Club Propagation: Third Round

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#3 of Commission - Club Propogation

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

This is a commission, my lovely, so CHECK THOSE TAGS!

The club doesn't close it just doesn't stay in one spot! We're off to visit a few new girls this go around! A tough tomboy of a bear and an elegant mature fox mother. Both of them are dominant girls in their own right but in very different ways.

Connie is a playful flirt who sometimes goes a tad too far to the point of bullying. She likes smaller boys than herself, but given she's a bear, there's no shortage of those! She likes a good guy that can push back though, not one that just shirks away in fear! Still, it'd take a stubborn determined boy to wrangle a bear like her!

On the other paw, Natalia is s more level-headed fox who has a little pup of her own to worry about. She's a bit haughty and a bit fussy, but has a good heart. She isn't interested in anything but her puppy and friend Connie's well being, but even a mom is allowed to let her hair down once in a while, right? Let's just hope the boy that takes an interest in an older vixen is ready to do as he's told!

Let's jump right in!

This is a commission for Kondog

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

This is a commission, my lovely, so CHECK THOSE TAGS!

The club doesn't close it just doesn't stay in one spot! We're off to visit a few new girls this go around! A tough tomboy of a bear and an elegant mature fox mother. Both of them are dominant girls in their own right but in very different ways.

Connie is a playful flirt who sometimes goes a tad too far to the point of bullying. She likes smaller boys than herself, but given she's a bear, there's no shortage of those! She likes a good guy that can push back though, not one that just shirks away in fear! Still, it'd take a stubborn determined boy to wrangle a bear like her!

On the other paw, Natalia is s more level-headed fox who has a little pup of her own to worry about. She's a bit haughty and a bit fussy, but has a good heart. She isn't interested in anything but her puppy and friend Connie's well being, but even a mom is allowed to let her hair down once in a while, right? Let's just hope the boy that takes an interest in an older vixen is ready to do as he's told!

Let's jump right in!

Club Propagation: Third Round

"Oh my... You are one pent-up buck, aren't you sweetie?" Large slick paws slowly glided over the glossy looking thin fur of the deer who was lying on his back on the massage table, huffing as he looked up, seeing the larger brown-furred girl looming over him, her paws kneading at one of his arms. He was in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts with a towel draped over his lap to keep him decent.

"Y-Yeah, Connie, threw my shoulder out at work the other day, that's why I booked the appointment to be seen ASAP," He winced but then groaned in relief as the tension eased in his shoulder and arm.

"Oh is that why? Here and I thought you were just eager to see me again..." she hummed out in a playful tone, then showed her teeth in a grin as she leaned nice and close. "Hang on, let me get nice and... deep... into this muscle here..." As she puffed the words, her heavy breasts settled right atop his crotch, the buck sucking in breath through his teeth as his rounded ears flicked, hearing his breath quicken, a small grin showing on her muzzle as she felt him reacting.

"O-okay... fuck..." He winced but then huffed out in relief again as the twitching in his arm finally subsided, his paw flexing a few times.

"There we go... hum... feels like you're getting tension in other areas now though..." The larger female shifted, letting her full breasts push down as she seemed to look over her clients shoulders, the buck widening his eyes as he met her brown ones that locked onto him, as if she couldn't feel that bulge under the towel.

"Uh... uhm... you don't say?" he stammered out with a small squirm of his hips, the larger female bear showing a grin.

"Yeah sweetie, you sure are..." She leaned close, puffing against his ear as her chest fully sank down against him, feeling his length clearly jumping, no doubt mostly at the ready. Her long dirty blonde hair drifted over one of her brown eyes as she moved almost nose to nose with the smaller deer. "You wanna... well, you know..."

He gulped hard, biting his lower lip, his own brown eyes wide as he nodded several times, her sweet scent tickling his nose along with the faint odor of massage oil, his heart starting to pound in his ears. He'd been to her a few times now but never dreamed this kind of situation might come of it.

"Oooh, I'm so happy to hear that, sweetie... Well since you wanna..." she cooed out, then just as suddenly, rose right up from him with a lazy smirk on her muzzle, the soft pressure of her chest gone and a clear prominent rise showing in the towel over him as she calmly trotted to the door of the room. "I'll set you up with a follow-up in one week, you'll get a text message confirming the appointment. I'll excuse myself so you can get dressed." She gave him a wink and finger gun before she trotted right out, the bear's plump rear in her scrubs the last thing he saw as the door clicked closed.

"How was your shift, darling?" Her co-worker and the other masseuse at the clinic asked while washing her paws, still in her scrubs. The bear easily had two heads on her in height, looming down over the smaller vixen, who admittedly, was taller for most foxes.

"It wasn't bad, I got to tease up Mr. Fardendark pretty good. Pervy damn buck was getting a chubby as I shoved my tits against his crotch. He looked like he was ready to cry when I led him on and ditched him at the end," Connie chuckled as she dried her paws, the fox offering a disapproving snort.

"Connie, you shouldn't do such crass things, sexual harassment is a two-way street you know?" She dried her own paws, then gave the bear a stern look as if she were scolding her own puppy back home.

"Sorry, Mom!" Connie bellowed out with a laugh and then put her own paws on her hips to mimic the fox's stance. "Seriously though, Natalia, It's fun to tease guys sometimes, what's the big deal? Not like they don't deserve it. Be more masculine and you won't get picked on!"

Natalia gave a disapproving snort before running her paw through her long red hair, trying to tame it after the work day, her own fur a deeper almost auburn brown to the bear's lighter tones, her eyes green and sharp with the intelligence of an experienced mother.

"Really now? Because you've said time and again that the overly macho type annoys you, darling," the vixen countered with a knowing grin at having cornered the bear in the conversation.

Connie just clicked her tongue and looked annoyed before waving a paw. "Whatever, any plans for the weekend, Natty?"

"Natasha has a school recital Saturday afternoon, after that, there's a new documentary on composers from the Baroque era that I thought I might enjoy with a glass of wine once I put her to bed," Natalia said matter-of-factly as she peeled her top off right there, curvy ample fox breasts swaying in the lacy black bra before she dropped the bottom of her scrubs, equally frilly panties on display over her plush soft hips.

"That sounds boring as all hell, Natty. Why don't you come out with me after your puppy's performance? We could have a girl's night out!" The bear tossed her own scrubs into the hamper, her body still soft looking but clearly showing more definition and larger curves than the smaller vixen's, her underwear much more casual looking.

"Oh yes, Connie, just a wild night on the town with us and my seven-year-old. Shall we take in the latest kid's movie, or perhaps the elegance of one of those pizza-party places so that Natasha claims the ball fort and refuses to leave it again?" Natalia grumbled out dryly as she tugged on a simple dress that came down well past her knees, concealing her shapely toned legs.

"Kit-sitters are a thing, you smartass!" Connie laughed as she put on a snug set of jeans that had trouble buttoning, then a showy halter top that made her chest push out more prominently.

"I am not going to abandon my child for a night on the town because you seem to think you're in college again, darling! We are both in our thirties now, leave the club hopping to the kits!" Natalia barked out as she pushed a paw to her chest.

"Abandon? Gods, Natty, lighten up, it's a night out, not like you're going off for a week. Look, I'll even pay for the sitter, you could stand to let your hair down!" Connie smirked and shifted a paw to her hip again, seeing the vixen bite her lower lip to mull on the proposition.

"What... even do you propose we do?" She scoffed and looked up at those brown eyes that were showing mischief, her own green ones looking calculating as if she were dealing with a rambunctious cub and not a full-grown bear.

Connie showed a grin and answered, "A new club opened up this week and I'm dying to-"

"So you do wish to go clubbing! I am not going to subject myself-"

"Oh come on! You're sexy as fuck, Natty, get out there and flaunt it while you still have it!" Connie growled as she clenched her fists.

"I am not sexy, I am a mother and..." The vixen glared up at the bear who was slowly shifting her gaze to look more and more pouty at the fox. She folded her arms and gave a sigh, "You are giving me a look like you claimed your client did earlier."

"Come on, it'd be lame to go alone, and I've got no one else to hang out with. I love little Natasha, but I wanna do something with just you, Natalia! Let's go somewhere that isn't fucking childproof and G-rated!"

