Change is a good thing - Macabre Masquerade

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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This is my Gift from the [["charn"](%5C ""charn"") charn](%5C) Macabre Masquerade done by the wonderful [["shibby"](%5C ""shibby"") shibby](%5C) Hoovie get's a mysterious invitation to a place he didn't know existed. And discovers a part of himself that didn't exist heheh

A big Thank you to both Charn and Shibby

Change is a good thing

Shibby Fox

The carriage rode on through the night, past the outskirts of civilization. Hooves relaxed inside the compartment as he rested against the large, silk lined seat. "Well this will be an interesting evening..." he said softly, looking down at the aged parchment. The invitation seemed to have been delicately prepared and sent to the zebracorn, and the carriage to pick him up was a nice touch.

"We're almost to the mansion Master Hooves!" yelled the man steering the carriage. Hooves looked out the window, seeing an impressive building in the distance.

"huh... I never knew there was a mansion out here..." Hooves mumbled, leaning forward and reaching into the large chest. "Though this mask seem's a little out of character..." he pulled out a gold half mask, which would cover his eyes and the upper half of his muzzle. He slipped it on, looking in the mirror on the opposite side of the carriage, adjusting his Victorian styled suit, making sure he looked his best.

The carriage slowed to a full stop soon after, the driver getting off and opening the door. "Welcome to the Macabre Masquerade..."

The zebracorn stepped out into the cool night air, admiring the beautiful mansion before striding up the stairs. Two rats in silver masks opened the double doors for the male, letting him walk right in.

Hooves stared in awe at the beautifully decorated interior, dozens of other furs in golden masks of all kinds from many different eras either dancing or chatting idly. He admired how intricate and ornate the masks were designed, wandering over to get a drink. He reached for a cup, accidentally bumping paws with a white paw. He looked over and couldn't help but stare, the fur wearing a black English suit with cape. But It was moreso the large Renaissance doctors mask he wore, the beak like protrusion having many detailed carvings in it. His entire face was covered, and the top hat covered the rest of his head. The only thing he could really tell was that the fur was a male, because he grunted a bit. "My apologies..." was all he said before he turned and strode off into the crowd.

Suddenly, a loud blare from the top stairs got everyone's attention, the rat sounding it grinning at the crowd. "May I present the lord and master of this house, and your host for this evening!" He moved out of the way, letting large tiger step into view.

"Good evening my guests! I do hope you enjoy your time! Eat, drink, and be merry!" he said, clapping his paws. He wore the only black mask, his overcoat trailing lightly on the floor as he proceeded down the steps to meet his guests.

Hooves grinned at the tiger, shaking his head. "What an introduction..." He mumbled, sipping his drink and watching the tiger. He tilted his head softly when the man with the doctor mask came right up to charn and gave him an awkward hug, having to tilt his head to the side so as not to stab the feline with his mask. He didnt think too much of it until the doctor pointed right at the zebracorn, The tiger turning to see before giving a big toothed grin and nodding. "Well that's not good..." he said, trying to make his way over to the dining room and get some food. The tables were lined with steaks, stuffed birds of every kind, and even a few skewered pigs.

After having a few plates of the delicious food, he was about to turn to the door when the doctor got in his way. "Excuse me good sir, might I have a word with you?" he asked, his eyes staring right into the zebracorns.

Hooves stared into those eyes, almost getting lost before he snorted a little and nodded. "W-well I guess..." he said, following the strange man through the crowd and into a corner of the ballroom. "What's this all about?"

Suddenly, the man turned around and put his paws on his hips. "Like you don't know silly!" he said in a very flamboyant tone.

The zebracorn's ears suddenly perked up before he growled a bit. "Shibby... is that you?!"

The fox laughed from inside the mask, slipping it up to show his face. "Ta daa!" he slipped the mask back down, his eyes full of glee.

"Damn you!" he said, smacking his neighbor on the shoulder. "You scared the crap out of me, what were you talking to the tiger about?"

Shibby chuckled a little, shrugging. "I was thanking him for inviting you as well as me to the masquerade! He simply asked who you were and I pointed you out in the crowd." He replied, the drink in his paw having a long straw in it. He stuck it into a little hole in the side of his mask, drinking slowly. "Oh calm down, these parties only happen once in a red moon!" he said, chuckling a little.

"Are we enjoying ourselves?" came the low, gruff voice of the host. The tiger grinned wickedly at the two furs, his paws behind his back.

Shibby grinned in his mask, nodding softly. "Of course we are! This is the male I was talking about, Hooves!"

the tiger looked at Hooves, licking his lips. "Nice to meet you, hope you guess my name!" he said, holding out his rather meaty paw.

Hooves stared at the tiger, raising an eyebrow. "um.... is it Tom?" he asked, making the tiger laugh loudly.

"Oh I like this fella! You two have as much fun as you want here! Here, a gift!" he said, his paw slipping out from behind him. He held a rather beautiful drinking glass full of a soft pink liquid. "A special wine, aged for hundreds of years. Enjoy."

The zebracorn smiled and took the glass, thanking his host before taking a soft sip. "Oh my god..." the wine was better than sex! The sweet, fruity tones masked the incredibly potent amount of alcohol in it. Hooves didnt even notice it while he chatted away with shibby. The fox let him finish the wine before setting the glass down for him and leading him to the ballroom, joining in with the dance.

Shibby had a bit of trouble keeping the now very intoxicated zebracorn standing, soon leading him away from the ballroom. "You silly guy... let's find a place for you to sleep off this booze."

