Avalanche of Love - Episode 15

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#15 of Avalanche of Love

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

That was quite a bit of drama last episode, wasn't it, my lovely? Well, our mouse is getting her dream thanks to the efforts of Madeline, and our twins. There's no turning back now for Jasmine, but she's still a rider and that means she's got her eye on more than just competing, she wants what every other competitor wants!

Medals aside though, there's more at stake in this episode than just that! Maybe our mouse will find she has more than one prize waiting for her at the Olympics.

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Did you know I wrote this over a week ago?

That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

The big game is here and our lovely mouse has already landed her own little trophy in a way, yeah? Jarome may be just the fuel she needed to get her fire hot enough to go out in that blaze of glory she dreamed of. However, will that lynx have the energy for his qualifier after being ravaged by an older girl all night?

Old grudges still weigh heavily and when pride is on the line, what drastic measures will some be willing to take to show their dominance?

And then there's an ice-cold rabbit that shows no mercy on the slope to lovers or friends alike. How important is Jasmine's influence and how important is her's to that mouse? Two different sides of the same coin, each needing the other to reach the peak of their level.

Let's jump right in!


Episode 15:

Regrets & Promises

"I was going to try to catch up with you after the show, but imagine my surprise when the other riders told me you had a hot date," Jaron said playfully as he sat across the table from his coworker, both of them having breakfast together.

"Heh... I'm a little surprised myself, Jaron... Just been thinking about a lot of things, thinking about where I am, I just..." she trailed off, tapping her painted claw on the rim of the mug she held.

"Had to go for it?" He asked with a grin before sipping his own coffee.

Jasmine smiled and offered a little nod before taking a pull of her own coffee, sighing happily to get the caffeine and warmth in her. Heavy snowfall was coming down today, it would make the outdoor sports tricky to be sure.

"So he treat you well, Jas?" Jaron asked with a smile.

"Uh... he was a gentleman, treated me great the whole night..." she grinned and rubbed her hip as she continued, "And I do mean the whole night... I think I lost consciousness at one point and he just kept going!" She laughed then winced at the ache through her well-fucked body.

"Daaayum... Look at you Jas! Guess the competition isn't the only place you're blazing new trails in, eh?" Jaron sipped his coffee then gave her a playful glance. "So... you like him, or was this just a one-time itch to scratch?"

Jasmine frowned at the direct question and lifted her rounded ears before meeting her friend's eyes. "W-well, he uh... wants to be my boyfriend, it seems?"

Jaron blinked at that a few times, sipping his coffee as if to mull on his answer before responding, "Jas... is that safe? He's so young, and doesn't he have a rep of being a playboy?"

She frowned and looked down at her half-drank coffee, shrugging a shoulder as she answered, "I know it's dumb, but... he says he's not as bad as they say he is, he also... I dunno, it just felt right... I feel like I can trust him." She looked up with a strong gaze in her eyes as she continued, "I half expected him to backpedal this morning, but no, he woke up fawning all over me, even gave me a back massage, and begged if he could be my boyfriend."

Jaron whistled at that and gave a nod. "Still, pretty young Jas... You okay taking that risk? Jarome is what... twenty?"

"Believe me, J, I know... and he's twenty-three... I've got a dozen years on him. Ha...maybe I'm being selfish here... Maybe I should insist on taking the high road and tell him it won't work... but fuck me if I don't want to try!" She squeaked out and offered him a stubborn glare.

He grinned and moved a paw to rest on hers. "Hey, people would say you were already being silly to try to do what you've done at your age, and where would you be if you had listened to them? Not at the Olympics, that's for sure! I say to approach it with caution, but if he loves you as he claims, let him, Jas, let him have that chance."

"Love... that's a heavy damn word, Jaron. I appreciate you not judging me though, yeah... he's a sweet guy, I should give him a chance." Jasmine grinned and leaned back, looking smug as she hummed out in a prideful coo, "Besides, I didn't have qualifying today like a certain somebody did."

Jaron barked a laugh and gave her a coy grin. "Oh shit, Jas, what if you sucked him dry and he's got nothing in the tank to compete?"

"Then I'll be the only one of the two of us to bring a medal back," Jasmine offered her friend a wink as he showed his teeth in a proud grin.

"Atta girl! That's the attitude I wanna see from you, Jas! You go out there and show those kids how our generation did it! Show them we're still the best!" Jaron barked out as he clenched his paw into a fist.


"Dude... I need an energy drink... How can they not have any around? Our regular competitions went and spoiled me," the lynx groaned out as he yawned in the prep area, the other three riders offering him amused grins.

"Had a long night, man?" Kai asked with a smug grin.

"Fuck yeah... Jazzy's a demon, man... I thought we'd be good at one, then next thing I know, she's stroking me off to get me going again and starts riding me! Dude, I think at one point I passed out and she just kept fucking me!" Jaron mewed out with a silly grin on his muzzle.

"I wonder if these statements could be validated? How much you wanna bet if we asked Jasmine, she'd say he lasted thirty seconds and popped off?" Hiroshi said cooly.

'Blow me, dick bag! Don't you have a boyfriend you need to go suck off or something?!" Jaron barked out with his own challenging grin.

"Nope, just a qualifying to win, try not to fall asleep waiting to drop in Mr. fifth place in the points standings," Hiroshi scoffed out while poking his nose up.

"I still got plenty of time to overtake your asses!" Jarome mewed out with a glare.

"Jokes aside, how was everything, my friend? Surely it was a thrilled moment for you, we all know how long you have pined for her," Raul asked in his melodic almost dreamy tone.

"She's such a great girl, gods I'm even more in love, and... check this out, I asked her if she'd be my girlfriend, and she even said she'd give it a shot!" Jarome mewed out excitedly as he clenched his fists.

