One Last Sleepover - Part 2

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#4 of Commissions

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

This is a commission, my lovely, so CHECK THOSE TAGS!

I told myself I'd keep this tale to one part, but I just couldn't help myself! This may have been a commission, but I just HAD to write more! I'm not sure if I was inspired or just had a really good experience with my commissioner and wanted to give them a little treat, either way here we are!

We left things off on quite the lovely note, with our tigress nice and pregnant from our loving young fox. Well, now why don't we jump ahead to the holiday season, when Andy can finally come home to see his Mom and 'best friend'.

Let's jump right in!

This is a commission for Fappybat

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

This is a commission, my lovely, so CHECK THOSE TAGS!

I told myself I'd keep this tale to one part, but I just couldn't help myself! This may have been a commission, but I just HAD to write more! I'm not sure if I was inspired or just had a really good experience with my commissioner and wanted to give them a little treat, either way here we are!

We left things off on quite the lovely note, with our tigress nice and pregnant from our loving young fox. Well, now why don't we jump ahead to the holiday season, when Andy can finally come home to see his Mom and 'best friend'.

Let's jump right in!

One Last Sleepover: Part 2

Andy's nose twitched as he walked into his mother's home, clearly catching the scent of his 'best friend' on the air, just as prominent as hers was. His thick wiry tail whipped about a few times before he hung his coat up and called out, "Hey, Mom! I'm here!"

Iris padded into the kitchen to greet her son, purring happily as she called out, "Honey, it's so good to see you!" The tigress mewed out as Andy gapped his jaw to see how she looked. She wore the typical jeans she favored but the maternity blouse she had on clearly showed the prominent swell of her tummy.

"Gods... he really did, didn't he? I half thought you might have been fucking with me, Mom!" he hissed out then looked at a picture on the wall of her then back to her. "Are your tits bigger too?!"

"Andrew! Can you not watch your language around your mother after being out on your own for a few seasons?" Iris put her paws on her hips, giving the slightly taller tiger a stern glare, even her hips looking wider than he remembered.

"Tch... sorry... where is the jerk face anyway? I need to pop him one for this!" Andy grumbled and averted his eyes from his mother's steely gaze.

"Don't you go laying a paw on, Joshua. He and I are both adults, I'm no damsel that needs defending, young cub!" Iris wagged a padded finger at him, her tail whipping about in annoyance before she cracked a grin on her muzzle. "Why, I think you're just jealous because now you won't be an only child anymore."

"Fine... but where is he?" Andy sighed and eased his stance slightly.

"He's still probably at school, honey. Then after that he and I have a class to teach this afternoon, so you'll have the house to yourself for a few hours," Iris mewed out in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Class? Wait- Mom, you are still working like that?!" He hissed out with disapproval.

Iris lifted her rounded ears and shot him another glare, while pushing a paw to her belly, feeling fluttering in her, the kits fussing a little from her own emotions. "Yes, Andrew I am. I taught classes nearly to full-term when I carried you, and I'll do it now as well."

Her son gave an exasperated sigh, knowing better than to argue with her. "Okay, but what's that going to do with Josh?"

Iris flashed her sharp teeth and held her paw up, showing off the golden band on her paw. "No husband of mine is going to not know how to dance. Naturally, he's my partner in crime at the studio! He's a quick study I might add!"

"You've got to be kidding..." Andy groaned.

Iris made a flourish of a spin before winking at her son with a smug little grin. "You can't do a Tango alone, honey. Of course, I only want one male's paws on me these days, so naturally, he's my partner in the classes!"

Andrew snarled a little at the motion, his mind imagining his mother in her red dance dress but in her current state. He had known Josh had the hots for his mom since middle school, but to him, the idea of such a thing made his tail shudder in all the wrong ways.

"Joshua looks rather fetching in the slacks he wears during the class, you know?" Iris purred lovingly as she pushed a paw to her chest.

"Mom! Are you guys really this serious after just like... what... six months?!" Andy hissed out with his paws clenched.

"Serious enough for a winter wedding, yes. That's why you came home, correct? To give your mother away to your best friend next week?" Iris purred playfully seeing the angry glare from her son.

"I'm not giving him to you, he can fight me first! I'm going to kick his ass!" Andy roared out with a stomp of his footpaw.

"You touch one piece of fur on him, you'll be getting your ass spanked by me like when you were a rambunctious cub! Don't you think because I'm pregnant and you're an adult now I can't take you over my knee, Andrew Jai Bakshi. Do I make myself clear?"