Hooves hiccuped softly, stumbling through the hallways until shibby led him into a very large bedroom, the four poster bed looking very inviting to the drunk equine. He stumbled off to the bed and fell over onto it, making shibby laugh and undo his mask. "Now now, dont ruin your clothes! Off with em!" he said, forcing the male to undo his coat. He pulled off the gold embroidered jacket and undid his pants, chuckling at the fact that the male went undies free tonight. Once the zebracorn was in only his mask, shibby slipped out of his own clothes, wearing just his tight red thong. "that's more like it..." he muttered, crawling onto the bed and cuddling up to the large stud.

Hooves looked down at shibby, grinning softly while feeling the boy cling to his side. "Hehehehe... you seem very frisky...." he said gently, his paw gripping shibby's side and pulling him up onto his own striped, muscled chest.

The black fox giggled and blushed wildly, nodding a little. "Well yes, I am a fox! I've been trying to get into your pants since the day I moved in next door..." he said, winking gently.

Grinning softly, Hooves gripped that thong and tugged hard, tearing it off shibby's hips. "Well... why don't I show you how I rut..." he grinned, pulling the fox down into a deep, drunken kiss while grinding his hips agianst the fox's ass, his swollen, fat nuts pressed right against that ass. He growled happily, his thick cock slipping right out of his sheath and against the fox's... cunt? "Hey, what the..." he looked down at the fox's groin, then grinned. "oooo, male vixen... hot damn..." he said, grinning wickedly at the fox.

Shibby blushed harder, keeping his tail lifted before wiggling his hips and forcing them down, letting the males hard equine shaft pop into his tight garden. "J-jesus! B-bigger than it looks..." he whimpered, his tight cunny squeezing the shaft and milking it passionatly.

Hooves grunted loudly, keeping his paws on the fox's hips, jamming his cock as deep as he could possibly go. He laughed happily at the sight of shibby howling wildly, beginning to buck his hips up into that fox.

Shibby groaned and rolled his head. "O-oh god... h-harder!" he moaned like a bitch in heat, bouncing wildly on the males massive cock. He leaned over and gripped the males horn, clinging tightly to it.

A sudden tingle began to creep over the zebracorns groin, making him shiver wildly. He closed his eyes softly, his shaft spasming and getting more sensitive. "H-holy god... y-you're such an amazing fuck..."

Shibby grinned softly, keeping his paw on that horn whine riding the males shaft. "S-so are you!" he whimpered, his legs slipping between the zebracorn's thighs. He kept bouncing, curling his toes in utter ecstacy.

Hooves howled wildly, his entire body tingling in such amazing passion. He grit his teeth softly, suddenly beginning to wince. He looked down, watching his cock dissapear... into his own body. "Wait..." he panted loudly, trying not to moan.

The fox let go of that horn, grinning and putting his whole weight into the new mareboy's body. "Oh hell no... I just got this cock... gotta try it out on you're new cunt!"

Hooves whined wildly, arching his back. "B-but that's my cock! G-give it back!"

The fox laughed happily and shook his head. "Nuh uh my sexy mareboy! Gonna fill you with a foal before i'm done with you!" he began to ram the thick zebracorn cock deep into the mareboy's new sex, making Hooves scream in passion, arching his back.

"I-I'm not a mareboy..." he whimpered, his legs spreading apart against his will to let the fox ram balls deep. The zebracorn couldn't figure out what to do, push the fox off or push his hips against that wonderful cock.

Shibby nodded and dug his claws into the zebracorn's hips. "Oh yes you are my sexy mareboy... you're gonna look sooo fucking cute with that round belly...." he snarled, his cock head beginning to flare.

Hooves rolled his head from side to side, giving a loud whinny as his winking sexy begged for more of that hard rod. With one last buck, the fox went balls deep, his thick cock head jammed right against the zebracorn's new cervix before it began to unleash a massive torrent of fertile seed. The mareboy nickered and whinnied passionately as he had his first climax, howling. He arched his back and gripped the bed firmly as the fox's seed spilled deep into his new, fertile womb.

The fox panted and yipped, keeping their hips pressed firmly together while he fertilized the new mareboy. "Good boy.... mmmm.... gonna make a fine mommy..." he muttered softly, letting the zebracorn go limp on the bed. Taking advantage of the situation, he reached up and, digging his claws into the horn and jerking hard while holding onto the males head.

Hooves suddenly cried out in sudden pain, the snapping sound waking him up out of his drunken state. He stared in disbelief at the horn in shibby's paw, whimpering and reaching for it until his paw was slapped. "No! Bad mareboy!" the fox said, pulling out of that now gaping marehole. He jammed the horn into the top of his mask, then pulled out some leather straps, grinning.

The tiger hummed happily in his large chair in the dining room, watching his guests, which by now were busy either raping each other, castrating each other, or just doing things that would put them in jail. "This was a good Maquerade..." he said to himsef, sipping his aged wine before spotting Shibby. "Oy! Mein docktore!" He said, walking on the table tops to avoid the blood, spooge, and rolling nuts. "How was my wine?"

shibby chuckled, tugging on a leather strap. He tiger turned to see Hooves, his paws tied behind his back with leather straps restraining his hooves, arms, and body, one leather strap in particular going right between his legs and spreading his nether lips apart. "It worked perfectly! Now, he will be pregnant, right?"

Hooves looked frantically between the two furs talking, putting his ears against his head while the tiger pressed his paw on the mareboy's belly. "Oh yes... there's no doubt about it, he's got a cute foal coming very soon!" the tiger replied, giving the zebracorn a kiss on the nose. "Be a good mareboy now!" he said, patting the equine's ass before turning to watch his massacre masquerade continue. Shibby just tugged on the strap, leading hooves to the front door. "time for bed my sexy bitch... tomorrow we'll settle you're former life and make sure you dissapear!" Hooves whined loudly, struggling weakly as shibby led him into a carriage, grinning wickedly. "Good mareboy..."

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