"Woah, that's a big deal! I hope you're going to stop chasing tail now, Jarome," Kai shifted both his gloved paws to his hips, giving the smaller cat a bit of a glare. He'd been hanging out with Jasmine a lot over the last months and had taken to considering her a friend.

"Fuck yeah, I'm gonna stop! I've got the perfect girl, what the hell is the point in chasing inferior tails?" Jarome clenched his paws into fists, his tail whipping about behind him.

"Huh... even I have to admit your fervor for her is admirable. I do hope your stupid ass doesn't ruin a good thing then," Hiroshi said as he clicked his tongue.

"Yes, just as you would respect the board you ride, respect the mouse you ride as well," Raul hummed out melodically. The other three boys looked stunned at his words before Jarome made a straining snort through his nose to keep from laughing.

"Holy shit... did Raul just make a sexual innuendo?" Kai mewed out with a grin.

"Quick, get a mirror, he may have been replaced by a vampire, I'll go get a stake," Hiroshi showed the collie a small grin.

"Okay everyone, let's get ready!" One of the lead staffers came in, and a few others shouted the same thing in other languages as the qualifying started.

Jarome found himself strapping in, he was pretty tired even if he was on cloud nine right now. Not to mention he'd broken one of his cardinal rules, never get off the night before a competition, but in this case, he'd done it multiple times.

"Fuck it... worth it, I'd do it again in a heartbeat!" He mewed out and slapped his cheeks hard a few times with his gloved paws before settling his goggles in place.

The Olympics used a similar competition format as the league did, so all riders got three drops to show their stuff. This was qualifying for the finals though, as there were over fifty riders from all around the world. However, only twelve were going to make it.

Snow was falling pretty hard now as the lynx tried to dash the thoughts of her out of his head to dial in, his music going up in volume as he dropped in. His first jump was textbook with lots of air but on the second take-off, his legs just didn't want to turn as fast as he wanted. He had to ditch the whole run, his board smacking the lip of the halfpipe, making him nearly fall as he caught his balance.

"Oh that's too bad, Jarome Samson is currently ranked fifth in the world and one of the hopefuls to bring Team USA a medal off halfpipe this year. We'll have to hope his next two runs are better," Harley spoke out to the viewers at home as the lynx spat his mouthguard out with a sigh as he lifted his goggles while grinding his board to a halt, hearing the token cheers from everyone for the effort.

"Jarome, hey!" His ears lifted as he heard a familiar voice, his yellow eyes widening as he saw Jasmine waving him down from the barricade that separated the fans from the end of the course.

"J-Jazzy! What are you doing here?" Jarome mewed out with a silly grin on his muzzle, having quickly moved over to her.

"Hey, check that out, it looks like Glitter herself is here to cheer on the boys!" Harley hummed out as the camera shifted to focus on the mouse and lynx.

"Isn't it obvious why I'm here? To cheer on my boyfriend..." Jasmine squeaked the words, feeling childish and giddy as she said them, her cheeks feeling warm.

"Damn... babe... now I really feel bad for that ditched run though!" Jarome laughed and rubbed the back of his head.

"Hey, I know you can do better, and you will now that you know I'm here, right... kitten?" She offered him a playful grin.

"Hell yeah, I will! I'll get to the finals and medal just for you, Jazzy! I'll give you my medal when I do too!" He mewed out and clenched his paws into fists again.

"I'll hold you to that, my kitty..." She leaned closer and produced a small energy drink for him. "Here, something to help perk you up since I drained all your stamina last night."

Jarome offered her a grin as he took the drink and huffed out, "You're the best babe, I really-" He mewed as she gripped his collar and dragged him down to shove her muzzle to his in a deep kiss right there in front of the whole world to see.

"Woah! Or maybe she came here to cheer on just one specific boy! You go, Jas!" Jaron mewed out with a laugh as Harley looked shocked to see the sudden display.

Their kiss parted and she rubbed under his muzzle with one paw, her eyes locked on his. "Feeling more energized now, kitten? Save a little for tonight too, okay?" She cooed out, seeing staff members approaching to break them up.

"Hell yeah... fuck I adore you... I- I really really adore you, Jazzy!" Jarome huffed out with a silly grin on his muzzle as he quickly pulled away before the staff started nagging him.

Jasmine gave her own grin as he kept looking back over his shoulder at her, feeling her heart pound, the red lipstick she had worn now on his own muzzle a bit.

"You know, as soon as Kai realizes the two of us are here, he's going to destroy your cat and any other boy in the field, right?" Madeline scoffed as she moved beside the mouse.

"That's right, I'm really happy for you, Jasmine, but my brother is fueled by our love, so Jarome will have to just settle for silver or bronze!" Kayla mewed out playfully as she hugged Jasmine's arm with a grin.

"We'll see about that, won't we?" Jasmine squeaked out with a laugh.

Jarome already had the energy drink finished by the time he hopped off the lift, strutting into the prep area as he rolled his shoulder. "Okay, warm-up is over, I'm ready to go now!"

"Watch out, guys, he's invigorated with the power of love, we know how dangerous that is," Kai laughed out as he was adjusting his own coat, board in paw.

"Hey man, I think I saw your sister and her girlfriend down there," Jarome showed the other cat a knowing grin.

Kai lifted his rounded ears at that and offered a more serious nod. "Guess you're not the only one that needs to get serious then," He mewed out and strutted towards the drop-in area.

"I'm not going to lie, I'm a little jealous, seeing you and her put on such a display like that. I'm usually just worried about my career and relationships are the furthest thing from my mind, but that must be nice, I'm happy for your stupid ass," Hiroshi lifted his muzzle as he spoke, then gave the lynx a nod.

"Damn, Hiroshi, you actually being nice to me? First Jasmine and now this? Must have died the other night and I'm in one of those icy-kite stories or something!" Jarome mewed out a laugh as the buck frowned at him.

