The New Order

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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A new stallion takes over there herd... and has to deal with the former stallion's sons

The new order

The handsome chubby appaloosa stud colt was unaware of the outcome of the challenge to his fathers rule of the herd. He had been sleeping late that morning, and in fact was still in bed. When a handsome roan mustang Stallion bursting into his room, and ordering him to stand up and present himself for inspection.

"Errr... wha... who the heck are you?" The portly young stud grunted as he leaped up startled at this invasion.

"I'm Darrow... the new Stallion in charge around here." The big rough looking mustang neighs loudly as he looks down at the pampered young Stallion. "And you know what that means!" "This herd and all its mares are now mine." The big rough red horse is slightly disheveled, showing broad bruises here and there. But obviously still in fair shape... so Jerome knew it wasn't a very close match. "I'm taking stock of all my new assets mares, fillies, colts... geldings."

"Wha... dad?" The handsome, if slightly thick bodied stud colt looked shocked, as the top mare strolled in behind the roan mustang.

"He's lost sweety... first gelding for the new herd stallion here." She explained giving the new stud a admiring look...

"Wha... No way!" The young fat appaloosa Stallion choked in shock and denial. The mustang gave him a stern look that sent shivers down Jeromes spine and nodded.

"Yes... it's true." "I pinned that fat old fucker, and crushed his balls with my hoof." Darrow whinnied triumphantly, as wild proud look of lust played across his muzzle. "Now... I need to make my rounds and announce my dominance to everybody." "You stay here until I come for you." The big rough roan stallion ordered forcefully. "If you're good... it'll go easy on you." He promised with a dominant snort. "If not it'll go rough... run and I will chase you down." "There is a big difference... I assure you." The big stud snorted gruffly before turning to the mare. "Explain it if you need to, but lock the door when you leave." He then moved on to handle further business... some young Stallion had already run.

The mare stepped into his place. "Now sweetie, he'll be back in a little while, to do what must be done..." "So you have only so much time to prepare yourself..."

"Pre... prepare myself." The handsome young Appaloosa choked, as he realized what they were talking about... He... he was going to be one the new herd Stallion's gelding bois. "Please... please can't you talk him into just letting me go..."

"I'm sorry honey, but I'm sure he won't go for it." "He's vowed to chase down any stud colts that try to escape." "And I'm sure he'd catch them too, he's got such amazing legs." She gushed smiling and fluttering a bit in obvious arousal. "Just don't worry hon... he's said that he likes chubby girls like your mom." "So he'll probably like you too... if you give him a chance... ya know" "Look I have to go now and talk to the other stud colts." "Just wait here for him to return... okay?" She said as she's leaving locking Jerome in.

It's almost three hours before the key turns, and the mustang enters his room alone. The chubby handsome appaloosa Stallion looked up nervously, at the big rough looking mustang. As he comes back in, a gloating look on his soft pink nose and lip's its clear hes flush and excited. "Stallion..." The rotund young Stallion whimpered submissively. The big horse locks the door to Jerome's bedroom behind him, and then stepped over to the appaloosa's bed. He's big, strong, and muscular looking like a real Adonis. It's no wonder the mares aren't unhappy about the changeover. He's wearing only a pair of shorts at the moment, and the young Stallion can see the virile bulges in them.

"Yer names... Jerome right." That roan body glistening and he smells of sweat and mares... the girls haven't been wasting time.

"Yea... Yeah." Jerome answers kind of uncertainly, as the big roan stud moves over putting a strong hand on Jerome's shoulder.

"Alright chubby." "You're mine now... so strip."

"Yes sir..." The little Stallion climbed to his hooves, and rather self consciously slides his shirt off over his long narrow head. Before pushing down his baggy trousers... the shorts under them are tight and tiny making his junk look big and bulging. Slowly he works those tight shiny underwear down his chubby thighs, slowly before stepping out of them. "Please sir.. don't geld me." The big mustang snorted as the appaloosa stripped, and put a hand on jeromes shoulder and chest. And then possessively slides his strong palm down over that chubby belly, and then firmly grasps those young Stallion parts.

"Ammm... you know it's tradition." The big rough red Stallion said in a cool rumble. "You'll be a good little stud colt and submit to your new Stallion."

"Yes... I'll be good and submit for my Stallion." He mumbles meekly as the big mustang grins leeringly at him.

"You know you are pretty cute... for a male." "I could get to like you..." The big mustang whispered taking Jerome's wrists, needing only one hand to hold them both. While his other huge hand lifted the appaloosa's chin up. The appaloosa blushed at the new Stallions flattering words, and begins to harden as that firm hand fondles his junk.

"Thank you sir... I could get to like your company as well." Darrow presses his lips to the younger Stallions, and thrusts his tongue into Jeromes passive mouth...

"Ammmm..." Jerome moans as he melts into the bigger studs hard masculine kiss... The strong sweaty Stallion thrust his tongue deep into that passive mouth, kissing the young appaloosa like a mare. While groping him like one as well, his hand sliding from that soft equine chin down to Jerome's chest. He gave that plump spotted rear a firm squeeze, and then lifted Jerome's hands above his head.

"Ammm that's a good little geldie." He purrs as he breaks the kiss, and firmly but gently pushes the Appaloosa down onto his own bed. And then Darrow takes some rope, and ties Jerome's hands to the head board leaving the appaloosa sitting on his mattress with his legs off the sides. He slides his shorts off then, the mustang Stallion showing off his huge, sweaty balls and thick, throbbing dick, still glistening with mare juices and scent. "You're gonna get to like me real fast, lil' cutie."