Andy felt his blood go ice cold, his rounded ears folding before all the resolve drained from him at his mother's savage scolding. "R-right... Sorry..."

Iris frowned as she rubbed her belly, feeling the fluttering again at getting worked up. "Andrew, I understand your concerns, but again, we are both adults. Joshua has been kinder and more loving to me than your father ever was. Please try to be happy for us, not resentful. He works hard in school and still helps me with dance classes, he has been giving nothing but full focus on me."

He sighed and nodded before putting his paws on his hips with a grin. "I always knew if he found a real girl, he'd quit the otaku 2D crap and dial in, but I never knew it'd be my own damn Mom!"

"Otaku... 2D?" Iris tilted her head, looking confused, pushing a paw to her own jaw as her head titled.

"Nothing important, Mom. Just glad he's not wasting time on video games or shows, he's actually stepping up it seems," Andy explained with a small smile.

"O-oh!" Iris winced and gave a giggle as she rubbed her belly.

"Y-You okay, Mom?!" Andy mewed out with worry in his voice.

"Yes, honey, just one of your little sister's getting a bit active..." Iris chuckled and then smiled at her son. "Would you like to feel?"

He frowned but curiously stepped forward, his paw hesitating before his mother gripped his wrist and pushed it to her belly. His eyes widened as he felt the faint fluttering tremors through his pads. "Wow... that's so weird!"

Iris giggled and looked proud as she lifted her muzzle. "Not as active as you were when I was this far along with you. I knew you'd be a rambunctious cub before I even had you!"

"Heh... I was a pawful wasn't I..." Andy's ears shot up as the rest of the words caught up with him as he looked into his mother's purple eyes. "Hang on... sisters... as in... plural?!"

"Yes, honey... I wanted it to be a surprise. I'm carrying twins! A puppy and a cub, both little girls it seems!" Iris cooed proudly as she felt the stirring as he pawed her belly curiously, his eyes wide in shock.

"Damn it! Potent bastard!" Andy snarled, then mewed as his mother gave one of his ears a light tug.

"Andrew!" Iris hissed out before pulling her paw away.

"Sorry! Sorry... but damn, Mom... twins?!" He mewed out as he pulled his paw away from her belly and looked down at her showing figure in disbelief.

"You were and will always be my little khazaana, honey, but Mommy always wanted a little girl too, and your friend has given me two, as well as a new lease on life, so be happy for us, alright?" Iris purred proudly, her paw rubbing at her tummy, feeling her girls fuss against her pads.

Andy sighed and pinched his snout, as if not liking it, but then gave a nod to her. "Alright, alright, Mom... I've not seen you this happy in years, so I'll untie the knot in my tail."

"Thank you, honey, I really am elated and love him very much!" She said fondly as both their rounded ears perked, as if now that it was safe, the fox took the cue to come in.

"Kitten, I'm home! Let me get change and I'll- Urf!" Joshua barked in shock as he rounded the corner, seeing both the big cats standing there, the slightly larger one already snarling at him.

"Kitten?" Andy grumbled and looked at his mother with a small glare.

"You behave, Andrew. You promised me you'd be good." Iris gave him a slight glare as she walked past him, her flowery tone bellying the fury a mother would unleash if she was argued with again. The larger tiger snarled but snapped his jaw closed, jerking his gaze away.

"Welcome home, baby. We'll head out in a few minutes," she cooed in a sensual tone that made her sons tail shudder uncomfortably, the tigress closing in to push her muzzle to the fox's both of them sharing a fairly modest kiss. Usually they would have tongue and snarling, but she was being respectful of the company.

Joshua shuddered at her kiss, feeling his anxiety melt away before breaking from her lips with a loving huff, his paws moving to splay over her showing belly, feeling the small tremors in his pads. "Hello to you too, girls... Daddy missed you too..."

"Guh! Do you gotta do that, man?!" Andy finally roared out with a half glare, his cheeks feeling hot and glaring as he started upon his best friend blinking at him awkwardly, both the fox's paws on his mother's belly.

"Oh, uh... Sorry, man, I guess this would be awkward for you!" Josh barked a laugh and rubbed his head. Iris looked irritated his paws left her belly, but composed herself with a snort. He normally got on his knees and gave her belly some nuzzles and kisses by now.

"Yes, we will try to curb the PDA because you're so obviously sensitive to it, honey," Iris showed her teeth in a smug grin, knowing she'd get a rise from her son over that.

