One Last Sleepover

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#3 of Commissions

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

This is a commission, my lovely, so CHECK THOSE TAGS!

Josh and Andy have been friends since middle school, but now that high school is over, they'll be parting ways for college. With Andy leaving very soon, they don't have a lot of time to spend together, so maybe one more sleepover for old times sakes, yeah?

Andy's friend has always had a crush on his mother, Iris though, and now that Joshua is all grown up, will Iris take notice, or will he just stay the little kit she'd always seen him as?

Let's jump right in!

This is a commission for Fappybat

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

This is a commission, my lovely, so CHECK THOSE TAGS!

Josh and Andy have been friends since middle school, but now that high school is over, they'll be parting ways for college. With Andy leaving very soon, they don't have a lot of time to spend together, so maybe one more sleepover for old times sakes, yeah?

Andy's friend has always had a crush on his mother, Iris though, and now that Joshua is all grown up, will Iris take notice, or will he just stay the little kit she'd always seen him as?

Let's jump right in!

One Last Sleepover

"Hey, Josh, you wanna have a sleepover at my place tonight?"

The words took the fox by surprise, his white ears lifted, black fur at the tips of them as he looked back at his buddy. His friend was leaning against the side of his own car, smoking a cigarette, both of them still wearing the aprons from their job but name badges off.

"A sleepover? Andy, we've not done a sleepover since we were... what, freshmen or something?" Josh asked with a confused cock of his brow. The look in the fox's green eyes said he was skeptical of the idea. He'd planned to just go home and binge-watch the latest anime series that just dropped.

"Oh come on, we both leave for college in a week, and it's probably the last time we'll ever get to! We can sit up all night playing video games and even sneak into what's left of the old man's liquor cabinet for old-time's sake!" Josh snarled as a plume of smoke drifted from his muzzle, the tiger's ears flicking a few times from the cooler breeze of the dying summer night.

"Well, you'll be leaving anyway, I took a scholarship from the local college," The white fox said matter-of-factly, staying downwind of the smoke. Josh put his paws on his hips as he looked up at the night sky, unable to see any stars thanks to the light pollution of the city.

"One-half dozen or another, right? You just wanna go home and jerk it to two-d bitches, or have one last bro night with your best friend? We both know how this shit works, we promise to keep in contact, then find girlfriends, have fucking kits, get married, and end up just saying hi once or twice a year online," Andy snarled the words, already sounding jaded and bitter with the future.

"Thanks for the motivational speech, Andy," Josh growled and unbuckled his apron, moving to open the backseat door and toss it inside along with his messenger bag, his large fluffy tail flicking a few times as he stared down at the floorboard of the car, then looked back over to the white cat with deep brown stripes along his coat. Lots of others in school used to joke around that they could be brothers since Josh also sported a coat of white but had black on the tip of his tail and ears.

Andy finished the last pull of his cigarette before flicking it to the parking lot and grinding it out with his heel. "So what do you think, man? Hanging out with me one more Friday night, or gonna spend it with Soggyroll?"

Josh frowned and gave a small nod, his green eyes looking determined as if he'd had to shore the courage up to break out of his little bubble of privacy. "Y-yeah, can you swing by my parent's house first so I can get a change of clothes and such?"


It had easily been over a year since he'd been to his best friend's house, and a pawful more since he'd actually stayed over. The scene was the same as always, a clean well-appointed kitchen, soft plush carpets, and lots of family pictures hanging about the walls of his friend as well as his three older sisters. There were even a few pictures of the fox and tiger together.

Andy stalked over to his friend who was staring at one picture, the two of them at a water park when they were young teens, his mother Iris next to them, the big cat offering a peace sign, wearing a rather skimpy two-piece that really showed off her curvy hips and breasts.

"Reminiscing, man?" Andy asked with a sad grin.

Josh perked his ears and looked back at his friend's brown eyes, both of them staring for a long moment before the fox gave a shrug. "Only a little bit. It feels surreal to think we've known each other since middle school sometimes, yet here we are... adults."

"Damn, are you nineteen or ninety?" Andy mewed out with a laugh and shoved his friend's shoulder. "Stop moping so much, we'll still hang out as much as we can online and shit, right?"

"Y-Yeah, sorry!" Josh barked out from the little shove and smiled at his best friend.

"You can use the guest room for your stuff, it doesn't get much use these days so it might be a little dusty though," Andy said somewhat apologetically.