"Icy... kite? I am absolutely lost on what you're trying to say, my friend," Raul tilted his head with a small lazy smile.

Hiroshi pinched his snout with a growl before shoving the lynx's shoulder. "You're an idiot, it's pronounced ee- like bee, seh, like meh, and kai, like kayak, or you know, like the cat about to drop in out there. Ee-seh-kai."

"Okay okay, ee-suh-kai, geeze man, way to get your panties in a bunch." Jarome hissed out with folded ears.

"Seh, not suh, say it again, dipshit, that's my native tongue you're butchering," Hiroshi snarled with another shove.

"Dude, why do you fucking care so much all of a sudden?" Jarome hissed out then rolled his eyes as he mewed out, "Ee-suuuuhhh-kaaai, Isekai, right?"

"Hmph... good enough..." Hiroshi scoffed and turned to stomp off to make some tea.

"Dude, what's his deal all of a sudden, not like I was trying to be racist or something?" Jarome cocked a brow at Raul.

Raul offered him a lazy smile and shook his head before answering, "I think he's trying to help you, my friend. You do recall what your new girlfriend's last name is, yes?"

"What? Yeah, it's Sayota-" Jarome perked his ears as realization dawned on him before he rubbed his muzzle. "Oh shit... I never thought about that. Still, I think Jazzy would be the type of girl to laugh and just teach me how to say it right, you know?"

"I think Hiroshi was trying to prod you to consider upping your knowledge of her culture to show your interest, my friend. Jasmine may compete for your country, but her father was a figure skater for Japan, she is very proud of her heritage, as you are no doubt well aware if you follow her blogs or social media, yes?"

"Yeah I know, I know... damn... feels like I'm rushing into this, but I think that's a great idea! Maybe I'll-" The lynx perked his ears as he showed a grin. "Maybe I'll get that pissy deer to help me with etiquette and shit!"

Raul frowned as the lynx stomped off after the buck, his own tail wagging a little as he slowly smiled at them. "I feel you've opened a box you won't be able to close now, I wish you luck, Hiroshi."

"What? After all the boyfriend comments? No! Go stick your head in the snow!"

"Oh come oooon, Roshiii!"

"Don't call me that! Go away!"


Jarome was one of the last to drop in on his second run, with most of the pack showing established dominance. Scores in the nineties were littering through the top ten riders, with all the expected front runners there.

When Jarome stuck the final landing the crowd roared their approval, chants of 'USA' filling the stands as he pulled his goggles up, wrenched his helmet off, and threw it to the snow, stabbing a finger out towards the fans. "That's what I'm talking about!"

"Wow! Guess that's the power of getting a kiss from a legend, huh?!" Harley squeaked out excitedly.

Jasmine just hopped the barrier and was right there before him, both the cat and mouse clinging to one another as she huffed out into his face, "Damn, Jarome! You been keeping that trick in your pocket all season, kitten?"

"Just channeling it all for you, Jazzy... You're gonna do it for me too when it's your time, right, babe?" He cupped her jaw as the mouse blinked into his eyes, heavy snowflakes drifting all around them, the roar of the crowd seeming distant in this moment.

She bumped her forehead into his as they just held one another, then she huffed out as she felt herself tearing up, "Yeah, yeah I am. For you, my fans, and all my friends..." Jasmine wrapped her arms around him, both of them drawing into another heated kiss as the fans cheered.

"Damn, I think you should get a room already, Jas!" Jaron barked out a laugh as the camera finally cut away from the couple to start going over some of the replays.

"You're gonna get us kicked out before we even make it to the finals, Jazzy." Jarome mewed as he shifted a paw into her hair, flakes of snow scattered over the wool cap she had worn.

"Sorry, I just think you're so sexy when you compete, especially when you push so hard and I know it's for me." She gave him a small grin as they parted slightly so he could finally unbuckle his board.

"I think you're hot as fuck when you're dialed in, seeing you in the zone always gets me hard, babe," Jarome purred as he brushed a paw back to stroke her wiry tail, then huffed as it wrapped around his wrist.

"Hum... let's get you out of the competition area before they throw us out, yeah?" She squeaked out as he put a paw on her hip while they walked towards the waiting area for the scores. Since Jasmine was also a competitor for the women's side, the staff didn't seem too upset she was with him. Then again, the producers were probably screaming their heads off to let it happen for the ratings.

Jarome dropped a 98.4, firmly placing him in the top spot and ensuring all of the hopeful riders would be continuing on to the finals. Kai was right on his heels with a 97.9 and Raul a 97.4, with Hiroshi coming in at 96.0. All of the scores the boys put down could handily win a normal league competition, but this wasn't the league and the stakes were showing just how high they would be.


"Hard to believe it still, number five... even if I tanked here in the qualifiers for the final. I got here, and I'm the first girl to do it, huh?" Jasmine stood there with her paws in her jacket, leaning back into the larger lynx's arms outside of the prep area, a light drifting of snow falling in the morning light.

"Jazzy, the last few days with you, and to know I'm sharing this moment with you? You don't even know, babe..." Jarome leaned in, nuzzling at her head through the knit cap she had on, feeling her rounded ears stir a bit against his muzzle.

She grinned and tilted her head, nuzzling his own jaw."You're not the prize I expected out of this, kitten... My offer stands though... Twelve years is a long time, you sure want to-"

"You call yourself an old mouse again, I'll shove you down in the snow!" He mewed out with a laugh.

Jasmine gave a laugh and shifted out of his paws, turning to face him with a crooked little grin, shifting a paw to her hip. "Okay, Okay... I'll stop trying to give you an out."

"Good!" He mewed out and put his paws on his own hips, giving her a grin. They stared at one another for a long moment before both their ears perked, hearing staff members shouting about getting ready.

