Episode Twelve: To Deflower a Garden and a Bunny

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#12 of The Unexpected Love Life of Dawn the Dragon Bunny

Episode Twelve

To Deflower a Garden and a Bunny

Friday 1 PM 04/13/1997

A new day and a new way to play... video games. Dawn was sitting in front of his television, it was an older one but it played Joy Station games just fine. In fact he was busy playing some racing game with Raindrop at the moment. She'd come over originally looking to tease him but once she found out he had video games all bets were off.

Dawn was driving a pink Nightmare, the hot rod of men's dreams and she was racing in a Red Devil, a foreign car that was designed for speed and sleek elegant design. They were neck and neck across the race course, some heavily forested terrain during autumn, it even had leaves falling across the road in a few places showing the capabilities of what the Joy Station was capable of.

Raindrop was actually tilting her body left and right as she drove. "I'm going to kick your bunny ass."

"Not if I make you eat my dust first!"

They both hit the finish line almost at the exact same time. Once there they waited. After a few seconds the screen showed player one, aka Dawn as the victor. Only by a micro second but he still won.

Dawn glanced at her. "So about that blowjob you owe me?"

Raindrop punched him in the arm. "Dick... well okay yes it involves dick but your acting like one. Gloating your victory over a girl."

"A girl? Could have fooled me with your flat chest I thought you were a dude."

Raindrop gasped. "You've learned to be a sarcastic bitch! Who taught you that? Was it Charity?"

"Nah, pretty sure it was mama."

"That's what you call the gray one right?"

"Yes. The other one is called Mom."

"Right, weird family, gotta love it though." Raindrop leaned back. "Fine, I'll give you a blow job. If you tell me about something I saw outside when I was racing to your house."

"Oh? I'm still new to the area so I can only tell you so much."

"Who's flower garden used to exist outside the tree... mansion you live in?"

Dawn raised an eyebrow. "Do you mean Sol's garden? She loves flowers, and I know for a fact not to touch it. Last time I did, I was just eating a few flowers and they both got so mad at me. They never hurt me, but their punishments are... strange. Now that I'm eighteen I... I really don't want to know what they'd do."

"So if someone were to say... run at super speed, over the garden, completely destroy it, and then come play video games with you for a half hour. They might be mad."

Dawn choked. "You... oh fuck. Mad is not even the beginning of it."

Dawn heard it from down the hall. A horribly loud, vicious roar. His entire body froze up from the sound of it. Raindrop jumped up and looked around terrified. "Oh... do they breathe fire?"

"Not usually... but they also don't usually have their garden destroyed."

A second roar just as loud as the first one joined in, then a third. Oh hell's bells all three of them were in on it. Running away never worked, for some reason they could track him no matter where he went.

Dawn's mind was racing and he had to find a way to fix this. Looking at Raindrop he knew she wasn't prepared for a single dragon's wraith let alone three of them all feeding off each other's anger and making it worse. Only once before had Dawn heard them this angry. It was a terrible time.

"Raindrop. Let me talk, don't say a thing, and then leave as soon as you can. Use super speed if you need too."

Raindrop looked down at him. "W-what are you gonna do little man?"

"I'm going to save you."

"But I'm the hero, not y-"

The door came crashing open. It hit the side of the wall and walking on all fours Sol came in. Followed by Lune, and finally Rose. Smoke trailed all three of their snouts, and low rumbling growls echoed in the space. For a long moment the three dragons, wings erect, fangs bared, and tails swishing like mad just stared at them.

Sol met Dawn's eyes. "Who, ruined, my, garden?"

Dawn spoke up. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

Rose met his eyes, he really hoped that her inability to detect white lies and half-truths was still a fault of hers. That or the fact that at one point in time he had destroyed 'one' of Sol's garden's counted as telling the truth.

Raindrop's eyes widened she opened her mouth, "Wh-"

Dawn punched her in the arm, just hard enough to shut her up and remind her of what he had said. Don't speak. Dawn spoke again. "I'm sorry... I'll do whatever I can to make up for it."

Lune hissed. "You know how much Sol loves flowers."

Rose seemed the least angry of the three as she actually smiled. "I think I know what happened. I hear that young rabbits sometimes go through a 'burrowing' phase. Where they try to dig burrows, usually in soft soil such as a garden. They can hardly help themselves I hear, it's like young dragons stealing their mother's money and hoarding it."

Well either Rose was covering for him, or she had bought the mistruth he told. Either way it saved Raindrop.

Sol still looked displeased. "So rabbits don't have a hoarding phase. I wondered why my money only vanished when Lune took it."

