All in the family 4

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#4 of Hard Times



Jordan the young rich Bull and his Steer Cameron are back... joined by Cameron's oldest Son Drax and his Girlfriend Tracy will Jordan be getting another Steer...

All in the Family

The bed side phone rang softly, and the big soft bellied black Bull reached over idly to pick up the receiver. "Ummm hello." Jordan answered softly, as he lay back enjoying his Steers soft hot mouth. As Cameron paused only momentarily as his young handsome Bull answered the phone. "No... I'm not really busy." Jordan snickered softly, as he considered telling the young red Bull that he was just rutting his fathers muzzle. But then Drax was babbling along to quickly. "Of course not buddy... you can bring anyone you'd like." The young black Bull panted as his hip's thrust up and down into that passively suckling muzzle. "Ummmmm..." Jordan bite his lower lip, as those big potent ball's drew up. Reaching down with his other hand, he pulled Camerons head to his crotch as he balled it savagely panting for a moment. "Yeah... yeah... half an hour would be great... oh I got a cool gift for ya buddy." The handsome young black Bull smirked, as his big potent ball disgorged their lusty cargo. "I'll see you then..." Jordan panted in relief as he humped and thrust up weakly.

"MMMMFGU..." Cameron moaned as he swallowed that thick virile load. Reaching over slowly the young black Bull hung the phone up, as Cameron licked the last drops of cum from that fat cock.

"One of your friends coming to visit?" Cameron asked slowly, he'd gotten use to Jordan's school friends coming over. And had grown use to the generous young black Bull, loaning out his big gelded body to his horny teenagers buddy's.

"Yeah... my new friend Drax." Jordan smirked, as he saw Cameron's impotent fear and anger. "As you know... we've gotten to be real good friends." The young black Bull smirked... the fact was he'd been having the Steer's son over three or four times a week for the past three weeks. Cameron's mind flashed back to the last time his big son had been over. A friend of Jordan's from boarding school... Paul a chubby Panda Bear. Had been over hanging out, playing video games when Jordan had decided to summons the younger red Bull. Drax had shown up in less than twenty minutes... Cameron had spent the most of the time running down to get the three snacks. While the three of them snickered at him, as Jordan and Paul told stories of they're exploits with and within the big red Steer.

Leaving Drax blushing and looking at his ball less father ashamed, and then Cameron came back from the kitchen to find a jock strap hanging on the door knob. He could hear grunt's and soft moans coming from within the room. Taking the jock strap off the knob, Cameron lifted it to his muzzle. The strong masculine scent of sweaty young Bull, flooded his wide nose. It was a scent he knew well, it belonged to his son. He knew he should just go back down to the kitchens... come back later. But he just couldn't bring himself to do so... slowly he moved up to the closed door. Placing his ear close to it to listen, on the other side he heard Jordan giving orders. He'd been with the young black Bull long enough to know, that was one of the things that really got him off.

Grasping the door handle, he turned it very slowly and quietly. Pushing the door open the tiniest crack, he pressed his muzzle to the opening peering in. Jordan was sitting leaned back at the head of his huge bed, holding Drax's short horns. As the young red Bull's big blunt bovine muzzle bobbed up and down between the hefty black Bull's powerful legs. While the chubby Pandas big belly cover that thickly muscled lower back. As his hip's slammed into Drax's big round furry red rump... claw tipped fingers gripping the red Bull's shoulders.

Although he'd been expecting to see this very kind of thing... Cameron was still shocked at seeing his big virile son being taken from in front and back and had gasped. Jordan's beady dark eyes flickered up at once... a big smile splaying across his muzzle. Smirking the lusty black Bull grasped Drax's head more aggressively, rolling his hip's to fuck Cameron's son's mouth deeper. Obviously putting of a show for his Steer... whom he knew was watching. "Ohooo yeah that's good buddy..." He moaned gloatingly, as the panting groaning Drax sucked on him passively. "You suck a Bull's cock almost as good as my slutty Steer already."

Cameron's mind snapped back to the present as something Jordan said earlier popped into his head. "Who... who is he bringing with him?" Jordan blunt black bovine muzzle twisted up into a wicked smirk.

"He didn't say... maybe it's Ben or Jace or both." Jordan smirked as he got up and strolled off into the bathroom to shower. Leaving the big red Steer standing there conflicted all the more. Making up his mind, the big Steer hurried down stairs to head his son's off.


Cameron paced the mansions long decadent foyer uneasily, waiting for his big jock sons. Determined to head them off and send them back home, before young master Jordan even knew they had arrived. A half hour later, Cameron was beginning to wonder if Drax had at last heeded his warnings. When he heard the soft crunch of gravel under tires, as a car pulled around to the back of the house. It took him a minute to realize, his young master must have sent his chauffeur out to collect his guests, and they were coming in through the garage. Swallowing a lump in his throat the big Steer tramped through the house, only to arrive too late. The young black Bull was already there, his arm wrapped around Drax's broad masculine shoulders. Cameron's son was stronger, more athletic and fit than the fat black Bull, but he was a year younger. And so Jordan was taller by a very little bit, and with his thick arm draped over the younger Bull's shoulders, he looked like he was almost smothering him in his bulk.

It was then that Cameron noticed that there was another youngster with them. A young Cow about their age, maybe even a little younger. She had big brown eyes, and wide, lush, round hips, her sleek hide white with black spots. And of course she seemed rather well-developed for her age. She was holding Drax's big hand, and looking around incredulously at the palatial residence she now found herself in. "Ah, Cam." Jordan greeted gloatingly, as the fat black Bull trotted towards him slowly. "I won't be needing you very much tonight..." He snorted amused, as he saw the Steers reaction. "Why don't you relax a bit tonight?" "I'll buzz your room... if we need anything." He said, smirking knowingly as he watched Cameron fume.

The big red Steer gritted his teeth... knowing he really had no choice, but to obey his young Master... "Uhum thank you." He grunted deliberately avoiding calling Jordan sir of master as he stared at his son. "Oh it's nice to see you again Tracy..." He greeted the young cheerleader he recognized now, as Drax's girlfriend from school. Thinking at least it wasn't the twins Drax had brought with him... and with a girl present his big jock son should be safe.

"Uhum hi Mr. Palmer." The young Cow smiled, and waved as Drax glared at him. While Jordan quickly ushered them both up the back stairs. The three of them disappeared up the grand staircase to the second floor, leaving the fat Steer to fume impotently.

"Heh... did you tell her about your dad?" Cameron heard Jordan's amused question floating down from the upstairs landing, before the door to the young Bull's room half closed. Cameron massaged his broad bony forehead as he hear Drax grunt.

"Nawww..." And the curious Tracy asked in a husked voice.

"What about him?" Jordan chuckled as his closed the door all the way, leaving Cameron to stomp off towards his own room. His muzzle burning with embarrassment, as he imagined Jordan explaining his condition to the young pretty Cow, while Drax snickered in the back ground. Closing the door to his room the big Steer flopped down on his bed dejected.

While upstairs in his room the young black Bull was smiling pleasantly at his guests, as the young Cow bombarded him with questions. As she sat between him and Drax on that huge bed, Drax shared a knowing look with his rich friend... Jordan couldn't help but be a little smug, as she answered all the questions she had.

"Well, it's been a long-running tradition in my family to have Steer servants for the teenage Bull's." "It goes back hundreds of years, when it was a common punishment for criminals." "We used to buy them from prisons back then, but nowadays they're hired like any other employee." "My dad hired him to be my personal Steer, so he could train me how to breed cows." He explained with a broad, lewd smile as the wide eyed young cheerleader looked at him in awe.

"Soooo Mr Palmer is your... your practice Cow." The pretty young Cow exclaim in obvious excitement, and surprise as she glanced over at Drax. The big red Bull jock just smirked and nodded his head, still half ashamed and yet turned on by the thought of his big father letting a Bull rut him. As the burly young black Bull answered all her questions, Tracy was growing more and more excited. Her muzzle growing flush and her breath quickening even as Drax was running one of his big hands up her thick inner thigh.

"And I think he's done a good job..." Jordam let that thought settle in Tracy's pretty head, while he and Drax leaned a little bit closer towards her.

"Ohoooooo really you haven't had any complaints huh." Tracy moaned huskily shivering as she did, let herself imagine it.

"I can tell you're trying to imagine it." Jordan snickered, putting an arm around her back, and casually taking her hand with his. "A big, strong, virile Bull like him just letting another Bull cut off his big, fat calf makers..." All three of them shiver at that. "It'd be quite a sight, huh?"

"Ummmm yes it... it would be something." She moaned as Drax had his hand up under her short skirt now...

"I didn't get to watch, but... one of these days... I'll do it for myself." "Maybe I'll let you watch... if you're interested in that Bull-on-Bull stuff."

"Oh wow... you'd do that... be all top Bull." Tracy gulped as she... looked back and forth from her big jock boyfriend to the older rich black Bull... "I think Bull on Bull is super sexy..." She admitted in a rush as Drax smiled... he had of course already talked the threesome over with her. And the pretty cheerleader had agreed it was a hot idea... and although he hadn't spoke of his previous Bull on Bull encounters for fear she'd think he was some kinda fag. This statement went a long way towards relieving that fear... and opening up many more options for their threeway.

