Episode Thirteen: Free Holes Free Use

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#13 of The Unexpected Love Life of Dawn the Dragon Bunny

Episode Thirteen

Free Holes Free Use

Another day and another chance for Dawn to get out in the world and get some of that 'real life experience' he was told so much about. In fact he was busy delivering a box full of strange mechanical pieces to Raindrop's house. Though his boss, friend, lover Poppy made it clear this was for some guy named Cloud. Well he could always stand to make a new friend while he was at it. Not something he'd have considered in the past but after coming here he found himself full of new and neat ideas.

Dawn drove through the rows of corn and up the hill going to Raindrop's house. Once there he saw the familiar old chicken coop styled house. It stood on stilts a good four or five feet off the ground, and the ramp leading up to the front porch wasn't any safer looking than usual. Dawn hated climbing up that thing, one wrong step and he could get seriously hurt.

Lucky for him he wasn't he'd have to go up there today. Dawn spotted a young man next to the house and working on the engine to a minivan. He was a fox with orange fur, white under his chin and on his chest, and short pink hair that stuck out a bit. He wore a pair of blue jeans and a greasy white t-shirt. Dawn pulled his bike off to the side and got off of it. Once there he walked over to the young man realizing that he was only a couple inches taller than Dawn. Foxes were usually in the average height range five to six feet. Maybe this wasn't a full grown fox?

"Hello there," Dawn said.

The man was holding a wrench and looked over at Dawn. Beautiful blue eyes, and a young face were there to greet him. "Oh, hi. You must be Dawn, or as RD says, the fuck-bunny."

Dawn giggled. "Yeah, that's me. Would you happen to be Cloud?"

The fox nodded. "Sure am."

Dawn smiled. "Great, I have a package for you!"

Cloud blinked. "Well that was forward, RD said you were quick but not that fast... alright, I'll bite... softly. Show me your package."

Dawn led Cloud back to his motorbike and then opened the side cars hatch. He picked up the large metal box with both hands, the thing weighed a ton but he managed to give it to Cloud. Cloud smiled. "Aw yeah! This is the new stuff for my van. Finally it'll fly again."

Dawn smiled. "Glad to be of assistance."

Cloud walked over to the van and set the box down. He then closed the lid to the engine and looked back at Dawn, his orange and white tail was wagging. "So, Dawn, you ever fly before?"

Dawn shook his head. "Not in the way you might think. My parents are dragons so They've carried me while flying a few times, but its kinda scary so I try not to do that."

Cloud nodded, put a hand on his van and grinned. "I love flying myself. Even my van can fly, but it's been a few months since I've been able to get it airborne. I've had to use my helibike in the meantime and it's just not as smooth."

"Wait, you mean you were serious, your van can really fly?"

Cloud laughed, it was high pitched and if Dawn was serious, it was kind of cute. "Sure can." He rubbed his greasy hand over his chest in pride but really just managed to smear more grease on it. "I made it myself."

Dawn was floored. That was an achievement of mechanical wizardry he had hardly heard of. It was rare, exceedingly rare to see such things. Robots, flying vehicles, jetpacks, they all existed but were so hard to find. Not even just from cost but the expertise needed for such things were so hard to come across. It was almost like someone out there was trying to keep this information secret and limited, and if they were, they were succeeding. Though that was just the ramblings of Doctor Clanker he was quoting, one of the most famous... or infamous, roboticists out there.

Dawn gasped. "That's amazing!"

"Oh, you have an eye for machines but not flying?"

"Yeah, pretty much any piece of advanced technology is right up my alley. It's so hard to find anything for it though."

Cloud let out a sigh. "I feel that. RD doesn't really appreciate my skills, actually most of our group doesn't fully appreciate them. RD especially, but hey, sometimes I meet a cutie like you and it feels all better."

Dawn blinked. He could feel his face growing warm. "C-cutie?"

Cloud's cheeks took on a pink hue as he blushed. "S-sorry I didn't mean... um... hey, let's try that again. You like machines, I like machines, I'm smart, you sound smart. Wanna be friends?"

Dawn beamed. "I'd love too! I've only ever had girl friends before, you'll be my first boy friend."

Cloud blinked. "Oh man, your kinda innocent aren't you?"

"Am not."

Cloud giggled. "Sure, sure." He looked at the box one more time, he seemed to be lost in thought about it. "This is everything that Poppy had to give me but I'm still missing something. I needed a spare computer motherboard, some of the electronics in this thing are fried from the last fight with Roboslut."

"With who?"

Cloud shrugged. "No one, just some... well she's not very nice. Point is I need to get a new computer and it's going to be a trip to the city before I can get one."

