Wishmaker Chronicles: Sizume

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#5 of Commissions

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

This is a commission, my lovely, so CHECK THOSE TAGS!

Oh hey! This is a sequel to the first Wishmaker story I wrote. Please go check out that one before reading this one or you'll ruin your experience!

Sizume is the personal butler of Volpus, a tough doberman, and loving mother. Her highest priority in life is her puppy Shino, who is her world. We'll step back and take a glimpse into how Sizume and Shino came into Volpus' life, then catch up to them in the present day.

She may be at peace and happy now, but what will Sizume do when the past she barely escaped from catches up with her? And how will little Shino handle things?

While we're here, maybe we'll check in on the rest of the cast including a few lopunny.

Let's jump right in!

This is a commission for Admiral Stone.

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

This is a commission, my lovely, so CHECK THOSE TAGS!

Oh hey! This is a sequel to the first Wishmaker story I wrote. Please go check out that one before reading this one or you'll ruin your experience!

Sizume is the personal butler of Volpus, a tough doberman, and loving mother. Her highest priority in life is her puppy Shino, who is her world. We'll step back and take a glimpse into how Sizume and Shino came into Volpus' life, then catch up to them in the present day.

She may be at peace and happy now, but what will Sizume do when the past she barely escaped from catches up with her? And how will little Shino handle things?

While we're here, maybe we'll check in on the rest of the cast including a few lopunny.

Let's jump right in!

Wishmaker Chronicles: Sizume

Eight years ago.

'I'm so tired... I gotta move though, come on, Sizume, get up, just fucking get... up!' She clenched her paws against the soggy earth, claws caked in grime, her body covered in tattered clothes. The world seemed to shift as if she were on the deck of a boat, stumbling to her footpaws once more, the sneakers she wore, full of holes.

"That's it, c'mon... die after she's safe..." The doberman winced and lifted a paw to her belly, blinking the tears and sweat out of her good eye as she rubbed there a moment. She was just getting to her third trimester. The shelters kept saying they'd make room when she was further along, kept promising they'd help her find medical care, but here she was, not having eaten in days.

She'd taken the chance of leaving her tent to go see if the food bank had anything, of course, they didn't, and when she returned, someone had ransacked what little she had in valuables, even taking the tarp she had used to make her crude home.

"They won't turn you away, right? They couldn't turn their back on you, that's what they're all about, yeah?" Her mind spun with thoughts as she shuffled forward, one footpaw at a time, each step sending a jolt of pain up her left leg. It was fractured from a nasty fall she'd taken, even infected. It was fine then, she didn't care if she lost her foot or leg, whatever, so long as her daughter was safe. That's all she did was keep thinking of her and walking.

Cutting through the park would shave almost half a mile of walking off the trip, but it also meant she was alone in the dead of night and the rain just was beating down atop her despite the canopy of trees.

Her stride started to improve, and her pacing increased. She hadn't eaten in days and the infection was making her vision shaky, but she was getting closer, only about a fourth of a mile or so. They'd help her, they had to, they were all she had left to gamble on.

A vicious shock of pain tore through her leg as she yipped out, the fracture giving way to a full-on break, her body unable to support it as she toppled over, twisting to keep her belly from hitting the earth as she struck the ground hard on her shoulder.

"Fuck!" she croaked out, the first word she'd bothered saying in hours, her shoulder throbbing from the impact, but most of the pain coming from her leg. She looked down and could clearly see bone pushing against her wet furred flesh.

She'd watched people in movies just try to set a bone and wrap it up, so she grabbed her leg, intent to try that, but the pain that rocked through her was like being hit with a sledgehammer. She yowled out and collapsed onto her back, panting up at the canopy above her, dim hazy walking trail lights barely beating back the darkness of the night.

"Someone help me!" she cried out with a loud sob, hearing her own voice echo slightly through the trees. "Anyone!! Someone fucking answer me! Someone fucking care!" she screamed the words as loud as she could before silence settled again, just the sound of the rain falling once more.

"I'm sorry... I didn't care about my fucked life... I just wanted you to have a chance sweetie... I wish... I could have protected you... I wish I could have saved you, that's all... that's all I wanted, all I wished for..." The pain was starting to make her vision cloud, it was so agonizing she felt herself starting to blackout, but she knew if she did, she'd not wake up.

'I gotta move... come on... Sizume... you gotta move, even if you have to crawl... you just gotta...' Her thoughts started to fade even as she tried to lift herself, but her dying body felt weighed down and so heavy. The darkness filled her vision and unconsciousness welcomed her, no doubt the sleep of death to follow.

Her brow furrowed as she felt herself coming to, then her black ears perked up in her dirty tangled blonde hair, feeling someone touching her head. She snapped her one good eye open, the blue in it looking faded and weak.

"Seems that did the trick, welcome back," the odd stranger said above her, his paw resting on her ears. She realized by the angle of his muzzle, her head was in his lap. He was dressed in a simple suit without a tie, the underside of his jaw an off-white-blue. Her one usable eye blinked up in fear, seeing him staring at her through glasses, both his eyes a color of teal that seemed to emanate their own light, without an iris to be seen in them, they were just solid orbs of color in a black void.

She wanted to scream out in shock, she wanted to pry herself off this weirdo and run away, but her body was at its limits; she couldn't even muster words, just frustrated whimpers. He felt her squirm and petted her head gently as he spoke out to her once more, "Hey, hey... relax, you're going to hurt yourself, I'm not here to hurt you, okay?"

His stroking paw seemed to fill her with a sense of comfort for some reason, so she halted her movements. After several moments of staring upon one another, she managed to croak out in a whisper, "Wh...at... Is... going on?"

"You called out, pleaded for someone to come, your wish was heard, you could say," the mysterious fox cooed the words out calmly as he fondled one of her dark ears.

"My... wish?" Sizume whispered out.

"Why yes... Your ardent desire to protect something..." His other paw gingerly laid over her belly as she frowned up at the mysterious dog before her.

"You want to save my puppy?" Her ears perked up higher at that.

"Save is... a subjective term... but yes, I am here to grant your wish, Sizume... I am here to see your daughter alive and well as you wish," he lifted his muzzle and though she couldn't see them, his myriad of tails rolled behind him, sounding smug as he explained.

Her gaze looked shocked when he said her name. "You... even I can tell you're not... normal..." the young doberman huffed out, weakly shaking her head, her focus seeming to return. "It doesn't matter... yes, I don't want to lose my puppy, I want her to live, I don't care if I die, I just-" She halted as he pushed a paw to her lips to silence her.

"It shall be done, Sizume," the nine-tailed fox declared with a smug huff.

She frowned and blinked up at him with her one eye. "Thank you, what... do I owe you for this?" The fox just showed a predatory grin to her question as a boom of thunder rolled out across the sky.


Present day.

"Okay, you be a good girl now, don't try to beat up any boys like last time, right?" Sizume cooed as she squatted down before the smaller doberman in front of her, the little girl having curly blonde hair and dark fur like her mother, but brown eyes like her father, a constant reminder of that time.

"Okay, but he deserved it!" she barked out with a fussy growl, her stump of a tail flicking behind her.

"Most boys do, but listen to your mother, Shino," a more stern voice came from behind the kneeling mother; a white lopunny in a snappy suit and fierce pink eyes showing through the glasses she had on.

"Okay!" the puppy barked out before wriggling out of her mother's paws.

"Have a good day, sweetie, okay?" Sizume growled out as she pulled her daughter back to her, giving the smaller dog a little lick against her jaw, the puppy fussing and squirming away again.

"Okay, Mom!" She padded back with a little huff, then threw a tiny paw up in a wave. "Bye, aunt Sky, aunt Sally, and aunt Clary!"

"How come she only somewhat gets your name right, love?" Clair grumbled out with a grin as she waved a paw at the puppy, her other resting on her belly absent-mindedly, a faint rise showing through the halter top she wore.

"My name is simply easier for a child's dialect, darling," Skyler said in that matter-of-fact tone she always had, showing her lover a small grin, a paw settling on her own tummy that was showing slightly through her suit.

"Children are cute, I do not mind little Shino calling me Aunt Sally, it is... what else would work for cute?" Salda growled as she rubbed her jaw with a massive paw.

"Adorable, sweet, charming, or even delightful, would all suffice," Skyler pushed her glasses up on her snout as she responded.

"It is charming then," Salda nodded as Sizume stood with a frown, watching her daughter disappear into the elementary school.

"Thanks for tagging along today, guys. I just didn't want to deal with this alone today," Sizume said with a growl as she folded her arms. Several of the other parents were staring back at the doberman with scars on her face, a dark eyepatch clearly covering her right eye.

"Anytime, Siz, if nothing else, it's good practice for Sky and me!" Clair chimed in with a grin.

"PTSD can rear its head any time, thankfully you felt the day was off and came to us. We are all here for you any time, darling," Skyler nodded to the slightly shorter dog.

"I do not like how some of these girls stare at you with such judgment, shall I throw them into a bush, Sizume?" The honey badger snapped her teeth and clenched her fist, showing a malicious look at one snobbish-looking mother who quickly averted her gaze and retreated back to her overpriced SUV. "Slashed tires it is..."

"It's fine, Salda, I just didn't want to deal with their shit alone today, I'm good now, so don't go vandalizing people's stuff, okay?" Sizume grinned at the largest girl in their small group.

"What is it that makes it so difficult, if I may, darling?" Skyler asked gently.

Sizume shrugged and shoved her paws into the jacket she wore, snarling a little as she looked over the area. "I dunno, Sky... Guess I see all these happy families. See the parents all so proud, then I think back to that piece of shit that was so worried about his pride and career, he was willing to try to stab me to death... Then all the ones that didn't give a fuck, no one gave a fuck until the boss came along..."

"Volpi gets on his high horse about his silly games and wishes, but he's a good dog when it comes down to it," Clair hummed out proudly as she pawed her tummy a little.

"Volpus has his demons in closets like all do, but perhaps he is trying to be good now to make amends, yes?" Salda countered.

"Hmph... the past is the past. We may as well focus on the future and the prospects to come." Skyler scoffed as she looked at the small school while also rubbing at her belly.

"I'm jealous of you two, but happy as well, you know? You guys getting to carry in safety and comfort," Sizume glanced over to the lopunnies as she lifted her muzzle. "Not that I begrudge you, you're my friends, I wanna see you and your kits well."

The other three girls offered nods of understanding. They'd heard bits and pieces of the tale of how she became his personal butler, the nine-tails having saved her from certain death almost a decade past.

"Anyhoodles..." Sizume ran a paw through her hair and grinned. "Shino gets out at two, you girls wanna meet me back here to pick her up?"