Jordan grinned broadly giving Tracy's hand a firm squeeze, and then lay his other hand on her thigh across from Drax's, slid it just up under her skirt as well. The young Bull's chest swelled as he breathed in excitedly, tasting the air and the scent of this cute cow on his bed. He knew Drax wouldn't mind, and it was looking like she wouldn't either. Already the fat young black Bull could feel his Bull hood rising in his pants... his balls had felt heavy ever since he'd seen her in that short skirt. "You know... Drax and I like to do Bull-on-Bull stuff sometimes too." He couldn't help sneering as he through of how he and his friends had been using Drax like a cow already. Squeezing her chubby thigh firmly, he felt her warm body under his sweaty palm. The big red Bull blanched a little at Jordan's bald statement about them having done Bull on Bull. But was rewarded when Tracy smiled as she looked back and forth between them. Even as he guided Jordan's chubby hand, slipped it into her frilly lace panties.

"Really?" She slapped turning and smacking Drax on the his broad muscular shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me?" He snorted, and then turned to Jordan flashing him a big smile, as she pulled her short skirt up displaying herself for the two Bulls.

"Do you like it when a big Bull takes charge?" Jordan asked already with a answered no matter how she responded.

"Oh yes... a real Bull should always take charge..." The pretty Cow panted as she watched her big boyfriend looking strangely passive... "Alright boys who's going to be the Bull?" She teased

"Just say the word... and I'll let you watch me have my way with your boyfriend here..." Jordan grinned broadly, and beckoned to Drax who of course leaned over. "Ohooo I will." The older chubby black Bull snickered. "Right buddy?" He grinned as the younger Bull blushed a little, but nodded his head in agreement. And then the hefty black Bull gripped one of the jock's horns to hold his head in place, as he leaned forward and locked lips with him. Tracy was treated to a close-up view of the older, bigger black Bull deep-kissing her toned and muscular jock boyfriend. Holding him by the horns, and starting to pull his shirt off. Drax moaned softly as he felt Jordan's hand on his chest and toned six-pack, and then blushed again when that hand popped the button on his jeans to pull his huge young balls out into the open. He made a show of stretching them for Tracy, and gave them a firm squeeze, making Drax moan as he let his head go and broke the kiss. "I'm the Bull in charge tonight." He announced firmly. "And the Bull in charge does what he wants." He snorted more than a little smugly. "Now Drax your nuts are mine... but right now." He growled squeezing them again harder, as the jock's long pink cock climbed out of its sheath.

"Errr.. Uhum." Drax stammered at Jordan's aggressive question... while it was true that the tubby black Bull made him feel passive. He didn't want to let on in front of his sleek sexy girlfriend, but he was forced to blush and nod. And then suddenly he found Jordan kissing him savagely... shocked at first he stiffened. But quickly sagged melting into that kiss as it lingered. Tracy's eyes widen and her breathing quickened as she watched her big masculine appearing boyfriend blush girlishly as the rich black Bull kissed him.

"There is only one thing I want more than to hold your balls and fuck your tight ass." He panted lustfully as he stared deep into Drax's passive black eyes.

"Ummm Wha... whats that?" Drax moaned softly as Jordan broke their kiss and explain what his desires were.

"Right now I want your cow." He snorted aggressively giving the younger Bull's balls a twist and yank.

"Wan... want my Cow." The young red jock repeated numbly as he glanced at the smiling Tracy, who was obviously entertained and excited by what she was seeing.

"You don't mind that... right?" Jordan asked dominantly pressing his horned head against the young Bull's and pushing him back a little.

"Uhum...Uhum." Drax stammered feeling intimidated but more than a little excited by Jordan domineering demeanor. As he looked at her Tracy nodded... her excitement was clearly visible and the scent was thick in the air... Although strangely Drax hardly noticed it, over the musky masculine scent of Jordan arousal. "Uhum... no sir... You... Your the Bull for... for her and me tonight." Jordan nodded, and gave those huge balls another tug while he looked at Tracy.

"See that's settled..." He grinned. "Your boyfriend has some pretty big balls here Tracy... I bet you really like what they do for you huh." He smirked tugging and twisting on those mighty calf makers, imagining himself destroying them.

"Oh yes they've done some very nice things for me." Tracy answer with a wink at Drax, who smile back shyly and blushed. They had been rutting for a few weeks and he'd went through nearly a box of condoms, as Tracy refused to take the pill.

"But I think it's time you had a look at mine though." Jordan smirked unbuttoning his pants, the fat black Bull pushed his slacks and boxers down. And leaned back, letting his belly shift a little to show off his stiff, proud young erection. And the heavy, potent, shiny, jet-black jewel sac that dangled proudly beneath.

"Ohoooo." She moaned slowly as the older black Bull undress, his soft somewhat tubby body was nothing compared to her boyfriends big strong jocks body. But his cock was somewhat larger than Drax's even those those shiny black orb's were nowhere near the size of Drax's red ones.

"Go ahead and get undress too Drax." Jordan grunted lustfully. "I'll be wanting that sweet ass of yours, after I give it to your cow." The chubby Bull grinned and gently took the Tracy's hand moving it over to his big black sac, getting her to rub his balls slowly while his other hand slipped back between her legs, and groped her possessively.

"Uhum... but those look good too." She purred almost instantly forgetting Drax as Jordan took her soft hands and guided them to his potent orbs. "Oho dear me!" She exclaimed in excitement even as the submissive Drax quickly strip off his clothes as he watched the two of them. His shorter pink cock throbbing harder than it ever had in his life, he was more excited than he ever had been in his life.

"There's some Bullish power there." He said with a broad gloating smile as her slender delicate hands fondled his hot junk. "And I want to give it to you, right now Tracey..."

"Are you ok with that Honey?" Tracy asked giving the red Bull a questioning look, as he stood there with a erection harder than he'd ever gotten for her... "Going to give it up like a Steer... after this Bull ruts me?" She snickered as she rubbed and explored Jordan nice big balls, even as his fingers teased and explored her wet sex. "Ohooo yeah lots of Bullish power..." She breath as Drax licked his lip's and nodded his head, agreeing with her. "Show me... show me how much Bullish power stud." She purred. Jordan grinned smugly as he peeled off his shirt, tossing it aside and then reached for the plump cow's cheerleading sweater as well, pulling it up and off of her...

"Let's get you properly undressed first." He panted in need as he slowly begins peeling the chubby girl's modesty away. Next he unzipped her tight skirt and discarded it... leaving her in just her frilly underwear. Jordan then leaned up against her, his arms sliding around her back. His soft chest pressing against her bra, even as he unhooked it in the back... Nuzzled her neck, he whispered lustfully into her ear. "Yeah, your boyfriend really likes getting fucked by a real Bull." "Maybe one day he'll tell me he wants to be my Steer..." Tracy was breathing heavily as Jordan slowly stripped her cheer-leading jersey and skirt off. Her excitement only growing as his big soft body pressed against her own quivering one, as he removed her big bra. And her massive mammelries flopped out... big hard nipples pressing against his soft chest as he nuzzled her.

"Really?" She question sharing Drax a quick glance as he sat at the foot of the bed, watching them in obvious excitement. "Be your Steer... and then you'd cut him like his father?" She whispered in wonder as the big black Bull smirked and nodded kissing her nipples and winking at her.

"Maybe you'd like to watch that too." He teased even more lustfully. With her breasts bared Jordan bent his head down to them, the fat black Bull groping those big teats. Kneading those chubby tits in his big strong hands, and then lifting them to his muzzle and smothering himself with them... Even as he pushed against her chest, easing her backwards until she was laying flat... And then he started licking her soft breasts, while sliding her panties down slowly. Once the plump cow was stripped naked, he climbed onto her, his fat, fleshy body settling on top of hers. And the young black Bull moaned in delight, as he felt his hard cock and heavy balls drag across the silky flesh of her sex... With a deep moan of appreciation he pushed forward, his fat ass flexing as he slid his jutting dick in his first cow...

"I...I think that would be... about the sexiest thing ever!" She moaned as he climbed atop her... and then inhaled sharply as his big cock slipped between her sex lip's. Her eyes rolling in her head as he penetrated her slowly, over his shoulder she watch Drax passively watching as another Bull fucked her. Smirking Jordan lifted his tail and clapped one big hand on his rump cheek...

"Come on boy... lick yer Bull's stuff." He ordered, instantly Drax climbed up onto the bed behind them, and slipped his muzzle between their legs. And as he did it occurred to her that Drax was already Jordan's Steer boy... he just didn't know it yet. The fat black Bull's big ass quivered as he felt the younger Bull's muzzle down there... His fleshy cheeks flexed, his thighs quivering around Drax's muzzle as he thrust forward strongly. Loving every second, every inch of pushing his young meat into the plump cow's wet passage. He thought about the contrast between fucking this nice, wet pussy and screwing a Steer... it was looser, but slicker, easier but less intense... However... even with the thrill of topping a Bull or a Steer, he really liked the way her female body felt under him. He couldn't resist grabbing at the fat cow's big breasts, her thick spare tire, or sliding his hand under her to grope her rump. "Mmnnnh... D-drax." He panted as that hot rough tongue licked over the rim of his sheath, caressing the underside of his throbbing cock as he fucked in and out of his girlfriends snatch. Giving the passive Bull jock a taste of both of them... "Play with my balls Steer..." Jordan snap lustfully. "W-when I cum in your cow...I want it to be a really big load!" He panted a bit harder, his heavy frame shaking as he nailed her hard, over and over...