She gave him a small smile as she shook her head. "I should get moving, but I wish I could just stay here with you, damn, you've worked your way in quick, haven't you, Jarome? I'll have trouble keeping my neutrality when I'm covering competitions with you going forward."

"Jasmine..." He moved over and took to his knees in the snow so they'd be at eye level. "Babe, I've followed you my whole life it felt-"

"Thanks for making me feel old, asshole!" She squeaked out with a laugh.

His ears perked and he mewed out with a fussy look, "Geeze, way to ruin my heartfelt speech already!"

She smirked and cupped his muzzle, offering him a small kiss before nodding. "Okay, okay... spit it out, kitten."

"As I was saying, I've been following you since I was a young teen..." He hesitated to see if she was going to say anything, then continued, "I know you're not satisfied with just getting here, I can see it in your eyes."

"What are you saying, Jarome?" She hugged him close, pushing her nose to his own with a playful grin, her tail flicking behind her as his own paws settled on her hips.

"Let's exchange our medals, how's that sound?" He met her brown eyes, the look in his own yellow ones fierce and determined.

"Heh... almost like you're asking to exchange rings with me, kitten," Jasmine cooed and leaned close, brushing her lips with his, then tilted her muzzle to push into a deep heated kiss with her new boyfriend.

They stayed embraced for several moments, their tongues slowly exploring one another, both of their paws hugging close in this moment. Finally, she parted from his lips and huffed out casually, "Women's competition will play at first. If I... when I medal, you better do the same for me, Jarome. I know you're good enough, and I remember how close you came last Olympics. I'll only agree if you promise me that," she set her terms while rubbing under his muzzle.

"Deal, I'll give you my first Olympic medal, Jasmine," He purred as he gave her jaw a small lap with his tongue. She felt a shiver roll up her spine, knowing what an endearing gesture a cheek lap was. Her mind raced with thoughts of her co-host Jaron in that moment, his family, his wife, and the daughter they had. She had given up on the concept of such things, all for the sport, and now here she was.

"Then... I'll give you my last one, Jarome," she answered back, then hesitated before returning the gesture, giving his own jaw a small lap of her tongue. He purred nice and loud as he moved in to nuzzle her, the mouse giggling as they held one another tight.

"Hey, do I need to get the hose? Break it up and let's go, Glitter!" Madeline shouted out as she pushed out of the staging area, stomping over to the two of them.

"Heh... Sorry!" Jarome mewed out as he pried himself from his new girlfriend to stand up, brushing the snow off his knees.

"I hope you've got your head where it needs to be and not in the clouds, no do-overs this time." Madeline glared at the mouse, her red eyes looking fierce.

Jasmine looked over to Jarome, then back to the rabbit that had gotten her here. That smug haughty look filled her brown eyes as she clicked her tongue, "My head is right where it needs to be. More like, no do-over's for you, Snow Bunny, you miss your shot this time, no bitching later over me retiring."

Jarome whistled at the display as the mouse strutted right past into the staging area, Madeline showing her teeth in an almost predatory grin. She shifted her red eyes to the cat's and he saw she had the exact same look in them Jasmine did in that moment, a gunslinger stepping out into the dirt for their final showdown. She offered the lynx a nod and stepped back inside, snow crunching under her boots.

Things got moving and the girls all started making their opening runs. The field was the best in the world and so it came as no surprise that just like with the boy's competition, even the qualifying round was seeing upper eighties and lower nineties. Madeline was one of the first to drop in and showed she meant business, slamming down a 94.4 right out of the gate on her opening run. The next highest score was Kayla's at 92.3.

"Don't tap your damn tank dry here, this is just the qualifiers!" Madeline shouted to the mouse as she moved to the gate to drop in, showing the rabbit a smug grin and giving a simple nod as she moved into position. She was one of the last riders to drop on the first pass and she knew nothing short of mid-nineties would be a 'safe' place to be.

"You know the whole country is watching back home for this one, Jaron! Next up is Jasmine 'Glitter' Sayotome, in her fifth Olympic debut!" Harley couldn't hold her own excitement as the camera shifted to the small mouse, purple glitter smears streaking her cheeks as she gave the viewers a quick peace sign with a gloved paw.

"You know it, Harley! You can hear the chants of 'Glitter' and 'USA' from here in the booth, she's one of a few showstoppers we've got coming in representing back home! You got this, Jas!" Jaron barked out, not bothering to hide the excitement in his voice.

"You're being unprofessional, Jaron, you shouldn't show favoritism, and yes..." She snapped her goggles into place, dialed her music up and lifted her muzzle towards the camera as she continued, "I do have this."

Madeline took in a deep breath through her nose, her own paw shoved over her muzzle as she watched the TV, her tail twitching in both eagerness and fury at the smug display from her biggest rival. That look she had, the confidence, it was like she was back there again. The old sensations crept into her stomach once more, excitement, anger, competitiveness, and, dread, dread of competing with the girl that consistently outdid her.

She snapped out of the dream-like state as the mouse went up for the first trick, a blur of motion, years, no, decades of experience showing through in a small body that had been impossibly trained for such a thing. Jasmine was like her, until recently, this was all she knew, it was all she was, but now each of them was doing this for so much more.

Her teeth clenched as the second pass came and went, her ears were actually lifted to points, something that she didn't do often given how large they were. Her tail was fluffed, and her paws were clenched. It was textbook, but then it was exceptionally more than that at the same time.

With the third pass finished, she could see the focus, the confidence, and then even from the distance, she saw the smirk against the mouse's mouthguard. Time seemed to slow in that moment, her heart pounding, feeling like a teenager again, feeling like a young kitten staring in awe in her living room floor as her family watched the games.

Jasmine cut her board to go for a fourth pass, Madeline had been the only one to make a fourth in the opening runs, but she knew she had to do it. Her body was screaming in pain, ache, and fatigue. She was putting it all out on the first run, putting the kits to bed now before they got any silly notions.

