Episode Eleven: Use me, please me

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#11 of The Unexpected Love Life of Dawn the Dragon Bunny

Episode Eleven

Use me, please me

Thursday 8 AM 04/12/1997

Annabelle was busy on the farm, then again when wasn't she busy on the farm. Between trying to get siblings working more than humping, and getting Flicker to go outside long enough to care for the animals, it was a busy life here. She found herself trying to steer people more often than animals and something about that just didn't sit right with her. She really didn't envy her mom much after being in charge of their various farms, she just wished she could spend more time with her ma.

Today Annabelle was given the special task of trying to get Raindrop to actually pitch in for once. Raindrop basically lived out in the cornfield in a glorified chicken coop, which was fitting for a chicken, but the fact stood to reason that Raindrop basically never did her job. She was a cousin and that meant pitching in when help was needed, not sitting around and screwing her fox boyfriend all day or whatever it was that Raindrop did when prying eyes were away.

Annabelle pulled the truck she was driving into Raindrop's yard and parked it. She waited several seconds hoping that Raindrop could at least give her the courtesy of coming outside to greet her. This gave Annabelle some time to finish smoking her cigarette as well. However, the cigarette eventually ended, and so did her patience.

She turned off the engine stepped out of the car door and then closed it behind her. Annabelle walked over to the house it was built on stilts that kept it a good four or five feet off the ground. Each step up the ramp to the front porch felt heavy in her boots. Annabelle paused only briefly at the door to let out a sigh. She knew this conversation was going to go over about as well as trying wake a possum playing dead. Someone's nipple might get bit off.

She knocked on the door and waited. It didn't take too long to get a response and when the door opened she couldn't call herself surprised. Raindrop stood there. Her blue feathers were a mess, and her purple hair was covering half of her face and went just past her chin. She yawned and smelled like booze and chilidogs. She was barely wearing any panties and had given up on a bra entirely thus showing off her lavender nipples and flat chest.

Raindrop scratched her ass. "Sup?"

Annabelle nearly growled, but somehow by the grace of the three gods, kept her composer. "Raindrop, sugah, yer late fer helping out at the barn. We got cows that need milking."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "Whoa... like... that was today?'

"Yes, today."

"Like, today,today?"

"It's today, there ain't nother today that Ah know of."

Raindrop's beak curled up in a smile. "What if today meant tomorrow, I could do it then."

"Goddess damn it, Raindrop, you have one simple job. Just git it done."

Raindrop groaned. "Fiiiine, I'll go milk the tits."

"Thank ya. You know it's not easy fer cows ta milk themselves. So it's up ta us ta help out."

Raindrop nodded. "I know, I get it. I've just been... I dunno. Busy."

"Busy sleeping in?"

Raindrop yawned. "After fighting a horde of sex robots, yeah. The old doctor's being a bitch."

Annabelle rolled her eyes. "Only robot yer fighting is a vibrator, now git ready."

Raindrop walked back inside and picked up a pair of blue jean shorts off the ground, sniffed them and then put them on. She did the same thing for a white tank top. Looking inside Annabelle could see that the nest box was full with a clutch of eggs. Unfertilized of course, but still useable. "Hey, mind if Ah take those?"

Raindrop followed Annabelle's finger point to her nest box by her bed. "I don't like laying eggs, and unless I keep like, twelve of those fuckers around my body is going to keep laying them. Do you have to?"

"Ah want a good breakfast-lunch, yer eggs are mighty tasty."

"Creep... fine, go ahead. But you're paying me for them."

Annabelle nodded. "Ah can do that."

Raindrop pushed past her and stepped outside. "Good, take them, shut my door when you leave, I'll get to work now, boss. Oh, and I guess I'll see you back at your place later."

Annabelle watched as Raindrop ran forward, her body turning into nothing but a blue blur as she zipped out of here faster than anyone had any right too. Somehow Raindrop had magic, most chickens did not, though most birds did. Not only that her magic basically just made her super fast.