Lune grumbled. "Are we just going to focus on that and not on our kid being a natural disaster to your garden?"

Sol shook her head. "Oh, we'll focus on that alright... I will do some research into this burrowing thing. For now though, Dawn you are not just grounded, you are super grounded and I'm leaving Rose and Lune in charge of the terms of your punishment." She stuck her head up and walked away. "Oh and your little friend has to leave."

Dawn nodded at Raindrop. Raindrop didn't even wait. Before they knew it, she had vanished into a blue blur of super fast movement so fast that she was gone before Sol even left the room. However this left Dawn in the care of the two most devious and potentially evil people he knew.

He swallowed. "P-please be gentle."

Lune and Rose stalked up to him, moving on all fours like natural predators, their bodies still seemed huge and imposing, their heads lowered in snarling displays. Though he could see the snarl curled up into a smile indicating pleasure, the problem was it was pleasure at his expense.

Dawn had seen this once before. Only once before and he had survived the encounter then. Though back then he was half the size he was now, he feared perhaps they might be less gentle now.

The two of them circled him. Leaving just enough room between them that he could make a break for it if he so chose. Yet he knew even if he somehow out ran them in here and got out of his door, Sol was out there, and worse yet there was nowhere he could run they could not find him.

Dawn sunk to the floor and pulled his knees up to his chest hugging them close. These two would do what they pleased with him, and he would stand no chance, none of escape, or defiance. Yet it was still better than throwing Raindrop to them. She wasn't family, and the horrors they could do to her would be far worse than what he would receive. At least they had to leave him functional.

Rose's snarl faded and she sniffed the air. "Hmm... he hasn't peed himself but he smells terrified."

Lune hissed. "Give it a few minutes. We'll fix that."

Rose shook her head. "Remember, Lune. He's a bunny, he can't help himself. He needs his own burrowing patch."

"Ugh, I want to play and your ruining the fun, this is why I don't like you."

"You play too roughly sometimes."

"You don't play roughly enough."

They began hissing and snarling again, this time at each other. This might be the opportunity he needed. Dawn pushed himself back as they faced each other. He kept pushing himself back until he was at his bed. Then he slid underneath it and hid. Sure they could find him here easily, but there was a secret here that he hadn't told anyone about.

He had been burrowing. There was a hole he'd made that went right to the basement. All he had to do was slide the board over and then he dipped right into the hole and fell down into the basement some ten feet below him. He landed on a few old mattresses he'd piled up here and then looked up.

"Let those two fight, I have better plans."

Of course as he picked himself up he saw light up above him as someone lifted up his bed. Lune cursed. "That little shit has been burrowing, he dug a hole right into... is that the basement?"

That was the call to flee. So he did. Dawn ran his rabbit ass, on all fours mind you across the wood floor of the root work of their giant tree they lived in. He ran all the way to the staircase going up and then ran up the stairs. Once there he slid to a stop, sniffed the air a few times and listened.

Dawn was in the lobby now. He could smell faint dragon scents. He could hear something nearby as well. Though he didn't see it. Looking at the door he saw it was left ajar from when Raindrop had run away. His perfect chance. He ran toward it, threw it open and ran out into something hard and sturdy.

He fell back on his ass as he looked up and saw a giant leg. A bare white fur covered foot ending in claws, dark green sweat pants, and then looking up the imposing height of Sol as she glared down at him.

He swallowed. "Mommy, please, please forgive me. I won't ever burrow again."

Sol put her hands on her hips. "You actually escaped Lune and Rose. I'm proud of you for that."

From here Dawn could look past her at the garden. Or rather the remains of it. Right in the middle of the garden was a long trench that had been carved into the earth. Blue feathers stuck out here or there. A few imprints of chicken feet in the ground too.

Sol shook her head. "So... you sure your still the one who did this tom y garden? All alone?"

Dawn nodded. Too afraid to speak.

Sol knelt down but still managed to tower over him. "Lune had an interesting idea last time of how to punish you, but you hadn't been naughty enough to earn that yet. Now though... well I'm not disappointed in you for burrowing, I'm disappointed in you lying to me. What did you think I would do? Hurt your little girlfriend?"

Dawn's lip quivered. "I'm sorry..."

"You even fooled your aunt by telling her a half-truth, that's just mean and sneaky and though I'm proud of you for it, I'm disappointed." Sol let out a defeated sigh.


"Don't mommy me. You're being punished young man. And we have just the right dress and panties to do it."

He blinked... dress and panties, what the fuck?


About twenty minutes later, and three pairs of giant dragon hands, he found out exactly what they meant.