"I don't care about PDA, Mom! I just... seeing you two doing it is weird okay?" The larger cat snarled and put his paws on his hips.

"Okay, okay, you boys catch up. I'm going to go get my bag for class packed!" The tigress moved in to lap her fox's jaw with a kiss, then gracefully slipped from the room.

The two boys had an awkward moment of staring at one another, the silence so thick you could cut it with a knife. Finally Andy stepped forward and bumped the fox with his shoulder to step aside. "We need to chat outside, c'mon."

Josh had to step back a pace, growling a little at the shove but gave chase, shoving his paws in his jacket he still had on. Stepping out into the cold air, Andy made a gesture like he wanted to reach for a cigarette, then frowned at his empty pocket.

"Cutting back?" Josh asked, steam drifting from his maw in the cold.

"Yeah... gonna be a big brother soon, gotta stay healthy for my... sisters," he grumbled as he shoved his own paws into his pants pockets, not having bothered to don his own coat on the way out.

Josh sighed and lifted his muzzle. "Hey, look... I know this is awkward, and I know you've been talking about-"

"Turn around," Andy snarled and glared at the fox.

"Why?" Josh cocked a brow skeptically.

"Fuck, will you just do it already!" The tiger snapped.

"Oh whatever..." Joshua rolled his eyes and turned around, then yipped as the cat lightly kicked him in the rear.

"There! I kicked your ass like I said I would, so... I'll respect Mom and stop being such an ass about this!" The tiger scoffed as the fox gave him an awkward grin and turned back around.

"So we cool then, man?" he asked the big cat with a hopeful tone.

"As cool as we can be! I mean... Dude, you fucked my Mom! You even fucking bred her!" Andy roared out with a huff.

"Heh... But I love her, wanna be a good dog for her, I'm not just playing her, you know? That's something isn't it? You didn't want her alone after your Dad ditched you guys did you?" The fox countered with a smirk.

Andy clicked his tongue and just glared for a moment, then stepped forward, jabbing a clawed finger into his chest. "Dude... you hurt my Mom, I'll fucking break every bone in your body, you understand?!"

"Hey, it may have started as puppy love, but I've loved Iris since I was a kit, I'll never betray her love or trust. You got my word on that, man. If I ever hurt her, I'll kick my own ass then let you go from there," Josh growled and set his friend with a stubborn glare.

"Hmph... good enough I guess... I'll let you get ready and we can talk after her dance class. I need to unpack in my room anyway," Andy took a few steps towards the door as Josh called out to him.

"Ah, about that. Uhm... We already remodeled your room, it's uhm... the nursery now," Josh barked out awkwardly.

"What the fuck? I've been gone half a year and... Is the guest room at least still intact?!" The tiger snarled back at him.

"Of course it is, but did you think your Mom would just keep your room unchanged? You took all your personal stuff and she stored the rest, it's not like we trashed-"

"I know! I know! I just..." Andy grit his teeth, feeling an ache in his heart before jerking his gaze away. "It's fine." Josh lowered his ears as his friend stalked back into the house, leaving him alone in the cold air of the afternoon, clearly understanding how hard it must have been on him to know his room wasn't waiting on him.


"Come now, darling, remember the steps. You let your partner guide you along during this phase. Let your heel slide on the dance floor as you keep one leg hooked!" Iris explained to one of the couples while Josh grinned as she pushed right into him, her belly against him, the tigress skillfully hooking one leg around his own before dropping her heel.

The red dress she wore had a part for her left leg as she shifted her body fluidly around his own, just as lithe and elegant as she was even when not six months along. Iris gave a deep purr, even while instructing, she could feel her pushing up to him more sensually than the dance needed, even if a Tango was very up close and personal. Josh had to keep his cool and maintain his own pacing, gripping her paw as he turned her body gracefully.

"That's it, just like that, darling!" Iris called out while hugging her fiance, looking back at the couple that were adjusting to her cues.

"This class is really coming along, I think one more lesson and they'll be ready to go," She hummed proudly as she locked the door, and stalked back over to the waiting fox, her heels clicking on the dance floor as he stood there with a proud grin on his muzzle.

"It's because I've got such a reliable partner to help me now..." Iris moved like a gentle flowing steam as she glided up into her fox's arms, the younger boy embracing her, one paw on her jaw, the other on her hip.