"Moo...MOo MOO..." Tracy breathed softly at first... and then louder and louder as the big black Bull atop her thrust in and out a little harder and faster as both their pleasures grew. "Ohooo yes..." She moaned kissing Jordan's muzzle and neck, as she arched her back and thrust her hip's up into those lustful rut thrusts. Even as he fondled her big teats and explored her big sexy body with his other hand. Suddenly she felt hot breath down between her leg's, startled she craned her neck to watch as her big buff boyfriend licked and sucked on another Bulls cock and balls as they rutted her. Even as Jordan groped and squeezed her big soft butt... as he ordered Drax to play with his junk. "Yeah hold them... feel them as a real Bull spunks me." She panted in amusement, really getting into Jordan ordering Drax around. It excited her. and she could see by the silver pre-cum drooling from his cock it was really turning the big red Bull on as well. Slowly he reached under them stroking and fondling Jordan bouncing balls, as the black stud pounded in and out of Tracy's hot dripping sex. The two of them panted and squealed louder and louder in delight, as the pleasure of rut swept over them... The young Bull panted hard, sweating and grunting as he drilled his chubby hips into the cow's groin, stuffing his stiff fucker into her plump slot.

"Ahhhhh...Ohh YEAH... Ammmm fuck, you feel so good..." He moaned lustfully as his powerful body slammed into her harder and harder. "Oh yeah... Yeah Drax keep that up down there..." "Now... now hold my nuts." "I want you to feel 'em when I cum inside Tracey." The horny black Bull commanded powerfully, between gulps of air. This cow was really nice... being on her and in her was the most fun since he'd shared Cameron with Drax. Being a Bull for her was sooooo fucking hot... Jordan was aware that he wasn't wearing any protection, and that Drax had told him his girlfriend was on the pill. But deep down the black Bull was hoping she got pregnant, and hoping it was him who did it... That would be a feather in his cap, a testament to his virility... if he knocked up his friend's cow. So he kept on poughing her, his big black balls jerking and bouncing in Drax's hands. His big rump sweaty and flexing, his tail hitting the jock in the muzlze as he nailed his cow right in front of him.

"Ohohoooooo Tracey." He moaned, as his shaft slipped deep into her love tunnel. "Oh, yes... ohoo yes... ohoho...YES...AHAHAAA!" Jordan groaned loudly, his whole body shaking as his black balls jerked up as he shot his Bullish load into a cow for the first time.

"Yes... yes sir." The horny red Bull grunted meekly as he kissed those big shiny black orbs, while they quivered more and more as they neared eruption. "Cum... cum inside of her... make her cum please." Drax begged softly as he watched his new rich friend, tense and jerk as he came inside Drax's girlfriend. Tracy was bucking and bouncing under the big black Bull... ragged Moo's and moans escaping as her eyes rolled back in her head. Drax watched over the two round hills of Jordan's plunging rump cheeks, as his Cow rolled back and forth in wild pleasure. He had never been able to get that kind of reaction out of her... when he fucked her himself. Pulling out as he finished spurting a huge creamy load into her, Jordan lay back on the bed smiling. While his big plump body shook and quivered in the afterglow, as he looked over at the sexy cow and moaned. "So how was that?"

"Ummmm baby that was one great ride." Tracy panted, as Jordan fondled her buxom naked body. "That was like... like the best rut I've ever had." A big grin spread across that furry black muzzle, as he looked from the panting cow to the jealous looking Bull jock. For a second he was actually apprehensive, but as he watched that jealous look melted into a self conscious grimace. Jordan smirked to himself at that... he'd judge the big jock right.

"Well like I said... I've been practicing very hard on Drax's father." The young black Bull giggled, as he looked over at the intercom and smirked thinking about it with great self-satisfaction.

"I think we should have your daddy bring us up some snacks." Jordan snickered, as he lay there naked and panting for breath. While Tracy cuddled against his side... and Drax lay on his other side with that rock hard erection jutting out. Reaching down Jordan fondled it playfully for a moment, before dropping his chubby hand back down to those massive nuts. Tugging them down and squeezing them so hard Drax groaned in agonized lust... even as his throbbing rock hard erection oozed more lustfully. "You place the order... my sexy Steer in training." The ecstatic black Bull chuckled as he rolled those fat orbs around and around in one of his big paws. As he placing the big thumb of the other over the intercom button, which shrieked instantly to life. There was a pause of crackling static, and then Cameron's voice asked.

"Do you want something sir?" Jordan looked as Drax with a slight smirk, and squeezed those fat ball's again.

"SNacks!" Drax half shouted half grunted into the intercom as Jordan played with him.


As Cameron lay there in the his bed fuming in helpless anger, there came a soft knock on his door. "Yes..." The big red Steer called crossly, as the door opened a fraction and Walters soft voice asked.

"Are you alright Cameron?"

"Errr what?" The big burly Steer grunted sitting upright in bed.

"May I come in?" Walter asked through the crack in the door.

"Of course Walter." Cameron answered softly, as the older Steer peeked in around the door. Before he slowly came in and closed the door behind him, walking over to the bed and sat down next to the prone Cameron.

"So what is it... that is troubling you?" The older Steer asked softly as he reached over and placed a big flabby hand on Cameron's belly.

"How did you know?" The big red Steer asked, as the old Steer smiled softly down at him.

"I have lived in this house a very long time." Walter explained with a sly grin. "There is very little that takes place within it... that I do not know about."

"Then you already know what is bothering me..." Cameron snorted with the last of his energy, a soft sob escaping him as he felt so powerless.

"Young master Jordan and your handsome young son." The old Steer nodded sagely.

"He wants to geld him... wants to have the pleasure of turning a Bull into a Steer." The big red Bovine whined as the older Steer gripped his shoulder.

"Would that be so bad?" Walter asked with a funny little smile.

"What?" Cameron choked as he looked up at the older Steer in surprise.

"Would that be so bad?" Walter repeated a little more forcefully.

"It's my Son Walter..." Cameron whimpered.

"I am fully aware of his parentage." Walter snorted as he looked into Cameron's eyes.

"As am I aware of the fact that your son is much bigger and stronger than master Jordan."

"I don't see what that has to do with anything." Cameron growled coldly, thinking he'd already heard this argument from Jordan himself.

"The fact of the matter is, that master Jordan can not do anything to Drax that he doesn't allow." Walter pointed out softly as he lay back next to Cameron. "Therefore if he is doing it... it is because your son is wanting him to." The old Steer pressed as Cameron shifted uncomfortably on the bed. "Whether it is mounting him like a cow... while he paints the sheets with his seed." "Or removing those things which make him a big potent Bull." "The choice to give himself up is solely his..."

"But... but he's so young, too young to be making such a decision." Cameron protested.

"And yet those decisions are his to make... he is to old for you to make them for him." Walter pointed out gently.

"I know..." Cameron admitted as last. "He's a Bull now... with his mother dead, and his father... a Steer."

"You made the decision based on what you knew you had to do for the good of your family." Walter pointed out simply. "Young Drax is making his based in his own desires." "You didn't want to be a Steer... he on the other hand may very well." "But it is his decision to make, no one is forcing him, as you were forced by a bad economy and concerns for your loved ones." Cameron choked at the old Steers words sobbing softly for a moment as Walter cuddled him.

"So you think I'm just projecting myself onto him?" Cameron asked shocked.

"Perhaps a bit." Walter confirmed. "But mostly your just being a father who wants his son to grow up, marry, and have a family of his own." The old Steer smiled. "The trouble is that might just not be in the picture." "And that is ok... it's his life and his choices." "He may not want to be the Bull you were." Cameron nodded his big blunt head slowly, and flashed the older Steer a weak smile.

"Your a wise old Steer." He grunted.

"You don't get to be my age without learning a few lessons." Walter chuckled and then leaned over and kissed his friend softly. As the two limp impotent Steers cuddled together. Just then the intercom shrieked noisily as it always did.

"Do you want something sir?" Cameron asked softly.

"SNacks!" Drax's voice came out of the intercom half a shout half a guttural grunt.

"Anything in particular... son?" "Or should I just bring and assortment." There was a pause and then Jordan's merry excited voice came on.

"Raw oysters for me Cam." He laughed as Drax and Tracy asked for more normal snacks. Cameron dutifully took the order and promised to be right up. When the intercom fell silent, Walter placed a big hand on Cameron's arm.

"I can take it up if you want." The old Steer offered, as Cameron smiled him.

"Thank you... but No you've helped me see I have to except my son's wishes." "Even if it is to be another Bull's cow..." Walter smiled and clapped him firmly on the shoulder.

"If your not kept... I've reserved use of the hot tub..." Cameron smiled as his mind drifted back to the last time he and Walter had been there, they had enjoyed themselves a great deal. Of course he was a intacted Bull about to become a Steer back then.


"Yeah that's it..." Jordan moaned lustfully as Drax's rough tongue curled around his big semi hard cock. "You like the taste of a sweet cow on your Bull's cock don't you?" He snorted as the young red jock Bull moaned softly, his mouth becoming even more fawning on that big cock. While Tracy watched him with a growing look of derision on her pretty muzzle. Her boyfriend was turning out to be a real cock slut. While the rich black Bull was looking more and more masculine and powerful.

"It looks more like he's been enjoying the taste of cock more than he ever has pussy." The young sexy cow snickered derisively as Drax shivered and blushed still his mouth grew even more fawning on Jordan's hard on. The horny black Bull's lip's pulled back into a broad smile at Tracy's helping him and Drax's reaction to it. He already knew she was excited by the idea of gelding, maybe she would even help him cut her slutty boyfriends nuts off.