Dawn found himself standing in the lobby once more. This time he was stripped of his normal clothing, and given a beautiful green dress with pink floral pattern, and a pair of pink panties underneath that. In his dark blue hair they had put a pink flower shaped hairclip. They hadn't gone so far as to put makeup on him, but they had debated it.

So there he stood, clutching the front of the dress in his hands. The green complementing his lavender fur quite nicely, and feeling entirely embarrassed. Rose, Lune, and Sol had all watched him with careful eyes and guarded expressions from the couch they sat on.

Finally sol smiled brightly. "Oh my gosh, my beautiful baby girl!"

Lune snickered. "Yep, I always thought he was a bit of a femboy but now that I see this, I can't tell if that's a boy or a cute girl."

Rose got up from the couch. "She's adorable. Well I'll leave you two to enjoy my niece. I am going to go and get some rest." Rose hadn't seemed too tired to him. Though Rose was unable to tell a direct lie, she was able to use white lies very effectively. Perhaps she was leaving for a reason, well if she was, Dawn would want to thank her... later.

Rose left but she took one last look at him before ascending the winding staircase going up to the second floor.

Dawn muttered. "I'm not a girl."

Sol clapped her hands together. "Oh my goodness, she doesn't even have to use a different voice .My little bunny sounds perfectly feminine just the way she is."

Dawn felt so degraded like this.

Lune smiled. "Do something cute for us."

Dawn stomped his foot. "Mama! I'm not a girl!"

"Oh that is cute," Lune snickered. "Now do a twirl."

Dawn couldn't believe them, or this. Was this really his punishment, to be degraded like this? How dare they? This was totally unfair.

Dawn folded his arms across his chest. The motion felt... strange in this dress. He then switched positions putting his hands on his hips. Better. "I don't wanna do a twirl."

Sol spoke warmly, but there was a hint of danger in it. "Dawn, as cute as you are, this is your punishment. Be glad this is all we're doing... we could always invite your friends over? No? Then how about you do a spin for us."

Dawn grumbled and then staying on one foot he spun around in a circle. The dress was a good few inches above his knees so when he did it lifted up showing off his pink panties with the white ribbon on the front. He stopped immediately and pushed the dress down. "Eeek!"

Luna laughed. "Ha! He even acts like a cute girl."

Sol giggled too. "So cute. Okay come over here baby girl."

Begrudgingly Dawn walked over to them. Even walking felt weird, and he was trying to hold his dress down as he did. He didn't want any more accidental panty shots, or upskirts. Once he was in front of them with the coffee table right behind him. The two of them looked down at him with hungry, predatory eyes.

Sol spoke warmly. "You know what we want don't you?"

Dawn shook his head. "I've never done this before..."

Lune giggled. "It's fine, it's your first time, being a girl and all. Lift up your dress, let us see your panties."

Dawn's eyes widened. "N-no, please, I-I can't do that."

Sol rolled her eyes. "Sweetiebun, we have both, fucked you, multiple times. Even with fingers in your ass. You can show us your cute little panties and your girl cock can't you?"

Dawn's fingers clenched tight around his dress. "J-just looking?"

Lune purred. "For now."

That was a promise he wasn't sure if he was liking or not. Yet somehow... beyond all measure... he knew he was enjoying this. He hated every single second of this but somehow he was excited and worse yet, hopeful. He slowly lifted the dress up, revealing to his parents his panties. His dick was hard and poking out against the pink silk of the soft underwear, and the cute white ribbons only brought more attention to the shape of his package.

Lune liked her lips. "Fuck, he's hot."

Sol hummed. "And horny."

Dawn looked away and at the wall opposite of them. Portraits and photo frames of him and his family were there. "Is... is this good?"

Lune purred. "Turn around and bend over the table. Show us your ass."

Dawn followed instructions. He turned around, and though he had to climb up onto the coffee table he kept his legs dangling off of it, and then lifted his dress up and over his ass. His cute little tail stuck out just above his panty line. The panties conformed nicely to his round small ass.

Lune swallowed. "Oh my god, this is hot."

Sol nodded. "I can't believe we've never tried this. Not even just for fun."

Dawn swallowed. "Is this good, mommy?"

Sol reached out, her giant fingers landed on his ass, gently stroking it. "Yes, baby girl, this is perfect. Mommy loves your cute girl cock, and your butt."

Lune reached out and her fingers met with Dawn's other cheek. "Both your mommies are very happy with your body."

They massaged his rear end. Each one of them taking one of his ass cheeks, groping it, squeezing it, and massing it. The motions made his heat rise. His dick was even harder than before. Dawn's fingers curled as they kept molesting his ass. "M-mom, ahn!"