"Watching you dance always mesmerized me, made my heart ache for you, even when I was little..." Joshua growled the words as he stepped back, pulling her along as they shifted back into their own private dance.

Iris hooked her leg around his, dropping it to the floor for him to pull her body along with him, shifting her hips to reposition in a fluid motion, almost perfectly timed as he stepped from her legs before they shifted once more.

"My ex never wanted to dance with me, but you're a natural, baby..." She snarled and pushed close, her muzzle against his own, both of them cheek to cheek as he flexed his paw on her hip, feeling his claim of love upon her pushing into him, feeling the feathering movements from within.

"I'd dreamed of dancing with you, of course, I'm going to do my best for you, kitten!" He huffed into her rounded ear, stepping back as she clung to him but threw one leg out, bracing on a lone heel as the fox pulled her in a full circle before hooking a leg with his own, the two of them pressed together again.

"Ngh..." Iris offered a rumbling purr, her claws digging into his scalp as she pushed her lips to his own, Josh's eyes widening as her tongue met his own. The tigress pushed closer, her purrs being swallowed down by the fox as they somehow kept the Tango going even through the kiss.

Iris broke from his mouth with her tongue showing slightly, a strand of their mixed saliva hanging for a moment before she jerked her head back with a flourish, then pulled back with a wide sweep of her leg as he matched the movement.

She offered a grin as he pulled her back into his grasp, hiking her left leg high, showing her whole thigh as she almost brought it up over her head before he caught it by the ankle as she pushed close.

"It's so hot when you do that... I'm still impressed you can right now!" Josh shuddered as Iris purred, her belly pushing nice and firmly into him along with her breasts, the fox just holding her leg in his grip.

"Advantages of being flexible, comes with the trade, yes?" She purred and dropped the leg to his hip, booking it before she fluidly sunk to her knee, the fox gasping out but moving with her as she gracefully moved right to the floor, her fiance falling into her arms as their muzzles crashed together in a passionate kiss.

Joshua growled like he was feral, tongue flicking and rolling, the tigress happy to oblige, her tongue matching his pace, his growls swallowed up as both their paws tangled into their hair. He felt her get a pawful of his white hair, claws digging into his scalp, he'd been growing it out so she had more to grip these days. His own paws snatched the sticks out of her hair, tossing them across the dance floor so her long flowing blonde hair could cascade down.

"Good dog..." Iris snarled as she broke the kiss, her paws running through his messy white hair, tongue showing in a pant as he pushed into her, both of them on the dance floor with him atop her slightly.

"Fucking love you, Iris..." He growled and moved in, nipping and offering love bites on the big cats throat, his confidence more secure in touching her after half-a-year with her. She purred lovingly and leaned back, bracing on one paw, her other proudly resting on her belly, feeling the fluttering movements within her.

"I love you as well, Joshua... you are my everything, you and our girls... and I guess my bratty son!" She giggled and lifted her hips slightly as hips paws moved into the crimson folds of her dress, the material riding up on her soft thighs as he eagerly peeled her panties down her strong shapely legs.

"You're my world..." he panted as he hastily snatched open the front of his silk slacks, the crimson length coming into view, fully slid free from his base of white fur.

Iris licked her chops and said nothing, simply bracing on the top piece of her heels as she spread her legs, the dress fully riding up, showing her soft thighs and hips, her petals pink against her white striped fur.

"Right here, my proud papa-fox, the mother of your kits is dripping for you..." she cooed proudly as her left paw moved around her belly to reach between her legs, spreading herself to show her clenching walls.

"Oh gods... you are so fucking hot!" Joshua barked out and moved right between her legs, his thick tail shuddering as he lined his tapered tip up to that opening she was offering, grinding and shifting his hips.

"T-That's it baby... ngh... come on, just push forward, I need it..." Iris panted out, then gave a soft yowling moan as the fox did just that, his hips moving forward as she felt that tapered tip sink into her, the rest of his jumping length following, forcing her tight walls to spread as he moaned with her.

Joshua groaned then offered a weak grin as he felt her strong legs wrap around him. Iris licked her chops and braced back on both paws, jerking him nice and close, the fox barking a laugh as he collapsed onto his own paws.

Both of them were nose to nose now, hearts in their eyes as the tigress kept a firm grip on him, so tight he couldn't move, just forced to stay inside her. She purred lovingly and then offered him a playful grin, her own tail lazily colliding next to her on the floor.