Natalia gave a disapproving sigh, then clicked her own tongue as she set terms, "I can cover my own sitter, but if we do this, you are to attend Natasha's recital with me in support of my daughter's creativity. I also do not wish to be out later than midnight."

Connie gave a victorious grin and nodded. "You've got a deal, Natty!"


"My little pup is growing up so fast, it won't be long until she's using a full-size violin, you know! Ah, her performance today was so much more improved than her last," Natalia barked out proudly as she pushed a paw to her chest, looking smug as she gazed out the window of the cab.

"Yeah yeah, she was great, really improved, but how about you try to worry about having some fun? You've not been out on the town since your divorce like what... five years ago?" Connie grinned over at the vixen who lifted her large ears that sported small diamond studs in them.

"Tut... let's not talk about that fool, I will try to enjoy myself, though I do feel this is a silly outing, we'll likely be the oldest girls there, Connie," Natalia folded her paws in her lap, looking back at the bear who wore tight hip-hugging black shorts and a similar colored halter top that split down the middle enough to show large ample swells of her cleavage, the black on brown ensemble looking rather nice on her large frame.

"You act like we're in our fifties, Natty!" Connie laughed as the fox frowned at her.

"Frankly, darling, to most of those early twenty-somethings, we may as well be. I fear we will stand out something dreadful."

"Well I won't, but you might, dressed like that. You look like you're going to a ballroom or symphony," Connie smirked as she commented on the fox's ruby-red gown that sparkled with sequins, offering a slip on one side to show leg with a dark stocking that rose up to disappear into the rest of the dress with a garter strap clearly showing. The vixen had on matching crimson heels, a far cry from the bear's casual sneakers.

"If I will be going out, I will go out as I feel most comfortable. If any boys find it too intimidating that's their problem!" Natalia shoved her nose up, looking snooty.

"Ah ha! So you are hoping to find a guy, eh?" Connie growled out in amusement as the vixen dialed her angry green eyes on her.

"No! I am accompanying my friend and hopefully helping her avoid making a fool of herself. I feel more like a chaperone in this than anything else!" The vixen showed her sharp teeth as she barked out the words, watching the bear give her a childish look.

"Gods, can you just relax and have some fun? Damn, I hope you do find a guy tonight! Getting laid might help you lighten the fuck up," Connie growled and folded her arms with a scowl as the driver started to slow as the cab pulled to the side of the curb.

"Let's just get this over with, Connie, I'll try not to ruin your fun with my maturity," Natalia snarled out as she climbed from the cab.

Both the girls made an odd pair as they stepped before the new club, one towering over the other and most of the others on the street, the vixen's shiny dress a foil to the bear's more casual wear.

A loud thrum of music washed over the two girls as they strode in. Neon lights raked about along with glittering dots that danced over the surface of the whole area from the mirror balls that spun on the ceiling.

"Did you drag us to a club or a disco, darling?" The vixen had to shout the words for the bear to hear them over the music. Connie just shrugged as they moved deeper into the club to find a seat at one of the booths near the bar.

"Hell if I know, just people dancing and sitting around drinking, what'd you expect, Natty?" She spoke out over the table, the bar having slightly muted sound so they didn't have to shout.

"I question if this is a normal club or a swingers establishment, my dear. Several couples were rather rambunctious with their paws. I think I saw one set practically on the verge of sex in one of the booths we passed," She rubbed her head as she spoke, as if she had a headache coming on already.

"Nah, I think if this was a swingers club it'd be more elaborately themed for it." Connie snatched up a laminated drink menu and gave it a look, snorting out a loud bellow of a laugh as she started reading the names.

"Surely it is not that amusing, darling." Natalia plucked the other menu up and scanned it over, her jaw gaping slightly as she stammered out, "'Failed Pregnancy Test', 'Knot Schnaps', 'Ovarian Overdrive'? Was this menu written by a horny romance author trying to be witty? Gods..." The fox snarled as she flipped the laminated menu end over end.

"Heh... I think it's great, it's just stupid drink themes like lots of bars have, Natty!" Connie chuckled as she skimmed over the drinks.

"Yes, a sex theme, further solidifying my theory that this is a swingers club!" The vixen growled out and narrowed her gaze. "Connie, I'm thirty-seven with a puppy waiting for me at home, I'm not going to just flit about here like some harlot, I'm probably the oldest girl in this place."

"Relax, we aren't here for tail, we're here for a good time. Let's at least have a few drinks and maybe dance or something, you can dance in those things, can't you?" Connie grinned as she leaned forward on her elbows, seeing the fox look even more fussy at the question.

"Of course I can... Though admittedly I highly doubt either of us would do more than look the part of the fool dancing out there," she sighed as she looked the menu over with another judgemental snarl.

"Oh shit, this sounds awesome!" Connie laughed out.

"What?" Natalia asked in a dry unamused tone.

"Harem Horchata: Spicy and creamy, with enough kick, you'll want to start that harem collection tonight!" She giggled as she read the description.

"Very creative, but you do like that rice milk drink, so perhaps it's up your alley." Natalia sighed as she read from the menu, "Ah look, they seem to have at least one wine. Forastera De Fertility: White wine cocktail that will leave you so fertile even your birth control won't protect you... How crass..." She sighed as she rolled her green eyes, Connie just laughing again.

"Well, you did plan to have some wine originally tonight, right?" Connie asked while sliding out of the booth to go order the drinks.

"Yes, I suppose that's true," the vixen frowned as the bear trotted over to the bar, her ears lifting, feeling that odd sensation of being watched. She had more tact than just jerking her head, so she calmly shifted herself to cut her eyes to the side, seeing a young mouse admiring the elegant fox that stood out in a sea of normal-looking clubgoers.

"Tch... Are you even old enough to drink, pup?" She muttered aloud to herself before shifting her focus to her cellphone, checking in on the kit-sitter with a text while she waited for her drink.

It didn't take long for Connie to trot back over, the bear presenting the wine cocktail to the fox. "Your Forastera De Fertility, madam!" She giggled as she tried to sound haughty.

"Please never do that again, darling," Natalia smiled up at her before taking a small sip of the cocktail.

"Heh..." The bear took a sip of her own drink, and then leaned close. "You know, you've got a cute mouse making googly eyes at you on your five o'clock, right?"

"I'm aware, just ignore him. I'm sure he'll shift his gaze to the next thing that struts by with the proper jiggle physics," the vixen groaned and sipped more of her wine.

Connie offered a predatory grin and huffed out, "Well you know I like to tease and pick on the little ones like that, maybe I'll pretend I think he's staring at me and go give him hell."

"Please, Connie, leave the poor thing alone. You need not harass every boy you encounter who remotely finds you attractive!" She showed her teeth, barking the words with some annoyance clearly showing.

"You jealous I get more clients popping boners for me than you, Natty?" Connie cooed out in a challenge as she sipped more of her drink.

"Gods! Why did I agree to this? What in your ever-loving bear brain makes you think I'd give two wags what the clients think? We don't give happy endings at our jobs anyway!" The heat started to rise in her voice, then she puffed out and sipped more of her wine, grumbling to herself.

"Whoa... getting feisty there, Natty! You okay?" Connie giggled as the vixen huffed and lifted her free paw to fan herself.

"I'm fine, it's just rather warm in here, or perhaps this cocktail is stronger than I anticipated... My apologies for losing my temper with you," Natalia sniffed her drink before shrugging and taking a more controlled sip of it.

"It's cool, not like we haven't argued before, but I still love you, bitch!" Connie winked as she sipped her own drink, also starting to feel rather warm, not that she'd admit it as she followed up, "Even if you are a lightweight."

"Really, can you not help yourself, darling?" Natalia barked out before just turning the rest of her drink up, gulping it down, and letting out a sigh, her large ears flicking erratically as she panted a little.

"Heh... you already drunk, Natty? That was fast!" Connie finished off her own drink, plunking the glass down and offered a challenging grin before asking, "One more?"

"Pah... I'm too old for drinking contests, if you want another be my guest. Why is it so damn warm in here?!" She barked out and tugged at the collar of her dress, her chest fur feeling damp.

"You're tipsy!" Connie grinned.

"Do I sound tipsy to you? Are my words slurring? Does my balance seem off, you daft damn bear?" Natalia barked and even rose from the booth with a huff, her tail fluffed out, hiked up and wagging, the mouse boy perking his rounded ears, his own wiry tail poking out at the view of the fox's backside he'd been admiring.