Her board hit the ramp, the world spinning in chaos, madness, but control and skill, simultaneously pushing her screaming body, making her hips turn, making her knees cooperate. She hissed through her mouthguard, seeing the end of the pipe coming faster than she wanted.

"I'll kick your fucking ass if you don't stick this!" Madeline roared out in a scream, slamming her own helmet to the ground, the whole prep area turning to her in shock. Her heart stopped in those moments as she watched Glitter pull a similar stunt she had, just somehow against all odds, keeping maybe a fifth of the board on the pipe, as if grinding it.

Her knees grew weak and she just flopped back, a wide grin on her muzzle, her cheeks were wet with tears, and her heart was pounding with excitement. She knew it, she knew she was getting her showdown, getting her chance in the finals, no other girl would stand a chance against Glitter. Kayla rushed over to check on her, concerned it was something more than adrenaline and years' worth of resentment finally washing away.

Jasmine ground her board to a halt, her knees shuddering to keep her standing, her whole body ready to collapse. She could hear the roars and screams through the deafening music in her ears. Chants of her name, chants of her country, hearing the intensity and adoration, something she never thought she'd hear again.

Jarome pulled a similar stunt to her, hopping the barricade and meeting her as soon as she came to a stop. She lifted her goggles, the mouth guard just falling out of her jaws as they parted in awe of her situation, then he was hugging her, then he was holding her as her knees just gave out. She pushed into his strong chest, panting, drained, everything in the tank emptied despite the warnings, desperate to get to the final stage, to not let herself, or the rabbit that saved her down.

"Jasmine! Damn, babe! That was... that was just insane!" He barked out as he hugged her, the mouse just pushing into him, nuzzling him, taking in his scent. She did it for him, did it for Madeline, but most of all, she did it for herself. Sure the fans were important, but this was so much more than that, it was something she'd had nightmares about, something she constantly had what if's about.

"Jarome... be a sweetheart and get my boots out of my board, I'm tapped out..." She panted into his ear as he nodded and shifted to his knees to unlock them, the mouse keeping a paw on his shoulder, her legs feeling weak as she stepped from the board. He kept her close, supporting her as she clutched to his arm with a weak smile, the lynx holding her board for her as she waved to the roaring fans.

"That... is the kind of performance you expect from a legend... Gods above, that made me feel like a kitten again..." Harley whispered out in awe.

"You said it, like a time machine, Harley... felt like I was watching the girls compete and should be getting ready to drop in myself once they were done," Jaron agreed with a humble tone in his voice. "Look at that, she barely has the energy to walk, Glitter put it all out, just to get to the finals, and you damn well know she made it with that run, she deserves a medal just for that alone!"

"That's not favoritism there, Jaron, those are fact's you're spitting," Harley agreed, the constant chants of 'Glitter' filling the air as the judges handed down the score.



"Make all the excuses you like, the standings speak for themselves, Yukazama!" Charles hissed out, folding his arms over his chest, and glaring down at the small deer before him.

Hiroshi pushed a gloved paw through his dark hair and glared back up at the big cat. "Excuses indeed, you had a five competition lead on me, but you barely held on at the end."

"Kai, you should leash your deer before I lose my cool, I appreciate what you fellows did over the board fiasco, but my honor can only take so much!" The lion roared out at the other big cat in the room.

"Hey, don't drag me into yours and Roshi's quarrel, even if he does make valid points, I didn't get a medal this year, but even I feel I could have overtaken your smarmy tail if I'd had a few more competitions." Kai showed his own sharp teeth, letting the lion know he was fighting this battle on two fronts.

"Impertinent little..." Charles snarled at both of them, the buck and leopard showing one another amused smirks.

"Oi, Charley, you know they're just ruffling up your fur to throw you off, you need to get your head out of the clouds, mate," Ellery trotted over, his own muzzle showing an amusing grin at the fussy lion.

"You think I don't know that?!" He shouted then clenched his large gloved paws into fists before snarling at the duo once again, "Hmph, it matters little, I'll show you how different our levels are here. Sod the damn bobsled team, I'll bring back a gold medal when they inevitably fail to do so!"

"Still salty about that flag thing, big guy?" Kai asked with a smug grin, the Lion glaring daggers at him.

"I agree, you will see how different our levels are this time, Charles." Hiroshi snapped his jaws together, a flash of memory of his mother as he scowled and turned to walk away.

"I'm so confident I can decimate your sorry tails, I'd put my own league medal on the table!" Charles blustered out with a snarl to the buck's back.

Hiroshi lifted his ears at that and looked up, withdrawing his cell phone from his pocket. Wheeling to face the lion he lifted his muzzle, his phone aimed right at the lion. "Okay Charles, put your money where your mouth is then. Let's hear your terms."

The lion snarled down at the camera, realizing he was put on the spot now. With some hesitation, he clenched his fist again and declared the challenge, "Yukazama, if you can out-medal me in this competition, I'll give my league medal to you, but if I outdo you, then you have to cough up your sorry little bronze medal and whatever you get in half-pipe!"

Ellery spoke out, "Hey, c'mon, that's a bit much, Charley! You guys don't need to be putting your-"

"Deal," Hiroshi called out, his gloved paw coming into the shot of the phone camera. Charles looked at the phone, then back to the buck before slapping his gloved paw into his grip, a firm shake settling it.

"Damn..." Kai mewed out as he looked at the two of them shaking, his paws on his hips as Hiroshi slid his phone back into his jacket.

"I was here competing to prove something to myself over my mother, but now, I've got another goal to add to that. I'm going to instill some humility into your smarmy ass, Charles, be ready to be looking up at me from the podium, it's a view you're going to be having a lot next year," Hiroshi snarled the words cooly as he posted the video to his own social media feed.