"See my dear, he makes the perfect slutty rut Steer." Jordan snickered to Tracy as he fondled and sucked on her big teats. As his thick blunt finger teased the other erogenous zones of her big soft body. Keeping her in a high state of excitement, as the three of them laying there together on that big bed enjoying each other. And then there came a soft knock on the bedroom door, Jordan looked down as Drax stopped suckling and leaped up. "Well since your already up... you answer it sux boy." The big black Bull smirked as Drax looked around for a second abashed.

"Yeah answer it naked sux boy." Tracy ordered with a wicked giggle. Drax flashed them a weak smile, but shivered slightly as he walked over to the door. And opened it boldly, on the other side Cameron looked at his big naked son. Pausing a moment to admire Drax's lean muscular form, unable to ignore the young Bull's rock hard erection. As it jutted out stiffly... drooling a sticky string of slimy stud milk.

"Damn son... you're quite the Bull." Cameron grunted unable to keep the lust out of his voice, as he bustled in and sat the tray of snacks on a small folding stand he'd brought with him.

"No he's not... here's the real Bull." Tracy giggled, as she cuddled up a little closer against Jordan. Who was starring at Cameron curiously, as the big red Steer set up the tray.

"Going to be my next Steer." Jordan boasted tauntingly as Cameron stood up straight and smiled pleasantly.

"Well that's his decision..." The big red Steer grunted, shaping Drax a soft smile. "Right now he's looking very Bullish to me."

"Oh I just bet..." Jordan smirked. "But then compared to a Steer like you most males would." Cameron smiled and blushed deeply as Tracy giggled even louder.

"If you don't need me anymore..."

"Nawww... that will be all Cam." Jordan dismissed, now that Cameron was so excepting it took all the fun out of taunting him. But then as the big Steer turned and started to walk past his horny young son. Jordan suddenly got a nasty idea to taunt his servant, as he saw them side by side. "No wait..." Jordan called his voice dripping honey as Cameron paused standing beside his big naked jock son. It was a very arousing side by side comparison horny young jock stud, passive old soft bodied Steer. "My guest here is feeling a bit... anxious." He gestured with a lewd smirk to the horny and achingly erection Drax. "Relieve that for him..." The chubby black Bull ordered gesturing to Drax's hard on. "Won't you Cam..." Jordan teased. "It's beginning to annoy me... you know I like my pets soft and floppy like you always are..." "Use your muzzle." He ordered. Cameron's nostrils flared and he looked decidedly uncomfortable... but slowly lowered himself to his knee's. The young red Bull's eyes widen in shock as his father knelled in front of him.

Tracy turned herself around on Jordan's big bed, laying on her belly as she watched the action intently. As Drax shifted nervously from hoof to hoof, as his dad leaned in and swallowed that bouncing hard on. "Ohohoooooo Gods!" The young red Bull moaned spreading his leg's wide and arching his powerful back.

"So yer daddy is good at sucking cock then huh." Tracy giggled lewdly as she looked back over her shoulder at Jordan and wiggled her big round ass.

Thank to Drax's passionate suckling earlier, and his own raging hormones the chubby black Bull's hard on had fully recover. Jordan grinned broadly, only Tracy swaying her big, beautiful backside like that could have taken his eyes away from the lewd cock sucking spectacle.

"Ohh yeah, he's REAL good." Jordan piped up with a smug smirk, as he slid into place behind Tracy, his chubby legs straddling her thighs, his black balls hanging down between her legs. "He'll bend over and take it like a champ, as well." He added as he put his hands on that generous backside, kneading it lustfully... Tracy giggled excitedly, as Jordan reached down between her thighs and lightly teased that plump, slick pussy, the young, fat bull loving that he was getting to touch this girl anywhere and anyway he wanted.

Drax was starring over glassy eyed at the pair on the bed, as Jordan mounted his girlfriend once again. A funny little grin was splayed across his soft pink lip's, as his eyes drifted back down to his own crotch. Watching his dads head bob up and down the length of his rock hard cock, as his big balls quivered in need. Numbly his big hands grasp his father's short blunt cut horns, as the horny young stud began to rut that fawning mouth lustfully.

"Stop teasing..." Tracy panted as Jordan explored her dripping sex with his thick finger. "Rut me again... make me cum like I never have before." She begged making the chubby black Bull chortle loudly.

"Ammmm, you really like it when a big Bull puts it in you aaaallll the way, and cums hard." He teased her as he groped her fat groin, kneading the chubby cow's tender flesh intimately. He also loved subtly reminding her that he wasn't wearing protection, and wasn't going to... Tracy's big lush body trembled and she got a naughty look on her pretty muzzle.

"Your the very first... big powerful Bull to do it." She moaned softly clenching her hot sex on his invading finger. "Do it again... plant a real males seed inside of me." He didn't keep her waiting for long, quickly lowered himself behind her. The chubby black Bull guiding his stiff spike down to her precious slot, and then moaned softly as he pushed in. It was like slipping his organ into a vat of warm butter, the cream of his last orgasm thick within her.

"Cameron's never cum inside of you." Jordan panted put his big flabby hands on her huge, soft rump as he started too push and thrust strongly. Bringing his balls up right between her quivering thighs, his fat belly resting on the top of her ass.

"No... he's always use a rubber." Tracy answered breathlessly as his thick organ pierced her deep.

"And he use to lick his own spoo out of it afterward." Jordan moaned telling her a secret Drax had admitted to him in the shower. The young Bull's balls throbbed, as his dick slid into a pussy for the second time that night, and the second time in his life. He savored those slick warm sensations, and looked over to watch his Steers pleasure one another...

"Ammmm yeah that's it Drax... ride that Steers suckling mouth." He grunted needlessly, as the young jock was already pounding his passive fathers muzzle wildly. As Cameron knelled there submissively allowing his son to play the Bull. Neither one of them knowing it would be one of the last times he would get to do so.

"Humph!" "For a Steer he gets excited." Tracy muttered in disgust as she watched her boyfriend rut his fathers suckling mouth. The big red Steer addressed the task at hand with smooth professionalism, even while inwardly he cringed at the depravity of the moment. Even as he was forced to admit that within the darkness of his person, a certain part of him was turned on. Kneeling there passively... suckling on that horny young jocks big throbbing cock.

Jordan closed his eyes for just a moment, and slowly pressed his wide hips as firmly as he could against Tracey's soft rump. The young black Bull pushing his proud hefty prick as deep as possible into her gooey cum slickened slit. Just enjoying how it all felt... cock surrounded by her soft warmth. The pleasure... of his balls bouncing between her chubby thighs... and almost more than the pleasure, a sense of conquest, of triumph. He had a Cow under him taking his dick, who soon would take his cum, and he truly felt like a Bull. "You know what?" He chuckled lewdly. "I think my littler Steer is getting off more from watching me fuck you, than from having his dick sucked." He whispered in the sexy hefty Cow's ear, as his fat belly pressed to her lower back.

"Hehehe..." Tracy giggled, as her breath quicken a little from the sexual excitement that long thick Bull cock was exciting within her. A shiver ran down her back as she felt very naughty, as Jordan whispered his comment into her ear. "You might just be right." She whispered back letting out a soft moaning 'Moooo' of pleasure that sent Drax into a fit of thrusting. "I was hoping for jealousy..." She admitted with another long moan of delight, as the pleasure of Jordan rutting raced from her loins to her brain... "But instead he likes being cuckolded right in front of his eyes."

The fat, black Bull leered as he leaned in closer, nibbling on the young Cow's ear, while sliding a hand under her chest, groping the young girl's heavy breasts as he jabbed his dick meat into her sleek pussy. "Oh, you like it when Bulls get jealous?" He jabbed that long hard fucker into her again roughly. "So you love it when Bulls want you so much they can't stand to share you?" He shoved his hefty body into her hard, making her soft flesh quake. "Mmmnh... Two bulls fighting over you.." His rump cheeks clenched as he shoved his fat erection into her harder and deeper. "Kicking each other in the balls until one is left a impotent Steer, and the most virile one claims you..." He thrust harder still as she gasped and whimpered, squeezing her big bouncy breast. "You can't wait to see me make your boyfriend a Steer for real, can you?" He moaned as both the Bull and his pretty Bovine girlfriend looked up at him.

While Drax towered above Cameron snorting and grunting in lustful need. As he used his fathers short blunt horn's as handles to jerk Cameron's head against his crotch, even as his hip's slammed forwards savagely. In that instant he was every bit the lustful Bull his father had always imagined him to be. Cameron not realizing that his son was just following the real Bull's orders. 'Ammmm yeah that's it Drax... ride that Steers suckling mouth.' Jordan's lustful order was burning in the young Bull's brain... as he worked hard to dump his load. So that they could get to what he really wanted... Jordan's big soft corpulent body atop him. Holding his big powerful muscular body down, while the rich young black Bull shoved that big dick up his tail hole. Whispering lewdly into his ear... just like he was doing to Tracy right then. The young red jock Bull moaned, as he watched Jordan rock back and forth over Tracy's big lush rump. His rotund belly rubbing over her sexy body, as those big chubby hands gripped her shoulders pressing her head and neck into the mattress.

