Episode Nine: Roses are pink, Dawn is lavender,

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#9 of The Unexpected Love Life of Dawn the Dragon Bunny

Episode Nine: Roses are pink, Dawn is lavender,

Tuesday 1 PM 04/08/1997

Dawn sat in his room, he'd sent out the invite to hang out to a few friends, mostly by calling them. None of them were free today. First he tried Flicker, because honestly she was his favorite, but she was busy with some of the giant snails and tending to a new clutch of freshly hatched ones. Then he tried Poppy because she was fun, but she was trying to fix Annabelle's tractor. From there he tried Annabelle, she was busy farming, like usual, then Raindrop but she was fighting robots or something, finally she tried Charity. Charity had said she would love to come over at first, and then changed her mind when she fell asleep on the phone...

Well this left Dawn sitting in his room looking at his computer screen and feeling awfully alone again. It was an old feeling he'd had from time to time in the past. Loneliness, it wasn't something he had considered much of. However, he was not a fan of this feeling, not at all.

They said bunnies needed company or they got depressed. He would agree with that statement.

Giving up on any video games Dawn knew of at least two people that would spend time with him. He got up and left his room. Going down the hall which was built into one of the giant roots of the massive tree structure they lived in he looked for his parents. He found Sol in the main entrance, a giant space with the shelves covered in thousands of books, an elevator built into the side of the tree's thick walls, and all the necessities of al living room. She was busy sweeping.

"Hey, mom." Dawn called as he approached her from behind.

Sol was a fluffy dragon covered in white fur with long rainbow hair that was fluffy and almost cloud like going all the way to her ankles. She looked over and then down at him. She was nine and a half feet tall so he only barely came up to her waist. Rabbits were much, much shorter than dragons. "Oh, Sweetiebun. Be careful back there. I didn't hear you and your so tiny, if you didn't make a noise I could have bumped into you by mistake."

He shrugged. "I'm fine. Anyway, maybe I want you to bump me."

Sol giggled. "Oh feeling rowdy are you? In the mood for some rabbit powered humping?"

"I could go for that." He reached out and grabbed her rear end, squeezing it.

Sol gasped. "Young man, if you grab me like that you'll have to face the consequences."

"I'm well aware of that, mom."

She purred. "Oh if only there was time. I'd give you so many consequences, all over your tiny bed."

He pulled his hand away. "Time? You're just cleaning. Actually where is Lune?"

"She's checking on the horde. All dragons have one and you should be worried about making your own treasure horde soon you know."

He rolled his eyes. "I'll worry about that later."

"Unfortunately she's not just checking the horde because she's worried about it. She's avoiding my sister."

That made him shiver. He avoided his aunt as much as he could as well. "Auntie Rose... wait if she's avoiding her, why did she leave? Auntie Rose isn't here."

Sol smiled. "Not yet, but she'll be here-"

The front door swung open and Dawn's guts dropped. There she stood. Standing almost at the same height as Sol, only covered in pink fur with white stripes. Her right hand was covered in white fur whereas the others were covered in pink fur, the white hand had blood red painted claws. Her white hair was cut short to the chin but fell over half of her face. Her giant wings were just as fluffy and pink and her tail swished behind her. This was Rose.

Rose was also wearing a long red dress that did nothing to hide her giant breasts or curvy hips. "Sister!"

Sol dropped the broom and ran over to greet her. They embraced as Sol cried, "Oh sis! I missed you so much, it's been a few years!"

A few years of peace and quiet for Dawn that was.

Rose nuzzled into Sol's neck. "Oh I missed you too. The woods are lonely without you there."

"Oh sis, we may be dragons but we must keep up with the times. Cities are where people live now."

Rose giggled. "I think the traditional ways still have merit. Caves, kobold servants, capturing the weak and screwing their brains out while taking their money. I mean, it's not the most amazing life, but its what's normal for dragons."

They pulled away. Sol shook her head. "Well there is merit in both ways I assume."

"I will agree to that, barely." Rose's eyes drifted over to Dawn and she smiled. "Oh my goddess, is he an adult now? He smells like you've fucked him."

"He is an adult. And we have been breeding him. Oh he's so wonderful too." Sol leaned forward and whispered very loudly. "He really likes to put it in my butt though, I'm not so sure what to think about that yet but it is not unpleasant."

Rose laughed. "Well, seems he's really become a man then. I'll take him for a spin later."

He shivered at the thought. Auntie Rose had always freaked him out. Dawn looked up at her as she walked over to him. Once in front of him she leaned over, reached out and picked him up under the armpits. She brought her face to his and began licking him. He wiggled and groaned. "Stop it! Auntie! That's gross."

She giggled and then pressed her lips to his in a quick but fiery kiss. "Don't lie to me. You've started to like being licked."

"I did not."

"You're lying."

"No I'm not."

Rose met his eyes. Her eyes were blood red, sharp and intelligent. "Have these two been treating you well?"

"I... guess so."

"Yes or no please. It's hard to tell if you're lying if you give me indirect answers."

He grumbled. "Yes."

