Eventually she began to stir and groaned. "Mmm, you filled me up didn't you? Thank you."

Sol purred. "Good, you're both such good children."

Dawn replied. "I'm eighteen."

Charity replied. "And I'm twenty-something you don't need to know."

Sol leaned forward. "Oh don't worry about it. We're about to start round two, oh and then three. We're making a full feature length movie here."

Dawn groaned. This was going to be a long day.

To be continued

Episode Thirteen: Free Holes Free Use

Episode Thirteen Free Holes Free Use Another day and another chance for Dawn to get out in the world and get some of that 'real life experience' he was told so much about. In fact he was busy delivering a box full of strange mechanical pieces to...

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Episode Twelve: To Deflower a Garden and a Bunny

Episode Twelve To Deflower a Garden and a Bunny Friday 1 PM 04/13/1997 A new day and a new way to play... video games. Dawn was sitting in front of his television, it was an older one but it played Joy Station games just fine. In...

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Episode Eleven: Use me, please me

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