"Ohooo." Tracy moaned as the rich young Bull thrust harder into her... making her Roan boyfriend snort and pound his gelded fathers muzzle even more lustfully. "Of course all Cows do... a Real Bull should fight for his Cow." She purred sexily as his soft body held her down ever as the black Bull fondled her big tits. "UMMMMM Fuck." The hefty young Cow squealed as the pleasure he was giving her grew with each of his hard deep rut thrusts. "Gods... Ohoooo gods." She whimpered and shivered as that image flickered in her mind..."I guess we already know who's the most virile Bull." She panted louder this time so Drax could hear her... the red Bulls muzzle going even redder at that. But he pounded his Daddies mouth ever harder as if to prove he was a virile Bull himself. The pretty Cows big body went into shivers of pleasure at those words and she began to orgasm weakly on that long thick Bull cock. "Ohoooo gods that would be... 'Gasp' "Sooooooo fucking... hot..."

Drax snorted and grunted as he leaned forwards over the passively kneeling Steer. Both of the young Bull's huge hands gripped those blunted horns so hard his knuckles turned white. As his powerful hip's smashed that firm crotch and its rock hard cock into Cameron's passive suckling muzzle savagely. The big roan jock Bull was panting and wheezing like he was running a Marathon. "I... I'm gunna..." Drax stuttered in conflicted emotion, on the one hand he wanted to cum very badly. But on the other hand the idea of cumming in his castrated fathers muzzle was both repellant and strangely arousing to him. Oddly those warring emotions were fueling his lusts, which were now at a fevered pitch. "Da...Da... I'm... I'm gunna... gunna..." The young red Bull jock tried to warn, only half hoping his Steer father would pull away. Even as he worked harder to get himself off in his mouth, Cameron didn't pull away however. Instead that hot sucking mouth grew even more fawning, as his warm flabby hands explored those big potent calf makers in wonder.

Jordan panted on top of her, the fat bull moaning in the Cow's ear as he felt her fleshy tunnel rippling around his prick. "Ahahsh." He groaned softly, his plump young balls churning, lifting up as he felt her pussy flexing and tensing around his bull hood. "Yeah, watch Bulls cut off each others balls... see those big, proud Bull parts falling to the floor, until there's only one Null left..." The young black Bull groaned, as he shoved a hand under the Cow's belly, kneading her soft body as he banged her backside hard. His throbbing shaft sliding rapidly in and out of the young Cow's succulent pussy. "Oh-oooh gods, your slot feels so good Tracey, I'm gonna cum, cum right in you!" He bellowed loud enough for Drax to hear.

"Ohooooo fuck..." Drax moaned as his knee's grew weak, as that mouth pleasured him all the more. "You... you want it." The young roan jock moaned breathlessly, as his rutting hip's slapped louder and louder against Cameron's big pink nose. "Fuckin' ball less Cow... wants my cum." "Suck me... suck me Cow." The horny young Bull moaned aggressively, as his huge ball's drew up in those big trembling fingers. Nimble fingers cradling, caressing and exploring them. While Drax's long throbbing Bull cock tensed as hard as steel within Cameron's gulping throat.

As the first wave of her pleasure died out... and Jordan's hard fucking cock began to stimulate her towards a second wave of orgasm. "Ohoooo Yy.. yyyyeeeeessssss I want to see that soooo bad." Tracy panted hardly loud enough to be heard of the slapping of his flesh against her own... Thrusting her big round rump upwards into Jordans rut thrusts eagerly... "MOOOO..." Drax bellowed from across the room as he heard the black Bull's last statement... even as he girlfriend begged. "Again... fill me with your seed again... you big strong masterful BULL." Jordan groaned as her smooth pussy, warm, soft body under him and their shared conspiracy to castrate other Bulls drove Jordan really wild. He felt the pleasure rising in his shaft, felt that special tingling... The fat young Bull started thrusting harder, thrusting into that sweet squeezing tunnel, and he grabbed her breast, his other hand sliding down under her belly and grabbing her crotch firmly.

"Get ready Cow... get ready to swallow..." Drax snorted lustily, as that big organ suddenly released. Shooting a hot gooey rope of spoo, that washed down his quivering throat. While his long slick tongue curled around the base of that tensing, jerking cock. The big Steer's hot slimy tongue tip diving into the young jock's musky sheath. Those big virile male ball's pumping out a good half dozen more hot salty spurts. As they drew up within their velvety sac, until at last the young Bull was left panting and trembling. While he looked down in gloating lust and burning shame, at the submissive Steer that had been his big virile father.

"Oh god...oh yeah...your pussy is miiiine!" The rich black Bull cried out as his cock began to pulse, delivering his hot cream directly to the chubby cow.

"Yessss oho fuckin rut yes." Tracy squealed in orgasmic ecstasy, as Jordan's big throbbing Bull cock grew thick as it tensed as hard as steel within her soft sex. Even as his thrusts became bone jarringly hard... as he snorted and wheezed atop her back. "Yes it belongs to you... only to you now." She agreed in gasping Moo's of pleasure as a second powerful wave of orgasm gripped her senses... even as she felt his mighty organ erupt within her body. Filling her loins with a hot warmth that she knew was his potent seed, and a shiver raced down her spine as she knew she was in season. His seed could impregnate her... most likely would impregnate her... "You fill me with so much pleasure..." She moaned loudly as the watching Drax choked...

Young Jordan panted, and thrust, biting his lip as he punched his broad hips against that fat cow's soft fanny, even as he came hard. The black Bull felt his dick throbbing, he felt his balls tense and churning... such true bliss. How could a Bull ever want to give this up? He felt his balls throbbing, delivering his seed to the soft Cow under him. And he looked over at the father who had allowed his balls to be cut off, and the son who soon would. How can they call themselves Bulls... they wouldn't fight for their testicles. So it was only fitting that they lost them... smirking he squeezed Tracey's plump crotch again, and nuzzled her ear. "Yeah, I like filling you, Tracey... it feels so good to empty my balls in you."

"Oho dear you are naughty." The moaning quaking Cow chuckled breathlessly, as she lay under the young rich black stud Bull.

"Soon, Drax won't be able to fill you any more... he's gonna be a ball less Steer just like his father." The fat black Bull whispered huskily licking her ear.

"Hah he never has... really." She assured with a sharp smirk, but a more powerful trembled ran down her spine. "I can't wait... can't wait to see it... to hold his former jewels in my hand while he lays there all passive like his nuttless daddy." She snickered darkly looking over at the exhausted red Bull as he sagged to the floor beside his kneeling father.

"What do yo think, should we give him one final chance to play at being a Bull?" Jordan asked with a wicked snickers, as his big hands caressed over her soft body.

"What... why he's not half the Bull you are..." Tracy panted derisively as she glanced over at her spent limp boyfriend. "Still it might be funny to watch..."

Jordan grinned, and rocked his hips moving his still-twitching penis through that sweet Cow's soft pussy. He squeezed her plump, cleft crotch, squeezing her flesh around his fat bull hood. He loved knowing that he'd just fuck this fat Cow, came inside of her... even now she carried the milk of his balls in her belly.

"Mmm, if you do, I'll wait until he cums, and then castrate him..." Jordan promised lewdly. "You'll get to watch his face as he feels his bollocks cut off." "You'll feel his prick react to being made a Steer, while still inside you..." Tracy twisted her head around to stare at the big black Bull as he spoke... licking her thick lip's as her mouth suddenly went dry.

"I...I'd get to watch as you cut them off huh." "Get to see his muzzle as he realizes he's just cum for the first and last time inside of me."

"Sure... or if you'd rather, we can just bend him over, and you can watch every cut and slice of his castration firsthand." He grinned wicked as he whispers in her ear, too soft for the others to hear... Her big body was trembling like a leaf in the wind now, and Jordan could feel her sex gripping and squeeze his fat cock even more.

"Maybe you could angle that mirror on your dresser so I can watch both..." She whispered back, clearly very very excited by the ideas he was filling her head with... Jordan smirked, and pushed forward again grinding his still stiff shaft through her pussy. The way her body trembled around his bull hood was keeping him hard, even after cumming inside of her.

"Oh, that'd be a pretty bad angle to watch something so fun." He snickered. "It's better if I just videotape it." He suggested with a broad smirk nodding to the tripod mounted camera on his computer desk which was aimed to cover his big bed already. "Then you can watch it in close-up later."

"Ohoo ok...ok... sure." She moaned, as that big hard organ was rubbed back and forth within her... And the pudgy black Bull got the feeling he could get her to agree to about anything, while he was rutting her... "Hey... have his Dad show me the scar... you know where his ball use to be." Tracy panted lustfully as she glanced over at Cameron, who was just then climbing back to his hooves. While Drax was still sitting on the bedroom floor looking spent and exhausted...

Jordan grinned and patted her rear. "Sure thing doll." "But then I want you to get on your knees and use your hands and your mouth on my bull hood..." "I think you'll get a special appreciation for it after seeing my Steer." With that he slowly eased his throbbing, almost sore dick out of the plump Cow's pussy, and sat down beside her. "Cameron." He beckoned to the very passive Steer. "Come over here." "This pretty young Cow has never seen a Steer up close before." "She'd like you to show her where your balls used to be... when you were a Bull."

The big red Steer was blushing and smiling sheepishly as he walked over slowly...

"Yes Master Jordan." The very submissive feeling Steer grunted softly, as he unbuttoned his trousers and let them slid down his hefty thighs. Before also pushing this flat deflated boxer shorts... exposing his limp impotent sheath and the thin useless organ dangling from it. Reaching down Cameron lifted it up out of the way with two fingers, to expose the ragged angry red scar underneath it...