The fox nodded as he responded, "It's cool, the place feels quieter without your old man about, do you still talk to-"

"Fuck that guy," the tiger snarled in response, Josh getting the clue and snapping his jaws shut, not pushing the topic further as they walked into the guest room.

Upon entering, the door was already open and the first thing he saw was the nice firm round ass of an older tigress in unapologetically snug hip-hugging jeans. She was up on her bare footpaws with a feather duster, cleaning the ceiling fan's blades, her white striped tail coiling and flicking in focus.

"Eh? Mom! I told you it was no big deal!" Andy growled out.

Iris turned with a grin on her muzzle, and though she had a bra on under her blouse, there was still a bit of bobble in her chest from the movement. She held the feather duster in one paw, her other resting on her curvy hip as she purred before speaking, "Andy! I wasn't about to have little Joshie stay in a dusty room, and your text didn't give me much warning, but it's the least I could do!"

Her sharp teeth showed as she locked her purple eyes on the young fox's green ones. He felt his heart shove into his throat, his cheeks growing hot under his fur as he dropped his gaze to his footpaws, an eruption of butterflies exploding in his belly. He'd always thought Iris was gorgeous, even done things to himself while thinking of her a few times through the years, more than a few when puberty had first started.

"T-thanks Miss Bakshi... Sorry to uh... be troublesome..." Josh muttered timidly before the larger big cat that just seemed to grin all the wider at his shyness.

Andy snorted, knowing full well what his best friend thought of his mother, and hip-checked him to make the fox stumble to the side out of his daze. "Yeah, thanks Mom," the younger tiger grumbled out.

"Don't be such a sour puss, honey. I got the two of you your favorite snacks, just like when you were teens, so try to enjoy this night, okay boys?" She showed her teeth with a grin, her purple eyes showing a glint in them as she continued, "I made sure to lock the liquor cabinet too, so no funny ideas!"

"Seriously mom?" Andy snarled and put a paw on his hip.

She wagged a padded finger at him. "I can smell the smoke on your fur, young cub! I told you that-"

"Do we have to do this right in front of, Josh?!" He countered with a hiss.

"D-Don't mind me, I'll excuse myself!" He barked out as he fled the room without another word. He pushed a paw to his chest as he moved out to the deck they had that overlooked their yard. They weren't a wealthy family but still better off than his own who just lived in an apartment.

The cold air of the late summer night seemed to calm his heart. It had been over a year since he'd seen her, but the sight and scent dragged those memories of a young pup's crush kicking and screaming back into the present day. Iris and Andy's father had divorced three years ago, the fox having heard some of their fights in the past when he'd stayed over.

A few minutes later he heard the screen door open, his friend's voice calling out, "Hey, sorry about that..."

"It's no big deal... She's right, you shouldn't smoke, man... I don't get on your tail, you're a grown fucking cat, but I also worry about you... So, I get where your mom's coming from, you know?" Josh didn't bother looking back at his friend, just resting against the deck's guardrail, overlooking the small grassy lawn.

"Uh, thanks, just stress gets to me and..." Andy trailed off before moving next to him, leaning on the railing as well. "Whatever, I'll try to cut down again, I guess if you and Mom are both going to ride my tail about it."

"You'll have no one to ride your tail soon enough man, best to break the habit while you can," Josh spoke matter-of-factly into the open air.

"I know, I know... by the way, I couldn't even keep up with your tail, it was wagging so fucking hard at seeing my mom. Did you pop a boner staring at her ass or something?" The tiger purred out with amusement.

"D-Dude, shut up!" Josh barked out with a growl.

"Heh... She's single now you know?" Andy catcalled out, purring again as he coiled his own tail. "I'll be leaving for school soon, no man of the house about..."

"That's it, I'm calling a cab and going home!" Josh barked out and turned to stalk back into the house.

"Oh don't get your tail in a knot, I'm fucking with you! Come on, let's go play some games and make ourselves sick on junk food like the old days, yeah?" The tiger quickly headed him off, Josh frowning and looking up at the larger boy, his ears perking before he offered a small nod.

The night of merriment kicked off, the two boys having dominion over the den for the entire night, playing lots of games, most of them from their childhood. That being said, they were both adults now and had even worked all day. They weren't hyper young teens with boundless energy that could refuel on sugar, and by one in the morning, it was starting to show.

"Hey... hey..." Josh shoved on the tiger's shoulder as he gave a little grunt and almost dropped the controller in his paws.