"Ohooo gods..." The helpless Appaloosa moaned, as the strong scents of the mares juices and the Stallions own powerful masculine musk filled his senses. "Ummm... really fast?" He moaned, as his own smaller male hood erects jutting straight out from his own sweaty crotch. The big red mustang moans soft, giving his own huge shaft a stroke, making it harden up right before Jerome's eyes. Making the young appaloosa look at what a well-hung stud he is... and then kneeling between the stud colts legs. Before grasping those tender young colt nuts, lifting them up to look them over.

"Heh, you have your father's balls." He commented darkly, and than bends down and nuzzles Jerome's crotch. Sucking those tender young testicles into his muzzle one at a time...

"I... I... do?" The handsome. if overweight young Stallion moaned in delight, as that hot mouth engulfs his fat little balls. The sensation all new to him, but it feels wondrous indeed to the virgin stud colt. "Oho my gods... my... my stallion that... that feels sooooo."

The big strong mustang sucks hard on those sweaty young balls, and then gently chews them with his flat teeth. Not enough to really hurt, just enough to remind the appaloosa what he's there for. Darrow slipped that velvety sac out of his mouth, but keeps a good grip on it.

"Ummm... you're gonna make a very fine gelding." Darrow rumbled his voice low and husky. "One of my favorites I think... I'm really gonna enjoy taking your nuts." The big roan mustang gave them a firm pull, and then lifts Jerome's young prick. He leaned over and gives the Appaloosa a rough kiss again, before he starts kissing his way down Jerome's soft chest, and over that chubby belly.

"A very fine gelding." The young stud horse repeats, half way between horror and excitement as his own sexual lusts are getting the best of him. That young cock bouncing up and down drooling wildly, as his male orbs as pulled and squeezed. Even as he returns the Stallions lusty kiss with more passion this time...

The big mustang kissing his way down that big gray belly, nuzzling the appaloosa's soft body. As those huge three fingered hands slide under Jerome, caressing those spotted buttocks. And then gasping those hard little balls, giving them a little twist to keep them bundled in the bottom of their sac. His grip disappears from that soft rump, and then Jerome catch a flash of metal as a scalpel appears against his balls. But just at that moment the appaloosa gets another distraction, as the Stallion's lips slide around the end of that young prick. And he starts slurping on that young virgin shaft lustfully.

"Oho Hoooooo..." The handsome young Appaloosa inhaled sharply his body reacting to those caress's and slurping. "Uhu Gods..." He squeals seeing the flash and knowing what it means... but at the same time his young sexual organ is stimulated far more that it ever has been before. As his young hard cock vanishes down the older stallions muzzle... "Take me... make me... your favorite gelding my stallion..." The young Stallion can't help but moan as his hard organ is suckled for the first time ever. The big mustang snorted around that hard little cock, his tongue playing with that throbbing shaft. The glands of that throbbing organ grinding against the roof of his mouth, as it slopes back towards his throat. The big mustang stallion was able to take almost Jerome's whole fucker, right down to the root. And he kept on bobbing his long narrow equine head, suckling hard as he started to cut open the appaloosa's ball sac. First one slow slice... and then a second quick slice, big fist squeezing. And then suddenly the appaloosa's tight little testicles are laying in the big roan Stallion's open palm.

"Ohoma OHOMA OHOMA GODS..." The horny young stud moaned, as he finds himself looking at his own naked male orbs... As they lay there in that big rough palm, he was really about to become a gelding. And really about to cum in the herd stallions muzzle... any second. "Please... please I'm about to... to... The mustang closed his hand around Jerome's young balls, taking care to hold the thick cords between his thumb and forefinger. Gently... not squeezing them as he swiftly bobs up and down on that young virgin dick.

"Cum on..." Darrow snorted, the big Stallion wanting the young stud colt to cum, before he gelds him. The mustang rolls those naked nuts in his big rough palm, as his muzzle gives that young body pleasure it's never experienced before. It really doesn't take much stimulation to get the young virgin stud to peak... and his naked balls struggle to draw up. As his blunt equine cock head flares and them begin to spit thick spurts of obviously very pent up potent young seed...

"EEEEHEHEHEEEE..." The powerful mustang lets that chubby little stud colt cum in his mouth, the big Stallion swallowing his virgin cum without hesitation. Holding those naked balls in his fist, and feeling those cords and tubes pulsing. He gives the appaloosa one... two... three... spurts, before slashing those potent young balls free. With one quick precision slice of his razor sharp knife blade, dumping those dissevered orbs into a zip lock bag. Jerome's cute colt makers cut off and take away, almost before they could be used. At least the mustang had gave him a taste of stallion hood first... the appaloosa was unsure if that was kindness or cruelty. Darrow kept his roan muzzle on that spurting penis, suckling hard to keep the sensations intense. Even as he trimmed that speckled gray scrotum, so that only just the right amount of skin is left behind.

"AmmAmm Fuck..." The young pretty appaloosa moaned for an instant, feeling the power of cumming like a stallion one moment. Only to discover the submissiveness of his unmaling the next... The pleasure of that suckling mouth so intense, that it's almost torture in it's self.... while the cutting goes on almost unnoticed. Darrow waits until he's finished trimming that sac, before slowly letting that virgin organ slide out of his hot mouth. The big mustang unties Jerome's hands from the head broad, and then slides his strong arms around the young gelding. Embracing that soft chubby young body and pressing his lips to the new gelding. Jerome can faintly taste your own flavor on the big Stallion's mouth, as Darrow holds that chubby body against him like the gelding was a sweet, demure filly...

"Thank... thank you my Stallion." The passive chubby little new gelding whimpers, as submissive as his gelded sire had been.


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