Jordan grinned wickedly and whispered in Tracey's ear. "Psst, sit up and show off your body a little... you'll see how a Steer reacts to Cows then." Jordan helped the young girl up, and played with her breasts and belly, making sure she sat with her thighs open as she looked on. "Tell her what it was like begin castrated, Cam..."

"It was... Ahem..." The big red Steer grunted, unsure just what he young master expected or wanted of him... so decided to just be honest. "It was very... exciting and terrifying all at the same time, I was taking into a room where the... device was awaiting me." He trembled involuntarily at the memory of it... "Jordan's father gave me one at chance to refuse, but I... I could not." He rubbed his broad forehead roughly. "The device was very hot and it's jaws very sharp... it was quite painful." "But then it was over, and I was as you see me now." He confessed his limp organ showing only the barest quiver of excitement... at the highly erotic sight before him.

"Pitiful..." Tracy spat in derision. "Is that the best he can do?" She reach a softly hand out to toy with the big roan Steer's limp dangling noodle. "Ohoooo but look at that..." Excitement suddenly filled her voice as those soft finger slipped down to the ugly ragged scar. Slowly she felt it up for a long moment her breathing growing labored once again. "Ahum... this does indeed give me a... a special appreciation for a really Bull." She panted sliding down off the bed to kneel in front of the smiling black Bull. Who indifferently dismissed the big Steer then... giving Cameron the rest of the night off. Even as the pretty young Cow slipped her muzzle between the young black Bull's considerable thigh's. As she began to use those soft hands and her hot mouth on his weakly throbbing semi hard cock.

"Ammmm... yeah that feels nice." Jordan moaned as Tracy's suckling mouth moved over his pleasantly aching cock. "No offense sweet Cow, but your not half the cock sucker your boyfriend is..." The big black Bull chuckled as Tracy giggled for a moment. "And not a fifth as good as his nuttless Steer daddy..." Jordan moaned with lustful amusement as he looked over at Drax. "Isn't that right Steer boy?" He taunted the big jock Bull, even as Drax's sense of embarrassment returned now that his lusts had been sated. The roan red Bull looked slightly ill as Jordan teased him. But he was still feeling very submissive, to much so to argue or resist the big black Bull. Sensing his continuing advantage over the big passive jock stud.

Jordan smirked as he looked down over Tracy's back at him, bending forwards over her head. The chubby black Bull reached back and lifted her tail. Exposing her hot gooey pink hole... as it drooled long dribbles of his thick cloudy white cum. "Come over here Steer boy." He ordered imperiously smacking one big palm on her light brown butt cheeks. Drax started to climb to his hooves, but Jordan gestured for him to remain down. "Crawl... Steer boy." The chubby black Bull smirked as the passive red Bull crawled over behind his own girlfriend. Who was licking and sucking on the other Bull's hefty black junk. Reaching down Jordan grabbed one of the younger Bull's horns. Much like Drax had done to his suckling Steer father only minutes before, as the rich black Bull guided his muzzle between Tracy's leg's.

"You'll lick this Cow clean, unless you want me siring calves in her already." The fat black Bull ordered with a smirk, watching the red blush on the stronger, leaner Bull's muzzle. As Drax knelt down to tongue Jordan's cum out of Tracy's hot pussy, the young Bull felt his shaft surging again... just from watching that tough Bull obey him. "Ammmm thats is... suck on my balls Tracy." Jordan ordered, and leaned back to let her get to them better. "You know Drax, Tracy and I've been talking..." He chuckled softly, as the Cow licking his junk snorted in amusement. "We think you're really much better suited to being a Steer..."

Drax's nostrils flared wide as his nose was slipped between Tracy's thigh's... the scent of Jordan and the black Bull's thick potent cum filling his senses. That long rough bovine tongue snaked out, licking up his girlfriends inner thigh's, lapping up that gooey Bull cum slowly. While his spent cock that had been as limp as his gelded fathers only moments before, was pulsing and growing...

"Errr... is that so?" Drax grunted, smacking his lip's as he at last made his way to that hot dribbling sex. Pressing his muzzle into it, as he licked and suckled Jordan's cum out of Tracy's quivering sex. Stunned as he realized she really had let Jordan cum inside of her without any protection at all... The fat black Bull nodded, leaning back on one hand and rubbing his stout belly with the other.

"Yeah... well as you can see, she really likes getting fucked by the Bull in charge, and that's me!" He gloated feeling very very good about himself in that moment. "I think what that means... no offense my handsome Steer." He smirked. "But she'd rather be my Cow than yours." "In fact, she'd like to watch me cut off those nice big balls of yours... she'd rather be bred by mine." Meanwhile Tracy couldn't help but moan in pleasure, as she felt Drax's tongue between her thighs and in her slot. And her loins throbbed even more, as she pressed her face between the fat, dominant Bull's haunches, to kiss his big potent balls. She lifted them to her mouth and licked them, then sucked firmly, slurping them into her mouth as her new Bull commanded his Steer. She trembled, her body quivering with excitement as Jordan told Drax she wanted to see him castrated... The big red jock Bull peeked over his Cow's big round rump cheeks... watching her lick and suckle on those big black ball's. Even as his tongue lapped of the leavings of those mighty nuts, feeling ashamed and yet aroused all at once.

"Tracy?" Drax moaned, as his long strong tongue was thrust in and out of her hot obviously well fucked hole.

"Ummmmm..." The sleek sexy brown Cow moaned as she looked up at Jordan and winked. "He's right baby... I'd rather be bred by a real Bull... by his." Drax inhaled sharply while his tongue dangled out covered in that thick slimy cooling cum... Jordan grinned, still leaning back and rubbing the Cow's head, winking back at her.

"And there you are." He said, as she maded a show of sucking on his virile young bovine stones for Drax's benefit. "Now I'm not gonna say you GOTTA let me cut your balls off for real, Steer." Jordan tried... sounding kind of tentative. "But I think it's what you wanna do..." "And I gotta say... your dad turned out so well as a Steer, that I think you will too." The chubby black Bull tried again... sounding more powerful this time. "Heh, remember the first time we fucked your dad together?" "I had you imagine he was a big fat Cow... I wanna see your body like that, a real chubby Steer's body." "After all, you know how much I love to fuck chubby girls." The black Bull said with a leer, leaning over and patting Tracy's wide ass...

"I... I'm not so sure I wanta be a... a St...Steer." Drax mumbled meekly, looking back and forth from the big black Bull to his own sleek sexy Cow.

"Honey I got news for you..." Tracy chuckled in a low husky voice, as she fondled Jordan's big stiff organ. "You already are..." "I mean what kind of Bull, lets another male fuck his girl right in front of him?" She asked with a leering smirk, as she gestured to her own sex still drooling the black Bull's cum.

Jordan chuckled, and shifted, laying down on his side, his fat bulk shifting about. "And, then eats it out of her pussy when asked?" He added, reaching down to grope the pretty Cow's generous chest. "Now I'm not tryin' to pressure you." He assured once again sounding less dominant. "Take some time to think about it... if you want Drax." "But I think you'd be happier... if I took your nuts and made you a Steer in my herd." Reaching over Tracy picked up her own frilly lacy panties, and handed then to Jordan who took them smirking. Tossing those panties to the red Bull, who looked up at him shivering for a moment.

"Go on put them on... Cow." Tracy teased the submissive feeling Drax, who blushed as he slipped those panties on and putted them up his thick muscle thighs... "Yeah those would look much better on you if... your body was like that, a real chubby Steer's body." Tracy giggled as he stood before them in his lustful embarrassment. "What kinda Bull sucks on the Bulls cock... who just humped his girlfriend twin." "And your about to let him rut you up the ass..." "Weren't you?" "Sweety you already are his Steer." She repeated more firmly as Drax's will collapses in front of their eyes. "Your his Steer... he just aint got around to getting your nuts off yet." She pushed as Jordan lay there leering at him lustfully.

"Listen to your girlfriend..." Jordan smirked lewdly, as he licked his thick black lips. "She knows what she wants... and she knows what you want." "She wants a real Bull to sire her calves... and we both know you want a Bull to rut your submissive Steer rump." The rich rotund black Bull played up his masculine Dominant role. Drax felt his gut knotting up as he knelt there, his girlfriend's taste on his tongue. And her panties over his aroused loins, with another Bull's seed on his lips, and wondered how much of it was true. It could be... he had really enjoyed letting the older, fat Bull take his ass and treat him like a Steer... And when he'd read about it having been done in the past, he'd always gotten really aroused by the idea of a Bull getting his balls hacked off. But he had never thought it would happen to him... Almost on its own, his hand snaked down between his corded thighs and grasped his family jewels. Cradling them defensively, but also weighing them... wondering if maybe he did want them gone.

"It's... it's a big decision." He stammered, stalling for time as he tried to think things over. He blushed, trying to search his feelings... but all he knew that made sense anymore. Was that he liked Jordan... and he liked that big, fat Bull mounting him, fucking him, cumming up his ass. And then cuddling him, so big warm and masculine. If that big black Bull would like him better with his balls cut off... well. "Maybe it wouldn't be so bad." He mused, without realizing he'd said it out loud.