"Heh... Okay okay, I'm sorry, sit down before you give that poor pup behind you a nosebleed, Natty!" Connie cooed out as she patted the vixen's paw that was on the table.

This time Natalia did jerk her head around, glaring right at the young mouse who squeaked and snapped his gaze away. She'd not say he was handsome, more cute, with gray fur, short blonde hair, and it looked like some piercings in his ears. She did enjoy seeing boys with piercings in their- She growled and shook her head, as if to dislodge the thoughts as she slumped back down in the booth, rubbing at her face.

"You like what you saw?" Connie hummed.

"No! He's a pup and I've probably a decade and a half on him, I don't like what I see!" Natalia snarled, her green eyes looking fierce between the padded fingers of her paw.

"Well then, I think he's cute, maybe I'll go say hi!" The bear offered a challenging grin as she slid out of the booth.

"You do that darling, and do let me know if I need to find my own cab home," the vixen scoffed and grabbed up the glass of iced water, drinking several gulps to cool herself off before panting. Her ears lifted as the bear indeed did stalk over to the mouse, keeping a side eye on the couple.

The smaller mouse gave an awkward glance, his tail twitching as he realized the larger of the two girls was coming over. "Hey pipsqueak, you keep looking over at our booth, you admiring something over there?" Connie growled as she slapped her paws down hard on the table, making his half-drank cocktail slosh about a little in its glass. Naturally, the motion also made her ample breasts bounce and the leaned position offered the young mouse a clear view of the large furred swell of cleavage where her top parted.

"Wha?!" He darted his purple eyes up to the bear, seeing her brown eyes glittering with mischief and grinning down at him like she were a bully that'd shoved him up against a locker in the hallway.

"Bear got your tongue, pup? I asked why you kept looking over there. You see something you like, or just being a nosey little mouse?" Connie flashed her teeth, her dirty blonde hair curled so it made a little spring of it that bounced over one eye as she picked on the smaller boy, her small fluff of tail flicking in amusement.

His nose twitched at her heady scent, then shook his head, as if to rattle his brain into motion before finally answering, "S-sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude, I apologize, okay?" he spat the words out, the tone in his voice sounding ready to just run away from this large imposing girl interrogating him.

"Tch... that's no fun, can't you at least try to buck up a little, short stuff?" Connie rose up with a frown, putting her paws on her hips, then lifted her ears as she felt another paw grip her arm as the vixen moved next to her.

"Darling, you're making an ass of yourself and frightening the poor dear," Natalia grumbled to the bear.

Connie growled a little. "Oh, now you want to come over? Yeah, that's the point, it's no fun if-"

"Yes yes, well he's looking at you as if you want to shake him down for lunch money, so perhaps... lighten up?" The mouse bit his lower lip, looking up at the vixen he'd been eyeing all along now defending him as he looked back and forth between the two larger girls.

"Lighten up? Maybe he should man up!" Connie snarled and clenched a fist, glaring at the fox.

"H-Hey! Uhm..." He squeaked out, both sets of eyes heated and fierce as they snapped to his, the mouse gulping before stammering out, "Look, I'm sorry for being rude, but uh... I didn't mean to start you two fighting, you're obviously friends, right? So uhm... I'll excuse myself, sorry again for-"

"You need not flee the scene over my friend's overwhelming demeanor, young mouse," Natalia growled as she refocused her gaze on the larger girl looking down at her awkwardly now that she'd been put on the spot.

"Tch... You guys are no fun, I'm going to go dance or something," Connie poked her nose up with a snarl and stomped off, Natalia frowning at her back before shaking her head, still feeling overheated, this younger males scent that was tickling her nose not helping matters.

"Sorry to start a fight with you guys," he squeaked out awkwardly.

"We clash all the time, we will be no worse for wear over it, young mouse. My apologies; you were harassed to begin with," Natalia lifted her muzzle, giving him a long gaze as he sat there, her stomach clenching at the view of him staring up at her in awe, then she clenched her teeth and spun on a heel tail fluffed up as she took a few steps back towards her booth.

The heady scent of fox slammed into him, especially once her tail fluffed back, the mouse hissing through his teeth while his head spun from the intoxicating odor of her. "W-wait a sec!" He squeaked out.

He watched the vixen freeze in her stride, her tail flicking a few times before she seemed to ease the tension in her shoulders and looked back over one with a cocked brow. "What is it?"

"Uh... shit... can I uh..." He stammered and tried to get his brain to work, not having any intention other than to call out to her. "That is to say... can I get you a drink?"

Natalia gapped her jaw slightly, her sharp teeth showing as she clicked her tongue. "A drink... you wish to buy an older fox who is clearly out of her element here, a drink?"

"You don't look that old to me, and uh... I think you look elegant and sexy! A lot prettier than most of the fake girls here tonight!" He spat his confession out with clenched paws, offering a strong little glare up at the fox with those purple eyes of his.

Natalia lifted her ears, impressed with the mouse's bravado when he was clearly intimidated. She couldn't deny the attention and smell of him made her ache in a way she hadn't felt in easily a decade. "You are far too..." She took in a deep breath through her nose, more of his own musk filling her senses as she wheeled around and started marching towards the bar. "Come along then!"

He squeaked at the order and quickly downed the last of his drink before hopping right up and giving chase. Natalia lifted her ears as he paced up with her, shorter by over a head in length, no wonder the bear scared him, she was almost twice his size.

"Huff... White rum on the rocks, none of your silly named cocktails, just straight white rum if you please, two," Natalia snarled the orders to the bartender.

The persian cat with a deep blue coat offered a nod as he quickly filled two tumblers with ice and rum, the first normal drinks he'd made all night. He slid them forward as the vixen collected both and huffed out, "Put them on my tab."

"Wait, I was going to buy?" The mouse gave chase again as she just stalked back over to the booth with them.

Setting both drinks down on the same side, she slid into the booth and offered enough room for him to sit directly next to her instead of across, a move of confidence that even shocked her. "Sit," she growled the order as the young mouse did as he was told.

She collected the drink and held it expectantly as the mouse took a moment to process things before collecting his own. "Cheers then," Natalia growled to him as their glasses clinked, then she took the whole thing down in one drink.

He sniffed the drink, then watched her down it simply enough before following suit. His eyes watered from the sudden burn in his throat before he squeaked out in a cough, the vixen showing her teeth in amusement.

"Too much, pup? How old are you anyway, darling?" She huffed out and shifted a little closer, her leg pushing to his own as he shivered and awkwardly blinked up at her from the seat.

"Oh uh... twenty two, I just don't usually drink the hard stuff... This isn't really my kind of place," he muttered to himself as he fumbled with the glass that still had the two ice cubes jostling around in it.

"That makes two of us, were you also roped into coming?" she asked while looking him over, her stomach twisting and his purple eyes looking smitten for her already, as if in awe of her right next to him.

"Y-Yeah, one ran off with a girl within half an hour, the other, I don't even know, last I saw he was being dragged into a bathroom or something," He laughed a little, then bit his lower lip as she puffed down into his ear.

"Darling, you're cute, I'll give you that, and I'm properly inebriated at this point my reservations are rather... lacking you could say... however, I'm over a decade older than you, I've got a seven-year-old waiting for me back home. You really shouldn't-"

"I love kits, got a little sister around that age, I think you're sexy and beautiful, I don't care about the age gap, okay?" he squeaked out and just casually responded, his heart pounding at how the bravado just seemed to well up in him from the liquid courage he'd been imbibing.

"My... You certainly are a little sweet talker, aren't you, darling?" Natalia felt her heart pounding as well, the heat in her dialing up as she panted slightly before shaking her head.

"I'm uh... just saying what I think, you know?" He grinned at her with a cute smile, his front teeth looking a little more prominent as she watched his tail flick and coil.

"Tch... I do believe, my friend, and your friends, will need to find their own cabs home, get up!" the vixen growled the order as the mouse's purple eyes widened, his body responding instantly as he slid from the booth.

"Hmph... come along, before I change my mind, I'll need to text the kit-sitter and tell her she's getting overtime," Natalia scoffed out as the mouse squeaked excitedly but didn't argue, giving chase to the older vixen, her heady scent clinging to his senses as he followed.

