Macabre Masquerade... A party to Debauchery

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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This is my entry to [["charn"](%5C ""charn"") charn](%5C) Macabre Masquerade... My Masquerade guest [["shadowpelt"](%5C ""shadowpelt"") shadowpelt](%5C) was a bit of a last minute change and really gave me a bit of a challenge However I hope I have provided a pleasing gift to my honored guest

Macabre Masquerade

A party to Debauchery

As a special guest Shadowpelt had been in the mansion for a few days before the Masquerade. And so had everything set up for that special night, all that was missing was hir subject. Anxiously shi waited watching the slowly gathering guests, even as more and more brightly garbed and masked furs slowly arrived. Fancy ornate carriages rolled up the long winding approach, all auto's having been restricted to outside the formal grounds.

The ballroom was festooned with white and black streamers, with balloons fashioned up near the ceiling. The live band high up in the music gallery above the ballroom floor played a slow, steady background tune, a slowed down version of a song from several years before. The violins vibrated with a sullen tightness that Shadowpelt could feel in hir big buxom chest. Several other of the guests had arrived as early as shi, and no doubt they had made their own arrangements for the night. Procuring a rooms for a few extra days of course, required the greasing of the right paws, but as they say money was no object. A staccato of trumpets interrupted Shadowpelt's thoughts, as a chubby tuxedo dressed Raccoon lifted his nose, clearing his throat.

"Now arriving, Princess Ornatia Bellows." The giraffe was wearing the sleekest cocktail dress Shadowpelt had ever seen, the slit going up one thigh for four or five feet. The hermaphrodite malamute could not help but feel a twinge of attraction. But no shi had a task to complete and just the thought of it made hir shiver.

"Now arriving, Colonel Maximilian Reginald the third." The big brightly dressed Bear was huge, full of meat. Shadowpelt shook hir head, shi had to focus on hir ultimate task. Other guests were streaming in unannounced, foxes and minxes and wolves oh my. The serving staff were dipping and weaving between the arriving guests, taking coats, purses, offering tall thin glasses of sparkling wine.

And then Shadowpelt saw him... a tall sleek very well groomed stallion, sauntering slowly through the crowd. The music seemed to swell with the growing crowd as she watched the horse, decked in a white mask that hid his forehead, eyes and the bridge of his snout, nod to a black and grey furred poodle. Doctor Andrew Dotato... lately of Arkham Massachusetts... formerly of Dorset shire. Yes indeed... hir prey had arrived at last... Shadowpelt licked hir lip's.

He was costumed and masked of course just like so many of the guests were... and shi was not particularly amused with his choice of garb. Shadowpelts lip's slowly curled up into a dark wicked smile, as shi looked over the big brash Stallion. He had chosen to dress himself as Casanova, and of course that was in-fact what he had always aspired to be. A libertine... seducer, corrupter of the young and innocent, and when he could manage it. Cruel rapist when his soft words and grand gestures wouldn't work. Masked in that smiling muzzle, but shi knew all of this of course, because someone important to hir had experienced it first hand.

Now here he was, gaily dress and wearing a more obvious mask... but it was the scent that gave him away, Shi knew that hated scent. And intended to see that tonight all of that would change, tonight it was the big ravisher who would be experiencing for the first time what it was like to be violated. But first he'd have to be lured in, stepping behind a floral ornate column. Hir soft furry form blurred and flickered for a spilt second as shi transformed it.

And suddenly a tall sleek fully female fur stepped out from around that column. One slender paw sliding slowly down that lush body, smoothing hir silken gown as it conformed to hir new shape. Stealthfully shi made hir way through the throngs in secret pursuit, watching as he took a seat at the head of a long table. Shadowpelt strolled slowly up the isle between tables, as shi adjusted hir mask. As shi approached the head of the table, watching the Stallion's dark eyes watching hir that wicked smile returned. The tall supremely masculine Stallion bounced to his hooves and gave hir a flourished bow. "Good evening... m'lady." Dr. Dotato greeted as he arose from that exaggerated bow. "Please allow me to present myself... I am Giacomo Girolamo Casanova de Seingalt." The big handsome Stallion introduced himself with his favorite Nom de guerre.

"Lady Penelope..." The disguised husky purred in hir deep throaty voice, as shi couldn't help noticing what was going on at the next table. Even as the big Stallion came around the table and pulled out a chair for her.