Dawn hopped in place. "Oh! Oh! Wait, I have one! I have a lot of computer and robot stuff that I'm messing around with but can't use. Maybe I have one that'll work on your car?"

Cloud blinked. "You mean it? And I can just have it? Or do you want me to pay you, money, sex, chilidogs?"

Dawn blinked. "I'd only take two of those things from you, and I don't really 'need' money."

Cloud smiled. "Alright then, how about I get changed and we can head out to your place. I'll figure out a way to make it up to you there."

"Okay!" Dawn was so excited. Not only did he just get a male as a friend, but he was super smart, and was going to visit him at his house. Even better, he could smell it, Cloud was in heat, meaning he was an adult, so that was a young man alright, one that was about his age and his own height, now that was going to be fun.

Cloud pulled out a new shirt from the van and wiped his hands clean. Once presentable he threw on a brown aviator jacket and a red scarf before going to Dawn. "So, we taking your bike I assume?"

"Sure are." Dawn climbed on and patted the seat behind him.

Cloud rolled his eyes, climbed on and then wrapped his arms round Dawn's waist. "Okay, Dawn. You lead the way, and uh... sorry if I poke you."

Dawn could already feel it. "Oh don't worry, I've had bigger things poke me there, your fine."

Cloud smiled. "I honestly think I prefer riding bitch anyway. Lets me get close you know."

Dawn leaned into him. He was warm, and he had some lean muscles under that jacket. "Yeah, I get that a lot. Bunnies love to cuddle in case you didn't know."

"That's good information."

Dawn revved up the engine and then they were off. Just as they got out of the clearing where Raindrop's house was, he almost though he heard Raindrop's voice wishing them luck and calling them gay. Well Dawn wasn't gay, but he also didn't really care either way. Love was love was love to him.


It was only a little later before Dawn arrived at home. He parked the bike out front and then him and Cloud both walked to the door. They paused there as a new sign, written in horrible handwriting was actually taped to the front door. Dawn read it out loud. "It has been declared that today is free-use day, beware all who enter, that you will be entering a free-use zone, your body will be ours for the taking and ours yours. Love Mama."

Cloud blinked. "Does that include you?"

Dawn let out a sigh. "Yeah, it does. Just, be gentle if you decide to, I might have taken it larger, but my parents are always gentle with me."

Cloud hummed. "Don't worry, I like it gentle myself."

Dawn pushed open the door and stepped inside. Cloud followed him in. For a moment they looked around. It looked empty in here, but Dawn could smell the thick scent of constant lust in here. He mumbled to himself, "What exactly changes when its free-use day from normal anyway?"

Cloud shrugged. "I don't know, it's your home man."

Dawn walked to the door that led down to the basement. "I have a... special hole down there. One that I feel with as much stuff as I can. If you dig around enough, you might find something you like."

"Is that permission to dig around your junk hole then?"

"It sure is."

Cloud was about to walk down the stairs when a familiar voice stopped them both.

"Baby bunny!" It was Lune. One of his mothers. He looked up and watched her flying down from the second floor far, far above them. Her dark gray scales, and dark blue hair flowing behind her. She was entirely naked letting Dawn enjoy her large tits and hips, the dark blue of her nipples were already hard and pointing out ready for action.

She landed right behind them, towering over the two of them and swishing her large meaty tail behind. "Oh, you brought a friend with you today, a boy too."

Cloud's eyes were firmly stuck on her breasts. "H-hot."

Lune giggled. "Aw and he's so cute."

Dawn beamed. "He's my new boy friend."

Lune snickered again. "Oh, finally turning to the gay side are you? You still like women though right?"

Dawn blinked. "Why do people think I'm gay because I have a friend who's a male? He's first friend that's a guy. Is it really that weird?"

Lune shook her head. "Oh sweetie, it's because when you call him your boyfriend, we think you're fucking him."

Dawn nodded. "Oh, that makes more sense. No, we have not bred each other yet."

Cloud gulped. "Y-yet?"

Dawn looked at him. "What, aren't friends supposed to do that?"

Cloud nodded slowly. "Yes, and I think I like you, but I also really like her."

Sol's voice came from the kitchen. "Lune, leave those two be for a moment. We can molest them when we have cookies and tea for them."

Lune let out a sigh. "Lucky you, on free-use day we can do whatever, we want to to each other. I suppose you'll get to see that soon, foxy."

Cloud blinked. "M-my name is Cloud."

"And I'm Lune, the white dragon is Sol, and the pink one is Rose. Please try and remember that, calling us the wrong name during mating could be... adverse to your health." she flashed her fangs and blew out a plume of smoke before standing up and then turning sharply to go into the kitchen.

Dawn had to say, he was taken aback by this and his plans had changed, drastically. "We can do, whatever, we, want?"