"Wait- you're what?!" Connie growled as she moved off the dance floor to hear Natalia.

"I'm calling it a night, I've an engagement and as you said previously, I should let my hair down, yes?" The fox cocked a brow, the bear gapping her own jaw as she looked over the fox's shoulder at the mouse awkwardly standing, or hiding behind her as it were at this point.

"Uh-huh... Wow, uhm... You know what? I'm not even mad, just try not to break him, okay, Natty?" Connie grinned and winked at the mouse behind her.

"I give no promises," the fox growled and stalked right off, her tail fluffing as the mouse gave a little squeak and started following her once more, the larger bear just offering a laugh behind his back.

"Huh... Good for you, Natty, but fuck, what am I gonna do now? Awkwardly alone at the club after all, eh?" Connie frowned and put her paws on her hips, watching the fox leading her prize out the door.

With a resolved sigh, she turned back to the dance floor just in time to crash into another clubgoer, grunting out as she heard a shocked bleat from the ram she'd just bumped into.

"Geeze, watch where you're slinging that fat ass!" The younger boy snarled as he stumbled before righting himself and spinning on his heels to face who almost bowled him over.

"Ex-fucking-scuse you?!" Connie roared out as he looked up to see a bear looming over him with her paws clenched and teeth bared.

"Oh shit!" He jumped back with another startled bleat. "Hey, look lady, no hard feelings okay, just didn't expect-"

"My 'fat' ass to crash into your stupid tail? Yeah, my bad, so sorry about that, dickhead!" She growled as a small circle of spectators just seemed to form around them at the awkward standoff.

"Hey hey, look I'm sorry, didn't even see your ass before I spat that out okay?!" He raised his paws placatively; not many on the floor could blame him, you didn't argue with a bear in most situations, even the females were usually bigger than most males of various species.

She offered a snort as he backed down, her stomach clenching a little at him withdrawing like that. She did like it when they put up a fight but eventually submitted. He wasn't bad looking, with messy white hair, pretty long too, she did enjoy boys with longer hair.

"Buy me a drink to make it up to me, shorty," she showed her teeth in a challenging grin, some of the guys near him who were obviously buddies offering playful jeers and 'ooohs' at that part.

"Wait- why the fuck should I? You, ran into, me!" he snarled and shoved a paw to his chest, stomping a heel on the floor.

The bear shifted to him and loomed over him with a smug grin showing, her eyes glittering with mischief. "Because I told you to, and it's the gentlemanly thing to do, right shorty?"

His nose twitched at her scent and the proximity pretty much gave him a faceful of those large hefty breasts in that snug halter top. He jerked his gaze back up to hers, his almost black eyes seeing that confident smug gaze in her own brown ones.

"F-Fine, whatever if it gets you off my tail!" he spat out and wheeled around stomping towards the bar. Connie gave a victorious hum as she followed after the ram, taking the time to admire his firm-looking ass in the snug black pants he wore, his little fluff of black tail flicking in irritation.

"What do you want?" He asked in annoyance once they got to the edge of the bar, turning to look up at her.

"Nice horns, do you tend them, yourself?" she growled and just like that reached up, gripping one of the large curled back horns, the surface smooth, not rough like boys that didn't get them manicured properly.

"Geeze!" he snarled out, his head jerking a little as she pawed on the horn, glaring up at her. "Look, it's incredibly rude to just grab a guy's horns without asking!"

"Is that right?" She hummed out and moved her paw to tap the tip of it, also smoothed to a dull point. "Got these professionally done, didn't you?"

He finally jerked his head to get an angle to wrench them back from her paws, snarling up at her with his own paws on his hips. "Yeah, I did, you done yet? Trying to make a point?"

She leaned in, pushing her chest to his own, the ram's back to the bar as he bit his lower lip, the bear coming nose to nose with him as she braced both of her larger paws on the sides of the bar next to him. "Maybe I am..."

His dark-brown eyes widened, a little huff escaping his throat as she pushed nice and close, smelling her heady scent. She could smell his too, both of them having worked up a bit of a sweat on the dance floor, not to mention the drinks churning in them.

"I can't tell if you're coming onto me, or trying to bully me, bitch..." he snarled as his ears flipped up, feeling her push closer, those ample breasts squeezing against his own chest as she moved closer and puffed into one of his ears.

"You're pretty cute, I'm digging your pushback against it too... I hate overly macho dickheads, and I don't like pansies that just roll over, you're seeming to be a fun middle ground."

With a frustrated grunt, he ducked down and out from under the bear's arms, snorted as he pushed a paw to his hip, glaring up at her. "Glad I meet your approval, now what do you want?"

"Hmm..." She snatched the menu up, then clicked her tongue as she waved at the persian behind the bar. "Sweetie, two Passionfruit Pussy Pounders, if you please? Also how much for one of the private booths?"

The ram looked shocked, curious, and confused at the bear, seemingly unable to muster up words as the bartender calmly made the drinks, and then placed them before her. He looked right at the ram then back at the bear with a knowing toothy grin and just slapped a card down without a word.

"Cheers, kitty!" Connie cooed out as she snatched the keycard and tucked it into her cleavage, then cupped both the drinks in her large paw, her other grabbing the ram's wrist to pull him along.

"W-wait just a fucking second here!" He snarled out as he was tugged along.

"Oh come off it, sweetie, I can smell you and saw how you're looking at my tits, just behave and I'll let you fucking play with them or something, okay?" Connie grumbled back at the smaller boy as she felt his resistance ease but said nothing.

She took him upstairs and withdrew the card from her cleavage after releasing his paw, popping the lock and opening the private booth which consisted of a massive sofa bathed in blue lights.

"Wow, nice place!" the bear hummed out as she trotted in, the ram just standing there looking shocked at this turn of events. She snorted before reaching out to grab him by his shirt, the boy bleating out as she yanked him into the private booth, the door slamming shut and locking with a little 'occupied' sign popping over the door handle.


"Is this... really necessary?" The ram offered her a half-glare, his dark brown eyes looking irritated as he squirmed.

"Oh don't be such a baby, lots of boys would love doing this!" Connie growled out as she held the shot of alcohol up with her right paw, her other resting right on the younger ram's firm rear while he sat side-saddle in her lap. "Now be a good ram and open up!"

He offered her a fussy look but didn't argue as he opened his maw, the fruity cocktail spilling over his tongue, his ears flipping up in surprise as he swallowed it down and looked at the smug bear.

"What? Expected me to pull it away or take it instead?" She offered a playful smirk.

"Yes," he grumbled, then snatched the other shot, giving her an expectant look as he turned more in line to face her.

"Oh, you think you're going to return the favor... sheep?" She showed her sharp teeth in a challenge.

"Don't call me a sheep, and yes, open up!" he grumbled out with a determined glare.

"Hgn! Okay!" She parted her maw and even stuck her tongue out a little. The ram felt his heart pitter patter, it almost looked like she was expecting something else shooting in there. That obviously was the point of course.

With a snort he poured the shot into her open mouth, the bear snapping her jaws closed, then with a mischievous glint in her eyes, she grabbed the front of his open vest and jerked him right to her chest. "What are you-" he bleated out as she shoved her maw to his own, tilting her head and forcing her tongue forward, the sweet liquor being shared with him in the forced kiss.

Her tongue came forward and he couldn't help but meet it, both flicking against one another as the larger girl's approving groan filled his maw. Before he knew it, her arms were around his neck and his around hers. They were embraced and those massive bear tits of hers were squishing up into his chest.

With an aggressive snarl, Connie grabbed a pawful of his white hair, jerking his head back as he gasped out, breaking the kiss with his tongue lolled as the bear moved in, dragging her tongue along his throat. She could taste his heady musk, all while he squirmed but only half-heartedly resisted the larger female's touch.

"You're cute and stubborn, I like that..." she growled and cupped his jaw, jerking him to look upon her again, his eyes still a little wide before he gasped out as she forced him into another heated kiss, his mind feeling slightly foggy from the scent of her.

She had planned to tease him up at first, but this was nice, she liked how he tasted, liked he was resisting just enough, then she broke the kiss with a smug grin as she felt his paws settled on her breasts, squeezing them curiously.