"I'm afraid I will likely be buried under financial reports around that time, darling." Skyler offered an apologetic frown.

"I should be done with my errands and training by then, I'll be here, Siz." Clair clenched her paw into a fist and grinned.

Salda also grunted and shifted both her paws to her hips. "Yes, I will also come along."

"Great! Let's break here for now then!" The doberman showed a cheeky grin as her tail wagged.

Skyler gave her a small smirk and shook her head, the large white ears bobbing about behind her as she pushed her glasses up. "I thought I smelled it upon you."

"Heh... not a problem you two need to worry about for a while, eh?" Sizume gave both the lopunnies another grin before spinning on her heel.

"I do not understand, what is going on?" Salda cocked a brow.

"She's going to go hunting, like a whorrrre," Clair cat-called out playfully.

"That's me, just a slut that can't keep her legs closed, enjoy married life, girls!" Sizume barked out playfully with a wave of her paw, both the rabbits behind her offering a one-finger salute with the paw that wasn't resting on their showing tummies.


Sizume had heard about a new boxing club that opened up a few months ago and had been meaning to check it out. She was still in her work attire from the manor, snappy black slacks with a dark vest and button-down white shirt that shamelessly hugged her large breasts, a little purple tie hanging down over the top of them with shiny black shoes finishing the outfit off.

The heady scent of male musk filled her senses as she strutted in, making her stomach clench as she growled to herself. This has been one of her past times for a while now. She never wanted anything but casual fun, but she didn't want some boy from a club that she didn't think could handle himself, she preferred fit guys who could keep up with her.

She boxed for the therapy of it but had never experienced live combat before. Given her past, she would probably panic or go into a rage, but if someone ever threatened her pup, there was no doubt they'd have a monster on their paws. Volpus ran some pretty dark underground fights before Clair, Salda, and Skyler came into his life, the new ones much more tame by comparison. The doberman was convinced it was his helping raise Shino that made him finally start to soften and let people in, after all, Shino looked upon him as the closest thing to a father figure she had, even if he was just 'Mom's boss'.

One of the boys in the ring, a lithe-looking black cat perked his ears and hissed as he pulled back from his sparring match with another boy that looked to be a beagle before looking down at the doberman that had wandered in with a bag slung over her shoulder. "You lost, ma'am?" the cat hissed out, putting emphasis on the 'ma'am' part as a few other guys chuckled.

Sizume started to speak before a deep gruff voice boomed out, "Shaddap and get back to your prissy little dancing!" She looked over her shoulder, seeing a massive dog stomp over, a mastiff that looked to be about twice her own age with salt and pepper hair, and several patches of his fur also looking white.

"Kits am I right?" He showed a courteous grin, several of his teeth missing in the smile, most likely from his years in the ring.

"I dunno, maybe I did just wander in looking for the salon to get my claws done," Sizume turned to give the mastiff her full attention, offering her own grin as she thrust her free paw out. "Sizume."

"Leroy, I own the place," he grunted back as his paw seemed to just close fully over her own in the shake before he snorted out once more, "I can tell by the way you carry yourself you know a thing or two."

"Been dancing around in a ring for the better part of the last seven years, but mostly for the fun of it. Thought I might see if this would be a nice place to find some sparring partners, and maybe a young boy to break a sweat in other ways too!" She barked out the blunt words with a laugh.

Leroy looked surprised at first, then huffed out with a chuckle, "Ah to be young again. Well, you're welcome to make yourself at home and see if it's a good fit for you. As to your other problem, well I can't help you there, so good luck!" He laughed out, then snarled up at the boys, "Watch your left hook, you fucking putz!"

Sizume smirked as the older dog stomped over to the ring to lecture the two, then perked her ears and looked to the side. A young collie was already eying her up, his ears perked as he saw he'd been caught and darted his gaze away instantly.

"Didn't think it'd be that easy, maybe it's my scent..." Sizume hummed out to herself as she went into the locker room to get into her gear.

The suit had been replaced with some baggy boxing trunks, some sneakers, and a tanktop with, of course, a sturdy sports bra beneath. She wasted no time and sauntered right up to the collie that'd been glancing at her earlier. His brown ears perked out of his shaggy blonde hair, smelling her coming as he whipped his head around.

"Hey, you got a name?" Sizume asked with a confident grin.

"Oh! Uhm, it's Vince." His shaggy tail wagged a little as he sat there alone.

"Well, I need someone to spar with and you're the cutest guy here. What do you say, Vince? You're not afraid to box with an older dog are you?" She cooed out and cocked a brow, her one showing blue eye glittering with mischief.

"I uh..." He looked her over, the doberman showing a grin and shifting forward a little to show off the ample swells in her sports bra as she huffed out, "Names Sizume by the way, now come on!" She barked out and shoved his shoulder lightly as he offered his own little bark and stood.

He was obviously new to boxing, she had to dial it back several notches to let him keep up, but it wasn't exactly fair either, even in the sports bra she jiggled about enough to constantly distract him. Not to mention her scent of heat just grew all the more intense as she built up her sweat.

"Damn... you're so good..." he puffed out as he leaned back on the ropes near the corner of the ring, his strong chest rising and falling in labored breaths.

"You've got a knack for this, I think you'd be pretty good if you just hone it..." she puffed out and then leaned close to him, taking in his own scent before cutting her blue eye up to his own green eyes. "Hey Vince, you know what else I'm really good at?"

He offered a shocked little bark as his back slapped to the wall of the shower, the older dog pushing claws into his bared chest with one paw, her other already pumping at his nearly fully-slid free length of dog cock, her tongue dragging along his throat while she growled out, water rushing over them in the shower.

"Fuck... is this really happening?" he groaned out, his paws grasping and kneading at the doberman's large heavy breasts, the furred flesh easily filling his curious paws. Her fur was more tan along her underside like this, where the outer portion of her coat was nearly black with fur, just like her daughters.

"Huff... don't mind being with an older dog, Vince?" she cooed as she felt him curiously stroke and tease her dark nipples, her heady scent of heat magnified in the hot shower. She didn't wait for his answer before dropping right to her knees before him.

"Holy... sh- shiiitt...." he whimpered out as the doberman took his jumping length right into her maw and all the way down, her snout bumping to his base as she deep-throated him with surprising skill, her one eye looking up at him innocently as she suckled and bobbed her head, water beating her blonde hair down along her dark fur.

"Fuck!" he barked out as she took him all the way in, his tongue showing as he looked stunned, one of his paws pushing to her head, rubbing the one ear that had a tip missing, one of many scars she sported from her mistakes of youth.

Sizume clenched her throat with skill as she suckled, then withdrew slowly with a loud sloppy pop before licking her chops, then gripped his wrist, pulling him down to the floor with her. "Lay back," she growled in a commanding tone a mother would use.

The collie did as he was told, sitting and leaning back on his paws in the floor of the shower, water rushing over them. Sizume nodded her head to his obedience and climbed over him. As she did he saw those strong thighs come fully into view, bulging with muscle, showing her trained figure, but more importantly, that shock of puffy pink petals against the fur.

"Such a good boy... I like it when they behave like you're doing... no macho bullshit, just obedient good... boys..." Sizume cooed as she pushed forward, guiding that jumping length she'd just been suckling upon to her petals, shifting her hips, watching the collie grit his teeth in frustration at the teasing.

"You wanna be inside me, Vince? I'm burning up, but this is casual, no silly shit like asking me over to your place or out on a date afterward, you understand, doggy?" Sizume laid the rules down, licking her chops as she guided the tapered tip of the other dog up against her entrance, grinding her hips, letting it start to work in as water rushed over her, dripping off the hard peaks of her nipples.

"I- Ngh... O-okay I get it, no strings... attached..." Vince panted up at her, the doberman licking her chops, seemingly satisfied as she slowly lowered down atop him. She let out a soft needy groan as she felt a male finally spreading her tight walls, feeling him sink deep, his own soft moans joining her for the ride down.

Her hips finally settled into his lap with a plop, feeling him deep against her core. She perched there, grinding already, feeling him stir and jump deep inside. "That's nice... fuck... I needed to get laid bad and you feel amazing Vince... You can sit up and play with them if you want now..."

Vince whimpered as her walls rushed him, then nodded and sat up, wrapping his arms around her, his muzzle moving right for her own but she jerked her head away and shook it. "Nu-uh... no kisses, doggy..." she huffed out and clenched herself, feeling him shudder as his tongue lolled. "You can suck though if you want..." she cooed and dragged her paw through his wet hair and pulled him close.

His green eyes widened as she pulled him right to her left teat, his maw snapping down instinctively as he started suckling, his own hips grinding under her as she cooed and rubbed his head. "Ha... you suck like a hungry pup... reminds me of when my little girl nursed a few years ago... oooh that's good, right there Vince... huff..." She felt his tongue roll against her peak, his own hips starting to get into pace with hers, both of them working together now.

He popped from her teat and gasped as her walls crushed him again, the older dog grinning at the surprise in his eyes. "Damn... you're... a mom, Sizume?"

"The way you're jumping and twitching in me, sounds like you dig that, you into milf's sweetie?" She offered him a grin and kept grinding her hips, her walls relentlessly clenching, milking him as her own honey gushed over his full sacs and washed away with the flowing water of the shower.

"Huff... fuck... you feel too good..." He shuddered as he endured the latest orgasm, his tail smacking the floor of the shower in a wet wag as he kept his hips moving, digging deep into her core as she licked her chops and hugged nice and close, riding back against him.

"Ha... I can feel your knot growing outside of me... you really feel good, don't you, Vince? Me too... you're doing a great job, sweetie..." She cooed into his ears, rubbing them as her body shifted, her own dark tail wagging as she felt this younger boy digging into her nice and deep, sating that ache she'd had burning in her.

"I-Is... it safe?" he panted out as he clung to her, both of them nose to nose. Sizume hummed and ground her hips, holding the answer for a while before a snarl filled her throat as she slapped her hips down hard, hearing him yip as that knot was forced nice and deep.

"Mhm... unload in me, Vince... cum in me like you want puppies!" she barked out as the younger dog looked stunned, but his body loved it as his cock jumped hard, then his thoughts shattered as he offered up a throaty howl of moan in defeat, losing this endurance match just as he had the sparing ones in the ring.

Sizume moaned out as the heat bloomed deep inside her, then licked her chops as she rubbed under his muzzle, grinding her soft-toned hips as she felt him send each thick rope in. "Good boy... good boy... every drop now..." she whispered as he clung to her, shuddering and nodding his head, feeling the spunk of this young dog just flooding her.