Cloud nodded. "Maybe we should get the computer part later. I kind of live with RD so we can do this anytime you know... but a free-use day... that sounds special."

They both nodded once and began stripping then and there. No sense in trying to stay modest, no one else was. Once naked they both nearly ran to the kitchen. Dawn spoke, "I call first dibs on Sol's ass."

"It's okay, I want the scary one."

Once there they slid to a halt. All three of the dragons were present, Lune and Rose were at the table. Drinking tea and laughing. Rose had pink fur covering her body white stripes, white hair covering half her face, and nearly as large features as the largest dragon in the room; Sol. Sol was the birth mother to Dawn, but that never made him look at her any different than Lune. No it was the fact that she had the largest breasts and ass out of all three dragons here. So large that they were bigger than Dawn's head. Since all three were naked, they were clearly ready for free-use day.

There was one other surprise to boot. Dawn saw that Flicker was here, the white and yellow striped skunk girl he had a thing for. Her long pink hair was a mess and she as currently sitting on Rose's lap, passed out, but from Dawn's angle he could easy see that Rose was still rubbing Flicker's pussy in her sleep.

Flicker gave a tiny moan and her lust poured down her legs and onto Rose's lap as she came for... it looked like it had to have been the sixth time now. Oh... these dragons were serious.

Dawn walked over to Sol who was busy washing dishes and whistling to herself. Once there, he looked up, way up at her. His head barely came to her waist. "Mom... its free-use day."

She looked down at him. "It sure is. Don't worry though, no one will hurt anyone. That's against the rules."

He looked at her giant ass, he could smell her funk from here. "Um, c-can I... use you?"

Sol put a soap covered hand to her chest. "Oh baby-bunny of course you can. I'm all yours."

Dawn reached out and grabbed a handful the that hot, meaty ass. "C-can I spank you?"

She blinked. "Spank... me? Dawn, you're the child, well technically an adult I suppose, but I am the parent, you can't spank your parent."

Lune snickered. "Let him have his fun, he can't hurt you anyway."

Sol let out a sigh. "That feels so weird... okay, if it would make you happy, you can spank me. If it hurts though I'll ask you to stop."

He nodded. "Thank you, Mommy!"

Dawn got behind his mother, feeling the shape of her large giant ass with his hands. Sol's musk wafted up and made his head spin with lust. His dick was hard and large, ready to please. He glanced over and saw Cloud getting picked up and set down on Lune's lap where Lune began stroking his cock. It was actually a bit smaller than Dawn's, though that was not surprising as Dawn did have dragon blood in his veins.

Dawn pulled his hand back and then whipped it forward. It met with Sol's ass hard enough to make a loud smack and jiggle those large ass cheeks. Sol grunted from it. Dawn hesitated, for a moment he was worried he'd smacked that ass too hard, when Sol continued to wash dishes he pulled his hand back and slapped her again. He used his much smaller hand to slap that amazing white fur covered ass, smack after loud smack, watching the ass jiggle with each meeting of his hand. Hearing his mother grunt and gasp sharply. Just as one of her cheeks began to grow pink from the attention, he swapped hands and began working on her other ass.

The whole time Sol was doing her best to focus on the dishes. Her giant pussy lips were drooling hot thick fluids onto the floor in a steadily growing pool of lust. Only once he had made both cheeks pink did he quit. He couldn't hold it anymore. He was so close to popping and wanted to have as much fun as he possibly could.

It was free-use day and he was going to use his mom. He jumped up, climbing up her back and making her gasp. "Dawn! W-what are you doing, I thought you wanted to spank mommy."

Once Dawn had climbed up onto her back, his hips met with her rear and he pushed his dick between her thick cheeks looking for that special place he wanted to be all his. "I'm going to fuck your ass mommy."

She looked back at him. "Dawn Setta, you can't just-"

He found it and thrust forward. His dick slipped into her large round pucker and it sucked him in as he did. She gasped loudly. "Dawn!"

Once inside of her ass, he began moving his hips. Most of his dick couldn't get all the way to it past those thick cheeks, but those cheeks still pressed hot and firm against the sides of his cock so that as his tip repeatedly entered her asshole he felt hot pleasure on all sides of his meat. Thrust after thrust he was fucking that ass. Clinging onto her waist as she stood there doing dishes, one by one. Grunting with each thrust of his dick. She even stuck her rear out for him to get easier access to it.

"Just, d-don't make too much of a mess okay."

He grunted as he thrust harder. He was so close to popping, and he knew he couldn't make any such promise. Not today. Looking over he saw Rose had set Flicker onto the table, still asleep and well used. She had then bent over and wrapped her large mouth around Cloud's cock as Lune held him in her lap. He was getting a blow job from his aunt.