"Please allow me..." The tall snowy white Stallion nickered soft as his soft pink lip's curled up into a pleasant smile. Shadowpelt let him seat hir... and watched him move back around to his own chair. Even as he snapped those big thick fingers summonsing the servants to bring them wine. The disguised husky was having a hard time concentrating as shi could not help listening into what was happening at the next table.

A brightly dressed older Stallion smiled across the table, at the pretty young twins that had just seated themselves across from him. "Well... goodeve' my sweets." He greeted flashing a winning smile with his big square white teeth, noting the slender effeminate pair were male and female. Not that it mattered to him... the aged herd stallion had long ago decided he was fine mounting anything that would hold still for it... "And how are you this eve?"

"Oho good evening sir..." The twins babbled together in a odd, but endearing manner. "We are very well this eve." The sleek sexy young twins, replied giggling to the big handsome older stud. As someones foot paw found it's way to his crotch... teasing it for a moment.

"And what might your names be?" The huge horny roan red herd Stallion asked, as he felt himself growing from semi erect to full thickness under those nimble toes. This not going unnoticed by the fast moving service staff... As they had been trained and equip to take advantage of just such occasions.

"Jessie..." The cute little female smirked as she saw the lust in the studs eyes, and winked to her brother. "Julius..." The sleek feminine appearing twin brother answered smiling back at the huge stud, the scent of his arouse reaching them from across the table. "And your's sir..." Julius smirked and flashed a small Fox servant a knowing smile, this was not their first Macabre Masquerade...

"Lord Roan Tupratore..." The big stud smirked, as the server boy poured him more wine, and then paused peering down at the horses growing bulge...

"Would sir like some assistance with..." He gestured discreetly downwards, and the mighty herd Stallion smirked... Knowing he was good for a few dozen times in a single night, and thinking a bit of relief would help calm him. "Indeed relieve me of my burden..." He whispered softly to the smirking young Fox, as the twins winked at the leering servant boy.

Roan invited the smiling Fox, who instantly ducked down under the table oddly taking a big silver platter with him. Even as the big stud leaned back and spread his powerful legs, while flirting with the soft spoken effeminate twin Jackals across the table. While under the table, the little vulpine push the table clothe back; covering the horses might crotch from view. As he quickly unbuttoned Roans fancy dress trousers, tugging on them until the big stud lifted his rump off the seat; to allow the little servant to pull them down. "You know I must compliment you on your look..." The big Stallion wickered, flirted with the twins lustily... "It is very arousing..."

The twins smiled and complimented him right back on his huge, powerful form and handsome visage... While down below the little Fox smile at the sexy banter... slowly taking out the blackened shears each server had been given. Those soft furry paws rubbed over that naked Stallion stick... teasingly as one paw moved down to cup and heft those mighty male jewels just below Roan's overly full sheath...

"Ohooo indeed I have..." The big stud smirked, as he bragged about his physical abilities and that his powerful male attributes would sent them both into spasm of ecstasy. While below the table, little Fox slipped that big blunt cock head into his own mouth, to keep it from leaking all over his shiny black uniform. While he tugged down those mighty stud nuggets, and then slipped the glittering razor sharp blades around the neck of that over stuffed sac.

The herd Stallion was telling all about his many mares and how he kept them all satisfied... Baring him so many handsome sons... the little Fox snickered at that as he slowly closed those enchanted jaws. Those black blades having been magically imbued to slice swift and painlessly, his little paw squeezed those hard metal handles. As the other stroked up and down Roan's fat pink shaft. The Fox's hot mouth suckled powerful on that big blunt cock head, even as those razor sharp blades sliced right through that soft male flesh. Cutting through the soft flesh of that sac neck, and then through the tough cords and tubes.

"EEEEHEHEHEEE." Roan whinnied in pleasure as his thick equine cock flared within the Fox's mouth. The big Stallion was startled, he'd never came so easily in his life... And strangely it had never felt so good before... the big Stallion leaned back within his chair hip's thrusting slightly. As the Jackal twins across the table smirked at one another... knowing what was happening even when Roan himself had no clue.