Sol's hand slid down from his ass over to his balls and cock. Her motions were entirely new as she began rubbing his cock and balls with the palm of her hand. Massaging them both at the same time. He groaned as hot pleasure rode through is body. Precum stained his pink panties.

Lune whistled. "Look at that, she's already wet. Poor girl needs some attention."

Sol agreed. "Yes, our baby girl needs our love."

Lune's index finger was as large as a cock and slid between his cheeks, poking at his backdoor through the panties as Sol's and kept rubbing him down. All he could do was lay there, his body on display for them as they kept molesting him. He did his best to fight it, to hold back the tide of pleasure rising through his body. Yet he couldn't hide it forever.

"Ahn! Mommy! I feel so good!"

Sol spoke warmly. "Who's mommy's good little girl?"

Dawn replied. "I am! I'm mommy's good little girl!"

Sol's hand began rubbing faster than before. Lune's finger prodding a bit harder into his asshole. Dawn couldn't hold it back anymore. He lost it.

He came in his panties. Hot thick spurts of cum pouring into the soft fabric of the pink panties, so much thick cream that it pooled out the lip of the panties and down around his legs. His dick and balls were entirely covered in his own lust as it poured freely down onto the floor, thick wet droplets of his white goop landed into a puddle beneath him.

The two of them pulled their hands away, admiring the work they'd done on Dawn's body. Sol purred. "Oh our girl's first orgasm."

Lune laughed. "And she put up so much resistance to the idea at first too."

Sol spoke warmly. "You made a mess of your panties though, Dawn, sweetiebun, be a good girl and take them off for mommy."

Dawn nodded. His head was lost to the fog of lust, and he feared this experience might have broken him. He reached back with shaking, trembling hands. "Yes mommy." He slid his panties down as best he could. The white cream sticking to his lap and to the insides of his panties as he did.

Once he kicked them off onto the floor it was made clear that he was a mess down there. Covered in thick juicy cum and his musk wafting up and filling the air. He groaned as Lune's fingers met with his ass once more. Spreading his ass cheeks wide as Sol's face leaned in close and took a deep, long sniff of his ass and crotch.

Sol groaned. "He smells so gooood."

Then something hot and wet pressed against his backdoor. It was huge and slimy. Looking back he saw Sol's tongue running up against the inside of his ass. Pressing against his backdoor and massaging it. He groaned loudly as she kept licking at his pucker. The sensation was unbelievable. In a green dress with a hairclip, being treated like a girl and having his asshole eating out at the same time. It was too much for him.

Lune giggled. "Looks like Sol loves your ass-pussy. We'll make a fine woman of you yet, Dawn."

Dawn groaned. "P-Please t-take care of me."

Sol's tongue slid down to his sticky covered balls, cleaning them off with her massive tongue. She kept licking him. Lick after lick she cleaned his balls, and his already hard again cock of his previous shape. Swallowing his sticky cum covered fur.

It wasn't long before Sol slid his entire member into her mouth. Sucking on it and making his world spin with desire and pleasure and heat.

Lune's finger came back to his now wet and saliva covered ass. Prodding his back door, teasing him. "Dawn, what do you want me to do with this finger?"

"F-Fuck me mommy."

"Fuck you? Fuck you where?"

"In my ass-pussy!"

The finger pressed in hard against his ass and then slipped inside him. He groaned loudly as it spread his backdoor open and kept pushing into his colon. The finger was huge, almost as big as his own cock was. So it had taken practice to get used to this in the first place, but his body had held that finger inside of him before.

Sol kept sucking on his dick as Lune fingered his ass. The in and out motions of Lune's massive finger only made the sucking motions of Sol's hot steamy mouth that much better. Lost in a sea of ecstasy and pleasure, Dawn lost himself.

It wasn't long before he felt the cum boiling up inside of his dick a second time. "M-mommy, I'm cumming!"

Sol sucked harder, and the finger in his ass dug in deeper. He thought he was going to lose it then and there, but Lune pulled her finger out so quickly it. Leaving his ass gaping for her, she snickered.

Lune stood up and stepped over Sol's head. Grabbing her tail she brought forward between her legs and began stroking it's tip like a penis. Lune looked down at Dawn's ass. "Now mommy's going to fuck you with her cock-tail and make a real woman out of you."

Dawn looked back at her with pleading eyes. "P-please."

"Shh, I won't if you don't want me too."

Dawn looked hungrily at that tail as she continued to stroke it. "I want it, make me a real woman, b-but be gentle."

Lune whistled, leaned forward and placed her tail's tip to his ass. "Mommy is always gentle with her baby bunny."