Dawn thrust harder and faster. His mind was going blank with the lust and he wasn't' going to last much longer. His fingers dug into Sol's sides and he grunted loudly. "CUMMING!"

Hot thick spunk shot forth from his cock. Some of it got into Sol's asshole, most of it was sandwiched between her two large ass cheeks. Filling it up and squeezing out the seams of her ass cheeks. He groaned loudly as he kept cumming into those thick meaty cheeks, letting the hot meat of her ass squeeze out the last remaining drops of his cum as it fell to the floor into the puddle of hot juicy fluids.

Once finished he let out a sigh. "Th-thank you, mommy."

She giggled. "Don't mention it, Sweetiebun. I don't know what your obsession with my rear end is, but if it makes you happy, it makes me happy."

Looking over he watched as Cloud had just finished cumming into Rose's mouth. she pulled away, swallowing his load and looking quite proud of herself too.

Well this had become a real family affair, and Dawn was happy with it. The only person missing was his big sister... actually on second thought perhaps that was a good thing.

Of course when he met Rose's eyes, he realized that he wasn't done yet. Far from it. Rose purred. "Get over here, it's my turn to use you."

Rose stood up, reached over and grabbed Cloud throwing him under an arm. "You two bitches make us some food and drink, these boys will be thirsty when I'm done."

Rose then walked over to Dawn and grabbed him under other arm and then brought the pair of them into the living room. She tossed Cloud down first. He landed on his back and looked up at her. His dick was already hard again. Rose then set Dawn down on the other side of the couch. "Dawn, you already got my pussy last time, this time you take care of my ass please."

He watched as Rose lifted a leg, climbed onto the couch and then sat down on top of Cloud. Her pussy easily swallowing his hard sticky cock whole. She groaned loudly as he was shoved all the way to the base inside of her. She looked back, and used both hands to spread her ass wide open and reveal her winking pink anus for him. "D-Dawn, hurry."

Dawn was already hard again, just the site of that pucker was enough. He crawled forward, shoved his face into her ass and ran his tongue all the way down it, tasting her musk, her sweat and smelling ever inch of that giant backdoor he could. He ran his tongue all the way down to her pussy and then across Cloud's member before going back up and across that anus one last time. "You both, taste, good."

She purred. "Dawn, please, I'm begging you."

He jumped up, wrapping his arms around her waist, and brought his hips to bare. His member poked at the pink ring of her large back passage. With one single thrust he slipped inside and was base deep into her ass. She groaned loudly. Dawn could feel Cloud's member rubbing his against the walls of her flesh, they both felt so good to him.

The two of them began moving. Thrusting deep and hard into Rose's holes. While Cloud fucked that pussy, Dawn got the delectable asshole. Thrust, after thrust they made Rose moan and groan above them. She threw her head back and screamed with hot fiery passion. Her scream breaking out into a roar that made the house shake.

Her holes clamped down hard against their members and hot fluids ran down her pussy onto Cloud's lap. The way her holes tightened, how they sucked against their members, that was the final straw and both Dawn and Cloud groaned in unison as they came. While Cloud began yipping loudly, Dawn let out a squeaky roar as his cock erupted inside of her ass. They both pumped her holes full of hot thick cream, more and more of it pouring freely inside of her until it couldn't stay in any longer and began leaking out of her holes where they were docked with her.

Dawn leaned forward, his body exhausted, his mind blank with the second release. Cloud leaned forward. Their faces met and Cloud kissed him right on the lips. Dawn kissed him back, just a gentle, quick kiss before Cloud's eyes rolled into the back of his skull and he fell back unconscious. He needed to practice with dragons more.

Dawn giggled and nuzzled into Rose's back. "Thank you, Rose."

"Oh, don't thank me. When he wakes up, I'm going to ask you two to fuck each other."

Dawn purred. "That sounds like it could be fun."

The end.

Episode Twelve: To Deflower a Garden and a Bunny

Episode Twelve To Deflower a Garden and a Bunny Friday 1 PM 04/13/1997 A new day and a new way to play... video games. Dawn was sitting in front of his television, it was an older one but it played Joy Station games just fine. In...

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Episode Eleven: Use me, please me

Episode Eleven Use me, please me Thursday 8 AM 04/12/1997 Annabelle was busy on the farm, then again when wasn't she busy on the farm. Between trying to get siblings working more than humping, and getting Flicker to go outside long enough...

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Episode Ten: Milk and Tails

Episode ten: Milk and Tails Wednesday 10 AM 04/09/1997 Pip was laying in the tub, in front of him sat Flicker, her soft wet fur pressed against him as she was busy washing the white and yellow striped fur on her arms. Her long pink hair was...

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