"I did promise I'd let you, didn't I?" She gripped her top and just peeled it right off, the full ample breasts bouncing into view as she leaned back on the sofa with a smirk, letting him get a look at them for the first time. Her peaks were stiff and darker brown against her lighter brown fur, the left one alone sporting a ring in it.

His eyes widened at the view and she saw an eager grin show on his muzzle before his paws moved right in, squeezing curiously, the bear offering a grin as he pawed somewhat roughly on them. "Heh... like them huh? Did you- Gah!" She gasped out as he gripped her ring and gave it a good tug, offering a challenging grin.

"Fuuuck... asshole!" She grabbed his wrist as he pulled his paw away with a knowing smirk, smelling as much as hearing in her voice how much she enjoyed that.

"Figured it was there for a reason, bitch!" He snapped out with a smirk.

"Fuck you!" She laughed and rubbed her left breast with an approving grin as he showed his own more relaxed smile before slinging his vest off.

"Only one though?" He peeled his own snug t-shirt off, having to work to get it around his horns before his own chest came into view. The ram had strong toned pecs but not really much to show in the abs, still his arms were strong looking with nice broad shoulders, muscular enough to be appealing, but not obnoxiously beefed up like some boys. However, what stood out was he had silver rings of his own, one in each of his nipples and even one in his navel.

He could tell she liked what she saw as he posed for her before asking, "Meet your approval, bitch?"

"Yes," Connie showed her teeth in a grin, then immediately reached out and gave each ring a tugging twist.

"Fuck! T-take it easy! Heh!" She couldn't tell if that was a moan or cry of pain but he grinned while wincing so she assumed he enjoyed it either way.

"Figured it was there for a reason, asshole!" she catcalled back to him before shifting her paws down to rub at his chest, admiring the ram she'd bagged tonight. "You had enough of my shit yet, short stuff?"

"You had enough of me not bellying up yet, fat ass?" He fired back with a smirk, the bear growling as she dug her claws into his sides, but showed she liked the response.

"Come on, I'm big but I'm not that fat, I've barely got any pudge on my belly!" She laughed and leaned back.

"I dunno, these tits are pretty damn fat in all the right ways, babe!" He shifted to push his chest right to hers, feeling them squish against him, enjoying the pressure as he moved nose to nose with her. "So... we gonna actually fuck, or are you just trying to make me blow it in my pants to prove a point?"

"You know what?" She growled and reached a paw between his legs, cupping against his crotch as he gritted his teeth, huffing through them as she rubbed. "Yeah, normally I'd just leave you hanging, but fuck me if I'm not ravenous tonight and you're a pretty damn ram," she growled as she patted his cock through the tight pants.

"You're pretty fucking cute yourself for an overbearing bitch..." he huffed out and shifted his paws down to jerk the front of her tight snug shorts open, the zipper practically busting open from how tight they were, the scent of her heady musk filling his nose as he shuddered.

"Over... bearing? Did you just make a species joke at me?" She laughed and lifted her hips with a hum as he had to jerk and fight with the tight black shorts to get them off her soft curvy hips, her breasts jiggling to the forceful movements.

"No! Just... came out that... way! Fuck... how'd you get these things on?!" He finally managed to get them past her thighs before wrenching them down past her legs, leaving her in just a simple pair of cotton panties.

"Lots of patience, sweetie, but you know what comes off real easy?" She hooked her paws to the sides of her panties and just like that, dragged them down, kicking them off, now only in a pair of sneakers. The bear showed him a lustful smile and spread her legs, giving him a good look at her petals, the fur looking more blonde along her midsection.

"Huff... I hate to give you an ego trip, but..." She rubbed her paw against herself, then pulled her fingers away, showing how drenched they were. "I think my wet fur and soaked pussy tells you I've been enjoying picking on your stupid ass," she gave him a smug grin.

"Fuck... well I hate to give you an ego trip, but..." He tugged his own pants open, Connie showing an approving grin as he literally had to tug his almost bent length out of the parted material, his cock jumping to attention for her. The ram grunted in relief to finally have it out and she watched it jump a few times, dribbling prelove already for her.

"Hoooly shit... huff! Okay, short jokes aside, daaamn boy... Yeah, seeing you that hard and fucking dripping? Yeah, my ego is dripping as much as my pussy is!" She snarled and pushed her large paw between her legs, using her finger to spread herself, giving him a look at the pink clenching walls of her sex. "Go on sexy, you can... ram it right on in if you like!"

"Now that one was on purpose..." he chuckled and moved over to her as she grinned, feeling him grip under her spread knees, guiding that jumping length against her entrance. Connie bit her lower lip, feeling the head starting to work past, but then gasped out as he popped it out and pushed it up against her pearl, grinding and teasing her.

"Guh! W-What the fuck? I didn't say to fucking tease me!" she snarled, but couldn't help but pant as the ram just kept prodding and grinding at her spot.

"Tough shit biiiitch... you're just as keyed up as I am and I owe you one... so you're going to suffer through this before we get to it!" He showed his teeth in a smug grin as he just kept shifting, rubbing at her spot as she huffed out with another glare.

"A-asshole... you're supposed to be the tease-ee not the teaser!" She groaned, but couldn't deny he knew what he was doing as she dug her paws into the sofa. Panting a little harder, his jumping length dug right against her pearl, prelove just dripping all over it and along her petals.

"Give and take... and right now you're taking, bitch..." he hummed out and licked his own chops, paws rubbing up and down against her thick soft legs as he kept working her, occasionally positioning against her entrance then pushing out to tease more.

"Fuck fuck... I'm going crazy, fuck..." She squirmed her hips, not used to being on the receiving end of teasing like this, but her body was thrilled to have it as she felt herself building up rapidly.

Her teeth clenched as he just kept going, shuddering as she groaned out, "Fuck... fuck... almost, almost... I'm... Guh!" She looked stunned, her jaw hanging open, eyes wide as right when she was cresting. He repositioned and just plunged deep into her, spreading her and going so deep he kissed at her core.

He offered a proud grin, flicking his tail as he held himself deep inside her, watching the bear, now speechless and giving in, feeling her crushing his jumping length, her honey dripping off his full, aching sacs. "Uh-huh... knew you'd like that one..."

Connie shivered and grit her teeth, feeling herself coming down from the euphoria after several moments, panting before she shook her head and composed herself. Her teeth showed in a smug grin as she cocked a brow at him. "Had to tease me up first to make sure I came? Is it even in, yet?"

"Fuck you... I'm so deep I'm pushing against your cervical cavity, don't tell me you don't feel that bitch!" He huffed out as he gave a few bucks of his hips, her bravado slipping as her tongue showed, feeling those deep kisses at her core, even feeling his prelove dripping into her as if gushing right into her womb.

"Ngh... Okay fine... you feel really great, there, you happy?!" she snarled and glared up at the smug ram who was grinding his hips with intent, quickly stroking her body up again.

"Hmph... you feel great too, tightest bitch I've ever been in, so don't go breaking down that attitude that got us to this point, capiche?" He showed her a smug grin as he kept pumping himself, her honey dripping off his length as she perked her rounded ears.

"Huff!" she grunted out and dug her paws into the couch cushions as she suddenly wrapped her legs tight around him and jerked him close. The ram bleated and winced, but she saw him grin as she tightened her legs so much he could barely move.

"Hgn... yeah, how about that, short stuff?" She easily rolled them both over as he found himself on his back, her legs still locked around him as she grabbed the back of the sofa for support.

"Like that feeling of being bullied? Can't even move your hips, just at the mercy of... my... clenching... walls?" As she spaced out the words, he gasped out, feeling her walls indeed milk and crush against his jumping length, the ram biting his lower lip as he nodded up at her, indeed even trying to shift his hips but the larger bear just keeping him locked down, barely able to do anything but endure.

"Huff... yeah... this is nice, babe... Don't fucking push back, just let me do it for a bit, okay?" She eased her legs so she could straddle him properly, riding back against him, feeling that jumping length digging in as she kept shifting, her large breasts swaying about.

The smaller boy panted up at her, looking happy to have the reins of control tugged free. His paws moved up to rub at those bouncing breasts as she sighed confidently, feeling like herself again now that she was in control.

"That's it... I like when you turned the tables on me... fuck me if I don't like you already... ngh... do you like me too?" She grinned as he sat up a little so they could more easily look upon one another.