"Godsss... you've got sooo much..." she slurred and lolled her own tongue, feeling her womb ache as he struggled to hold it all. Finally, the last thick gush was milked into her as she snapped her teeth together, offering a victorious huff before she slumped back with a satisfied groan, perched in his lap, her belly bulging out just a little, looking like she'd already taken a puppy from him.

After several moments of nothing but the sound of their panting recovery and the rushing water, she asked, "Feel better, Vince?"

"Y-yeah... fuck... this was like something straight out of a story..." he groaned as he leaned back, looking at the older dog perched in his lap, looking smug and pregnant with a paw lazily on her belly.

"Huff... one and done, understand lover boy? If I get the itch I'll call you, not the other way around, we just spar when I come here unless I say otherwise, capiche?" Sizume cocked a brow, offering him a stern look even though she was literally knotted to him right now.

"Y-yes, I understand, I won't try to push for anything else, but... this was really fun, so hopefully you wanna do it again, Sizume?" He offered a hopeful grin, his tail wagging.

"Humph... we'll see, sweetie, my heat did just start up, so you might get a little more before it's sorted." She gave him a wink and wriggled her hips a little, making him bark out and wince from his knot.

"H-hey... ngh!" He whimpered then huffed as she leaned close and kissed his forehead, then leaned in to huff against his ears as she hugged him.

"Great job though, I'd give you a B plus, loverboy," she growled into his ear, feeling warm, full, and satisfied after the conquest.


"Did you have fun on your little hunt today?" he asked with a knowing grin, cradling a glass of wine in his paw as he leaned on the stone guard wall of the balcony. His myriad of blue tails rolled lazily as he sipped from his glass, then looked down upon the lawn, seeing the two lopunnies and Salda playing with Shino.

"Found a cute dog to play with, he was behaved and fun. I might give it up for him now and then if he keeps listening," Sizume grinned back over at her boss, her own paw holding something a little harder than wine, an amber liquor with a single ice cube in it.

Volpus looked down at the trio of girls in the yard with the puppy, his ears twitching as he took the view in. "It's funny, I used to only find enjoyment in the suffering of the selfish, yet here I am, at peace and just enjoying these long days of rest."

"The girls today were talking about how much of a sweetheart you are, how you're a good guy," Sizume scoffed out as she sipped her whiskey.

"What do you think of me these days, Sizume?" He shifted his teal eyes over to her, seeing her blue one look back at him.

"You're alright, a far cry from the monster you were when me and Shino first came into your life. I think my little girl did more for you than you ever did for us, boss," the doberman spoke pointedly as she looked back down at the aforementioned puppy getting a ride on the massive honey badger's shoulders.

"I can't deny that. I love little Shino as if she were my own, and even if it was contractual, you're more than a mere servant to me, Sizume. The two of you will always have a place here, even if the contract was annulled." Volpus took another sip of wine and then perked an ear as the doberman withdrew a letter.

"I appreciate that Volpus, and... I do have a favor to ask," she sighed as she laid the unopened letter down. "Can you open this? I'm terrified to look at it."

The nine-tails sat his wineglass down and picked up the letter, it was from the Department of Family Services. His tails shuddered a little as he tore the top off the envelope and withdrew the document within. "I think we both know what this is, Sizume, he did get approved for parole about six months ago."

"Yeah, once again the system letting me and my pup down, big fucking surprise, yeah?" she snarled and swigged the rest of her whiskey, slapping the empty tumbler down with a snarl as the liquid burned on the way down.

"A hearing with the judge for visitation," Volpus said succinctly as he folded the letter back into the torn envelope.

"Bastard's on the sex offender registry, why the fuck should he get to see shit?!" she barked out and threw her empty glass down off the balcony where it landed harmlessly in the grassy lawn a few stories below, not even disturbing the playing further away.

"You just were saying how I've changed, maybe he has too, maybe he wants to try to be a father now?" He cocked a brow at the doberman who looked so mad she could scream.

"That bastard tried to literally stab me to death and by proxy our child, you don't get to try to be a dad after that, Volpus! You don't!" She snapped her teeth together, tears clearly rolling down her cheek.

The nine-tails collected his wine, taking a sip before clearing his throat as he asked, "What does Shino know about him?"

"Not a damn thing, I just told her that her real daddy was in jail for doing something bad," she snarled and dropped down onto her elbows, glaring down at the lawn with blurry vision in her one good eye.

"The winds of change are blowing in your face, and spitting in them won't do any good," he said in a cool matter-of-fact tone before sipping down the last of his wine with a sigh.

"Telling me to just get over it, boss?" she sneered at him, drumming her claws on the stone of the guard wall.

"Sizume, I can't hocus-pocus an entire judicial process to make it go away, but I can be there for you. I'll be there with you and Shino through the whole thing, so don't think you'll be dealing with it alone, I am her godfather after all." He showed a smug grin, pushing his glasses up slightly on his snout.

The doberman grunted and nodded to the words. "I appreciate that, boss. I think... we'd both feel better if you were there, especially Shino."

"I take care of what is mine," the nine-tails offered a shrug as if it were no big deal, reaching down to collect his own glass before leaving the doberman with her thoughts.

"What's yours, huh? Still can't wrap my head around the idea of you being a dad soon," She called out to his back as he stopped and flicked his tails about.

"Sizume, I've more or less considered myself a father to Shino for the last six to seven years, why do you think I made the fights more tame? You can't be a good parent with that kind of thing weighing on your soul, yes?" he answered just before she heard the door to the manor close behind him, leaving her alone on the balcony.

"Weighing on your soul... Hmph..." She folded her arms as she leaned forward, resting her muzzle against them, glaring down at the lawn as she listened to her puppy giggling and playing.


Sizume found herself seated in the judge's chambers with Volpus on her left and Skyler on her right as her acting legal council. The father of her puppy sat across from her with his own lawyer. Those brown eyes she saw every day in Shino staring back at her for the first time in almost a decade.

He had put on weight in prison of the muscular variety, his arms and chest were clearly larger with muscle, the suit he'd worn for the hearing straining against his arms. She was taller than him now, having had another growth spurt when she was nineteen, but had he been that strong when he was a teacher, she questioned if she'd been able to fight him off back then.

She still recalled that day, sometimes still dreamed of it. His frantic panic of losing his career, losing everything. The arguing, the shoving, the pair of scissors he took from his desk in the heat of the moment. He still sported a large deep scar on his own muzzle from where she desperately pushed the blades back up into his face to get him off her before fleeing the room for help.

He was jailed and sentenced but that was more or less where the wheels of justice ended. She was pushed off to programs that were already strained for tax cuts and funding so the wealthy could keep more of their pie, so she ended up in the sorry state Volpus found her in.

"Your honor, Mr. Wallace was an exemplary inmate and has shown since his release six months ago he is more than fit for this opportunity. He's not only been keeping up with parole hearings, found gainful employment, but also has been volunteering his time to the community," the lawyer spoke out to the judge in that cool professional tone.

"Exemplary, my tail! He can see Shino when I can have my left eye fucking back!" Sizume barked out and slammed her paw to the table.

"Darling, please. You hired me to handle this, and I can't do that if you continue to have outbursts," Skyler scolded the doberman who bit back her words and snarled.

"Your legal council is right, Miss. Omori, I understand emotions are high, but please try to remain calm in the face of this," the judge, a large older wolf, offered an almost apologetic tone to his rebuttal of her outburst. Skyler had told him the judge favored the mother in most of his decisions but was also a big advocate of letting a child have the chance to see both their parents if at all possible.

"Your honor, I have looked over my client's former partner's record and I do indeed see he has been leading a model life since his incarceration. However, six months is hardly enough time to prove oneself trustworthy of seeing the child whose life he held in such disregard as to attempt to end it along with the mother's. I realize what is done is done, but those charges should have been attempted murder, not assault, and this shouldn't even be a discussion for another twelve years," Skyler started speaking neutrally but by the time she finished, there was clearly heat in her voice.

"Your honor, I'm not here to debate if my client received the proper sentence or not in the past. I'm representing a father who has longed to see his child for the better part of a decade and has tirelessly made strides toward that goal. He has clearly served his sentence and I feel the courts should allow him a chance to see his child," the other lawyer counter, the lopunny offering an annoyed snort as she parted her jaw to offer her own retort.

"Hang on, I hear what both sides are saying, there's no need to treat my chambers like the courtroom and start weighing in so heavily." The judge grunted and folded his paws as he looked at the group before him. Everyone remained silent for a few moments before he continued, "Miss. Omori, I agree with you."

Her ears perked at that but then he continued, "However, regardless of his light sentencing in the past, I can't deny Mr. Wallace has shown at every turn to be a functioning member of society..." He cocked a brow as the doberman started growling, then shifted his gaze to the brown-furred rabbit. "Tell me in your own words, Mr. Wallace, what do you hope to see out of all this? You have your freedom, is this just a retort at your former lover that landed you in prison?"

The brown rabbit looked to his lawyer who simply offered a nod, then sipped some water to refresh his throat before folding his paws and setting his eyes right on the doberman who looked ready to leap across the table and beat him to death.

"Your honor, Sizume didn't land me in prison, my own stupidity and panic did that. I hold no resentment in my heart for her, just deep regret and remorse for my actions," he said simply before Sizume barked out.

"Bullshit! You're so full of shit it makes my head spin, Mark!" she screamed out as she slammed both paws to the table and rose from the seat with a snarl.

"Hey hey... c'mon Siz, stay cool like we talked about..." Volpus gripped her wrist as she snarled down into his teal eyes through his glasses, biting back any further words before flopping back down in her seat with a huff.

"Miss Omori, please try to control yourself, I won't ask nicely a third time. I understand this is a tense situation, but you won't go turning my chambers into some sort of circus," the judge huffed out with a no-nonsense tone.

Mark offered a slight glare at her outburst but then lifted his muzzle as he continued, "Your honor, she is well within her rights, I'd feel the same way were I in her situation." He cleared his throat before speaking again, "Sizume, I thought about you and Shino every single day, I fucked up, I fucked up bad. In my panic, I lost the best thing that would ever happen to me and I don't mean my career. All I can do at this point is try to make up for it, try to be a good father to our puppy."

"Her godfather is filling that role just fine, k thanks, bye," Sizume growled in a low tone as she drummed her claws on the table.

"Your honor, my client and I realize the gravity of the situation; we are not asking for full visitation rights. We are proposing supervision with a court-appointed chaperone and of course, the mother present as well," Mark's lawyer addressed the judge.

"What do you think of that?" The judge looked at Sizume's group.

"I think he can go fuck hims-" she bit back the words as the lopunny squeezed her wrist and glared at her through her own glasses.