"Whu?" Andy yawned and shook his head.

"You nodded off again, let's call it a night, man, you're falling asleep..." the fox said gently, the tiger looking like he wanted to argue, but too exhausted to fight it.

"Ngh... okay, okay... fuck..." Andy stumbled to his footpaws with another yawn, looking down at his friend still sitting on the floor cross-legged. The fox just offered him a knowing smile as the tiger gave a nod and shuffled off to his room.

Josh flicked his ears as he looked at the two controllers on the carpet, the loop of stage select music still playing from the game that was running. He closed his eyes, listening to the loop repeat a few more times, then reached to the console and powered it off, silence overtaking the house.

With a soft sigh, he climbed to his own footpaws and tidied up the area so Iris wouldn't have to do it in the morning. Putting away the games, and gathering up the snacks. Once everything was sorted, he got his toothpaste and other things from his duffle bag, going through his own pre-bed rituals.

Walking back to the guest room from the bathroom, he stopped at another picture on the wall. He'd noticed, none of the pictures had Andy's father in them. This picture was actually one of just Josh and Iris. He might have been twelve and she was probably late twenties. He was just hugging her, the tigress showing a loving motherly grin and rubbing the small puppy's ears. His heart pitter-pattered in his chest as he pushed a paw to it, biting his lower lip before he padded off to the bedroom.

Flopping back into the bed, he frowned as he took out his phone, just trying to wind down a bit more from the day. His mind kept drifting back to earlier, seeing her in those jeans, that scent of her still lingered in the room. Even now she was just as pretty and sexy as he'd always found her.

Josh bit his lower lip, his mind drifting, thinking about her more and more, then thinking about what was under those jeans. Of course, his body was already responding to the fantasies, a large rise showing in his boxers. His paw hesitated, darting his eyes to the cracked door, he'd never slept with his door fully drawn too, just a weird quirk about hating being trapped in a room.

Not hearing anything he growled to himself, half chastising himself mentally as he withdrew his length from the opening of his shorts. His crimson tapered tip had a shiny bead of precum showing as he gripped the base in his paw, licking his chops as he closed his eyes, thinking about that tigress.

He'd done this plenty of times before, feeling himself throb as he slowly pumped his paw, imagining her ample breasts, trying to picture her naked. Imagining what it was like to be in her mouth, or plunging into her tight little pussy.

His tongue lolled, panting now, feeling himself building up quickly, thinking of her body, daydreaming about her for the first time in years. He whimpered out a little, chewing on his lower lip, then snapped his teeth together, growling as he started to reach that point of no return.

"Gods... Iris... Iris... fuck..." He panted her name out then gave a shrill bark of shock as his door cracked open a little more. The fox yipped and shoved his paws between his legs, shielding himself with wide green eyes as he saw the tigress he'd been fantasizing about appear in his doorway.

"You were calling for me, Joshie?" She tilted her head, a smile playing on her muzzle, clearly seeing what she'd walked into. Of course, she'd been listening in, peaking past the crack as best she could on the young fox.

"I-Iris! M-miss Bakshi... uhm!" he barked out in a panic, the older girl just giving a knowing smile as she stepped further into the room and drew the door close behind her.

"Joshie... I know how boys work, no need to be shy..." She was dressed in a simple nightgown but the material clearly hugged her breasts, outlines of her peaks showing, the flitty blue lace draped over his soft-looking hips, coming down to her knees. It wasn't a sexy outfit by any stretch, but it still made her look alluring to him from how it hugged all the right spots. "Also... Just call me Iris... I liked hearing you say my name, Joshie..."

"W-what? I-Iris?" he barked out and grabbed the sheets of the bed, covering himself awkwardly as the tigress closed in on him, her purr deep and loud in his ears, her scent heady as his ears flicked awkwardly while huffing it in.

"Josh... were you really doing that while thinking of me?" she asked with a tilted head, her long blonde hair scattered down her back, one lock of it covering a purple eye slightly as the tigress shifted a paw to her gown, hiking the right side up to show more of her hip to him.

"I- I'm really sorry! Gods, I'm so sor-" She shoved a padded finger to his muzzle with her other paw, his green eyes shuddering before he gasped out as she forced her digit into his maw, feeling her pad hold his tongue down.

"Now, now... good boys don't make excuses for what they've done, Joshie..." she purred and looked down over the smaller young fox who nodded his head a little and she even felt his lips purse, as if suckling a little on her finger while shivering.