"I- fuck... yeah I do, I've never been with a girl bigger than me, fuck you're so tight and strong..." He panted into her face while bracing back on his paws now, the bear growling with pride as she kept shifting her hips, feeling him kiss nice and deep.

"Never been with a ram, never been with a boy that had a cock as good as yours either... this is nice... fuck..." She panted and then shook her head before pushing close, one paw on the sofa to support as she pushed her muzzle to his, their tongues meeting once more, rolling and tasting one another while she kept her movements up.

After a few more heated shifts of her hips, she parted the kiss with a loud throaty moan as she crested again, the ram wincing but grinning as her honey just soaked his jumping length. Connie groaned and licked her chops, still shifting her hips, feeling that constant pressure against her core even as she went through the throes.

"Huff... let's swap again, I wanna see that fat ass that got this whole thing started!" He offered her an amused grin.

"Ooph... asshole!" she growled out but just like that, climbed off him, rolled over, and gripped the arm of the sofa, shifting into a proper breeding position on her knees. "Well... is it really as fat as you claim?" She grumbled back as she displayed herself, her hips swaying, her fluff of tail hiked.

"It's pretty damn plush, babe!" he catcalled out as his paw slapped down hard on her right cheek. The bear yelped out in a high-pitched gasp before glaring back at the ram, then gasped out again as another firm smack landed in the same spot.

"Oooh fuuuuck..." Connie whimpered and bit down on the arm of the couch, tears in her eyes, her walls clenching in her and he wasn't even inside yet, then she parted her maw with a throaty moan as he plunged back into her without a word of warning.

"Huff... gods... Yeah, you've got a nice big ass, babe, I dig it..." He groaned out as he started bucking hard against her now, watching her cheeks jostle with each deep push he made, kissing at her core again.

"S-stop calling my ass... f-fa- Gah!" she cried out as he landed another swat in the same spot, spanking her again as she grunted and crushed him inside her, whimpering as honey just dripped all over his jostling full sacs while he stroked deep.

"Spank the fussy bear to keep her behaving, I'll note that off for later..." he cooed out and kept his movements up, digging himself deep as she glared back at him once more.

"Who said you'd get more than once you- Ngh!!" She snapped her jaws together as he did it again, moaning through her teeth from the well-placed pop to her round ass, more bear honey just soaking his ram cock as he panted and shifted to climb over her, grabbing the arm of the sofa, mounting her as best he could given their size difference.

"Okay okay... no more spanking, but damn you are fucking crushing me... not gonna last much longer at this rate..." He puffed into her rounded ear, his chest to her back as she grunted and bit her lower lip.

"Huff... huff... planning to creampie me without asking, asshole?" she called back with a challenging grin as he kept shifting, bucking against her as her breasts jiggled against the sofa cushions.

"Absolutely, hopefully knocking you up will chill your bitchy ass out so you don't pick on random guys so much..." He fired back with a playful huff, then leaned in to lap her jaw with another kiss.

"Hgn... sweet talker... You owe me dinner after this, you got it?" She cocked a brow as she shifted and pushed her rear back, grinding and making him dig deeper, hearing him shudder at the clench of her walls.

"F-fine... I wanna see you again anyway bitch... now about those fawns..." He huffed into her ear as Connie grunted and growled with each push he made.

"Y-You mean cubs, not fawns, as if your weak ass jizz could breed me to begin with, and even if you did it wouldn't be some damn sheep!" She grinned over her shoulder at him. Of course, she was protected so this was just a fun little roleplay to finish things off.

"We'll see about that, bitch!" He gripped her wrists as he made a final labored thrust, smashing into her core one last time as Connie lolled her tongue from the impact, happy to let him have the last word.

He cried out in a loud moan as she felt his heat bloom deep inside her, moaning herself in a more deep savage sounding one, feeling her womb full in the first rope, just more flowing in as his length jumped hard with each thick potent gush he sent in.

"Gods! Yeah, go on! Fucking... breed me then! I fucking... dare you to!" She moaned out as he panted against her ears.

"I... fucking will... then!" he hissed out in a final moan, snapping his teeth with an almost pained-sounding grunt as her walls viciously milked every last drop in.

"Oh... gods... fuck..." The ram slurred the words before he shuddered, collapsing on her back, Connie grunting but cooing out in relief, feeling warm and full of his love. He pumped so much in her she looked as pregnant as she now was, her belly bulging against the sofa cushions looking easily third trimester, fawn and cub alike now in her womb, one cub, two rams, all boys to be exact.

"Gods fuck is riiiiight... We are absolutely doing this again and again until you actually do knock me up, then we're doing it even more while I'm carrying, you got it, short stuff?" She panted under him, feeling the ram just nod to her demands while still panting in relief. Her breasts felt oddly heavy. She couldn't tell yet, but the sofa cushions were already nice and wet with the milk she just started producing for her expecting triplets


"I- I can't believe this is real..." He shuddered as the vixen brought him down to the bed, his small paws pushing to her shoulders, feeling her own on his hips. She offered him a calm grin and then shifted to bump her muzzle to his. They'd taken a rather nice hotel she picked out and barely made it to the bedroom before he found himself in her arms.

She tilted her head, parting her maw for her tongue to come forth, his own clumsily meeting it, feeling her soft rumbling growls roll down his throat. After a few moments, the mouse seemed to compose himself as she felt his arms wrap around her neck, his weight shifting forward as she fell back into the sheets, both of them holding one another in a tight embrace, kissing as if long-time lovers.

He broke the kiss by force with a soft squeak as she reached a paw up, grasping his ear, humming to herself as she admired the myriad of small studs that dotted around the gray fur. "I appreciate a male who isn't afraid to wear jewelry, it makes you look... quite fetching..."

"Y-you think so, Natalia?" He squeaked out with an excited huff, then sighed as he felt the vixen push closer, nuzzling his jaw to make him lift his chin, feeling little love bites along his throat.

"I do... but let's make something clear, I am no loose fox or easy female, darling..." She pulled back to meet his eyes, licking her chops as he bit his lower lip staring back at her with those purple ones.

"I never thought that, not for an instant, you're so classy and don't carry yourself like that at all. I uh... I've only ever been with one girl before, another mouse, about a year or so back. So, you know, I don't really get around either!" he confessed awkwardly, his small paw timidly reaching up to curiously rub at the large brown ears before him, small diamond studs dotting them.

"Then you are in good company, my mouse, for the only boy I've ever laid with was also a fox, my ex-husband, so I suppose we both are sailing uncharted waters tonight, yes?" She offered him a reassuring smile as she lifted a paw, rubbing his jaw gently, offering a scratch under it with her claws while he curiously rubbed her ears, a sensitive spot for her that made her luscious tail behind her shudder.

"That's amazing... how could a stunning vixen like you not have boys lining up?" he asked while offering an excited grin, seeing the reaction her ears being fondled was getting. With a bit of courage welling up in him, he pushed closer, feeling her soft breasts push into his chest as he leaned over her and started giving small nibbles against the edge of her left one.

Natalia offered up a soft little gasp at the gesture, shuddering as her paws dug into his sides, growling a little louder. "You... are observant, I like that... and it's hard to line up for what isn't up for offer, my primary goal in life is and will always be taking care of my little girl, ngh..." She shifted a paw up to tangle into his blonde hair, claws at his scalp as the mouse nibbled all the way up to her ear's tip, then offered a little puff of hot breath into it that made her bark out in a surprisingly high-pitched yip.

"Urf! S-stop teasing those!" She jerked her head back, offering him a haughty glare, her green eyes stern looking but tongue peeking out slightly in a pant.

"S-sorry... just... You're really beautiful and... huff..." He seemed to lose his train of thought as he pushed right back against her muzzle, the vixen groaning in approval as his tongue found hers.

They sensually kissed, the mouse in her paws savoring her, not frantic in his actions but slow and purposeful. She felt his paws grow more daring as they shifted to her chest, curiously outlining her breasts, giving them faint squeezes while they kissed.

"Huff... you may be harder on them, I'm not fragile and my little pup used to be quite rough with them, especially when she was teething..." She whispered the words with a grin, showing off her own sharp teeth as he blinked into her eyes, nodding before really digging his paws into her soft chest through the dress and bra, Natalia wincing a little but grinning at how eagerly he touched.

"Ah! Was that too hard?" he asked as his grip eased.