"Darling, that's enough... stop trying to dig yourself into a hole I can't get you out of!" Skyler snapped at her, the doberman clenching her teeth together and glaring at the rabbit ahead of her.

Skyler looked to the judge as she spoke, "Your honor, in my client's best interest and that of her daughters, I feel either myself or Shino's godfather should also be allowed to be present during visitation, if for no other reason than to act as a source of comfort for my client."

"Wait- Shouldn't you like... argue against it at all, Sky?!" Sizume snarled at the lopunny.

"Miss Omori, your legal council already knows that the restrictive requests are more than fair given the situation. Mr. Wallace has gone through several psychiatric evaluations, you will have a full view of your daughter at all times, and the court-appointed chaperone is trained in these delicate matters."

"I still don't like it!" Sizume barked out with a glare at the judge.

"Neither do I, so zip it!" The judge barked back at the doberman with heat in his own voice as he slapped a paw down to the table, his large gray ears perked as everyone looked surprised by the outburst.

He jabbed a padded finger at the still surprised-looking brown rabbit as he snarled out, "The law says I have to accommodate this as it's reasonable Mr. Wallace, but let's be clear on something, I've been doing this for longer than you've been alive, and I know a con when I see one. I don't smell it on you, so you get a pass, for now. If Miss Omori or the chaperone comes to me with any grievance, you are done, and I give full and absolute custody to her, are we clear?"

Mark offered a small nod to the judge but didn't say anything. The older wolf sighed and looked over a sheet of paper as he grabbed up a pen to sign off on some things. "The court sees fit to ... reluctantly..." He looked back up at the rabbit, then back down to his forms as he continued, "Approve visitation for Mr. Wallace. weekly, one hour with a court-appointed chaperone. Miss Omori is to remain present at all times and her legal council or the puppy's godfather may preside as well. All visitation will be at the Department of Family Services for the first month."

Once the hearing was sorted, the three of them were gathered outside of the courthouse with a slight drizzle of rain falling about. Volpus showed a small lazy smile as he tucked his paws into his jacket before sighing out, "That was terribly dramatic, but happy to have been there for you, Sizume."

The doberman folded her arms with a snort. "Yeah, thanks boss, I'm still pissed off, but I guess at least I'm holding the reins in the matter."

"I believe our drama isn't quite finished yet, darling," Skyler pushed her glasses up with a frown, the nine-tails and doberman looking in the direction she was. Mark and his lawyer were arguing in the distance before the rabbit just scoffed at him and stalked away towards the trio.

Sizume fluffed her tail and started cracking the knuckles on her paw before Volpus gripped her wrist. "Be cool, Siz, let's see what this is about before you rip his throat out, eh?" He spoke gently to her.

Skyler waited until Mark had closed the distance before clearing her throat, one paw resting on her tummy, her other pushing her glasses up fully as she spoke out, "Mr. Wallace, I think you should follow your council's advice and avoid directly confronting my client; it could be seen as a hostile gesture that may result in the revocation of your visitation rights before they even begin."

"It might also end with your imminent death!" Sizume barked out as she clenched a fist, her neck fur and tail bristled.

"I just wanna say something and then I'll fuck off, can you hear me out, Sizzle?" Mark spoke out rapidly.

"You ever call me that again I'll rip your jaw off, Mark! What the fuck do you have to say?! Spit it out and fuck off!" Sizume practically screamed the words as she showed her teeth.

The rabbit offered a small glare before shaking his head. "Fine... I'm sorry. That's it. Hate me, never forgive me, I don't expect anything less. I'm just sorry, I regret it with every fiber of my being and I will until the day I die. This is me fucking off now."

Sizume glared at his back with a snarl as he spun on a heel and walked away back towards his lawyer. She folded her arms, tapping her foot, looking annoyed that there wasn't more of a fight to be had than that.

"Sizzle, huh?" Volpus asked in a conversational tone.

"Used to say I was hot as fire and made him sizzle, it was a stupid fucking pet name for a stupid fucking teenager that didn't know any better, let's go all-fucking-ready," Sizume growled and spun on her own heel, stalking back to their own waiting car.


"Come on now, sweetie, one more time, right here." The nine-tails kept his right paw open as he squatted down before the small puppy before him.

"Okay!" Shino barked out and pointed her left paw forward, her padded fingers shaped like a gun. Her brow furrowed, her small blonde curls seeming to drift in a breeze that didn't exist as she licked her chops.

"Clear mind like air, that's a good girl..." he cooed out as the puppy offered a sharp little warcry of a bark.

"Ha!" Shino snarled as a small jolt of energy lanced from the claw of her finger-gun right into the larger paw before her, a little crackle of blue energy forming over her brown eyes before she gave a winded huff and flopped down onto her backside.

Volpus hissed out and shook his paw with a proud grin. "Good job! You made my whole paw go numb on that one!"

She shook her head with a growl before picking herself back up, looking proud as her stump of tail wagged, fluffier than her mother's due to the rabbit genes in her, the tips of her black ears also looking a bit more elongated with tufts of brown fur blending into them.

"Uncle Volp-us, I tried to zap a boy on the playground that was teasing me, how come I couldn't?!" she demanded with a little fussy glare on her face.

"Heh... the short answer is, you're only allowed to use these tricks with me around right now, my apprentice. You can only use it if you're in a... scary situation, but you should just call me if you ever feel scared, yes?" He took a seat, rolling his padded-fingers, just starting to get feeling back into them.

"I know okay!" she barked and then took a seat with a huff. "What if dad is mean to me?" Shino sighed with a whimper.

Volpus rested an elbow on his bent knee and tilted his head before asking, "Why do you think your daddy will be mean, Shino?"

"Mean people go to jail, right? That's what teacher says, it's the place where bad guys go!" she barked out with a huff, making a finger-gun off to the side, looking focused. "Can I shoot him if he's mean to me or momma?"

The nine-tails chewed on his words for a few moments, feeling the puppy gathering her will in focus once again. "Me and your mother will be there, but if he is ever scary to you, you know you can call me with that trick that is just ours."

"I know! But I wanna zap him myself if he's mean to momma!" she barked out as another dart of electricity erupted from the pad of her finger, arcing harmlessly into the air before she gave another winded huff.

"Do you think bad people can turn good, Shino?" Volpus asked before moving to grasp the small bottle of flavored water nearby them, passing it to the puppy.

Shino took a few sips before looking back at the larger dog sitting before her, then offered a small shrug. "Aren't bad guys always bad, Uncle Volp-us?"

He pursed his lips, his tails rolling behind him as he got lost in his own thoughts, thinking about the ones who lost the old fights. He didn't force them to step into the ring, he didn't do anything but offer rewards, and no one made them fight but themselves, for their own greed. Still, the gun has a part to play just as the bullet and finger do.

"Shino, you give your Daddy a chance, but if he does anything mean or scary, you tell me and your mother right away. You understand?" He tilted his head as the puppy finished her current sip of water.

She gave a small nod before answering, "Okay."

"Good girl..." He grinned at the puppy, his tails wagging as the doberman looked back at him, both their eyes seeming to meet and even blink in time together.

After several moments of silence, Shino looked away and growled, "I wish you were my daddy instead of him."

Volpus smirked at that, looking proud as he thrust a padded thumb into his chest. "I already am your godfather, Shino, and you know I think of you as my own. Don't you worry, your daddy won't change what you are to me, sweetie."

"Okay!" The puppy climbed to her shoes again and wagged her tail.

"Remember, Shino, no one gets to know about our secret tricks, not your mommy, teachers, or friends, and especially not your daddy," Volpus spoke cooly as he also stood, feeling the approach of her mother behind him.

"I know, Uncle Volp-us!" Shino barked out and clenched her paws into fists.

"Now what trouble are you up to, young lady?" Sizume cooed out as she stepped over and leaned down, grinning at the puppy.

"Uncle Volp-us and me were talking about daddy!" Shino barked out.

Sizume frowned and shifted her one blue eye to her boss as she asked, "Oh? What about him?"

"Uncle Volp-us says I should give him a chance, that he can be a good guy even if he was a bad guy once in jail!" Shino parroted the words, Volpus frowning at the hard glare his butler offered him.

"Hah... That's true sweetie, everyone deserves... second chances, huh? Why don't you run inside and start getting ready for bed?" Sizume leaned in, kissing her puppy on the forehead.

"Okay!" Shino barked out cheerfully and waved to the nine-tails. "Good night, Uncle Volp-us!"

"Sleep well, sweetie," he pushed his glasses up on his snout with a smile.

Sizume stood there with her paws on her hips, waiting until her daughter was in the manor and the door was shut before calling out without even looking at her boss, "Volpus, what the flying fuck are you on about? Give him a chance, Can be a good guy? Who's fucking side are you on here?!"

"Shino's," the nine-tails said pointedly as he put his paws on his hips, but then barked out as his own butler grabbed the front of his smoking jacket and hauled him forward.

"That son of a bitch tried to fucking murder me, tried to murder her! How is that fucking helping her?!" Sizume barked into his face, spittle hitting the lenses of his glasses and cheeks.

"A-Are you done?" he barked out awkwardly, then stumbled back a few paces as the doberman shoved him back with a growl.

The nine-tails took his glasses off, taking out a handkerchief from his back pocket to start cleaning them off. "People change. How many deaths did I preside over, yet here I am as a 'good guy' for Shino?"

"That's fucking different, you weren't trying to stab someone to death with a pair of fucking scissors!" she screamed out, her fists clenched, her tail fluffed, and eye showing tears.

"Perhaps not, but-"

"But nothing! Are you doing this for Shino or for your own conscious, boss?!" Sizume snarled out bitterly.

He closed his eyes and sighed before opening them to settle his glasses back on. "Both."

"Leave my fucking daughter out of your redemption arc, Volpus!" Sizume hissed out as she thrust a paw at him.

"And what if he ends up being a good father to her? Doesn't she have that right?" he countered.

"Fuck you, I'd give the world for her, but that bastard can burn in the nine hells for all I care, he doesn't deserve to be spat on by our daughter, let alone loved!" The doberman punched a fist into her open paw.

"People change, Siz, even you and me. Maybe he was scared, maybe he was panicking and not thinking straight. Could have gotten therapy, could have-"

"He could have Archangel Toroah come down right now and vouch for him, I'd still not walk over to piss on him if he was burning to death!" Sizume growled darkly.

"You both got scars, Sizume, but either way you are alive and well, so is your puppy as you wished. Bitterness and hatred will eat you alive, is that what you want Shino to see? You slowly boiling down to nothing but a hateful shadow of her mother?" Volpus pushed his glasses up, the moonlight reflecting off them before he turned to stalk back into the manor.