Well Annabelle had just purchased her breakfast so she was going to take some eggs and go home. Things were looking up a bit from here.


Annabelle returned home and had placed her lunch in the fridge. Fresh eggs from Raindrop's pussy, probably not the best way to phrase that ,but hell it tasted better than the aphid eggs. She was actually planning to cook up some beetle bacon and fried eggs for a nice hearty lunch when she heard something from the washing room nearby. The slow steady thump, thump, thump of something moving in there.

She already knew what would be inside there, but she wasn't going to just ignore it. Annabelle walked to the door opened it up and saw both her brother and little sister thumping away at each other. Bluebelle was naked as could be, her blond fur being pounded away from behind as Mack's red fur brushed against her as he fucked that ass hard.

The two of them looked over at Annabelle... but kept going.

Annabelle shook her head. "Listen, Ah don't mind ya two doing this every now an again, that's what family is fer right? But it almost feels like ya prefer each other instead of other folks and that ain't right."

Bluebelle grunted. "F-Fukc yes I d-do! Who else c-can fuck me like this!"

Mack grunted. "Ayep."

Annabelle groaned, this was annoying and she still had to deal with it herself. Some days she really wished her mom Freya had time to just come over and help straighten these two out. Then again, she wasn't exactly the best morally herself now was she? Annabelle closed the door. "You could always fuck the rabbit, he's pretty damn good at it."

Bluebelle groaned. "I'll think about it."

With the door closed Annabelle was about to get to cooking when she watched someone new walk into the room. A sheep with white fur, trimmed short around her neck, shoulders and the top of her breasts, thick and fluffy around her face arms and legs. She wore a black dress that was cut up the side revealing one of her juicy tender legs, and her black hair went down just past her chin before curling up at an insane angle. Her red lipstick only helped sell the whole package, the package's name was Charity.

Charity gave her a wink. "Oh sugar, I didn't think you'd still be home today."

Annabelle shrugged. "Ah'm home every day. Got nowhere else ta be."

Charity giggled. "I'm glad to hear it. I suppose you're doing laundry then?"

"Sure am."

Charity walked over to her. She was a little shorter than Annabelle but that never once made Annabelle feel superior. In fact Charity seemed to like testing the waters as much as she possibly could. "Sugar, do you know where your brother is?"

Annabelle smiled. "Probably out getting a good wash."

"A wash? By whom? I dare say, I was hoping he'd wash me!"

"Too bad."

Charity threw her hand over her forehead and gasped. "Oh my, oh dear. There are just so few men in this town as it is, how can I ever find one to... to... zzz..."

charity was still standing straight, but her eyes had closed and she was snoring up a storm now. Just as she was about to fall Annabelle caught her and then brought Charity over to the kitchen table where she set the sleeping sheep down and laid her head over the table safe and sound. "Don't say Ah didn't ever do anything for ya... being a shepherd's hard work you know."

Charity smacked her lips in her sleep. "Penis. Want... penis... zzz."

Well the girl had a one track mind now didn't she? To be fair Annabelle wasn't always better. Still she had some time to make some food for herself now. Though looking at Charity, she realized that this girl put herself in danger just by existing. Annabelle really wished that Charity would just stay safe and sound at home, but she knew this was not ever going to happen.

After cooking up some good food and sitting down at the table to eat it, the door to the laundry room finally opened up. The thick scent of musk wafted out from it and hit her like a truck. It almost ruined the good smell of bacon. Her siblings stumbled out. Half dressed, their fur sticking out at odd angles and matted down in places. They looked at Annabelle, then at the sleeping Charity, and without a further sound left the kitchen seeming to realize they were not in a safe space at the moment.