The little Fox lifted that heavy pouch away, laying it onto the platter. Even as his nimble finger spread the Stallion's sheath open, tugging that huge hard cock from deep within. Those black shears dipped down inside jaws wide spread, a bright blue spark of magic flashing within that sheath. And then the little Fox was shoving those sharp blades against that heft cock root. Small paws squeezing and working those handles, and then that big organ flopped away loosely. The little server Fox leaned back, tugging that huge organ from its hot furry home. And then turned and lay that big dissevered organ beside its own testicles. Slipping the shears back into his waist band, the little Fox placed the lid back on the silver platter. And slipped out from under the table... pausing only long enough for the Jackals to request the treat he'd just harvested to be sauteed in onions and be cooked medium rare. As the big Stallion across the table panted for breath, as he talked up the sexual abilities he no longer possessed...

With the action ending... Shadowpelt was able to focus on hir own prey once more. Who had been plying hir with sweet words and sweet treats from the heavily laden table. And making sure that hir glass was always full, not knowing that shi never touch alcohol so it had no effect on hir. It was having an effect on him however, his nose and lip's growing flush as he drank copiously from his own glass. Taking another polite swallow from hir long slender glass, the sleek, sexy Cervine appearing female let the strap of her skimpy gown slip off her slender shoulder. Making the handsome white Stallion lick his full pink lip's sensuously, as a bit of hir right breast was exposed. As shi turns hir cute little nose up at the sparkling vintage and sits hir glass aside.

"The Champagne not to your liking my dear?" Doctor Dotato wickers in mild interest, while inwardly making plans to be more forceful if the alcohol didn't work on hir.

"Well it is a rather Pedantic vintage..." Shadowpelt opined as shi idly swirled the bubbling liquid and in the glass for a moment studying it. "Although I must admit alcohol... really doesn't do much for me." The buxom Cervine purred sexily in a coy coltish manner, that made the Stallion instant begin stiffening within his sheath. "Find it rather on the bland side... much like a plain vanilla dessert."

"Oh... is that so?" The pale Stallion asked in sudden interest... what was this sleek female hinting at. "And if one may be so... bold as to inquire?" "What pray do you find more to your liking?"

"Oh I have discovered where the good stuff is kept..." Shadowpelt assured him with a knowing smile, as shi looked him over more plaintively now. Displaying a obvious interest in him that went past conversation, so this adventurous female wanted to play. The big Stallion almost spilled his glass, when he felt that flexible foot paw slide up his inner thigh. And then nestled into the cleft of his crotch, stroking and rolling over those hot engorged loins.

"And just exactly what good stuff would that be... if it is not Alcohol?" He asked, already having a idea but wanting hir to say it.

"I've found a quaint little laboratory just off the conservatory." She explained huskily, as that talented foot paw rubbed up and down the length of his long organ as it grew down his inner thigh. "It is very well stocked... with opiates and almost anything else from the pharmacy one might want."

"Indeed..." The big white Stallion grunted, his mind quickly calculating. A drugged female was just as appealing as a drunken one. "A wicked idea... my dear." He chuckled softly as he shifted his hip's and pressed his pulsing organ against hir foot paw. "I'd love to join you." He volunteered, as a wet dribble of his own pre-cum rolled down his inner thigh.


Once they had gotten past the guests in the banquet hall, and all the bustling servants hurrying back and forth along the back passages. The halls where oddly silent and only dimly lit with weak flickering gas lights. Shadowpelt lead him through the overgrown and neglected Conservatory... which was even darker and more creepy. And they could hear rustling and muttering voices back within that over grown forage. Which only added to the overall macabre feeling, and general uneasiness. So that the plain sterile white room beyond, was a welcomed relief to the big Stallion. The Laboratory was clean... and well lit with glittering golden electric light bulbs. As the sleek sexy Cervine on his arm detached hirself and with a sexy devil sway trotted over to a tall glass and metal cabinet.

"If you enjoy Alcohol... you'll like this." Shi purred, taking a small metal bottle out of the cabinet unscrewing the cap. "Take a swallow." Shi invited holding it out to the big white Stallion, who reached over and took the small metal bottle. Lifting it to his muzzle and taking a sniff, instantly his head began to swim as those powerful but sweet smelling vapors assaulted his senses. Glancing at the faded worn label he saw that it was ether, taking a breath he then lifted it to his mouth and took a swallow. "Powerful huh." The sleek Cervine purred, as he staggered back against the cold metal table in the center of the room.