Iris cooed and slowly withdrew her paw, running her own tongue along the digit that he'd been sucking on, then sunk down to the bed, sitting down next to him as he offered a little awkward whimper at her proximity.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad, Joshie... have you done that before while thinking about me?" she asked with a purr, her paw raking a set of claws through the short jagged locks of white hair he sported.

He couldn't muster words, her touch, her scent, being caught but then scolded and told it was alright. It all overwhelmed him, so all he could do was offer a nod in confession to her question.

"I'm flattered, but you were doing it all wrong, you should learn to explore yourself more, Joshie... Here..." she cooed and gently grasped the sheets, the fox resisting only a little before she pulled it from his grasp revealing his slightly flaccid length shamelessly sticking out of his boxer shorts.

"Oooh nervous, sweetie? No need to be... see?" Iris moved her left paw right to his length, grasping the base of it, the fox snapping his teeth together, eyes locked on her own, seeing her grin confidently as she started to pump, working and feeling his eagerness return.

"Huff... that's right, Joshie... I saw how hard you were... it was impressive... so I know you're just nervous... does this feel good?" she asked while continuing to pump her larger paw, her touch skilled, even her pads seeming to know where to rest to maximize the pleasure. The fox could only whimper and stay locked onto those purple eyes, his own showing little hearts for this older tiger that he'd been crushing on since puberty.

"There you go... that's a good fox..." Iris praised him as his length quickly rose to the occasion, jumping and throbbing in her grip. "Alright, let me show you the proper way to do this, my sweet fox..." Iris cooed as she slid further into his bed, Josh giving an awkward bark as the larger tigress easily hefted him to sit between her legs.

She pushed against his back, his teeth clenching as he felt her large breasts mash up against him, her breath hot against his ear as her right paw came forward to grasp his length for him once more. "Pay attention now..." she cooed out as his eyes darted down obediently, watching how she gripped his length, still unable to believe this was happening.

"Mhm... rest your pads like this, Josh... this way, they hug at your length... Do you see? It's an awkward position for your paw at first, but doesn't that feel better, sweetie?" she explained as he shuddered, his tongue peeking out as he panted, nodding his head as she explained, and then did the technique on him.

"Y-Yes miss... I-Iris..." Josh stammered out, whining as she squeezed a little harder while pumping.

"Uh-huh... that's a good boy... you always behave and listen to me... that's why I was happy to have you over so often... you'll behave and listen to me tonight too, yes, my Joshie?" She purred into his ear, her free paw moving to rub and squeeze his full sacs then drifted up to that swelling knot, listening to the young fox whimper at her touch, nodding rapidly at the question.

"Y-Yes ma'am... yes Iris..." he panted out, then gasped as she shifted her forefinger to push right below the tapered tip, his tongue sagging out of his jaws as the tigress proudly snarled.

"Good boy... good dog... now... don't think... just give it to me!" She offered a final squeeze and applied pressure with her pad right at the tip of his jumping length beneath that tapered head, the skilled touch of an experienced wife more than a match for a young newly turned adult fox.

His mind went blank as he offered a defeated moan, as she panted another order in his ear right as he was giving in, "Say my name..."

"Iris! I-Irisss..." he slurred and slumped against her, his hips jerking hard, the tigress purring with pride as thick ropes of his love for her erupted forth, shooting across the bed sheets, the heady scent of his cream and the pheromones of his release mingling with her own potent scent of want.

"Good boy... good boy..." Iris cooed and gently pumped his jumping length as the thick ropes gushed out, licking her own chops as she heard the fox whimper and fully slump into her arms, panting in relief, some of his hot sticky spunk dribbling over her fingers that still gripped him.

"Did that feel good, Joshie?" She purred and leaned nice and close, lapping the side of his jaw. The younger fox shuddered at the kiss and nodded his head rapidly.

"S-So good Miss B- Iris... oh my gods... if this is a dream, don't wake me, please?" he panted out and shakily raised a paw, moving it over her face, the first time he'd touched her intimately, his claws raking through the fur of her white muzzle, the right side of her jaw sporting a stripe that moved up across one eye.

"Not a dream, my Joshie... but you're young and full of energy. I know we can spend more time learning a thing or two tonight, would you like some more... paws on lessons with me?" She gave him another purr as he quickly nodded.