Charles snarled as his phone pinged, obviously having been tagged in the post that just went live for the whole world to see. "We'll see who's humiliated when the snow settles!"

"Roshi, is this really okay?" Kai asked him after everything settled down.

"It's fine, I won't actually keep his stupid medal, I just want to give him a nice big slice of humble pie," Hiroshi grumbled as he checked the fit of his gloves and boots.

"Heh... not like you to get so riled up over someone, it'll be interesting to see how you ride then!" the big cat mewed out excitedly.

The buck offered him a small grin and lifted his muzzle. "I'll medal here to shove it in my mother's face, show her I can be more than the sum of what she tried to make me."

"Won't she be proud either way, Roshi?" Kai folded his arms as he tilted his head.

"Let her be, but this is about me, the manifest of my own choice, my own pursuits. I'm good at half-pipe because it's what I was raised to do. I'm in the slalom because it's what I want to do!" Hiroshi shoved a gloved paw to his chest as he explained.

Kai gave him a smug grin and folded his arms, not saying anything as the buck flicked his ears down to follow up, "Yes, I do have you to thank for that, but don't think I'll be cutting you any slack here or in half-pipe."

"I'd have it no other way, Roshi." The snow leopard grinned and offered his fist out, the buck giving a small snort through his nose and knocking his own fist with Kai's.

There wasn't a doubt in anyone's mind that the four of them would make it through the qualifier, however, a statement was clearly made by the American riders, Hiroshi Yukazama and Kai Hannah, the two of them securing the top spots of the competition.

The girl's slopestyle followed later that day, and as expected the top prospects moved on to the finals, including Madeline, Gina, and Kayla. The stage was set and all the hopefuls would be showing up for the big games. Some competed for pride, some for redemption, while others may have been here for fun. Regardless of their motivations, the world was watching them and there was no going back.


"Hgn... yeah right there... huff... move your paw up a little, y-yeah... right there, a bit deeper- Ha!" Madeline squeaked out with her tail fluffed out, then shuddered with a groan as she flopped back into the sheets of the bed, feeling her brother's strong paws rubbing out her back.

"You went a little too big on that big-air competition today, sis..." Kai cooed out as his padded thumb pushed deep into her fur, rubbing at the sore back muscles.

"Huff... got me a top spot in the finals, didn't it? Ngh... right there brother... fuck..." She snapped down on her pillow, muffling back pained cries as he felt her small body tense up while he worked deep to loosen the muscle.

"You should get one of the trainers to give you a proper once over tomorrow, Mad, I've got a little know-how, but I'm no massage therapist." Kai licked his chops in focus as he kept working against the tense muscle just under her shoulder blade, the rabbit hissing into the pillow.

"I- will... but it isn't going to do shit for me... tonight... so... right there!" She squeaked out then groaned in relief as her body went limp and flopped into the sheets fully, Kai nodding as he felt the tension ease on the muscle.

"You're pushing too hard, are you certain you want to try to do all three in one go, sis?" He moved his paws up to gently rub at her shoulders, the rabbit lifting her head with a huff.

"I thought about dropping one to focus on my showdown with Glitter, but I know she'd hate it if I did that," Madeline snarled and shook her head. "I've got my own aspirations to follow, I can't lose sight of my goals."

"Yeah, but this isn't like speed skating or swimming where you can just stack up medals because there are just different lengths to the competition distance. You're doing three very different styles, Mad."

"That's the point, brother!" Madeline snarled back at him over her shoulder, her red eyes looking determined. "I'm not doing the same thing over and over again, I'm showing my versatility. Let the speed skaters go around in circles and stack up their medals, it's of no concern of mine, I'm here for my legacy, not theirs."

Kai bit his lower lip at that haughty declaration, feeling a shiver roll up his spine as he nodded and kept rubbing his bunny sister's shoulders. Madeline huffed into her pillow then wriggled her hips a little, his crotch pushing into her rear as he loomed over her on his knees. "Damn, brother... you getting hard because I'm being a smug bitch again?"

"Maybe a little bit..." He confessed with a grin, seeing his bunny sister grin back at him over her shoulder.

"Well, just don't throw my back out all over again, okay brother?" She huffed out as she gripped her paws to the sheets and hefted herself right up, bending forward as she brought her knees up.

"Whoa... I- I'll make sure to take it easy on you, sis!" Kai mewed out excitedly as he tugged his shorts down, that length of leopard cock fully slid free and at the ready from having been listening to his bunny sister groaning during her massage.

"Not too easy though, brother... You know I enjoy it a little deep and rough..." The bunny cooed as she shifted her paws back, pulling down her panties to her mid-thighs, the only thing she'd worn for the massage. Her petals came into view, clearly puffy and slick from her brother's attention, then she huffed and dropped back down onto her elbows, slowly wiggling her backside invitingly, her fluffed tail perked up.

Kai's heart soared at the view of his rabbit sister showing herself off, that round bunny butt swaying invitingly, making his length jump in anticipation. Madeline gave him a smug little grin as she felt the mattress shift as he climbed over her, the tip of his length pushingright to her sopping wet rabbit hole.

"Gods... been a while since we had some time to ourselves, sis..." He purred into her large folded ear, the rabbit humming and nodding, grinding her backside against him as he started to slowly work himself into that tight little rabbit pussy, always a bit of effort for a big cat to get into a small rabbit like this.

"We'll tend to Kayla when she gets back from her little training session, but right now, focus on just me brother, okay?" Madeline groaned out as she felt his head finally pop into her, the rest of his length gently starting to spread her walls. She bit her lower lip, her claws digging into the sheets as she whimpered, feeling her brother making his cock fit into her small body.

"Damn... you're so tight tonight... such a little competition junkie... c'mon get in there!" Kai mewed out with determination as he jerked his hips hard, Madeline's tongue showing as she felt him buck up against her firm backside, forcing every inch past.