"Damn..." The big white Stallion cursed as his vision became wavy, as the sleek sexy Cervine began laying out a number of other things. "This is some kind of wild... drunk." Dotato's thick pink lip's rolled up into a big leering smile, as the sexy female shimmied out of hir silky ball gown. Standing before him in only hir frilly lacy panties, and tight black bra. Seeming to shimmer and change in his wavy vision as shi strolled purposely across the room to him. Even as the big Stallion took another sip of ether as shi did. "Aren't you going to have any?"

"Oh I Never do drugs... or Alcohol." Shadowpelt purred as shi pressed up against the rapist Stallion. "Here lay back on the table." Shadowpelts strong paws pushed him backwards, as the big Stallion shook his head. At hir changing appearance... gone was the tall sleek Cervine girl... In hir place stood a shorter chubby canine... with fluffy white and gray spotted fur. And a odd but attractive patten of green and blue stripes, and a multi colored Mohawk. 'I'd still do her.' The big lustful stallion thought out loud as he attempted to resist, but shi proved surprisingly strong. It was then that he noticed the bulge in the front of hir panties, with shock. "Errr hey what the hell is that?" He demanded, as shi pushed the intoxicated stud down onto the shiny steel operating table. And before he knew it the big Stallion was securely strapped down to the table. "Thats just my diddle stick..." The pretty Malamute smirked. "What did you think you were the only one who had one?"

"Hell Ye..." The handsome white Stallion started but then those powerful vapors over came him.

Shadowpelt was still wiggling into baggy pale green scrubs as Dotato came out of his drug induced stupor. "Wha..." "What is this?" "Who the hell are you?" The big Stallion snorted in anger and fear, as he struggled against the heavy leather straps.

"You don't know me..." Shadowpelt smirked as shi looked down at him with a wicked smirk. "You abused a friend of mine..." The Malamute growled softly, as she pulled a tray of surgical instruments over to the operating table. "I'd tell you her name, but I doubt you would remember her from that." Shi licked hir black lip's with that long greenish tongue, as shi set up the ceremonial brazer and lit the coals. "You refer to her as six thousand two hundred and twenty four... when you brag about your conquests." "She doesn't like males..."

"She liked me." The big white Stallion bragged drunkenly as he looked up at hir in amusement.

"You raped her." The chubby Malamute stated flatly as Dotato chuckled lewdly. His long pink male organ bouncing up even more stiffly.

"I remember all of my conquests..." The still more that slightly intoxicated Stallion assured with a cocky smirk. "She didn't like it at first... but by the end I had her squealing with pleasure." His boastful words only making hir more sure of hir own actions.

"Well I'm going to have You squealing in a moment..." The wickedly smiling Malamute assured as shi lifted a rusty, dull looking scalpel. "It won't be from pleasure though..." Shi winked at him, as shi set that scalpel aside and took a pair of surgical scissors. "But first lets get you out of these tight clothes..." Slowly shi pressed those blades down the seams of his fancy silk clothing, working the jaws open and closed... As the drunken Stallion shouted angrily, as his expensive costume was reduced to so many frilly rags. But that long pink stud stick sprang up even more stiffly, as his silken trousers were cut away. "Don't worry... these male clothes won't suit you went we're done here." Shadowpelt assured, as shi adjusted the lights over the operating table, to focus on those huge engorged organs. Even as the coals in the brazer began to glow cherry red, carefully shi paced around the room checking her signets and wards. And then moved back over to hir instrument tray, picking up a ancient black iron Dilator. Slipping it's jaws into Dotato's sheath mouth, cranking it open slowly to it's maximum width.

"Oh my god..." The big Stallion squealed beginning to panic at last and he realized this was no kinky yiff game. "What... what are you doing." Dotato screamed, struggling against those strong leather restrains more seriously now. As he watched the Herm Malamute pick up a Ecraseur from hir tray. "Your a Doctor... do you know what this was used for?" Shi asked with a leering smirk, as shi looped the chain over that huge throbbing male organ.

"It... its a Ecraseur..." Dotato stammered in shock. "It was used to sever hemorrhoids and uterine or ovarian tumors in the 1700's."

"That's right... going to use it to take off this rotten tumor." "You've proven that you can't be trusted with it." Shi explained simply while sliding it down his pulsing length, and into that widely opened sheath. Wrapping that chain around the very root of his massive cock, and tightened it using the instruments ratchet, stopping the circulation of blood to that aroused engorged organ.