Of course they left the damn laundry room door opened, with their puddles of lust still on the floor. They couldn't even clean up after their own messes. Annabelle closed the door and taking a scented candle form the window seal lit it up with her lighter. Now she could relax, eat food, and hope that the smell went away soon. Mostly because it was starting to make her own nethers churn and burn for attention.

During the entire meal Charity just slumbered away. She wasn't likely to wake up soon then. Poor dear just couldn't seem to control when she would go to sleep or wake up. It was due to this she had ended up in some of the strangest places, or positions that Annabelle had ever heard of.

Eventually she got yet another guest, this one however she expected. The door swung open and a gust of wind blew through the kitchen before she saw Raindrop simply appear in front of her next to the table. She was covered in sweat, and smelled like milk. Fresh, delicious, creamy milk.

"Yo, bitch, I got it done!" She pumped a fist in the air. "Milked the shit out of those cows."

Annabelle blinked. "That... that is probably not the best way to phrase that."

"Don't care, I'm awesome."

Annabelle laughed. "Okay, champ, ya sure are awesome fer doing yer job. Also yer eggs taste awesome too."

"Hell yeah they do, everything I touch is... that's gross. Don't tell me what my eggs taste like! Those came out of me!"

Annabelle rolled her eyes. "Big baby."

"I'm not the big baby, you are!"

"Whatever you say, Rainypoo."

Raindrop gasped. "I-what? You're, just... dumb! Ha, got ya."

Annabelle shook her head. "Okay, okay. Anyway, you mentioned you wanted me ta pay fer them eggs. Ah figure you didn't want money."

"No, I mean money's nice but that's what my job is for."

"You mean when you eventually get around to actually doing it?"

"Shut it, I milked the cows already."

"Okay, okay, then what do you want?"

"Well I'm covered in sweat for starters. How about a bath."

Annabelle stood up. "Ah can do that. Ah'll start a bath fer ya."

"A tongue bath."

Oh now she was just being mean. "You want me, ta clean yer nasty ass body with mah tongue?"

"And especially my nasty ass."

Actually this didn't seem like such a bad proposition after all. "Fine, Ah'll do that fer ya."

"Oh come on, you said you'd pay me at least try-wait, you said yes?"

"Ayep, but yer gonna have ta return the favor too."

Raindrop licked her beak. "Oh I was planning too."

Well that settled that then. Annabelle grabbed Raindrop by the hand and led her out of the kitchen. Charity would wake up when she wanted too. They went into the hall, up the stairs and into the master bedroom. This was Annabelle's bedroom. Large, and dark, she was fond of it, but it wasn't her goal. No it was her personal bathroom she wanted. Once inside the bathroom she turned sharply, put a hand on the back of the door closing it and then pressed her chest against Raindrop's pushing the chicken girl into the door. Once leaning against the door Annabelle brought her face within only an inch of Raindrop's. "You want a bath, you'll fucking git one. Ya filthy slut."

Raindrop purred. "Good, I'm a filthy whore who needs a cleaning and only a nasty tongue like yours can do the job."

Annabelle pressed her lips to Raindrop's beak and they shared a kiss. Hot, wet, and passionate. Their tongues met and played and hands reached out for hips. The heat and passion turned on like a switch and all of the struggles of the day were melting into the passion of their bodies.

After a couple of minutes of kissing Annabelle pulled back and began stripping. "Take yer clothes off, whore."

"Fuck you," Raindrop said, but she was already stripping.

Annabelle finished first. "Ha, Ah win, slut."

"Take your prize then." Raindrop pulled her sweat stained panties off and threw them at Annabelle's face. It landed right on her snout.

For a moment Annabelle thought she was going to die. Then she sniffed and her mind went blank with lust. The scents of sexual fluids and sweat mixed together into a hellish aroma that made Annabelle shiver from head to toe in delight. She did take the panties off her face, but not before sniffing them again, just to savor that delectable scent

Raindrop cringed. "Dogs are gross."