"Oh my fuck... right there brotherrr..." She slurred out as he pushed so deep into her, offering cute little whimpers as the bed shifted, the big cat climbing fully atop her now, his chest pushing to her back.

Madeline panted out and leaned up, nuzzling her jaw against the leopards, Kai happily returning the scent marking as he felt her walls crush him as much as she felt him jump inside her, rabbit honey dripping off his furred sacs while he slowly stirred himself deep inside his bunny sister.

"I fucking love when you take me like this, Kai..." Madeline puffed against his jaw, then settled back down on her elbows, the larger cat panting into her ears as his own paws gripped her wrists. They were in a prime breeding position, like dogs would be in, holding his rabbit down, his hips grinding and shifting, making his head kiss at her deepest spots, his sister treating his ears to soft squeaks.

"I fucking love the sounds you make when we do it doggy style, Madeline..." Kai hissed into her ears, his hips slow and steady in their thrusts, his footpaws digging into the sheets to gain traction so he could properly give his sister deeper strokes.

Madeline nodded to his words, groaning out as he pushed deep, her honey gushing out, squirting into the sheets as she looked stunned, her tongue showing again, eyes filled with hearts for this leopard, one of two she'd fallen for and claimed as her siblings.

Kai purred loud and proudly into her ears as he felt her walls milking at him, his thrusts confident. She squeaked out in a moan as she realized he wasn't going to let her go through the throes of her release, opting to just keep fucking her even through the orgasm.

"K-Kai! W-wait, let me come down f-first... its' too muuuchh..." She slurred as she realized he was ignoring her, his strokes confident as his head just kept smacking into her core, determined to please his rabbit.

"Do it again, Mad... c'mon sis... I want more of your love..." He snarled confidently as she nodded her head, moaning as he quickly worked her up once more.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" Madeline cried out and bit down hard on her pillow, practically screaming into it as he wracked her body with another orgasm on the heels of the other, not having let her calm down, rabbit love squirting into the sheets, soaking them.

"Oh gods... oh gods... brother... s-stop..." She panted out, sounding delirious as the big cat just kept his strokes going, a confident snarl in his throat as he squeezed her wrists, showing he had no intention of slowing his pace.

"Nu-uh... give me another sis... c'mon Madeline..." He huffed into her ears, his own blue eyes showing hearts for his rabbit as his strong thrusts just kept slapping into that tight little rabbit hole, his thigh fur drenched in her love like the sheets were.

"I- Y-you're gonna... break my brain... fuuck... I caan't..." She slurred the words, feeling him just still going, two in a row but brother just kept pumping into her, building her up again, her mind feeling hazy as she drooled against the pillow while he pumped deep into his prone rabbit lover.

"Hgn... one more, one more... c'mon... cum allll over brother's cock, Madeline!" Kai purred the words as the rabbit shuddered, then offered up a loud squeak of a moan at his words, knowing just how to play on her own kinks.

"Fuck- ing-... Nyaahh!!" She screamed out in a moan, her claws tearing into the sheets, tears rolling down her cheeks, but then she gave a shrill throaty cry as heat bloomed deep inside her right as she was giving in once more.

"Yeeesss... That's my sister.... My bunny sister..." Kai cooed out as she squeaked again, almost looking broken in her eyes, gasping as she went through her forced orgasm, all while thick ropes of his love flooded into her.

"Broth...er... gods..." She shuddered hard, her orgasm finishing with a crush of her walls, milking the leopard's own thick potent love deep into her before she just collapsed into the sheets, the air of the room rife with the smell of rabbit and cat sex.

Kai winced as her walls just kept clenching, kept milking him, demanding every drop before she finally eased in her own release. He collapsed down onto his own elbows, panting in relief as he leaned in and lapped her jaw, Madeline looking back at him, appearing to be stunned as she just panted out.

"Too much, sis?" He asked with a purr, the bunny just whimpered and shook her head, unable to collect her thoughts just yet to speak, too euphoric from the multiple heavy orgasms and feeling her brother's love deep inside her, making her feel warm.


Madeline adjusted her goggles, standing at the starting gate, her paw on her hip, staring down at the large sloped hill before her. Even through her music, she could hear the chants of 'Snow Bunny' and 'USA' from the fans below.

"Madeline already said in a statement, she was going to put this whole thing to bed early, said if she didn't need to do her other two runs, she wouldn't," Harley spoke out conversationally to the viewers at home.

"Well, Madeline is the dominant rider in the big air competitions, unlike half-pipe and slope, she has a commanding lead. I think we're about to see the best jump of the finals right here, Harley!" Jaron followed up.

Madeline tugged her cell phone out, thumbing through texts from her siblings offering their love and support, a small grin showing, then her eye twitched as she saw she had a text from Jasmine that simply read, 'Keep something in the tank, you'll need it 'Snow Bunny' <3'.

She felt that fire light in her, then felt that twist in her belly, snarling as she shoved the phone away and put her glove back on, glaring out at nothing. It pissed her off in all the right ways, feeling that rush of annoyance and fear, but it was worse than before because now she had a direct line to it.

Jasmine had made the point the other night though with all of them, and Madeline was feeling rather forlorn in this moment. This was the last time the mouse would be here, dreams fulfilled or not, she had accepted not competing with Glitter years ago, yet now she was also getting her second, but last chance as well. Someday sooner than she'd like, her time would pass too and she'd also have to retire, no matter how well she took care of her body.

"Uh... it seems we've got a bit of a delay, Madeline is just standing there with her eyes closed, do you think it's the nerves, Jaron?" Harley asked after the long moments of the rider just standing there not dropping in.

"Well, she's on a time limit to drop, so if she doesn't go soon she'll be faulted and have to skip the run!" Jaron barked out with urgency in his voice, as if reminding Madeline who heard it over the sound system.