She thrust her hips forward shoving the tail into his asshole. It sunk in deep, growing wider and thicker as it slid in. Lune was gentle but she was thick as she began pulling her hips back and sliding them forward, using her tail like a penis and shoving in and out of his ass. All the while Sol sucked away at his cock.

That was the final straw, he couldn't hold it any longer and he gave one final tiny roar of pleasure before his world erupted into hot white pleasure.

Hot spunk spewed forth from his cock. Thick ropes of steamy jizz sprayed into Sol's mouth. Plastering the insides of her throat and the roof of her mouth in his lust. Her mouth kept sucking it down, her tongue lapping at his member as she sucked every last ounce of his cum down her hungry throat.

Lune slid her tail out of his ass and licked it clean. As he finished cumming into Sol's mouth.

Once done Sol pulled back, letting his member flop back down and then kissed him on the ass cheek. "Such a good girl."

Lune purred as she sat down, "This was a lot of fun. I think with this we'll forgive you and your friend for the garden, isn't that right honey?"

Sol smiled and laid her head across dawn's ass, using it as a pillow. "Mmm, only if we can do this again. Can we do this again sometime, Dawn?"

Dawn groaned. "I... I think that would be okay... cuddles?"

Sol and Lune giggled at that. While Sol cuddled his well used ass, and Lune laid down next to him on the table and held his back, nuzzling into his neck, Dawn closed his eyes and though he was still a man. Something about this experience had opened up a door inside of him. He might have enjoyed this too much and wasn't sure if he could mentally handle doing this again.

He'd never get in trouble again if he could help it.


Later on at an undisclosed time.

Dawn sat at the booth at Mack's Food Stall. It was a small place with a few benches, a nice clear area, and the food truck that Mack worked out of. He had been sitting here by himself for nearly ten mintues before a flash of blue bluring light appeared next to him only to take the form of Raindrop.

Raindrop put a chilidog down in front of him and one in front of her. "Sup, bunny butt."

He took his chilidog politely. "Sup, chicken butt."

The two of them shared a quick laugh at the childish greeting. Before he could dig in though he noticed that Raindrop seemed tense. It was odd to see her like that, in fact it bothered him. He had to ask, "What's wrong?"

She let out a sigh. "I'm... I'm sorry."

Dawn looked at her, he could see the pain across her face. She was never weak... weak, that's what she was now wasn't it? "Hey, its okay. Dragons are scary, they make loud noises, spit fire into the air, and stomp around. Hell it scares me. But they don't do anything bad."

"I know, I know. I mean what would they even do? Spank you? Deprive you of sex? Put you in the sex box until they were done or bored?"

He blinked. "Sex... box?"

"Listen, I just... have a history with dragons. Not one I'm going to go into, but it's not pleasant. I got scared and ran away. Heroes don't do that. Heroes don't let their friends take the blame."

He put a hand on hers. "And heroes don't let their scared friends get in trouble with their dragon moms."

She smiled. "SO what, you're my hero?"

"I could be. But I'd prefer to be a villain, they get cooler toys."

She snickered. "If you were a villain I'd fuck you anyday."



"Double good!"

She shoved him gently. "Eat your free chilidog and thank me later..."

"I forgive you, Raindrop. Your one of my friends, my lovers. Its okay to be scared, I'll protect you from dragons any day."

She let out a sigh. "Fine then I'll protect you from limp dick and lack of chilidogs."

He didn't really like chilidogs so he could live without those but hey, it seemed important to her. They spent the rest of the day together, having fun, eating food, fucking in fields. She more than made up to him for any misgivings, however, he knew his mothers may find a new way to play with her the next time she came over... that was a bridge to cross later.

To Be Continued

To Be Continued

Episode Eleven: Use me, please me

Episode Eleven Use me, please me Thursday 8 AM 04/12/1997 Annabelle was busy on the farm, then again when wasn't she busy on the farm. Between trying to get siblings working more than humping, and getting Flicker to go outside long enough...

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Episode Ten: Milk and Tails

Episode ten: Milk and Tails Wednesday 10 AM 04/09/1997 Pip was laying in the tub, in front of him sat Flicker, her soft wet fur pressed against him as she was busy washing the white and yellow striped fur on her arms. Her long pink hair was...

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Episode Nine: Roses are pink, Dawn is lavender,

Episode Nine: Roses are pink, Dawn is lavender, Tuesday 1 PM 04/08/1997 Dawn sat in his room, he'd sent out the invite to hang out to a few friends, mostly by calling them. None of them were free today. First he tried Flicker, because...

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