"Ha ha... you are adorable, darling, a little rough, but no, it was not... Here..." She hefted to sit up as he slumped back a little on his knees watching the vixen reach behind her, unzipping the dress before she gracefully rolled away from him, her tail purposefully smacking him in the face as he squeaked with a grin.

The fox showed her own childish-looking grin, feeling a little embarrassed to be stripping before another boy after so long, but with lithe grace, she peeled the top down, her sizeable auburn furred breasts bouncing into view, snug in a lacy crimson bra that was slightly see-through, clearly showing the dark peaks through the material.

She saw his tail stiffen out behind him before she calmly dragged the rest of her dress down, revealing the thigh-length stockings suspended by a belt around her waist, with of course, a frilly and skimpy set of crimson panties to accent the bra.

Natalia leaned back on her paws, fully displayed as she jerked her head back, letting her long red hair flow back along her shoulder before licking her chops. "So here you are, my mouse... Another boy hasn't seen this much of me in several years, does my body disappoint or entice you?"

He squeaked out and squirmed as he sat there on his knees, seeming unable to know where to look. She huffed and looked herself over again, a little bit of excess curves along her belly, hips round and soft looking, absolutely looking the part of a mother, but also one that kept up on her figure.

"Wow! J-just..." He stammered then snapped his own teeth together before grabbing his t-shirt, wrenching it off with a determined huff. She grinned, seeing he was doing his best to be confident. His chest had a nice definition, even a show of abs, he certainly didn't let himself go, though she wouldn't call him buff for a small mouse.

Sitting in just his jeans he bit his lower lip before asking, "You're gorgeous, can I uh..."

"You may touch and do as you please, I will tell you if something doesn't- Urf!" She barked out as he flung himself into her arms, his face shoving right down into her ample breast, nuzzling them with an excited squeak.

"Ah ha! So that's what you prefer is it?" She grinned and moved both her paws to rub at his rounded ears, feeling her heart pound and stomach clench, watching his cute little pink tail coil and flick while he nuzzled them.

"They're so soft and big... huff..." He started curiously nibbling at her cleavage as she cooed in approval.

"Oh my sweet mouse, I'm glad you enjoy them, here, let me help..." She reached behind herself to unhook her bra, then with a flourish, just peeled the whole thing up, her large auburn breasts bouncing right into view, peaks hard for this young boy who was giving her attention after so long.

He squeaked out and without hesitation shoved his maw right over her left teat. Natalia giggled and rubbed his ears, fingering the studs as she felt him suckle upon her, not unlike a milk-starved pup would. "My... oooh... I'm glad you enjoy them, they simply give me a backache some days, but having you suckle and play with them certainly makes it worth it..."

The mouse parted his maw to curiously roll his tongue against her hard peak, flicking it a few times as the vixen bit her lower lip. He used to love sucking on his old girlfriend's tits, and they were barely a handful compared to this fox's much larger ones.

After several moments and taking a turn suckling on the other one, he poked his head up, his eyes looking determined, even a slight show of hearts in them as he licked his chops, seemingly excitable and invigorated with confidence now.

"That look says you've grown confident, as I said prior, do as you please," She laid down the terms once more, then offered up a soft gasp as he grasped under her knees, the fox barking with a laugh as he pulled her forward, collapsing to her back as her breasts bounced.

He huffed out a groan, her scent driving him crazy, wanting to make him rush, but he wanted to savor this, savor her. He scooted down as the fox bit her lower lip, sitting up on her paws to watch as the mouse tugged the garter snaps clear but left the belt on, then dragged those crimson panties down.

Natalia licked her chops, ears perked to attention as she felt the cool air of the room hit her now exposed fox petals, the mouse offering an excited squeak from the view and her scent alone.

"Oh!" she gasped as he dove right in, shoving his maw against her petals, sucking, licking, and kissing all over her fox pussy. The vixen lolled her tongue out, one paw bracing behind her, the other moving to tangle into his messy blonde hair, claws dug into his scalp. "Oh my... good boy... oh that's my good... mouse... ha..."

Her encouragement, praise, and being called a good boy made butterflies flutter in his belly as he kept suckling, kept lapping, intent to bring this gorgeous fox pleasure, doubly so now that he knew it had been some time for her.

"Yes... yes... that's my good mouse... right there... more tongue... up and down, up and... Yeeeesss..." She instructed, begged, and praised while he worked, then her padded-toes curled in her stockings as she cried out in a blissful melodic howl of a moan.

The smaller mouse squeaked and blinked his wide eyes at how she sounded, his heart soaring at hearing her in pleasure, huffing out as she gushed a few squirts of her honey right against his muzzle. Licking his chops curiously he decided quickly he liked it and dipped back against her, lapping happily to taste her pleasure.

"Ah! Y-You are adorable... ngh... l-let me recover a bit before you... hgn... that's it... slow laps... yes, that's my good boy..." She groaned as he slowed down, obeying and lapping dutifully as she licked her chops.

"Huff... lay back, I wish to return the favor at least partially..." She growled the orders after a few more moments but didn't wait for him to comply, she just grabbed him up and rolled him over as if a feral fox pouncing on a mouse she'd found.

He squeaked out and bit his lower lip, feeling the vixen gripping his shoulders, holding him down. Natalia licked her chops, her large ears lifted to peaks at attention as she looked down at him, seeing how smitten he looked for her, knowing he'd obey her to the letter.

"Good boy... let's see what my mouse has going on down here, shall we?" She cupped a paw against the bulge in his jeans as he winced, biting his lower lip hard. He had been throbbing in his jeans from the moment he laid eyes on her after all.

Natalia slipped down before him not unlike how he had been for her, but the fox seemed to do it with all the elegance and class he had expected, tucking hair behind her shoulder before calmly parting his jeans and pulling them down along with his boxers.

His crimson length sprang to attention for her, stark against the gray fur of his base and reeking of his musk. Natalia sighed with an almost predatory snarl in her throat. "Oh, that smells divine... Don't you worry my good mouse, I'll watch my teeth..." She held her hair back then just like that, she took his jumping length right down into her maw.

He squeaked out in shock, both paws splayed into the sheets, tongue lolled, hearts in his purple eyes as he looked down on the whole scene, seeing the elegant fox now bobbing her head up and down, looking up at him with her green eyes, seeing they showed wavering little hearts for him as well, the mouse having already won her over with knowing when to behave and when to push.

That crimson length guided back and forth as she moved, then she pulled back with a pop of her maw, parting her jaws and showing her tongue, saliva rolling back down the length as he gasped down at her, biting his lower lip. "B-beautiful... oh my gods..." He stammered out with a moan.

"You're quite lovely yourself my mouse... and this cock is more than I expected..." She cooed and went back down for more, suckling upon him, his heady prelove bubbling against her tongue while one of her paws moved to cup his sacs, kneading as she felt how achingly full they were for her.

"Ha... ha... this is like heaven... if this is a dream please don't wake me up..." He sighed out blissfully, then clenched his teeth as she intently suckled harder, his tongue sagging forth out of his jaws.

"Huff... still with me?" She popped free as she asked, then gave him an approving grin as she climbed over him, wagging her tail as the smaller mouse blinked up at her in awe.

"You're my good boy, yes? My obedient mouse?" she asked while grasping his shoulder with one paw, her other moving between them, gripping his soaked length. She licked her chops, still tasting him as she lined his length right up with her own saliva-drenched entrance.

"Yes! Yes! I'm yours, and I'm happy to be-" He snapped his teeth hard as she ground her hips, giving him an approving grin as he felt just a few inches push into her. Her walls already were viciously clenching as she hummed and just slowly lowered herself down.

"Oh gods... oh my... gods..." He moaned out, his eyes showing hearts as he looked right at her, watching the vixen lick her chops and inch by inch, claim him as hers. He squeaked out in a soft moan when she finally slapped her soft lap against his own, straddling him, no crimson to be seen, just deep auburn fur on gray.

"Huff... look down at how deeply inside you are... you've got an... exceptional cock, my mouse..." she cooed out as she shifted and ground her hips, the mouse looking down, shuddering as he saw the faint rise in her belly from pushing so deeply into her.