"I'm not wrong, Volpus! You don't fucking know everything you think you do!" she screamed out at him with a cracking voice as the front doors shut, leaving her standing in the grass alone under the moonlight.


A few days later Sizume found herself seated at a table outside of a cafe with a very awkward-looking border collie. He kept looking down at the coffee in his paws then back up to her, his tail wagging slightly, his messy blonde locks of hair hiding some of his green eyes.

"Fuck, Vince, why are you looking like you're at a trial?" she finally growled out, leaning back in her chair, drumming her claws on the table.

"Oh, sorry... I just uh, well it's been about a week and you always said it was casual only?" he whispered awkwardly as she saw his green eyes peek over the rim of the mug at her.

"So I can't casually have coffee with you? I can't casually take you out?" the doberman retorted with a snarl.

"Of course you can! I was just shocked, that's all, you always seemed so paws off other than sparring and sex." Vince lifted his head with a frown.

"Would you rather keep it that way, Vince? Look, I know the scars and the eye patch aren't the best look if you're embarrassed to be-"

"Shut up!" he barked out. Sizume perked her ears as the collie growled and followed up, "I think you're hot with the scars and shit, okay? Fuck what everyone else thinks, that's the last thing that crossed my mind, Sizume!"

She sipped her coffee for a moment, then smirked at him. "You're quite the little gentledog aren't you, Vince? Just know what to say at just the right moment."

"I'm not trying to put on a show, I'm just saying how I feel, okay?" He sipped more of his own coffee before setting the mug down.

"Yeah? How do you feel, Vince?" Sizume tilted her head and clicked her tongue as she continued before he could answer, "How do you feel about some whore that just gave it up to you on day one and has been tossing in the sheets with you for a week?"

"She's not bad for a whore, I think I like her," he fired back, showing a cocky little grin.

Sizume perked her ears in surprise at him jumping on the wagon with her own self-insult, but she had opened the door for it. She barked out a laugh and showed her teeth. "Oh you're cute, guess I can't bitch about that one."

"Not that I think you're actually a whore, Sizume... I guess if you want a straight answer, yeah I think I like you, not like falling for you or wanting to go steady, but... Yes, I like you, and I like we are out doing something like this." He set her with a business-like look as he confessed in earnest.

She mulled on that for several moments, the awkwardness growing in the air before she finally sighed and answered him, "I dunno, Vince... I guess I wanted to talk to someone other than my circle, see someone that wasn't so... involved with my bullshit."

Vince shored up his resolve before asking, "You wanna talk about it? The bullshit I mean, it's uh... it's about your little girl, isn't it? Shino was her name?"

Sizume flinched and cut her one good blue eye to him, looking angry but then it washed away as she hung her head down a little. "Yeah... a part of me is happy you remember her name, I only told it to you once in passing."

"It's your daughter, course I'm gonna remember that!" Vince barked out pointedly. Sizume couldn't help but smile at that, then felt his paw reach across the table to grip hers. "Lay it on me, I'm all ears."

Sizume chewed on her lower lip and then just spat it out, "Short version; the dad wants to see her again, the dad that I can thank for these scars and partial blindness."

"Shouldn't he still be stewing in jail?" Vince asked with a cocked brow.

"That's what I'm saying! Apparently, he was a model inmate and has been a saint since he tried to stab me and his daughter to death." She scoffed bitterly and drummed her claws on the table.

"I can only imagine... and you're clashing with your circle because of how they feel?" he asked.

"Yeah! The judge is actually letting him have visitation, albeit with me and a court representative... but still..." Sizume grumbled and swigged down the rest of her coffee, smacking the mug down on the table with a rattle, a deep growl in her throat.

"Hey uhm... Do you want me to shoot straight with you?" he lifted his muzzle.

She glared at him and ran a paw through her own hair, knowing she wasn't going to like the answer as she growled out, "Go ahead."

"My old man dipped out on me and my Mother when I was six, to this day I've not seen fur or tail of him. I'm not saying a kit has to have a father in their life to become a functioning adult, and my old man never beat on my mother, so obviously... I dunno, Sizume... What does Shino think?"

"Why does everyone keep asking that?!" Sizume barked and smacked the table with her open paw. "I'm her mother, it should be what I think, not what the damn eight-year-old thinks!"

Vince chewed on his lower lip and met her one glaring eye before shaking his head. "Uh... You shoot straight with me all the time, so I'm gonna with you, Sizume. It's not just about you, if anything it's not about you or him, it's about Shino."

"Fuck that, she's got her godparent, he's practically her dad already, she doesn't need that spaz of a rabbit," she retorted with a growl.

"That's... for her to decide, but she deserves to meet her father, in all his flawed fucked up glory. The supervision is going to be there, and I'm sure the court people are going to talk to her constantly and so will you and everyone else. I think you'd know if something seedy was going on." Vince frowned and folded his paws before him on the table, showing he wasn't going to back down anymore than the last dog she was arguing with.

Sizume snarled as she hissed out bitterly, "Fuck! Am I really the bad guy here? I'm the one that got stabbed, almost died, and-"

'No, of course you're not! I think it's fucked up that he's even out, but... this is the reality of the situation. You can either make this whole experience a nightmare for yourself or... you can let Shino make the choice and let the two of them have that chance to be father and daughter... I dunno babe, I just... if it were me, if I could go back and ask eight-year-old me if he wanted to see his dad, you know what I think that puppy would say?" Sizume looked up at him curiously as Vince showed a small grin. "He'd probably have said a G-rated version of 'fuck that guy for hurting mommy', but you know..."

She snorted a laugh at that and grinned. "Yeah, Shino already told me she'd beat him up if he made me cry, even said she'd... zap him? Not sure what that is all about though."

"Well, she's eight, you know how kits are with their imaginations, either that or she got her paws on a taser!" Vince barked out playfully, seeing the tone was starting to lighten now.

Sizume looked down at her empty mug and grinned, then looked up at him, seeing that relaxed smile play on his muzzle. She swallowed a small lump and asked hesitantly, "Hey uh... You wanna meet her?"

Vince perked his ears, feeling his cheeks grow warm under his fur, his tail wagging as he instantly understood the gravity of the question. He nodded and answered without hesitation, "I'd love to meet your daughter, Sizume."

The doberman offered him a small fragile smile, not the cocky grin she usually did, then nodded once. "You can come with me when I pick her up from school today. She'll probably not trust you and may even mouth off at a bit, so be ready for that!"

"Heh! That's okay, I would be a stranger after all, should I say I'm just a boxing buddy of yours?" Vince asked.

"Hmm... you know what? Do you want to introduce yourself as my boyfriend?" She asked with a crooked grin.

"Woah! We going from no strings to dating, Sizume? After just one week?" Vince leaned back looking shocked at the sudden shift of things.

"That a problem? You earnestly seem to care about her, as a mother, you think that's not huge for me?" Sizume shrugged and set him with a cool look. "It's a two-way street though, Vince. I get it if you want us to stay just buddies that roll around in bed occasionally."

"Eh? No way, I'd love to try dating, and I'd love to meet little Shino! Consider it done, Sizume!" He barked out calmly but his brown tail was a blur in a wag behind him, the doberman's own tail slightly wagging as she gave him that cocky little grin.


Sizume wouldn't stop growling even as she tried to keep her cool. Shino was clinging to her pant leg awkwardly before the new rabbit that was squatting down before her to say hello for the first time. "Ah, hey there, Shino..." he said awkwardly with a small grin on his scarred muzzle.

"Mmm... Hi," the puppy muttered, shifting to hide behind her mother's hip.

"Well, I'd say this is good enough for now, let's do this again in a few weeks!" Sizume barked out, sounding ready to punch the rabbit in the face for being so close to her and her daughter.

"Miss Omori, everything is fine, I assure you," the older female otter said with a comforting tone, holding a clipboard in her paws before moving over to the trio and squatting down before the puppy. "Sweetie, you just come to me if you want to stop or get scared, okay?"

"I'm not scared!" Shino barked out, glaring over her mother's hip at the brown otter with gray showing in her cheek fur.

"Oh, then you'll be a big girl and let your daddy get a chance to meet you, yes?" the court-appointed counselor asked.

The puppy frowned but stepped around her mother's leg to look upon the rabbit before her, his brown eyes matching hers as she squirmed on her footpaws, as if ready to duck behind Sizume once again.

"I'm really happy to see you, I kept lots of pictures of you in my uh... room," Mark confessed with a small smile showing on his muzzle.

Shino huffed at that and peered at his face before asking, "How did you get cut?" She thrust a paw forward, pointing at the scarred gash that even split part of his lip slightly.

Mark looked surprised at the question then frowned before rubbing the back of his head. "I uh...made a really bad mistake and got cut really bad from it."

"Oh! I thought maybe somebody did it to you like Momma!" Shino said, already sounding bored with the explanation.

Mark frowned again and hesitated before asking, "Did your mommy say who cut her?" As he asked, he could hear the doberman snarling and her knuckles popping as she bared her teeth.

Shino, seemingly oblivious to the tension just shook her head. "Nu-uh... she just said someone really mean did it. Said she made a really big mistake and trusted them!" Mark looked up at the looming dog before him again, seeing her jaw set as she jerked her gaze away. She took a step to disengage from Shino, the puppy looking worried but not chasing her as she paced a few feet away.

The visit lasted about an hour, with Sizume spending all her time within sight of Shino. Occasionally the puppy would run over to ask a question or confirm something, Skyler and Clair having joined her for this first visit, but Volpus felt it best to let the girls handle things, knowing they'd do better at any tension than he would.

Once things settled down, the trio and puppy were talking outside of the small office of the Family Services building. Shino had relaxed and started talking about her various interests once the tension of the first meeting passed, the visit going off without a hitch.

Clair frowned as she stood from the kneel she had been in while talking with the puppy as they all caught sight of Mark approaching them. Skyler pushed her glasses up and sighed as she seemingly shifted into legal council mode on the spot.

Sizume put a paw to her shoulder as the lopunny gave her a curious look. "Why don't you girls go take Shino to the car, I'll catch up in a few."

"Is that a good idea, Siz?" Clair grumbled with a paw on her hip.

"No, but do it anyway for me. He's not going to do anything stupid, I'll be fine," the doberman sighed and settled the debate by just pushing away from the group and walking out to meet the rabbit halfway.

Mark frowned as she and him stopped before one another, Sizume's paws in her pants pockets as she glared at him. "Why didn't you tell her it was me?" he asked pointedly.

Sizume showed her teeth as she growled her answer, "I didn't want to give her any more baggage than she already has. She doesn't need to know daddy freaked out and tried to kill mommy, it'd just fuck her up."