"Ngh... Iris... kitten... I can't fuck you if you keep me like this!" Joshua barked a laugh, then offered a little yip as her walls just started flexing, milking and kneading that jumping length deep inside her.

"Oh no... what... ever... will you doooo?" she mewed out and huffed in a smug purr as she ground her own hips, even on bottom, she was working him herself, not letting him have the lead.

"Oh... my... godsss..." he whimpered and squirmed, his left paw cupping her jaw, still bracing on his right, feeling the stirring inside her now as well. "Fuck... I- I can feel our girls fussing inside you, maybe you should... take it easy a bit!"

"Ngh!" She bit her lower lip as he gasped out, feeling her walls ripple against his jumping length, then tiger honey drench his lap, dripping off his full sacs. She lolled her tongue slightly, panting into his face before she eased her legs, but kept them wrap around him. "Huff... huff... okay, baby... all yours."

Joshua growled with approval, his claws pushing against the dancefloor as he nodded and started working his hips. Iris mewed out as his strokes started kissing deep inside her, the tigress' walls like fire as the clenched him, feeling that length jump and gush prelove into her, their two daughters fussing gently inside her to their parents activities.

"Ngh... T-there there... calm down girls... daddy and mommy just need... huff... a little time together..." Iris mewed lovingly, bracing on one paw, her other rubbing her belly, then looking up to see Joshua clench his teeth, hearts in his eyes and whimpering at the display.

"Oh gods, Iris... kitten... fuuuck that is so sexy when you do that!" he barked out, tears in his eyes as the tigress mewed out in a gasp as his thrusts started becoming more erratic, the father of her kits starting to pump more fervently into her as she panted up at him, hearts in her own purple eyes.

"Oh... yes... yes! Come on, Joshua... right... there!" She roared out, her claws flexing against the floor and her belly as her walls crushed him again, more of her love dripping off his sacs that were slapping up against her.

"Gods!" Josh snapped his teeth together, trying to endure the orgasm as the tigress snarled and locked her legs around him tighter.

"Get in here, baby!" she roared out as he barked out, feeling her jerk him against her with those strong legs, his knot just popping right in as he looked stunned before her, the tigress proudly purring as she looked up at him, looking smug as she rubbed her belly. "Two's good enough... go on!"

His mind went blank as his body happily followed her orders. He threw his head back in a throaty howl of love, both his paws shoving to her belly. The tigress grinned proudly as she felt him grip her tummy, feeling the stirring of his daughters, then moaning out in her own roaring cry as his thick ropes of love started filling her.

"Good boy... good dog... my dog..." Iris slurred the words, panting as she moved both paws to brace herself, Joshua just nodding to her words as his thick gushes of heat flooded her already well claimed womb, making her walls ache as if the pup and cub in her were growing on the spot.

His tongue sagged out of his jaws, panting in relief as the relentless clench of his older lover's walls finished milking the last few ropes in. Iris groaned in relief, panting up at him, "Oh gods baby... you managed to make me do it again just erupting in me... ngh... you're sooo good, Joshua..."

He had to wipe his jaw of drool as he tried to compose himself, whimpering as she was still clenching him, then offered a small loving smile to her, hearts in his green eyes for this older tigress he'd loved since childhood.

Iris folded her ears and winced before giggling and rubbing her belly that was looking nearly full-term now. "Okay... Okay girls... we're done, stop treating my womb like a punching bag... ooph!"


A week later Joshua found himself standing on the porch of the small venue they had rented out for the reception, just a little conference hall on a plot of land at the local park. Flakes of snow were slowly drifting as the sun dipped down the horizon, cascades of purple and orange scattering across the sky like a kaleidoscope.

His ears lifted as he heard the door open, smelling instantly the familiar odor of his best friend, not even bothering to look back. The larger boy moved next to him, sinking down to rest his own arms on the railing, looking out of the field adjoining the hall. "So that's it huh?"

The fox looked down at his paw, seeing the new ring there next to his engagement one. "Yeah, still doesn't feel real," he whispered out, hearing some laughter muffled inside through the walls.

"You can say that again... I always thought I'd be the first to settle down between us," Andy sighed as he flicked his tail a few times, then looked over at him. "What are you going to do now?"

Josh smiled at him and shook his head. "The same thing I've done for the last eight years or so. Love her with everything I am, take care of her, live every day for her."

Andy perked his ears, lifting his muzzle a bit, showing he respected the words. "I'm a little jealous if I'm being truthful, man."