The sticky top sheet was cast off the bed, then the tigress settled at the headboard, the fox before her as she grinned and brought the straps of her nightgown down over her shoulders, tugging her arms out of the loops before holding the front of the gown, not letting the goods come into view just yet.

"Now Joshua... I like it when you obey and listen, but I want you to be a proper adult too now, so if you want to see these... well, you'll have to muster up that-" Iris gave a surprised little mew as she couldn't finish, the younger fox growling and wrenching her nightgown down for those large full breasts to spill forth, however, the tigress grinned as he barked out in shock to see both her rose-hued peaks sported gold rings in them.

"Holy shit!" Josh stammered out, his jaw slacked a little, his tail wagging.

Irish pushed her hair back off her shoulder, giving him a loving gaze, one arm moving under her breasts to push them up more. "Do you like how they look, Joshua?"

"Oh... gods... that's so hot on you, Iris..." He bit his lower lip both his paws shaking as he moved to grasp them the first set of breasts he'd ever touched and never dreamed this was what they would look like in all those fantasies he'd had.

"Hgn... yeah, don't be afraid... touch me how you want..." She purred and gripped his wrists, then slid her own paws over his fingers, forcing his thumbs against her pierced peaks. "Go on... circle against them... push a little hard, I can take it..."

"L-like this... Iris?" he asked curiously, his forefingers digging claws in, his thumb pads just pushing against her puffy nipples, feeling them grow even harder, the tigress offering a little hiss and wince, but nodding her head for him.

"Yesss... tug my rings, Joshie..." She looked him in the eyes, biting her lower lip.

"O-Okay..." He hesitated, then gripped each nipple ring and offered a slight little tug, the tigress hissing but then glaring at him slightly.

"C'mon... harder, sweetie, give 'em a good- Ngh!" She clenched her teeth and shoved her paws against the sheets, claws digging in and breaking thread as she winced, eyes teary as she mewed out, "Ha! T-too much... lighten up..."

"Sorry! S-Sorry!" he barked out and pulled his paws off her breasts, the older girl panting, her tongue lolled, looking blissful all the same before she composed herself and gave him a motherly smile.

"That's okay sweetie... You want to know a secret?" she asked him as the ache started to ease in her breasts, the fox offering a small nod to the question as she continued, "You're the first to see them, well other than the piercing guy that did them... I got these about a year and a half ago once I finally got over the divorce, so... I'm glad you like them."

"Wow... I'm... I feel special that you let me be the first to see and touch them!" Josh barked out childishly, his paws feeling more daring as they moved to the rest of the nightgown, starting to tug it down her hips.

Iris offered an approving grin to his paws and lifted her hips, his green eyes growing wider as he realized she had no panties on beneath, soft round hips, and toned but shapely legs coming into view. She had a little plush in her sides and belly, but given her age, she was in great shape.

"Don't misunderstand, Joshie... I don't just strut around the house without panties on... but listening and peeking in on you from the hallway, well, they're laying there on the floor a crumpled soaked mess... I was stroking myself a little..." she confessed calmly, then without a word, she gripped under her knees and spread herself wide for the young fox she'd had in her life since he was ten.

His tail fluffed, as the tigress spread herself, looking proud and giving him a knowing look as he saw another gold ring in her navel and a smaller right at the pearl of her now-exposed sex. Her petals were puffy and clearly wet, showing she'd not exaggerated about the panties.

"I-Iris... Y-you smell and look... amazing I... uhm..." He bit his lower lip nervously as she offered a toothy grin and moved a paw to grip his right one, keeping her legs spread.

"Right here, sweetie, push your fingers right here against that ring..." she cooed and directed him to touch her, his eyes wide, feeling the delicate heat from her flesh, his fingers curiously rubbing at her entrance, the tigress letting him finger at her, feeling the soaked entrance to her before she guided his touch back up to her pearl. "Here Joshie... work that spot... please?"

His heart leaped when she said please, nodding several times as his pads started to rub and push against her pierced pearl. The big cat nodded and panted, then bit her lower lip, tears showing in her eyes as she panted to his touch, "Good boy... I wanna get off too, Joshua... I want you to do it, okay? Will you make me cum like I did for you, sweetie?"

"I- of course I will, Iris!" he barked out, looking determined as his teeth showed in a growl, his paw growing more determined as the tiger before him nodded and panted louder.