Annabelle threw the panties on the floor reached out and grabbed Raindrop by the waist. She then turned Raindrop around and forced Raindrop against the door. That small ass was nice, hot and smelled delicious. "Stay there and let me be your filthy tongue rag. Use me like the fucking whore Ah am."

Annabelle knelt down and then spread that ass open with her hands. The hot musk wafted off and hit Annabelle in the face with enough force to almost knock her over. Her nethers were burning with desire and her mouth salivating with hunger. She leaned forward and stuck her tongue out. Annabelle's tongue met with Raindrop's crack, sliding up and down it. Running over her anus and down to the base of her pussy before sliding back up it. oh she could taste the musk, taste the sweat of hard physical labor and her senses were going haywire from it.

Lick after lick she kept eating out that asshole, making Raindrop groan as she was pressed harder into her backdoor. "Fuuuuck! you're so good at this! Keep ahn! Going Ah!"

Well Annabelle had no plans to stop. She kept licking. Harder and faster. Focusing most of her effort directly on that backdoor. Tasting it, massaging it, smelling it. She wanted this ass to consume her, as small was it was, she wanted to be used by it. She was a filthy slut and she needed to be treated like one.

Eventually Raindrop groaned. "I'm g-gonna cum!"

Just from having her asshole licked? She must really have been needy.

Annabelle spun Raindrop around, before pushing her back into the door once more. Now facing her crotch Annabelle dug into that soaking wet pussy. Her tongue digging in deep and tasting the sweet nectar of passion that was drooling from Raindrop's pussy.

Raindrop groaned. "C-Cumming!"

Annabelle felt the muscles of that vagina contract as an orgasm ran through Raindrop's body. she pulled back just in time to get a hot sweet shower of sexual fluids and lust as they sprayed out from Raindrop's pussy in a heavy gushing torrent against her chest, neck and belly. Annabelle rubbed those fluids into her fur, trying to cover as much of herself as possible in Raindrop's cum. Annabelle was close to climax herself ,but she wanted to be nasty, she wanted to roll in the cum and fluids. To be made into disgusting cum dumpster.

Once Raindrop finished cumming she slid to her ass on the floor. Annabelle leaned back and spread her legs open. Her hands already reaching for her own pussy and rubbing it. Raindrop watched with hungry eyes as Annabelle rubbed herself furiously.

Raindrop licked her beak again and then leaned forward. Her beak went to Annabelle's filth covered chest, licking it and licking her own cum off of Annabelle's breasts in the process. Raindrop's hand went down to Annabelle's pussy, shoving Annabelle's hand aside and then replacing it. Two fingers slid deep into Annabelle's hole and began working hard and fast in and out of her.

Annabelle could only groan as she was being fingered there on the bathroom floor. Her breast was being sucked on and her pussy filled with hot fingers that were digging deep into her hole and making her body burn brighter than ever. Annabelle gave a shrill barking cry as her nethers erupted with hot sexual fluids. Hot juices spurting out of her pussy even as Raindrop continued to finger fuck her.

After nearly a straight minute of being fingered during orgasm, Raindrop finally pulled her fingers out and then shoved them down Annabelle's mouth. Annabelle tasted her own cum there, as she sucked on those fingers and relaxed in puddle of her and Raindrop's combined sticky juices. Her mind was numb with pleasure, and her body was tingling all over.

Once Raindrop finally pulled her fingers out, satisfied at the clean job, she smiled. "That was fucking hot, you're fucking hot."

"Love ya too, Raindrop."

Annabelle leaned forward and kissed Raindrop on the beak, this time gently. The two of them were disgusting, and had just made a horrible mess of her bathroom floor, but she was satisfied with this. At least for now. They could go clean off and perhaps enjoy each other's company for a second round later. For now, she just wanted to kiss her lover and friend.

To Be Continued

Episode Ten: Milk and Tails

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Episode Nine: Roses are pink, Dawn is lavender,

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Episode Nine: Dream Factory

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