"I want you to look right into the camera..." Jordan panted lustfully a string of spittle spilling down his black furry chin. "And tell the truth... that you want me to cut your balls off." The big red jock Bull shifted back and forth uneasily, as his hefty junk made those frilly panties bulge obscenely. A spreading damp spot at the tip of his throbbing slowly hardening cock.

"So just be a good little slut Steer, and let your Bull do as he wants." Tracy ordered in a strong, but sultry voice as she looked at Drax. "It's what you both want really..." She panted in excitement... making it pretty obvious that she wanted it as well. As she watch Drax sag back weakly and stop fighting it.

"Ok... ok." He moaned looking up, right into the cameras lens. "I want you to cut my balls off Jordan... I want you to make me your Steer." He moaned, out of breath with excitement; now that he was admitting his secret desire.

"That's right baby." The pretty young brown Cow purred, ecstatic that she had gotten him to say it.

"Good!" The chubby Bull panted, and heaved himself into a sitting position. "Now take orders like a good Steer." "Stand up, hands behind your back... spread your legs a little bit." "I wanna record what's coming off of you." Jordan ordered all business now that the jock had broken, reaching over he pulled those frilly panties down. As Drax complied, he could feel the considerable weight between his legs... Heavy and familiar, envied by many other Bulls he knew... and here he was, about to give it up to another Bull. He didn't mind though... the idea of his balls in danger, of his bull hood in question... actually had his young Bull dick hard as a rock. Drax watched the camera lens dip, and he know his heavy, ruddy nut sac was being recorded.

"Some big balls you've got there, Drax." Jordan purred as he zoomed in . "So out of place on a Steer." "You ever get to use those with Tracy here?"

"Uhum sure I've... Tracy and I have..." He stammered, as Tracy watched them both together leeringly...

"Or with any Cow?" Jordan quizzed him, as he stood up and moved behind Drax, still keeping those balls in focus.

"Any Cow well... I've ya know been around some..." Drax stammered trying to sound worldly and stud like.

"So that's a NO then." The sleek brown Cow chuckled, as her big masculine boyfriend submissively did everything Jordan ordered him to do.

"Ahem well... yeah Tracy is the only one that ever let me put it in... just never cum inside of her." Drax whimpered as the pretty Cow rolled over onto her back and spread her legs displaying that still dripping sex to the confused Drax. Jordan held the camera behind Drax, at an angle that caught Tracy's provocative display.

"Well I just came in her hot little pussy twice, and I think it was great." The big hefty black Bull bragged with a lustful sneer.

"Yeah... yeah I... I know you did..." The big jock Bull moaned, this making him feel even less of a Bull, ever as Tracy's sexy display teased him as much as Jordan's words.

"You NEVER have... just think, there's that beautiful Cow, laying right there..." "And you didn't really fuck her."

"Never...never really got to... she wouldn't let..." Drax stammered weakly, as he stood there with her panties pulled half way down his thick thighs, so that Jordan could get good shots of his big dangling junk...

"Oh you may have had your meat in her, but there was never any chance of YOU knocking her up." Jordan snickered in amusement, and put a hand on Drax's shoulder. "Do you wanna nail her, Steer?" "I'd let you, since it's your last chance... before your balls hit the floor."

"'d let me..." He exclaimed halfway offended... she was his girlfriend after all... but then Jordan was the Bull. "I... Uhum thank... thank you..." The big roan red Bull jock grunted passively.

Jordan smirked, and moved the camera's focus to the splayed out Cow. "That leaves it up to you Tracy..." He said, letting the camera stare at her plump, bare body. "Does Drax here get to fuck you, and cum in you, before his balls hit the floor?" "Are you gonna give this soon to be Steer a last good time?" The pretty Cow made a show of looking him up and down... she knew what Jordan wanted and that was what really matter.

"Well... just because it's his last one ever..." She smirked licking her lip's as she watched the two of them together. "Ok... but I doubt he'll be able to do it..." She taunted wickedly. "I mean he's not been able to please me yet..." This statement making the big jock Bull blush, and look down shamefaced... he knew that she'd not gotten as much out of his mounting her as he had. The fat black Bull smirked derisively, and slapped Drax firmly on his rear.

"Well we wouldn't want you to get bored Tracy..." "Maybe I'll give him some help!" Drax wasn't sure what that meant, but Jordan left him standing there before he could ask. The black Bull set up the camera on a motorized tripod mount, controlled from a sleek little remote he could hold in big one hand. After a moment's adjusting he returned to Drax, and put a chubby hand on his ass, then guided him towards the waiting Cow. "Here you are Drax." He said solemnly as he pushed the two of them together. "Your last pussy..." Drax gulped and swallowed hard as he heard Jordan's words... his last pussy. The last time his cock would be a real Bull's, capable of impregnating a Cow... As that big hot hand pushed him forwards, Tracy eased herself over to the edge of the bed, spreading her thighs around his powerful hip's. While Drax leaned over her, slipping his long slender bovine cock into her hot sloppy sex... Feeling the black Bulls cum still thick and goopy within her.

"Yeah come on Steer boy... last chance to please a Cow..." Tracy taunted. "You'll be pleasing Bulls from now on." She teased, as he began to rocked back and forth over her... "Ohoo!"

"UmmmAhaa!" The big roan Bull moaned in shocked pleasure, he'd Never known anything could feel so good on his dick. That hot gooey Cow sex flooded his brain with delight, he'd never understood how very much delectation he had been missing. How much pleasure that thick coating of latex condom had taken away. Drax's Bull hood throbbed harder than it ever had before, contrary to Tracy's prediction. "Ummmaraa!" The horny Bull jock bellowed loudly, tossing his big horned head back. And thrust into the pretty brown Cows soft lush body wildly, as Jordan looked on in growing anger. This wasn't the reaction he'd been expecting to see... Drax was beginning to feel like a Bull. And that was the last thing the rotund black Bull wanted... oh no he wanted Drax feeling soft and submissive like a Steer should. Quickly the chubby black Bull threw himself against Drax's broad red back.

"I think it's time for some Bull-on-Bull action." The fat black Bull snorted grabbing Drax's tail, and yanking it to one side as he shoved his stiff male pole between the younger athlete's firm, muscular ass cheeks. He didn't even have to pretend to enjoy it, feeling that furry rump flexing around his shaft was enough to get him hard enough to fuck a Bull, even after cumming twice in a Cow. But that was why Bulls had such big, heavy balls... for exactly this reason. Jordan grasped the roan Bull's hips with his pudgy hands, and then bucked forward firmly, shoving his shaft into his as yet uncastrated Steer. Fucking him as he had his last Cow, and making two pairs of swinging balls hit each other in full view of the mounted camera.

"Ummmm yeah... I feel that." Tracy moaned, as the thrusts into her gained even more strength and emphasis as Jordan added his weight behind Drax's thrusts. "You can feel a real Bull when he mounts up." She moaned watching Drax's muzzle redden with blush and arousal... as he was taken from behind savagely. The young red Bull's erection softening slightly, as his tight tail hole was stretched wide... making him moan and press back. His heavy head resting on Jordan shoulder as that handsome young muzzle flopped over, allowing the black Bull to kiss his open mouth powerfully.

Jordan thrust his thick tongue vengefully into the smaller Bull's mouth, and reached around him with his chubby black arm. Grabbing his chest to pinch those hard little nipples, then reaching down and rubbing Drax's groin. Playing with the root of his cock, where it met the Cow's plump pussy, even as his own hard pole shoved into the Bull's firm behind. His fat belly flattened against Drax's back, as his chubby hips bucked hard in and out. His big ass shaking, giving Tracy the unique pleasure of a double-strength fucking, and two large pairs of balls swinging against her thighs and each other.

Jordan slipped his tongue out of the red Bull's mouth and put it in his ear. He couldn't help but feel a gnashing, primal rage as he watched another Bull putting his dick into that Cow... and he snorted in anger and lust, giving Drax's firm ass a rage-fuck.

"You know... I'm only doing this..." Jordan gasp for breath as he slammed in and out savagely. "Letting you fuck my nice, fat cow... 'Snort' "Because we're such good friends and your dad's such a good fuck."

"I... I know... I'm sorry." Drax whimpered looking deep into his big Bull's angry eyes, apologizing to Jordan for rutting his own girlfriend... Even as his hip's kept moving plunging his cock in and out of the Cows sex.

"Hnf... Hnf Hnf." "This cow's pussy is my special gift to you, my Steer so Enjoy it!" "Feel every sensation... cuz you're not going to ever fuck a Cow again." "HNF!" "After I cut off your... 'Snort HNF...' cut off your balls tonight!"

"Thank you... thank you it... it's a wonderful gift... I... I'll never forget this." Drax promised meekly as the big black Bull slam that big Bull cock into his pleasure gland.

"Fuckin' Steer... he's going limp already." Tracy sneered derisively panting for breath as her pleasure grew fast, while Drax stammered and blushed in humiliation. "I don't think he even likes pussy." The pretty Cow snorted, giving Jordan a big smile as he moved roughly behind Drax. The black Bull snorted, holding Drax's hips firmly, his fat belly shaking against the younger Bull's back as he fucked that tight ass.

"Damn right you'll never forget it." The fat Bull snorted hotly into Drax's leaf shaped bovine ear. "Your dick will never feel anything this good again..." HNF HNF HNF... UMMMMM FUCK." Jordan bellowed in a deep bullish roar, as his fat black testicles jumped up. Smacking the smaller Bull's red orbs, and his thick male milk spurting deep into Drax's tight clenching ass.