"Oh yes... please... keep going, Josh... please... It's been... too long... please... please!" she begged, her eyes wet, panting seeing hearts in his own eyes, seeing the love, the lust, and the adoration. "Gods, baby, I'm begging you!" she cried out, the fox gasping at being called 'baby' and pinching at her spot, not sure what he was doing but pinching that spot hard.

The tigress moaned out in an almost roar, her tongue lolled looking absolutely stunned and distant as she was brought to crest for the first time by another in literal years. "Ha! Joshua... Josh... baby... fuck..." she practically sobbed out, tears showing in her eyes, the fox looking stunned, confused, and in love, while he rubbed, watching the larger cat writhe before him, her walls clenching, his finger curiously pushing into her entrance to feel her clench as if suckling upon his padded digit.

"Yes... oh my gods... yes... Come... here..." She opened her arms and the fox wagged his tail, moving closer, but then barking as the tigress threw her arms around him, her muzzle crushing up against his own as she drew him into a deep kiss.

He squirmed and groaned, not quite sure what to do, having never kissed another before. His ears perked as she grunted, shifting a paw to tangle into his hair, yipping a little as she jerked his head to the side, her own tilting. His eyes widened as he realized the position let their muzzles lock together more directly, then her tongue was forcing his lips to part.

Before long they were in an open-mouthed kiss, and when her tongue moved forward his own joined it. After several moments of the kiss, she broke from it with a huff, then the world spun on him as he felt himself flop onto his back into the pillows.

The tigress growled with a hungry snarl, licking her chops. "Enjoy your first kiss? Thank you for returning the favor and getting me off, baby..."

His heart throbbed, biting his lower lip as she climbed over him, his body responding to her touch and taste, his heart pounding at the pet name as he stammered out, "I- I really... like hearing you call me... baby..."

"Do you, Joshua? Ngh... Joshie is a pet name for a puppy, but look at you, my dog... my fox...I'll call you Joshua from now on, and baby when it's just us like this, how's that sound... baby?" She offered him a loving grin, her blonde hair looking a little disheveled as it hung around her face, a little white showing in the roots.

He bit his lower lip harder, nodding rapidly as he stared into her eyes, the tigress showing a loving grin as they pushed closer, her paw running through his jagged white hair, his own tangled into her own long flowing blonde locks. She could feel he was getting there again, feeling him pushing up against her thigh while she leaned over.

"We're going to do it again... think you can kiss me better now that you got your fist nerves out of the way, baby?" She stroked his large white ears, showing her teeth in a grin as a small growl started to bubble up in the fox's throat.

Iris mewed out as he wrapped his arms around her neck and crushed his lips to hers. She practically roared her approving moan, feeling his fingers tangle deeper into her hair, her own paws dripping his ears as their tongues met once more.

His snarls filled her maw, the tigress happy to swallow them down, a deep rumbling purr coming forth that made him shudder, their tongues flicking and practically wrestling against one another, sharp teeth flashing as they gasped between kisses as if forgetting to breathe from their noses.

"Huff! I love you, Iris! I have... since... I was... a puppy!" he panted out the words, frantic, as if worried she'd cut him off, the big cat purring even louder as her fox moved in, offering love nips along her throat, then shoving his snout under her jaw, scent marking the tigress, all while gripping her hair harder.

"Joshua... ngh... baby... I've always loved you in my own little way, but I think after tonight..." She snarled and went back on the offensive, the fox yipping as she dove in for another heated kiss, his own moan erupting, feeling his length jump hard against her while their tongues flicked about, as if vying for dominance.

She finally grasped his large ears and jerked him from her, the fox barking out, his eyes looking stunned, little hearts in them as he panted up at the older girl he'd just confessed to. Iris gave him a loud rumble of a purr while shifting over him fully, the bed dipping as the larger cat climbed over him fully, pushing her soaked petals to that reinvigorated length before here.

Jerking her head, she tossed her wavy blonde hair behind her, licking her chops as she brought a paw down, grasping that jumping crimson length, feeling it throb. Her purple eyes locked on his own, his tongue showing in a pant, looking as in love with her as he claimed, the tigress ready to make this young fox that she'd seen grow up, a proper dog.

They were past the point of words as she gently pushed that tapered tip into her entrance, shifting her hips, showing the skill and experience of a girl twice his age, working him into her fiery hot walls until the tip settled.