"Oh? Got a mommy complex, Andy?" Josh showed his teeth in a grin, then yipped out as the tiger shoved him.

"No you asshole!" Andry roared out with a glare, the fox laughing before he flicked his ears down and followed up, "I mean jealous that you've got someone like that, and you guys are so into one another. Her being my mother aside, it seems nice."

"I just got lucky... Had Iris not taken the initiative, I'd have just let it stay buried, I know that... I'm not as confident and strong as you two are," Joshua frowned as he looked back out over the field, settling back down on his elbows.

"You're plenty strong man... You'd have to be to want to be with my Mom, she's a fireball, even I know that. She told me... you're changing your majors?" he asked while leaning forward a little more to look over into Joshua's face.

He smiled and folded his ears, giving a nod to the question before answering, "Yeah, switching over to business and adding a creative arts to the mix."

"Why?" Andy asked point-blank.

"Because I wanna help Iris open her own dance studio. I wanna help her run it." Joshua looked at his paw once more, staring down at the new ring. "I got my dream already, I wanna see she gets hers."

"Damn... Respect, Josh... that's all I've gotta say to that..." Andrew gave him a nod and looked out over the field as well. "I know you're gonna take care of her, and I've enjoyed this week being home again, getting to spend time with you on video games, when you're not on my Mom!" He mewed out with a grin.

"Ha ha... Yeah, Iris insisted I make time to hang out with you since we're both off for winter break from school! I'm really glad too... I did miss you, even if I have been balls deep in your mom almost every day!" Josh showed his teeth in a challenging grin, then barked as the tiger shoved him again.

"Dude! I don't wanna hear that!" He snarled out with a glare.

"Heh... I know, but I thought you'd enjoy some light-hearted humor from your new step-"

"I will break you if you finish that statement, Josh! I'm older than you by three months, you are not my fucking Dad!"

Josh barked a laugh and waved his paw with a grin. "Sorry, sorry, I couldn't help it!"

Andy grumbled and leaned forward on the banister with a sigh, whipping his own tail about before asking, "So, no honeymoon or something?"

"Nah... we both get plenty of time together, and we'd rather enjoy our time with you while you're visiting!" The fox grinned over at the tiger.

"I appreciate that, and I appreciate the guest room isn't adjoining Mom's room so I don't have to hear you two!" Andy mewed out with a laugh.


Iris stepped out of the bathroom that adjoined their bedroom, the charms and beads along her hips shifting to her movements. She paced over to the side of the bed where her new husband sat up with a big goofy grin across his muzzle at the sight of her.

The tigress offered a smug little grin as she lifted her arms, wrists covered in topaz inlaid bracelets, a see-through bra supporting her sizable breasts with more dangling beads along the front of it keeping her nipples out of sight. Her waist sported a small sash that had its own charms dangling with a flowing skirt that draped over her strong soft legs, a sheen of soft blue that matched well to her white-striped fur.

Her heels clicked as she gave a spin, charms tinkling and her myriad of hanging earrings catching the light of the room as the flowing skirt that hung down to her ankles lifted to show her round backside. Of course, the showing twins she was carrying made her furred belly the main attraction in her belly dancing outfit, fluttering movements filling her as she started to dance for her new husband.

"Holy hell... oh my gods..." Joshua barked out like a little pup on the yuletide, his tail a constant blur behind him as he watched the girl he'd fantasized about his whole life now giving him a wedding night dance, all while proudly sporting their two daughters they'd be meeting in a few months.

Iris flicked her head, her long blonde hair up in a ponytail, the earrings bouncing as she shifted and moved her hips humming to herself, even moving a paw to cradle her own belly, showing her sharp teeth in a smug grin, hearts showing in her purple eyes for her young husband.

"Gah! My nose isn't bleeding is it?" the fox whimpered out as he rocked in the bed, looking ready to launch off the mattress, his own green eyes showing hearts, that tail smashing into the sheets in an excited wag.

"No, baby, you've not gotten those since you were thirteen," Iris purred as she turned away from him, the see through silk of her skirt leaving nothing to the imagination, the skimpy thong she wore showing off both her cheeks clearly, her thick tail whipping about, showing a blue ribbon wrapped around the base of it to match the rest of her outfit.

"Damn... just... damn, love..." he whimpered and huffed out, his eyes glued to those shifting hips, his ears flicking higher whenever she would paw her belly, biting his lower lip and just knowing that was his daughters fussing in the tigress he loved.