"Have they been having sex with you every single day like good parents/"

"Y-yes?" he lied. Since he got here he'd had a few days where he hadn't slept with either of them.

Rose blinked. Then frowned. Then looked back at Sol. "You haven't been having sex with him every single day? What is wrong with you?"

Sol gasped. "We try, we really do, but sometimes he is just too sleepy after having sex with his friends. He's so fragile we can't force him to breed with us every single day."

Rose looked back at Dawn. "Is that true?"


"Good, now you're not lying to me." Rose set him down on the ground again. "Well I hope you give me a good dicking like you do them."

"Ugh, your being weird. Why are you being weird?"

She frowned. "That's a rude question."

He glared at her. "Do you even like me?"

"Of course I do, I love my baby nephew... my grownup baby nephew."

"What's your game here, why did you come visit now of all times?" If she was going ask him rude questions he'd return the favor.

She took a step back. "I... I enjoy visiting my family."

"Oh and why-"

Sol snapped. "Dawn, you're being rude. You know that she can't tell a direct lie, just as much as she can tell whenever someone lies when she's around. Please don't be rude with your questions. It's painful for her."

He lowered his head, now feeling a bit guilty. "I'm sorry."

Rose let out a sigh of relief. "No, no, It's quite alright. I did surprise you and perhaps deserved a little rebuking. You're a young man and I should treat you as such. I suppose I should be lifting my tail and presenting myself for you now."

Sol giggled. "Well, that would be nice and friendly, but unless you're asking him to eat you out, you may also have to provide a step ladder for him."

Rose smiled and licked her lips. "Both of those ideas sound quite... delectable."

Sol clapped her hands together. "Oh, I have a wonderful idea. I'm going to start work on making some cupcakes for us. Rose, why don't you go with Dawn to his new room. Oh it's so cute."

Rose smiled. "I would love to."

Dawn mumbled under his breath. "I'd almost rather have my sister here."

Rose's smile faded. She could tell he just lied, and lied badly. No, he would never rather have his sister around. Good riddance. "She's not that bad... if she ever locks you in the bathroom again tell me, I'll bite her."

Well that was a nice thought. Dawn's parents didn't exactly know that half the times he would get stuck in the bathroom were not actually his fault. Rose could sense lies though, so she knew the truth, but she hadn't been there at the time to do anything about it.

Dawn walked back to his room and she followed. He didn't dislike his aunt exactly, she was nice and friendly and very attractive. No it was just the fact that it was impossible to lie around her that had disturbed him.

Still he resigned himself to his fate. "Okay, come with me I guess."

He led Rose back to his room. She had to bend over to get in through his door. After a few seconds of hunching over a little she swore. "Screw this." she knelt down and sat on all fours more like an animal than a proud dragon. "Better."

He wasn't quite sure what to make of that. "Well... welcome to my room."

Rose looked around. The room was just barely ten feet in height, he had a large bed which turned out to be just barely big enough for him and one of his mothers. It was covered in a purple blanket with yellow robots on it. His walls were adorned with posters, anything from the Love-minator movies, to Toy-Tale, the story of a bunch of toys looking to please their owners... in any way possible. Attack of the Kissing Tomatoes was on a poster as well. Aside from the posters there was his computer, his bookshelves, movie collections. He also had a Pleasure-station with a few games, his favorite was probably the horror game Resident Bio-hazard. Weird sexy undead try to fuck you, you must fuck them first before you lose and join them.

"Well... this is it," Dawn said.

Rose walked on all fours, her body swaying like a predator as she moved to his bed. She leaned into it, pressing her snout into the blanket and sniffing it a few times. "Smells like sex."

He groaned. "Because I have had sex on it."

Rose shrugged and began sliding her red dress off letting it fall to the floor. This told him two things, one, she was entirely naked beneath that, two she was dripping wet. She looked back at him. "Dawn, are you afraid of me?"

He blinked. Oh... fuck, he couldn't answer that. "I um... think you can be frightening at times like any dragon should be."

Rose frowned. "You didn't answer the question." She laid down on his floor and rest her head on the bed. "What can I do to make you less scared of me?"

And now she sounded hurt. "Auntie Rose..."

She glanced at him. "Please, Dawn. We're family. You might be a bunny, with the most beautiful lavender fur and blue hair. But you are family, my sister birthed you herself... you smell like her... Please, tell me what I can do to make you less scared of me. Do you want to use my butt? You can use my butt."

Dawn looked back at that large round ass. His pants felt like they were getting a little tight now. "You shouldn't have to offer your body to me like that."

"Then tell me what else I can do. Please. Do you need me to be tied up? Would that make you less scared?"

He walked over to her and knelt beside her. "No, no, shhh. I... Auntie, I love you. Yes I am scared of you okay, but I'm scared because you always know when I'm lying. I'm afraid you might find out something about me, something you don't like... something that might make you not see me as family anymore."

"Oh what could ever do that?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe I was worried you might be upset that I like in my ass... or the fact that I hate to shower alone... or the fact that I have the hots for you."

A small smile crept over her lips. "You have not told a single lie."

"What's the point of lying to you?"

"That's a good answer... Dawn, I love you."