Her red eyes snapped open, seeing the counter near the gate at eight seconds. She dropped her goggles as she shouted out, "Maybe someday, but here and now, this is my stage!" After giving her declaration she shoved her maw guard in and pushed off on her descent.

Lowering her stance in textbook fashion, she soared off the jump, twisting, spinning, and offering a hurricane of moves in what felt like an eternity in the air compared to half-pipe. Her mind was filled with the time she trained with Jasmine, filled with when she was a kitten admiring the mouse, then of the new lovers that she also rode for.

She landed so hard and sharply from the drop she left a large swath of a cut in the snow, the wave of glittering ice scattering off in a flourish as she finished her descent and came to a halt. Saying nothing, she just pointed to the fans with a snarl showing, the crowd roared for her, flags held aloft as the chant of 'Snow Bunny' reverberated out. The fans further demoralized the other competitors, showing she had this whole crowd in the palm of her paw.

Unbuckling her board, she didn't move over to ride the lift back up, she just stepped over to the waiting area the riders normally went to on the final run. She grabbed a folding chair on the way, plunked it right down at the first spot position, and took a seat, pulling her cell phone out. She didn't even bother to look at the score drop, the roaring of the fans was more than enough answer.

She knew she had her first Olympic medal, but all she could think about was that this was the last time that Glitter wouldn't be a factor after this week. She had been getting along fine without her for almost four years, so why did it eat at her now? Was it because she was a friend as well, or did she just never rationalize things?

"Made me come over here to get that post-ride interview, Madeline? You look rather cozy," Jaron barked out with a grin, pulling her out of her own headspace as the greyhound grinned down at her with the mic aimed at her.

"We'll see if the others give me a reason to ride that lift back up, Jaron." Madeline offered him a smug grin as she pocketed her phone.

"If this run holds, you'll be on your way to your first medal ever, how does that feel?" He asked with another grin.

"One of three, I'll relish it when I've got the half-pipe one in my paws, until then I'll stay dialed in. The medal isn't the point, I'm here for a certain mouse and you know it," She cut her fierce red eyes to the dog's watching his tail go rigid. Jaron was a former competitor, rivalry, and debts owed was ingrained in every athlete's heart, so her declaration was felt clear as crystal.

"You think you're a match for Jas, Madeline?" He asked in a flat tone, his own protective nature coming to the front despite them being on air.

"Did you have an apex rival when you competed, Jaron?" She followed up with another question as she cocked a brow.

"Huh... I sure did, I think everyone has at least one person like that when they compete, why?" He asked, the tension clearly growing, even the crowd murmuring a little as they watched the exchange on the massive screen.

"If you had your vigor back and if he did as well, if you could wade in one more time against him, would you hesitate?"

"No, no I wouldn't," He said in a solemn tone.

"I respect all the girls I ride against, but I'm here to put things to rest with my greatest rival, Jaron. The shiny baubles mean little in the grand scheme of that. I'm going to do this for my fans, myself, and for Glitter."

Jaron put a paw to his earpiece as he spoke out, "Ah, looks like we're ready to go back to the top for the next rider, all yours Harley!"

Madeline folded her paws on her lap and tilted her head. "Did you really have to cut away? Or were you needing to get off the air?"

"Jas won't shut up about how much you've done for her, she's as fired up as she was when we competed, that look in her eyes it's like-"

"When you were hot for her?" The rabbit showed her teeth in a grin as the greyhound barked in shock. She waved a paw and smirked. "I've studied Jasmine's old footage religiously Jaron, you think I didn't see how you looked at her when you two were in your prime? Pardon me, when you were in your prime?"

Jaron growled and folded his arms. "I'm a married dog, happily I'll add. Also, what do you mean by that part about prime?"

"Doesn't change what was or the old flame, yeah? I don't assume you'd fuck your marriage, just observations." Madeline showed her teeth in another challenging grin. "Jasmine is like a good car, some wear out and need constant parts replaced but just keep going, and some fall apart out of nowhere. Then some, some need a little work, but once you tune them back up, they run just as loud and angry as they did years ago. That's Glitter, she's in her prime now, Jaron. Her body is wracked with years of the life, but she's at her height, and I'll see her reach that peak."

"So you can finally beat her on equal footing?" Jaron tilted his head.

"You get it, I knew you would. From the moment I sat in my family's living room on the carpet staring at her, I knew one day, I'd be locked in a duel with her. I knew to reach my pinnacle, I'd have to topple her."

"How many little girls do you think are giving you that look right now, Madeline?" Jaron asked.

She scoffed and ran her paws through her blonde hair. "Please, you think I care? I'm more concerned about the girls that are looking upon my lover, Kayla. Let her inspire the next generation, let her show the world that bigger species can come here and win."

"Ice cold like always eh?" He showed his teeth in a grin. "I can see what you're doing though... You know if you don't push to the limit, Jas won't either."

"Got it all figured out huh? Look Jaron, I'll bury your mouse because I care about her, just like in the coming seasons, I'll push my lover Kayla to her breaking point again and again as we compete."

"And if Jas ends up one-upping you again?" Jaron asked.

"Then she goes out with pride, not sobbing and screaming in a medical tent!" Madeline snarled out, her eyes growing vicious as she scowled up at the dog. Jaron swallowed hard and offered a simple nod to the statement, having had to end his own career because of injury after all.

"Thank you, for helping her." He turned before she could answer and returned to the announcer's desk. Madeline just stared at his back, knowing she'd no doubt opened up something in him as well. No professional wanted their career to end like that, after all, they all wanted to go out in a blaze of glory.

Madeline looked down at her phone, a small smile showing at the messages from everyone, then grinned as she saw Kayla's saying she was going to practice to do High Jump as well next season.

'Alright baby, I'll show you and brother the ropes, we'll get you trained up in the off-season.'

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 16

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Neon Warren: Episode 1

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 14

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