"Oooh... baby, I'll not be able to do this too often, your girls are not thrilled with all the movement..." Iris giggled and even offered a little mew as she rubbed her belly proudly while shifting her hips, charms tinkling to the movements as she huffed with the effort.

"You can stop now if you want! I'm going crazy already!" he barked out frantically and hopped right up to close in on her. Iris giggled as his paws went right to her belly, huffing eagerly as he felt his daughters stirring in his new wife, whimpering loudly as his claws raked through that taut white fur.

Iris grinned lovingly and kept slowly shifting her hips, but didn't push his paws away, instead she moved closer, feeling them slide around her belly to her backside, the fox groaning hotly before their muzzles pushed together into a deep kiss.

Her tongue met his, the deep growls from his tigress wife rolling down his throat while they rolled and teased at one another, her belly pushing close so he could feel her claimed state while his own paws kneaded her backside.

"Huff... been pawing on my ass more these days, baby... trying to say it's getting too plush and I should try to work out more?" Iris cooed against his jaw while hugging him tight.

"No way, it's perfect just like the rest of you! You're carrying with so much grace and sexiness... Fuck... but you know... speaking of your ass..." Joshua growled as he pulled back to grip her paws, walking backwards and pulling his new wife along.

Iris lifted her muzzle and grinned. "Oh, you want it in that position for our first time as husband and wife? Kinky fox..." She pulled from his grip and with a flourish, brought her paws up under the see through silk, then made sure to turn and even bend forward a little, lifting her tail high to peel her skimpy bottom off.

Joshua snarled and sounded feral as his tigress smirked over her shoulder, showing off her plump round rear, even wiggling it a few times before turning to face him once more. With a paw on her belly, she pushed right past him to climb upon their shared bed.

Sinking down on her knees, she braced on her front paws, her tummy even pushing down into the mattress from being so heavily pregnant for this young dog she now called her husband. She looked over her shoulder and said nothing, just lifting her tail nice and high, showing off the clearly soaked petals, her thigh fur also damp from her need.

"I don't deserve you, I so do not deserve you!" Joshua barked frantically, tugging his silk slacks off he had worn for the ceremony today. Iris just purred nice and loud for him and lazily swayed her round backside in invitation as she saw that jumping fully slid free length came into view.

"I'd say I don't deserve you, Joshua, my husband... huff... now then, enough of that. I'm yours now, so... well, you know, baby." She lowered to her elbows and grinned as he climbed right over her. He was a bit smaller than her, but still was able to move into a proper mounting position.

"Yes... fuck... mine... Gods above does that sound amazing... you're mine, Iris!" he barked as he shifted to line that tapered head right up with her soaked entrance.

"All yours, Joshua, now fuck me like your bitch!" she groaned in demand, then offered up an excited mew as his tapered tip pushed past. Her sharp teeth snapped as her purple eyes rolled up, a low rumble of a growl filling her throat as she felt him forcing into her, making her walls spread to take him. He bumped to her core as she gasped out, her tongue showing as his entry alone was enough to take her over that edge she was riding.

"Oh my gods... oh my... gods... fuuuck..." he whimpered out as he dropped to his own paws, his chest to her back as he moaned out her praise, feeling her crushing his jumping length.

"Joshua, baby... ngh... are you crying back there?" Iris looked back with her purple eyes, seeing hearts in them as her hips started to work back against him.

"N-No!" Josh sniffled and growled before shifting his paws to rest on her own, moving to fully climb over her, his footpaws dug into the bed as Iris moaned out, feeling him shove against her.

"Are too... ngh... it's okay... I love you so much, so don't stop ever loving me, okay, Joshua?" She purred and leaned back into him, lifting her muzzle to scent mark his jaw as he panted while nodding to her words. His hips just kept grinding, that tapered tip pushing deep into her, making her toepaws curl in her heels she still had on, the silks hanging off her body, charms tinkling to the movements of his hips.

"I won't... I won't... you're my life, Iris... everything... fucking... everything..." he snarled and squeezed her paws, his own snout pushing against her muzzle, returning the scent sharing as his hips just kept grinding, pumping deep into his new wife, her own honey dripping off his sacs.

"Oooh... come on girls... huff... let mommy and daddy... ngh... enjoy their wedding... ooph... nope, I guess not..." Iris giggled and winced from the fussing in her, then lolled her tongue as Joshua pushed nice and deep.