The rabbit flinched and folded his ears behind his back, gritting his teeth as he looked away. Sizume followed up without waiting for him to say anything, "I didn't do it for you, but as much as I'd have liked you to be dead, I knew you weren't gone and you might come back into her life one day. I didn't have her carrying that with her."

"I appreciate it all the same." He met her gaze, seeing the hard look as he pushed a paw through his hair, his ears rising back up before he composed himself. "Is there anything I can do to-"

"Dropping dead would be a start, Mark," Sizume answered with a snarl as her paws came out of her pockets and rested on her hips.

"If it'd fix you and Shino, I'd let you pull the trigger, trust me. I've hated myself every fucking day for almost a decade, Sizume. There were nights I thought about it, but I was too much of a coward to tie the bedsheets or slash my wrists. I've always been a coward who panics," Mark spun around to not look into her eyes as he explained.

"... her favorite color is green. Her favorite fruit is cherries, and her favorite music presently is Jazz if you can believe that. Her stupid godfather got her listening to it," Sizume growled the information to his back.

Mark frowned and looked over his shoulder, giving a small nod. "I can't change shit, Siz- Sizume... I'd let you kill me yourself if it would fix things. All I can do is glue the pieces back together even if it doesn't fit the same anymore... If you honestly think I'm bad for our daughter after a few months of these visitations, I'll fuck off and never come back."

"You're just as big of a coward today as you were then, Mark! Trying to fucking run away, why don't you fucking man up already?!" Sizume barked and gripped his shoulder, spinning him around and shoving him back as he stumbled a few paces. The movement gave her a rush of adrenaline to shove him, a little part of her wanted to escalate it further, but she just glared at him.

Mark looked tense, but not in a combative way, just as if ready to defend himself. His shoulders eased as he stood up straight. Even if she was taller, she could see he had a lot more bulk and muscle compared to back then. She wasn't a fighter like Clair and Skyler, boxing was a hobby after all.

He offered a small nod as he answered her, "Fine... I'll do right by Shino, everything for her. I'm also here for you if-"

"I don't need shit from you but to not hurt our puppy, asshole! You do that and I won't strangle you! But, I will hold you to your fucking word. If Shino says you go, you fucking go." Sizume clenched her paw into a fist, showing her teeth, tail sticking up.

"You have my word on that. Thank you for talking to me, and thank you for not telling her about my past bullshit," Mark gave her a nod and spun on his heel, walking away as the doberman glared at his back, her heart pounding. A part of her wanted to see him lose his cool, just so she had an excuse, but he seemed at peace with her fury and his situation.


A month passed and the weekly visitations grew smoother. Shino started talking more about Mark much to Sizume's frustration, but she just put on her mother-face and let the little puppy babble.

They had just gotten back from visitation and were playing out in the yard with Salda, her boyfriend Vince around today as well. In the last month he had been spending more time with Sizume and Volpus allowed him to start coming to the estate to see her.

"Gah! I have been defeated!" the honeybadger roared out as she flopped onto her belly in the grass, the puppy giggling on her back. It had started as a piggyback ride but turned into a sneak attack, or something like that. Shino growled and held Salda's ears with a triumphant little grunt, the honeybadger wincing but also grinning as Sizume just shook her head with a smirk at the ridiculous display.

"Sweetie, take it easy on Salda's ears!" Sizume barked out in her mother voice, the puppy offering a pout but letting them go.

After a few moments of getting the larger girl up off the grass, Shino finally broke the harmony with a question, "Momma, are you and Papa gonna get married someday?"

"What?!" Sizume barked out with fury in her voice as she glared at her daughter. "Did Mark mention something like that to you?!" She snarled Vince next to her offering a wide shocked look of his own.

Shino gave her an oblivious look but shook her head, a little whimper in her voice. "N-no... but isn't that what happens?"

Sizume rubbed her face with a growl and shook her head, trying to compose herself. Vince squatted down and smiled at the puppy. "Shino, lots of kits don't have parents that are married. Your mommy and daddy are just uh... friends."

"That, is a very large stretch..." Sizume growled behind her boyfriend's shoulder.

"Oooh, does that mean you're going to marry Mommy instead, Vince?" Shino asked, the border collie's ears and tail jerking straight up as he barked out. Salda just bellowed out a laugh as Sizume rubbed her face again.

"Ha ha... yes Sizume, why not answer little Shino?" Salda prodded with an amused grin.

"Don't encourage her!" the doberman barked out then lightly batted the collie's tail. "Lower that stupid thing and stand up, stop looking so weird down there!"

"S-sorry!" Vince barked as he composed himself and climbed to his footpaws, the puppy looking obliviously at her mother as if still waiting for an answer.

"Honey... no one is getting married..." Sizume sighed as she squatted down before her puppy.

"But, Uncle Volp-us married Aunt Sky and Aunt Clary! Why can't you marry Daddy or Vince?" Shino pushed the question with a curious look in her eyes, the collie looking away awkwardly while rubbing the back of his head, her mother just growling.

"That bast- jerk isn't even here and he's causing problems! Where is that stupid fox anyway?!" Sizume barked out with a glare.


"You both did great again today..." Volpus growled as his left paw raked through the brown fur at Clair's belly, his right dragging claws through the white fur at Skyler's own tummy, both lopunny perched on his knees at their bed. Each of the girls wore matching see-through gowns that did nothing to hide their breasts, along with garter belts and stockings that ran down their legs.

"You say that literally every day, Volpi, darling..." Skyler lifted her muzzle, looking smug, her glasses reflecting the light of the room as the nine-tails rubbed at the showing claim upon her body.

"I always do my best for you and our little one, Volpi," Clair cooed out lovingly as she felt his paw rubbing her own rounded belly proudly, the brown lopunny a little less dignified, actually shifting her hips, grinding a little on his leg.

"I've been wanting you two all day..." he growled with an eager hunger, claws digging into each of their taut-furred-flesh gently, both lopunny smelling his heady rut lingering.

"Then have us darling..." Skyler cooed as she shifted forward, pushing to the fox's chest, her muzzle pushing to his own as their tongues met in a deep kiss, her paws already gingerly pulling his own glasses away.

Clair offered a needy pout that her wife got the first kiss, but her own paw cupped at the nine-tail's crotch through his robes, squeezing at the bulge while her hips shifted impatiently. As if on cue, Skyler pulled back, scratching under the dog's muzzle, his solid teal eyes fixated on her pink ones, the rabbit offering a haughty smirk as she tossed his glasses upon the table before his other lopunny was before him, impatient for her own kiss.

Volpus growled as Clair shoved her lips to his own, a little huff escaping her throat as their tongues met, rolling eagerly in the deep kiss, his paws instinctively moving to rub at her breasts through the skimpy bra she wore. Skyler waited patiently then finally nosed her muzzle between them as Clair broke the kiss to give her wife some affection as well.

With an approving proud growl, Volpus watched his two lopunny kiss heatedly, both their large ears drooped over their bodies as they wrapped arms around one another, tongues rolling as they tasted their husband on one another's lips.

Each of the girls parted their kiss as they felt the fox casually reach behind them, deftly unhooking the backs of their bras. Skyler offered a smug smirk as she leaned back from Clair. "Darling, what's the point of intimates if you just want them stripped away?" she cooed as she calmly slid her bra off, tossing it aside before brushing both her paws down her large breasts before tilting her head, offering him a knowing look as she cradled the swell of her tummy, looking proud.

"It did its job..." Volpus confessed with a playful grin as he hastily parted and opened his robes, his crimson length at the ready. Clair offered an excited squeak, not nearly as dignified as Skyler, just hastily peeling the bra off, her own breasts bouncing before she looked to Skyler and mimicked her lover, cupping her own paws under her belly, giving the nine-tails her best smug look. Clair had gotten her own nipples pierced, both of the girls now sporting silver rings not only on their paws but in their peaks as well.

The poses did the jump, both rabbits darting their eyes down, seeing that length jumping eagerly and dripping with prelove for them as the fox whined out with a groan, "Damn it... I don't even know where to start with you two..." He shifted to cup a paw over each of one of their breasts, squeezing and kneading them, feeling the hard little rings in their darker peaks, their breasts seemingly a little fuller these days as if preparing to feed the pups they carried.

"Do you not, Darling? Then allow me to direct you..." Skyler offered him a smug grin before shifting her paws to his chest, shoving him flat to his back, the fox giving a little excited yip as his lopunny wife climbed over his chest, already calmly peeling her skimpy panties off, the smell of rabbit sex filling his nose before she hummed and just like that, straddled his muzzle.

Soft thick white-furred thighs pushed to his head as he huffed out, his maw dutifully shoving to her petals, tongue lapping as his paws gripped at her hips. Skyler panted out, feeling him go right for her pearl, suckling up at her with hearts in his teal eyes. "Huff... go on, Clair, my love... I'd say our husband is too busy with his mouth to tell you what he wants... you'll have to... figure it... out... ngh!" Skyler bit her lower lip as she felt herself crest, the fox shuddering as he just lapped her honey up as it squirted forth against his muzzle and into his open maw.

"Fuck... I love watching you squirt on his face..." Clair groaned then padded right over to straddle her husband's lap. They weren't in any sort of new lover phase, both lopunny knew how to work their fox and with no hesitation, she lined that tapered tip up with her entrance and dropped her hips, letting out a blissful squeak of a moan, her tongue lolling out as he settled deep inside her.

"Gods..." the nine-tails moaned out before yipping as Skyler hummed and gripped one of his ears, his tongue lolled as he blinked up at the slightly fuzzy rabbit since his glasses were off, but he could make out that haughty smirk she always had before she shoved his maw back into place.

"Yes, yes... you are happy to be inside our wife, now do it... huff... again, love..." Skyler groaned as she shifted her grip to pet him instead as he happily obeyed, lapping dutifully, even as he whimpered out from Clair's impatient hips grinding, digging him deep inside her.

"Oooh gods... I needed this... huff... I always need this..." the brown lopunny panted out, hearts in her eyes as she bucked her hips, feeling him jump hard, spilling prelove into her claimed womb, breasts swaying to her eager movements as he kissed deep inside her again and again.

"That's it... good dog... good fox... almost... almost..." Skyler stroked his ears, panting down at him, hearts in her own pink eyes as she stroked his ears encouragingly.

"Yes! Yes! Almost... Volpi... buck for me, please!" Clair pleaded, then offered a blissful squeak as he juked his hips hard, the lopunny seeing stars as her tongue lolled again, feeling him smack nice and deep into her core, her walls convulsing and rippling against his jumping length as she gushed her love all over his crotch fur.