"I love you too, Auntie Rose."

"But you're still scared?"

He swallowed and looked down across her large body. "The only giants I've slept with are my parents. What if I'm not good enough for you?"

Rose shook her head. "Dawn, sweetie, I love rabbits. I mean I love fucking them. Size is not what's important to me, I love the way they smell, taste, and the noises they make when they cum."


"Yes. Really. I'm a bit weird like that."

He looked at her body once more. "SO... is it... is okay if I... I mean..."

"Use me however you like, if it brings us closer, I'll do anything you ask. Anything at all."

He stood up and couldn't take his clothes off fast enough. Shirt, pants, boxers. All of it. Once naked his hard erect cock. She looked over and smiled. He brought his member to her lips. "C-could you... lick me? Like you did my face?"

Rose opened her mouth, revealing the rows of extra sharp fangs. her hot, large tongue reached out and ran across his tip. "Like this?"

Dawn groaned. "Y-yeess."

She ran her tongue down his length and across his balls. Her snout pressed into the side of his cock as her tongue worked on cleaning his balls. Lick after lick ,she worked hard and rough on them before letting her tongue slide up his length and around the sides of it. Precum was dripping from his tip already and she lapped at it, tasting his flavor and tasting him.

"Mmm, you taste so good. Kind of like roasted carrots." She opened her mouth and then slid it over his dick.

Her mouth sucked against his cock, nice and hard. Squeezing it from all sides and making his groan with extra pleasure. He stood there, holding the back of her head, feeling her horns hidden just beneath her white hair and letting Rose sucked him off. The heat of her mouth was intense and he knew he couldn't get enough of it. He began thrusting his hips into her mouth hole, slowly, gently, feeling the heat of her mouth sucking him off as he moved.

After a few minutes she pulled away and spoke. "Dawn, you can keep using my mouth if you want... but... could I ask for a favor?"

He nodded. "Sure."

"Could you use my pussy? If you don't want too, you don't have too."

He smiled down at her. "I thought you'd never ask. I would love to use your pussy, Auntie Rose."

Rose giggled and then climbed up onto his bed. She rolled onto her back and then spread her legs open wide for him to see her juicy nether lips. "Please, use me. Breed me. Fill me up. Show me how much you love your auntie."

Dawn climbed up onto the bed. Then up over her thick furry tail. He mounted her, placing his tip against her massive pussy lips. His hands on her thighs squeezed into her soft flesh. He looked into her eyes as she reached out and stroked his cheek. He could see it in her expression. She loved him. She truly loved him. "I love you, Auntie Rose."

"I love you too, Dawn."

He pushed forward. His cock sliding into her hot sticky hole. Stretching her walls open to fit his length. She threw her head back and loosed a deep loud moan of pleasure as he entered her. He kept pushing in, going all the way to his base and once there grunted as he tried to push deeper. She was so hot inside, so wet and soft. It was like sticking his dick into a piece of heaven, even Sol didn't feel like this.

He began sliding himself back out, feeling her sticky nethers dripping and leaving a mess against his shaft as he did. Once out he pushed back in and watched her wriggle from the sensation. "Ooohhh goddess! Fuuuuuck me. Dawn!"

That was all he needed to hear to know he was in the right place. His body was hot and his mind fogging over with lust. The smell of their combined musk filled the air as he kept working himself in and out of that wonderful hot hole. "Mmm, Auntie Rose! You feel, so, good."

Her hands wrapped around his waist. "Thank you. Ah, ah, ahn! More!"

He moved his hips faster. Sliding himself in and out of her at a faster, harder pace. Her giant breasts bounced with each thrust, her gray nipples erect and standing out. He was getting close to finishing. He could feel it, but he didn't want to end so soon. Not when she needed his love. She was just so hot and wet it was driving him insane. The wet squelching noises her body made as he kept fucking her was driving him off the wall. He had never once thought he'd do this with his aunt, but now that he was here doing it, he realized that this was the exact thing he always needed to do with her.

She spoke. "Cum in me. Please fill me up!"

He couldn't deny her request, not when she was begging him. He thrust harder and faster. His member was practically melting inside of her. He wasn't going to last long like this and with her permission he didn't have too. He thrust one last time as hard and deep as he could possibly go.

His cock twitched and jerked inside of her as the eruption of cum sprayed out from his tip. Hot thick lust plastered the insides of her walls, caking her vagina white in his spunk. He poured every last ounce of his lust into her as he could. Making sure to fill her womb up with as much of his seed as he possibly could.

Only once he had finished did he fall forward. Wrapping his arms around her sides and snuggling into her soft, warm belly. His cum leaking out around his dick where it was still docked with her vagina. "I love you, Auntie Rose."

She held his back. "Oh my goddess, you're a cuddler. Just like your mom. I love you too. Now just hold me, hold me as long as you want."

From over by the door Dawn looked and saw Sol's head poking in his door. A warm smile spread over her lips. She met his gaze and winked at him as if to say she was proud of him for bridging the gap between him and his aunt. Well the day was still young, and there was a lot more time to continue bridging that gap.

The end.

Episode Nine: Dream Factory

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