The fox gave a proud grin as he heard his tigress offer up a soft moan, her body giving in to his now familiar movements, feeling her shudder before she panted down into the sheets. "Gods... I can feel them inside you..." He panted into her rounded ears, the tigress giggling as she felt his length jumping hard, a knot already kissing at her drenched entrance.

She lifted a paw up to rub at his jaw while he panted, bracing on her other elbow. "They'll just get more active as the days go by baby... I never thought you'd be so smitten to see me pregnant... maybe... should we have more aft-"

"Yes! Please! I wanna breed you again and again!" Joshua snarled frantically, Iris giggling and purring as she rubbed under his muzzle.

"Okay okay... you're a bit too frantic right now to take seriously, but I'll think about it... I wouldn't mind a son or two out of you as well, baby..." She showed her teeth, feeling him jump hard in her as he pushed deep, moaning out at her teasing words.

"Yes... a few boys... a cub we'll name Andy the second just to drive him crazy, and I want a junior!" Joshua barked out eagerly, already picking out names for the would-be sons, his hips frantic now as they slapped against her wife's rear, feeling that knot smacking at her entrance.

"Yes! Yes.... whatever you want baby... now knot me!" Iris snarled the orders, then lolled her tongue as her fox crashed into her with an almost feral sounding snarl, that knot lodging nice and deep.

"Fuck fuck fuck!!" Joshua barked the words, then threw his head back and howled in a throaty moan. His friend in the other room snarled and shoved his pillow over his head to drown out the following roar of a moan his mother made.

"Joshua! Baby! H-husband... fuck... fuuuuck... so much... so much!" Iris mewed and moaned, her own tongue showing, drool piddling from it, hearts in her eyes as each thick rope gushed into her claimed womb, her little girls going wild inside her from their parents fervent mating.

"Love you... so... fucking... much!" Joshua snarled the words, sounding savage as he loomed over his tigress, shoving his hips hard as she mewed out, nodding her head as she felt the last ropes forced into her, several more inches added to her showing pregnancy, his knot ensuring not a drop was getting out yet.

"Gods baby..." she mewed in exhaustion and winced as she had to find her paw pads to lift herself up so her belly could have room, looking ready for labor from how much he'd given her.

"Iris... fuck... I love you... so much..." he whimpered as he also lifted himself, feeling his pup and cub in her still fussing as his length jumped against her rippling walls, his wife giving in one last time in the afterglow of their first time as a married couple.

"I love you too, and our girls... even if I think they opened a dojo in my womb!" She giggled and winced with a wink at him, feeling them fussing hard in her, knowing it'd just get rougher on her as the last days of her term approached too quickly.

A few hours later they were cleaned up and cuddling in their bed, the fox clinging to his wife, his head on her left breast, one of his paws on her belly, feeling the tremors from his girls. "Heh... still sore at us? Daddy is sorry, girls..." he cooed lovingly.

"You, are a liar, Joshua... You're not sorry at all," Iris cooed into his ear, the younger boy grinning before leaning up to lap her jaw with a growl in his throat.

"Nope! I'm not," he confessed with a loving grin.

Iris purred, her own paw rubbing her tummy as well. They settled into quiet for several moments before she finally asked, "So... was that the sex talk, or were you serious about wanting more?"

He perked his ears and lifted back up, looking down at his tigress who was purring while looking up at him, her paw still rubbing her tummy. Joshua swallowed a lump at the sight of her and nodded his head before answering, "I uh... wouldn't mind trying for a little son, if you want to, Iris."

She purred louder, showing him a smug grin as she lifted her muzzle. "What if I keep giving you girls, baby?"

"Then I guess we'll just have half a dozen daughters!" Josh barked out excitedly.

"H-half a dozen?! I married a breeding fiend, that's what I did!" Iris mewed out with a grin.

"O-oh... uh... okay then how about just five?" he asked with his own crooked grin.

Iris snorted and rolled her eyes before pulling him back down to rest on her chest. He hugged tight to her, nuzzling her breast as she huffed out after a few moments, "We'll see... I'm not saying we'll have half a dozen, but I'm willing to try again once our girls are here if you are."

Joshua felt his heart leap, nodding his head rapidly as his tigress just shook her own, a smile playing on her lips as her free paw fondled the ears of her new husband, feeling their daughters stir inside her, knowing keenly she'd be in this position again soon enough.


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One Last Sleepover

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Club Propagation: Third Round

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Club Propagation: Second Round

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Patreon]( or...

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