"No... noooo stop you can't do thissssss." The big White stallion hissed in pain as shi picked up that rusty scalpel. Hir wicked smile growing wider and more maniacal, as shi tested the edge on hir thumb.

"Oh but I can... and more to the point am going to." That greenish tongue flickered out, licking hir shiny black lip's. "Hmmmm a bit blunt." Shi snickered thumbing that edge thoughtfully. "But then not nearly so blunt a weapon as this." Shi laughed using one latex gloved finger to caress the big blunt head of his rock hard equine cock. Shi twisted that racket a few more times, pinching his thick root off a little thinner.

"Owww!" "Owww that hurts you fuckin' bitch." The big white Stallion squealed in pain, as the chubby Malamute smiled down at him. Dotato was sobering up rapidly now as the pain in his most precious possessions.

"I've not ever started to hurt you yet." Shi promised as shi grasped the edge of his wide spread sheath mouth. And began to saw at it with the blunt edge of hir rusty scalpel, making the big Stallion scream and roll his eye's wildly. As that old blade slowly sawed down the length of that big velvety sheath. Splitting it right down the middle slowly, as that warm red blood began to dribbled down the Stallion's naked pink loins.

"Ohooo Gods... Ohooooo gods." Dotato screamed bucking and struggling as his pinched cock root was exposed. But shi didn't stop there, but kept sawing hir way down splitting his fat ball sack. Until the big handsome white Stallion's huge pale egg's dropped out. Dangling down between his powerful white furry inner thigh's, as those latex clad paws reached down cupping his naked orbs. "Imagine these two lumps have been the cause of soooo much trouble, sooo much anguish." "Now though... now its just payment..." Shadowpelt laughed again, as shi reached over for those surgical scissors once more. Even as shi pulled the bigger of his two nuts as far out away from his body as shi could. And then shi just snipped those tubes and cords in two with one quick cut. And then smiling down at him shi held it up, dangling that big beefy ball from its dissevered cord.

"Oho my... Oho my... Oho Nooo." The big handsome white Stallion exclaimed in horror... as shi lifted it closer to his stammering muzzle.

"One down... heheh." The pretty Herm giggled as shi dangled that big ball down to his lip's. "Want to kiss it goodbye?" Shadowpelt taunted as shi draped it over his lip's for a moment, even as shi lifted his other big pale male orb up from his crotch. Carefully shi laid that first big potent testicle aside, and then slipped the jaws of those scissors over his cords. "Snip snip." Shi chuckled, watching as the big rapist stud's eye's widen in total horror. And then that last orb was removed and set aside with the first. "Now that only leaves..." Shi ran one bloody gloved paw up and down his big stud stick, which had turned a deep purplish black by this time. The bright red blood making a nice contrast to that deep purplish black, shi stroked wetly up and down his length a few times. Actually getting a long loud frustrated moan out of the freshly gelded Stallion. "Time for this big weapon to go..." Shadowpelt purred, actually shivering with pent up sexual excitement.

"Wha... Uhum don't stop..." Dotato moaned as those warm, wet gloved paw toyed with him a moment longer. As shi picked up that blunt rusty scalpel again with hir other paw, and plunged it into the base of that mighty fucker.

"WWWWHHHHIIIINNNNYYY!" The big handsome white Stallion screamed in agony and revulsion, as Shadowpelt slowly dissected his mighty cock root. Dotato bucked and struggled whinnying and screaming clamorously, until at last hir gloved paw lifted that huge male organ away. "Ahaha... now our gift is complete." The chubby herm smiled, as shi took those big organs and carefully laid them onto those cherry red coals in that bronze brazer. Instantly those big organs began to pop and sizzle, as Shadowpelt quickly stepped outside the wards.

Suddenly a huge bright red claw tipped hand rose up out of those flaming coals. Grasping the horses dissevered organs and pulling them down, vanishing into the portal that had been opened by blood and flame. And then in a seeming instant, a huge hulking red monstrosity rose up out of those flames. Stepping away from the brazer the Demon peered around with his beady little black eyes. "Who... who dares summons me?" The Demon rumbled, in a voice that sounds like granite slowly being crushed into sand.

"I called you..." Shadowpelt answered as the hulking creature turned noticing her for the first time.

"Then your life is forfeit mixed one..." The huge Demon snarled lunging like lightening across the room. Only to rebound off hir carefully prepared magical wards, roaring in anger and hatred for a moment.