"Ha... yes... even larger than my ex-husband's and he managed to get a puppy out of me after two years, but with you this deep, I dare say you might do it in one go?" She cupped his jaw as she cooed into his face, just keeping her hips shifting, watching him slowly break for her, his tongue showing, hearts in his eyes now that he was buried in her, feeling himself digging deep at her core, feeling those walls clench and milk at his jumping length.

"Yess... anything for you... Ngh... fuck..." He sat up and wrapped his arms around her, panting in her face.

"I approve... oh you're a good boy, a treasure..." She wrapped her arms around his neck and shoved her maw to his, a desperate kiss following as she felt his own hips start to work, both of them rolling tongues, kissing fervently while also mating deeply.

After several moments, she felt him starting to buck more frantically, then he squeaked out as his tongue took a little nip, breaking the kiss, tasting copper in his own mouth with a shocked look. She growled and pushed closer, paws digging into his shoulders.

"Still your hips, I'm riding you tonight, you may ride and buck against me on one of our following sessions!" She barked the words and shoved him flat to his back, licking her chops as he squeaked out.

"Y-yes ma'am... mistress... master... whatever you want me to address you as, but yes!" He squeaked out, then moaned as she kept her hips shifting, still tasting a bit of blood on his tongue from the reprimand nip.

"Huff... I'll not dress in leather and demand you wear a cock ring, nor will I take you as some pet... Oh, but you'll be my treasure if you wish to be my mouse..." Natalia flicked her head back, forcing her hair out of her face as she dug claws hard into his shoulders, keeping her hips slowly grinding. "Call me... your fox then...say you will be mine, and say I will be yours, even if you must lie to me just for toni-"

"You're mine! I'm yours! No hesitation, I'll love you if you demand it!" he squeaked out, his paws gripping her arms as she shuddered and huffed out at his decree. He knew he'd hit the right notes as the vixen was crushing him, honey slicking his length and even squirting onto his belly in those still moments of her orgasm, no howls or moans from her, just shock.

Her teeth clenched as the throes caught up to her, folding her ears and whining a little from the pleasure before her hips started moving again. "Good boy... I like that... yes... love me, love me... That's what I want to hear..."

"Then I'll love you, Natalia, j-just... not just this time, I want more, don't leave me after tonight, okay?!" he pleaded with hearts in his eyes, squeezing her arms, her own claws digging harder into his shoulders as she shivered. He winced as he felt her break skin, growling at his pleas.

"Ngh... You may... rock back... shift your hips, dig deep into me..." she groaned the orders and with no hesitation he complied, his hips rocking, shifting to dig himself nice and deep for his new fox, biting his lower lip in focus as she felt him jumping hard.

"Huff... that's my boy... Oh, I can tell you're close... I'm already a mother, but I'm inclined to ask, do you wish to stake claim upon my womb, my treasured little mouse? Will you finish deep in me if I allow it, or will you withdraw and gush all over these breasts you seem so fond of?" She offered him a smug toothy grin, her green eyes showing hearts but fierce in this pivotal moment.

He bit his lower lip hard, shaking his head at her words, then squeezed hard at the wrists he was holding. Natalia licked her chops, a moment of clarity dawning of his intentions and allowing it to happen. The world spun as she smacked into the sheets on her back, a wild mad grin across her muzzle, teeth a little red from the bit of blood she'd tasted.

Her paws were wrenched above her head as her mouse offered his own display of dominance, showing his versatility as butterflies erupted in her stomach as he met her eyes. "S-say..." He snapped his teeth together, then focused hard as she grinned wider, seeing him muster it with all his might, "S-say you... want my pups!"

Natalia wrapped her legs tight around him as he squeaked and felt her draw him nice and deep. Her ears folded as she lifted her muzzle, looking proud and smug in this moment for him, but held down. "Breed me, now!"

His purple eyes rolled up as he shuddered at the haughty demand, then yowled out in a squeaky throaty moan as thick ropes of his love for this fox started rushing into her womb at the same time, his wiry tail wrapped around her fluffy one, intertwining with it as if to hold her as much as he could.

"Ha! Good boy! My boy! My... mouse!" She barked out frantically, her legs locked, not letting him move an inch, thick boiling hot ropes of her new treasure's love making her womb's walls ache, making them stretch, that bulge in her belly from how deep he was now growing, swelling, as if she were growing pregnant on the spot for this eager young mouse.

Her ears folded and she grinned, drinking in his love, hearts in her eyes as he stared back, his own rounded ears folded. He clung to her, looking in love, looking desperate, feeling her belly rounding out against them but not wanting to let go all the same.

Natalia offered a relieved proud sigh of satisfaction as she finally milked the last thick rope in, the smaller mouse over her reeling, looking spent before he caught himself on his paws, looming over her panting in fatigue their tails still intertwined. The vixen lifted her muzzle, looking proud as she brushed a paw over her belly, looking full-term from how much he'd given her. She of course was on birth control, but she couldn't help but play the fantasy out for him.

"W-Why are..." He shuddered and bit his lower lip as he sat up a bit with a wince, looking over the vixen as she huffed out and tilted her head at him as he finished his question, "Uh... you're uhm... leaking?"

"What?" She winced and blinked down at herself, gapping her jaw as she saw she was indeed lactating again, a sensation she hadn't felt in easily six years now. She shook her head, then chewed on her lower lip, trying to make sense of that. Her breasts had ached while he was filling her, but she just thought he might have made them bounce too hard, but they'd grown a cup size or so, obviously full of milk now.

"Ugh... I can't think right now... fuck..." She flopped back with a moan, rubbing her head as she panted in relief. Like the drink said, it didn't care if she was on birth control, she asked her new mouse to breed her and got what she wanted. Two pups were now nestled into her womb, a fox son and a mouse daughter.

"Uh... Hey Natalia... uhm... mistress?" he asked awkwardly.

She giggled and looked at him with a small smile. "No need for those titles, my treasure... what is it?"

"Can I uhm... have a taste?" He blinked innocently at her, hearts shimmering in his eyes.

She felt her own heart flutter and rubbed her belly. A little part of her knew, this mouse just became a permanent fixture in her life. "Hgn... okay, go ahead my good boy... my love."


Connie offered a disapproving grunt as she looked at the tester in her paw, her other paw holding her muzzle, a small growl in her throat.

Natalia showed her a grin while lazily holding her own test in her paw, her other resting on her hip. "See, darling, I told you... I've carried before, I know morning sickness when I get it or hear about it!"

"This doesn't make any sense! I was... I was on the damn patch!" the bear snarled and glared at the little pink line on the indicator.

"As was I, but here we are, both seemingly expecting," she sighed and ran her paw through her long red hair.

"You're taking this rather well, Natty!" Connie growled.

"Why wouldn't I be? My new mouse is a treasure and I'm thrilled to know I'll be giving Natasha a sibling, or maybe even two!" she barked out excitedly at the prospect as if she hadn't considered multiple pups.

"I... can't believe that asshole actually... bred me! Argh!" Connie growled and tossed the tester into the nearby waste basket.

"Are you upset to be pregnant, or upset you 'lost' to him?" The vixen air-quoted the word as she frowned.

"Lost..." she growled and clenched her paws.

"Tut... well, who am I to judge another's relationship? You two are still in contact, yes?"

"Yeah, if he's not been in my bed, I've been in his almost every fucking day since that night... my ass is killing me," she folded her arms as she grumbled.

"My my... Well, take it from an established mother and now one to be yet again, it's a wondrous blessing, I think you'll both be quite happy," the vixen cooed out with a loving smile, a paw resting on her belly.

"Blessing my tail! I just... I can't believe I've got to tell his smarmy ass he actually did it, fuck, I'll never hear the end of it!" Connie threw her paws up with a snarl.

"Heh... well, I can't wait to tell my little treasure about it, he'll probably lose himself and fully take the lead tonight, oh I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of daddy he'll make," Natalia sighed and pushed a paw to her cheek, as if already fantasizing about it all.

"Cool, you go be lovey-dovey with yours, I'm going to go kick mine in the balls," Connie growled as she stomped off.

"Not too hard, dear, you'll want more later, trust me!" Natalia cooed out with a wave of her paw, the bear just raising her paw to flip her off.


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Connie belongs to the commissioner of this story, Kondog, they retain all rights to said character. All other characters are my intellectual property. This written work is copyrighted to me and may not be reproduced, sold, or redistributed without my consent.

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