"Ngh!" Skyler dug her own paw into his dark hair and gripped an ear, offering her own composed squeak of a moan as more of her honey gushed into his maw and all over his muzzle. "O-oh darling... the sounds you mark and our husband's maw... gods..."

"Mmm... again Volpi... make me do it agaaain..." Clair slurred out, her paws gripping Skyler's back while grinding her hips, bucking against her fox, feeling that soaked cock just pumping inside her, mostly under her own power; her strong, toned thighs easily able to keep the movements up even while pregnant with his puppy.

"Huff... yes, focus on Clair darling, I need a moment..." Skyler rolled off him to sit up in bed, panting gently.

"Don't worry, Clair... I'll make you do it again... hold still, I'll do it myself..." He sat up, his muzzle and throat clearly wet with Skyler's honey as he grasped Clair's hips. He started bucking his own hips, his myriad of tails rolling as he pushed nice and deep into her again and again.

"Oh fuck yes... oh fuck yes... right there, right there... fuck me Volpi, fuck me... love me!" Clair threw her arms around his neck, both of them kissing desperately, tasting her wife on his lips before she started lapping and nipping at his throat.

His paws repositioned to her firm backside, claws digging in, feeling her breasts and showing belly pushing into him, shuddering as he kept bucking his hips, spearing his length deep inside his lopunny, her sweet soft squeaks filling his ears as they rutted together for several heated moments, all while Skyler calmly stroked herself.

"Fuck, fuck! Volpiii!" Clair cried out then squeaked in another throaty moan, seeing stars as he threw her over the edge once more, crushing him viciously tight as he snarled and dug his claws into her rear, trying to endure his wife's crushing embrace.

"It's okay... I can feel your knot... ngh... you can... huff... do it in me Volpi, I want you too!" Clair gripped his shoulders, panting the words through her throes, the fox darting his eyes to the white-furred lopunny who offered him a knowing smile and nodded, biting her lower lip as he rubbed her own pearl harder, enjoying the view of the two of them.

"Gods above and below... I love you both so much!" he barked out his declaration before shoving Clair down hard into his lap, his swelling knot popping in with a wet slap as the lopunny lolled her tongue, face to face, seeing his hearts in those deep teal eyes for her.

"Yes yes! Do it!" Clair whined as she ground her hips, then cried out blissfully as heat spread in her claimed womb as her fox howled out in a soft moan. "It always... feels sooo good, Volpiiii..." Clair slurred the words, then shuddered as she dug her own claws hard into his shoulders, squeaking out as he threw her over in a rebound, his jumping length and heat too much for the rabbit to endure.

"Gods!" Skyler shuddered and rubbed her pearl before finally gasping out, her glasses a little smudged and foggy as she saw both of her lovers looking at her as she gushed her own rabbit love into the sheets while looking upon the two of them, seeing Clair take each thick rope, her tummy pushing out more with each one as if the puppy in her were growing on the spot.

Volpus finally snapped his teeth in a savage snarl, shuddering as his lopunny wife milked the last rope in before he fell back, tongue sagged out of his jaws, panting and looking absolutely drunk on their love.

Clair shuddered in his lap and brushed her paws over her belly, looking almost full-term from all the love he'd pumped into her. "Ha... I can't wait to be this far along for you, Volpi... and see you like this as well, love..." She shifted her paws over to Skyler while she rubbed her taut belly.

"Huff... you look stunning, darling... though I'm not sure if I'll pull it off with such grace..." The white lopunny panted weakly as she came down from her own induced orgasm.

"I adore you two so much... ngh..." Volpus rose up onto his paws, panting as he looked upon his lopunny wife who was knotted to him; seeing her proudly slide her paws under her belly, showing off to him. He shuddered and then looked to Skyler who smiled and rubbed a paw over her own swollen belly, offering him a smug lift of her jaw.

"You too are so fucking hot like this and seem to have gotten even hornier while pregnant. I'm going to breed you over and over again!" Voplus barked out while wagging his mass of tails.

"Oh my, what an ominous declaration, whatever will we do, darling?" Skyler cooed out playfully.

"Huff, we'll have to tie him down and just have sex in front of him but not let him finish in us, either that or get used to having puppies!" Clair giggled and then offered her fox a playful smirk. "You're just drunk Volpi, we'll see about more puppies later, or maybe I'll want a kitten too!"

"Whatever you two want! Your wish is my command after all!" Volpus gave them a wink, both the girls offering a playful roll of their eyes.


"Are you sure this is a good idea, Sizume?" Vince frowned as he walked paw in paw with the doberman, the puppy trotting ahead of him happily as they made their way to the Family Services building.

"I've already cleared it with the judge, you're fine to be here and we've been dating for almost two months now. Besides, it was Shino who wanted you to come along, remember?" Sizume retorted.

Vince frowned before answering her, "Sure but-"

"It will be okay, Vince! Daddy has said he wants to meet you too!" Shino barked out over her shoulder.

"Oh did he now?" Sizume cocked a brow, her tail going rigid. "I swear if this turns into some overly macho posturing, I'm going to kick both of your asses!" she barked as she cut her gaze to her boyfriend.

"S-Sizume, I'm not going to do something like that, I wouldn't disrespect you like that." Vince sighed as she squeezed his paw and offered a nod.

"Sorry... I've gotten better, but these things always leave me on edge..." she grumbled as they pushed the door to the office open.

"Hi, Daddy!" Shino pranced over, the rabbit already on his knees waiting to hug her as they embraced, the otter still there like she always had been through this whole thing.

"I missed you so much, sweetie..." Mark whispered as he rubbed her ears, then saw the border collie standing there with the mother of his daughter. "Ah, it's Vince, right?" Mark gently pulled from the puppy to stand and offer his paw.

Vince half expected him to crush his grip in some kind of display, but the shake was firm with no intention behind it. Still, the collie had met plenty of rabbit's, but never seen one so strong-looking.

"Uh... Yeah, sorry if this is awkward, I just wanted to support Shino and Sizume," Vince explained as their grips parted.

"I appreciate that, my daughter talks about you nearly every visit... Are you... taking care of Sizume?" Mark asked with a frown.

"I'm right here, you stupid ass, don't talk about me like I'm not in the room!" the doberman snarled as she pushed a paw to her own chest.

"Sorry..." Mark turned to face her directly. "Is he treating you well, Sizume?"

"Hell of a lot better than you ever fucking did, Mark!" Sizume barked out with a growl.

"Miss Omori, please watch the language, your puppy is present and you know how young ears are!" the older otter scolded her with a motherly-looking glare that showed much more experience than Sizume's own would.

"Hmph..." The doberman stuck her nose up but said nothing.

"I'm glad then, I hope you keep making Sizume happy, Vince. Her and Shino are the most important things to me, I want them both to be happy." Mark frowned as he pushed a paw to his own chest, Sizume snarling at him before the rabbit moved away as the puppy tugged him along.

"Sorry, this is so awkward for you, babe..." Vince squeezed her arm.

"It always is, but you're the one in the extra awkward spot, so I should apologize to you, Vince. I do appreciate you being here though, really I do." Sizume gave him a small smile before shifting her focus back to her daughter who was now sitting before Mark, giving him the rundown on her week.

"Miss Omori, I'd like to speak with you about Shino," the otter strode over as she spoke.

"What's up?" Sizume tilted her head.

"None of the councilors or I feel there is anything underpawed going on with your daughter and her father. I think we can start letting the visitations happen at more public venues with your consent," the court-appointed chaperone explained.

"Why can't they just keep happening here?" Sizume countered while putting her paws on her hips, already sounding like she hated the idea.

"Think about your kit, wouldn't she enjoy things more if you met at eating establishments or playgrounds? Places where she can enjoy herself? Not some stuffy room with a pawful of toys?"

"She does have a point, babe... Shino would probably love to meet at a park or some other place kits would enjoy," Vince chimed in.

"Who's side are you on, anyway, Vince?" Sizume growled but then looked back to the otter. "Would you still be around?"

"I don't feel I need to be, but I will if you request it, Miss Omori," the chaperone said, pointedly, as she pushed her glasses up on her snout.

"I'll think about it... she does seem to be... happier with him around," Sizume relented with a sigh.

"Yes, I think it's important to remember what's best for the children in all these things. Shino has talked to me about her father at length in the follow-up counseling and seems to have already opened up to him quite well." The otter explained while looking over at the rabbit and puppy talking.

"I hope he'll stick to his guns and be a good father for her, even if he did get off too lightly in my opinion," Vince grumbled and folded his arms.

"It's not my place to judge that one way or another, but I know a happy puppy when I see one, I've been doing this for a long time. I think... your daughter is safe with her father, Miss Omori, but I'll leave you to decide that for yourself." The otter turned and strode back to the corner of the room.

Sizume pushed a paw down her face and shook her head. "Fuck... at this rate it's gonna turn into weekend visits, summer breaks, and-"

"Hey hey... let's not put the cart too far ahead, babe! For now let's just let Shino set the pace, just ask her if she wants to see him more and stuff, you know?" He moved to face her, clasping her paws with his own, offering a gentle smile up at her. "It's okay, I'll be here for you, and for her..."

Sizume bit her lower lip as she looked into his green eyes, seeing the comfort in them. She stepped closer and pushed her forehead to his, feeling his arms wrap around her, both of them holding each other. "Thanks, Vince, you're something else. I thought you'd run screaming once you got to know me, but here you are, at my damn daughter's visitation, the most awkward damn thing I can think of for a guy,"

She felt him lean close and lap her jaw before giving her a little scent mark with his nose. "Not awkward at all, I feel lucky to be included in your life so intimately and trusted by your daughter after only a few months. Trust me, babe, you've got nothing to apologize for!"

He heard a rumbling growl in her throat as she pulled closer to him, and both of them embraced tightly. Mark glanced over at them from the table with a forlorn look in his eyes before he shifted his attention back to Shino who was tugging on his sleeve to get him to pay attention to her.


A few more weeks rolled by and the visitations started happening at public locations. It did wonders for the tension of the group, but Sizume still constantly felt on edge. Clearly, Mark was a good influence for Shino so far, but how could she even humor the idea of trusting him again after everything that had happened?

There was a slight drizzle of rain falling, with an overcast of charcoal clouds that had seemed to linger all day. Mark was standing outside of the family fun center they had met at, one of those pizza places with attached play areas for the kits.

The rabbit was looking up into the sky, rain spattering on his cheek fur while lost in his thoughts. An ear flicked as if acknowledging the approach of another, but he didn't look back. Several more moments hung in the air before a small rumble of thunder cried out, breaking the silence before Mark spoke, "Thought you would have left with Shino and Sizume."