"Oho no LyxApofitod the unmaled..." The chubby Malamute called the infernal beast by his true name, causing that huge powerful body to be racked in a spasm of agony. "I have gifted thee with that which you have lost." Shadowpelt pointed out as the Dotato's former Stallion hood now throbbed between the Demon's legs. "Now... now you owe me a boon."

"Very well Sorceress... I shall do your bidding... for now." The massive Demonic creature snarled darkly, as it looked down at the emasculated Stallion amused. "It took truly corrupted flesh to use in my summoning." The beast snickered, reaching down to its own crotch where those freshly dissevered organs now hung between its massive scaly thighs. "What do you want of me?" He asked licking his red Bullish lip's, as Shadowpelt smiled.

"Ohooo you will enjoy this task Demon..." Shi promised with a growing wicked smile, as shi flashed the now truly horrified horse a gloating look. "I simply want you to use your newly acquired organs." Shi explained as the Demons blunt face cracked into a truly monstrous smile. "Give him a proper hole to take such and organ... and use those big potent orb's to sire offspring upon this mare boi." Shadowpelt explained as the Demon threw its massive horned head back and roared with laugh.

"You bestow a new male hood upon me, to replace those taken from me by the lords of light, just so I might ravished this pitiful mortal criminal..." "Hahaha... you risk your very soul for utter and complete revenge... how delicious!" The Demon purred in delight as it moved over to the helpless unmaled horse. Pressing one of it's huge claw tipped hands to that gaping bleeding wound that was his crotch.

"IEIEIEEEE." Dotato screamed as he never had before, as a fiery hot pain burned through his denuded groin. But then when that massive paw was lifted away, a wave of pleasure so powerful it maked the former stud swoon for a moment washes through him. "Ohoooo gods what... what have you done to me?" The former stud whimpers softly, as his dark eyes trail down to his own crotch. Those eyes widening in wonder as that beheld the change that has occurred down there. "Tha... that can't be... be real!" He whinnies in shock as the massive Demons lip's twist up into a horrid smile.

"Oh... but it is..." The big Demon sneered in cruel delight, as it loomed up over the former Stallion's quivering wet new sex. "And now your own corrupt organ shall debauch those virgin folds, as it has a thousand other young virgins." "And plant its seed deep within you... congratulation you shall be the first to bare his own foals." "MMMUAHahahaha..." The Demon laughed, as he forced that massive equine rut stick into Dotato's new sex savagely.

"EEEHEHEHEEE." The new cunt boi horse screamed as his ravishment began.

Across the room Shadowpelt watch it all with growing excitement, and satisfaction. As shi watches Dotato's horror deepen as the new cunt boi at last understands his fate. Hir gloved fingers growing wet and sticky under his own hefty ball's, as hir other paw stroked up and down the length of hir own rigid organ. Watching as the rapist is raped and impregnated with his own former cock and ball's. It goes on and on for hours as the mighty Demon expends over a dozen thick potent loads within the new cunt boi... Before at last running out of time, and being forced by the ending summonsing spell to return to his own particular little corner of the nine hells.

The broken former rapacious Stallion... now cum fill cunt boi is left curled up in a ball on that steel table. Free of the restraints but never again free of the justice deal to him by a vengeful Malamute and a wicked Demon...

Shadowpelt strolled slowly down the silent hallways of the aged mansion happily... as around hir the wickedness of the Macabre Masquerade played on... As shi returns to the party... slowly making her way back to hir former table. To be offer a shockingly familiar looking snack by the Jackal twins, shi'd seen earlier. A tall very masculine Stag dressed in the red satin garb of a Cardinal bumps into hir. His big three fingered hands wander a bit too freely over hir person, and shi gives him a darkly wicked smirk the Masquerade was far from over...


The New Order

A new stallion takes over there herd... and has to deal with the former stallion's sons ...

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All in the family 4

Jordan the young rich Bull and his Steer Cameron are back... joined by Cameron's oldest Son Drax and his Girlfriend Tracy will Jordan be getting another Steer... All in the Family The bed side phone rang softly, and the big soft bellied black...

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Deans new trick...

Dean learns a new trick... Dean jogged around the track a few more times... waiting for the locker room to cleared out. The tall lean Antelope was too embarrassed to shower with the other guy's... Now that his big sheath was drooping and empty above...

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