Her paws splayed over his chest, her large tail flicking a few times as he sucked in a breath, blinking back tears as she slowly lowered her hips, his tongue showing as he processed what was happening, feeling the tigress he'd fantasized about since puberty now taking him inside her.

She was hot and tight, her walls felt like they were clenching every step of the way as she huffed out in a deep groan, "You're... bigger than... my husband... that's for... sure..." Iris gritted her teeth, feeling him already pushing at the limits she'd felt with her ex-husband, but could feel he had more to give.

With a shudder of her tail, she just slapped her hips down hard, the smaller fox barking out in a shocked yip as the tigress fully forced him in, her own tongue lolled, seeing stars for a moment from just how deep inside her he was.

"J-Joshua... baby... holy gods, sweetie..." she panted out and leaned back on him, looking down, her belly clearly showing a faint bulge, feeling just how deep he was, somehow holding him all.

"Iris... gods... it's so tight and... hot inside you... I don't even know how to describe it... but it's so much better than I ever imagined!" he groaned his confession, the tigress nodding as she dropped back to her paws, bracing on the mattress, looming over him as he blinked up at her with hearts clearly in his eyes.

"Baby... this is intense, I won't lie... fuck... I didn't think a boy could get that deep in me... huff... you're making me... crazy..." She dug her claws into the sheets, moaning softly as her hips started to rock, feeling him digging against her so deeply it felt like he was pushing past her cervix to her womb, her confession just making him jump harder as she purred.

"I- I feel good too! But.. I'm so happy I'm making you feel good..." He shuddered and bit his lower lip, moving a paw up to cup her jaw, seeing the girl he'd been dreaming about since he first got interested in sex, now looming over him, her larger strong body shifting, the pierced breasts swaying as she rode against him.

"You are, baby... so good... and I'm so happy... to be your first... huff... Gods Joshua, shift your hips, grind back against me, I know I'm heavy on you, but just do your best, okay baby?" She got back to instructing him, gripping his paws as she sat up, moving them to her hips as she moved and shifted herself.

The fox nodded obediently to the experienced cat, his hips grinding as best he could with a larger girl riding him, the movements not as challenging as he first thought once they got to it. Even with the virgin nerves, nature started to take over, their movements settling into a rhythm, her soft hips shifting forward as his own tried to push away, making that length throb inside her.

"Yes... yes... Right... theeere..." she cried out in a deep moan, her tongue lolling, hearts in her own eyes as he yipped out in shock, looking stunned as that hot embrace just clenched like a vice.

"Holy shit!" he barked and snapped his teeth hard, wincing as she licked her chops, feeling her milking at him, her walls seemingly rippling as she gave in, her honey drenching his lap, making him reek of tiger lust, of his best friend's mother he'd dreamed of.

"Good boy... huff... you made me cum with your cock, my ex never could do that, always had to get me off from outside like earlier... ngh... you're my first vaginal orgasm like that, Joshua... huff..." she confessed and sunk back down, now on her elbows, nose to nose with him, her heavy breasts squeezed into his chest.

He flung his arms around her neck, staring into her eyes, nodding his head. "I... d-didn't do anything... it's all you Iris, but... ngh... I'm happy and... I'll do my best for you!" he barked out, his eyes looking determined as he started to buck harder under her, the big cat mewing happily as she felt that jumping length start to dig more intently.

"Oh! Yes, Joshua, right there... huff... come on baby, right there..." she mewed and felt her large tail coiling as she worked her hips back against him, making his tapered tip drive harder against her. The big cat snarled and clenched her teeth, having not felt this much pleasure in easily twenty years or more.

"It's... Gods... it's really tiiight..." he whined out with a moan, his claws digging into the back of her neck, panting and working his hips as he just kept pushing up into that viciously tight tiger pussy of hers.

"It issss... it's because you're making me cum and just still fucking me... ngh... keep going baby... keep going... You can knot me if you want to, I can feel you getting there again!" she mewed out through her orgasm, shuddering as the fox just kept driving into her, kissing deep, feeling the bulge of his knot slapping at her entrance.

"I can? really?!" he barked out excitedly, staring hard into her heart-filled purple eyes, the tigress licking her chops and nodding while they ground against one another, feeling yet another release at the door, both of them frantic to finish this first time.

"Yes, baby! It's safe this time... a few... weeks before my heat, so... yes, Joshua! Claim me as you fantasized, knot me, fill me with your love, and say it again! Tell me... you... love me!" Iris dug her claws into the back of his head while they clung then he barked out as her full hips smashed down into his lap one last time to finish things, that knot forcing past, settling deep inside her as it finished blooming to full.