As the rabbit turned the nine-tails stood there in his suit, one paw pushing his glasses up that were spattered with rain droplets. "Has my goddaughter talked about me much?" Volpus asked with a small crooked grin showing.

"She won't shut up about you. I think she talks more about you than her own damn mother," Mark cocked his head, shoving his paws into his jacket as the two boys stood before one another.

"Sizume and Shino are very precious to me, but I was one of the ones that insisted you be given a chance, despite your... unfortunate choices of the past." Volpus pushed his paw up to his muzzle, rubbing it, two bands showing on his wedding finger as he mused aloud, "Shino is what gave me the confidence to be a father myself, you know?"

"Those two lopunny are yours, right?" Mark asked conversationally.

"Mine? Hah... more like I'm theirs..." Volpus mused and scratched under his jaw before shifting his deep teal eyes to the rabbit's brown ones. "But why don't we skip the semantics and get to why I'm here."

"So why are you here?" Mark pulled his paws out of his jacket, opening them as his head tilted.

"Business... I can feel the longing in your soul, rabbit... the ardent desires that wash over you with each of these visits. You have a plethora of wishes that flood into your heart when you see Shino and Sizume, but do you have any that come to the forefront?" The fox rolled his mass of tails behind him, giving the rabbit an almost predatory grin.

Mark took a step back, feeling the situation shift, even he knew there was more going on here than just a casual chat. He darted his eyes to the side and pushed a paw through his wet hair. "Uh... you just dialed the intensity to eleven there, didn't you?"

"It's what I do... Tell me what you ardently wish for, I'm curious to know," Volpus growled the words and they sounded more like a demand than a request.

"I wish I could fix it all. Wish I could take it back, be there for the first eight years of Shino's life, wish I could have been less of a panicking coward. I don't lament my time in prison, I deserved it and so much more, but I wish I could-"

"Sizume is quite happy now, even budding a relationship with that collie. Even if you could have your wish, would you readily upend her whole life for your own regrets? Would you readily sabotage the blooming love she is crafting for your own?" Volpus whipped his tails about as his head tilted up.

Mark clenched his fists and gritted his teeth as he hissed out, "No..."

The nine-tails offered a snort as he shoved his paws into his own pockets. "You don't need my services, Mark. You already have your wish, to be with your daughter and Sizume, it's just not in the full capacity you'd like. Perhaps with time, you two can be friends again, even I can feel she earnestly struggles to acknowledge that moment of panic was not who you were."

"That would be more than I deserve..." Mark snarled bitterly.

"That's for the gods to decide, not you. Just keep walking the path you're on, Mark, and I think you'll find happiness." Volpus spun on his heel and rolled his tails before pacing away. "It's so much easier when they just want wealth or power... ugh..."

The rabbit looked on in confusion at what had just happened but felt perhaps the fox was right. "What's done is done, but I have them in my life now, so..." Mark whispered the words aloud to himself, taking a moment to compose his heart before turning and walking back to his waiting car.


"Geeze Vince, get a grip!" Sizume laughed as the border collie tackled her playfully back down into the bed with a huff.

"I'm just so excited we're finally moved in together! I never dreamed I'd be living in a mansion with you!" Vince grinned down at his girlfriend with a wag of his tail, Sizume still dressed in her nightgown.

"A mansion you're going to be helping me take care of, don't forget that was the stipulation to you moving in with me, you get to play butler with me!" Sizume growled then huffed out as he started nibbling at her throat. "Fucking eager damn dog... you act like we're getting married or something..."

"It almost feels like it... living together, taking care of our puppy..." Vince growled and lapped at Sizume's throat, the doberman offering him a warning growl before meeting his green eyes with her one good one.

"MY puppy, you're just the weirdo that hangs out with mommy!" Sizume poked him in the forehead.

"Hey, hey! It's been a full season now, I'm more than some weirdo!" Vince growled and nuzzled Sizume's throat, scent marking her fur.

"I hate sappy talk, I've changed my mind, get out!" she barked then yipped as he started nibbling her throat again, both his paws pushing to her breasts through the nightgown, kneading at them.

"Too late, you're stuck with me... If you're gonna be a bitch and not let me share Shino with you, we'll just have to make our own puppy!" Vince declared as the doberman barked out, feeling him roll her right over onto her belly, starting to climb atop her.

"I'm on protection you dumbass, you can't even breed me!" Sizume huffed out as his paws moved under her gown to start to go for her panties.

"Ha! Guess I'll just have to try again and again!" He declared with his own playful grin as he started to peel her panties down, both of them offering little barks of protest as a tap came to the door of the bedroom.

"Guh!" Sizume barked out and jerked her panties up as Vince rolled off her and sat up in bed, shoving his paws over his crotch to hide the rise in his boxers. The door creaked open as Shino trotted in obliviously.

"Momma, you've been sleeping too late, I'm bored!" the puppy barked out in a fussy tone.

"Oh, uh, sweetie, Mommy will be out to play with you in a few minutes, just let me wake up a little more, okay?" Sizume awkwardly explained.

"Oh?" The puppy looked skeptical, then lifted her ears as the door pushed open more, the large honey badger peering in.

"Shino, when playing hide and seek, you don't hide with your mother!" Salda gave a laugh, seeing what the puppy had interrupted, the doberman looking irritated and the collie looking flustered.

"Aunt Sally, you were too slow so I got bored!" Shino barked back, then squeaked out a yip as the larger girl just picked her right up.

"Come, we will play in the yard, give your mother time to ... wake up!" Salda showed the couple a knowing grin as she stomped out of the room with the puppy thrown over her shoulder, pulling the door too.

"That was... awkward..." Vince laughed and then looked over at Sizume who just smirked and raked her paws through her tussled-up blonde locks.

"Hey, you wanted to live with me, welcome to sharing my time with my puppy!" Sizume grinned and then rolled back over, perching on her knees as she lifted her firm round backside up, tail lifted to show she'd peeled her panties down to her mid-thighs, her petals clearly wet for him. "So... we don't got a lot of time... down for a quickie, love?" she grinned over her shoulder.

"Hell yeah I am, babe!" Vince barked out, jerking his boxers off, now in just a t-shirt. Sizume huffed eagerly as she saw he quickly was back to the ready with just a few pumps of his paw, prelove dripping from his tapered tip as he climbed over her.

"Huff... yes, you'll need to get used to quick sex where we can squeeze it in... now go on, hurry up!" Sizume growled as he nodded and lined his tapered tip right up with her entrance, then she felt her body shift as he pushed forward, quickly plunging his jumping length deep inside her.

"Oooh fuck... Vince... baby... ngh..." Her claws dug into the sheets, her tongue lolling as he kissed hard at her core, then she shivered as he fully climbed atop her, mounting her like a bitch in heat.

"You're so fucking addicting, babe!" His paws slid under her chest, grabbing a pawful of her breasts, claws digging in as he started to rut against her rear, his own footpaws digging into the sheets as he took her in a prime breeding position.

"Gods yes... right there... I love when you do me like this... ngh... makes me feel so fucking good!" Sizume growled and panted, feeling him stroking nice and deep, her own honey dripping off his sacs as they slapped against her entrance. She could feel his chest to her back, his own weight helping to keep her pinned down into the sheets while he took her.

"Fuck... you're so tight this morning, babe... gods..." Vince panted into her ears as she nodded and started grinding her own hips back against him, eager to make him dig against her core while she panted out.

"Gotta make it count, right? Ngh... fuck you're so good to me... and so good to Shino... Gods... maybe I should get off my protection and have a pup with you, baby!" she panted, then licked her chops, feeling him jump hard inside her from the words.

"I'd breed you over and over again babe... heh... but Shino is also enough for me if you're happy!" He kept his hips shifting, kissing deep, making her jerk against the bedding as she panted.

A small knock came to the door as both the dogs barked out at the same time, "Not now!"

"Okay, geeze! I'll make my own coffee! Horny damn mutts..." They heard Volpus' voice from the other end before padding away, both of them sharing a grin before getting back to their heated movements.

"C'mon... Vince... ngh... hurry up or the whole damn mansion is gonna burn down without me, Volpus can't do anything kitchen related to save his life!" She laughed back at him and then groaned as her lover shoved nice and hard, pumping deep against her repeatedly, his own knot starting to show against her entrance.

"I- Ngh... I don't usually have to rush, but... okay, babe!" he laughed out as he gripped her shoulders, the doberman growling back at him with approval as he really started getting his hips in on it, deep rough strokes smacking into her as she panted out.

It still took several strokes for him to get to the ready, that knot nearly to full as it pushed against her entrance. Sizume snarled while bracing on her own footpaws and as Vince made a stroke, she shoved back hard with her own hips, the collie offering a throaty yip as she forced his knot into her himself.

He collapsed atop her back, tongue lolled and moaning with a slurred groan as he just started erupting in her. The doberman licked her chops, feeling her own final orgasm raking through her, thick ropes of his love flooding her womb as she sighed in relief.

After several gushes, Vince groaned into her ears, feeling the last of it milked in as he shakily rose to his paws, Sizume grunting a little from the ample load of his love for her, belly swollen and pushing against the sheets slightly.

"Huff... good job baby... Gods I didn't want to start my day without your cock..." Sizume sighed in relief, then her ears perked as the chirping whine of the smoke detector echoed out, shoving her face down into the pillows with a groan.

"You don't put coffee in a saucepan, stupid!" she roared out as she stomped down to the kitchen in her robe, the smell of 'toasted' coffee all in the air as Vince awkwardly tried to fan at the smoke detector to silence it.

"W-well maybe if you were doing your job instead of your boyfriend, I wouldn't have had to try!" Voplus barked out with a fussy growl.

"Oh, just... go play in the yard with Shino and Salda! I'll bring you your coffee in a few minutes, you big puppy!" she growled and shoved the nine-tails out of the kitchen, flicking on the stove fan before opening the windows up.

The smoke detector finally shut off and Vince sighed with relief. He heard Shino call out from the lawn, "Mama, I'm hungry!"

"Me too!" Salda laughed out.

"I haven't even gotten my coffee yet, so you two wait your turn!"

He looked back to his lover who offered him a shrug, her hair a mess, and robes disheveled. "Welcome home baby, hope you weren't expecting peace and quiet!" Sizume spread her paws as she grinned.


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All characters belong to the commissioner of this story and they retain all rights to said character. Skyler belongs to me. This written work is copyrighted to me and may not be reproduced, sold, or redistributed without my consent.

Neon Warren: Episode 3

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One Last Sleepover - Part 2

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/gcstargazer) or...

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One Last Sleepover

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/gcstargazer) or...

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