"Ohooo Gods Ohoooo gods yer right... it feels soooo good!" Drax confirmed as his strong hip's were battered into rutting Tracy's hot quivering sex harder and faster... Jordan gritted his teeth and squeezed his Steer's hips as he came, letting his lust and rage pulse out through his dick... making a hot pool in the other male's tail hole. Slowly he pushed off, his wet dick slipping out of Drax's rump to hang swaying before him, glistening lewdly, his fat body sweaty and hot. Fucking Drax had certainly taken the edge off his anger, but as he stared at the lean red Bull still thrusting into that nice, soft pussy. He could feel it coming right back... with a smirk, he stepped up behind Drax and grabbed those swaying balls firmly. "Hey, maybe this Bull's too eager to be a Steer, Tracey." "I bet he won't get off until he feels me getting ready to take his balls." "So that's what I'm gonna do." Sneering Jordan shoved the red Bull's strong athletic body down, pressing that toned body down onto the Cow's plump frame. "Keep him entertained Tracy." "When he gives you a load, his balls are Gone." Drax's lustfully male body was quivering with the warring sensation's of both being a Bull inside his first real pussy... and the submissive feelings of having just been fucked like he was a Cow...

"Ohoooo he's eager..." Tracy purred lustfully as she watch Jordan roughly handle the much bigger stronger red Bull... "Ummmm yes I'll get him to go off... and then you can get Them off!" The pretty young female Mooed excitedly, as the through of it fired her passions in away nothing else ever had. She was going to get her boyfriend nutted... nutted for cumming inside of her. Those strong loin muscles winked and twitched on Drax's fat cock teasing him as he lay atop her passively, while the big black Bull was talking of cutting his male hood off. 'Gods it was soooo excited.' A wave of multiple female orgasm thundered through her body, as Drax lay atop her vibrating body panting and snorting... as his hard cock tensed and trembled with her sex... Jordan smirked, licking his lips as he watched Tracy's big, soft body shake and quake under her former boyfriend... soon to be a former boy. Watching her enjoying Drax's dick in her soft sex, made him want to rip that red Bull's balls off with his bare hands. But it amused him to know she was mainly enjoying knowing that it was going to happen. He stepped across the room for a bag, his heavy Bull hood swinging. He snorted, just hearing the wet sounds of fucking behind him, was already making his black balls fill up again. He paused to check the camera, making sure it had a good view between Drax's legs... 'Oh yeah, he could see everything; those swinging red nuts... that dick disappearing into Tracy.' He snorted again, and picked up an old wooden box that had been sitting on the table. He took it back and dropped it on the bed beside Tracy, where they both could see it.

"This has been in my family for a long time." He explained as he opened that wooden box. Inside were a pair of square iron bars, about a foot long each, two iron hinges that they fit into, and a heavy hammer. "It dates from when people who owned land had the responsibility of managing it." "This, was how my family castrated criminals back in those days." He brought the parts out, and let them watch him fitting the two iron bars together. Attaching the ends, so they could see how snug the fit was, before disassembling it again. "See, Drax?" "Your sac fits between these bars... and then I hammer them together until your nuts just fall off." He explained with a dark smirk. "The pressure crimps your sac so there's barely any bleeding at all." "And I get to keep your testicles for my... collection." He smirked, patting the red Bull's wide muscular ass. "Fuck her good Drax... paint the insides of her pussy." "Your fate is waiting." Drax's big round buttocks bunched and flexed unable to resist humping into that hot slick Cow pussy, even as those strong muscles squeezed and tugged on his throbbing fuck stick. Oddly the young red Bull found himself trying to hold back his quickly growing orgasmic pleasure, knowing that very soon he would lose control and cum... And then he would lose a lot more... he would lose his sexual identity. No longer would he be a big horny Bull... but instead would forever be a passive Steer able to only give pleasure to other. That idea frightened part of him however it excited a much bigger part of him, the fact that he could hear and sense this act was turning on both Tracy and Jordan made the act of surrendering up his Bull hood all the sweeter. Jordan leered down at the lean red Bull's flexing ass, and grasped those fat red bull testicles, feeling them throbbing in their loose sac. "Yeah, I can feel it." The black Bull said with a lustful smirk, licking of his thick lips as his grip tightened on that big, bulky Bull sac... squeeeeeezing those trembling balls. Pressing his fat fingers into those orbs of flesh... his young lust surging as he felt that rush of power, power over another Bull's balls.

"Ohooooo... fit it on him." Tracy begged, as she looked over the cold cruel black iron that would so soon remove Drax's male hood forever... another gush of sexual pleasure spurted from her trembling sex. As she watched the handsome black Bull set that device between Drax's thigh's, tugging those fat potent balls in their velvety red sack down. Pulling them between those heavy iron bars, strong fingers adjusting and positioning everything just right getting everything lined up for the deed to come...

"MMMMMMMAMAMAA..." Drax bellowed as he felt his mighty male orbs readied for destruction... His big horned head aching back, as his hips pressed forwards thrusting his cock as deep as it would go within Tracy's sex... "I'm cumming inside of her." He snarled almost gloatingly as he looked up at the rich black Bull watching them. Jordan leered down at the lean red Bull's flexing ass, and grasped those fat red bull testicles, feeling them throbbing in their loose sac.

"Yeah, I can feel it." The black Bull said with a lustful smirk, licking of his thick lips as his grip tightened on those big Bull nuts. "You cum in her but good Drax. Tracy's a fine Cow, and I hope you're giving her pussy the biggest load of your life." "Cuz it's certainly the Last load of your life" Jordan snorted, squeezing those stones, listening to the younger Bull moan... and then when he finally felt that Drax was done. He slid the cap on the other end of the iron bars... locking them together... and then picked up the hammer. And banged on the iron bars hard, every thump enabling him to slide the metal bracket further down the bar. Making those bars tighter, and tighter the heavy iron clanging away. As the ancient device took its first set of balls in three hundred years... 'BANG' Horribly tight... 'BANG' incredibly tighter still. 'BANG!' So tight around his sac, no Bull could bear it.

"Ohooo fuck." Tracy shouted at those first few Bangs... she could feel Drax's cock that had been all but a limp noddle within her after his orgasm. Almost instantly spring back to life... harder than it had been when he'd first started. "He's getting off on it..." She moaned although it was clear not as much as she was. Drax could feel his balls swinging helplessly below those pinching iron bars. 'BANG.' Surely this must be the end for his big potent testicles...

The big red former Bull collapsed as his eyes rolled back in his head, even as that unyielding iron pinch the life out of his big potent male orbs. "Fuckin' hell it hurts..." He bellowed struggling to remain still, so that Jordan could keep hammering away. So that Jordan could keep taking those precious orbs away. "Take'em... take'em off of... of... me." The handsome young athlete begged, as below him Tracy struggled to control herself.

'BANG!' And then with a soft, wet sound his heavy balls dropped free, hitting the floor with a soft thud.

Jordan smirked, picking up the new Steer dissevered sac. True to what he'd been told, there was almost no gushing blood, just an angry red seal towards the top. That oozed just a little bit... and the same between Drax's legs, he noted with some satisfaction. He patted the red Steer on the ass, and laid down on his side next to them. His belly resting against the Cow's side, his dick throbbing against her thigh. "You can relax now Drax... you're a Steer now just as you were always ment to be." "Take a moment... catch your breath." "Relish how it feels to have your dick in a pussy, that's a pretty rare thing for Steers." He grinned at the Cow... his Cow now. "Hey Tracy... wanna hold your old boyfriend's balls?"

"Umm thank you my Bull... thank you..." Drax moaned weakly clearly exhausted both physically and emotionally. The pretty brown Cow's eyes were huge as she looked from her boyfriend, who was still laying atop of her his organ buried deep within his tingling sex. To the smiling gloat black Bull who lay beside her, so potent and strong it sent shivers racing through her big body.

"CC... Can I?" the pretty brown Cow asked, and then squeal in delight as that big sack was laid into her hand. Its potent cargo still warm from having been attached to her boyfriends body just moments before, now it was resting in the palm of her hand. "My gods... oh my gods these are really your ball!" She moaned up at Drax, who answered her softly and simply.

"That is what you wanted... right."

"Yes!" She purred patting him on the head condescendingly. "Good Steer boi."

Jordan smiled, the gifts he'd been lavishing on the younger red Bull had been getting more and more extravagant. The more Drax put out for him... first it had been a new cellphone so they could keep in touch whenever. And then a PS 3, Ipod, and now as he held those big dissevered jewels in his black three fingered hand. Jordan trembled... trying to think what he could get that was expensive enough to cover this. In truth the chubby black Bull hadn't really believed the young jock Bull would really let him do it. Jordan couldn't help but chuckle, watching Tracy play with those severed stud stones. He looked over at Drax... incredibly the sweaty red Steer looked contented, relaxed even; though still in some pain. If it'd been him just castrated, Jordan would have been bellowing in rage. Brutally fighting back, frothing at the mouth for revenge... but Drax was quiet, and Jordan smiled stroking his broad back. He would make a very fine Steer... taking after his dad, no doubt....


Deans new trick...

Dean learns a new trick... Dean jogged around the track a few more times... waiting for the locker room to cleared out. The tall lean Antelope was too embarrassed to shower with the other guy's... Now that his big sheath was drooping and empty above...

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Vorlan and the wrestler...

Vorlan and the wrestler The huge burly Boar spun around the body of the young Horse amazingly...

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