"Oh my gods! I love you! I love you Iris, I fucking-" She snarled savagely and shoved her maw to his own, both of them locking into a desperate kiss, his claws digging into her scalp through the blonde hair that was hanging down over him, her own in his as she swallowed up the throaty moan that erupted from him as the first fiery rope flooded in.

Their tongues rolled about, desperately tasting one another, brushing over sharp teeth, refusing to part the frantic kiss, his thick gushes of love filling her womb, her own honey soaking his lap fur as she gave in again as well.

She finally broke the kiss and had to raise up, putting a paw to her belly as she felt him just keep flooding into her, making it poke out more and more. "Gods baby... so much... even after that pawjob... Fuck... fuck... that's it Joshua... I love you too... so just let... it all out... every... last drop... for me... yes?"

"Yes! Yes... I love you... I... love... Ngh!" His ears folded as he tucked his tongue, wincing and clenching his teeth as she milked the last thick rope of his love in. The young fox rolled his heart-filled green eyes up, collapsing fully back on the bed, panting in relief, looking stunned.

The tigress licked her chops, brushing a paw lazily over her heavily swollen belly, looking as if she was carrying his pups already. "So much baby... you... love me so very much..." He whimpered and offered a small nod, looking back to see her looming over him, looking proud of her new prize, possessive hearts in her own eyes.

His knot calmed down a few minutes later and he found the older cat he'd fantasized about now snuggled up to him in bed, though he was the one clinging to her, his head against her chest, her loud purrs filling his ears.

"I... meant it... I've loved you since I was a kit... I'm really... happy..." He nuzzled her furred breast, Iris purring proudly as she kept stroking his head.

"Joshua... baby... I'm a single cat now, you know? But still... Well, I'm not saying no, but why don't we talk about this tomorrow, preferably without my son around, yes?" She felt him nod to her words and cling tighter, as if afraid she'd get up and leave. She giggled and hugged him close as well. "I'm not going anywhere sweetie, and I'm not saying no... Let's just go over things, that's all, I love you... So relax and sleep my sweet fox..."

Joshua gave a nod and snuggled nice and close, shivering at her scent, feeling her arms and naked body to his own, his heart pounding, but sleep didn't take long to find him, the exhaustion of the day claiming its due. To say nothing of the sex and the multiple orgasms he'd had playing their part.

The tigress held him close, purring down into his ears, the young pup she'd seen growing up now a fully grown fox clinging to her, having spent his first time on her. She gave a small nod before relaxing, thankful she threw the lock on the door, deciding she'd keep this young dog if he wanted her to.


The young tiger snatched his phone up as he moved between classes. "Hey Mom! I'm in between classes, I got ten minutes, what's up?" he mewed out as he connected his earpiece after fumbling it on.

"I just wanted to see how college was going, honey. Have you made any friends yet?"

"A few possible buddies and this one girl is talking to me that's pretty cute, but it's only been a month, Mom!" Andy spoke out calmly as he ducked and weaved between the students while moving out of the building, the sun beaming down as he moved towards one of the facilities on the other side of the street.

"Oh, I do so hope you find some friends and a girl you say?" Her voice took on a playful tone.

"Heh... Come on Mom, I'm not saying it could be like that, just friendly talk right now!" he mewed again as he walked, then followed up, "Anything going on with you?"

"Ah yes! I do have something rather important to tell you, honey! A few things actually!" she mewed out, his ears flicking as he stopped in his stride, not having expected something 'important'.

"What is it, Mom?" He asked with obvious interest in his voice.

"Ah, heh... well, uh... that is to say..." She grinned and shifted a paw over her belly as she continued, "First off... I'm engaged, and second... you're gonna be having a little brother or sister soon!"

His books fell out of his paws as he stammered out, "Wait- What the fuck?! Mom, you're kidding right?! Engaged?! I- I didn't even know you were seeing someone, do I even know the guy?! How can you even be pregnant?"

"Your father got surgery to be safe, I didn't. I started seeing him right before you left, honey, and, oh yes... I'd say you know him quite well, honey," the older tigress cooed the words in a happy sing-song voice.


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Joshua is the property of the commissioner of this tale, Fappybat. All other characters are my intellectual property. This written work is copyrighted to me and may not be reproduced, sold, or redistributed without my consent.

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